Family traditions. Round table for parents

Round table"Family Values" for students in grades 9-11.

Target: to form ideas about the family as a part of society, about the role and place of the family in a person’s life; orient students towards creating a strong, friendly family.


– elevating the role of the family, its status in our society;

– strengthening the desire to live in a friendly, prosperous family based on spiritual unity, which should be understood not as the sameness of characters and temperaments, but as the homogeneity of spiritual assessments, the commonality of life goals and principles of parents and children;

– strengthening children’s sense of gratitude to their parents for their care and attention.



MBOU Rassvetovskaya Secondary School

Aksai district, Rostov region

Drogacheva A.F.

Living N.I.

Kovaleva S.N.

Round table (page 1)

“Strong family means strong Russia. Family and family values»

Target: to form ideas about the family as a part of society, about the role and place of the family in a person’s life;orient students towards creating a strong, friendly family.


– elevating the role of the family, its status in our society;

– strengthening the desire to live in a friendly, prosperous family based on spiritual unity, which should be understood not as the sameness of characters and temperaments, but as the homogeneity of spiritual assessments, the commonality of life goals and principles of parents and children;

– strengthening children’s sense of gratitude to their parents for their care and attention.

(slide 2) Epigraph

Family is a form of human spiritual unity. And only through it is a person able to rise to other norms of spiritual unity - the Motherland and the state.

Russian philosopher I.A. Ilyin

1. introduction:

(slide 3 photos)

Ved. The history of mankind, and therefore the development of society, according to scientists, is already at least four thousand years old. Throughout its entire length, the human heart never tired of enriching human relationships and improving them. One of the greatest human values ​​is love. This is where infinite value is revealed. human personality, the joy of belittling yourself for the sake of the one you love, the joy of continuing yourself.
All this was expressed in such a social institution as the family. IN different times at different nations there were different views on the family, their place in it, the place of the family in society, something new appeared, but at the same time it remained, in fact, a unique coincidence of personalities, enrichment human soul– alive, searching, developing. An ideal family is unthinkable without love. Love is warmth, tenderness, joy. This is the main one driving force development of humanity, that for which we all exist, that which pushes a person to recklessly heroic actions.

2. Family and family values.

(slide 4) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2012 No. 761 "On the National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for 2012 - 2017" defines the family policy of child savings as a priority direction of state policy in the field of childhood, which in the near future will be reflected in federal law, which defines the foundations of state family policy.

What do you think was the reason for the appearance of this document?

Children's answers (versions)

Here is the opinion of sociologists (slide 5)

  • the child population continues to decline;
  • in a significant proportion of children preschool age and students in educational institutions various diseases and functional abnormalities are detected;
  • the number of identified violations of children's rights is not decreasing (in 2011, more than 93 thousand children became victims of crime);
  • the number of disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care is decreasing at a low rate;
  • problems of teenage alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse (almost a quarter of crimes are committed by minors while intoxicated).

Therefore, the process of reviving the family, strengthening its potential and value as the basis of society, restoring the values, traditions and practices of family education becomes urgent.

So what is FAMILY? (slide 6)

A family is an association of people based on blood relationship, marriage or adoption, connected by a common life and mutual responsibility for raising children; family members often live in the same house.

How did the word "family" come about?
Once upon a time the earth did not hear about him...
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
- Now I will ask you seven questions.
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eva answered quietly:
- I.
- Who will raise them, my queen?
And Eva answered obediently:
- I.
- Who will prepare the food, oh my joy?
And Eve still answered:
- I.
- Whoever sews the dress, washes the linen,
Will he caress me and decorate my home?
Answer the questions, my friend!
“I... I...” Eva said quietly,
- I... I...
She said the famous seven I.
This is how a family appeared on earth.

(slide 7) ? Tell me, what do you think is the ideal family?

(slide 8)

  • Where they treat you with respect and don’t swear.
  • Where everyone understands each other.
  • They spend a lot of time together and everyone feels good and comfortable.
  • Where everyone tries to help the other.
  • Where parents are involved in their children's affairs.
  • Where the family is the nourishing, saturating soil on which the planted seed grows...

Many arguments can be made in favor of ideal family. Because the most precious thing in a person’s life is family.

Parable “Fifty Years of Politeness”

One elderly couple for long years celebrated our life together golden wedding. Over breakfast, the wife thought: “For fifty years now I have been trying to please my husband. I always gave him the top half of the bread with the crusty crust. And today I want this delicacy to be mine.”

She buttered the top half of the bread for herself and gave the other half to her husband. Contrary to her expectations, he was very happy, kissed her hand and said:

“My dear, you have given me the greatest joy. For more than fifty years I have not eaten the bottom half of the bread, the one I love most. I always thought that you should have her because you love her so much.

What is the main function of the family?

One of the main and main traditions and functions of the family is the birth and upbringing of children.

But still, is it necessary to have children in a family and how many children should there be in a family?

At the beginning of the 20th century, a Russian family had an average of 8-10 children. By the end of the 30s, this figure dropped to 6-7. A new wave of reduction in the number of children in families occurred in the 60s, and today this figure is 1.5 - 2.

What does this mean? A one-child family in movement and development means this: in 25-30 years this family will have two pensioners and only one worker. One family will raise the future groom, the other will raise the bride. They will get married in the future. Two families will be replaced by one. This negatively affects the demographic situation. It is not enough to have two children in a family. Not every boy will grow up to the age of the groom, not everyone who reaches this age will get married, not every man will become a father. It's the same with women. It is calculated that out of a thousand people who consist of two-child families, in 30 years there will be 621 people left, in 60 years - 386, in 90 years - 240, and in 300 years - only 8 people instead of a thousand. According to demographers, a family should have at least 3-4 children.

Currently, there are many problems associated with creating and maintaining a family.(slide 10). What problems can you name in maintaining a family?

After students answer, highlight the slides(slide 11, 12)

  • declining birth rates and falling population growth;
  • an increase in the number of women compared to the number of men;
  • decreasing average family size and increasing mortality;
  • decline in labor productivity in the household;
  • growing family needs and limited opportunities to meet them;
  • frivolous attitude towards marriage and family;
  • lack of self-discipline and sexual promiscuity;
  • high percentage of divorces (every third marriage breaks up).

Do you agree that creating a strong family requires learning?

Close, stable relationships between people, especially in a family, are a complex system; one might even say that a family is a living organism. It has its own interaction mechanisms and operating principles that allow this system to operate for a long time and effectively. You can also go the way of getting “bumps”, but this is a very painful, difficult path that is associated with many unnecessary sufferings. And there is no guarantee that experience will still be gained. More often than not, the bumps get stuffed, but there’s no point.

3. Speech by a church representative

Dramatization + film

Leading: In Russia, on March 26, 2008, in the Federation Council at a meeting of the committee on social policy The initiative to establish a new holiday was unanimously approved - “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity,” which is celebrated annually on July 8 in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia. They are the patrons of family and marriage, whose marital union is considered a model of Christian marriage. One of the main initiators of the revival and popularization of this holiday is the wife former president Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev Svetlana. She also came up with the idea of ​​chamomile as a symbol of the holiday.(chamomile) From time immemorial, the family belongs to the most important social values.

(slide 14) I hope our conversation today was helpful to each of you.

Everyone has their own idea of ​​family. What associations do you have with this word?

If a family is a building, then what...

If family is a color, then what...

If family is music, then what...

If family is geometric figure, then what...

If family is the name of a movie, then what...

If family is a mood, then what...


(slide 15) Indeed, family is the most important thing in our lives. It depends on the family whether we are happy or not.

(slide 16)

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house welcomes me with warmth.
They are always waiting for you here with love
And they send you on your way with kindness

Father, mother and children together
sitting at festive table,
And together they are not at all bored,
The five of them are interested.

The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love and appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than that?
on this fabulous land.

Love and happiness to you in your family life - your current one with your parents and your future family!

Soltustik Kazakhstan baldness

Timiryazev audany

North-Kazakhstan region

Timiryazevsky district

Aksuat orta mektebi

Aksuat secondary school

Bastauysh son mugalimi:

Teacher primary classes:

Mukhametova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Round table: “Seven and I are my family.”

Round table: “Seven and I are my family.” Tasks:
1. Fostering in students the spiritual needs of love and respect for others; development of cognitive qualities of the individual.
2. Learn to balance your needs with the needs of others; pay more attention to loved ones.
3. Form a positive attitude towards your family members and friendly relationships.

1. The song sounds " Parents' house».

I'm glad to see you. I count on your support, I want to hear your opinions, I need your help and mutual understanding. I think that our cooperation will be fruitful and effective.

2. Determine the topic of the round table by listening to the poem.

Family is us. Family is me.
Family is my dad and mom,
Family is Vladik, dear brother,
Family is my fluffy cat.
Family is two dear grandmothers,
Family - and my sisters are mischievous.
Family is godmother, aunts and uncles,
A family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.
Family is a holiday around the round table,
Family is happiness, family is home,
Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil.

Let's make a “daisy” for the word family (on the petals of the association for the word family).

Teacher: On September 8, 2013, Family Day was celebrated for the first time in Kazakhstan. Since then, this date has become traditional. As the head of state noted, in our society the family has always been and remains a connecting link between different generations, the keeper of spiritual and cultural traditions. Love for the Motherland begins with love for the family hearth. The education received under our native shanyrak is the key to a healthy and successful future for all our people. Every person has his own home. The words “Father's house”, “family” enter our consciousness from the first days of life. Family is a great gift. “Happy is he who is happy at home ”.

The father's house greets me with warmth,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!

2) Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.

Parents are wiser in everything
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

4) Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Teacher: In the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (v. 27) it is written “Marriage and family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood are under the protection of the state. Caring for and raising children is the natural right and responsibility of parents. Adult, able-bodied children are obliged to take care of their parents.” Who do you think creates all the wonders in the world: temples, pyramids, spaceships? So, man is the main wonder of the world, and he is priceless. Each of you is a miracle, your family is a miracle. It is very important for moms and dads to keep you and your health. But you yourself must also take care of your parents and relatives.

How do you take care of them? Tell me.

3 – What should a modern family be like? Let's select adjectives. Family (what?) …..,……… .

Teacher: S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary gives an interpretation of the word. “Family is a group of close relatives living together” -Who do we consider close relatives?

Teacher: Sketch “WHO WILL WHO?” G-granddaughter, B-grandmother.

Q- Grandma, grandma, whose daughter am I?

B- You are Marat’s daughter, my son!

Q- My dad is big, but not a little son at all!

B- Son. Brother of my four daughters.

Do you remember when we visited the elder Myra?

Q - Did we really visit our daughter? My aunt has!

B- I rocked your aunt in the cradle...

B- Grandma, wait, explain first!

Are you completely confused? Let's try it together.

4 Game "Guess who I am?"

1. My mother's son. (Brother)
2. My parent. (Father)
3. Brother of father or mother. (Uncle)

4. A girl who has parents like me. (Sister)
5. The one who gave us life. (Mother)
6. Mom or Dad's sister. (Aunt)
7. My child's son. (Grandson)
8. My heir. (Son)
9. The son of my sister or brother. (Nephew)

Tell us about your relatives.

We are growing together as a family

All your roots are in the family circle,
And you come into life from family.

In the family circle we create life,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important! Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,

5 Exercise “Complete the drawing” (on the oval, finish drawing: grandmothers, mother, grandfathers, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle.)

Making a tree. “The whole family is together and the soul is in place.”

Previously, home and family were spoken of with great respect. The families were large and friendly. They lived cheerfully, respected old age, and protected youth. Around each of us there are many relatives; we are connected with them by invisible threads. " And that family is strong which remembers and honors its ancestors.

– Do you know where you are from?

– Who suggested that you give the name that you bear? What does it mean?

– Who were you named after? – Do you have a family tree? -Who composed it?

6 Game “Which are the most names?” (counting by names, children are divided into groups, counting students in the group.) Group 1 - for the letter A, Group 2 - for the letter B... -Which letter had more names?

7 What does family happiness consist of? Competition “Make a proverb.”

There is no need for treasure (when there is harmony in the family.)
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.)
When the family is together (and the heart is in the right place.)
Friendly family and land (turns into gold.)

8 What responsibilities do you have in your family? Guess the riddles.

Guess who we are talking about.

Fragrant jam,

Pies for a treat,

Delicious pancakes

At my beloved... (grandmother).

He didn't work out of boredom,

His hands are calloused

And now he's old and gray

My dear, beloved... (grandfather).

Grandfather and grandmother

Were young

And now they're old,

They became... (elderly).

He will teach you to work,

Have fun from the heart

He is an example to all the guys -

Our dear... (retired)!

Autumn gave a holiday

And I didn’t forget to congratulate

Clear sunshine for lunch

Our grandmother and... (grandfather)!

In the portrait there is a brave guy -

This is my young grandfather.

And I am rightfully proud of him,

Although he has become completely... (gray-haired).

Together with my grandmother

We set an example for everyone.

And we will meet guests with her

On the holiday of the elderly... (people).

Sharp nose, steel ear,

There is a friend thread in the ear.

Helped me sew new clothes

To our grandmother... (needle).

Like herons with long noses,

They weave the thread into braids.

Knit a scarf and mittens

Our sisters quickly - ... (knitting needles).

Tell me quickly

What kind of ball is made of soft threads?

He looks like a bun

With a long ponytail... (ball).

A close relative of the broom

It will sweep the corners of the house.

He's certainly not a slacker.

It will help to remove the rubbish... (broom).

There was once a fat man in fashion,

He earned fame among the people.

Exhaling hot steam,

I was preparing tea... (samovar).

Let's prepare the place

Let's roll out the dough.

Here's the jam, here's the cottage cheese.

We want to bake... (pie).

Grandmother cooks from berries

Something tasty for the year.

Oh, what a treat

Fragrant... (jam).

9 Exercise “What will your family be like?” . Come up with words that characterize the family starting with the letters: s, e, m, i. Write. WITH– happy, strong, modest, sunny, bright, fair, brave, perfect, smart, athletic, etc.

E- the only one, the only one

Mm– sweet, many children, musical, dreamy, young, wise, youthful, fashionable

I- bright, clear

Teacher: “What could be more valuable than family?”

1) What could be more expensive than a family?

The father's house greets me with warmth,

They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!

2) Father and mother and children are together.
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.

3) The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

4) Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than that?
On this fabulous land!

10 Musical competition.

Guess what song this is.

This song is about tragic fate peaceful insect. (In the grass Grasshopper sat)

This song is about how good it is to play the harmonica in the rain in front of an amazed audience, celebrating yet another anniversary of your birth. (Let run clumsily)

This song is about a girl who missed a sweet man on the river bank while fruit trees were blooming all around. (Katyusha)

This song is about a cheerful boy who cunningly avoided working in a field harvesting potatoes. (Antoshka)

This song is about a geographical feature located in the tropics, where residents have fun and eat exotic fruits. (Chunga-Changa)

This song is about how it is best to go camping in the company of good friends, and to sing songs in a large choir. (It's fun to walk together)

This song is about a cheerful facial expression that makes good mood with friends and contributes to the emergence natural phenomenon in the form of multi-colored stripes. (Smile)

This song is about how the poultry living with an elderly woman behaved. (We lived with grandma...)

What's more valuable in the world?

What does family mean?

This is family.

What can't she live without?

Without dad, mom and me.

And what is it fastened with?

Love, care and warmth.

After all, we are all connected by family.

Let it all be just a game

But we wanted to say with it:

Great miracle family!

There is nothing more important in life than a goal!

Keep it! Take care!

Thank you all for your active participation. Don’t forget to take care and love your family, and therefore yourself.

“Strong family means strong Russia. Family and family values" ROUND TABLE year

Objectives: - elevating the role of the family, its status in our society; strengthening the desire to live in a friendly, prosperous family based on spiritual unity, which should be understood not as the sameness of characters and temperaments, but as the homogeneity of spiritual assessments, the commonality of life goals and principles of parents and children; - strengthening children's sense of gratitude to their parents for their care and attention. Goal: to form ideas about the family as part of society, about the role and place of the family in a person’s life; orient students towards creating a strong, friendly family.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2012 No. 761 “On the National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for the Years” defines family policy and childhood savings as a priority direction of state policy in the field of childhood, which in the near future will be reflected in the federal law defining the foundations of the state family politicians. What do you think was the reason for the appearance of this document?

According to sociologists: 1. The decline in the child population continues. 2. A significant proportion of preschool children and students in general education institutions are diagnosed with various diseases and functional abnormalities. 3. The number of identified violations of children’s rights is not decreasing (in 2011, more than 93 thousand children became victims of crime). 4. The number of disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care is decreasing at a low rate. 5. Problems of teenage alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse (almost a quarter of crimes are committed by minors while intoxicated).

Tell me, what do you think is the IDEAL FAMILY? Where they treat each other with respect and don’t fight. Where everyone understands each other. They spend a lot of time together and everyone feels good and comfortable. Where everyone tries to help the other. Where parents are involved in their children's affairs. Where the family is the nourishing, rich soil on which the planted seed grows...

At the beginning of the 20th century, a Russian family had an average of 8-10 children. By the end of the 30s, this figure dropped to 6-7. Today this figure is 1.5 - 2. Out of a thousand people in two-child families, in 30 years there will be 621 people left, in 60 years - 386, in 90 years - 240, and in 300 years - only 8 people instead of a thousand . According to demographers, a family should have at least 3-4 children.

What problems can you name in maintaining a family? Declining birth rate and falling population growth. an increase in the number of women compared to the number of men. Decreasing average family size and increasing mortality. Increasing family needs and limited opportunities to meet them. Frivolous attitude towards marriage and family. Lack of discipline and sexual promiscuity. High divorce rate (every third marriage breaks up)

Do you agree that creating a strong family requires learning? Close, stable relationships between people, especially in a family, are a complex system; one might even say that a family is a living organism. It has its own interaction mechanisms and operating principles that allow this system to operate for a long time and effectively. You can also take the path of getting “bumps,” but this is a very painful, difficult path that is associated with a lot of unnecessary suffering. And there is no guarantee that experience will still be gained. More often than not, they get bumps, but there is no point. F:\History eternal love Peter and Fevronya of Murom..flv

Recommendations from the Round Table participants: Family holiday: “Parental home – the beginning of the beginning.” Living room "Mother's feat". Training (together with a psychologist) for high school students “The readiness of young people for marriage and family life.” Class hour"Our friendly family." Competition of drawings, posters, photographs “To my family I say: “THANK YOU!” Round table for high school students “Why do people who are sure that they are creating a family of love lose love in marriage?” Discussion club for high school students “How to choose your soul mate correctly in order to be together all your life, in sorrow and in joy?”

Form: round table

Topic: Family relationships as the basis of mutual understanding

Goals and objectives:

Discuss with parents the problem of relationships in the family as the basis for mutual understanding:

    To form among parents a culture of understanding the problem and ways to overcome it;


Hello dear fathers and mothers! Today we have gathered at a round table to talk about something very important. Family is a landing place for the elders, a launching pad for the younger ones, and a beacon of relationships for everyone. Our children are growing up, becoming smarter, and you and I would like there to be fewer problems in communication and interaction with them, but this is not happening. Why? Why, when meeting with friends, work colleagues, class parents, teachers, do we experience anxiety and worry, worry and fear for our children? Today we will try together to find the cause and solution to this problem. Now I want to read a Chinese parable to you, and you listen carefully.

Working with the Chinese parable “Good Family”

Discussion with parents of the parable

What can you say about this parable? (Parents express their opinions).

What kind of relationships should there be in a family?

What do I need to do? What conditions should be created?

Parental workshop-game “Basket of Feelings”

Dear parents, I have a “Basket of Feelings” in my hand, let’s write and name the feelings that bother us when discussing this topic. Parents name the feelings that overwhelm them, which they experience painfully.

Social worker's words:

An important condition for normal relationships in the family between parents and children is the mutual awareness of parents and children, in this case a good attitude towards learning will be formed. Mutual awareness of parents and children makes it possible to come to mutual understanding and respect for each other’s opinions.

In joint activities, not only parents discover the character of their children, but also children get to know the complex world of adults, their way of thinking and experiencing, and get to know their parents better. Parents can ask more from their children, giving them their time, feelings, providing them with a decent life.

If the atmosphere in the family is friendly and sensitive, then a child brought up on the positive examples of his parents in an environment mutual love, care and help, will grow up to be just as sensitive and responsive.

Parents who are afraid of overloading their children at school and relieve them of household responsibilities are making a big mistake, because... in this case, the child may become selfish and neglect work altogether.

In order to correctly assess the motives of your children’s behavior, you need to understand them, know the direction of their personalities, interests, level of their knowledge and skills. If the family does not have such information about the children, then mutual difficulties in communication will appear.

It is very useful to discuss family and social problems with children, listen to their opinions, respect, correct and guide them in the right direction, forming a sense of responsibility, self-respect for the individual, and, if necessary, admit their mistakes.

Weak mutual interest between parents and children creates a negative attitude towards each other on both sides; children generally become disillusioned with communication and transfer their attitude towards their parents to the whole world of adults. Parents, in turn, also experience bitter disappointment in their children, resentment and annoyance, do not believe in them, do not respect them.

The relationship between parents and children, the specifics of their communication with each other, during which these relationships manifest themselves, influence the formation of the children’s personality. Parents who satisfy only the needs of their children and do not have spiritual contact with them, as a rule, have problems in raising and communicating with their children.


Now I want to conduct a survey with you that will help you understand what kind of relationships you have in your family.


    Do you think that your family has mutual understanding with children?

    Do your children talk to you heart to heart, do they consult you on personal matters?

    Are children interested in your work?

    Do you know your children's friends?

    Do your children participate in household chores with you?

    Do you have common activities and hobbies?

    Are children involved in preparing for the holidays?

    Do children prefer that you be with them during the holidays?

    Do you go to exhibitions, concerts, theaters with your children?

    Do you discuss TV shows with your children?

    Do you discuss books you have read with your children?

    Do you have common activities or hobbies?

    Do you participate in excursions, hikes, walks?

    Do you prefer to spend your free time with your children?

Processing the results:

For each positive answer, 2 points are given;

For the answer “sometimes” - 1 point;

For a negative answer - 0 points.

20 points – you have a good relationship with your children.

10 – 19 points – the relationship is satisfactory, but insufficient, one-sided. Look where your negative answers stand.

9 points and below – contact with children is not established.

Practical work with parents

And now I want to make a reminder with you that will help establish and maintain conflict-free discipline and mutual understanding in the family.

Questions: 1) Give examples of situations from your life, from the life of your family, or observed situations related to relationships in the family.

There are pieces of paper in front of you. Write down on them expressions that are prohibited in communicating with a child in your family, as well as recommended and desirable expressions.

Conclusion: when communicating with children, you should not use expressions such as:

· I told you a thousand times that...
How many times should I repeat...
What are you thinking about...
Is it really difficult for you to remember that...
· You become…
· You are the same as...
· Leave me alone, I have no time...
· Why is Lena (Nastya, Vasya, etc.) like this, and you are not...

When communicating with children, it is advisable to use the following expressions:

· You are my smartest (handsome, etc.).
· It’s so good that I have you.
· You're doing great for me.
· I love you very much.
· How well you did it, teach me.
· Thank you, I am very grateful to you.
· If it weren't for you, I would never have gotten through this.

1) Accept your child unconditionally.
2) Actively listen to his experiences and opinions.
3) Communicate with him as often as possible, study, read, play, write letters and notes to each other.
4) Do not interfere with his activities that he can handle.
5) Help when asked.
6) Support and celebrate his successes.
7) Talk about your problems, share your feelings.
8) Resolve conflicts peacefully.
9) Use phrases that evoke positive emotions in communication.
10) Hug and kiss each other at least four times a day.

The most important words to say to your child: “I love you, we are close, we are together and we will overcome everything.

Sagimova Tashgul Erkenovna

Cherkasy secondary school

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Round table on the topic

"Family and family values"

Topic: Family and family values

Goal: to guide students to create a strong, friendly family.

Objectives: – elevating the role of the family, its status in our society;

– strengthening children’s sense of gratitude to their parents for their care and attention;

– strengthening the desire to live in a friendly, prosperous family based on mutual understanding between children and adults.

Format: round table.

Form of interaction: collective (teacher, parents (relatives), students).

Methods: debate, ethical conversation, conversation, example, educational situations, test.

Tools: multimedia projector, presentation of event materials, camera for photo reporting.

Preliminary preparation:

1) Assignment to parents:

a) Write on the rays of the sun the roles played

a child in life (For example: beloved daughter, grandson, heir, successor of a family or profession, artist, singer, etc. or words characterizing his character, personality traits, abilities.

2. Assignment for children.

a) Prepare material about the meaning of your surnames and names;

(you can make a collage; a presentation about the family).

3. The work of a teacher.

a) A poster with a wise commandment: “Honor your father and mother, and it will be good for you, and you will live long.”

b) Design of a poster with the quote: “As a peasant understands the earth, as a doctor understands diseases, as a sculptor knows the characteristics of marble -

This is how parents should understand their children. If we are small people,

It does not follow from this that we are afraid of big things.” (Victor Hugo).

c) Issuing general and individual invitations to parents to the event.

d) Preparation of background music.

Time: 40 minutes.

Expected result: Develop communication skills, the ability to value your family, listen, express your point of view, come to a compromise solution and understand your family and friends.

Preparatory stage.

1. Decoration of the premises; design of the parent sun on the board; posters with statements; placement of collages of families.

2. Preparation of equipment and inventory: music Center; camera; for each parent and child - a pen, a form with the test “What kind of parent are you?”, chamomile petals.

Progress of the event:

Introductory part. (slide 1)

Good afternoon to everyone present in our hall. Today we will talk about family and its values. But first, in order for us to become warmer, we must turn on the sun - what is a family without warmth. (Parents read on their rays about their children and attach the rays to the sun). (slide 2)

Main part.


The family is an enduring value for the development of every person, plays an important role in the life of the state, in raising new generations, ensuring social stability and progress. The most important social function families – education and development of children, socialization of the younger generation. The educational potential of the family includes not only its capabilities in the sphere of spiritual and practical activities of parents aimed at developing in children certain qualities, but also those that are laid by the family microenvironment, the way of life in general

(Further, the work is structured in the form of a debate (round table), during which the teacher proposes and directs topics for discussion. Questions are first proposed to the students. Parents and other relatives are included in the discussions, complementing or offering their point of view).

I ask everyone to sit down at our round table.

Think and name the main problems on this issue in the state that determined the appearance of such a document? (Audience calls):

the child population continues to decline;

a significant proportion of preschool children and students in general education institutions are diagnosed with various diseases and functional abnormalities;

the number of identified violations of children's rights is not decreasing (in 2011, more than 93 thousand children became victims of crime);

the number of disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care is decreasing at a low rate;

problems of teenage alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse (almost a quarter of crimes are committed by minors while intoxicated). (slide 3)

Educator. Therefore, the process of revival becomes relevant

the Kazakh family, strengthening its potential and value as the basis of society, restoring the values, traditions and practices of family education. What holiday do we celebrate in the country on July 8? (slide 4.5)

Why does a person need a family? Is it possible to live without a family? (Different opinions of the audience are expressed: parents, children, grandmothers). - Tell me, what do you think is the ideal family? - Where they treat you with respect and don’t swear. - Where everyone understands each other. - They spend a lot of time together and everyone feels good and comfortable. - Where everyone tries to help the other. - Where parents are involved in the affairs of their children. (slide 6)

Educator. Many arguments can be made in favor of an ideal family. Because the most precious thing in a person’s life is family. (slide 7)

How do you understand the meaning of the words “get married”? Why, as a rule, does a wife take her husband's surname?

For what reasons do people most often get married? (for love and for convenience). -Are there differences in the concepts of “infatuation” and “love”?

falling in love love

Fervor calm

for something for nothing

for yourself for the sake of another

What problems can you name in maintaining a family? (slide 8)

Declining birth rate and falling population growth; an increase in the number of women compared to the number of men; decreasing average family size and increasing mortality; decline in labor productivity in the household; growing family needs and limited opportunities to meet them; frivolous attitude towards marriage and family; lack of self-discipline and sexual promiscuity; high percentage of divorces (every third marriage breaks up). (slide 9)

Teacher: (tells a parable)

In one family, despite any troubles that fell upon it as if from a cornucopia, peace, love and harmony always reigned. Nobody got angry or swore. Word of this reached the cruel ruler of those places. “How do they manage to live without quarreling or offending each other?” - he was surprised and ordered the eldest man of that kind to appear at the palace. The elder, having heard the ruler’s question, took a piece of paper and began to patiently write on it the same word - “understanding” - until he wrote it a hundred times.

“So this is what love and friendship grow from! Out of a desire to understand, and not to judge each other!” - the ruler was delighted and released the guest in peace.

Is it necessary to have children in a family? How many children should there be in a family? (slide 10,11)

Educator: A one-child family in movement and development means this: in 25-30 years this family will have two pensioners and only one

worker. One family will raise the future groom, the other will raise the bride. They will get married in the future. Two families will be replaced by one. This negatively affects the demographic situation. It is not enough to have two children in a family. Not every boy will grow up to the age of the groom, not everyone who reaches this age will get married, not every man will become a father. It's the same with women. It is calculated that out of a thousand people who consist of two-child families, in 30 years there will be 621 people left, in 60 years - 386, in 90 years - 240, and in 300 years - only 8 people instead of a thousand. According to demographers, a family should have at least 3-4 children.

The test “What kind of parents will you be?” is offered. Students complete it; parents, if they wish, can take this test in order to find out about the type of relationships in their family. (Appendix 1) (slide 12,13)

Educator: Everyone in the family has their own responsibilities. They are performed without reminders. The most difficult responsibilities lie with parents. Their love and patience achieve family happiness, and their constant work achieves prosperity and well-being. Remember the wise commandment: “Honor your father and mother, and it will be good for you, and you will live long.” To honor your parents means: in childhood - to obey them, in youth - to consult with them, in adulthood - to take care of them.

How do you understand the saying “Mother is the soul of the family, father is its spirit”?

Educator. The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends. Without strong and strong families there will never be a strong and strong state. Spiritual revival in our country will not come unless the

families. In the conditions of instability of our life, the family is as fragile as our life, a unit of society. In it, people, like in a hut, hide from bad weather. (slide14)

3. Reflection. The audience is divided in any form into teams: either teams of different ages (parents and children), or 2 teams of children and 1 team of parents. Tasks: 1. Remember significant or funny moments from the life of your family. 2. How do I see my future family? How do I see my child’s future family? 3. Competition “Add a proverb.” The teacher pronounces the beginning of the proverb, and the team pronounces its ending.

An apple from an apple tree...(falls not far).

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs).

Where is love and light...(there is no grief).

Away is good... (and home is better).

To get to know a person, you need to be with him...(eat a pound of salt).

The hut is not red in its corners... (but red in its pies).

Three friends: father, yes mother, yes... (faithful wife).

There is no better friend than your own... (mother).

It's warm in the sun, but with mother... (good).

There is no need for a treasure when... (there is harmony in the family).

The hut is not red in its corners, but... (red in its pies).

As our parents lived, so did we... (blessed).

Parents protect their daughter until the crown, and the husband protects his wife... (until the end).

Small children don’t let you sleep, but with big ones... (you won’t fall asleep on your own).

4. Name words with the same root for the word “clan” (parents, birth, Motherland, people), as well as synonyms for them (Fatherland, Fatherland, Motherland).

5. Name the family relationships (for example: father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, daughter, etc.).

6. State the meaning of your first and last names.

7. Come up with a cinquain on the theme “Family”.

(The form of a poem consisting of five lines and based on counting the syllables in each line. Its structure looks like this: 1-2-3-5-2. That is, there should be a word in the first line, 2 words in the second, 2 words in the third -3 words, in the fourth - 5 words, in the fifth - 2 words. Traditional cinquain may or may not rhyme)

Sinkwine on the theme Family:

big friendly

love care live

all together under one roof

unit of society

organized social

live possess connected

community of life and mutual responsibility

group of people" (slide 15)

8. “Chamomile” - parents and children write wishes to each other, read them out and combine them into one common flower on our round table, placing our palms on them, creating one common circle - our state.

9. Sing songs about family (Parental home, Mom gave life to me and you, etc.)

10. “Applause in a circle” (slide 16) Instructions: We did a good job today, and I would like to offer you a game during which the applause sounds quietly at first, and then becomes stronger and stronger. The presenter begins to clap his hands quietly, looking and gradually approaching one of the participants. This participant then chooses the next one from the group to whom they both applaud. The third chooses the fourth, etc. The last participant is applauded by the whole group.

Family is happiness, love and luck (slide 17)

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone!