Scenario of a creative report from children's artistic associations "raising talents." Script for a creative report "Our Talents" Script for a creative report for a children's organization


creative report of the methodological association of teachers and class teachers

In shaping the personality of a child with intellectual disabilities, an important role belongs to the teacher and class teacher. It is they who are part of the school’s largest educational organization, which is the forefront in all innovative endeavors that contribute to updating the content of education and the development of the school.

The main direction of the activities of the Ministry of Education, in addition to improving the professional and methodological level and increasing the pedagogical skills of staff, is the search for ways and implementation of pedagogical ideas that contribute to the creation of optimal conditions for the correctional education of schoolchildren. And it is no coincidence that the experience of the MO was highly assessed based on the results of the state certification of the school and was recommended for generalization and dissemination. Therefore, it would not be a great exaggeration to compare educators and class teachers with the Atlanteans, the characters of myths who hold on their shoulders not only the educational system, but also the school as a whole. But how to become a real Atlantean? You can learn about this from a theatrical mini-performance that answers many questions.

The brief scientific and methodological analysis of the experience presented below shows that it fully meets the criteria of advanced, and the secret successes and effectiveness of the Moscow Region are disclosed by the head of the Moscow Region.

The next stage of the event is the collective drawing up of a generalized portrait of the professional and personal qualities of the mentor, or, as he was called in ancient times,mentor.

The final stage of the event is good wishes from colleagues, encouragement and a methodological relay race.


creative report of the Ministry of Education of teachers and class teachers

S(K)SH No. 7 based on the results of generalization of advanced pedagogical experience

Presenter, Deputy Director for VR Fomina T.V. : Good afternoon, dear colleagues! We are pleased to welcome you to our pedagogical living room for a methodological show dedicated to the results of the generalization of the educational training of teachers and class teachers.

Who will lift you up to heaven?

Only myself.

Who will bring you down from on high?

Only you.

Where are the keys to your bitter fate forged?

Only in you.

How will you pay for a lost battle?

Only yourself.

These lines are quite applicable to the personality of the most important and main teacher: the teacher, the class teacher, who is tireless in creative search, purposeful and confident in the successful result of his professional activities, faithful to the vital interests of people with disabilities, professing the principles of humanism and pedagogical optimism. V.P. Kashchenko also noted that « The matter of raising a child is a matter of the greatest complexity and difficulty. ... Each of our actions that children see or hear, each of our word-intonation with which it is pronounced, are droplets falling into the stream that we call the life of a child, the formation of his personality.”

This is why the role of the teacher and class teacher is so important in shaping the personality of a child with intellectual disabilities. It is on them, first of all, that it depends on what kind of person the student will become. Since the teacher and the class teacher solve common educational problems, their success largely depends not only on professional competence and pedagogical skill, but also on cooperation and unity in the requirements for students. Therefore, they are part of one of the largest municipal organizations, which is the forefront in all innovative endeavors that contribute to updating the content of education and the development of the school.

The main direction of the activities of the Ministry of Education, in addition to improving the professional and methodological level and increasing the pedagogical skills of staff, is the search for ways and implementation of pedagogical ideas that contribute to the creation of optimal conditions for the correctional education of schoolchildren, their social adaptation and integration into society. And it is no coincidence that the experience of this particular educational organization was highly assessed based on the results of the state certification of the school and was recommended for generalization and dissemination. Therefore, it would not be a great exaggeration to compare educators and class teachers with the Atlanteans, the characters of myths who hold on their shoulders not only the educational system, but also the school as a whole. But how to become a real Atlantean? This can only be learned from them themselves. Meet our heroes.

(Teachers and class teachers with experience and a novice teacher come out. They unfurl a poster-roof over their heads with the inscription “MO of teachers and class teachers of S(K)SH No. 7”).

Teacher 1: (addressing the young) Stand straight and use both hands with equal force so that the weight is distributed evenly for everyone.

Young teacher: (with indignation) What, are you ordering me to break up or something?

Classroom teacher: It’s immediately obvious: she’s still young. You know, we have those that, if necessary, use not only their arms and shoulders for support, but even their heads.

Young teacher: But it’s hard and inconvenient.

Teacher 2: Certainly. But in our difficult business it is not customary to take convenience into account. The main thing is to maintain a roof under which is the younger generation and who require a lot of attention, care, knowledge, answers to numerous questions, i.e. comfortable conditions for development.

Teacher 1: And for this you need to be the very best.

Young teacher: What does “the very best” mean?

Classroom teacher:“The very best” includes a lot: professionalism, creativity, readiness for constant self-education and personal development, innovation, diagnostic skills, forecasting, goal setting, planning, monitoring...

Teacher 2: Participation in methodological weeks, open days, seminars, conferences, open classes, events, master classes, creative reports, generalization of experience, publications... In a word, you never get bored. Everyone is trying their best, reaching out to each other, trying to show their capabilities and demonstrate their abilities, to develop their own professional style, their own personality.

Young teacher: What's the end result? Cash rewards, huge salaries?

Teacher 1: Well, the youth, God forgive me, have gone. What fantasies are on your mind? No, colleague, I didn’t guess right. What is the most important thing in our business?

Young teacher: What?

Teacher 1: The younger generation, our students.

Young teacher: Would you say that everything you talked about here is needed by the students? Maybe there are results?

Classroom teacher: Of course it is necessary. And there are results, and tangible ones at that. It cannot be otherwise. After all, they are not only educated, but also corrected, adapted, and socialized.

Young teacher: And how does all this happen?

Teacher 1: Well, it’s just not particularly difficult. Through the involvement of schoolchildren in useful activities: value-oriented, professional and labor, physical education and recreation, social, artistic and free communication.

Teacher 2: A lot of useful things are provided not only by the Comprehensive Program for the Education and Development of Schoolchildren, but also by a permanent review-competition under the motto “School is your home, you are the master of it,” clubs and studios. And all this rests on our shoulders and is realized thanks to heads that are not alien to creativity, initiative, and progressive ideas. So tune in, colleague. We will work together.

Young teacher: I agree. You know, it seems to me that I contracted some kind of virus from you, maybe a pedagogical one. Because I quickly realized who the “best” was. This is someone who, working in a team and constantly improving their professional level, implementing creative ideas, achieves high results in their work. But this is the essence of pedagogical skill. I'm right? And this is the merit of the MO teachers and class teachers. Exactly?

Classroom teacher: Well done, that's right! Despite being young, she turned out to be smart and promising. Indeed, the very best are those on whose shoulders educational work and even the school, and perhaps all pedagogy, rests. This

Together: Teachers and class teachers. And part-time... a little bit of Atlanta.

(Song being played)

When your heart is heavy and your chest is cold,

Forget your troubles

And check out the school.

There in a friendly team

Work with children

Atlanta teachers,

And they are happy.

Keep the colossus of the school

Not honey from the outside.

Their nerves are tense

They are at work all day.

Their hard work

More important than other jobs.

If someone gets weak,

They stand forever

In sight of the school.

Not gods - people

Accustomed to work.

And still live in hope

Until then

Atlanta is holding school.

And it will always be like this!

Leading : Dear friends. Do you know that the study, generalization, and analysis of the effectiveness of the experience of the Ministry of Defense for the second time made it possible to recognize it as advanced, since it fully meets the signs and criteria of advanced experience. Here's the evidence:

    the teaching experience is optimal (the time spent on this experience did not become an obstacle to solving other problems, but, on the contrary, contributed to their more successful implementation);

    the experience is sustainable, stable, does not require major adjustments, and functions for a long time;

    it is possible to repeat, creatively use experience and expand it to the mass scale;

    experience is promising: it has a future, its prospects are obvious and provable;

    the experience is scientifically substantiated: it has a scientific and theoretical basis and is based on the achievements of modern domestic and foreign pedagogical science, special pedagogy and psychology.

The theoretical significance of the experience lies in the fact that it is part of the system of methodological work at school - it is part of the system of working with teaching staff of educators and class teachers, part of the system for managing their work, as well as part of the system for improving their professionalism and continuous learning. Such experiences may well contribute to the renewal of special education.

Practical significance - the experience contributes to the psychological and pedagogical support of teachers and class teachers, their readiness to form a unified correctional pedagogical, developmental environment in which the specific goal of special education is successfully realized - the development and correction of all mental functions, adaptation to life in society, training to independent work activities of children with intellectual disabilities.

In addition, based on the results of their activities, members of the MO have collected extensive scientific and methodological material, which is the property of the school’s Methodological Bank and reflects positive pedagogical experience in correctional education, deserving wide attention not only from school teachers, but also from other S(K)OOs. And this has been happening steadily for many years.

Leading :

Days pass, year after year,

hour by hour, minute by minute,

but the fact remains unchanged:

has been leading this work for a long time

Elena Akulinina is a “star”.

She is always in the first row.

The event itself will be held

and will lead the members behind him.

She's got a lot of experience

and frankly speaking, there is something to convey

To my followers and friends,

to be ahead here and there.

Today she will talk briefly about MO,

after all, they are the basis of the PP attempt.

Head of the Ministry of Defense: Secret The success and effectiveness of our educational organization lies in the focus and correct choice of areas of methodological work, interest, and also, most importantly, in the healthy ambition and spirit of competition of educators and class teachers, who are the majority of teachers of the entire team. What are the main Directions for the work of the methodological association? This:

    studying issues of organizing the educational process; mastering its scientific methodology;

    familiarization with new provisions, documents, regulations, etc.;

    in-depth study of the methodology for conducting extracurricular activities;

    advance consideration of issues of methodology for studying the most complex issues of extracurricular and extracurricular work with demonstration of open extracurricular activities, classes, educational and classroom hours;

    studying the provisions of didactics, the theory of education, an attempt at their practical application;

    study of developmental and special pedagogical psychology, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of different age groups;

    information about new books, methodological recommendations, articles in the pedagogical press on the content and methodology of educational work;

    systematic study of the level of education of students;

    joint work of the class teacher, teacher and subject teachers;

    psychological and pedagogical education of students’ parents, strengthening interaction between family and school, etc.

The content of the methodological work fully corresponds to these directions. It is formed on the basis of the following sources: documents, provisions that give the general target orientation of all methodological work; achievements of scientific and technological progress, new results of psychological and pedagogical research, including research on the problems of methodological work itself: instructional and methodological documents of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the organization of educational work; information about advanced, innovative and mass practices; data from a specific analysis of the state of the level of education and development of students, as well as professional diagnostics of teachers and class teachers, helping to identify priority topics and problems of methodological work and self-education.

Choosing the content of methodological work is a creative matter. Creativity is especially important when determining forms of methodological work, on which the interest of all members in methodological activities and their effectiveness depend. Our teachers and class teachers, without exception,

engage in self-education,

undergo certification,

improve their qualifications through courses.

As active members,

introduce developed topics

at meetings of the methodological association,

passing in an interesting and timely manner.

Solving current problems and problems

approaches and ways only modern,

using only active forms,

that fit into interactive norms.

These are workshops, seminars, conferences,

open days, presentations,

methodological weeks, master classes,

creative reports and shows,

achievements competitions,

innovative work and experiments,

preparation of publications,

conducting games and trainings –

All this is a guarantee of skill and skill.

Leading : So, taking into account all that has been said, we can draw up a generalized portrait of the professional and personal qualities of our teacher and class teacher, i.e. mentor, or, as he was called in ancient times, mentor. (Exercise “Mentor” is carried out: M - master, thinking, wise, venerable, peace-loving, meaningful, kind-hearted, merciful... E - like-minded, natural... N - mentor, innovator, observant, resourceful, experienced, focused,... T - creative, hardworking, tolerant, patient, talented, ... O - oligophrenopedagogue, optimist, responsible, charming, sociable, educated, spiritual, efficient, organized, ... R - realist, romantic, versatile, managerial, reasonable, judicious, reflective, decisive, needlewoman,...)

And one last thing. It is known that the generalization of software is naturally followed by its distribution and implementation, as well as replication. For this, the presentation of experience through various kinds of methodological activities is important.

And since the replication process involves two stages: presentation of experience and direct replication, then, following them, our experience has already been repeatedly presented during methodological events at the regional, republican and even international levels: at scientific and practical conferences, seminars, advanced training courses, etc. , as well as in numerous publications from the experience of educational work, which annually replenish our methodological bank.

To conclude this part of our show, we will conduct methodical relay race. I hope I managed to intrigue many of you, what kind of relay is this? The fact is that today E.I. Akulinina, who has successfully led the Moscow Region for more than 20 years and has rightfully become the leader of a large team, which includes most of you, due to a change of authority, has come to the finish line as the head of the Moscow Region. Therefore, she will now proudly pass the baton to the new head of the Moscow Region. This is the class teacher, familiar first-hand with the work of a teacher, Nuralinova A.A., who is invited to the start of her new career.

I would like to wish all members of the Moscow Region, headed by the new leader, good health, optimism and great creative success in implementing new ideas and mastering the heights of the pedagogical Olympus.

Marina Anannikova
"Let the children laugh." Script for a creative kindergarten report

Presenter output

Leading: Hello, dear parents! We are glad to welcome you in our cozy room! Prepare your warmest wishes and most reverent feelings! Don't skimp on applause, because we welcome you to our creative reporting concert! Today we will tell you about a miracle. About the miracle that lives next to us. This miracle cannot be touched, but can be seen and heard. It can make us laugh and cry. It has soul and heart. A miracle is born here in our kindergarten and its name is childhood!

And we all believe in magic,

We are friends with miracles

All fairy tales come true

They come to visit themselves

There are no clouds visible here,

It's crowded here with smiles

On creative wave

Floating somewhere childhood.

The number we are about to present is

I think you will be very pleased

We'll make you clap our hands loudly

Musical for the first time and only with us

Opens our creative concert preparatory group "Bell".

Musical "Fly Tsokotukha"

Leading: The sun has many rays, they all come to us on earth and make us happy. And ours children- these are the rays of the sun - they give us many smiles, and the smile of at least one

a child is expensive... Let's try to make sure that our the children always smiled, because they love you very much!

“I stood in the corner yesterday” Dasha Ivenskaya, pupil of the 2nd junior group "Mishutka"

Leading: Everyone at concerts It happens:

There are roses and there are thorns

A the kids will give us

A dance of wondrous beauty.

Children of the 2nd junior group"Dandelion" will perform a dance "Butterflies"

Leading: Who is the first person we meet when we come into this world,

So this is our mom, she’s the cutest one.

All life revolves around her,

Our whole world is warmed by it,

All her life she has been trying to protect us from troubles.

Middle group children"Berry" performing a dance "My daughter"

Leading: You are my friend and I am your friend,

Get in a circle quickly

You are Kazakh, and I am Russian

Together we are one family

Musical and literary composition "Under a single shanyrak" perform children preparatory group "Bell", who took second place in the regional competition of national cultures "The Many Colors of Russia"

Leading: Not everyone can be a star, but this girl has become real

a star not only at the level of our preschool institution,

she became a regional star, taking 2nd place in the regional

competition “We are the heirs of the Great Victory” in nomination

"Artistic creation» , having performed poem

"Dialogue at the Monument".

And today Liza Pletnikova, a student of the middle group "Berry", will perform a song "Angel"

Leading: There are many colors in the world

But one like ours

Dance "Seven-flowered flower" performed by senior group students "Sun"

Leading: So that you don’t get sick, so that you don’t grow old

So that your eyes sparkle with happiness

We have found a miracle cure for you

Which? We want to tell you!

Poem"Miracle Cure" read by Gena Nakhrachev, senior group student "Sun"

Presenter: Long live the girls!

With or without braids!

Let the sun smile

They're from the blue heavens!

Dance "Brown girl" perform middle group children"Chamomile"

Leading: Life is like a melody, and just as a melody is made from notes, life is made up of family, friends, dreams, aspirations, hobbies, good, worthwhile deeds and let not everything will always work out the first time, but if you firmly believe, really, really want and try very, very hard... then everything will definitely work out, just like your children do!

Exercise on step benches is performed older children"Sun"

Leading: comes out with a lit candle, quiet music plays. Quite recently, the whole country celebrated the great holiday of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. We all remember the holy feat that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers performed.

Burn, candle, don’t go out, don’t let the darkness rush in,

Don't let the living forget all those who died in the war!

Children preparatory group winners of the regional competition "We are the heirs of a great victory" in nomination "Dance creation» perform a dance composition "Missing",

Leading: Even then we weren’t in the world,

When fireworks thundered from one end to another.

Soldiers, gave to the whole planet

Great May, Victorious May!

Song "Victory Spring" performed by preparatory group students Polina Kolodyazhnaya and Ksenia Burdina

The presenter says the words, at this time the teachers and the children go out to the final song. In hand?

The spotlights are bright, and the music is a chord,

And ours "Skvorushka" goes out to bow.

What's ahead? Who can answer?

After all, we are still so young.

All paths lead to a happy world,

Happy little ones live in this world.

Here Faith and Good settled forever.

Here the wind is made of laughter, of joy - a river.

Here the red sun plays with its rays,

The stars laugh here, believe me, at night,

And the little inhabitants of this country

Good DREAMS are sent down on rays!

Educators and children perform the final song while a slideshow appears on the screen "Our everyday life and holidays"

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end. And our stars gave it to you! Clap your hands together and shout from your heart, oh, what are yours today? Well done kids! And to you, our dear parents, we always wish you a good mood, many bright moments in life and look forward to seeing you next year.

Publications on the topic:

Objectives of patriotic education in kindergarten: 1. Organize the co-creation of children and parents in the joint development of this topic; 2. Form.

Today, May 15, we celebrate International Family Day. Family is very important for every person, it is the main thing in life. She gives us time, support,.

General parent meeting “Let our children be alive, healthy and happy” Goal: Increasing the activity of parents as participants in the educational process. Formation of safety knowledge and skills in children and adults.

Goal: To introduce children to the concepts of “Peace” and “War”. Deepen knowledge about the Russian army and the Second World War. Foster respect for the defenders of the fatherland.

So the significant, anniversary, festive May 2015 has flown by. When all the people of our country were waiting for this day, preparing for it and with.

Consultation for parents “Let children believe in miracles!” New Year's holiday is coming soon - the most favorite holiday for both adults and children! Children plunge into fairy-tale situations and become themselves.

Scenario of the creative report of the MD&Y associations for 2014-15.

This material will be useful for teachers of artistic and aesthetic directions; it can be used in working with children 7-15 years old.
This scenario is suitable for holding a year-end reporting concert.
Target: Demonstration of creative achievements of students, summing up the results of the school year.
- identification and support of young talented performers;
-creating a festive mood for the speakers and guests of the holiday;
- fostering collectivism among students.

The music "Constellation of Friends" is playing
- Good afternoon dear friends!
Dear parents and leaders of associations!
Who knows how to have fun
Who doesn't sit idle,
Who wants to learn everything
For those, our House of Creativity is open!
- I am glad to welcome you to the festival of creativity called “Constellation of Friends.” (Applause)
- And at our holiday
Holiday - prankster
There is an order like this -
Wave your hand at me -
Left! And - right! (wave)
- With a curly head!
- And now they jumped!
- They kicked their right leg!
– Imagine being on a boat (shows rowing with his hands)
We are sailing with you!
– And now on a motorcycle (demonstrates with his hands “rotating the gas handle”)
Let's step on the gas together!
– And now on a hang glider (shows wings with hands)
Let's fly with the birds!
– And, like hedgehogs in the fog, - (covers his eyes with his hands, sways)
We won't see anything!
- And now - on a steam locomotive - (shows with his hands the traction of the locomotive)
Chug-chug-chug! Chug-chug-chug!
- Takes us straight to a fairy tale
With all your might! With all your might!
- Moved onto the horse - (claps his hands on his knees)
Top-top-top! Clack-clack-clack!
- And then - into a small car (shows steering with his hands)
Turn! Brake! (shows turn and brake with hands)
- And now they turned around themselves three times!
- And with such a smile (points with his hands) they smiled together!
- Children smile, - the holiday begins!
- Well done! Take your seats.

Transition music plays
- Our Center for Creativity is like a constellation of bright and unique stars. And today it’s so nice to see all of you here, small and big, cheerful, cute, mischievous!
I wonder what our stars did and what they learned this year.
Now we will find out, because the guys and their leaders have prepared their creative performances for us.

The names of the associations are written on the stars.
(As the celebration progresses, the presenter turns the stars in front of the audience to the side on which the name of the association is written)

First star
"" (manual)

- And here is the first star. This is the star of the association "".
Its residents love to sing, putting everyone around them in a good mood.
I present to you the leader of this star _______________________
And we meet one of her students.
SONG " "
- Guys, you have been together all this cosmic year.
Now I want to find out what interesting things happened during this time, what impressions do you have about the Center for the Development of Creativity, the association, and also how observant you are.
Blitz survey (with audience)
(questions are asked to each child):
How many new friends have you made?
What do you enjoy doing most in class?
What color are the walls in your office?
What is the name of the director of our Center?
How many steps are there on the stairs?
What is the name of the head of the association?
What word do you say most often when you come here?
What are the names of the boys/girls in your association?
How many days are left until the holidays?

LEAD:- Thank you very much for the interesting answers. And we continue!

Second star
“__________________” (manual _______________________)
- And now boys and girls, as well as their parents
and, of course, our leaders
we will play with you!
The game is called: "Rocket, comet, star."
Game "Rocket, Comet, Star"
(the presenter names words in random order,
gradually increasing the pace - children complete the task)
"Rocket!" they close their palms like a house,
"Comet!" close your fingers and straighten your palms,
"Star!" spread their fingers

- Great! So we can continue.
Let's see what name the next star in our constellation has.

Third star“_______________” (manual _______________________)
– We can say with confidence about these inhabitants of the star:
“Active! Sports! Initiative!
And we help them become like that
head of the association - ________________.
Let's see what they have in store for us.

Well guys, are you wondering who's next? ("Yes!"). Then let's not hesitate, let's open it.

Fourth star
“________________” (manager ____________________________)

- Oh, these are our craftsmen! The stars from “______________________________” and, of course, their leader and main assistant – ____________________.
Now they will tell us a fairy tale about what miracles happen in their union.


- Thank you for your performance!
- Before we continue, I offer you a fun game called “Foreign Languages.”
Game "Foreign languages"
- Try to sing a well-known song, replacing the vowels.
Polish - "E";
Spanish - "I";
French - "Yu";
German - "U";
English - "A";
Japanese - "I";
"We lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese.
One is gray, the other is white.
Two cheerful geese"
The lyrics of the song are distributed to the participants, then their performance is heard.

- Well done! Applause to our participants!
Fifth star “_________________” (manual _________________________)

- They say that if you see a shooting star, you can make a wish. Tell me, please, what wish would you make? (children's answers)
HOST: - The guys made wonderful wishes! And even if your wish does not come true, you should not be discouraged. This is exactly the name - “_______________” - for another star in our constellation.

Sixth star
“________________” (manager _____________________)
- All of you guys tried for a year,
some took part in competitions, and some simply attended classes on time... but everyone studied together, comprehending the laws of craft, beauty, and goodness.
We want to recognize your hard work and dedication to your interests.

AWARDS (children with certificates of honor)

- Well done! I think we all deserve a round of applause!


- So all the stars in the constellation of friends are open.
But real friends know how to do everything together, and even sing songs. Can you? (“Yes!”) Then let’s sing!
Everyone sings the song together
SONG (Conclusion music sounds)

- This is where our holiday ends. But the most interesting is yet to come! It's starting soon... What? (all together) vacation!!!
- Dear Guys! Be bright, bold, cheerful.
I wish you creative success! See you again!

Scenario of a creative report in the house of creativity "Vovochka's Journey to the Land of Masters"

Target: summing up the work of the associations of the creative house for the academic year, summing up the work of the municipal exhibition of arts and crafts “Craftsmen of Pribityuzhye”, honoring teachers and students who have achieved the greatest success, popularizing the activities of DT in society.
Tasks: preservation and development of the traditions of the creative house;
consolidation of the institution's team;
self-realization of students.
Characters: Schoolboy Vovka, Vasilisa the Wise, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Marya the Artisan, presenter 1, presenter 2.
(Musical screensaver. A voice-over sounds in the background of the music.)
Voice behind the scenes: In one ordinary school,
In one regular class
The boy Vova studied -
Lazy, terrible braggart!
I skipped classes
Didn't complete the assignments.
And he got deuces
For all your “efforts”.
He came home from school
Grumbling under my breath.
And, reasoning with myself,
He asks a question.

Schoolboy Vovka. And why is everyone picking on me? Both teachers and parents... Everyone just demands: “Tell me how it’s done, how it turns out. Don’t fidget, don’t chat!” How can you sit still when your neighbor brings you a picture book about modern cars? Of course, there's no time for work here! You come home and it’s no better: “Take out the trash, brush your teeth, tidy up the room!” Tired of it!
And today in labor class we decided to make bird houses. I don’t understand why the birds need these houses, as if they will live there! I'd rather go for a walk in the yard. So I made this unfortunate house, but I didn’t like my birdhouse. But I did it faster than everyone else! Well, just think, it fell apart, there..., this..., well..., a nail was missing. It's their own fault: they should have said right away that nails would be needed. Maybe I could make a house like this for the birds - the ostriches could live comfortably!
In general, if I want, I’m not just a birdhouse, I can build a whole house. Large, multi-story, so that mom, dad, sister, grandparents, even Murka and Tuzik could live there.

The light is flashing. Musical screensaver. Vasilisa the Wise, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Marya the Artisan appear.

Schoolboy Vovka. Who are you?
Vasilisa the Wise. Vasilisa the Wise - sensible, smart.
Vasilisa the Beautiful. Vasilisa the Beautiful is like the clear sun.
Marya the Artisan. Marya the Artisan is a needlewoman and a smart girl.
Schoolboy Vovka(looks around). Where am I?

Magical music sounds, and a poem is read against the background of this music.

Vasilisa the Wise. Not beyond the field, not beyond the forest,
Not even across that river,
There is a country of interests,
Where is the freedom and peace!
Vasilisa the Beautiful. Masters and craftswomen
They live on the streets here.
Birds flutter through the branches,
And the flowers are blooming in the pots!
Marya the Artisan. Everything here is made by hand!
Any work is respected here!
Craftswomen with craftsmen
They embroider, knit and sew.
Vasilisa the Wise. They know a lot of techniques
Like in a few minutes
From unnecessary, dilapidated things
Create a fabulous coziness!
Vasilisa the Beautiful. Embroidery and origami,
Quilling, beads, decoupage...
They often work at night!
Their work is aerobatics!
Marya the Artisan. If it's hard for you to believe,
The masters are waiting for you to visit,
With all the doors wide open
To a world called Country!
Vasilisa the Wise. The country of the dexterous and skillful,
Country of creative minds,
The country of glorious handicrafts,

Country of miracle masters!
Vasilisa the Beautiful. Hello, Vovochka! Welcome to the land of creativity and craftsmanship!
Marya the Artisan. People here don’t like to be lazy, they like to work.
Schoolboy Vovka. Work again?
Vasilisa the Wise. Vasilisa the Beautiful, Marya the Artisan, let's help Vovka get rid of laziness!
Vasilisa the Beautiful. How difficult it is to help lazy people and idle people! They don’t want to do anything: they wait for others to do the work for them. They have no goal, no cherished dream.
Marya the Artisan. Wait, he said that he dreams of building a big house for his family, which means he has a good heart, and all is not lost.
Vasilisa the Wise. How can we convince him that without knowledge and diligence, desire and hard work, nothing happens even in a fairy tale.
Vasilisa the Beautiful. I propose to go to the Anninsky House of Creativity to sum up the results of the regional exhibition of arts and crafts “Craftsmen of Pribityuzhye”.
Marya the Artisan. See different types of creativity and rejoice at the children’s achievements!
Phonogram of music. Everyone goes down to the hall.
Exit of the presenters.
Presenter 1. Good afternoon dear friends!
Presenter 2. Good afternoon, dear guests and parents!
Presenter 1. We welcome you to the creative report and summing up the work of the exhibition of artistic and arts and crafts “Craftsmen of Pribityuzhye”.
Presenter 2. Currently, the House of Creativity includes more than 900 students from 5 to 18 years old who study in clubs, studios and associations.
Presenter 1. Experienced, attentive, creative, talented teachers help them climb the steps of mastery, ignite them with the fire of creative search and the desire to go to the heights of new successes and victories!
They are led by a true professional, director and additional education teacher Galina Valentinovna Zhigulina. Over to her!
Director's speech.
Presenter 2. The skills of students are growing every year. The result of the intellectual and creative work of children and teachers is victories in various competitions, participation in the preparation and holding of cultural events in the arts center, school, and district.
Presenter 1. There are a lot of guys in our house
Those who know the price of victory.
Having already conquered their Olympus,
We now invite you to the stage!
Presenter 2. To reward students who managed to achieve high results in regional, All-Russian and International competitions, who actively participate in regional events, I invite _______________________________________________________________________________________

Presenter 1. For you the song “House of Creativity”. Head Svetlana Sergeevna Chernavtseva.

Presenter 2.Before we continue with the awards ceremony, let's take a little rest.
Guys, remember what letters your name consists of? Do you remember?
Listen carefully and be sure to answer!
Presenter 1. Whoever has the letter “a” - shout “hurray” loudly!
Whoever has the letter “u” - say “mu” loudly!
Presenter 2. Whoever has the letter “i” - everyone tell me “apchhi”!
Whoever has the letter “K” - shout “poppy” loudly!
Presenter 1. And whoever has the letter “yu” - shout loudly “ala-ulu”!
Whoever has the letter “o” shout back to me the word loud “hello”!
Presenter 2. Well done! We rested a little and continue with the awards!
Beauty lives everywhere
He doesn’t live anywhere, but nearby.
Always open to our views,
It is always available to us!
Presenter 1. The annual exhibition “Craftsmen of Pribityuzhye” presents a variety of areas and techniques of artistic and decorative-applied creativity: beadwork, ribbon embroidery, batik, wood carving, modeling, quilling, felting, folk rag dolls, knitting, flower making, modular origami, products from waste material.
Presenter 2. This year, ____ participants presented their works at the exhibition - students from the creative arts center and secondary schools of the Anninsky district. Traveling through it and looking at your works, you simply never tire of admiring the variety of compositions and models, ideas and ideas.
Presenter 1. This unusual exhibition attracted many handicraft lovers, little kids, teachers, children and caring people from all over our area.
Presenter 1. Talent, diligence and skill -
They bear beautiful fruits,
And our exhibition will show
How fruitful this work is!
Presenter 2. To award Gratitude for participation in the municipal exhibition “Craftsmen of Pribituzhye” I invite _____________________________________________________________________

Presenter 1. Meet the students of the “Inspiration” dance studio, winners of the All-Russian competition “Black Earth Cup”. Dance “Jolly Ants”, leader Irina Vasilievna Arkhipova.
Presenter 2. The fantasy world is big and beautiful
Helps you dream and create,
After all, everyone has a different talent.
You just need to open it.
Presenter 1. Each exhibition of artistic and decorative arts is always a discovery, a discovery of the world of beauty and creativity.
Schoolboy Vovka. (approaches the table with several crafts) Oh! What a beautiful job! What technique was it made in?
Presenter 2. This product is made using the Modular Origami technique. This technique is very similar to sculpture in its type of creativity and provides ample opportunities for imagination. Origami is a fairly affordable hobby that does not require expensive materials.
Presenter 1. At our exhibition you can see a wide variety of crafts made from beads.
Schoolboy Vova takes a bead craft in his hands.
Presenter 2. These are beaded flowers, trees, toys, paintings... Jewelry and other beaded items are a fashion accessory and can be an excellent gift for both friends and close relatives.
Schoolboy Vova takes a craft made from natural material in his hands
Presenter 1. And this is a product made from natural material. Making such crafts not only develops students’ creative abilities, but also teaches them to love nature and treat it with care. Each such product is filled with beauty, goodness, joy; it carries a fantasy that captivates children and adults into the world of beauty.
Schoolboy Vova takes a craft made from waste material into his hands
Presenter 2. Almost every day we throw away plastic bottles, disposable tableware, food packaging, all kinds of boxes, straws, old markers, newspapers, bottle caps and much more. And we hardly think about the fact that much of this garbage can get a new use, becoming the basis for an original composition or an exciting toy.
Presenter 1. Yes, Anya, you're right. Our exhibition also has such works.
Presenter 2. And what a fabulous beauty of yarn products, dolls and fabric flowers!
Presenter 1. Guys, are there any masters among you who have performed work using these techniques?
Children's answers.

Presenter 2: That's how much talent we have in our hall!
Presenter 1. Skillful hands to appreciate creations
We have such an honor.
Fantasies rise and achievements
We have countless numbers at the exhibition.
Presenter 2. To be awarded Diplomas of the 1st and 2nd degrees for participation in the municipal exhibition “Craftsmen of Pribityuzhye” I invite

Presenter 1. For you the dance “Dandelion Years”. Head: Irina Vasilievna Arkhipova.
Presenter 2. The world of creativity is amazing because it has no boundaries, just as there are no boundaries for our universe, dotted with many stars.
Presenter 1. And new stars lit up in our house of creativity this year. Presenter 2. Alina, who is this? Why are people talking about them everywhere?”
Presenter 1. Anya, these are our girls and boys who study in different associations of the creative house and are present in this hall.
Presenter 2. They are persistent and tenacious in achieving their goals. Of course, their creativity deserves the highest praise.
Presenter 2. A craftsman can make it out of iron,
Made from fabric and wood - masterpieces of beauty.
From multi-colored beads and ribbons,
Like in a fairy tale, you create miracles!
Presenter 1. I touch the doll carefully
She enchants and caresses the eye.
It's hard to imagine how this is possible
Create a colorful dress for the doll
As a result of patience and skill -
Grace and purity of color,
And the perfection of form... There is no doubt,
Our world will be saved by talent and beauty!
Presenter 2. To award Laureate Diplomas, I invite


Leading. For you the song “I choose the light.” Head Svetlana Sergeevna Chernavtseva.

Melodious music.

Schoolboy Vovka. Yes! Being a master is not so easy, because you need to know a lot.
Not only to know, but also to be able to look at the world carefully.
In the ordinary - to notice a miracle, to turn our life into a fairy tale.
I really liked the house of creativity, and especially the exhibition, which presented such wonderful works! Now I also want to master various techniques of artistic and decorative arts. I don’t want to be lazy anymore, I want to work patiently!
Vasilisa the Wise. Well done that you understood this! Now you will definitely be respected.
Vasilisa the Beautiful. If you have the desire to work, any work will improve. You just have to believe in yourself!!!
Marya the Artisan. And it's time for us to return.
Schoolboy Vovka. What about me?
Vasilisa the Beautiful. Here's a magical ball for you. He will show you the way home.
Schoolboy Vovka. Then I’ll run, otherwise my parents are probably tired of waiting for me.
Presenter 1. I bow to you, skilled girls, for helping Vovka believe in herself.
Presenter 2. Many thanks to the guys for their talent and skill, to the audience for their warmth and thunderous applause!
Live, create, dare
Learn willingly and a lot,
Discover your talents
And the road will be joyful!
Presenter 1. Goodbye!
Presenter 2. See you again!

Final song.

Scenario of a creative report from associations of MBOU DO DDT

for the 1st half of the year “Growing Talents”


Director of the children's creativity house - O.V. Goncharova.


Psychologist at the Children's Art Center - Tretyakova N.A.


Voice-over presenter:

Let the music play louder, let the lights flash brighter!

Our greetings to young viewers, as well as to their parents,

To both grandfathers and grandmothers - Hello! Hello! Hello!

Presenter output

Ved.: Hello, dear parents, guests! We are pleased to welcome you to the creative report of children's artistic associations at the Children's Art House. And today we want to invite you to a magical land called “Growing Talents”.

Childhood is ringing laughter, a rainbow in the sky.

It would be a joy for everyone to immerse themselves in childhood.

Childhood is a special country with its own traditions, values, discoveries and victories.

Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles

All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

Here the clouds are not visible, here it’s crowded with smiles

Childhood floats somewhere on a creative wave.

Ved.: Meet the Allegro children's association on stage, additional education teacher Ekaterina Vladimirovna Dnestryanskaya.

"HELLO SUN" sing: Irina Bondarenko, Oksana Kolmychkova, Alina Muzychuk, Daria Belokobylskaya, Ksenia Kruzhilina

Ved.:We live in a world of music And I eat in the shower every day.
And if your voice allows it, the song warms the heart.
And let not everyone become singers, n oh music in life with us!

“CAN EVERYTHING BE COUNTED” d/o “Allegro” Daria Sizova, Anastasia Ageeva, Victoria Rizvanova, Veronica Salamatina, Victoria Filatova, Ekaterina Pogorelova (teacher Ekaterina Vladimirovna Dnestryanskaya).

Ved.: All of you guys and your parents tried hard throughout the year.

Some took part in competitions, while others simply attended classes on time... but everyone studied together, comprehending the laws of creativity, beauty and goodness.

We want to recognize your hard work and dedication to your interests. I again invite the director of the House of Children's Creativity, Oksana Vladimirovna Goncharova.


Ved.: Every person is born talented. An abyss of creative abilities is hidden in every child. And every parent wants that very “talent” to grow out of their child. All loving and sensitive parents are able to discern in their child a craving for certain sciences or creativity. Over time, it may turn out that the chosen hobby or activity in the future becomes a profession for the child.

Ved.: Our home for children's creativity is like a constellation of bright and unique stars. And today it’s so nice to see all of you here, small and big, cheerful, cute, mischievous! I wonder what our stars did and what they learned during these six months?

Now we will find out, because the guys and their teachers have prepared their creative performances for us.

Ved.: We invite the children’s association “Druzhilki” to this stage.

Residents of this association love to dance, putting everyone around them in a good mood. I present to you the teacher of this team - Anna Alexandrovna Pareshneva!

We meet her dance group with a dance "SMILIES".(3.5 min)

Ved.: We can confidently say about this children’s association:

“Active! Creative! Initiative! And we help them like this to become a teacher of the children's association "Rhythm" - Isaeva Daria Anatolyevna.

Let's see what they have in store for us.

MINI-PERFORMANCE “Thumbelina” ( 8 minutes)\

Ved.: Applause!

Well, are you wondering who's next? ? ("Yes!"). Then let's not hesitate, let's open it.

The only literary association under the guidance of a talented teacher operates in the Children's Art House. The Rodnichok association is headed by Lyubov Ivanovna Belimova. The children fell in love with the teacher with all their hearts for her kindness, understanding, and modern views. For you, dear viewers, students of the literary association “Rodnichok”, we have prepared a surprise, let’s greet them with applause.

Against the background of music: (choose backgrounds according to the meaning of the poems)

    Maria Anikina reads " Lyubochka"- A. Barto

    Read by Alexander Sychev "Porosh"- S. Yesenin

    Read by Boyko Alexander “How unexpected and bright” F. Tyutchev

Ved. Happy, irrevocable time of childhood! And each of us wants to be there at least for a moment!

Modern rhythms are the rhythms of childhood.

Dancing around the world makes it much more fun

And for mothers there is nothing more wonderful than looking at you now!

Anything can happen at concerts: there are roses and there are thorns

Let the girls give us a dance of wondrous beauty! On stage is the children's exemplary dance group "Edelweiss", additional education teacher Svetlana Ivanovna Muzychuk. DANCE "BIG, BAGA BOOM" ( ml. compound)

Ved.: Language English - international,

It is desirable for everyone to know him.

We will learn to speak freely,

To visit different countries.

Pupils of the children's association “Jolly English” will perform for you. Teacher Harutyunyan Marine Vrezhovna!

Demonstration performance

Ved.: The children's association “Rodnichok” continues its report:

    Rybalkin Evgeniy "Colorful Planet" V. Bokov

    Surapov Konstantin "Song of the Dog"

    Ponomarev Nikita "We are Russians" L. Belimova

    Kushchevoy Mikhail "I was born in the country"

Ved.: Well done! I think you all deserve a round of applause!

Ved.: There is no escape from cheerful rhythms,

Modern rhythms are the rhythms of childhood.

Children's exemplary dance group "Edelweiss" on stage ( middle group), dance "IN GROVE KALINA" additional education teacher Svetlana Ivanovna Muzychuk

Ved.: The vocal ensemble of girls from the Allegro association will show their creativity for you. These are Daria Anikina, Angelina Chumachenko, Alina Muzychuk, Ksenia Buzmakova, Anastasia Goncharenko. Meet us!


Ved.: This is where our holiday ends. But the most interesting is yet to come! After all, they begin... what? (together) holidays!!! Right!

Dear Guys! Be bright, bold, cheerful. I wish you a good winter holidays!Dear parents! We are very glad that you put aside everything and came to us for the holiday. Every child has an inexhaustible supply of energy and this energy must be used. Your children today showed only part of their capabilities and much more is yet to come. See you again!!!