Turkey hearts with delicious sauce are a recipe for the perfect combination of taste and benefits. Turkey heart: cooking recipes, calorie content, benefits and harms Harm and side effects

Turkey meat your own way chemical composition pretty unique. The product is appreciated among people watching their figure and leading healthy image life. Experts recommend diversifying your daily menu with a similar dish if you haven’t already done so. Let's consider what the benefits and harms of the product lie.

Calorie content and composition of turkey

  1. Turkey is a fairly healthy meat with an impressive list of essential elements for humans. Among the enzymes, the largest amount is nicotinic acid, tocopherol, retinol, vitamin K, B.
  2. The product is also rich in phosphorus, potassium, iodine, iron, magnesium and calcium. In addition to this list, you can find quite interesting substances in the form of atomic gold, protein and fiber. Don't forget about thiamine, lysine, histidine and isoleucine.
  3. 100 grams of product contains only 75 mg. cholesterol, which is perfectly absorbed by the body without harming the circulatory system. In addition, the enzyme found in turkey meat prevents the synthesis of harmful lipids that come with other products.
  4. Meat perfectly accelerates all metabolic processes in the body, saturating tissues with important microelements. The latter, in turn, prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in the form of pathology and oncology.
  5. Studies have shown that meat is rich in iron, which is an excellent prevention of anemia. Therefore, the product must be included in the daily diet. Systematic intake of the dish will prevent the risk of developing anemia.
  6. If you compare two types of meat - red and turkey, then the latter will contain 2 times more iron. Doctors often recommend the first option, not knowing about the value of the composition of the second type of product. Poultry meat is also rich in magnesium, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.
  7. The presence of phosphorus in turkey meat is almost on par with red fish. Due to this, calcium is absorbed in the body without any problems. As a result, all bone tissue is completely strengthened. The hair becomes much better, the nail plate is restored.
  8. The abundance of microelements has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. It is worth knowing that poultry meat is several times higher in sodium content than veal and beef. To verify this, simply cook the turkey and taste it.
  9. Poultry meat is famous for its high content of natural protein, so the product is in demand among athletes for building muscle fibers. The calorie content of turkey ranges from 100-190 Kcal, the only difference is in the parts of the bird.

Effect of turkey on the body

  • actively participates in hematopoiesis;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • stimulates tissue renewal at the cellular level;
  • lowers bad cholesterol levels;
  • has a positive effect on brain activity;
  • normalizes the activity of the endocrine system;
  • suppresses the occurrence of atherosclerosis;
  • excellent for osteochondrosis and hypotension;
  • has a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart;
  • significantly increases the strength of inert tissue;
  • helps cope with insomnia and depression;
  • suppresses premature aging;
  • has a beneficial effect on male strength.

  1. Turkey contains a lot of good, easily digestible protein. With its deficiency, the skin becomes pale, the person feels sluggish, and fatigue appears. Turkey is necessary for raising morale, as well as gaining muscle mass (relevant for athletes). Meat contains more protein than the notorious fish.
  2. Systematic intake of turkey will provide you with quality sleep and a good psycho-emotional environment. In a short time you can get rid of nervousness, anxiety and fear. All this becomes possible thanks to tryptophan, an essential amino acid that must be supplied to the body with food.
  3. Interestingly, turkey accelerates the production of the joy hormone. Eating meat improves your mood, gives you a boost of energy, and speeds up all metabolic processes in the body.
  4. It contains a lot of phosphorus, which is responsible for the strength of teeth and enamel, bone tissue, hair and nails. Without this element, teeth begin to crumble, nails begin to peel, and hair falls out. This is especially true for people with an unstable hormonal environment.
  5. Eating turkey benefits the thyroid gland. Contains a serving weighing 100 g. the daily norm of selenium accumulates. This component is important for the entire endocrine system, as it maintains the balance of hormones.
  6. Turkey prevents the development of cancer. Its constituent elements are often used when added to drugs that are aimed at fighting cancer. It's all about the ability of meat to block oxygen and blood flow to malignant tumors. The beneficial effects are most observed on the esophagus, lungs, bladder, skin, and prostate.
  7. Meat contains a lot of vitamin B12, which is responsible for cognitive functions. This substance reduces the amount of homocysteine, which often provokes disorders.
  8. Turkey has a relatively low glycemic index and is consumed by diabetics to maintain blood glucose levels. The product also removes cholesterol plaques, and this leads to the prevention of atherosclerosis, varicose veins, and thrombophlebitis.
  9. Turkey meat is the main participant in the diet proper nutrition. The product has the properties to increase metabolism and enhance the digestibility of food. Moreover, after eating turkey, a person does not suffer from hunger. Meat affects the cleansing of the intestines, removing the most stagnant phenomena from it.
  10. High-quality protein, which accumulates in large volumes in turkey, allows male athletes to gain weight faster. The muscles are formed correctly and do not crumble during long periods of rest. Turkey should be eaten during very intense exercise.
  11. It is useful to eat turkey to support the functioning of the pancreas. Scientists conducted a study in which they proved that daily consumption of 150 grams. meat reduces the likelihood of pancreatic cancer.
  12. Broth cooked with turkey meat has a good effect on the body. Use it as a prevention and treatment for respiratory infections, flu, and sore throat. The composition helps to recover after a recent operation or serious illness.
  13. Turkey meat is good for pregnant girls and children. In the first case, the lack of protein is compensated, the central nervous system and skeleton of the fetus are formed. In the second, the structure of bone tissue and teeth is improved, and caries is prevented.

  1. Turkey does not pose a threat to the body of an adult if the meat is consumed in accordance with the recommended daily norm. However, it is worth remembering about possible allergies to the product and its individual intolerance. Such cases are extremely rare, but they do occur.
  2. Categories of people who have been diagnosed with the following diseases should avoid consuming turkey meat: gout, increased arterial pressure, kidney failure, urolithiasis.
  3. Foods with a large accumulation of proteins load the human liver. The internal organ cannot cope with such a flow, making it difficult to remove bile.
  4. As for hypertensive patients, you don’t have to completely exclude turkey meat from your diet. Use the product only without salt and spices. It is advisable to consult your doctor for more detailed information.
  5. The skin of poultry contains a lot of harmful fat that the body does not need. If you want to maintain youth and live a long time, eat only the pulp, legs or wings. Before any heat treatment, remove the skin.
  6. If you plan to introduce turkey into your child’s diet, take care of the freshness of the raw materials. It is advisable to buy turkey from friends to be sure of the health of the bird.

Turkey meat can rightfully be considered a valuable product for the body. The composition fits perfectly into the diet of almost any person. With the help of this meat you can lose extra pounds, build up muscle mass or significantly improve your health.

Video: the benefits and harms of turkey meat

Turkey heart is considered one of the most useful offal. Its main components are dark red muscle tissue with thin fibers. The upper part of the heart has a small white fat layer; it must be removed before cooking. Turkey heart is very dense in texture, much denser and larger than chicken hearts. You can buy both chilled and frozen hearts on the market. The shelf life of the refrigerated product is about two days, and at a temperature of -12˚C, frozen offal can be stored for up to two months. On modern shelves you can also find boiled turkey hearts that were frozen using the shock freezing method.

Mostly, foreign-made packages of turkey hearts enter our market; countries such as France, Italy and Spain most often import this product.

A lot of tasty and healthy dishes are prepared from turkey hearts. They can be fried and boiled, stewed and baked. Not everyone likes the specific smell of this product. To eliminate it when frying or stewing, use finely chopped ginger root. Thanks to their impressive heart size, turkeys are suitable for preparing chops, cutlets and even kebabs. The most beneficial combination in terms of taste and benefits is considered to be stewed hearts with vegetables, for example, zucchini or broccoli, eggplant and cauliflower. In addition, it is customary to add cream or sour cream to such dishes, or you can replace them with baked milk, and be sure to add various roots: onions, carrots, garlic, parsnips, etc. You don’t have to serve anything at all as a side dish for such a complete dish, but the combination of stewed hearts with vegetables and fried potatoes or mushrooms will be even more appetizing. Boiled hearts are successfully used in warm salads, hot and cold appetizers. In addition, they are used to prepare a variety of soups and broths. And if you twist boiled hearts together with herbs and garlic, you will get an excellent filling for pies or pancakes.

How to properly cook a turkey heart

In order for the product to be prepared correctly, and therefore safe for health, certain rules must be followed. Before cooking, the heart must be soaked in clean cold water for half an hour, then the used water must be poured out and the offal cooked in new water. Cooking time is at least one and a half hours.

Composition and beneficial properties

This by-product is high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates. It contains many vitamins and minerals. Especially in the heart of turkey there is a lot of B vitamins, as well as C and A. Among the minerals, iron, phosphorus, selenium and zinc can be particularly highlighted. Thanks to this composition, this product was included by nutritionists in the mandatory list of products for people suffering from anemia, as well as those who experience large physical exercise or nervous tension.

Anyone who often eats turkey meat knows that this product is very tasty, dietary and hypoallergenic. But, in addition to a large amount of excellent meat, turkey has no less useful by-products, for example, heart. Every housewife should know how much to cook a turkey heart, because you can prepare a lot of culinary masterpieces from it. And in terms of the content of nutrients, it is not inferior to turkey meat.


Turkey heart has a rich composition and includes many vitamins and healthy proteins. Vitamins A and C contained in the product have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and general state body. B vitamins have a very good effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole.

Heart has a high iron content, so it is recommended to be consumed by people with low hemoglobin levels. Turkey heart is also useful for people who regularly undergo physical activity. Nevertheless, it should be eaten with caution, due to the fact that, in addition to its obvious benefits, it has a high cholesterol content.


Before you start cooking, the heart must be properly prepared. Turkey heart is much larger than chicken heart and has a denser structure. And at the same time it requires special preparation. Frozen offal must first be thawed, but without using water or a microwave. The more natural the defrosting process, the more benefits the hearts will retain.

To get rid of the specific taste that turkey giblets have, you need to soak it in cool water for an hour.

The hearts must be cut and washed thoroughly under cold water to get rid of any remaining blood. There is a fatty deposit at the tip of the product; it must be separated before you start preparing the offal.


Not many people can boast of knowing how to cook a heart. In fact, you need to cook it quite for a long time, since the structure of muscle tissue is quite dense and difficult to boil.

Cooking time should not be less than 1.5 hours. The product should be filled with liquid and placed on fire. When the contents of the pan boil, it is important not to miss the moment and remove the foam. After which you need to add salt and other seasonings at the discretion of the hostess. Cook the hearts over low heat.

After the offal is boiled, you can begin further preparation. The turkey heart can be fried with onions and served with a variety of side dishes. You can cook a roast. You can stew the hearts, bake them, and even make cutlets from them. Cooking soups from offal is a pleasure; they turn out rich and especially tasty. It is also believed that this product goes especially well with vegetables such as broccoli and zucchini.

Turkey hearts are dark red in color and have a very firm texture. It is valued for its excellent taste qualities And a large number of useful substances.

How to cook

Turkey hearts are fried, boiled, baked, stewed, grilled or used to make kebabs, cutlets, chops, pates, appetizers, salads, soups, pancake fillings and pies. They are stewed with vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes, in sour cream, various sauces, with seasonings and spices.

Cooking time for turkey heart is about 1.5 hours.


When refrigerated, turkey hearts can be stored for no more than two days; when frozen, they can be stored for two months.

Beneficial features

Turkey heart is rich useful substances which help quickly restore strength after intense physical or mental stress, prevent the development of anemia, and strengthen the nervous system.

Restrictions on use

Due to the high cholesterol content, this product should be used with caution by people prone to atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Turkey hearts are an offal used for cooking soups, preparing main courses and salads. It has a dense structure, red color and a slight specific smell of turkey. Today we will talk about this product. Let's say what the calorie content of a turkey heart is, and let's look at its preparation. This is the topic of our discussion, which will undoubtedly arouse interest among the readers of Popular About Health.

Nutritional value of turkey heart, calorie content

The calorie content of this product is relatively low - almost 115 kcal. Protein in this meat contains 17 g per 100 g of product, and fat - almost 5 g, while the carbohydrate composition is very low - only 0.4 grams.

Benefits of Turkey Heart

Turkey heart is useful to eat for diseases of the nervous system, because it contains almost all B vitamins. It is included in the diet of people who are daily subject to emotional and physical stress. This by-product will help improve blood composition and fight anemia. The protein component is of particular value for people who want to build muscle mass and lose weight. For vitamin deficiencies of various types, it is also recommended to eat turkey heart - it contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, bromine, manganese, zinc and other minerals. The presence of selenium in meat is another reason to consume it periodically, since this element is a powerful antioxidant.

Turkey heart harm and contraindications

If you have high cholesterol levels, you should eat turkey heart dishes in moderation, because it still contains fat. It is also important to note that the large amount of protein in the product requires careful attention to it if you suffer from gout or diabetes. Protein breakdown products are lactic acid and glucose. Therefore, if you have such diseases, eat offal only in very moderate quantities and with the permission of a doctor.

Turkey heart - frying pan recipes

Turkey heart chops in a frying pan

Ingredients: turkey hearts – 12 pcs.; salt pepper; eggs – 2; flour for dredging, vegetable oil.

Have you ever heard that you can make chops from this offal? It is possible, and very tasty. Let's get started. First, wash the hearts, remove fat and films. Make a vertical cut on each of them (not all the way) so that you can open the two halves like a book. Armed with a hammer, pound the meat. Spread with salt and pepper and leave to soak in the spices for about an hour. Heat oil in a frying pan. Dip each piece of meat into flour, then into beaten egg, then repeat - flour, egg. Place the hearts in a frying pan and fry on both sides under the lid.


Ingredients: turkey heart – 600 g; onions – 2 pcs.; bread - 2 pieces; egg -1; semolina – 20 g; milk – 50 ml; garlic – 2 cloves; breadcrumbs; vegetable oil, salt, spices.

Cooking turkey hearts. We cut the cleaned turkey hearts into pieces and pass them through a meat grinder (maybe twice) along with onions, garlic and bread soaked in milk. Add spices, semolina and egg, mix the minced meat thoroughly. Leave it on the table for 30 minutes so that the semolina swells and absorbs the liquid, then the minced meat will become a little tougher, which is what we need. Heat a frying pan, add oil. Form small cutlets with wet palms, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides over medium heat, covering with a lid.
Turkey heart in a slow cooker - recipes

Turkey hearts in sour cream (recipe for a slow cooker)

Ingredients: turkey hearts – 700 g; onion – 2 heads; sour cream – 150 ml; salt, pepper, bay leaf, a little vegetable oil.

We cut the cleaned and washed turkey hearts like goulash, place them in a multicooker bowl, greasing the bottom with oil. The meat needs to be fried until slightly browned using the unit’s “Baking” program. When the liquid has evaporated and the meat is browned, chop the onion and place it in a bowl. Now fry the meat along with the onion slices for about 5 minutes, stirring the contents. Now add salt and spices, pour in sour cream. You can add 50 ml of water to increase the volume of the gravy. Close the lid, set another mode - “Extinguishing” for 1 hour.

Stewed potatoes with turkey hearts (in a slow cooker)

Ingredients: turkey heart – 500 g; potatoes – 800 g; onion – 1 head; salt; pepper; tomato paste – 20 g; flour – 20 g.

Cut the turkey hearts into small slices, peel and chop the potatoes into large fractions. Finely chop the onion. Pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and place the potatoes in it. Activate the frying (baking) mode; there is no need to close the lid. Add salt and pepper. When the potatoes are browned, remove them from the bowl into another bowl, now we will fry the hearts and onions. Add potatoes, tomato paste and flour to the browned meat, mix and taste for salt. If you are satisfied with the taste, pour 2 glasses of water. Close the lid and switch the mode to “Extinguishing” for 1 hour.

These are the simple recipes for cooking turkey hearts that we shared with you today. They are distinguished by their simplicity and a small set of products, but how delicious they are! Turkey hearts can be fried, baked, boiled, stewed, prepared into pate and salads. If you have no contraindications to this offal, we advise you to sometimes include it in your diet to diversify it.