Scene for a 50th wedding anniversary. Golden wedding competitions

50 years of family life is a wonderful occasion to gather friends and family for festive table to remember with them what they have lived through, rejoice in the present and hear sincere wishes for the future. To arrange a fun and heartfelt wedding anniversary celebration, you should take care in advance not only of a delicious feast, but also of the script.

Great idea for storyline The holiday could be an idea with a time machine and an analogy with one of the popular and favorite films, for example, “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession.” You can take as a basis what we offer Scenario of the Golden Wedding (50 years) "Love for all times" and a collection of new table games and role-playing tales that can easily be changed to suit a specific situation.

Golden Wedding Scenario


Screen for watching videos

Scenery and costumes:

Throne - a bench covered with a carpet, or two throne chairs

Preferably Characters dress according to the era.

For example, put on a kokoshnik for the Queen, and a Monomakh hat for the Tsar. Cover the storyteller's head with a large colorful shawl, make the buffoon a cap with bells, and the Stolnik wear a blouse shirt.








The guests are standing at the porch.

Enters the hall Tsar With Queen- heroes of the occasion (Golden Wedding). The people rejoice and greet them enthusiastically. The Tsar and Queen bow to the people in all directions and sit on the “throne”, they are helped Stolnik And Buffoon. After the couple has settled into their seats, the Tsar makes a hand gesture, allowing the guests to relax. The steward takes out the letter and reads out the royal decree. The celebrants listen attentively and nod approvingly)

A comic "Tsar's Decree" for an anniversary wedding feast.


“By the will of our Lord Almighty, by this royal command in honor of the 50th anniversary of the house (surname of the hero of the day) I appoint the day (date, month) of the year 20... from R.H. (Christmas Day) Orthodox holiday and declare it a day off.

On the occasion of this illustrious date, organize a great celebration on the same day with cheerful speeches, cheerful games, good games, and a rich table.

For a big celebration, prepare everything appropriate in the best possible way, so as not to disgrace yourself in front of those invited, and to show all foreign guests the breadth of the Russian soul.

Why do I command the cooks and cooks to prepare all kinds of dishes, so that everyone on the table can find bread, crumbs, snacks, and pie to suit their taste. The solicitors will provide all the products required in the kitchen without sparing them.

For greater fun, call together the best jesters, dancers, storytellers and buffoons.

The stables are ordered to prepare carriages and horses so that the guests, heavy after the feast, can reach home with all comfort.

All invited and uninvited (if there are any who wish to bring their gifts) must appear on time on the appointed day at the estate (name of cafe or restaurant), which is in the city... is located.

We command all loyal subjects to have fun and rejoice according to the measure and even beyond their capabilities. And whoever comes with a sour face will be fined heavily.

Everything written down by the sovereign must be executed exactly and promptly.”

After reading the Decree, the Stolnik rolls up the scroll.

Buffoon(addressing the King and Queen): Look, Mother Queen, look, Father Tsar, how many guests have arrived!

(Author's Note: You can list your guests here. For example: “Here are the boyar Nikiforov with his children, and Prince Lazarev, and the Voronezh ambassador (Primorsky, Gatchina, depending on the place of residence) and the Kupchinsky merchants. Baron Von Ivanoff also arrived from distant lands).

The Tsar and Queen nod favorably to those gathered.

Tsar (addressing Stolnik): But who is there, behind the bush? I don't recognize him in makeup!

The steward answers. The king nods and then whispers something in his ear.

Stolnik: The king wants to have a meal!

The Tsar and Queen walk between the guests to the table, the guests bow to the autocrats.

(Author's note: You can line up the guests in a kind of corridor: ladies on one side, gentlemen on the other. The Queen walks along the gentlemen, the Tsar walks along the ladies' line. Passing by the ladies, he introduces himself: “It’s a pleasure, Tsar!” Like in the film, Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession." At the same time, the Tsarina imperceptibly tugs the Tsar by the dress in order to cool his ardor).

The Tsar and Queen sit in places of honor and invite the guests to take their places.


Fill your healing cups

Sparkling fun wine!

Today is the anniversary

We will sing the anthem of Fidelity.

Not years have flown by, but half a century,

When did you decide: Together

Along the long happy road

Now we will go through life!

And true to this word,

They didn’t turn away from their path,

And no matter what happens along the way,

You didn't open your hands.

Let's raise our happy cups,

Like the dashing hussars before,

We'll drink to the last drop

For your love, heroes of the day!

Everyone gets up.

Sounds 1. Great. My little charm

A short banquet break.

Buffoon: There is a small break between the first and the big one!

The steward tugs Skomorokh by the sleeve.

Stolnik (reads the letter): Boyarin (ambassador) NN asks for the floor.

In this part of the program, words are given to senior guests, oldest friends or relatives).

Toast from a distinguished guest.

Excerpt 1a from Greatness “What could be more lovely” sounds?

A short banquet break.

"Anniversary menu"

Queen: Help yourself, dear guests, do not offend the hostess!

Buffoon: And that's true (pulls a piece from the table, gets a slap on the wrist)! Eva how much is prepared:

Twisted hare kidneys, pike heads with garlic, black caviar, red caviar, yes, overseas eggplant caviar! (The buffoon points to different dishes. It is not necessary that they correspond to the names. The buffoon is having fun, clowning around).

But the cucumbers are sleek, but here they are cold. Assorted potatoes and Winter salad. In a sheepskin coat! Delivered from the southern seas are Squid Trogals. And here is my dear, home-grown pumpkin after yesterday. From the French chef - Consommé with Moomintrolls. Of the hot Moscow ones, this is the first. (Dreamily) Once upon a time they were excellently prepared at the Slavic Bazaar.

And the drinks! Don't count it! There’s Sbiten “Messerschmitt in German”, and moonshine “Formula 1”, and Armenian beer, three stars! But this is a great tincture on driver’s crusts, I recommend it. For children and children and those who are teetotalers and ulcer sufferers, there are non-alcoholic drinks: Garlic fruit drink, Margarine juice, Gogol-Mogol and Turgenev-Murgenev.

(You can select your dish names from the document below)

Anniversary menu.docx

Stolnik: Enough already, balabol! The Big Man asks us to speak.

Announces the next guest.

The Big Man's Toast

Tsar: We're having some quiet fun. Where are the musicians, the buffoons, the storytellers and storytellers?

The Storyteller appears.

Storyteller: Allow the Tsar Father to tell a magical fairy tale.

Tsar: Scary?

Storyteller: How can you, dear, kind!

Queen: About love?

Storyteller: About love, mother! About love, and a wedding, with which the fairy tale does not end... But laughter and joy begin!

Role-playing table tale "Congratulations."

(watch the text of the fairy tale in the program “And Gorko Again”)

Storyteller: They say the truth: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” Look how handsome our heroes of the day are. It’s as if half a century has not passed. Advice and love to you!

The storyteller bows low to the Tsar and Queen, who present her with a gold chocolate medal.

Stolnik: Tsar Nadezhda, Queen Mother, overseas ambassadors have come to you!

Costume scene "The Padishah the Monogamous"

(watch the scene script

The Stolnik and the Buffoon Form solemnly bring the Tsar and Queen onto the dance floor, and behind them all the guests who form a round dance around the heroes of the day!

Round dance, then a dance break.

During the dance break, everyone who was in the costumes of the ancient era changes into modern outfits.



Presenter (Leader)

Leading: As you understand, dear guests, we have returned from the distant past. True, not quite yet, only in the 20th century. And we will talk about Love. About the feeling that half a century ago united (names of celebrants), and which has not lost its relevance to this day.

A word to the Daughter-in-law (Daughter-in-law). If she is the Leader, then the word can be given to the Son.

Daughter-in-law: (text approximate) In some movie, the following phrase was heard: “When people love each other, they sleep together. Their breath unites and from this they get children.” A beautiful phrase, isn't it? But such a miracle happened to our heroes of the day: Son, and my beloved husband - (Name). He will voice his feelings, but I want to say that you, my dears, have truly become my second mother and father, and your family experience is an example not only for us (Name), but, I suppose, for all your friends and relatives. (Own toast) May God grant you health, strength and many new implemented plans!

Sounds quiet 5. music from the film "Operation Y" - Romantic evening

Table game-chant "Golden Ours"

(the text can be viewed in the program “And again Gorko!”)

Competition for guests "Chamomile"

To the organizers: This competition requires preliminary preparation. It will be necessary to find out from the celebrants the dates that are significant to them. For example: dating, the year the construction of a house began, the birthday of a granddaughter, the year the hero of the day was awarded the title of honorary builder, etc. And also the addresses, say, of the first home, place of work, address of the maternity hospital, where the son was born, etc. There can be simple numbers: a school number, a home telephone number, the number of places of residence during family life, the number of objects built by the hero of the day, the number of paintings painted or knitted scarves - socks. After collecting information, you need to make a large daisy from thick paper, the petals of which can be easily “torn off” (they can be attached to the middle with paper clips). Write dates, numbers, addresses on the petals.

The host “tears off the petal and reads the date or address, the guests must answer what this means. The one who answered correctly receives a token. Whoever has the most tokens in the final of the competition receives a small prize from the heroes of the occasion

Leading: Personally, I had no doubt that you, dear guests, would easily cope with this task. After all, the closest people, the most faithful friends and reliable colleagues have gathered here. I want to give the floor to one of them.

A toast from a colleague.

Leading: (speaks over music) The story of the marriage of our young anniversaries is known to many. Probably everyone, and yet let me remind you of this touching story.

A short story about the acquaintance of the heroes of the day and the consolidation of the union of two hearts is accompanied by Slide show (or Video) from photographs of celebrants of the 60s and 70s

Track 4 is playing. The sound of a time machine from the film

Leading: And our magic time machine finally brought us back to the 21st century, to today. And the word for congratulations is given right here and now...

Further Toasts are not specified in the script. The Host decides when to give the floor to the guest.

Game moment "Dancing at the wedding table"

(text and musical arrangement can be seen in the program “And again Gorko!”)

Dance of the young

Sounds 6. I would say a lot of good things to you

Dance break.

THIRD Feast.

(After the break, you can organize a competition of ditties and songs, you need to give the floor to the celebrants themselves, arrange a wedding cake, throw a bouquet, you can also conduct a comic horoscope for the celebrants - see below)

Track 4 is playing. The sound of a time machine from the film

Horoscope for golden anniversaries

Leading: And now, after memories of the past, general joy from the present of our heroes of the day, it’s time to look into the future. We specially ordered a horoscope for this couple, but the astrologers turned out to be too practical people, and they wrote a horoscope that was somewhat dry. I suggest we now, all together, liven it up a little - name the adjectives that come to your mind and that you associate with family life.

Horoscope text with spaces for adjectives

Union... ……………. (Zodiac sign of the hero of the day) And ……………… (Zodiac sign of the hero of the day) in the next 50 years there will be………………….. future. Their …………………… will help overcome all……………………….obstacles, and mutual…………………………… and ………………… …….understanding will contribute to maintaining ………………….health. Children and grandchildren will always be nearby and surround them with …………………care and ……………………………..attention!

Welfare………………………..couples (Zodiac signs of anniversaries) is simply doomed on……………………………stability. The stars favor this…………………….alliance, and everyone who is next to them will also expect…………………..success and………………………………………………………. prosperity!

After 50 years of marriage, the couple celebrates a significant date - a golden wedding, the name of which ideally emphasizes the beauty and strength of their relationship. If this anniversary is ahead of your family and friends, then you should not only figure out what to give for your golden wedding, but also prepare a holiday for them with your family, the script of which you can easily write yourself. To make it easier for you to cope with the task, the portal has prepared for you an approximate version of the golden wedding scenario with touching rituals and thematic competitions.

Meeting of spouses

Guests gather in the room, the host distributes confetti and tinsel to shower the spouses. The host can be either a professional or one of the active guests who imagines how to hold a golden wedding. The celebrants enter the room, the presenter says: “ Let's meet our dear spouses!" The heroes of the occasion walk to the table accompanied by Mendelssohn's march or other thematic music; relatives and friends shower them with golden “rain,” emphasizing the symbolism of the holiday.

Golden wedding: ideas for celebration

The guests are seated at the table, the host says: “ Today this wonderful couple is celebrating their anniversary - half a century has passed since their wedding, but they were able to maintain warm and reverent feelings for each other. Although there were both joyful and sad moments in their life together, their union only became stronger. They have a wonderful home, a lot of work achievements, children and grandchildren, so a marriage concluded 50 years ago should become an example for everyone around! Let's raise our glasses to this magnificent union!».

Exchange of rings

The golden wedding scenario for the toastmaster often includes a touching exchange of rings, which can also be done at home in the form of a small re-enactment.

Guests are given the opportunity to try festive dishes, after 10-15 minutes the host says: “ The past years have made your feelings even stronger, so I propose to secure your union for another half a century with the help of new gold rings that your children and grandchildren have prepared for you!».

A ceremonial exchange of gold rings is carried out: the spouses come out from the center of the room, where there is a table with a box of rings, and to the accompaniment of beautiful music, the husband puts the ring on his wife’s finger, the wife on her husband’s finger. The presenter says: “ And now I ask the guests to raise a second glass to our heroes of the day, and let the children tell their parents a beautiful toast!" The children are given the floor. Then the couple accepts congratulations on their golden wedding from their grandchildren and other close relatives.

Golden wedding competitions

You can include several in your golden wedding scenario comic competitions, For example:

Competition for spouses “Happy Past”

  • Participants: husband and wife.
  • Props: sheet with questions, microphone.

After a series of toasts, the host says: “ And now I invite the spouses to plunge into the days of their youth and remember what so interesting and significant happened to them before, after all, having lived together for half a century, they definitely have something to remember!».

Questions for my husband:

  • What affectionate name did your wife call you?
  • What month did you meet?
  • Where did you go on vacation for the first time?

Questions for the wife:

  • Where did your husband confess his love to you?
  • Where did he propose to you?
  • Where did he take you on your first date?
  • Which one is the best original gift did he give it to you?

When the spouses answer the questions, they can be presented with comic medals “50 years of marriage” or diplomas “The best couple” or “The best husband/wife”, which you can make yourself from paper in advance, a few days before the golden wedding. And in the script itself, insert a beautiful toast in honor of the presentation of diplomas: “ For the fact that they preserved their love and created such a strong and large family, the heroes of the day are awarded certificates of honor!».

Scenes and beautiful rituals for a golden wedding

During the celebration of the half-century anniversary, you can perform several beautiful ceremonies and rituals that will make the holiday even more touching and atmospheric.

Dance of the spouses

The guests continue to congratulate the heroes of the day, and the feast continues. Then the presenter says: “ The most touching moment at a wedding is the dance of the bride and groom. But our “young people”, even after 50 years, can show you a real master class in performing a wedding dance. Let's support them with applause!" The couple perform their dance to a beautiful melody.

Advice: if there is a large screen in the room, then you can run a slide show on it with joint photos of the spouses.

At the end of the dance, the leader says: “ Now let's sit down at the tables again and drink to the heroes of the day, because no gold can compare with what they have - love and loyalty!».

Letters of happiness

In the holiday scenario at home, you can include a beautiful ritual of reading letters of happiness, which during the golden wedding will further emphasize the significance and touchingness of this event.

The guests drink and eat, and the host says: “ Half a century together is not a year or even five... Our dear heroes of the occasion were able to preserve their love, although not everyone in their family life was perfect, but only good moments always remain in our memory, which let the spouses themselves tell us about. For this significant day, they prepared letters about the happiest moments of their lives!" The celebrants read their letters to lyrical music.

Gratitude to mom

The feast continues, after 20 minutes the host says: “ According to a beautiful long-standing tradition,golden wedding It is customary to present gold to the wife and mother in one person. Your children have prepared a gift for you - a “golden” scarf - as a token of gratitude for your love and care, worries and sleepless nights" The wife goes to the center of the hall and sits on a chair, the children put a scarf embroidered with gold threads on her head.

End of the banquet

At the end of the feast in honor of the golden wedding, with or without a toastmaster, during which both competitions and beautiful rituals were planned, a themed cake is brought into the hall. The celebrants cut it and give a speech of gratitude. The celebration is coming to an end.

The portal has given you an example of holding a golden wedding at home. Based on it, you can create your own unique scenario that will suit your family. Then the holiday you organized will be remembered for a long time by all those present for its spiritual atmosphere, touching traditions and cool competitions!



    They went through all the obstacles

    But they saved their feelings.

    We are happy to congratulate them on their anniversary,

    We welcome the golden anniversaries!

    The guests greet the couple with loud applause.


    Stand under the golden umbrella

    Hug each other.

    You don't care about any weather now,

    Be happy and live to be a hundred years old!

    And we will shower you with rain,

    May you have more happiness!

    And sincere wishes,

    May your love last longer!

    The couple stands under a golden (or yellow) umbrella, and the guests loudly applaud them. When the toastmaster says the words: “And we will shower you with rain,” the guests throw gold sparkles up (so that they fall on the umbrella and not on the spouses).


    May our spouses

    And behind them come the guests,

    They pass one after another

    We ask you to take places of honor!


    Your love is now worth its weight in gold

    You have been family for half a century!

    (You've been together for half a century, friends!)

    Let your heart be forever young,

    And let spring bloom in your soul!


    50 is a golden date!

    You have been very lucky in life.

    We will shout: “Bitter!” repeatedly,

    Kiss tenderly and warmly!

    The couple kisses.


    Wonderful melody of love

    It will sound in honor of the golden spouses.

    We invite you to the first dance,

    So that the blush sparkles from ardent feelings!

    Dance block (you can do without it).


    Golden moments of your family life

    We'll see you now in a wonderful film!

    The best moments from the life of the spouses are shown to guests in the form of a film.


    Let your dashing youth not be restored to you -

    You won't regret it.

    Love triumphs today -

    She can't grow old!

    For your youth, for your feelings

    We will drink while standing, we will drink together!


    Spouses are waiting for guests

    Golden gifts,

    And solemn speeches

    And beautiful, bright words!

    And in return they give you

    Golden rules

    Without which we are today

    There would be no wedding.

    The guests congratulate the spouses, after which the congratulator is given a golden balloon, which must be burst and the golden rule read. Golden Rule- This folk wisdom, which the spouses adhered to in their family life.

    Thanks to these golden rules, the couple were able to live together for 50 years. A ball can be given to each guest (if there are enough balls for everyone), or to a group of congratulators (if there are many guests and there are not enough balls for everyone).

    Examples of golden rules (you can choose and add your own):

    • A kind wife and fatty cabbage soup - don’t look for any other happiness.
    • The family is at war, and the lonely one is grieving.
    • A wife is not a mitten; you can’t throw her off your hand.
    • Without a husband, a wife is always an orphan.
    • Without a wife is like without a hat.
    • Without a husband, that without a head.
    • If you take a good wife, you won’t experience either boredom or grief.
    • You can't pass a thread between a husband and wife.
    • Where there is love, there is God. God is love.
    • Advice and love stand in this world.
    • To my dear, seven miles is not a suburb.
    • Choose your wife not in a round dance, but in the garden.
    • Not the housewife who speaks eloquently, but the one who cooks cabbage soup.
    • The best treasure is when there is harmony in the house.
    • Family harmony is the most valuable thing.
    • In the family the porridge is thicker.
    • A husband and wife quarrel, but lie under the same fur coat.
    • A husband and wife are like flour and water: you can talk, but you can't talk.
    • Good partners, like wine, get better with age.
    • A family without children is like a day without sun.
    • In a good family, heaven meets earth.


    Let love make you dizzy

    With our golden spouses,

    And the guests from drunken wine -

    Let's drink to each other!

    (guests drink to the married couple, spouses to the guests)


    We will tell fortunes to the spouses,

    What awaits them in the coming year.

    And then we'll go in circles,

    We'll tell everyone what awaits you.

    The toastmaster invites the spouses, and then all the guests, to tell fortunes for their immediate future. Alternatively, for the opportunity to tell fortunes, participants (except spouses) must pay a nominal fee. It is possible for just anyone to do this.

    The toastmaster invites spouses and guests to pull out a card with symbol pictures from the bag. Depending on which picture the guest pulls out, the toastmaster draws a conclusion about what they will do in the coming year.

    Examples of cards:

    1. with a beach umbrella - they will travel and relax at the resort all year round
    2. with a stroller - children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren will be born soon
    3. with a coin - they will earn a lot of money
    4. with a car - will buy a car
    5. with a house - they will buy new house etc.

    The main condition of the game is that the cards must be positive, so that any card pulled out will be received with joy by the spouses and guests.


    All my loved ones have gathered here,

    Family and friends.

    Let's check our intuition

    And knowledge of kinship.

    Guests are invited to test how well they know their relatives and friends. To hold the competition, spouses need to prepare in advance: remember some features, interesting facts from the lives of their guests, as well as other individual characteristics, hobbies, specific professions of each (if there are not very many guests) or some of them (if there are many guests at the holiday ).

    For example:

    • owner of a white Mercedes;
    • mother of a two-year-old daughter;
    • supports Zenit;
    • vegetarian;
    • professionally owns droppers and mustard plasters;
    • loves his German Shepherd;
    • loves to sing karaoke;
    • jumped with a parachute five times;
    • plays the guitar great;
    • born in Ukraine;
    • knows everything about indoor flowers;
    • served on the Chinese border;
    • speaks three foreign languages and so on.

    Of course, among the listed characteristics there should not be any that are not very pleasant for guests, but only interesting, positive ones, something that can be a source of pride for this person. There should not be general, widespread “signs”, for example, “has higher education", "lives in the city center", "been abroad" and the like.

    If you write about one person "has good taste"or "loves good music", then, firstly, it will not be so easy to determine, and secondly, it will mean that the rest of the guests do not have taste and like bad music, and this is somehow offensive. Be careful when preparing.

    Notes are written on separate pieces of paper and placed in a box or bag. Show off your intuition and guess who it’s about we're talking about, you can offer it to all guests, or you can select several people (an expert group) who will guess. Just don't drag out this game.


    Our spouses were tired during the evening,

    So it's time for all of us to go home.

    We ate, played and danced -

    Thanks to the spouses for such a holiday!

    You don’t always want to take a home holiday outside of your comfort, so many people decide to celebrate even such a significant occasion without leaving their own walls. And if you decide to hold your Golden Wedding at home, then it is important to take care not only of the food and music, but also of the design and script. Let's start with decorating the room. This option is suitable for both an apartment and a private house. It's important to start with the color scheme. Since the theme is gold, the shades should be appropriate. You can hang golden ribbons, balloons, draw several posters, after decorating them with gold sparkles. As an original design element, you can create a collage with photographs of celebrants. But if you do something like this, it’s better to cut out two large numbers 5 and 0 and stick on them the photographs that have accumulated over all the years together. You can also take into account the seasonality of marriage or dating. Surely many have heard this amazing story. Next is the menu. It is important to take care not only of the originality of the dishes, but also of their freshness and appropriateness. Some invited guests, like the heroes of the occasion, will be aged, so it is better to prepare something dietary. As for the musical accompaniment, here you can successfully combine modernity with the motifs of past years.

    It is clear that the script is the basis of the holiday. We present to your attention a scenario that allows you to hold a Golden Wedding at home. The material was selected for a private house, but if desired, it can also be used for an apartment, using.

    Also, advice, if there is not enough space in the room where the holiday is supposed to be celebrated, it is recommended to remove some of the furniture. Since the script contains a holiday for private home, you can also make several photo zones.

    Presenter, guests, young people.

    a diploma for the newlyweds and two gold medals, several certificates for guests, gifts for competitions, album sheets, pens, forks, blindfolds, objects, a couple of pens and sheets of paper, nuts.

    The guests are seated and the Host appears.

    Today we have gathered with you,
    To congratulate the young,
    Happy anniversary,
    They lived for half a century!
    There will be toasts, congratulations,
    And I have prepared competitions,
    I wish everyone good mood,
    It's time for us to celebrate!

    (The heroes of the occasion enter the courtyard and sit at the head of the table.)

    I want to convey my word,
    I am your parents,
    As if everything happened yesterday
    Bow down to them again!

    (If the parents are alive, then they say , if not, then this moment is skipped)

    Just think, 50 years of marriage! Not everyone can boast of this. Tell me, Young people, do you remember in detail that special day on which you exchanged rings?

    (The newlyweds talk about their wedding)

    Children will voice their congratulations,
    And there’s nowhere without them,
    The most beloved on the whole planet,
    It's time for them to congratulate you!

    (If a couple has children, then they pronounce it together with their other halves).

    Dear guests, I ask for your attention! Now there will be a small award ceremony for our wonderful Young People! You know, as I already said, it’s so rare to find people who managed to live to see the Golden Wedding, and so that you never forget about this joyful event, I hasten to award you with this diploma and medals appropriate for the anniversary.
    You will need: a diploma and gold medals.

    (Presents diploma and medals)

    Presenter (continues):
    I'm wondering how well you know each other. Having been together for so many years, you should probably know your soul mate thoroughly. Although, we will check this now!

    Competition “I know everything about you.”
    The host gives the heroes of the occasion 3 album sheets and pens. In turn, she asks each spouse questions to which he must answer. The second spouse writes the correct answer on a piece of paper, and then shows the guests the result).
    You will need: album sheets, pens.

    Questions for your spouse:
    1. How many spoons of sugar does your husband put in his tea?
    2. Which side does he usually fall asleep on?
    3. How old was his first kiss?
    4. His main hobby?
    5. Favorite clothes?
    6. Favorite color?
    7. Favorite drinking song?

    Questions for your spouse:
    1. Favorite flowers?
    2. Favorite movie?
    3. How does she usually fall asleep?
    4. What are your hobbies?
    5. How do you usually spend your free time?
    6. Favorite color?
    7. Favorite drinking song?

    (Another list of questions is possible. If you choose these, then ask the last answer to be sung)

    Continuing congratulations,
    I convey my word
    Grandson, beautiful granddaughter,
    I'll give up my place immediately!

    Somehow the guests got bored
    I suggest you play
    Certificates, prizes, awards,
    It's time for me to give it away!

    Table competition "Fork".
    3-4 participants are selected. During the competition, their plates are taken away, they are given two forks, and they are blindfolded. An object is placed in place of the plate. The task of the participants is to guess what is in front of them using forks. The winner will receive a prize.
    You will need: forks, blindfolds, objects.

    List of items:
    1. Comb;
    2. Kinder surprise toy;
    3. A pack of cigarettes;
    4. Raw potatoes;
    5. Candy (without wrapper);
    6. Foam;
    7. Plasticine.

    (Maybe another set of items)

    And now, it's time for friends,
    Say a few words
    I wish you many years to come,
    And a shared journey!

    (The toast is made by friends. For fun, it’s better to give each guest a line from before the start of the event and indicate the order)

    I suggest to young people now,
    Repeat your first dance
    There's music for you,
    It's been so long since we danced!

    (First ask the spouses what kind of music their first dance was to, and try to refresh their memories)

    You guys have stayed too long,
    It's time to dance
    I'll turn on the music for you,
    I'll dance with you!

    (Dance break if space permits)

    Now, let's go with you,
    Let's play the game now
    We'll dance a little
    I'll bring you a chair!

    Competition “I move to the beat.”
    Several participants are selected. The contestants sit on chairs. The task is to dance without leaving your place to rhythmic music. Whoever copes with the task better wins.

    It is with great pleasure that I convey my word to the hosts of the event.

    (Spouses pronounce)

    I wonder how well the invited guests know our golden couple? Now we will find out!

    The presenter appoints holding the “Golden Quiz”.
    Guests are asked questions about spouses, for each correct answer - candy. Whoever collects the most candies wins. It’s better to ask questions with someone from your family so that the presenter has the answers. After this competition, you can toast your friends.

    I have prepared a competition for you,
    Let's laugh now
    We will read poetry
    Happy Anniversary!

    Competition “I will read, I can.”
    2 people are selected. One is given a sheet and a pen, the other is given whole nuts. The task is to read with nuts in your mouth. At this time, the second participant must write down what he can hear. Then they change places. Whoever reproduces it best will receive a prize. Alternatively, you can hold this competition with a helium balloon. One of the participants inhales with the balloon and reads the wish very quickly, the second must write down what he hears and then read.
    You will need: a couple of pens and sheets of paper, nuts.

    (The presenter announces a musical break, if space does not allow, then one more)

    Our evening is coming to an end,
    The sun is already going to bed,
    I was glad to see you
    At this wondrous, wonderful hour!
    And once again, Happy Anniversary,
    You may live another hundred years,
    Sincere, mutual love,
    You are a living example for everyone!
    You are support and support,
    You are a wonderful family
    Glad to meet you,
    And, see you again, friends!

    You can also add several drinking songs to the script, since people of the older generation love to sing, and their repertoire is very soulful. You can, if necessary and if there is space, add more active ones.

    What to gift:

    50 years after marriage, the couple celebrates a major anniversary - the golden wedding anniversary. It is customary to gather all children, grandchildren, relatives and friends for such a holiday. You should think in advance about the decoration of the hall, the menu, the outfit of the heroes of the day, and create an interesting scenario for the golden wedding. The celebration should be fun, with sparkle, taking into account the age of those gathered and their state of health.

    Recommendations for celebrating an anniversary after 50 years of marriage:

    • The choice of celebration location should depend on the wishes of the spouses. Many at this age prefer to celebrate their marriage anniversary at home, in a close family circle, but some agree to a large celebration in a restaurant or cafe.
    • Children and adult grandchildren usually help choose the menu, room decoration, and competitions for the anniversary. They prepare for the parents the entire scenario for a solemn or joyful golden wedding, select ditties, songs, congratulatory toasts and poems for 50 years of marriage.
    • Wishes, musical gifts, playful ditties with an accordion or toasts for a golden wedding should be thematic, indicating the name or symbols of the anniversary.
    • It is necessary, together with the host, to think through the moments of the spouses’ wedding dance, their anniversary kiss, exchange of rings, beautifully arrange the removal of the cake and the presentation of gifts from children and family friends.
    • All important anniversary traditions should be taken into account when drawing up a script for parents for a golden wedding. All rituals should be prepared in advance by purchasing the necessary items.
    • It is advisable to decorate the hall with posters with the inscriptions “50 years of marriage”, “Happy wedding anniversary”, decorate the walls with golden balls, and the table with a yellow tablecloth, dishes, and napkins.
    • Congratulations to spouses can be anything: funny, funny, touching, solemn, in poetry or prose. You should include ditties and songs prepared for the golden wedding in the script, prepare skits and competitions.
    • You definitely need to agree with a photographer to capture the most solemn moments as a memory, to take photos with your children and grandchildren.

    Golden Marriage Anniversary Script Structure

    Scenarios with poems, competitions and dances for a golden wedding can be found on the Internet, special magazines, and ordered from the leading anniversary celebrations. Many compose them themselves, taking into account the wishes of their parents, their love for songs, ditties, and table games. In any case, all scripts written specifically for the golden wedding contain the following points:

    1. Meeting relatives and guests, presenting bouquets to the spouse, sitting at the festive table.
    2. Congratulations to the presenter, making the main toast for the heroes of the day.
    3. Treating, providing words of congratulations to children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.
    4. Going through the ritual of exchanging gold rings according to an ancient tradition.
    5. Presentation of gifts from guests.
    6. Musical minutes during which funny wedding ditties and favorite songs of the spouses are performed.
    7. Taking out an anniversary cake with the inscription “50 years”.
    8. Wedding dance, kiss to the applause of the whole friendly family and guests.
    9. Response from the spouses.
    10. Competitions and table games.

    Many scripts contain poems, wishes in prose, toasts, because a golden wedding is a very important celebration that not all couples live to see. Therefore, the holiday should be interesting, serious and memorable.

    Script Writing Tips

    A good script for golden wedding congratulations should be succinct, clear and interesting. It must include a congratulatory text for children, funny songs, poems, and ditties. If the anniversary is celebrated at home with family, you can come up with just a few toasts, a couple of competitions, paying more attention to songs accompanied by button accordion or karaoke. For a celebration in a restaurant, the script with scenes and musical breaks for the golden wedding should be more detailed.

    Here are a few important points, which must be in the script prepared for the golden wedding:

    • traditions such as putting a scarf with a gold pattern on the mother’s head, lighting two golden candles, and exchanging wedding rings should be taken into account;
    • you definitely need to prepare interesting toasts for your golden wedding beautiful wishes anniversaries;
    • You should discuss slow dancing with your parents and obtain their consent;
    • According to tradition, spouses must begin the holiday with a hug and a kiss, symbolizing strong love for 50 years;
    • you need to choose funny ditties, ancient or modern songs, funny scenes with dressing up guests so that the holiday is fun;
    • the anniversary should be hosted by a special presenter selected from the agency or from among close people;
    • the script should last several hours, because a golden wedding is a fairly large anniversary, to which all close relatives come.

    Carrying out a holiday according to the script

    The festive feast for the marriage anniversary, 50 years after the wedding ceremony, should be started by a leader prepared for this. He must have a verified ready script, according to which the entire golden wedding will be held. For all competitions, comic quizzes and riddles, you must buy souvenirs, sweets or gifts for guests in advance.

    Here are the main steps that should be in interesting scenario golden wedding:

    • Guests greet the heroes of the day with applause, carefully showering them with gold sparkles, shiny serpentine trim, and pieces of silver paper. Such “golden” rain symbolizes the wealth of emotions, happy moments and good memories accumulated in the spouses’ family over 50 years.
    • The eldest daughter or son ties a snow-white scarf trimmed with shiny threads of golden Lurex on the head of their beloved mother, and gives the spouses gold or symbolic wedding rings for the family anniversary.
    • Relatives or guests give the spouses comic anniversary awards, gold-plated medals or diplomas with the inscription “50 years”, on which a congratulatory text in verse with beautiful wishes is written.
    • The grandchildren bring out a beautifully decorated cake with candles lit on it in a circle and congratulate their grandparents.
    • Competitions are held for best congratulations, a wish, a toast, funny ditties and favorite songs are sung.
    • The presentation of gifts is accompanied by a response from the heroes of the day, their gratitude to all those present.
    • The holiday ends with a dance break or choral performance of the spouses’ favorite songs, and festive fireworks in the courtyard.

    Interesting competitions for spouses on their marriage anniversary

    In the scenario for parents for the golden wedding, a significant place should be given to interesting, calm competitions. You should write out the entire text in detail, make explanations, and prepare the necessary details. Having lived together for 50 years, the spouses are already quite elderly, so there should be no active games.

    Competition "Exchange of Wedding Rings"

    You will need 2 large hard bagels or dryers. The fingers of older celebrants are no longer as thin and dexterous as in their youth, which is why such convenient props are used. The spouses, accompanied by cheerful wedding ditties or a song, should put a ring on each other's finger, sealing the marriage bond with a kiss.

    Competition "Golden Path"

    The presenter and assistant lay out a path of shiny foil in front of the heroes of the day. Spouses should go through it, uttering original compliments and wishes to their beloved half with each step.

    Competition “Perky ditties”

    If there is a button accordion in the house, and the spouses like to play ditties or sing, you can divide all the guests into 2 teams. Some invitees will help the husband, others will help the wife. Whose team takes turns singing the most funny ditties will win this musical competition. By agreement, ancient wedding songs can be performed.

    Much attention in the script should be paid to congratulations and warm words, because a golden wedding is celebrated once in a lifetime. Such an anniversary, after 50 years of marriage, must be filmed and copied onto a disk. The invited photographer should take as many photographs as possible of the celebrants themselves, their happy children and grandchildren, beloved friends and relatives. Such photographs, even after many years, will be a pleasant reminder of the celebration.

    What else can we do to make each other happy?