Watch scripts in English. Fairy tale scenarios in English

Holiday scenario

on English language for intermediate students.

Literary - musical composition

Welcome to the Kingdom of the English Language”

Short description: The Welcome to the Kingdom of English celebration is held as part of English language week at school. Conducted by students of grades 7-9, led by students of grade 10 (one speaks English, and the other translates into Russian so that it is clear to invited parents and class teachers).


Educational: expanding the linguistic horizons of students;

Developmental: development creativity students, developing readiness for communication;

Educational: develop respect and interest in the literature of the country of the language being studied, develop interest in the subject.

Motivation to work:personal interest of students, self-realization, satisfaction with their own work.


    Costumes designed and made by the students themselves

    Necessary details for each scene.

    On the stage inscription “Welcome to the Kingdom of the English Language”

    Guitar for the skit "The Ant And The Grasshopper"

    Audio cassette with recorded music

    The text of the chorus to the song “May there always be sunshine”, written in large letters on a large sheet of whatman paper.

    Books by G. B. Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin; M. Twain's The Prince and the Pauper; M. Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Hucklebury Finn"

Music plays and the presenter, the Queen, comes on stage in a beautiful dress and with a crown on her head, followed by the second presenter, a faithful page.

Leading 1: Dear boys and girls! Dear teachers, parents and guests! We are glad to

see you here today! Now we begin our party “Welcome to the Kingdom of the English Language”.

Presenter 2: Dear boys and girls! Dear guests, parents and

teachers! We are glad to see you here today. Now we are starting our holiday "Welcome to the Kingdom of the English Language"

Leading 1: I am the Queen of this Kingdom.

Presenter 2: Let me introduce our Queen!

Leading 1: We begin our party with the English folk song “Oh, No John”

Presenter 2: We start our evening with the English comic folk song “Oh,

no, John"

(The song is performed by a boy and a girl, 9th grade students)

“Oh, No John”

    On yonder hill there stands a creature,

Who she is I don't know.

I’ll go and court her for her beauty;

She must answer Yes or No!

    My father was a Spanish captain

Went to sea a month ago.

First he kissed me, then he left me –

Bid me always answer No.

    O Madam, I will give you jewels;

I will make you rich and free,

I will give you silken dresses.

Madam, will you marry me?

Oh no John! No John! No John! No!

    O Madam, since you are so cruel,

And that you do scorn me so,

If I may not be your lover,

Madam, will you let me go?

Oh no John! No John! No John! No!

Presenter 1: A fable “The Fox and the Crane”

Scene 1

Fox: Good morning, my dear friend.

Crane: Good morning, Foxy.

Fox: How are you? I haven’t seen you for ages.

Crane: Thank you, I am all right.

Fox: I am so glad to see you. Come and have dinner with me, my dear.

Crane: Oh, thank you!

Scene 2

Fox: Here is my home. Sit down, dear Crane. Dinner will be ready in a minute. Help yourself, dear. The porridge is very good. I have cooked it myself. Sorry, my dear Crane, but I have nothing else to give you /

Crane: Thank you all the same, I’ve had enough. Come and have dinner with me. Good-bye.

Scene 3

Crane: Come in.

Fox: Good afternoon, Crane.

Crane: Oh, Foxy, glad to see you. You are just in time for dinner. Help yourself tj the soup, my friend. Sorry, but I have nothing else to give you.

Fox: But I am very hungry .

Crane: I was hungry after your dinner, too. Good-bye, dear friend.

Fox: We are no longer friends.

Presenter 1: Now listen to the humorous verse "Grizzly Bear"

Presenter 2: Listen to a humorous poem about what can

happen if you meet a bear.

Grizzly Bear"

If you ever, ever meet a grizzly bear,

You must never, never, never ask him

Where he is going, or what he is doing;

For if you ever, ever dare to stop a grizzly bear,

You will never meet another grizzly bear.

Leading 1: The Auction

(after “Uncle Tom's Cabin” by H. Beecher Stowe)

Story teller: It was at the beginning of the 19th century. American traders brought to their country thousands of Negroes from Africa. They sold the Negroes like things. Rich Americans made the Negroes work day and night. This is how it was.

Mr. Haley (a trader): Open your mouth!

Albert: Yes, sir.

Mr. Haley: How old are you?

Albert: I am 14, sir.

Mr. Haley:You look ill .

Albert: Oh, no, sir! I am not ill. I am hungry.

Mr. Haley: I am not going to give you much food.

Albert: Yes, sir.

Mr. Haley: Well. Show me your arms! All right. Jump a little. Now take mine

bag and carry it. Stop! You are strong. I see that. I think I'll buy you .

Aunt Hagar: He is my son. Buy us together, please. I can work from early

morning till late at night. I am strong enough (She tries to carry

the bag but can’t)

Mr. Haley: You are too old to work much.

Aunt Hagar: Buy me too, sir. I'll die if you don't.

Mr. Haley: You will die if I buy you. No, I shall not!

Auctioneer:Mr. Haley buys the young Negro for 2 dollars. One! ...Two!

White man: 3 dollars!

Mr. Haley: 4 dollars!

Auctioneer: 4 dollars. One! ...Two! ...Three! Mr. Haley has bought the

young Negro!

Aunt Hagar: Oh, Albert, oh, my boy, you were my last baby .

Mr. Haley: Let him go! I paid money for him. Come on! ...Oh, you won’t?!

(whips the boy)

Presenter 2: (shows the book “Uncle Tom's Cabin”) If you haven't read it yet

this book, an excerpt from which you just saw, then hurry to the library and get it. It is even available in English.

Leading 1: It goes without saying that you know Mark Twain and his well-known

books “The Prince and the Pauper” and “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

Presenter 2: And you’ve probably read these books. (shows "Prince and

beggar" and "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn") Now we are looking at excerpts from these works.

“Tom Canty and the Prince”

(after “The Prince and the Pauper” by Mark Twain)

Prince: What has happened? What does this boy want, soldier?

Soldier: He wants to get in and see you.

Prince: Let him in. I want to talk to him. Hello boy! What is your name?

Tom: My name is Tom Canty.

Prince: Where do you live?

Tom: I live in Offal Court.

Prince: Do you like it there?

Tom: Oh, it’s very interesting there. There are many children there. Have you

got any friends?

Prince: No, I have no friends.

Tom: And with whom do you play?

Prince: I play alone.

Tom: Oh, how dull it is!

Prince: Yes, it’s very dull here. I want you to stay here and play with me.

Tom: Oh, no. I’ll better go to my offal Court. Your soldiers are very angry.

Prince: Tom, I want to go with you.

Tom: You can’t in this dress. Everybody will know you are the Prince.

Prince: Tom, give me your dress.

Tom: All right. Take it.

Prince: What is this blue mark on your hand?

Tom: The soldier has struck me.

Prince: How dared him ?

Story teller: The Prince in Tom’s clothes runs to the gate. He wants to strike

the soldier, but he throws the Prince out.

Minister: Breakfast is ready.

Tom: What is it? What are you?

Minister: Don’t you know me? I'm your Minister .

Tom: What is Minister? I'm Tom Canty, and I don't know you.

Minister: Oh, the Prince has gone mad. He has forgotten his name!

Tom: What are you saying?

Minister: You are my Prince.

Tom: I am Tom Canty, I tell you. The Prince has gone to Offal Court.

Minister: I shall call the doctor! You are not well!

Prince(running into the room): Tom! Give me back my clothes.

Tom: Take your dress and give me mine. I can't live here. Your Minister is mad.

Minister (running in): The doctor will come in a minute.

Tom: Good-bye, Prince.

Prince(turning to the Minister) : It's time for breakfast.

“Tom Doesn't Want to Go to School”

(after “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain)

Tom: I don't want to go to school. What can I do to stay at home? Oh. my tooth

is loose. That's wonderful! Sid! Sid!

Sid: What has happened, Tom?

Tom: Oh, Sid! I am dying. I am not angry with you.

Sid: Oh, Tom, you are not dying! Don't!

Tom: I am not angry with Aunt Polly.Tell her so. And, Sid, give my cat with

one eye to the new girl in my class.

Sid: Oh, Aunt Polly, come! Tom is dying!

Aunt Polly: Dying!

Sid: Yes, come quickly!

Aunt Polly: Don't say so! You, Tom 1 Tom, what has happened to you, me boy?

Tom: Oh, Auntie, look at my right hand! It is red and hot.

Aunt Polly: Oh, Tom, stop that nonsense and get up!

Tom: But, Auntie, it is so hot, that I’ve forgotten about my tooth.

Aunt Polly: Your tooth? And what has happened to your tooth?

Tom: It's loose.

Aunt Polly: Open your mouth. Well, you are right. Your tooth is loose. Sid

bring me some thread.

Tom: Oh, please, dear Auntie, don’t pull it out. It's all right now.

(Aunt Polly pulls the tooth out)

Tom: Oh, oh! My tooth was all right. But I didn't want to go to school.

Aunt Polly: Oh, Tom, you don’t want to go to school. you want to go fishing.

Tom, Tom, I love you so, and you… Now get up quickly and go

to school!

Presenter 1: And again – just for fun: a verse “Shopping”

Presenter 2: And again a funny poem about animals that have

money appeared. You will understand what they wanted to buy with it and what came of it


A bear and bunny had plenty of money,

They went to the store for carrots and honey.

When the bear and the bunny asked for “Carrots and honey!”

The man in the store cried, “Where is your money?”

How strange and how funny! They really had money –

And that’s how they bought their carrots and honey!

Leading 1: And this fable is also very famous. It is called The Ant And The


Presenter 2: And this scene doesn’t need translation.

The Ant And The Grasshopper

Scene 1

Story teller: It's summer now. The day is hot and sunny. An Ant is working near

its little house.

Ant: Oh, how hot it is! I am very tired. But I must work. Winter will come soon.

Story teller: And who is coming here? It's a Grasshopper.

Grasshopper: Hello, Ant! What are you doing?

Ant: Hello, Grasshopper! I am working.

Grasshopper:Why are you working? The day is hot. Stop working. Let's go to

the river.

Ant: No, no. Winter will come soon. Where shall I get food then ?

Grasshopper: Winter will not come soon. It's summer now.

Ant: And what do you do all the time?

Grasshopper: I dance and sing

Ant:And I have no time to dance and sing. The winter is long and cold. I must

be ready for it.

Grasshopper: I don’t like winter. I like summer.I don’t like to work in summer.

Ant: But you must. What will you eat in winter?

Grasshopper: I don’t want to think of winter. Good-bye, Ant! I shall

and dance

Ant: Good-bye, Grasshopper! But you will have nothing to eat in winter.

Scene 2

Story teller: It's winter now. It's very cold. The sun doesn't shine.

The Grasshopper is cold and hungry.

Grasshopper: Oh, how cold it is! I am cold and hungry. What can I do? Oh,

I see Ant's house.

Ant:Who is there?

Grasshopper: It’s your friend, the Grasshopper.

Ant: What do you want?

Grasshopper: Let me in, please. I am cold and hungry. Give me something to eat.

Ant: You danced and sang in summer, Grasshopper. Now dance and sing

in winter. Good-bye!

Story teller: You see what happens when you don't want to work in time.

Ant: All right! Come in! That will be a lesson for you. Will you work next


Grasshopper: I am ready to work even in winter! Thank you, my dear friend!

Leading 1: Dear boys and girls! Our party is over. I wish you study well and read

these books in Russian or in English. ( V hands books) And now let’s sing the song “May there always be sunshine” all together.

Presenter 2: The Queen wishes you all to study well, read these books,

who hasn’t read it yet and invites everyone to sing together the famous song “Let there always be sunshine”, but only in English. The chorus text is written (hangs out a sheet with the lyrics of the song)

All participants of the festive evening come on stage and perform the first verse of the song “May there always be sunshine” and the chorus together with the audience.

May there always be sunshine”

Bright blue the sky,

Sun up on high –

That was the little boy's picture.

He drew for you,

Wrote for you, too,

Just to make clear what he drew.


May there always be sunshine,

May there always be blue skies,

May there always be Mummie,

May there always be Me!

Scenario for an English language holiday for children 5-7 years old

Author: Ekaterina Valerievna Platonova, English teacher at the NOU “Consonance” in the city of Tver
Description of material: I bring to your attention the development of a script for an English language holiday for children aged 5-7 years. This work will be of interest to teachers of English in preschool education and will be used as a repetition of the material studied or as a plan for a thematic lesson. The scenario is built using role-playing games, costumes and toys.
Target: Show acquired knowledge on the topics “Professions”, “Weather”, “Accounting”. Involve students in the language environment and create a positive attitude towards learning English at school.
Props: microphone, suits for a doctor, a cook, a tailor, a tie (for the president), an umbrella, cards with numbers, soundtracks of songs or sheet music.
During the classes

1. Sketch “Interview”

(a correspondent (student) with a microphone is on stage)
Correspondent(addresses a student dressed as a cook)
Good morning! What do you do?
Cook I'm a cook. I like to cook. I make butter, meat and soup.
Correspondent(addresses a student dressed as a teacher)
And what do you do?
Teacher I'm a teacher. I have a pen. I teach children very well.
Correspondent(turns to the tailor) And you?
Tailor I'm a tailor. I make a dress. It's yellow, red for
little Bess.
Correspondent(turns to the doctor) And you?
Doctor One, two, three, look at me!
I'm a doctor as you see.
Come to me, when you're ill,
I'll give you the best pill.
Correspondent(with surprise) And what do you do?
The president I’m a President and you…the people
Whom I love you…..
When you're in trouble
I help you
And you, and you, and you, and you.
The song “Picking apples” is performed

2. Scene “Rainy day!”

There are two girls on stage. (one girl with an umbrella)
1 girl. Hello. Vika! Why are you sad?
2 girl. It's rainy.
2 girl Rain on the grass,
And rain on the tree,
Rain on the house-top,
And on me.
1 girl Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day.
Little children want to play.
Don't be sad. .
2 girl Ok. Let's sing.
The song "Rainbow Song" is performed

A student is on stage (counting the guys)
Girl One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four.
Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more….
Pupils read poetry.
Student 1 One, one, one,
Little dogs run.
Student 2 Two, two, two
Cats see you.
Student 3 Three, three, three
Bees in the tree.
Student 4 Four, four, four
Mouse on the floor.
Student 5 Five, five, five
Plane in the sky.
Student 6 Six, six, six
Very good sticks.
Student 7 Seven, seven, seven
I see one raven.
Student 8 Eight, eight, eight
Soup in the plate
Student 9 Nine, nine, nine
Milk is very fine
Student 10 Ten, ten, ten
Catch me if you can.
All the children sing “Five Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day” together in a circle.
The holiday ends.
Teacher(says goodbye) Be polite, and don’t forget when saying goodbye,
Say Good bye!




QUEEN:Why are you sad, my dear son?.

PRINCE:I'm not happy mother. I want to get married but I haven’t found a real princess. I’ve traveled through the world, visited hundreds of palaces, and I haven’t been able to find her.

QUEEN:I know. There are too many charming, beautiful, and intelligent women, but they are not real princesses.

PRINCE:I'll keep looking, and I know that someday I will find her.

QUEEN:Meanwhile (thosetime), you must stay here at the palace. It will be harsh (harsh) winter, and tonight the weather is terrible.

PRINCE:I hope the storm doesn’t do a lot of damage, and I’m praying (I pray) that my people stay at home. The wind is howling [ˈhaʊlɪŋ] (howls), he thunder is rumbling overhead (thunderrumblesabovehead), and lightning is tearing the sky apart.

(The Princess knocks at the door)

QUEEN:Who could it be at this hour?.

PRINCE:I don’t know, but whoever it may be must be completely soaked (wet).

(The Prince opens the door)

PRINCE:Who are you?. What are you doing in the middle of the storm?.

QUEEN:Poor girl!.

PRINCESS:I am a princess. Please help me. My clothes and my hair are all wet!.

PRINCE:Come in, please.

PRINCESS:You have to believe me. I am a princess!.

QUEEN:We believe you, dear.

PRINCE:I didn't see your carriage. How did you get here?.

PRINCESS:It’s a long story, but I’d rather not talk about it right now.

PRINCE:You're right.

QUEEN:You need to rest and change your clothes. Please, get near the chimney to warm up, and in a few minutes one of our maidens will take you to your room.

PRINCESS:Thanks, I really appreciate what you’re doing for me.

(The Princess gets near the chimney, while the Queen approaches the Prince)

QUEEN:She says she’s a princess, and there’s only one way to find out if she’s telling us the truth.

PRINCE:How? She’s so beautiful that I think I’m in love with her!.

QUEEN:You'll see.(rings a small bell. The Maiden enters the stage and approaches her) I want you to go to our guest room and place a pea on the bed. Then, go to every bedroom in the palace and gather twenty mattresses [ˈmætrɪs] and place them over the pea.

DONCELLA:Yes, your majesty.(leaves the stage)

PRINCE:Why are you doing this?.

QUEEN:Princesses are very sensitive. If she’s a real princess, she won’t be able to sleep well as she will feel the pea right through the twenty mattresses.

(The Princess approaches them)

PRINCESS:I'm so tired.

QUEEN:Your bed is ready, and I’m sure you will have a good night’s sleep. My maiden will take you to your room.(Rings a small bell. The Maiden enters the stage and approaches her)

DONCELLA:Yes, your majesty.

QUEEN:Take the princess to her room.

DONCELLA:(to the Princess) Please follow me.

QUEEN:(to the Princess) Rest well, my dear. We’ll see you in the morning in the dining room.

PRINCESS:Thank you, good night.

PRINCE:Have pleasant dreams.

(The Maiden and the Princess leave the stage)

QUEEN:It’s been a long day, let’s go to bed. Tomorrow we will know the truth.

(The Queen and the Prince leave the stage)


(The Queen and the Prince are having breakfast. The Princess enters)

PRINCESS:Good morning(looks at the food). Everything looks so delicious and I’m so hungry!.

PRINCE:(stands) Good morning. Please join us for breakfast.

(The Princess and the Prince sit)

QUEEN:How did you sleep dear?.

PRINCESS:Oh, very badly! I couldn’t close my eyes all night.

QUEEN:Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

PRINCESS:Heaven only knows what was under all those mattresses.

PRINCE:But that’s imposible!. We gave you the best bed in the palace.

PRINCESS:Well, I felt I was lying over a stone, and now all my body hurts. I feel terrible!.

PRINCE:(stands) Then you are a real princess!. Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive and delicate as that.

QUEEN:That's true.

PRINCE:Now I know you are the woman I’ve looking for. Since the moment I saw you my heart told me you were my princess and the love of my life.(Takes the Princess hand) Will you marry me?.(The Princess stands)

PRINCESS:(smiling) Yes, I will.

(The Prince and the Princess kiss)

Questions for the guest (58 pcs.)
Presenter 2. Thanks a lot, John, be a gest in our party. (John sits down as
guest, Dasha periodically translates something into his ear). Now, I think, we
shoud show him, that we can speak English a little too.
Presenter 1. Now, I think we should show that we are something too
we know in English. Let's start with 2nd grade kids. They give us
Prepared a greeting song “Hello, hello”.
Did you like the way the guys sing?
Presenter 2. Boroday Evelina will read us a poem “I help”.
I Help...
I like to help my Mother,
To clean the room with Father,
To sweep the floor with Brother.
It’s not much work but rather.
To iron helps me Sister.
I train with Aunt tonguetwister.
It's very hard to be polite
And always say Grandma good night.
To walk with dogs Black, Brown, White,
To play with cats a day not night –
All doing that I get great pleasure,
But there’s no time to have some leisure.
Presenter 2. Anastasia Korobtsova will read a poem “Leaning English”.
Learning English
Learning English is very easy
If you are not too busy,
It won't take you long
If your wish is too strong.

Learning English becomes easy
If you are not too lazy,
You can learn it very fast
And speak fluently at last.
Presenter 1. Do you remember the fairy tale about Turnip? We suggest you watch it at
performed by 4th grade children.
(fairy tale)
Presenter 2. And now Valeria Pashchenko will read a poem “Picture”.
One fine summer morning
Nicky made a pretty drawing.
Will you color it for Nick?
Take the colors and be quick:
Blue for the sky,
Green for the grass,
Gray for the mouse,
Brown for the house.
If you haven't got these colors,
Take just black and no others.
Then the picture is not bright,
It's a moonlit winter night.
Presenter 1. Yulia Yurova - poem “Spring”.

Are ringing loud and gay.
To hills and forests they are bringing
Sweet melody today.
The bells of spring are ringing,
Are ringing far and wide.

Nice days they are bringing
To people and countryside.
Presenter 2. Let*s sing a song “If you happy.”
(6th grade students leave)
Presenter 1. Alexey Khorolsky - poem “Autumn Leaves”
The leaves are dropping from the trees,
Yellow, brown, and red.
They patter softly like the rain –
One landed on my head!
But when the sleep of winter comes
They cuddle down to rest;
Then Mother Nature tucks them in
With snow as she thinks best.
Presenter 2. Maybe someone will recognize the author of the poem, that
will Kazakov read the novel?!
(A.S. Pushkin “Frost and Sun”)
Presenter 1. And now we invite you to watch a scene from our
school life “English Lesson” performed by high school students.
At an English lesson
Teacher: So I’m warning you in our lesson there will be
the school director is present, he does not understand anything
English, but wants to hear how you answer, let's check
homework. I realized that no one did anything
learned. Lazy people, loafers, ignoramuses, quitters, now disgrace yourself
because of you. (the director comes in)
Teacher: Aychanova, answer, please.What do you know about
British Parliament?
Translator: Aychanova, sheep. What do you know about British

Aichanova: My name is Asel.I am 16 years old. Today is sunny.
Teacher: Enough, now open the books on page
55. Dzhulaeva, read, please.
Translator: That's enough, now we've opened the books on
page 55, Dzhulaeva, read.
Dzhulaeva: To be or not to be, to be or not to be.
Teacher: ___________,continue.
Translator:__________, continue.
________: happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.
Teacher: And now it is the short text`s retelling. Yakubina, babble
out anything,please.
Translator: And now a short retelling
text, Yakubin, babble at least something.
Yakubina: Madame, monsieur, no mange na zhur.geyben zi mir
Teacher: Yakubina, what are you saying? It is French.
Translator: Yakubina, is that French?
Teacher: Dzhulaeva, correct her, please.
Translator: Dzhulaeva, correct her.
Dzhulaeva: Looking for Haise Aigerem, looking for Haise Aigerem.
Teacher: Well done, Dzhulaeva, sit down, please.
Translator: Not bad, Dzhulaeva, sit down. (bell)
Teacher: the lesson is over.
Translator: The lesson is over.
Director: Well, in general, I liked the lesson. Reading
children speak fluently, speak freely, quote classics from -
English. We will not be lost in Europe.
All students: Yes.