Scenario of the New Year's performance for schoolchildren “New Year's adventures of the Snow Maiden and her friends. Scenarios for New Year's fairy tales in a new way Poems for presenting eggs

The New Year is approaching, which schools begin to celebrate in advance, especially in high school.

To festive event It was fun and interesting, it’s better to think through the New Year’s scenario for high school students in advance.

For example, you can prepare a New Year's fairy tale for new way, according to the scenario of which all the guys will be involved.

A New Year's fairy tale in a new way for high school students can be made up of characters from different fairy tales, which is why the holiday will turn out to be interesting and very fun.

In a modern scenario for high school students, you can add other characters at your request, then it will be even more fun.

Host: So, the performance is in a few minutes, but the stage is not ready yet! Where is everyone, where are the actors, where is the scenery?

Tsar Guidon comes out

Host: Who are you, a man? Are you even from our team? Who dressed you in this?

King Guidon:
Open your eyes
And a little mind-set
Why can't you tell the king apart?
I'm like this from somewhere

Host: Don’t you think you’ve been playing too hard, I’m a director, I have a holiday coming up - New Year, but I still didn’t have enough shots like this.

The guards leave and take the director away, Vasilisa the beauty and Ivanushka the fool enter

Ivan the Fool:
King, hope and support. They didn't order the execution! As I told you, I found you a beauty - the spitting image of an identikit, but she washed her expensive face and became completely different - she says she looks better in makeup. He says that once he stole me as the king’s wife, take me, he couldn’t get rid of her.

King Guidon:
Vanya, you know me, I have a gentle disposition, but if you make me angry...! Come on, bring the beauty here - show who you brought.

Ivanushka the Fool runs away and returns, leading Baba Yaga with him

King Guidon:
No, no, no, take her back, no, no, no, I didn’t order that, no, don’t

Baba Yaga: Guidon, I came to you, aren’t you happy? Don’t be afraid, I’m a modern girl, we don’t get married early now (pause, I’m fixing my hair), I’m just under New Year decided to break away.
Although if it’s boring, I might change my mind (makes a menacing appearance).

Tsar Guidon exchanges glances with Ivan

Ivanushka the Fool shrugs his shoulders and pretends that he doesn’t know how to help.

King Guidon:
Okay, Vanyusha, take her to the bedchamber, let her rest from the road, but for now I need to think about how best to celebrate the New Year...

Ivanushka the Fool takes Baba Yaga away.

King Guidon: Guard!!! Guards, bring the director here quickly!!! Until he died there in prison from the cold...

The guards run after the director

King Guidon: Guard!!! Whoever is left there should send a messenger for Santa Claus! What a holiday without him.

The guards bring the director.

Presenter: (he is also the director) What an outrage, who are you! Honored director and to prison.

Tsar Guidon: Sorry, we got carried away, those responsible will be punished, and if you help organize the holiday, you will receive compensation for your efforts - you will receive fabulous treasures and an order.

Host: As you don’t understand “Majesty”, I need to stage a holiday, I need the actors to cheer people up - it’s a holiday!

King Guidon: That's what fun is needed! Can you make Baba Yaga happy?

Host: Well, I don’t know, everything is ready but there are no people?

Santa Claus: Comes in, oh, I got it mixed up, oh, I got it mixed up - the old man got everything mixed up, oh, oh, oh, I mixed up a fairy tale with reality... all that remains is to wait for the New Year, only with the striking of the first chimes everything will return to its previous places.

Host: What should we do, we won’t be able to organize a holiday?

Santa Claus: You can, you just invite whoever you want to see here and everything will come true.

Host: Well then, ……….. performs a festive number.

1 performance

Guidon, Baba Yaga and the Presenter come out

King Guidon: How fun is that?

Baba Yaga: Okay, but that’s all I need more fun.

King Guidon: What do you want?
Baba Yaga: Dances, so that immediately and with the grandmothers in hedgehogs.

King Guidon: Will there be a dance today?

Host: Of course, the dance “……”

2 performance

Presenter: Grandma cast a spell, grandfather cast a spell, Number Three….
3 performance
Host: Santa Claus, I need to go home after the performances, I have friends there, I don’t want to be in a fairy tale - I’ve already grown up.

Santa Claus: I figured out the reason - my staff has melted, it will return to normal and I’ll send you back, but for now, announce another performance, otherwise Baba Yaga will get bored (I’ll also have to host the wedding).
4 performance
Santa Claus: I twirl my staff, I twirl it, I want to bring everyone back!
King Guidon, let him rule the kingdom,
Director from fairy tale to reality,
Let Grandma Hedgehog dance tango, waltzes and square dances.

New Year is a fun holiday
Let him become cheerful
May it bring happiness to people
Every hour, every day.

Happy New Year, I wish you all happiness and joy, prosperity and prosperity, peace and prosperity in this New Year.

The host announces a New Year's disco.

New Year is considered the most magical holiday of the year - firstly, because it is the only family holiday for all people, and secondly, because real magic happens on New Year, which not only children, but even adults believe in. As the New Year approaches, we begin to prepare gifts and create a festive atmosphere. What really immerses you in anticipation of the holiday is the production of a New Year's fairy tale. To make this process especially exciting and truly joyful for children, it is important to choose the right fairy tale script. This section contains the best classic and modern New Year's fairy tales for children, which are divided into two parts:

  • New Year's tales for kids;
  • New Year's tales for preschool and younger children school age.

How to choose the right fairy tale?

Choosing a fairy tale for children

When choosing a New Year's scenario, it is important to consider the following points:

1. Age of the child. To make the process of staging a play interesting for a child and less difficult for a parent, it is important to select an appropriate script for each age. Children should not be given fairy tales with a long script, with characters that are incomprehensible to a child, or with a large amount of text. The words should be as simple and short as possible, and the plot of the fairy tale itself should not have double meanings - the child must understand it;

2. The interests of the child. It is important to take into account the type and character of the child. If a fairy tale is staged in a group in kindergarten, it is important to ask each child what kind of fairy tale character he would like to be. If controversial situations arise, for example, if several kids want to play the same character, you can use a trick - increase the number of identical characters. Let there be not one princess in the fairy tale, but two.

New Year's tales for the little ones

Matinee in kindergarten

New Year's fairy tales for children should have a simpler plot and simpler characters - no need to choose scenarios with robots or space heroes - it is better to take traditional Russian fairy tales with animals, the Snow Maiden and Father Frost. We offer two options for simple plots:

1. One of the simple plots of fairy tales for the little ones can be the work “The Christmas Tree” by Vladimir Suteev. The tale is small in volume and written in simple language, which is suitable for children 2-3 years old. The plot of the fairy tale is that children in kindergarten are preparing for the New Year - making crafts and Christmas tree decorations together with their teachers. But it turns out that they don’t have the main character - the New Year tree. With the help of adults, children begin to sculpt a snowman, who comes to life and goes to Santa Claus with a request to send the kids a Christmas tree from the forest. The snowman is helped by forest animals and the puppy Bobik. As a result, Santa Claus sends a Christmas tree, around which the dressed-up guys dance in a circle. This good New Year's tale is very universal - it is suitable for children different ages. Adults can introduce new characters into the plot to get a fairy tale in a new way;

2. Another fairy tale - “New Year's Story”, written by Sergei Kozlov, can also become the basis for a New Year's performance in kindergarten. The main characters of the fairy tale are a hedgehog, a bear cub and a donkey. They live in the forest and are preparing for the New Year - decorating trees, making a snowman, preparing treats for guests. A camel comes to visit them from distant countries, which has never seen winter or snow. Forest Dwellers They warmly welcome the camel, show him the forest, and they celebrate the New Year together. If desired, you can also include Santa Claus or any other heroes into the cast of characters.

New Year's fairy tales for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren

Younger preschoolers

When choosing the plot of a New Year's fairy tale for primary school age, you need to choose options containing the following:

  • developing plot - unlike fairy tales for little ones, for children of primary school age it is important to choose fairy tales with an educational basis: the script can include counting games, rhythmic exercises or songs. In addition, the very meaning of the fairy tale can be instructive, based on Russian fables or proverbs;
  • memory training - to make the fairy tale more interesting and useful for the children themselves, you can translate the plot into poetic form - you can come up with such poems yourself or find them on the Internet;
  • new heroes - it’s good if a fairy tale for younger preschoolers contains a larger number of characters than a fairy tale for little ones - in addition to additional training, the presence of additional characters will also help develop the child’s imagination. You can invite the children to come up with new characters themselves who will participate in the New Year's play.

Among the well-known New Year's stories, you can take well-known Russian and foreign fairy tales:

1. One of these is “The Adventures of New Year’s Toys” by Elena Rakitina. The fairy tale tells that on New Year's Eve, magic lurks everywhere - it can be seen in the frosty pattern on the window and on the silvery surface of the Christmas tree decoration. The heroes of the fairy tale are Christmas tree decorations that come to life on New Year's Eve and go to fun adventures. Characters include wooden horses, teddy bears, snowflakes, bells and many others;

2. Fairy tale "Morozko". Everyone's favorite story, remade in a new way, will appeal not only to children, but also to parents. In the new version of the fairy tale, the action takes place in the present tense - unlike the original plot, the lazy sister and stepmother are not punished here. They just don't receive gifts. This scenario for the New Year's fairy tale "Morozko" is suitable for both high school and primary classes, and even for children from kindergarten. In order to adapt a fairy tale for a younger child age category, you just need to change the age of the named sisters.


  • Nastasya is the eldest daughter, the main character of the fairy tale, an intelligent and nice girl who does not dare to contradict her stepmother because she loves her father very much;
  • Maria is the youngest daughter, Nastasya's half-sister on her mother's side. She is very lazy and doesn't like people in general;
  • Antonina Pavlovna (Stepmother) - Maria's mother and stepmother main character. A cantankerous, heavily made-up lady;
  • Anatoly Fedorovich is the father of the main character. Modest and hard-working, he cannot contradict his wife in anything;
  • Nastasya's grandmother, her father's mother;
  • Morozko, aka Father Frost;
  • Blizzard and Snowstorm - mythical characters, servants of Morozko;
  • Snowflakes are Morozko's little helpers;
  • A she-wolf with two cubs - twin brothers;
  • Herringbone - a talking tree from a fairytale forest;
  • The river is a real little river that can talk.

Thanks to the large cast of characters, the fairy tale can be adapted for production together by junior and senior classes at school. The author gives only the beginning of the fairy tale, inviting the children to independently think out the development of the plot and the denouement of events. In a city apartment where a large family lives, Nastasya does all the housework. Her father works two jobs, so he is rarely home, and her stepmother and stepsister are always messing around and coming up with new tasks for her. Only her grandmother feels sorry for Nastasya, but she does not dare say a word against her stepmother, a strong and powerful woman.

How to come up with a fairy tale “in a new way”?

In order to come up with original script New Year's fairy tale for children, you can use two options:

1. Compose a fairy tale yourself - for this you can take any of the well-known plots as a basis, or take a standard set of characters: animals, children, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, Snowman and others;

2. One of the most common options is to transform famous fairy tales by adding new characters or changing the location;

3. If the fairy tale is staged for older children, for example, schoolchildren, then you can come up with jokes or add small ones to the script funny scenes- it diversifies the presentation;

4. If a fairy tale is staged for children, you can increase the number of characters - every girl dreams of being in a beautiful dress, depicting a snowflake - so you can introduce not one, but several snowflakes into the fairy tale. You can also come up with a lot of squirrels, bunnies and other characters;

5. To diversify a boring script and make it more interesting, you can translate the text of the script into the format of ditties or songs - to make it easier to come up with a rhyme, you can find ready-made rhyming lines on the Internet;

6. One more interesting option- is to mix several fairy tales into one. In this way, the number of characters can be increased if many children are to be involved in the play. Thanks to the availability large quantity New Year's scenarios On the Internet, it’s not difficult to create a fairy tale from several different scenarios.

How to help your child learn the text of his role?

Helping your child learn text

To make it easier for your child to remember the text of his role or just a poem or song, you can use the following steps:

1. First, you need to tell the child what he has to do. Explain to your child that the entire group in kindergarten will participate in the New Year's performance - it will be fun and interesting for him, and at the end all the spectators will applaud and thank the child for his performance. It is important to properly motivate your child so that he has the desire to study for a long time in order to remember words or actions by heart;

3. Ask your baby if he understands all the words. Ask your child to explain the meaning of difficult words, and then ask him to retell the meaning of the fairy tale.

Text memorization technique

Child with a book

1. First of all, you need to clearly explain to your child what it means to “learn by heart.”

Read a short poem from memory; if possible, ask one of the older children to recite something by heart. Let the baby feel how great it is to read familiar lines from memory, without a book.

2. First, read the text yourself - expressively, clearly, emphasizing the rhyme intonationally.

Then invite your child to repeat each line after you.

After this, read the text again, “silencing” the final words - the child will try to reproduce the endings of the lines and will be surprised at how unexpectedly the necessary words “jump out” to him.

This will be the first step towards memorizing the text.

3. If the text is large enough, it is better to divide it into parts.

You can memorize the text in two lines to make it easier for your child to remember, but you shouldn’t stretch the learning process too long so that the fragments can easily merge into the whole.

After learning each new part, connect it with the previous one.

4. Try alternating regular reading with chanting.

The melody helps to grasp the rhythm of the text and promotes quick memorization.

But keep in mind:

if you only hum the lines that you teach, then the child will not be able to repeat them except in a singsong voice; for him it will not be prose, but a song.

Therefore, it is good to change the melody and tempo of the song.

5. You can add a game element.

For example, repeating learned lines, alternately throwing a ball to each other, while pronouncing one line of text at a time.

6. You probably remember from your childhood experience that texts are best learned “at night,” during sleep.

This is absolutely true in most cases, however, if the child is too tired, it is better to postpone the memorization until the morning.

7. Gently but persistently correct incorrect emphasis or substitution of words, and this must be done immediately.

Once the text is memorized, correction will become very difficult.

8. You can use the technique of passive memorization.

It consists in the fact that you yourself recite the desired text by heart many, many times, and the child simply listens.

After some time, the text will be learned. But it’s better to use active memory mechanisms.

9. If you see that memorization causes rejection in the child and not a single methodological technique works,

It is better to agree with the organizers of the holiday that your child will be given time until the next matinee.

It’s definitely not worth teaching anything with swearing and shouting.

You can always be offered some alternative: instead of reading by heart, the child can prepare another speech that is more in line with his interests.

Features of memory in boys and girls

Memory in boys and girls

There are features of memory development associated with the gender of the child. In boys and girls, the rate of maturation of various brain formations does not coincide; the rate of development of the left and right hemispheres, which differ significantly in their functions, is also different. It has been established that girls develop the functions of the left hemisphere much faster compared to boys, and boys develop the functions of the right hemisphere much faster than girls. What does this have to do with memory? Scientists have found that the left hemisphere, to a greater extent than the right, is responsible for conscious voluntary acts, verbal-logical memory, rational thinking, positive emotions. The right hemisphere plays a leading role in the implementation of involuntary, intuitive reactions, irrational mental activity, imaginative memory, and negative emotions.

Hurray - just a little more, and you and I will witness the arrival of another new year. In the meantime, we need to prepare well for this event. For example, come up with funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2017 that will delight your guests. Friends and relatives. We have come up with skits that are suitable for school and high school students, as well as for corporate events. Watch, play and have fun! New skits always bring laughter, positivity and memories for life!

Scene - magical New Year's eggs
This scene involves Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. They come out, say their words, and then start handing out magical New Year's eggs.

Father Frost:
Well, hello, honest people!
Celebrating the New Year?
We know, we know that “yes”
I can hear you from afar!
So we came to the call,
And they brought gifts!
But gifts are not simple...
A…. golden eggs!

After these words, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden go down to the guests and Snow Maiden takes an egg out of the bag, shows it to Santa Claus, and Santa Claus reads a verse that corresponds to the gift. And so they walk among the guests and give them magical New Year's eggs.

Poems for presenting eggs:

Luck Egg:
To make you richer
Get the Lucky Egg!

Happy Egg:
An egg of happiness for you!
Hold tight, don't lose!
And always carry it with you,
May he bring happiness!

Health Egg:
So that tomorrow morning you
I didn't have a headache
get a health egg!
And drink as much as you want today!

Fun Egg:
To lift your spirits,
get the egg of fun!

Prosperity Egg:
So that everything in life is sweet,
get an egg of prosperity!

Love Egg:
So that you can always
Here's a love egg for you!

Success Egg:
Get the success egg
And the path to glory is not an obstacle!

After all the magical New Year's eggs have been distributed to the guests, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden invite the lucky ones to the stage. They go out, the song of the disco group Accident - Eggs - is turned on, and the participants dance at the price.

How to make these magical New Year's eggs?
Everything is simple here. There are two options: either you buy Kinder Surprises, or you need real eggs, only boiled. And you also need these covers that you stick on the eggs:

That's all - all that remains is to perform this skit and present the magical New Year's eggs.
Don't forget to download the egg sticker templates.

Sketch - chicken Ryaba for the new year and the new year.

First, you need to select actors who will play impromptu in the scene. Therefore, ask your guests what characters were in the fairy tale about the chicken Ryaba. Whoever named first goes on stage. You also need to choose a guest to play the role of a rooster and the role of Santa Claus. When the actors are on stage, you give them the words (each character has one line) and you can start the scene impromptu. The presenter reads the text, and when he says the name of the hero of the fairy tale, he says his phrase.

The characters of the tale and their remarks:
- grandfather (words: oh, where are my 17 years)
- grandma (words: yes, deeds)
- egg (words: I was set up)
- chicken Ryaba (words: it’s lucky for me)
- rooster (words: I’m in charge of the chicken coop)
- Santa Claus (words: now we’ll fix everything)

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather (oh, where are my 17 years old) and grandma (yes, business). And they had a favorite chicken, Ryaba (it made me happy). They lived poorly, but happily. And then one day the hen Ryaba laid eggs (it made me happy) egg (I was tricked), but not simple, but ostrich! Grandfather (oh, where are my 17 years old) looks at the egg (I was tricked), and will not understand - what is it? Grandma (yes, business) I actually fell out of my chair and spilled all the flour off the table. The rooster flew in response to the noise (I'm in charge of the chicken coop). Arrived and was stunned - an egg (I was tricked)- not his! The rooster is watching (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) on grandfather (oh, where are my 17 years old), and asks with a glance - how is this possible? And grandfather (oh, where are my 17 years old) He just shrugs. And grandma (yes, business) He's still sitting on the floor and blinking his eyes. Rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) how it crows with all its might! And there was a knock on the door. Grandfather (oh, where are my 17 years old) immediately opened the door. And Santa Claus stood on the threshold (we'll fix everything now). Grandma (yes, business) She pressed herself even harder to the floor. Chicken Ryaba (it made me happy) rolled the egg away from her with one foot (I was tricked). And the rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop), began to look at the unusual guest with suspicion. Father Frost (we'll fix everything now) looked at the rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop), then for chicken Ryaba (it made me happy) and on the egg (I was tricked). He turned his gaze to his grandfather (oh, where are my 17 years old), and glanced at the grandmother (yes, business). Santa Claus took (I've fixed it now) a staff in his hands, and when he hits the floor with it, the music starts playing (the accident disco song starts - eggs). Grandfather (oh, where are my 17 years old) immediately started dancing. Yes, he danced so merrily that his grandmother did (yes, business) began to dance with her butt on the floor. Chicken Ryaba (it made me happy) from the cheerful music, she began to move her legs and move closer to the exit. And the rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) I saw this and began to approach the door from the other side. They danced and danced until the chicken pockmarked (it made me happy) with a rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) We didn’t meet near the door. And then Santa Claus (we'll fix everything now) struck the floor again with his staff, and new music started playing (the disco song "Accident" starts - the New Year is rushing towards us). Grandfather (oh, where are my 17 years old) I danced even more merrily. Raised my grandma (yes, business) from the floor, and began to dance with her. Ryaba hen (it made me happy) shyly lowered her eyes down, and the cock (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) took her under his wing and began to dance a catchy dance with her. There's an egg here (I was tricked) jumped and jumped. Grandfather saw this (oh, where are my 17 years old) and grandma (yes, business) and in joy they began to dance even more. And the chicken Ryaba (it made me happy) with a cockerel (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) approached the egg (I was tricked), and the three of us began to dance.
This is such a happy ending. It seems like the end of the fairy tale is here, but Santa Claus has not yet said his word (here you can say the phrase: now we’ll fix everything and at this moment the Christmas tree will light up with lights, or you can have Santa Claus say: happy new year)

Since mid-December, our entire country, young and old, has been in pleasant excitement, anticipating new events in the coming year and vivid impressions from the holiday itself. This New Year's chaos of pre-holiday worries goes differently for everyone, but there is something that traditionally decorates every holiday feast and entertainment program: favorite dishes, champagne, gifts and entertainment. And, of course, at almost every holiday there will be a performance, and it doesn’t matter whether it is rehearsed in advance or staged impromptu, theatrically or with minimal props, the main thing is that it is fun.

We offer our own version of this beloved holiday entertainment, namely, a musical fairy tale! In our scenario author's New Year's fairy tale "Meeting with Happiness" a lot of music, humor and festive enthusiasm, it will fit well into the program of any adult holiday or friendly party, especially since two options for this impromptu are offered: one with the participation of the audience, the second without, so that you can choose which one is more suitable for a specific composition of guests. Whether to dress up the fairy tale or not is at the discretion of the organizers, a version of the musical accompaniment and recommendations for the minimum props for the characters are attached.

A summary of the fairy tale. Since the plot of this fairy tale is dedicated to the appearance of the symbol of 2020 - the Mouse, then in the lead-up to the fairy tale the presenter can invite guests to meet him in a fabulously easy and fun way with the help of a fairy tale about him - the handsome guy!

Option 1. Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Meeting with Happiness" (without the participation of the audience)

Characters and props:

Father Frost

White Metelitsa

- crown, scarf or beads, handbag with mirror

Handsome Georges (Jerry Mouse)

Presenter- text

Selection and exit of fairy tale participants

Presenter: Dear guests, from the excitement reigning in the hall, I understand that you are already ready for real miracles. This means it’s time for a fairy tale, and not just a fairy tale, but a New Year’s fairy tale, which will certainly bring good luck to all its participants and spectators in the coming year. The text and music are ready, with your permission, I will take on the role of the storyteller, all that remains is to choose the leading roles.

The role of Santa Claus requires the most active, generous, positive and musical man! Who do you recommend? (guests call). Wonderful choice! I ask you, dear Santa Claus, to go on stage (or to the center of the hall)

(Note: If the company is unfamiliar, then the presenter looks for suitable candidates in advance, while other competitions and dance breaks are taking place. And then, when choosing all four participants, the presenter’s comment could be something like this:

- For the role of Santa Claus, we need the most active, generous, positive and musical man! I think I won’t be mistaken if I choose this man! Well, why not Santa Claus?! What is your name? I ask you, to the applause of the guests, go to the stage (or to the center of the hall)

The participant leaves - sounds 1. Exit of Santa Claus -

For the role of White Snowstorm we need a romantic blonde who loves to twirl to the rhythm of music! Who is this? (guests call) Of course, I can see how... (guest name) We will all get dizzy during the fairy tale! Please come on stage (or to the center of the hall). Let's welcome the performer of the role of White Snowstorm!

The participant leaves - sounds 2. Exit Metelitsa -

The most playful and cheerful guest, you will probably accurately call her name (guests call). Yes, this is exactly how I imagined the naughty performer and constant character of Russian fairy tales, one might say, the queen of fairy-tale folklore - Babusechka-Yagusechka! Your way out, queen!

The participant leaves - sounds 3. Exit Yagushi -the audience applauds, props are given

And to play the role of the symbol of the coming year, the Mouse, and also the charming hooligan and handsome Jerry, we invite the most artistic and cheerful joker! And this? ….(guests call). Please go on stage! Applause!

The participant leaves - sounds 4. Georges' exit -

So, gentlemen, artists, you have the honor to take part in the premiere showing of the New Year's musical "Meeting with Happiness." And your task: impromptu, as expressively as possible, to play out everything you heard about your character in the text and musical compositions. Ready? Then let's go!

Fairy tale text

Sounds quiet 5. Instrumental

It was a quiet winter night, the forest seemed to be frozen in anticipation of miracles, because any minute now the New Year's wizards should appear, and the amazing night of transition from the old year to the new will come into force! And the first to appear in the clearing was the joyfully dancing White Snowstorm!

Sounds 6. -

Before White Snowstorm had time to finish singing, the mischievous, cheerful and surprisingly attractive Santa Claus literally flew into the clearing!

Sounds 7. -

Metelitsa immediately supported Father Frost's playful mood and, winking flirtatiously, invited him to dance!

Sounds 8. - Frost and Snowstorm are dancing

And Santa Claus was already reaching out to give Metelitsa a needle, when the Queen of fairy-tale folklore, mannered, confident in her irresistibility, Yagusya, strode into the clearing with a defiant gait!

It sounds 9. -Yagusya appears, behaves like a model


Option 2. Interactive script for the New Year's fairy tale "Meeting with Happiness" (with the participation of the audience)

(musical accompaniment and plot are the same as in the first version)

Characters and props:

Father Frost- New Year's cap, scarf and small bag

White Metelitsa- tinsel, white shawl or cape

Queen of fairy tale folklore Yagusya- crown, bright scarf, handbag with mirror

Handsome Georges (Jerry Mouse)- neckerchief, glasses, gloves, jacket (a la Georges Miloslavsky from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”)

Presenter- text

Fairytale Forest (all guests)- good mood

Preface and selection of participants in the tale

Presenter: Dear guests, from the excitement reigning in the hall, I understand that you are already ready for real miracles and meeting your new New Year's happiness!

Track 0 plays. Background to the beginning

Ready? Then, it’s time for not just a New Year’s Eve, but an interactive one, in which literally each of us will take part. So, let's imagine that our hall is a winter forest, and not just a simple one, but a fabulous one! With your emotions, feelings and mood! And we will all create this living atmosphere of a fabulous miracle together, reacting to what we heard and saw on stage. So, when we hear: "in the forest-oo-oo-oo"- we express alarm and indignation, together we raise our arms and branches up, shake them and shout: “U-u-u-!”. When we hear the word "forest-oh-oh"- we hug or hug each other tightly, expressing a cascade of emotions from fear to joy, depending on the plot, and let out a friendly groan. And finally, we express the most life-affirming mood with a gesture “Yes!” and we do this when we hear the word in the text "forest". Shall we rehearse? Forest! In the forest! Forest!

Well done! Now I am calm about the emotional content of our performance; all that remains is to choose the actors for the main roles.

(Author's note : in close companies, choice is usually not required, so it is clear who will play whom and then it is better to immediately move on to the fairy tale scenario; if there is a need to play up the choice, you can do this, as in option No. 1)

Exit of participants

Presenter: So, I ask Santa Claus to come to me. Welcome!

The participant leaves - sounds 1. Exit of Santa Claus -the audience applauds, the artist is given props

And now we welcome the performer of the role of White Snowstorm

The participant leaves - sounds 2. Exit Metelitsa - the audience applauds, props are given

The moment of the emergence of the queen of fairy tale folklore - the minx Yagusi!

The participant leaves - sounds 3. Exit Yagushi - the audience applauds, props are given

And, of course, we really want to see here the symbol of 2020 - Jerry the Mouse, known in fairy-tale circles as Handsome Georges! Welcome!

The participant leaves - sounds 4. Georges' exit - receives his props, as he exits, the audience cheers for him.

So, gentlemen, artists, you have the honor of taking part in the premiere showing of the New Year's musical "Meeting with Happiness." And your task: impromptu, as expressively as possible, to play out everything you heard about your character in the text and musical compositions. Hall, don’t forget about our important role - the emotional mood (as the action progresses, the presenter emphasizes the text with her voice and, if necessary, prompts the guests to move). Ready? Then let's go!

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Meeting with Happiness"

Sounds quiet 5. Instrumental

The storyteller (presenter) speaks against the background of music:

It was quiet in the fabulous forest , (guests react: “Ugh!” and swing their arms above)

Nothing disturbed the silence and beauty.

And suddenly, everything began to sing and spin -

This White Snowstorm started having fun!

Sounds 6. - Metelitsa appears dancing

And right there, next, along the path forest-oh-oh (guests react: hugging, screaming: “Oh!”)

Santa Claus appeared, so joyful!

Sounds 7. - Santa Claus comes out dancing

Blizzard ran to Grandfather through forest !(guests shout: “Yes!” and make a hand gesture)

After all, she had a great interest in Frost!

Sounds 8. - Frost and Snowstorm are dancing

But then, walking past them with a defiant gait,

Yagusya passed by, imagining herself to be a queen and a beauty!

It sounds 9. - Yagusya appears and behaves like a model.


Please note that this is a reworked version of the fairy tale “Handsome Petya” (for the symbol of 2020, the Mouse). Anyone who gained access to it earlier can use the same link, download the updated version, and feel free to carry it out like a new one, but in other companies. For those who first became interested in this musical fairy tale, the information is below:

To get the full version from musical arrangement It is enough to contribute a small amount (300 rubles) to the site development fund. - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain the full version of this script.

(download by clicking on the document)


N. G. Khudyashova, 2016