Scenario for the holiday "travel through countries in the New Year." New Year's scenario for adults "journey" Light of the high skies

Description: the material is intended for younger students school age, as well as for educators and teachers. The development provides information on how to celebrate the New Year in different countries peace.

Target: introduce children to interesting regional facts, traditions and customs of New Year celebrations in different countries.


  • fostering tolerance, respect for the culture and customs of the peoples of different countries;
  • development of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren;
  • broadening the horizons of students.

(Background music plays)

Presenter 1: It's snowing outside.

The holiday is coming..... (New Year) In every family, in every corner of the Earth, people are waiting for the arrival of the New Year. Today I invite you to go on a short trip to different countries and get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating the New Year. Every country has its own Santa Claus for the New Year, and he arrives in his own transport. Today we have to visit distant countries of the world and find out how people of different latitudes celebrate the New Year. According to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar, 2017 will pass under the sign of the Red Fire Rooster. We need to find a symbol for the coming year. So, let's go... Let's find out which direction we'll go. And for this I suggest playing “Cockfighting”. Pairs of participants are selected, and a number is attached to each person’s back using a pin, which indicates the country number. Everyone’s task is not to show their back to the opponent, but to try to see the number on the opponent’s back themselves.

So, the first winner showed us the way to the country...

1 student:

A tower rises above the country,
She rises above everyone else.
All tourists really like it.
The Eiffel Tower is a wonderful beauty.

Presenter 1: Guys, did you guess what country we flew to? (France).

Children perform the skit “Gifts from Pere Noel”.

2nd student:

New Year is celebrated in France
Pere Noel is expected to visit.
He's riding a donkey
He visits every house.

3rd student:

He has a bag of gifts
Delicious and very bright.
He leaves the donkey near the house,
And he flies into the chimney towards the kids.
Not alone, but with friend Pierre
With Pierre Foueter.

4 student:

If you were obedient,
I didn't say anything nasty
Didn't cheat, didn't fight
And he didn’t laugh at his friend.
Toys are waiting for you
Gingerbread cookies, crackers.

5th student:

If you're a bad boy -
The rods are waiting for you with interest.
If the girl is trashy -
We will only give you a scolding.

6th student:

We're not bad kids
Kind and mischievous.
We are looking forward to gifts
And in a good mood.

7th student:

I baked you a pie with the “secret”,
So that only one of you can
Become the bean king.
And we will fulfill his wish.

Presenter 1: In France, the rooster crows “kokoriko”. Let's call him. (The children shout “kokoriko”, but the cockerel does not appear.)

Presenter 2: However, the cockerel does not respond. Then we’ll hit the road again, a lot of interesting things await us. A new country appeared on the horizon.

Presenter 1:

The people live here are hospitable,
Bakes delicious pizza
Pasta here and there
And the country is called Italy.

Presenter 2: In Italy, the New Year begins on January 6th. All Italian children are looking forward to the good fairy Befanny. She flies in on a broom, opens the doors with a small key and, entering the house, fills children's stockings with gifts. For those who study poorly, the fairy leaves a pinch of ash and coal.

Presenter 1: IN New Year's Eve Italians throw old clothes out of apartment windows. Gifts are given to little Italians not only by the fairy Befanza, but also by the Italian Santa Claus. His name is Bobbo Natale.

Presenter 2: Now you will feel like Italians. You have to get rid of the “garbage” - the game “Sort out the peas”. For this we need plates, peas, millet (cereals are mixed).

Presenter 1: In Italy, the rooster crows “ciccirichi.” Let's call him. (The children shout “chikchirichi”, but the cockerel does not appear.)

Presenter 2: However, the cockerel does not respond. Goodbye Italy. We're going to England.

Presenter 1: Who knows the name of the English Santa Claus? (Santa Claus)

Competition “Name 7 differences between Father Frost and Santa Claus.”

  1. Santa Claus has thick silver hair and a long gray beard.
  2. Santa Claus is dressed in a long fur coat, ankle-length or shin-length, embroidered with silver and trimmed with fur, and Santa Claus wears a short fur coat.
  3. Santa Claus wears a white linen shirt and trousers under his fur coat, while Santa Claus wears red or another color.
  4. On his head, Father Frost has a red hat embroidered with silver, and not a cap like Santa Claus.
  5. On the hands of Santa Claus are three-fingered gloves or mittens embroidered with silver.
  6. Santa Claus has red boots on his feet, not black ones like Santa Claus or, in frosty weather, white felt boots.
  7. In the hands of Santa Claus is a staff, crystal or silver, with a twisted handle, it ends with an image of the month or the head of a bull (a symbol of power, fertility and happiness).

Presenter 1:

England meets us
And he invites you to visit.

Children perform the skit “New Year in England”. Participants: mom, Ellie, Big Ben.

Mom puts Ellie to bed:
“It’s almost midnight - we need to sleep.
And may you have sweet dreams.
Sleep, my joy, sleep.”
Only mom left the room.
Ellie turned on the light bulb:
“Santa will come to me today
And he will bring a gift.
I'll put a plate like this for a gift.
No, I'd rather take the big one.
And for a donkey, hay goes into a shoe.
I’ll put it next to it, like this.”

Everyone falls asleep. Big Ben comes out.

I am Big Ben
Chief English gentleman.
I'm quietly ringing the bell
I’m standing in a blanket until 12,
And in the last blows
I take off the blanket.
And I call so that the people
Celebrated this New Year.

Santa Claus comes and puts gifts on a plate for all the children.

Presenter 2: The children learned the song “Jingle Bells” in English class. Now they will fulfill it.

Presenter 1: New Year for the British is a desired and favorite holiday.

The custom in England is:

Celebrate the New Year with your family,
You wanted to be a guest,
There is one sure way -
When you enter the house, throw a piece
Black coal in the fireplace!

Presenter 2: The New Year in England is announced by the ringing of a bell (the famous bell of Big Ben). The British have a tradition of letting the old year out of the house. Before the bell rings, they open the back doors of houses, and then open the front doors to let in the New Year. New Year gifts in the English family circle, they are distributed according to the old tradition - by lot. A few days before January 1, musicians and singers take to the streets to perform songs.

Presenter 1: In England the rooster crows “cock-a-doodle-doo.” Let's call him. (The children shout “cock-a-doodle-doo,” but the cockerel does not appear.)

Presenter 2: The cockerel does not respond. And we go to Germany.

Presenter 1: In Germany, it is considered a lucky omen to meet a chimney sweep on New Year's Eve and get dirty with soot. And at 12 o’clock at night it is customary to “jump” into the New Year with a joyful cry: “Hop!” With the word “Gop!” It's customary to jump right into the New Year! New Year's gifts are brought by Vainachtsman (Christmas man), who comes to visit on the evening before Christmas along with the meek and sweet Christkind. Vainakhtsman is dressed in an inverted fur coat, belted with a chain, in his hand there is a rod for punishing the disobedient, as well as a bag of gifts. Christkind is dressed all in white, her face is covered with a white veil, and in her hands is a basket of apples, nuts and sweets.

Presenter 1: The children learned the song “Oh, Tannenbaum” during German lessons. They will perform it for you.

Presenter 1: In Germany, the cockerel crows “kikeriki”. Let's call him in German. (The children shout “kikeriki”, but the cockerel does not appear.)

Presenter 2: The cockerel does not appear. And we're going to Japan.

8th student:

Believe me, there is this:
If anyone with his own hand
He will draw what awaits -
Everything will be fulfilled by the New Year.
And where? Say it in a nutshell.
On the Japanese... (islands)!

Presenter 1: We're going to Japan. Japanese Santa Claus is called Segatsu-san - Mr. New Year. There the New Year is celebrated on January 1st. To keep out evil spirits, the Japanese hang bundles of straw at the entrance to their houses, which they believe brings good luck. As the New Year begins, the Japanese begin to laugh. They believe that laughter will bring them good luck in the coming year. Japanese children celebrate the New Year in new clothes.

Presenter 2: It is believed to bring health and good luck in the New Year. On New Year's Eve, they hide under their pillow a picture of a sailboat on which seven fairy-tale wizards are sailing - the seven patrons of happiness. Ice palaces and castles, huge snow sculptures of fairy-tale heroes decorate northern Japanese cities on New Year's Eve.

9th student:

In Japan there is a belief -
His centuries cannot be counted:
The clock will strike a hundred and eight times,
And all the shortcomings will go away.

10th student:

We can't count our vices
But the Japanese have six main ones:
greed and fierce anger,
stupidity and indecisiveness,
frivolity and human envy -
It's better to live without them.

11th student:

Each quality has 18 tones,
Here is a list of 108 words.
Japanese bells ring for them,
So that everyone's life is bright.

12th student:

Children demonstrate the gifts that the Japanese give for the New Year.

We'll all go visit in the morning
And we carry gifts with us.
Arrows - to protect the house.
It's a joy to rake.
Seven gods are sailing in a boat
They bring joy and good luck to the house.

13th student:

The Japanese are caring people.
And every New Year.
No one is forgotten
The symbol of the year is presented to everyone.

Presenter 1: In Japan, the rooster crows “ko-ke-kok-ko-o.” Let's call him in Japanese. (The children shout “ko-ke-kok-ko-o”, but the cockerel does not appear.)

Presenter 2: The cockerel does not respond.

On New Year's Eve they don't sweep snow there,
And the peaches are blooming magnificently!
Give us the answer quickly
The country is called that...(Vietnam)!

In Vietnam, New Year is called Tet. He is met between January 21 and February 19. The exact date of the holiday changes from year to year. The branches of a blossoming peach - a symbol of the New Year - should be in every home. Children eagerly wait for midnight, when they can start firing small homemade firecrackers.

Presenter 2:

Well, what is the umbrella for?
Neither a cloak nor a screen will save you.
They will throw water on you in... (Burma)!

Presenter 1: In Burma, Santa Claus is called Father Heat! The New Year in Burma begins on the first of April, on the hottest days. People shower each other with water for a whole week. The New Year's water festival is underway - Tinjan.

Presenter 2: New Year in Australia begins on the first of January. But just at this time it is so hot there that Father Frost and Snow Maiden deliver gifts in swimsuits.

Presenter 1: Did you enjoy our trip? It's time to return home. Otherwise we won't have time to celebrate our New Year.

Presenter 2: Here we are at home. Guess the riddle.

Tail with patterns,
Boots with spurs,
At night he sings,
Time is counting.

Presenter 1: Let's call the cockerel in Russian. So, let's celebrate the symbol of the new year. (Rooster runs out)

Rooster: Hello! Here I am!
Are my friends waiting for me?
May your home be full of happiness
The bird of the year has the year under its wing,
Let there be joy and comfort
And chickens don't eat money!

2017 will be a favorable period for the emergence of new plans and ideas, so not taking advantage of this would be a big mistake.

Start the New Year 2017 with sincere, beautiful congratulations and wishes that you address to your family, friends and relatives.

The Year of the Rooster is knocking on your door -
A beautiful, bright, important bird.
May the whole year be fabulously lucky,
And the Rooster will eat all the troubles.
I crow happiness for you,
Good luck, health overnight.
And a light flap of bright wings.

I will fill my life with goodness and peace.
Even though I don't fly high,
But I still inspire you.
We will celebrate the year with all the people
And let’s say together: “Happy New Year!”

I have another game for you.
I'll start, you continue
Answer in unison. (Yes or no)

Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? - (Yes)
Do you like jokes and gags?
Knows songs and riddles?
Will he eat all your chocolates?
Will he light the children's Christmas tree?
Wearing shorts and a T-shirt?
Doesn't his soul age?
Will it warm us up outside?
Santa Claus - Brother Frost?
Is our birch good?
Is the New Year getting closer?
Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris?
Is Santa Claus bringing gifts?
He drives a foreign car
Wears a cane and a hat?
Sometimes he looks like his dad?

What do you know about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country? Children answer the question.

14th student:

Another wonderful year has passed,
In which there was singing and sadness.
And what didn’t fit in it,
Let everything happen in the new.

15th student:

Let all bad things sink into eternity,
Happy last breath of December!
And everything beautiful, alive,
Will come to you on the morning of January.

Presenter 1: In our country, we dance with friends around the Christmas tree. I invite you to a round dance.

Rooster: We propose to perform the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” but in a special way: replace all nouns in the song with the words “la-la.” Who is missing from our holiday?

(The children call Santa Claus. If the arrival of Santa Claus cannot be organized, then you can prepare a letter and a bag of gifts).

Father Frost:

Snowflakes are circling outside the window
Tangerines smell in a vase
There is a Christmas tree in the center - beautiful!
Everything sparkles from the fire!
The only thing missing is underneath
Gifts for you from me.
I walked to you for a long time, I tried
I made my way through the forest
And he carried a heavy bag
Who am I, children?

Father Frost.

Oh, I'm tired
I'll sit
I'll look at the kids
And please me
Would you like some friends?

(Guys' performances)

Father Frost: Well, thank you, kids, the holiday turned out to be bright.

Rooster: And now it’s time for the children to receive gifts.

Presenter 1: Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and the longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the coniferous joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope. We also had a unique opportunity to travel to different countries of the world and find out what traditions of celebrating the New Year exist at different latitudes of the globe.

Presenter 2: Dear friends, our holiday has come to an end. We hope that our journey was interesting and exciting for you. Happy New Year. We wish you a good mood, reliable friends and peaceful skies above your head.

Place of work: MBOU Novobataysk Secondary School No. 9

Job title:English teacher

Theme of the event: “Virtual New Year’s trip around the world”

Form:Family KVN

Event participants: children and their parents.


SfEstablish a culture of relationships between parents and children.

Promote the rapprochement of adults and children, the formation of positive emotions.

To acquaint the event participants with the New Year traditions and customs of many peoples of the world.

To develop among parents and children an interest in participating in the preparation and holding of joint holidays.


Wonderful picture

How dear you are to me:

White plain,

Full moon,

Light of the high heavens,

And shiny snow, And distant sleighs

Lonely running.

A. A. Fet

Hello, dear friends! I am glad to welcome you to today's celebration. Outside, winter is a wonderful time of year, a time for fun and magic, because it is in winter that we celebrate the New Year, a holiday that fulfills all our desires and expectations. This holiday unites us, makes us kinder and makes us believe in miracles. New Year is a holiday interesting traditions and customs. How do you celebrate the New Year? Each nation has its own unique traditions of celebrating the New Year. Today we will take you on a virtual trip around the world and learn about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in many countries.

Of course, traveling is more fun and easier with a song.

(Children from the class sing the song “If only there were no winter” from the cartoon “Prostokvashino.”)

Our first station

(On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Greece”)

Presenter: Greece)

New Year in Greece is called St. Basil's Day. In Greece, children leave a shoe at their doorstep for St. Basil to fill it with sweets and gifts.

As a souvenir of our visit, we will also leave shoes filled with sweets for the residents of Greece, thereby wishing them happiness in the New Year! I invite two families to the stage (two mothers, two fathers and two children).

Candy is scattered on the floor. I blindfold you and give 1 cardboard shoe to each family. At the signal, you start collecting candies. The winner is the family that collects the most candies and whose “shoe” is filled with candies.

Well done! Greece rewards all participants in this competition with gifts, and we also give applause to the winners.

As a gift, our participants and all other guests will perform the Greek folk dance “Sirtaki”

(Children perform the Greek dance “Sirtaki”.)

Our second station

(On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Japan”)

Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? (Japan)

In Japan, New Year is celebrated on January 1st. The bells ring exactly 108 times on New Year's Eve. According to the Japanese, each of us has exactly 108 bad habits that negatively affect the life of every person. And the ringing of the bell on New Year's Eve cleanses and helps you become a better person. A resident of Japan does not celebrate his own birthday. On New Year's Eve, every Japanese, even those just born, celebrates the birthday common to all Japanese. With the last 108 stroke, the life years of every Japanese person increase by one year. As for children in Japan, they strongly believe in New Year's miracles, so on New Year's Eve they put a drawing under their pillow with what they dream about. They say that this way your wish will definitely come true. In houses, in a visible place, the Japanese install rice cakes, on top of which tangerines are placed, symbolizing happiness, health and longevity. On New Year's table There are rice dishes, which, according to the Japanese, have special powers. It is believed that rice brings prosperity to the family.

Today we will try to feel the atmosphere of New Year celebrations in Japan. I invite two families to the stage. You need to portray a Japanese family and taste the rice using special chopsticks. The winner is the family that eats the most rice and that best portrays the atmosphere of a Japanese family. You will need the following attributes for this: kimono, plates of rice and chopsticks.

(While the participants are preparing, the children perform the Japanese Kabuki dance.)

Well done! Japan rewards all participants in the competition with gifts.

Our next station

(On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Mongolia”)

Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? (Mongolia)

In Mongolia, the New Year is celebrated at the Christmas tree, although the Mongolian Santa Claus comes to the children dressed as a cattle breeder. On New Year's Day, sports competitions and games are held. In Mongolia, a rake is considered an integral attribute of the New Year. They are specially decorated with various jewelry. There is such a sign that it is on New Year’s Eve that you need to “rakes in” happiness with such a rake. Today we will also try to create such a “rake” that will help us “collect” our happiness. I invite two families to the stage. Your task: decorate the rake using the suggested items and accessories.

The winner will be the family that decorates the rake in a more original way and uses more items for it. (During the competition it sounds folk music Mongolia.)

Well done! Mongolia rewards all participants in the competition with gifts, and we also give applause to the winners.

Our next station

(On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Spain”)

Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( Spain) In Spain there is a New Year's tradition: while the clock is striking, you must have time to swallow twelve grapes - then your most cherished wishes will come true. Spain is a country rich in vineyards, so it is not surprising that there is whole line traditions associated with the grapevine. Now we will also have the opportunity to make wishes, but not just eat 12 grapes, but find them and then eat them as the chimes strike. Each grape is packed in paper; if you unfold the paper and find it, you need to put it aside. If you collect 12 grapes within a certain time, you become a winner and have every right to eat them during the chimes, making your deepest wishes. I invite two families to the stage to participate in this competition.

(Spanish folk music is played during the competition.)

Well done! Spain rewards all participants in this competition with gifts, and we also give applause to the winners.

Our next station

(On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Brazil”)

Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( Brazil)

New Year in Brazil is a summer holiday, since December 31 in this country is the time of sun, heat and beaches. On the eve of the New Year, city streets are decorated with colorful lanterns and garlands, and fluffy Christmas trees are decorated. The cheerful sounds of drums are heard from all sides; Brazilians celebrate the New Year by dancing and singing songs. Merry New Year's carnivals take place in Brazil.

Have you ever taken part in a carnival? Today you will have such an opportunity.

I invite 4 families to the stage (two families in each team). You need to prepare a Brazilian carnival outfit for the New Year for your child. The winners are those team representatives who come up with the most original outfit for a child using the proposed materials.

(On stage, children show the show “Brazilian Carnival” while the outfits are being prepared.)

Well done! Brazil rewards all participants in this competition with gifts, and based on the applause, we will determine the winners and reward them with a standing ovation.

Our next station

(On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in India”)

Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( India)

Very beautiful rituals of celebrating the New Year in India. Residents of northern India decorate themselves with flowers. In central India, buildings are decorated with orange flags. In western India, small lights are lit on the roofs of houses. Indians have a unique way of giving gifts. For example, gifts for children are placed on a special tray. In the morning, the children close their eyes and are led to a tray with gifts.

(Two girls come out dressed in Indian national clothes.)

I invite two families to the stage to participate in the next competition. You need to guess with your eyes closed what is on the tray. There are edible and inedible items on the tray; you need to guess what is on the tray within a certain time. The family that guesses the most prepared gifts on the tray will win.

Well done! India rewards all participants in this competition with gifts, and we also give applause to the winners.

Our next station

(On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in England”)

Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( England)
The most famous New Year's tradition in this country is First Guest Tradition. The year will be successful if, after the clock strikes midnight and announces the beginning of the New Year, the first guest in the house is a young dark-haired man. In England, a guest must bring bread, a coin and a coal, which symbolize food, prosperity, and warmth. According to custom, the first guest, upon entering the house, goes to the fireplace and throws a coal there, and only then everyone congratulates each other. The first guest must be fed. In England, the New Year is celebrated colorfully and enthusiastically - in anticipation of gifts from “Santa Claus”. The British love to give greeting cards with beautiful poems and wishes. Let's see if you can congratulate beautifully and originally. I invite two families to the stage to participate in the next competition. While the children's song “Jingle Bells” is playing, you need to write a congratulation. Whose congratulation will sound more interesting, that family will win.

(Children sing the English song “Jingle Bells.”)

Well done! England rewards all participants in this competition with gifts, and based on the applause, we will determine the winners and reward them with a standing ovation.

Our next station

(On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Lapland”)

Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( Lapland)

The traditions of the peoples of the North are the most interesting and festive. New Year's Eve here turns into the personification of the feeling of boundless joy and the friendliness of the holiday. This is a sales fair, this is a sporting competition, this is folk songs with the presence of a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, who is the keeper of secret wishes and surprises on this New Year's Eve.
(Children perform the dance of the peoples of the North.)

Our next station

(On the screen there is an image “Celebrating the New Year in Russia”)

Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( Russia)

Presenter: Here we are at home!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden come up to the stage.)

Father Frost: Hello, dear guests! Our country is rich in traditions.

Snow Maiden: And what traditions will you now show us? In Russia, New Year is a family holiday, so many traditions are related to family.

I invite 4 families to the stage (two families in each team). (They had to prepare a number in advance on the topic “New Year traditions in Russia.”)

Santa Claus: Well done! Thank you for such wonderful numbers.

(Santa Claus distributes gifts to all participants in the competition.)

Presenter: Well, friends, our holiday has come to an end.

Father Frost: We wish you all your wishes come true this New Year!

(we all sing the song “Happy New Year!” together, Santa Claus walks through the hall and gives everyone gifts).


Seasons. Russian poets about native nature. Compiled by N. G. Pavlov, 1985

Traditions. Customs. Rituals./Editor-compiler L.I. Zhuk - Mn.: Publishing house. LLC "Krasiko-Print", 2004.-128p.

Christmas Star/ Editor-compiler L.I. Zhuk – Mn.:Pub. LLC "Krasiko-Print", 2004.-128p.

(for students from grades 5 to 11.

Introduced to the Day of National Cultures)

Music is playing (the song “New Year’s” by the group “Disco Accident”)

Snow Maiden 1 and Snow Maiden 2 appear on the stage (preening).

Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up?

Snow Maiden 2: How to where? New Years is soon. Let's go with Grandfather Frost to congratulate the children on the holiday and give gifts.

Snow Maiden 1: why did you decide that you would go to the holiday? We are both granddaughters of Father Frost, both Snow Maidens!

Snow Maiden 2: I'm younger. I have to go. Why do we need such junk like you at a holiday?

Snow Maiden 1: Better look at yourself, you’ll also send me a gift for the holiday! It would be better if there was snow.

Snow Maiden 2: Am I worse than snow? The snow will melt, but I will stay!

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, you can’t erase a gift like you, no matter how you draw it, you can’t turn it around with any bulldozer, you can’t ride it around on a crooked mare!

Snow Maiden 2: You know what, my eldest sister, Snow Maiden is a veteran! Don't turn up your nose. Grandfather Frost will come and he will judge us. Let him say who he wants to take to the holiday!

Snow Maiden 1: Let's call him!

(shouting together): Grandfather Frost, get up, it’s time,

Children are waiting for gifts!

(a sleepy Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts behind his back).

Santa Claus: I slept almost the whole year, although there was a lot to do. It's time to go to work: go and congratulate them on the holiday, give gifts. As always, the New Year is sweeping across the world, and every time the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation hands out tasks on where to go this year. I’ll tell you, my dear granddaughters, that this year I was given a difficult task, to congratulate... Why are you so gloomy, what happened, what happened?

Snow Maiden 1: Well, Grandfather, some here believe that they can make any holiday happy with their presence. To be, so to speak, an utter gift!

Santa Claus: Why? They have already given me gifts. Look, a whole bag! (puts the bag in a visible place).

Snow Maiden 2: The fact is, Grandfather, that I believe that the youngest, most blooming of us should go to the holiday with you.

Snow Maiden 1: And you don’t take my centuries-old experience and experience into account at all? Just imagine, you come, a new, unfamiliar face, the children won’t recognize you, they’ll be scared. But I am a completely different matter!

Santa Claus: Granddaughters, don't quarrel!

(Snow Maiden 1 slowly takes the bag with gifts)

Snow Maiden 2: Well, grandpa! It's a shame. I've been waiting a whole year whole month I prepared congratulations, dressed up...

Snow Maiden 1: I was on a diet all day...

Snow Maiden 2: And you spent the whole day doing makeup, covering up wrinkles...

Snow Maiden 1: It was I who covered up the wrinkles, it was me... Yes, I you...

(chases after her and tries to hit her with a bag. She runs away. As a result, Snow Maiden 1 hits Santa Claus on the head with the bag).

Snow Maiden 2: Oh! What have we done!

Santa Claus: Stop quarreling. In my opinion, something terribly irreparable happened. I'm afraid that no one will go to the holiday. And someone will be left without gifts this year.

Snow Maidens (together): Why?

Santa Claus: At my age, it is very reckless to make sudden movements in the head area. And you, my kind granddaughters, my dear granddaughters (he speaks maliciously), hit her, so to speak, with a blunt object - a bag. And now, now (almost crying) I forgot where I was supposed to go, where the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation sent me for the holiday. Now everything is gone!

Snow Maidens (together): Horror!

Santa Claus: I know it’s terrible! There is nothing more terrible than a holiday that doesn't exist.

Snow Maiden 1: We have to do something!

Snow Maiden 2: What can we do now?

Snow Maiden 1: Calm, only calm. My life experience tells me that if you lose something, you need to look for it.

Snow Maiden 2: Well, you're a head! That's right, let's get ready to go! Let's go and find our holiday!

Santa Claus: I just can’t imagine which way to go! I forgot everything! I only remember that the place is so unusual, somehow exotic, not close, nearby, the name is so warm, warm, almost native.

Snow Maiden 2: If it’s warm and exotic, then it’s probably Africa!

Snow Maiden 1: What Africa! Distant and nearby, warm and exotic - it’s something like the Baltic states. Right?

Snow Maiden 2: Come on, this Baltic region. It’s better to go to Scotland, where men wear skirts, it’s much more exotic...

Santa Claus: Maybe let's go and have a look.

Scottish bagpipes sound, a young man in a kilt - a Scottish skirt - comes out.

Scotsman: Happy New Year, friends! New Year is a desired and favorite holiday for us. A few days before January 1, musicians and singers take to the streets performing folk songs. Throughout New Year's Eve, street vendors sell toys, whistles, squeakers, masks, and balloons. All family members gather by the fireplace, look at the fire, which symbolically burns away all the adversities of the old year, make wishes for the future, and when the clock hands approach twelve, the head of the family silently opens the door wide - while the clock strikes, the Old Year is believed to come out and New Year is included. Santa Claus - Father Frost - comes to every home, and children play with him. Now watch the Scottish folk dance reel. The name translates as "tornado". In Scotland, the reel is usually performed by two couples, but what can I say, it is better to see it once than to hear it a hundred times.

Santa Claus: The place is, of course, exotic, but somehow too much! And not that warm. Maybe look for something warmer.

(the song “For Four Seas” by the group “Brilliant” is played).

Santa Claus: Ugh, I'm tired, granddaughters!

Snow Maiden 1: Don’t worry, grandfather, we have already reached a very warm and exotic country.

Snow Maiden 2: There are palm trees and elephants. Look, people are so cheerful, smart, all in colorful sheets!

Santa Claus: Bah! Yes, this is India!

Girl in a sari: Hello, dear guests! New Year's Eve in India is celebrated not at midnight, but at sunrise. On this day it is forbidden to quarrel or get angry. It is believed that the whole year will turn out the way it began. You need to get up early, get yourself in order, slowly remember the past and think about the future. During the day, archery competitions are held, kites are flown and, of course, dancing is performed.

Santa Claus: My brain just started to melt from this heat. I think they couldn’t send me to such a noisy place, this is for young Santa Clauses. I have no idea where I had to go!

Snow Maiden 1: I think I know. If the place is calm, balanced, with strict rules, centuries-old traditions, then we go to the United Kingdom, to Great Britain.

Girl in formal clothes: In England, Father Frost is called Santa Claus. On New Year's days, theaters stage performances based on ancient stories for children. English fairy tales. Lord Disorder leads a cheerful carnival procession in which fairy-tale characters take part. In England, a bell announces the arrival of the New Year. Throughout New Year's Eve, street vendors sell toys, whistles, squeakers, masks, and balloons. In England, the custom arose of exchanging for the New Year greeting cards and, of course, sing funny songs.

Santa Claus: Oh, it’s good in the UK! And the porridge is delicious, just right for me, an old man. And how romantic it sounds: “Oatmeal, sir!”

Snow Maiden 1: How exotic this is! I have not tolerated this scumbag since childhood. That's the thing with all kinds of seafood: mussels, squid, crabs and sushi with them.

Snow Maiden 2: And pick at it with chopsticks.

Snow Maiden 1: Well, at least with chopsticks. But you know how interesting it is. After all, the main thing in eating is the process, the ceremony, as in Japan.

Santa Claus: Maybe we’ll really rush to Japan.

Japanese music is playing.

Presenter: Winter has come to the Japanese islands. Snowflakes began to swirl, covering the ground with a white fluffy carpet, and all ordinary Japanese began to expect the arrival of the long-awaited holiday - the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, the Japanese decorate their home. Pine branches and colored paper are hung on bamboo sticks.

Several people depict a house, two people represent Japanese people in kimonos who “decorate” the “house.”

First Japanese: Akutagawa, Kadamatsu! Kadamatsu!

Presenter (translates): Masha, let's decorate our house with pine - it's a symbol of longevity and strength!

Second Japanese: Agi, agi! Take it, take it, Yamamoto! Harakiri, samurai!

Presenter (translates): Of course, Vanya, come on! And we also need to decorate with bamboo, it will help us become hardy next year, add strength and help us resist the blows of fate.

Japanese (together): Ikebana, banzai!

Two guests enter. On skis, also dressed in a kimono.

Guests (together): Runesuke, yakuza! Kimono!

Presenter (translates): Hello, friends!

First Japanese: Takeshi Kitano! Grandfathers Moroki and Sneguraki!

Presenter (translates): Since everyone is ready for the start of the holiday, we need to call Father Frost and the Snow Maiden!

Japanese and guests (shouting together): Grandfathers Moroki and Sneguraki!

Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. They are also in kimonos.

Grandfathers Moroki: Banzai, Pokemon!

Presenter (translates): Hello children! How long have I not seen you! And how well you decorated the house and prepared for the New Year!

Sneguraki: Sensei, ding!

Presenter (translates): It’s time to get the bell, each blow of which drives away one of the evils.

He takes out the bell. Every time she hits it, the host translates.

Presenter: Ring!

Snow Maiden 1: What a country! Not a country, but pure exoticism! Everything is so amazing and extraordinary!

Snow Maiden 2: What's the point, everyone wasn't expecting us there.

Santa Claus: You, granddaughters, do as you wish, but I’m already tired. It’s hard for me, an old man, to run around the world, looking for someone to congratulate on the holiday. There's nothing you can do, you'll have to return home with nothing.

Snow Maiden 1: So, this year someone will still be left without a holiday, congratulations, or a gift. But there's nothing you can do, you have to go home.

Snow Maiden 2: Or maybe we’ll stop by somewhere else on the way home? I know one country where they celebrate the New Year in a very unusual way.

Young man: Hello everyone from sunny Bulgaria! Those who celebrate the New Year in our country are given a rare opportunity to kiss Santa Claus himself. Seeing off old year, the lights are turned off in the houses. When the clock strikes midnight, everything is plunged into darkness. At these moments, many are trying to find Santa Claus in the dark and kiss him. Because, according to a comic belief, this portends special luck. As soon as the light comes on, festive table they put on a New Year's pie with a secret: in each piece of it there are small objects hidden: a nut (to crack a tough nut in the new year), a coin (you will win), a paper clip (you will meet a good friend), a foil ball (a brilliant idea will dawn on you), and If you come across a rose twig, there will be happiness in love. And today those who wished to see the cheerful “Dream Dance” will be able to fulfill their dreams.

Snow Maiden 1: Listen, for example, I know a riddle about one country, which it would be interesting for us to look into.

Everything that is worn to holes

Forks, spoons and glasses,

It flies down towards you in... (Santa Claus and Snow Maiden 2 guess in unison): Italy.

Snow Maiden 1: And here Italy is visible.

You can hear the sound of broken dishes, cracking, cutting, and crashing.

Santa Claus: What's going on? This is probably the beginning of an earthquake. (some object hits Santa Claus on the head. He is taken away)

Italian music sounds, an Italian woman comes out.

Italian: Good evening, Friends! Do not worry! Nothing bad happens. It's just Italians celebrating the New Year. On New Year's Eve, at the very last minute of the old year, everyone throws out broken dishes from their apartments, old clothes and even furniture. Following them, firecrackers, confetti, and sparklers fly. It is generally accepted that if you throw away an old item on New Year's Eve, you will buy a new one in the coming year. All Italian children eagerly await the sorceress Befana, who flies in at night on a broom and fills children's stockings, specially hung from the fireplace, with gifts through the chimney. And at the address Boulevard Europe, no. 175, Rome, Italy, lives the Italian Santa Claus, whose name is Babbo Natale. And he sent you a fiery dance as a gift.

Santa Claus: (enters, rubbing his bruised head) Oh, Mama Mia, Santa Lucia, presto contabele, legato, stocatto!

Snow Maiden 1: Grandfather, what are you talking about? Italian language You know?

Santa Claus: Si, white donna!

Snow Maiden 2: Grandfather, do you still remember Russian?

Santa Claus: Oh, oh-oh-oh! It seems that the second blow to my poor head did not go unnoticed. (Joyfully) I seem to remember who needs to be congratulated, where to go!

Snow Maidens (in unison): It can’t be!

Grandfather Frost: the place is so unusual, exotic, far away and nearby, the name is so warm, warm, almost native - this is the Furmanovskaya Secondary School in Russia.

Snow Maiden 1: Well, who will you take with you to the holiday: her or me?

Santa Claus: This is a common cause! And then, we live together, and we are also responsible for everything we do together.

Snow Maiden 1: Okay Grandfather, we agree.

Snow Maiden 2: We will not let you down, because we are one family!

Santa Claus: My dear guys! I congratulate you on the New Year, in which one of you will graduate from 9th grade and, I hope, will successfully enter a technical school.

Santa Claus: In order for this dream of yours to come true, you must be healthy, hardworking and resilient!

Snow Maidens (in chorus): We wish it to come true!

Santa Claus: Well, let those who are still studying, also back up their successes with excellent grades and a good mood!

Snow Maidens (in chorus): We wish it to come true!

Santa Claus: Well done, granddaughters! The game is played on equal terms. I give both of you one last common task: let each of you prepare New Year's advice for viewers on behalf of different countries. Go, get ready, and the guys and I will stand together in a round dance, let the New Year be joyful for everyone! This is not forbidden by any custom! Let's sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

The Snow Maidens come out.

Snow Maiden 1: Dear viewers, we are all expecting only the best in the New Year, we dream only of happiness!

Snow Maiden 2: For many centuries, people have always dreamed of happiness and believed in it. And for it to come to you, try to follow these tips that came to us from different countries of the world.

Snow Maiden 1: So that all the troubles remain in the old year, scare them away on New Year's Eve with noise, screams and knocking! This is what Panamanian custom dictates.

Snow Maiden 2: And then break old pottery in your house - this is what they do in Iran.

Snow Maiden 1: Celebrate the New Year early in the morning on the arable land, paving the first furrow, as the custom of Afghanistan requires.

Snow Maiden 2: Don’t eat poultry on New Year’s Eve. The Hungarians say: “The bird will fly away, and your happiness may fly away with it!”

Snow Maiden 1: It’s better to eat garlic with honey, as they do for New Year in Finland.

Snow Maiden 2: And my custom came from Bulgaria. There, on New Year's Eve, all over the country the lights turn off for three minutes and then the time for New Year's kisses begins!

Santa Claus: Happy New Year, friends!

Snow Maiden 1: Dear friends, we invite you to the New Year's disco.

Snow Maiden 2: Have fun and dance with us! Meet me downstairs.

Scenario New Year's holiday for grades 6-11

"New Year's trip around the world"

Cheerful music is playing. The presenter appears.


Hello, New Year's holiday.

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

All my friends today

We invited you to visit!

A guest came to us today

On the winter holiday of New Year.

We dressed her up

Warmed up, revived.

And now we will stand in a circle.

Let's join hands,

And in a merry round dance

Let's walk with a song.

Everyone starts singing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”


I'll tell you a secret,

What's here with us today?

For fun - freedom:

There will be music and singing,

Dancing, games, entertainment.

Very interesting,

Simply wonderful!


Oh, girls and boys,

Our fingers are getting cold,

Stings cheeks, stings nose

Apparently close...

(Father Frost)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear to the music.

Father Frost.

Happy New Year! With new happiness! It’s a joyful holiday for everyone, Let songs, music and laughter sound under our Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus in a big park -

I barely got the gifts.

And gifts, they say,

He distributes it to everyone.

Grandfather Frost, quickly get the gifts and treat the children!

(Santa Claus shakes gifts out of the bag, and a globe rolls out of the bag. He picks it up and says)

Father Frost

You, Snow Maiden, look,

This is how the miracle ball lay inside.

In this rush I forgot

Which guys was I in a hurry to see?

What country do they live in and where?

How can I help my problem?

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather, don’t be discouraged,

Don't take everything to heart.

Spin our ball

We'll be there in no time.

If we are welcome there,

Let's distribute our gifts!

Father Frost

That's what we'll do, granddaughter.

I'll spin the ball now(turns and stops the globe, national music sounds)


New Year in Scotland: (6th grade),

Father Frost

Let's see how the New Year is celebrated here(sit on chairs, watch the guys perform)

Each class shows a business card for the New Year, according to accepted traditions, shows a dish and conducts a traditional New Year's game or competition

Father Frost

(The Snow Maiden spins and stops the ball, national music sounds)


New Year in India (performance by 7th grade boys ),

Father Frost

Thank you, dear hosts, but we will try to visit another country. Maybe she will surprise us more. Spin the Snow Maiden globe.


New Year in Italy (performance by 8th grade boys)

Father Frost

Thank you, dear hosts, but we will try to visit another country. Maybe she will surprise us more. Spin the Snow Maiden globe.

(The Snow Maiden spins and stops the ball, national music sounds)


New Year in China (performance by 9th grade boys)

Father Frost

Thank you, dear hosts, but we will try to visit another country. Maybe she will surprise us more. Spin the Snow Maiden globe.

(The Snow Maiden spins and stops the ball, national music sounds)


Australian New Year (performance of the 10th and 11th grade boys).

Father Frost

Thank you too, dear hosts. But somehow it seems to me that there is one school in Russia where you and I are very welcome, Snow Maiden. Let's spin the globe and we will find ourselves... (national music sounds)

Snow Maiden

At Voznesenskaya secondary school, Bagansky district, Novosibirsk region.

Come on, grandpa, let's remind the guys

How the New Year is celebrated in Russia,

In which games are played,

how they have fun and congratulate.


And I will help you with this. (reads the information sheet)

You know, dear friends, that until 1700 the New Year was not celebrated in Russia. On December 15, 1699, Peter I issued a decree that on January 1, 1700, a new chronology in Rus' begins, on this day you need to fire cannons, burn resin, decorate the house with spruce and fir branches, and also “have fun with dancing, music and games." For Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians, the traditional New Year's dish was sweet porridge-kutya and pancakes. Porridge was cooked from whole grains and from several types of cereals. It was believed that there would be a hearty meal for the New Year, which meant that the house would have a full bowl all year. In Rus' at the beginning of the century, domestic animals were baked from dough for the New Year: horses, cows, bulls. And when they came to the house to carol, the guests were presented with these figures, various sweets, and nuts. They also believed that the New Year should be celebrated in a new dress and shoes - then wear new clothes all year. Usually, before the New Year, all debts were repaid, all insults were forgiven, those who were in a quarrel were obliged to make peace, so they asked each other for forgiveness. On this day in Rus' they were waiting for Father Frost and Snow Maiden

From now on and forever, this holiday was enshrined in the Russian calendar.

And now the game with the audience.

For the correct answer - candy:

1. How many gifts: sweets, cookies, gingerbreads, books, chocolates can go into Santa Claus’s bag? (Not at all. They don't know how to walk).

2. Which fire is cold and cannot burn anything? (Bengal)

3. Who is never late for us?(New Year)

4. What grows upside down? (Icicle)

5. What freezes in the house, but not outside? (Window glass)

6. New Year's grandfather. (Freezing)

7. Skating rink. ( Ice rink)

8. The time of day when the Old and New Years meet. (Night)

9. The middle of three white knights (January)

10. Canvas for Santa Claus art exercises. (Window)

11. Modern sheepskin coat. (Sheepskin coat)"

Father Frost

On this day in Ancient Rus' it was customary to generously treat each other to the most delicious dishes - pickles, jams, smoked meats and delicious pies. So today we will treat you to pies and tea during the holiday.(point to pies and tea on the tables)

Snow Maiden.

Competition: “Guess what subject we are talking about.”

I will read to you the children’s statements about these subjects, and you guess. Whoever guesses correctly will receive this item. First hint:

Children really like this thing.

It causes a lot of trouble for adults.

One time she had a hare mask inside with an elastic band.

She looks like candy.

She has a string that you need to pull. (Firecracker).

They come in different colors.

Our entire floor was covered with them.

One day they got tangled in my mother’s hair and she couldn’t get them out.

They are like snowflakes, falling and falling.

My dad makes them with a hole punch. (Confetti).

This is something so long.

It is so colorful and shiny.

It can be easily torn.

It is made from foil or multi-colored paper.

When thrown, it unwinds, leaving a long tail. (Serpentine).

They come in big and small.

Everything is reflected upside down in it.

They hang it on the Christmas tree.

When the garlands are lit, their light is also reflected in it.

They come in different colors, but are always round. (Christmas balls).



To play you need 12 people willing, 5 people in each team and 2 people - these are New Year trees. 2 teams play. Near each team there is a Christmas tree, on which there are no New Year's decorations. All team players must decorate the Christmas tree in 10 minutes using available materials that they find in the hall. At my signal, all players find decorations, run to their team’s Christmas tree, hang them and return back. The first team to decorate the Christmas tree wins. (music sounds, teams play)

Father Frost

Now I'll spendgame "BECAUSE IT'S NEW YEAR!"

You answer my questions in unison with the phrase “Because it’s New Year!”

Why is there fun all around, Laughter and jokes without worries?..

Why are cheerful guests expected to arrive?..

Why does everyone make a wish in advance?..

Why will the path of knowledge lead you to “A” grades?..

Why does the Christmas tree playfully wink at you with its lights?..

Why is everyone waiting here for the Snow Maiden and Grandfather today?..

Why do children dance in a circle in an elegant hall?..

Why does Santa Claus send good luck and peace to the guys?..

Father Frost.

In December and January

Live in freedom for children:

Children's winter holiday

All twelve days in a row.

Snow Maiden.

Songs, dances, round dances

Yes, fun hikes

Games, jokes, laughter, fun -

Every day is like Sunday!

You can jump and dance

There's simply no time to be bored!

Father Frost

Now it's time for us to say goodbye. It's a shame that the holiday ended so quickly.

Snow Maiden

But we hope that you will be able to maintain the mood of fun, joy, and expectation of something unusual throughout the year. We are not saying goodbye to you, we are telling you: “See you again!”


And now the New Year's disco.

Scenario of the New Year's event: “New Year in different countries of the world”

Developed by teacher: Bandeko Alla Grigorievna

Goals: to introduce students to New Year celebrations in different countries.”

Objectives: teach children to work in a team, the culture of other peoples.

Develop the mind, thinking, speech, imagination, interest in the culture of different countries;

To cultivate tolerance, a sense of patriotism, a sense of respect, friendship with other peoples.

Equipment: projector, computer, music recordings, materials for hall decoration, gifts...

Progress of the event:

(New Year's song "We wish you a Marry Christmas!" is played)

Presenter 1: Hello, dear guests of our evening, the New Year holiday is approaching us soon.

On this New Year's holiday

Bring happiness to everyone in the world,

Miracles will happen

Where they are most likely to be expected.

Presenter 2: In Russia, the New Year is celebrated with Father Frost and Snow Maiden, a festive table is set, and a decorated Christmas tree is put up. We usually celebrate this holiday with “Olivier” salad and “Herring under a fur coat.” It is customary to give each other gifts that are placed under the Christmas tree..

Presenter 2: How do countries celebrate the New Year?

This is what we will find out today.

But first, let's see how our heroes perform the New Year's dance.

(dance "Jingle bells")

Presenter 1: And we continue our concert. New Year's holidays are celebrated differently in each country with their own customs and traditions.

Presenter 2: In the capital of England, for example, it is customary on New Year's Eve to wrap the large bell of Big Ben in a blanket so that the sound can be heard only near the gate, and then after 12 at night it is unwrapped and the ringing is heard throughout the area. The New Year's grandfather who gives gifts is called Santa Claus here.

On this night in England, doors are also opened to let out the old year and let in the new one.

Presenter 1: In France, the New Year is celebrated very cheerfully. On this day, it is customary to eat up and have fun so that the whole year will be fun. Gifts are given here by Père Noel. And French women follow the tradition of going to the source to get water from which they prepare baked goods and then leave it near the house.

Presenter 2: In Denmark New Year They are greeted with rice porridge with a nut thrown into it. It is believed that the girl who gets it this year will get married.

Presenter 1: In Italy, on New Year's Day it is customary to throw old things out of windows. It is believed that the more old things you throw away, the more new things you will get in the new year.

Presenter 2: In Japan, it is not customary to sit at home on New Year's Day; you need to go outside to celebrate the holiday with the sunrise. On this day, it is also customary to cook long noodles and eat them to lengthen your life.

Presenter 1: In Canada, it is customary to celebrate the New Year on the street, where festivals and holiday concerts with celebrities.

Presenter 2: In Spain, the New Year is celebrated very joyfully. On that day, everyone goes out to the city square to congratulate each other. And according to New Year’s tradition, at midnight, young girls and boys write their names on pieces of paper and draw them out one by one. This is how New Year's couples are formed, which represent lovers.

Presenter 1: Now let’s check how well you remember this information.

New Year's quiz "Across different countries."

1) In which country do they throw old things out of windows on New Year’s Day?

2) Which nation eats long noodles on New Year's Day and watches the sunrise on this holiday on the street?

3) In which country do they wrap the bell on New Year’s Eve and celebrate the holiday by opening the doors?

4) In which country is it customary to go to a spring on New Year’s Eve and exchange baked goods?


5) In which country is it customary to prepare “Olivier” and “Herring under a Fur Coat” salads for the New Year?

6) In which country is it customary to write names on pieces of paper on New Year’s Eve and choose a mate?


7) In which country is it customary to eat on New Year’s Eve? rice porridge and throw a nut there?

Presenter 2:

Now let's compete to guess which country the New Year's song belongs to

Competition "Guess the country from the song"

(New Year's songs from different countries are played)

Presenter 1: Now let's compete in knowing the names of New Year's Santa Clauses in different countries.

Whoever names the most New Year's grandfather wins a prize.

(Hint: Santa Claus (USA, Canada, UK, Western Europe); Joulupukki (Finland); Jõuluvana (Estonia); Jul Tomten Jolotomten (Sweden); Yletomte, or St. Nicholas (Denmark); Site Kaas (Holland); Sho Hin (China); Saint Basil (Greece); Old Lady Befana (Italy); Father Noel (France, Spain); Grandfather Mikulas (Czech Republic); Sylvester (Austria); Ayaz-Ata (Kazakhstan); Baba Mine (Azerbaijan); Dzmer Papi, or Grandfather Winter (Armenia); Segatsu-san and Oji-san (Japan).

Presenter 2: And to make it more fun, let’s draw Santa Claus with his eyes closed

(students draw Santa Claus to cheerful music)

Presenter 1: And at the end of our holiday we will sing a song on English language. "Jingle bells"

Dashing through the snow

On a one horse open sleigh

O'er the fields we go,

Laughing all the way

Bells on bob tail ring,

making spirits bright

What fun it is to laugh and sing

A sleighing song tonight

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one horse open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one horse open sleigh

Translation of Jingle Bells - Nastya Dobrota We are flying through the snow

Harnessed on a sleigh

And we shout joyfully

With a smile on your lips.

The bells are ringing

Evil spirits are driven away.

Oh, how wonderful it is on a sleigh

Rush with a song this night!

Chorus: Tili-bom, tili-bom,

Ringing and ringing all around,

How wonderfully the sleigh rushes

And the snow is standing like a pillar

Tili-bom, tili-bom,

Ringing and ringing all around,

How wonderfully the sleigh rushes

Around the circle new circle!

And in conclusion, we wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Presenter 1:

H Happy new 2018 year! We wish you many happy days, creative victories and incredible emotions!

Presenter 2 (translation)

P Happy 2018! We wish you many happy days, creative victories and incredible emotions!