Scenario of the event for the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan. Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan: history, interesting facts and features of the celebration What does the holiday symbolize? Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan

Dagestan will celebrate the Unity Day of its peoples for the 7th year in a row on September 15, 2018. The idea of ​​its creation was voiced in December 2010 during the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan. The holiday became official after the President of the Republic, Magomedsalam Magomedov, signed a decree on July 6, 2011.

“For the purpose of unity and consolidation of the multinational people of the Republic of Dagestan, I decide to establish a republican holiday - the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan and celebrate it annually on September 15,” the text of the document says.

By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan of September 12, 2018. No. 127 Unity Day of the Peoples of Dagestan - September 15, 2018 was declared a non-working holiday. According to the Labor Code Russian Federation If a day off coincides with a non-working holiday, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday.

Accordingly, the day off from Saturday September 15, 2018 is moved to Monday September 17, 2018. Thus, with a five-day work week, weekends and non-working holidays in the Republic of Dagestan in connection with the celebration of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan are September 15, 16 and 17, 2018.

History of the holiday Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan

In December 2010, at the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan, it was decided to introduce new holiday- Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan. By decree of the President of the Republic of Dagestan dated July 6, 2011, it was decided to celebrate it on September 15 - the day when the Dagestan army put the hordes of Nadir Shah to flight.

The Republic of Dagestan itself was formed in 1921. It is the southernmost subject of the Russian Federation and borders on Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Chechen Republic, the Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Kalmykia. Representatives of more than 60 nationalities live in the capital of Dagestan - Makhachkala.

On the holiday itself, traditionally, various ceremonial events are held throughout the Republic, festivities, concerts of folklore groups, sports competitions national species sports, fairs and other promotions and events. Educational and scientific institutions organize for this day open lessons, historical exhibitions, photo and book exhibitions.

What does the holiday symbolize the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan?

The prehistory of the holiday goes back to the distant past - to 1741. Dagestan has always been an example of the peaceful coexistence of many nationalities. However, events that occurred in the 18th century showed how peoples with different traditions speaking different languages, united, are able to repel a powerful army - the troops of the Iranian commander Nadir Shah.

At the head of 100 thousand army, Nadir Shah moved to the Caucasus. He intended to march in two huge columns through Derbent, Kaitag and the Tarkov Shamkhalate to the capital of the Mehtulin Khanate, Dzhengutai, on the one hand, and through Shah-Dag, Mogu-dare, Kazi-Kumukh and Khunzakh, on the other, in order to eventually conquer all of Dagestan.

A few years earlier, in 1733, the commander inflicted a crushing defeat on Turkish troops near Baghdad. There was no question that the powerful army would be repulsed in Dagestan.

At first, Nadir Shah’s aggressive plans were carried out exactly as he had planned. The huge army won one victory after another, inflicting massacres on the population along the way. As a result, having taken Kazi-Kumukh along the way, the Shah’s troops reached the borders of Andalal. The invasion of the city began on September 12, 1741.

Why exactly September 15, 2018 became the date of celebration

Meanwhile, the Dagestanis, who did not want to be enslaved by the foreign Shah, began to unite in the Andalal Valley - in the area of ​​​​the proposed battle, in a place called “Khitsib”. As the story goes folk epic Dagestan, volunteers from all over the Accident gathered to fight the enemy. The Gidatlins, Karakhs, Chamalals, Bagulals, and Koisubulins en masse joined the fighting squads preparing for a heavy battle.

From the rear of the enemy, Laks, Lezgins, Dargins, Kumyks, Tabasarans, Kubachis, and Jar militias made their way into Andalal. The Andalal victory strengthened the geopolitical significance of Dagestan as an important strategic bridge between the West and the East, becoming convincing evidence of the strength and power of the Dagestan peoples.

But the memory of the heroes was forgotten for several centuries. It was decided to restore the memory of past battles at the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan.

Therefore, on September 15, the day when the Dagestani army put Nadir Shah’s hordes to flight, ceremonial events, folk festivals, concerts of folklore groups, sports competitions in national sports, fairs and other events and events take place throughout the republic. Educational and scientific institutions organize open lessons, historical exhibitions, photo and book exhibitions on this day.

Nurmagomedova Aishat
Scenario of the event for the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan

Day unity of the peoples of Dagestan.

(Sounds Dagestan melody) :

LEADING: Without friendship, my little one would die people,

Great only because he lives by love.

We have true friendship and a song about it

More necessary than air, and more necessary than bread.

(on a child enters the stage)

When I, having traveled to many countries,

Tired, he returned home from the road,

Leaning over me, he asked Dagestan:

“Isn’t it a distant land that you fell in love with?”

I climbed the mountain and from that height,

Taking a deep breath, replied to Dagestan:

"I have seen many lands, but you

Still my favorite in the world. "

1 child - Have you met our man in distant lands?

2 reb. -Are there any mountains on earth similar to ours?

3 reb. - Do they know about us there, in other countries, that we also live on earth?

Child - how do they know us? There are one million of us. We are gathered into a stone handful Dagestan mountains. A million people and forty different languages.

Children - so you tell other people living all over the world about us. For centuries, our history has been written by daggers and sabers. Translate these letters into the language of people.

Child - they will ask me where yours is Dagestan?

I will answer - this hill - Dagestan, this grass is Dagestan, this river is Dagestan,

this snow on the mountain too Dagestan, this cloud is overhead, isn't it

Dagestan? Then isn't the sun overhead? Dagestan?

My Dagestan is everywhere!

(the anthem plays Dagestan)

Ved. 1: Dagestan is a country of mountains. But not only. First of all this country

numerous languages ​​and peoples, the number of which, despite everything

the efforts of scientists around the world have not yet been reliably established.

Ved. 2: Dagestan, like a true mountain woman, she cannot raise just one child, she has hundreds of us. Hundreds peoples living as one huge and friendly family. Therefore, we are simply destined to celebrate today’s one holiday for all - the day unity of the peoples of Dagestan, which was decided to be celebrated annually on September 15.

Ved. 1: After all, the main thing for the happiness and prosperity of our republic is indivisibility, indestructibility, unity of all peoples and nations. Feeling of family single- that's what's needed,

Ved2: And we have many languages. And we, contrary to predictions, preserved them, and they preserved us. We write books in these languages, sing songs, and declare our love. Multilingualism does not hinder our unity. We live in peace and harmony, as we have lived for millennia.

"A whole mountain of languages ​​and peoples» , - said about Some traveler in Dagestan.

"The Thousand-Headed Dragon", - talked about Dagestan enemies.

"Multi-branched tree", - they talk about Dagestan friends.

“Even if you go around the world with fire during the day, you will not find a place on earth where there would be so little people and so many nationalities", said the travelers

The song is in Russian « Dagestan» .

Ved 1: History has preserved many bright examples of courage, resilience, cohesion Dagestanis, shown by them in defense of the Motherland. I'll give just one. In heavy battles near Turchidag and Andalal, representatives peoples of Dagestan, united, inflicted a crushing defeat on the army of thousands of Nadir Shah, who abandoned his plans to conquer Dagestan and was forced to leave with the remnants of the defeated army Dagestan land.

Scene about Nadir Shah and the Highlander.

"When in the mountains Dagestan When the Shah of Iran, Nadir, was defeated, in order to agree on the terms of a truce, the mountaineers sent the ugliest, poorest and lame old man to negotiate with the Shah, putting him on the same decrepit mule.

Didn’t the Avars find someone more knowledgeable and nicer than you to send to me?

There are thousands more noble and more important than me,” answered the old highlander, “but important people are busy with more important things.” They decided that it would be enough to send me to a person like you.

How old is your mule? - the Shah tried to joke.

It is difficult to determine the age of shahs and mules,” answered the highlander.

Who is your commander? - asked the alien.

These are our commanders,” the old man answered calmly and with a broad gesture pointed to the rocks and mountains towering around him, to the fields and cemeteries. - They are the ones who lead us forward.

Your conditions?

- There is one condition: Leave the land of the mountaineers to the mountaineers, and show us your back, which we like better than your face.

The Shah was forced to turn around and go to his own Iran.

Avars, Hindalians, Kumyks, Lezgins, Laks, Khaidakians and Tabasarans you robbed - we are all sons of one Dagestan. We must understand each other. After all, we are fingers of one hand. In order to make a fist, all fingers must be tightly connect.

Ved2:- Dear friends, Dagestan is the largest, a multinational region of our country, a crossroads of cultures, religions, civilizations. Since ancient times Dagestan was known as"Country of Mountains", "Mountain of Languages".

VED1:-Representatives of more than 100 live here in peace and harmony peoples speaking different languages, but always able to find mutual language. Our unique culture is woven from the peculiarities of the worldview of all peoples, without which it is impossible to imagine Dagestan.

Ved1:-Here we are all in our homeland, where there can be no “friends” and “strangers”


Our multinational Dagestan –"Pearl of the Caucasus". For this to always be the case, each of us must contribute to the revival and preservation national culture. And only together we can preserve our beautiful unique land, which is inhabited by such a great many different nationalities.

Ved1:-Us unites this holiday, he gives us the happiness of mutual understanding and good neighborliness, friendly support and love for our land.

There's a song playing "My Dagestan» .

Ved2:For all Dagestan, first of all, is known as the birthplace of Rasul Gamzatov, as the land that gives rise to poetry amazing in strength and originality, which has long been folk, beloved by readers of the country and far beyond its borders.

Ved1:It was Rasul Gamzatov, the great poet, the true son of his era and his people was destined to fulfill a noble mission - to make a poetic discovery Dagestan.

Babble, repeat, don't speak I'll get tired:

Dagestan, Dagestan,

Who and what? Dagestan.

And about whom? Everything about him.

And to whom? Dagestan.

Ved1: Rasul Gamzatov sang of his native hearth, native mountains, good neighborliness, love and friendship of people. With his wonderful poems, he forced his fellow countrymen to sing songs about love and youth, about the homeland and courage.

There's a song playing "The Country Glorified by the Poet".

Dagestan, everything that people gave me,

I will share with you in honor,

I have my orders and medals

I will pin it on your tops.

I will dedicate my sonorous hymns to you

And the words turned into verse

Just give me a burka of forests

And a hat of snowy peaks!

The anthem sounds Dagestan.

All participants come forward, two carry the flags of Russia and Dagestan.

In a day unity we will be close,

We'll be together forever

All peoples of Dagestan

In distant villages and cities!

Live, work, build together,

Sowing grain, raising children,

Create, love and argue,

Protect people's peace

To honor our ancestors, to remember their deeds,

Avoid wars and conflicts,

To fill your life with happiness,

To sleep under a peaceful sky!

Ved. -1 Congratulations to you and everyone Dagestanis on the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan!

Ved. -2 I wish you peace, goodness and prosperity! Long live Dagestan

The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is one of the youngest holidays celebrated in this republic. But he already has his own traditions.

When will the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan take place in 2019?

When is the holiday celebrated? Every year, the date of celebration of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan falls on September 15.

How is the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan going?

On the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan, street celebrations, amateur art concerts, exhibitions in museums, competitions in national sports, various events in schools and others are held. educational institutions: lessons on the history of the republic, photo exhibitions, etc.

History and traditions of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan

The history and traditions of the holiday are as follows. The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan was established in December 2010 at the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Dagestan dated July 6, 2011,

The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is celebrated on September 15 - the day when in the 18th century the Dagestan army put the hordes of Nadir Shah to flight.

As various historical sources testify, during foreign invasions the peoples of Dagestan rallied more closely, defending their independence.

The peoples of Dagestan showed such solidarity during the period of struggle against the troops led by the Iranian commander Nadir Shah, who moved to the Caucasus in the middle of the 18th century.

How is the celebration of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan going?

On the day of this holiday, folk epic works telling about that war are remembered. Then volunteers from all over the Avaria united to fight the enemy, among whom were Gidatlins, Karakhs, Chamalyals, Bagulals, Koisubulins, Laks, Lezgins, Dargins, Kumyks, Tabasarans, Kubachis, and Jhar militias.

Representatives of the nationalities of the region, united in a powerful army, went on the offensive and began to liberate their land. As a result, the enemy was defeated and put to flight.

This victory became convincing evidence of the strength and power of the peoples of Dagestan and strengthened its geopolitical significance as an important strategic bridge between the West and the East.

The Republic of Dagestan was formed in 1921. It borders with Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Chechen Republic, the Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Kalmykia.

Representatives of many nationalities live here. Among them are representatives of at least 20 nations, numbering more than a thousand people. There are about 150 less numerous nationalities. Representatives of more than 60 nationalities live in Makhachkala alone.

Dagestanis have always been able to respect the traditions and culture of other peoples. The holiday Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is intended to remind us of this, which helps to strengthen peace, mutual understanding and friendship between all people living in the republic.




on the topic of:


Audience: 9 "B" class

Classroom teacher:

Abduragimova Sudzhana Gabibovna

Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk 2017

Event on the theme “We are strong through friendship alone!” (to mark the 17th anniversary of the unity of the peoples of Dagestan)


    to form a sense of citizenship and patriotism;

    create responsibility for fate small Motherland, Republic of Dagestan;

    broaden the horizons of students;

    develop the ability to draw conclusions and generalize;

    promote the development of the ability to participate in dialogue and defend one’s point of view;

    to cultivate an interest in studying the history of their country, a sense of pride and respect for the defenders of the state.

Equipment: PC, multimedia presentation, projector, speakers, exhibition of books about Dagestan.


You can fit a heart in the palm of your hand,
But in the heart the whole world You won’t fit it.
Other countries are very good
But Dagestan is dearer to the soul.

Presenter No. 1

The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is a fairly new holiday. It was first celebrated in the Republic on September 15, 2011, and today it is an official day off. The events to which this holiday is dedicated took place in 1741. Dagestan is a republic with ancient history and a rich original culture. The history of the mountain peoples was not written with a pen - it was written with daggers, sickles, horse hooves, gravestones. In the mid-18th century, the great Iranian commander Nadir Shah, at the head of a well-armed army of 100,000, moved to the Caucasus. He intended to march in two huge columns through Derbent, Kaitag and the Tarkov Shamkhalate to the capital of the Mehtulin Khanate, Dzhengutai, on the one hand, and through Shah-Dag, Mogu-dare, Kazi-Kumukh and Khunzakh, on the other, in order to eventually conquer all of Dagestan. At first, Nadir Shah’s aggressive plans were carried out exactly as he had planned. The huge army won one victory after another, inflicting massacres on the population along the way. As a result, having taken Kazi-Kumukh along the way, the Shah’s troops reached the borders of Andalal. The invasion of the city began on September 12, 1741.

This is stated in the poem by Rasul Gamzatov

Presenter No. 2.

History contains a lot of evidence of the unity of the peoples of Dagestan, which was not prevented by internal disagreements and foreign conquerors who tried to set some Dagestan peoples against others. Economic ties were also strong - the population of the mountainous regions supplied livestock goods, the lowland regions of Dagestan served as a kind of breadbasket.

The Dagestan mountaineers often rallied during periods of foreign invasions. In the face of mortal danger, previously warring societies put aside their differences and stood together against the enemy. According to the historiographer Nadir Shah Muhammad Kazim, during the battle in Tabasaran, Avars, Dargins, Lezgins, and Laks came to the aid of local residents. The resistance of the Dagestani peoples resulted in a real people's war, which ended with the defeat of the hordes of Nadir Shah.


When Timur* with countless troops

I decided to approach the Caucasus Mountains.

Hoping with almost bare hands

We are to be conquered, broken and destroyed.

To avoid unnecessary fighting

And intimidate the Caucasian tribes.

He sent us a warning:

A bag of dry, clean millet.

The lame god of the East wanted to say,

Holding half the world in a royal hand.

That he has so many people in his army.

Like grains in a donated bag.

The messenger galloped back to the ruler.

Timur looked, and his gaze went out:

Where was the millet, O Allah the great.

Now a buck-toothed, fiery rooster.

And the leader realized that it was very simple

His riddle was solved:

The rooster pecked all the millet grain by grain.

Crow! There is not a grain in the khurjin**!

Who says that the rocks are steep

Stopped the wild troops?

There is a true rumor that Timur was taught a lesson

That Avar rooster out of the bag.

Presenter No. 1:

Meanwhile, the Dagestanis, who did not want to be enslaved by the foreign Shah, began to unite in the Andalal Valley - in the area of ​​​​the proposed battle, in a place called “Khitsib”. As the folk epic of Dagestan tells, volunteers from all over the Avaria gathered to fight the enemy. The Gidatli, Karakh, Chamalyal, Bagully, and Koisubul people en masse joined the fighting squads preparing for a heavy battle. From the rear of the enemy, Laks, Lezgins, Dargins, Kumyks, Tabasarans, Kubachis, and Jar militias made their way into Andalal.

Presenter No. 2

The decisive battle on Andalal territory lasted five days. Experienced military leaders of the mountain peoples, seasoned in battle, took advantage of the weakening of the defensive strength of the Shah's troops and led their soldiers on an offensive against the enemy. Heroism of the defenders native land became a mass phenomenon. Thus began the expulsion of the Shah from Dagestan soil. The Andalal victory strengthened the geopolitical significance of Dagestan as an important strategic bridge between the West and the East, becoming convincing evidence of the strength and power of the Dagestan peoples. But the memory of the heroes was forgotten for several centuries.Student :

The year 2011 became a turning point in the history of Dagestan. In December 2010, at the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan, it was decided to introduce a new holiday in the republic - the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan. By decree of the President of the Republic of Dagestan dated July 6, 2011, it was decided to celebrate it on September 15 - the day when the Dagestan army put the hordes of Nadir Shah to flight. The Republic of Dagestan itself was formed in 1921. It is the southernmost subject of the Russian Federation and borders on Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Chechen Republic, the Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Kalmykia. Representatives of more than 60 nationalities live in the capital of Dagestan - Makhachkala.

Song "My Dagestan" »


Tsakhurs, Laks, Kumyks, Avars,
Kaspiysk, Makhachkala, Derbent, Kizlyar.
Interweaving of cities and nations,
Beautiful Dagestan became famous.
Lezgin, Rutulets, Tabasaran, Agulets,
Dargin brother, standing shoulder to shoulder.
And their strength is like mountain peaks,
In which proud eagles soar.
Many peoples in one spirit,
In the Lezgin dance there are mountain eagles.

Presenter No. 1

Our task is to further unite the peoples of Dagestan, cleanse themselves of all negative things and, developing the good traditions of fraternal peoples, confidently move forward and provide a decent life for subsequent generations.

Pupil On September 15, the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan will be celebrated.
The unity of the peoples of Dagestan has its own family basis, going back to
On September 15, 2011, we celebrated for the first time a new public holiday - the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan, which,undoubtedly became a symbol of the cohesion and unity of the Dagestan people. The idea of ​​its creation was first voiced at the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan, held in December last year. And in July 2011, the President Dagestan Magomedsalam Magomedov signed a Decree, according to which every year Dagestan celebrates the holiday "Unity Day"

Presenter No. 2

As you know, the history of Dagestan is rich in its culture, customs and traditions. Representatives of the Dagestan peoples have made and continue to make a significant contribution to the development of our country and the history of Russia. Many people from Dagestan are figures in science and art, education and sports, military men and entrepreneurs, doctors and statesmen- have earned good reputation far beyond the borders of the republic. Today, many continents and continents know about Dagestan. They know it from the works of our writers, composers, from the products of Kubachi, Untsukul, Balkhar masters, Tabasaran carpet weavers, from the songs and dances of our peoples. But this is not the only thing our mountain region is famous for. Many Dagestan poets sang in their works the friendship and brotherhood of their peoples. Despite our multilingualism, we, Dagestanis, are always united in our thoughts and actions, deeds and intentions. The basis of this mutual understanding is patience, respect, the good will of each people and strength, fortitude, the power of unity, the power of cohesion.


Dagestan is essentially a unique region. We feel like Russians, part of a single, multinational and inexhaustible Russian culture, and at the same time - Dagestanis, representatives of one or another nationality, region and village. The great R. Gamzatov said this well: “No matter where fate takes me, I always feel like a representative of that land, those mountains, that village where I learned to saddle a horse. But everywhere I consider myself a special correspondent for my Dagestan. And I return to my Dagestan as a journalist of universal human culture, as a representative of our country.”

Presenter No. 3

Dagestanis have always been able to respect the traditions and culture of other peoples. We remember well the enormous support that the Russian people gave us, helping to develop their culture, science and education, and industry in Dagestan. Dagestan honors their names and erects monuments in their honor. Friendship of peoples in those good times was not an empty phrase, but was translated into concrete deeds.Undoubtedly, our unity is indestructible, and we must convey it to our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, so that they, in turn, pass on the covenant to their descendants in the name of the prosperity of our republic and the happiness of all the peoples inhabiting it.

Pupil :

As the head of the republic said, Dagestan is our common home, and we can only preserve it through joint efforts. It is the fundamental principle of the unity of the Dagestan peoples, the subordination of private interests to national goals and strategic objectives that is the key to the successful development of Dagestan. The unity of the peoples of Dagestan within the Russian Federation is our national idea which must be passed on from generation to generation.

Film "Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan"


This holiday consolidates the main cultural and historical tradition of our society - the unbreakable unity and friendship of the peoples of Dagestan, and symbolizes the inviolability of the fundamental principle of coexistence of the Dagestan peoples. And therefore, it is natural that the Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan unanimously spoke in favor of the consolidation of Dagestan society around the values ​​of peace, unity and development.

Presenter No. 2

Dagestan was and will remain after us, but what we will leave it with is a matter of time. Love to native land and the people inhabiting it do not exist on their own, outside and separately from everyday creative work. Everyone knows that different trees do not grow from the same root and a cut branch is doomed to wither. Let's hope that the tree of unity will strengthen and bear fruit. And the upcoming national holiday - Day of Unity of Nations - will help strengthen peace, mutual understanding and friendship of all Dagestan peoples.


Do I need you, my epic Dagestan,

Don't pray

Shouldn't I love you?

Should I be like a crane in your village?

Be a breakaway bird?

Dagestan, everything that people gave me,

I will share with you in honor,

I have my orders and medals

I'll pin you to your tops.

I will dedicate ringing hymns to you

And the words turned into verse

Just give me a burka of forests

And a hat of snowy peaks!


When I, having traveled to many countries,

Tired, he returned home from the road,

Bending over me, Dagestan asked:

“Isn’t it a distant land that you fell in love with?”

I climbed the mountain and from that height,

Taking a deep breath, Dagestan answered:

"I have seen many lands, but you

Still my favorite in the world.

Pupil :

I may rarely swear my love to you,

It's not new to love, but it's not new to swear,

I love silently because I'm afraid:

A word repeated a hundred times will fade.

And if you are every son of these places,

Shouting like a herald, he will swear in love,

Then your stone rocks will get tired

And listen and echo in the distance.

When you drowned in tears and blood,

Your sons, who spoke little,

They went to their death and swore filial love

The cruel song of the dagger sounded.

Presenter No. 1:

And after, when the fighting died down,

To you, my Dagestan, in true love

Your silent children swore

With a clattering pickaxe and a ringing scythe.

For centuries you taught everyone and me

Work and live not noisily, but boldly,

You taught that a word is more valuable than a horse,

But the mountaineers do not saddle their horses idle.

And yet, having returned to you from strangers,

Distant capitals, both talkative and deceitful,

It's hard for me to remain silent when I hear your voice

Singing streams and proud mountains."


I am the guard dog of Dagestan, He just whistles
involved in his fate,
I will tremble again, as if from a knife wound,
And I will fly to this all-powerful call.

Pupil :

Its peaks, glory, writings Was it not I who gave the guarantee to guard?
And henceforth with love the woman is alone
He will put his hand on my head.

And having overcome in honor of his own merits
I swim the thunderous streams,
I keep watch at the entrance to the circle of stars,
Where prophets talk at night.

Teacher :

The Dagestanis also united in August 1999, when armed gangs led by Basayev and Khattab entered the territory of the republic. But the invasion was the beginning of a bloody war. This is evidenced by numerous terrorist attacks directed against employees of government agencies and law enforcement agencies of the republic, religious figures and civilians. We can only fight terrorism together. And the new holiday was intended to once again remind the Dagestanis of the glorious historical past, to breathe into them a fresh stream of patriotism and a sense of pride for their people, for their language, for their culture. As long as the people of Dagestan are united, they are not afraid of any trials, and their unity is the main historical achievement and the main wealth.

Final part. Song by Sofia Rotaru “My Motherland”.

Each housewife and each family has developed its own traditions of the festive New Year's table.

However, there are dishes and salads that have long been a reason for jokes, but continue to be hits and constant attributes of any New Year's table: both modern and conservative. This is, of course, salads "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat"- well, where would we be without them! And will complement the traditional New Year's table goose baked in the oven. Dessert is a must cake, and better - "Napoleon".

However, I would like to add dishes that symbolize the coming 2020. According to the eastern calendar, the year of the white metal rat or mouse is coming. To attract the favor of this cute rodent, we advise you to follow his tastes in New Year's treats, and the mouse loves flour, nuts and various cereals.

We previously wrote in detail:

Here's what should be on the New Year's table in the year of the Rat:

* So, pie on the table is required! With cabbage, meat, fish or sweet - any pie is attractive to a rodent.

* Salads can be divided into portions into tartlets.

* We recommend stuffing baked poultry (goose, duck or chicken) with rice in addition to apples and prunes, and decorate it beautifully when serving fresh herbs and nuts.

* Considering mouse preferences, do not forget salad with grated cheese or cheese slices. Lean, well-cooked and thinly sliced ​​meats can also brighten the table.

* Don't forget about fruits. The mouse will really like a vase with beautifully arranged apples, pears and grapes.

* Dishes from potatoes and carrots. Cellar owners who store winter supplies there know firsthand about the love of rodents for these vegetables.

How to decorate a New Year's table for 2020:

In table decoration give preference to white color, served with crystal and silver cutlery. The tablecloth on the table should also be white, because the color of the coming year is white!

What time does the Russia-Sweden hockey match start, where to watch it live:

Start time of the match Russia - Sweden - 20:00 Moscow time.

Live broadcast can be seen in mode online on the Channel One website(section "Channel 1 Hockey Cup 2019"). The game will also be available for viewing on the website in recording.

Live broadcast will be available on the channel " Match! A country", included in some cable operator channel packages, starting at 19:55 Moscow time.

On the First television broadcast, the Russia-Sweden meeting will be shown in the recording at 00:00 (midnight), from December 12 to December 13, 2019. The time indicated is Moscow.