Scenario for the school new year. Scenario: We celebrate the old New Year of the rooster at the yacht club

Finish all things to meet the next year without debts, without loans and other obligations. The scenario for the Rooster at home is an integral part of the upcoming holiday, making it interesting and educational for all participants. To diversify holiday program New Year for schoolchildren, kindergarten or an adult group, you can rewrite the plot of a fairy tale or a well-known story in a different way so that everything is interesting.

The Fire Rooster is gradually approaching, stepping with its clawed paws on the torn pages of the calendar. And the closer December is, the clearer the breath of winter. And people were immersed in daily worries. Everyone wants to meet New Year without debts, unfinished business and unfulfilled obligations. I’m also in a jam at work - I need to make calculations of activities over the past period, compile data for annual report, prepare for inventory... each company submits the results in its own way. However, the mood is still fighting; in the morning everyone goes to work with the firm intention of doing as much as possible. And in the evening they think about the upcoming holiday, their plans, and some are already starting to prepare a script for an unforgettable evening.

Celebration according to the script - corporate event

Traditionally, all schools and kindergartens conduct special festive concert in honor of the New Year. The class is required to perform a number with a song or dance; some groups choose a theatrical performance with a distribution of roles.

The scenario for the New Year, 2017 Year of the Rooster for a corporate event can be adapted for children of different ages, so for adults, although some competitions can only be held in adult company. But there are several ideas that suit everyone. For example, why not get creative and stage a performance based on a fairy tale or legend? One only has to delve into history to get ideas for changing the script. Moreover, put on a performance for adults at a corporate party - why not? It will be fun and you can rent costumes.

But the evening will definitely be memorable. Usually, for such events, the team selects several volunteers for organizational work. They choose. where and how the event will take place, what competitions or games can be held with participants, how much money to donate and what the menu will be. The company usually bears part of the expenses, so employees only pay half of the expenses. The organizers immediately discuss with the employees who is going to the holiday, with couples or only team members.

They may offer to stage a theatrical performance as an entertainment program. To perform, it is not at all necessary to engage the theater. Usually restaurants have a small stage if there is live music. Musicians stand on it, artists sing. It can be adapted for theatrical production for.

How the holiday is organized:

The location of the event is discussed, taking into account the theatrical production;
a list of those who will definitely go is compiled (to be specified later);
menu and music program are discussed;
script for the New Year, 2017 Year of the Rooster for home or work, so that all future competitions, staging, menus and musical accompaniment are included in it;
roles are assigned, each participant is given sheets with the lines and actions of their characters;
you can rent costumes from the theater;
notify the administrator of the chosen cafe that there will be a production; they will help with the design of the stage and prepare the attributes of the production.

And this is only part of the large organizational work for an interesting and eventful corporate event.
How is the event going? First, everyone discusses the date and time of the event, then the amount of expenses is specified, and a list of participants is compiled. The organizer is collecting money. Then, you need to write out a script for the entire evening so that it does not turn into ordinary get-togethers, when people just sit at the table and eat, talk about something, and then dance. It's New Year!

If you decide to do theatrical production, you should choose some interesting fairy tale or legend. You can have dark notes or full of mysticism, as you like. The idea will be successful if it is supported by the majority, because the production requires people who will voice the characters. You won’t need any special acting talent, but you will still have to do several rehearsals. And learn the text of the role.

How to adapt a children's fairy tale or legend for adults? Suffice it to remember the latest films. The same “Snow White”, played out in gloomy tones, where the lost heroine escaped from a gloomy forest and, donning armor, prepared to storm the palace. Of course, in an ordinary corporate event, large-scale battles cannot be staged without computer graphics. So choose something simpler. You can harmoniously make changes to the plot of any story and make it the basis for a production. It is also worth paying attention to all the characters who help the main characters and the environment. There is really a lot of room for plot development here already. adult fairy tales. You can do without intimate moments, delve into the psychology of relationships, and reveal the story.

Fairy tale for high school students

The Year of the Rooster for children in grades 5-9, New Year's Eve for high school students can be made really interesting and even unforgettable. Why do organizers often make an event into a fairy-tale performance, attracting participants among active children? Children of all ages and even adults love fairy tales. Teenagers are no exception. You can just choose for them special story, perhaps a rare one that they haven't read or watched yet.

Teachers are usually involved in organizing the holiday, but schoolchildren themselves can also be involved in the process, let them take an active part in choosing a New Year's story and remaking it to suit new way for presentation. You can go beyond the usual scenarios when choosing fairy tales directly related to the New Year or winter. Like “Morozko” or “12 months”. After all, in almost any story you can introduce storyline Happy New Year.

Why not write a script based on the fairy tale “Krabat” or “The Endless Book”? They are not very popular now; Krabat was made into a film several years ago, trying to convey that dark atmosphere. True, around Christmas, far from festive things happened there at the Mill. But the plot of the fairy tale can be changed by adding positive notes. Or Atreus’s new journey with Fuhur, how they will find out, on the instructions of the Children’s Queen, what “New Year” is and what attributes are needed for it. Both tales are filled with deep meaning, and the characters are interesting; this will give high school students food for thought.

A scenario for the New Year 2017, the Year of the Rooster for school, which can be based on basically any story. The main thing is to make something really interesting and memorable out of it. Maybe how Shrek, beloved by many, will celebrate the New Year with his family? Or Carlson will fly off to look for New Year's magic for himself. Why choose only Disney cartoons when there are many other equally interesting and worthy stories around.

Perhaps it will be new story adventures of the girl Ellie with her dog Totoshka, when she finally returned home and is preparing for the New Year, dreaming that her friends from the Emerald City would still come to her. Moreover, the school has a convenient stage, costumes are stored and there are children with different characters, who can play anyone if they want.

Often for the New Year, teachers organize a concert, in which talents from each class are required to participate, because the event will be held with the participation of parents and the entire teaching staff. Everyone wants a big holiday, so you need to think ahead. You can involve several classes in organizing a large production. If you like the idea, the children themselves will suggest good versions of fairy tales and come up with costumes. After all, staging is interesting. Some people hold KVN, but this has also become a tradition. If you want to make 2017 special, you need to come up with something new.

We spend New Year at home

A scenario for the New Year 2017, the Year of the Rooster, can also be drawn up for the family to make the holiday interesting. Usually, families traditionally gather around the table, open champagne during the president's speech and give gifts. All. How can you diversify the usual tradition to make 2017 magical?

Some are planning a trip for several days somewhere, be it a sanatorium with a ski resort or hot countries, so that the New Year turns out to be tropical. For some, a Christmas tree and Olivier on the table are enough. For any occasion you can come up with something new.

For example, you can diversify the presentation of gifts. Hide them in different places in the apartment and make a map with clues, let family members use them to solve riddles and look for the desired prizes.
You can arrange a quiz like “Field of Miracles”, but the questions will concern the family - birthdays of loved ones, their hobbies, phobias. This will help family members become closer.

The game “Mafia” will be an excellent entertainment, and if several friends gather together besides family, it’s also good. In a game, more players create more intrigue. Moreover, the rules of the game are quite clear; children can figure it out, even faster than adults.

You can decorate your apartment beautifully, light candles together with electricity, gather everyone and arrange a real evening of sacraments. Explore your roots and spend the New Year according to ancient traditions. Prepare dishes that were served centuries ago, sing ancient songs. This will help you remember your roots and learn more about your people.

The scenario for the New Year 2017, the Year of the Rooster for a family of 5 people can be anything, the main thing is to remember what your loved ones and you yourself love, choose what everyone will like. Then the holiday will be interesting.

The site really liked this cool, cheerful New Year's scenario for celebrating the Old New Year of the Rooster in the company of yachtsmen, which was written by modern author Galina Guseva. We hope you will like it too. Thanks to the author!

Scenario: We celebrate the Old New Year of the Rooster at the yacht club

Presenter: Well, friends, we are together again,

The Old New Year has brought us together.

And even though again in a new place,

But still, the yacht club is holding a ball!

As always, I made a fuss,

Sending SMS to Moroz,

On Thursday, I wasn’t too lazy,

She drove into the forest to get the fir trees.

Well, it seems like I’ve thought of everything,

It's time to start our evening.

I think now with the report

We need to call the monkey.

Let him give us a detailed report

At the junction with the Year of the Rooster,

How did you spend the past year?

And let him get things done quickly.

A monkey enters the hall to the sound of sad music and sings.

1. “The Monkey’s Song”:

What grief for the monkey!

I couldn't keep track

The mice are scratching at my heart,

The report was not made on time!

Ah, report! What a torment this is!

Ah, report! Damn, that's how things are!

No science in my head

I sat down at the table in advance

And I prepared a notebook,

Suddenly there was a ringing in my left ear

And I started sneezing with all my might!

Ah, report! What a torment this is!

Ah, report! Damn, that's how things are!

No science in my head

I didn’t fit in for a year, I didn’t get in!

I was overcome by a cold.

I had chills for a week,

I haven't eaten anything for seven days

Ears and forehead were burning with fire!

Ah, report! What a torment this is!

Ah, report! Damn, that's how things are!

No science in my head

I didn’t fit in for a year, I didn’t get in!

Monkey: I lay in bed all week,

Influence tormented me.

Don't believe it? I suffered so much!

I really didn’t eat or drink.

I lost a little weight in a week,

Look how haggard the trouble is!

Sorry, I didn't write the report.

And it’s unlikely that I’ll write it when.

Presenter: Okay. We'll do without the report.

But the Rooster will come to take care of business?

We should call him.

Monkey: Rooster? Of course you have to call!

Chicken output

2. “Chicken’s Song”:

Ko-ko-ko, I came to you,

On New Year's Eve

Instead of Petit-Petushka,

I'm glad to have this meeting.

Peter told me to tell

All yachtsmen together

Happy New Year to everyone

Happy roosting!

Chicken: I couldn’t come myself. Petrusha:

He can’t sing, he has no strength.

Came out naked after a shower -

And he caught a cold.

He sent me to you, you see,

To take over your business.

But it seems that the monkey has

There is nothing to accept.

I, friends, had no doubt

Why is she lying to you here?

After all, she jumped and made faces,

Instead of business, a whole year!

Monkey: Oh, how are you? What a fool!

I was sick, that's the cross!

I would go to the chicken coop with my chickens

Cackle out loud, roost!

Chicken: Am I stupid? Pipes!

I can, to the poultry yard,

Just one, ask the duck

Make small talk!

Monkey: You can’t say two words,

All you can hear is: “Where, where!”

If you express your thoughts -

Not a damn thing is clear!

Chicken: How can you understand?

With your little mind?

Your destiny is to ride all your life,

It’s not for nothing that you are a monkey!

Monkey: Yes, I don’t have enough brains:

Nature didn't have enough.

But it seems that during the division

I completely cheated you!

Presenter: Enough, stop swearing!

After all, today is New Year!

Someone is knocking on our door...

Who is coming here to us?

Aunt Cold enters the hall.

Cold: Hello! I wasn't called

But it doesn't matter.

After all, I am by invitation

I show up sometimes.

Usually visiting people

Colds are not called.

She comes herself.

Look, I'm already here!

3. "Aria of a Cold"

Apchhi! Apchhi!

Apchhi! Apchhi! Apchhi!

You can’t get away from me, from a Cold!

You won't be able to escape from me anywhere,

You will immediately notice a cough and runny nose.

You can walk through puddles barefoot.

Let's go a little bit

Let's create a draft here,

We will open the window

And let's do it like this:

Let's open our mouths wider

And let's take a deep breath,

Then, of course,

We'll all start getting sick!

Apchhi! Apchhi!

Apchhi! Apchhi! Apchhi!

Listen to my wise advice:

Don't wear scarves when walking

If you don't have warm socks,

Go out barefoot and walk!

Let's go a little bit

Let's create a draft here,

We will open the window

And let's do it like this:

Let's open our mouths wider

And let's take a deep breath,

Then, of course,

We'll all start getting sick!

Monkey: So that’s who’s ruining the evening!

Who gave us all a cold!

Chicken: We have a meeting of yachtsmen.

Who let you in here?

Cold: Come on, calm down!

The hour is not even, neurosis

It will get through, and be afraid of it.

Santa Claus is coming to you.

He asked me to tell you

What a little late

I was given orders to entertain you.

He doesn’t know when he will come.

Presenter: Did Santa Claus himself ask you?

Well, so be it.

How will you entertain?

Cold: I want to ask

Call a helper here

Hoarse. I have a slight cold.

Presenter: Okay, what nonsense?

Of course, call me.

Cold: Hey, Runny Nose, come here!

Your name is called, come in!

Runny Nose appears and sings a song, stretching out his hands to Cold.

4. “Runny Nose Song”:

My eyes are drooping and I can’t see anything.

Tears make you dizzy and everything below hurts.

My nose is stuffy every day

I sneeze every hour

But still, from my love

I dream with tenderness.

Ah, my beloved cold,

You are the whole World, my Universe!

When your beloved walks, passes somewhere nearby,

I immediately recognize with my nose that the streams are pouring like hail,

My vision immediately becomes clouded, the roof slides off easily,

And again I look straight ahead and see nothing!

Ah, Cold, pearl by the sea,

Ah, my beloved cold,

Ah, Cold, my dream and grief,

You are the whole World, my Universe!

Chicken: What a helper! Well, there you go!

He will infect us all!

Who did she bring us?

After all, it stinks!

Monkey: It hits, it hits three miles away!

I smell alcohol!

Runny nose: Of course, but do you know

How does it relieve pain!?

Presenter: Listen, I don’t believe it,

What Santa Claus forgot

Colds, runny nose for yourself

Invited to visit us!

I'll ask before things are clarified

Please leave our hall.

Cold: We don’t need such a lot!

Runny nose: I saw you in a coffin! (shows the muzzle)

Chicken: Oh, my God! What a scandal!

Don't fight again!

Monkey: I think it will help us

It's time to call Frost.

Presenter: But it looks like it’s him,

He's hurrying towards us on a sled.

Chicken: I hear the Bells ringing

Monkey: He's flying in a troika!

5. Song “This is our Russian Winter!”

Fluffy snow is falling from the sky,

Silvery frost glitters,

Soft snow falls from under the horse's hooves,

The three will quickly rush by,

Making the snow swirl

This is our Russian Winter!

Hello, gentle one,

Hello, snowy,

Hello, Zimushka-winter,

Hello, terrible

And frosty

Our Russian Winter!

Horses are galloping, horses are racing,

My eyes are watering in the wind,

The ringing of the bells scatters,

Louder than jokes, louder than songs,

You and I are flying together,

New Year's holiday begins!

Hello, gentle one,

Hello, snowy,

Hello, Zimushka-winter,

Hello, terrible

And frosty

Our Russian Winter!

With the end of the song “This is our Russian Winter,” the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all friends!

Congratulations to all yachtsmen, and, of course, their guests!

Presenter: Snow Maiden, did you come alone? Where is Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: Friends, I didn’t find him, and that’s the whole question.

We have gathered for a banquet with you,

We even stocked up on champagne,

And he, think, was impudent, he left yesterday and disappeared,

They told me a secret: they saw him in the chicken coop

Presenter: It can’t be!

Snow Maiden: Believe me, he is trampling chickens now!

Presenter: What an absurdity, what a scandal!

No one has ever seen anything like this!

Snow Maiden: Oh, don’t you believe it? Well then,

Take a quick look here...

Rooster music sounds and the Rooster appears.

Rooster: Ko-ko-ko-ko, ku-ka-re-ku, quickly pour some for the Rooster!

There's a commotion in the chicken coop! Guys, I almost went deaf!

They kicked me out of the coop

I am very glad I am in your hall!

I was running so fast, I was in such a hurry,

I brought gifts for you!

These are these wonderful testicles

Demolished by my cutie birds!

Presenter: Yes, they are surprisingly good!

Rooster: They contain holiday greetings!

After distributing the balls, he throws Santa Claus's robe over the village

Presenter: What is this?

Rooster: Well, I'm out of the cold,

The suit was taken from Santa Claus.

Happy New Year to everyone,

I wish you smiles and joy,

The glasses are taller and fuller,

Let the holiday be more fun

After the next toast, the competition " Best congratulations in verse on behalf of Father Frost, in the guise of his regalia.”

See more original New Year's scenarios for adults:

Characterizes the beginning of the next mini-era, and each holiday has its own animal and its own element. The coming 2017, as we know, will be the year of the Rooster, and it is the rooster that will leave its indelible imprint on it. If not in our destinies, then at least in the very process of celebration. It is necessary to pay tribute to the symbols, especially since we're talking about not only about observing traditions, but also about having fun. Agree, attending themed and stylized holidays is always more pleasant than ordinary ones.

In order for the celebration to go well, you will need a good script for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster. It should contain all the details of the celebration, from the schedule of planned events to entertainment program. When everything is planned, you can expect the most satisfying result. No improvisation or celebration that happens on its own can compare with a celebration held according to the script.

And we will give you everything you may need to organize the New Year. In this section of Vlio you can find a large one. Take one of them, combine several, use it as a template. All options are suitable here. The main thing is a serious approach and focus on results.

New Year's Eve

Leading: I greet you, my friends, on such a bright holiday as the welcome of the long-awaited 2017. It is worth noting that the coming year will pass under the sign of the obstinate sign - the Red Rooster. In addition, in 2017 the warlike Mars will protect the earth. What a combination, isn't it! Do you know what should be done on the eve of such a difficult time? Organize real “Cockfights”. True, first you should find the most courageous and courageous applicants. Everyone will undergo special tests and receive distinctions for them. The one with the most such distinctions will receive the honorary title “Host of the Year 2017” and a figurine in the shape of a rooster.

Line up

Leading: So, all the willing players line up in front of me in one line. Come on, we pulled our tummies in, straightened our backs, straightened our shoulders. Fine! And now everyone in chorus: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

The winner of such a competition is chosen by the public together with the presenter.


Leading: Since a real rooster is very particular about his appearance, it’s worth checking how well you know how to dress up. I have a bag of clothes in my hands, which you must take turns taking out and putting on without looking. Effort and ability to get out of difficult situations are assessed additionally.

You can put very bright, perhaps even women's clothing in the bag, as well as a variety of jewelry, white slippers and even a frill. Of course, the most organic “rooster” wins.

Fashion show

Leading: Have you ever noticed how roosters like themselves? They proudly walk around their coop with their heads held high and their tails bushy. Will our contenders for the title of the most important poultry be able to become similar in terms of fashion?

Each of the participants must parade around the room in one direction and the other, while trying to show their attire as best as possible, as well as their true character. The best fashionista is chosen based on the number of applause from the audience.


Leading: Everyone knows that roosters are very neat creatures that you will never see dirty. Let's check how closely our participants look after themselves.

A disposable cup of alcohol (any kind) is placed on a chair in front of the participants. Each of the participating “roosters” must drink this alcohol without using their hands so as not to spill a drop on themselves. The one who succeeds in this task best receives a well-deserved reward.

A real colonel

Leading: The most courageous leader of the entire court must also be strong. Simply put, don't underestimate the capabilities of this poultry. But to see whether our contestants are endowed with similar capabilities, we will play small games with them.

1. Push-ups for a while.

2. Tug of war between two teams.

3. Arm wrestling.

All competition winners receive chips.


Leading: Among the many possibilities of the rooster, it is worth noting one, the most special. Wherever this proud bird is, she always knows where the other chickens are. Let's check whether our participants are famous for such a flair.

Participants need to ride to a certain point and back on a scooter, with the back of their head first. Whoever completes this task faster and does not fall will receive a reward. It is worth noting that it is the presenter who should add a special cheerful note to this competition when he comments on this entire “race”.


Leading: A truly experienced rooster is characterized by his hens. And the more experienced the rooster, the more hens he has in his yard. That is why we will now check how experienced our still failed roosters are.

Each participant is given a clean napkin, on which he must collect the kisses of all the “hens” who sympathize with him. Whoever has the most kisses wins.

Leading: So, dear friends, all the competitions are over and all we have to do is find out which of all the contenders can be called the deserved Rooster of the Year.

To do this, any person from the audience is invited to count the number of chips and each participant and announce the rightful winner. Everyone else receives consolation prizes and the title of “Chicken of Honor.”

Leading: What did we forget to do today? Right! Invite the main guests to our holiday - Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Let's call them together.

All participants in the evening call fairy-tale characters who appear in the room after the 3rd call.

Father Frost:

Good evening, Gentlemen!
We got here
Through the snow-white blizzard,
Through the fields and through the valleys,
They rushed towards you in their sleighs!

Snow Maiden:

We will celebrate the holiday,
Happy New Year!

Father Frost: It’s been a sad evening for you, but New Year 2017 is just around the corner. Let's have a little fun with you so that you and I will remember this day for the rest of our lives. True, initially I need to get to know you all. For this I will need my magic staff.

A fairy-tale character approaches each of the guests and draws a circle over his head with a staff. At this time, music is turned on, which must be selected in advance. To do this, prepare a special playlist where each of the invited guests will be recommended a different melody. To do this, you may need a personality decoder.


Slow - “And everyone is running and running” V. Leontyev;
whining about problems - “Seven numbers and a call...” S. Lazarev;
who loves strong drinks - “A Glass of Vodka on the Table” by G. Leps;
Casanova - “The Heart Cried” by A. Sotnik;
loves to eat - “I love pasta”;
romantic - “My Darling” by M. Frantsuzov.


Dreamer – “Airplane” by Valeria;
seductresses – “Musi-Pusi” by K. Lel;
businesswoman – “Heart” Jasmine;
always late - “Tsunami” by Nyusha;
impudent - “Listen, why are you so impudent” Timati;
old maids - “What’s the matter” by V. Serduchka.

After Grandfather Frost has visited all the guests of this evening, he returns to his place.

Father Frost: We seem to have figured out your characters. All that remains is to see how good you are this moment drunk. By the way, the most sober ones will receive gifts. To do this, we will play small games with you.

1. Gait

Each of those present must walk along the red ribbon back and forth smoothly, without falling or waving their arms.

2. Accuracy

A bucket is placed a few meters in front of the players, and 5 plastic balls are given. You need to throw as many balls into the bucket as possible.

3. Balance

Everyone is blindfolded and, on command, each participant raises his leg up. Whoever can stand on one leg the longest is considered the most sober.

The winner of the competition is awarded a bottle of champagne - as the most sober.

Father Frost:

Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye,
I ask you to smile more often!
Snow Maiden: Good health,
We wish you with love!

The soundtrack of the New Year's song sounds.

The lights are turned off. The mirror ball is spinning.

1 Another year is slipping away,

Happy, sad and tired

Hopeful New Year's Eve is coming

To the inspired clink of glasses.

2 And we will live this year gloriously,

All dreams will come true, and new circle will close

The candles will be lit again with flickering fire,

And it will snow and happiness will smile!

The light turns on. Screen \Long live the year - 2009/. To the disco soundtrack Accident /New Year/

1 New Year is on our doorstep

Having driven away doubts and worries,

On New Year's night we will believe in a dream,

Let's open the doors wider for happiness!

2 Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a new year

So that no anxiety, no misfortune

There was no guard at the gate.

1 So that the sun shines tenderly,

Everything that the heart expects came true,

And just to make it gratifying

All your life, like this year!

Sparklers are lit

2 On New Year's Day, snow is quietly falling outside the window.

May we have joy and laughter today,

May enviable success await you in any business!

And happiness will enter your bright home without hindrance!

Happy New Year!

Let January be a silvery powder,

Will spoil any trouble,

We wish you all the best

In the coming new year!

Happy new happiness, dear friends!

The music gets louder and gradually fades out

1 We invite everyone present in the hall to the New Year's party.

2 We named her

Together: they came to our party!

1 Unforgettable meetings, smiles, jokes, laughter await you

2 You will become witnesses and even participants in wonderful transformations, owners of New Year's prizes and gifts.

1 You will get a lot of unforgettable experiences. And we hope that this party will become the most extraordinary, unforgettable in your life!

2 So, New Year's miracles begin!

What do you think are the most welcome guests at our party, those whom we have been waiting for all year, to whom we write letters asking them to bring gifts.

Yes, absolutely true. This is Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

By the way, let's test your memory!

Interviews at tables.

What did you order for Santa Claus for the New Year?

What is your most memorable gift from Santa Claus?

What did you order this year?

1 I think it’s time for us to invite Santa Claus to our party!

Just know that New Year's Eve parties are now taking place throughout the region. And how we call Santa Claus depends on where he will be at that moment.

So, let’s shout together: Santa Claus come to us!

DM and Snow Maiden enter

DM Good evening, dear friends!

We are glad to see you in this hall!

DM Another wonderful year has passed

In which you worked gloriously!

And what we didn’t have time to do,

Let everything happen in the new!

May the New Year, which is on the threshold,

Will enter your home like a new friend

Let them forget the way to you

Sadness, adversity and illness!

DM And let them come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you!

And let him be the best

And the most joyful for everyone.

With Grandfather Frost! It's time to turn on the lights on our Christmas tree. To make our hall even more beautiful, comfortable, and more fun.

DM Yes, it really is a mess! Come on, let's say together: One, two, three Christmas trees, burn!

The Christmas tree lights up

DM And now I want to sing my favorite songs with you. And whoever sings the best and most friendly songs will receive a gift from me!

Karaoke of New Year's songs is played for each table. There is a competition for the best performance of New Year's songs. Screen

DM I trampled my heels! Come on, I’ll sit down and sit! For talented kids

I'll be happy to take a look!

Well, let's please DM with new talents. Do you know what DM loves most?

Children's poems!

I know that you are already adults. And they probably forgot them. I'll help you Come on, Snow Maiden, help me!

Distribute poems with assignments to each table

1 Tell a poem about Tanya with a Caucasian accent

Props (airfield hat, nose)

I come to you from sunny Caucasus. Mina is six years old. Minya is called Ashchot. I want to recite the verse of great Tanyu

Tanya came in at dawn,
For some reason the ball is on the river!
Walking along the bridge is beautiful,
But the ball suddenly fell from the bridge!
There is emptiness in my heart!
Don't Tonyi! Just a little more time!
I walk along the shore
I'm almost going crazy!
You're drowning!
But where can I find a round coffin?

And where will I put you?
Tanya moans loudly,
The ball is drowning in the river!
Hush, Tanya, don't cry!
The ball won't sink!
The ball doesn't sink at all!
The ball is sinking!

2 Recite the verse “Our Tanya is crying loudly” in a child’s voice, without pronouncing sounds r, sh, h sch

Bow, bib

"This is my village"

Play the role of a sign language interpreter (2 people, props: overcoat, cap)

(the soundtrack of the song “Oh, roads” sounds

Hey roads, dust and fog, etc.

1 child:
- Hello, Christmas tree, how glad we are
Why did you come to us again
And in green needles
Brought the freshness of the forest!
2nd child:
- There are toys on your branches
And the lanterns are burning,
Multi-colored firecrackers,
Different beads are on fire!
3rd child:
- You are the freshness of the forest at dawn
She brought light into our room,
Straightened the resinous needles
Light up with sparkling lights!

5 Perform a dance of snowflakes (props: white skirts and crowns)

Let's have fun today
Let their faces shine with happiness,
The sister snowflakes have arrived,
Whirl around the snowstorm.
Dance of Snowflakes. To the soundtrack “White Snowflakes”

DM We had a lot of fun!

I laughed heartily!

And now it's time to say goodbye

Happy New Year to you, friends!

Happy New Year to you

All the joys in the world!

DM Health for a hundred years ahead

For both you and your children!

We wish you to have fun

Today is a long time from the heart!

And let laughter sparkle today

Dm Well, granddaughter, let's go!

Together Happy New Year everyone! With new happiness! Goodbye!

Ved And a new guest is in a hurry to visit us. Let's greet him with applause.

Postman Pechkin I wish you good health! Is this the Kabakov school? High school students? So, he came correctly. So, I brought congratulations. But I won’t give it to you! Because none of you have documents!

Ved What should we do? We would really like to receive congratulations. Can you tell me from whom?

Pechkin I’ll tell you... But I won’t give it up. And congratulations to you personally from Vladimir Putin. I remembered you, the Kabakov schoolchildren. And you showed up for the holiday without documents.

Ved Comrade postman, who carries documents on New Year's holiday? Maybe we can come to an agreement? What you want in return.

I'm already Pechkin Star. Your village is far away, it’s time to deliver congratulations to you, but I don’t even have a bicycle. Can you?

Ved We have one car here. We are ready to give it to you for the New Year!

A children's tricycle is being brought out. It has the Black Boomer stamp and the number 20-10.

(Pechkin makes a lap of honor on his bicycle to the song “Black Boomer”

Pechkin Good machine! Now I will often drive it to you!

Pechkin Well, look at your congratulations!

Screen New Year's greetings from Putin. (Installation New Year's greetings Putin has his own phonogram.)

Pechkin Will you write an answer? I'll send him on his way.

Ved Guys, shall we send a telegram to the government? We have already prepared something, but the telegram was somewhat dry and official.

(from each table the most beautiful adjectives)

Ved reads the telegram and gives it to Pechkin.

Ved Something you are bored. But we have provided for this too. We invited the best psychic to our ball. I think he can cheer you up.

Meet Anatoly Vladimirovich Kashpirovsky

(Kashpirovsky on screen) video filmed in advance

Black sweater, jacket, against the backdrop of nature, to the soundtrack “The Lonely Shepherd”

Dear guests!

In connection with the New Year holiday, I give you instructions to good mood. (Music sounds)

I warn you: the reaction of some may be mixed.

Maybe someone will laugh or cry.

Maybe in the morning, or maybe in the evening.

This will happen to someone right after the holidays, during a physics lesson.

And some will have a positive reaction on a social studies test.

It's OK.

Some may experience dizziness, others may experience blurred vision or heavy legs.

Most guests will have their alarms stopped working during the party.

Someone will feel like a bunny and will jump around the Christmas tree,

And someone will moo and butt.

Teachers today will forget about their age and responsibilities. They will forget that the party ends at 12.00.

I give you instructions for a good mood!

Maybe after a disco or during the next vacation, but the fun will still come and the mood will lift.

You will want to sing and dance. Everything will be fine.

So, pour tea, juice, lemonade or other liquid into your glasses.

(pause) I'm charging your glasses.

I start counting 1…2…3

Lyubov Yakovlevna addresses the school principal, you didn’t forget to fill your glass. 4…5…6.. I remind you that the contents of the glasses should be drunk after counting by 10. 7…8….

Be happy in the new year 2009.

9….. 10 All the best!

Ved Not all of you lived 2008 honestly and sinlessly. To enter the New Year pure and sinless like angels, we invited new guests to our ball.

Sounds like hard rock. The devils enter.

The devil is a mother, a lady with curves. Dressed in trousers and a flowing jacket, long painted eyelashes. On her head there are horns made of wire, closed almost to the circle of the halo; a rose flower is attached to one horn.. In anger, she puts on glasses (with red lenses colors - eyes become filled with blood and straightens its horns.

The devils are dressed in black tights, decorated like metalheads.

They are walking with posters “in our monastery - forgiveness of last year’s sins”

“Quality, fast, expensive with a sparkle”

In hands are bowls for collecting donations.

Devils - Donate as much as you can to victims of natural disasters

Give a homeless man a two-story cottage

Give the horseless man a Mercedes. There is nothing to ride at all.

We cleanse you from serious and not so serious sins. We will release everything that we have accumulated over the year.

We issue a special document for the remission of sins - an indulgence.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends, brothers in last days of the passing year, cleanse yourself of your sins.

Letting go of everything. Old and new... And three years ahead.

(They recruit 4-5 sinners. Line them up in one line)

MCH - Are you ready to repent of all your sins and other omissions?

Quickly name your top ten sins. (speaks quickly) One, two, three! - I didn’t have time!

I give you all one more try - guess the riddle!

Two stand, two lie, one walks, and the third drives. (door)

MCH Well, how can you order me to forgive your sins?

Okay, I'll give it one more try.

We checked how brains work. Now let's check the performance of your arms and legs. We are holding a competition “Merry Dance”

Come on, grab your left ear with your right hand...

And now - left for right

Then they clapped their hands three times

Stomped right foot

Now with the left foot.

Jumped up

Palms hit each other.

And now - all over again and faster. (repeat 2-3 times) to the music (dance)

Well, I forgive you all your sins until next year. Receive a certificate and a memorable gift. The devils escort the guests to their tables.

Then the next table

We are ready to repent of all sins. Name your worst sin, yeah, you don’t know.

Can you guess the riddle?

There is no mouth, but he puts it behind his collar. (Automobile)

No matter how small or big, where it stands, it makes noise. (Glory)

Now let's check whether you know the commandments? How many commandments are there in total?

Interrupts sinners Ha-ha, in more than two thousand years the commandments have become not ten, but one hundred and ten!

Well, name, for example, the sixteenth commandment? Do not know!!! Oh, and you are dark people! “Love yourself” Now let’s check how you comply with it! I can say a thousand bad words about you. And you will convince me, name ten of your best qualities.

If the sinners could not cope with the task, the Devil is indignant

Look at them! Not only can they not solve a single riddle, they have been sinning for a whole year, and they demand absolution in a minute, and without waiting in line.

“Mirror” competition The devil brings sinners to the mirror

Now praise yourself loudly and clearly.

The music turns on (Yu Antonov’s song “I look at you like in a mirror”) at a higher than average volume. Sinners try to block the music, shout out their best qualities. The little devil and the little devils encourage them.

The competition is over. The devil is happy. Well!... I’m letting you go of EVERYTHING until next year. Receive a certificate and a memorable gift.

Competition Ninth “Sharp Killer”

Everything happens as with previous batches of “sinners”

Little devil Ha-ha, ha, in more than two thousand years the commandments have become not ten, but one hundred and ten! Well, name, for example, the most forbidden commandment of all prohibitions!

Do not know!!! Oh, you dark people!

Of course "thou shalt not kill"

It’s a correct commandment, but today the Devil’s mother allows everything. We will kill the “beast” within ourselves.

The devils bring out a cardboard dartboard and hang it on the stage. Circles are glued to the entire area of ​​the cardboard with the colored side.

Chertikha invites each “sinner” to throw a dart into a cardboard and get into some circle

R You are in the (red, yellow, etc.) circle

The devil removes the circle from reverse side which the name of some beast is written and its negative quality(coward, fool, etc.)

Well done, you killed the cowardly hare (stupid chicken, evil tiger) in yourself.

This year the hare will give you courage and perseverance. You can knock on the teacher’s desk and boldly demand a grade worthy of you.

This year the chicken will give you wisdom and ingenuity. So you are guaranteed success in your studies and social life.

This year the tiger gives you kindness and love. Married (married?) No, that means you’ll have a wedding.

Presents certificates and gifts and sends guests to their tables.

Well, now everyone in this room is pure and sinless like angels. We have nothing to do here, we are going to the next school. They leave to the music

Ved And new guests have come to us. On the stage there is a screen behind her, Vanya and Zina.

Oh Van, I didn’t understand, did we end up in a circus or what?

Vanya Yes, they seemed to be selling tickets to the circus.

Well, then let's take a look.

Vysotsky's song plays (sketch)

Wow, this is not a circus. And I want a circus!

Hula hoop competition (who can scroll the longest)

For the holiday. Primary schoolchildren will not be left out either, who will have a traditional New Year's party shortly before December 31st. We offer a script for a formal event in junior high school.

New Year's holiday scenario for children in grades 1-4

If you add a little imagination, a children's party will turn into an unforgettable holiday.

"Journey to a Fairy Tale"

Characters: Presenter, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga.


Hello guys!
Is everyone here? Is no one late? Have you put on New Year's outfits? Have you learned holiday poems?
Do you like New Year? Well, of course! This holiday is special, the most beloved for everyone: beautiful, fabulous, magical.
Today is an unusual day, and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden have prepared many surprises for you: a prize for the best, awards for performances, gifts. But the most important thing, of course, will be a journey into a fairy tale: wonderful, exciting and full of adventure.
Are you ready for holiday travel? Then, let's go!

Musical insert, lighting effects, etc.


The Christmas tree is lit with light,
Give us all a fairy tale!
With colorful lights
Light up! One two Three!

(The tree lights up and immediately goes out).


What's happened? It went out... Maybe we can ask for everything? Come on, together:
One - two - three: Christmas tree, burn!

(The tree lights up and goes out).


We are doing something wrong... We need to do something else. Who knows what to do?

(After the answer: call Santa Claus, general chorus: Santa Claus).

The appearance of Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga's appearance dressed as the Snow Maiden.
(Robe or coat over rags).

Baba Yaga:

Hello kids! Your Snow Maiden has arrived! The old man is late, stuck in a snowdrift. And here I am: beautiful, cheerful, kind! Here, they say, there are tons of gifts! Well, I came for them.
Tra-la-la, Tra-la-la!
The whole earth is frozen!
Let everything in the world freeze:
All the roads, Christmas trees, children!
Tra-la-la, bam-bam-bam!
And there will be no fairy tale for you!

(Performs a wild dance, trying to involve the children in it)


What is this? Who is this? Yes, this is not the Snow Maiden! This person will ruin our whole holiday! You need to freeze it a little. Come on, everyone whose outfits are suitable for winter and frost, take her in a circle so that she calms down. Those whose costumes are related to magic may also come in handy.

(Snowflakes, Snow Maidens, Fairies, Wizards, Gypsies, etc. surround Baba Yaga. She scares them, tries to break out of the circle, but gradually freezes).


Well done! Your costumes are nice, they came in handy! Citizen, who are you? Where did you come from?

Baba Yaga:


And we will figure it out ourselves. Who is this guys?
Yeah, are you Baba Yaga? Where is Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:

Your Santa Claus is not here and never will be! I surrounded him with a dense forest, covered him with melted mud, and wrapped him in cobwebs! Your tree helped, that’s how it works!


Clear. We need to help out our Grandfather somehow... And what does this have to do with the Christmas tree, by the way? The tree helped! All clear! The tree is magical today and there is something on it. Guys, let's all look for items on the tree that don't look like holiday decorations! What for Santa Claus can become a thicket, dirt and tangles.

Exit of Santa Claus

(The children find an old comb, a dirty spoon and a ball of thread on the tree. The tree lights up when they are removed. Santa Claus arrives).

Father Frost:

Hello kids,
Girls and boys!
I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday
With all your magical powers.
I brought you a miracle - a fairy tale
And he took gifts.
And gifts for those
Who laughs best
Who dances and sings!
Have fun in the New Year!

(See Baba Yaga)

And here you are, you old bastard! What a nasty old woman you are! What are you missing? Why are you doing nasty things to everyone?

Baba Yaga:

Why are they gathered here? So elegant, joyful, smiling, waiting for a fairy tale! It's disgusting to watch! I don't like this!

Father Frost:

What do you really love? You yourself don’t know what you like, you vicious forest creature!

Baba Yaga:

I love a lot of things! Hooligans, lazy people, rude people, losers. All sorts of horror stories. I also love it when an excellent student comes along, so pretty, clean, correct. Slipped and fell into a puddle - bang! Great! Or some Snow Maiden got lost in the forest: that’s great too!

Father Frost:

Oh, you are shameless! That's why I can't find my granddaughter! These are your tricks!
I'll freeze it! (raises his hand) No, you can’t: today is a holiday! I don't want to spoil the children's mood. Get out of here, we'll figure it out without you.

Baba Yaga:

I'm leaving. You yourself will ask for help, to change your anger to mercy.

(walks away humming)

Little two
Nice in the diary.
We'll tear out the leaf
Let's tear it in your hand.
Report card with grades
Let's hide it under the chest of drawers.
Fun, fun
Let's celebrate the New Year.

Father Frost:

We need to help out the Snow Maiden, guys! You helped me, now let’s get my Snow Maiden out of trouble. And I think I know how. We need a magic scroll that will tell us what to do.

(Children look around the hall for a magic scroll. Santa Claus opens it and reads it).

Father Frost:

All clear! We have to do some magic things. Everyone does their task. But first we need to remember at least three fairy-tale heroes who were looking for someone.

(Gerda was looking for Kai, Brother Ivanushka was looking for Alyonushka, the Prince was looking for Cinderella, etc. Musical signal when three examples are named)

Father Frost:

Children will feel more involved in the holiday if you dilute the performance with simple tasks

Assignment for preschoolers: Solve riddles.

1. What kind of holiday are we given?
He will bring games and dancing,
Snow and Christmas tree? Did you guess it?
This holiday... (New Year).

2. We have been waiting for this meeting for a year!
Brought a lot of joy
On a magical blue evening for us
Our beloved... (Santa Claus).

3. Brave bunny in a round dance
Invites the wolf!
It's a miracle on New Year's Day
Made it... (Christmas tree).

4. Forest, roads and houses
In color picture
White winter paints
And her... (snowflakes).

5. Blue look, roses on the cheeks
Thin figure.
Granddaughter of Santa Claus
Everyone calls... (Snow Maiden).

Assignment for schoolchildren in grades 3-4: paint the posters with a felt-tip pen, making them New Year’s: dress the people in the pictures in a carnival costume, etc.

Assignment for schoolchildren of grades 1-2: Freeze the newly appeared Baba Yaga with snowballs from newspaper or cotton wool, from a distance. Baba Yaga is shy, making children laugh with comments and grimaces.

Exit of the Snow Maiden

After the third musical signal, the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden:

Hello everyone! I am so glad that I made it to our holiday! You should have seen this evil old woman!

Father Frost:

We saw it! There she stands, frozen! It was the children who helped you out, and me too. We came across some wonderful guys this year, granddaughter! They create their own fairy tale, they can do everything, they keep up with everything.

Snow Maiden:

Well done! We can begin our holiday.

(approaches Baba Yaga)

I somehow feel sorry for her... She’s all alone in the forest, so she’s gone wild, she’s become embittered. Maybe we can forgive her? It stands alone like a monument, but it’s so good here.

Grandma, thaw! We will forgive you and even invite you to a party if you promise that you will behave well.

Baba Yaga:

Who needs me here, at the holiday! And I don’t need you either!

Snow Maiden:

We need it, grandma! We have fun and interesting! Soon we will dance and play. You can have fun too!

Baba Yaga:

I'm old enough to have fun! My bones hurt: my legs are broken, my arms are twisted. I will still be able to jump and jump like a little girl! It’s hard for me to walk.

Snow Maiden:

And you sit! Look at us, rejoice. We'll sit you on a chair under the Christmas tree. Do you want your children to invite you?

Baba Yaga:

I need your children! So that they make me, an old woman, laugh?

Snow Maiden:

Come on! Nobody will laugh at you! Guys! Who can quite seriously, affectionately and politely suggest to the grandmother: Grandma Hedgehog-legged, please sit down!