Wot settings to increase fps. How to increase FPS in World of Tanks. detailed instructions


Let's consider a pressing issue for many gamers - optimizing the world of tanks and increasing FPS for weak computers.
Many people know that World of tanks uses only part of the power of your computer. Almost everything depends on the power of the processor. But what should owners of weak computers and laptops do? That's right, optimize the game using mods and programs. In this article we will look at the operation of all mods and programs and install them. If you have a weak computer, then thanks to these instructions you can significantly increase the number of frames per second (FPS) and will be quite comfortable playing. Optimization consists of several stages.

To start install. This is a very useful program for disabling unnecessary effects. To install the program, move it to the game folder. Then run the WOT RES UNPACK file.

After it finishes its work, run the .

This program is the most important part of optimizing the WOT client. These textures are the hardest to count. We recommend turning off all effects except the movement of trees and cloud reflections, because they do not greatly affect FPS and do not provide any extra load.

It's time to install compressed textures, which are ideal for players who do not have powerful video cards. will make the game less beautiful, but you need to understand that beauty requires sacrifice. In our case, this is a sacrifice in the form of good graphics. We recommend installing the 25 percent version. It has the best ratio of quality reduction and FPS increase. Installation may take some time, sometimes quite long.
After the textures we will install mod that. As a result of this mod, the fog in the game will disappear and, when aiming at long distances, you will see the enemy more clearly. And when you switch to sniper mode, the freezes that most players complain about will disappear.
The next step is installation, which is done with only one purpose - to maximize the optimization of the game. It's not very pretty, but it's very optimized.
Let's move on to the settings of the game itself. We leave only the visibility range at maximum. We set the remaining parameters to a minimum or turn them off altogether.

After all these steps, it is recommended to defragment the hard drive.

The World of Tanks computer game requires fairly average performance from your computer, however, older PC and laptop models may not be able to handle the game and show fps below 30 frames per second. In this case, it is better to take action, since complex programs and games on your computer can significantly shorten the life of its components, including extreme cases and completely disable them. To optimize the performance of World of Tanks and make it easier for your video card, as well as increase fps in the game, you can take the following steps: update all drivers on your computer, especially video card drivers; adjust the video card settings, as well as lower the graphics settings in the game itself. This will add 10-20 fps to you. You will find detailed instructions in this article.

How to increase FPS in World of Tanks: update drivers

Every discrete graphics card manufacturer produces free software for them. The most popular video cards are NVIDIA and AMD. If your PC does not have a discrete video card and only an integrated one is installed, then you should think about buying a discrete one, since integrated video cards are not at all designed for complex tasks and games.

  • Open the software for your graphics card. For Nvidia this is GeForce Experience, the program is distributed free of charge on the company's official website.
  • The utility icon is always located in the computer tray; by right-clicking on it, you will find the desired tab.
  • Go to the "Drivers" section in this program. It will automatically determine which drivers on your device need to be updated and which do not. Download everything that appears on this page.
    This will take some time, so please wait.
  • As soon as the program notifies you that all installations are complete, you can close it. Don't forget to restart your computer.

How to increase FPS in World of Tanks: adjust video card settings

  • In addition to special software for the video card, your computer has a separate control panel for it. Find it in the computer tray by right-clicking on the video card icon.

  • First, go to the "Adjust picture settings" section. Here you can configure the priority of the video card: performance or quality.
  • By choosing quality, your game textures will be realistic, believable and smooth. By choosing performance, the characters and textures will become angular, a little cloudy, but it will be much easier for the computer to work.
  • Drag the slider toward Performance.

  • Now go to another section called “Manage 3D Settings”. Open "Program Settings".

  • In the very top line, select the World of Tanks game from the list of presented ones.

  • In the second line, set the value to “NVIDIA High-Performance Processor.”
  • Now all processes of this game will access the discrete video card, and not the built-in one, which is not intended for this.

How to increase FPS in World of Tanks: graphics settings

A very important stage that must be completed in any new game. You customize the graphics to suit your computer and its capabilities.

  • Log into your game account through the client.

  • In the top left corner you will see a gear icon. Click on it to expand the options.

  • In the menu, click "Settings".

In the window that opens, go to the “Graphics” tab. Here you have to do the following:

  • Set all parameters to “Low” or “Minimum”.
  • Set all shadows, reliefs, fog and other effects to “Off”.

  • Then go to the advanced settings and follow exactly the same steps: set the minimum values.

  • At the very bottom of the window, uncheck the “Dynamically change the quality of effects” checkbox.

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Instructions - How to increase FPS in the game?

Not everyone has the opportunity to have a powerful computer, and those who suffer from low FPS in the game constantly wonder how to increase FPS in game World of Tanks? This article answers this question.

So how can you increase FPS in World of Tanks?

There are several options and we will look at them in detail.

1. Video card drivers

2. Game settings

3. Install Wot Tweaker

4. Installing compressed textures from Animeha

Video card drivers

A short introduction about the video card and drivers, for those who are in the tank. A video card is a board responsible for the graphics performance of your computer; the stronger it is, the higher your FPS (Frames per second). To operate a video card, there is special software called drivers.

So you need to download latest version drivers. You can find out what video card you have in the computer documentation or in the list of components that are given upon purchase, or, if the driver for the video card is not installed, by installing the program from the official CPU-Z website (in the block on the right, select the version you need, on English language, for your operating system 32 or 64 bit, you can find out by right-clicking on my computer in properties). Having installed and launched the program in it, select the “Graphics” tab, in it in the top field in “Display Device Selection” or in the “GPU - Name” field the full name of your video card (video adapter) is written. Once you find out what kind of video card you have, download drivers for it from the official websites, links are provided below. After installing the drivers, restart your computer (required).

Drivers for video cards:

Game Settings

For the most convenient gameplay, the FPS in the game should not fall below 24 frames per second. Therefore, if you have below this indicator, be sure to lower the settings in the game. We recommend that you lower the settings in exactly this order (the article is written under 0.8.3, the items in the settings may have changed, but the principle has not changed). add. effects in sniper mode, grass density, anti-aliasing, effects from under the tracks, rendering range, post-processing, extras. post-processing, shadow quality, improved shadows, water quality, extra quality. effects, tree quality, object detail, texture filtering, texture compression, texture quality, vertical synchronization. Why in this order? Everything is very simple, first we turn off the least necessary settings and settings that greatly reduce FPS, at the end we turn off the most “vital” ones, i.e. I'd rather play without grass, but with a well-rendered terrain, if the computer allows me. Be sure to remove anti-aliasing, it loads the system significantly, and also be sure to play in full-screen mode, FPS in it is higher because your system is not distracted by third-party programs and devotes all its resources to the game! I don’t think it’s worth explaining the remaining parameters, I can only say that it’s better to disable them in this order, believe my rich experience (more than 10 years).

It is also worth noting that if you have little RAM, turn off all windows except the game, including sometimes programs such as skype (if you do not play through it), because it uses about 80,000kb of your RAM, you can disable everything in the Windows task manager by pressing CTRL + ALT + DELETE (DEL) or right-click on the Windows bar at the bottom of the screen (usually) on the desktop. In the manager, in the processes tab, you can see what and how much RAM is consuming on your computer in kilobytes (kB, 1,000,000 kB = 1 GB).

Installation WoT Tweaker

After installing this program, remove all effects or almost all, if you do not want to lose any. This software will increase WoT by a few more frames per second (FPS). How to download and install the latest version of WoT Tweaker for last update(patch), you can read it on our website using this link.

Installing compressed textures from Animeha

These textures, this is already one of the extremes of lowering FPS, are suitable for those who want to maximize their efficiency with a weak computer. The article is in the process of being finalized, links will come later.

In custody. If all these points have not brought your FPS to the desired level, then you need to look for additional solutions to the problem, which are often discussed on the game forum or in-game software, such as Game Booster, or perhaps even reinstall the OS. And I advise you to gather your strength and resources and strengthen your PC with a new video card or RAM, if you have a laptop, you will have to buy a new one, do not skimp on your health, do not spoil your eyesight and do not simply waste your nerves.

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If you have a laptop with two graphics adapters

Many modern laptops have two video adapters on board - integrated and discrete. By default, graphics are always processed on a low-performance integrated graphics core, so by correctly switching processing to a discrete adapter you can significantly increase fps and even image quality.

If you have an NVidia video card

1. Open NVIdia Control Panel. You can do this by right-clicking on the Desktop and selecting the appropriate item from the drop-down menu

2. Select "Manage 3D Settings"
3. Go to the "Program Settings" tab
4. In step 1 “Select a program to configure” add your browser and/or Standalone Flash Player

Note: For Firefox you need to add plugin_container.exe instead of firefox.exe. It is located in the Firefox installation folder (by default "c:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\")

5. In step 2 “Select the preferred graphics processor for this program”, select “NVidia High-Performance Processor” from the drop-down list
6. Click the Apply button and close the control panel.

If you have an AMD video card

1. Open Catalyst Control Center. You can do this by right-clicking on the Desktop and selecting one of the items in the drop-down menu

2. On the "Power" tab, select "Global Switchable Graphics Settings"
3. From the drop-down list under the selected power supply method, select “Maximum performance”

If you use Chrome, Yandex.Browser, “Amigo” from Mail.ru, Rambler Browser

1. Turn off unnecessary things

Try playing in full screen mode by pressing the F11 key. Turn off everything unnecessary:

2) Disable all background programs (even audio players Winamp, AIMP), especially those that use the Internet (ICQ/QIP instant messengers, Skype, Mail-agent), file downloaders (for example, uTorrent, Download Manager). You can also disable antivirus programs.

2. I turned off everything unnecessary, but FPS did not increase or image jerks appeared

Install the Mozilla Firefox browser and play through it.

3. I installed Mozilla Firefox, but FPS is still low.

1) Open (gear icon at top right):

2) Disable all the specified settings, try turning on “Adaptive FPS”:

3) Reduce the game window directly in battle using the “-” (minus/dash) button. It will turn out something like this (you can enlarge the game window back by pressing the “+” key, which is located slightly to the right):

4. If all else fails

3) Update your video card drivers:

a) If you are a desktop computer user, download drivers from the video card manufacturer’s website.

b) If you are a laptop user, download drivers from the laptop manufacturer’s website.

If you use Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and other browsers

1. Turn off unnecessary things

1) Close all tabs in the browser, except for the “Tanks Online” tab. This also applies to everyone social networks(“VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki” and others).
2). Disable all background programs (even audio players Winamp, AIMP), especially those that use the Internet (ICQ/QIP instant messengers, Skype, Mail-agent), file downloaders (for example, uTorrent, Download Manager). You can also disable antivirus programs.
3) Open

The question of how to increase FPS in World of Tanks most often arises in the hangar after a disgusting battle, when your nerves are tense with anger and the mouse is flying into the wall. We will try to help you configure WoT and PC so that the picture is smooth, and, as a result, shots are always on target.

A comfortable value is at least 30 frames per second. The higher the FPS value in World of Tanks, the smoother the picture will be, which means you will see someone else’s tank in time, shoot at it, and not “in the milk,” and you yourself will have time to hide before the enemy attack. Also keep in mind that during explosions and skirmishes involving large quantity tanks, the FPS will sag, which means that in moments of inactivity the figure should be even higher - 50-60 frames per second.

If you are faced with the problem of low FPS, this does not mean that you have no other choice but to throw your old man in the trash and run to buy the newly released fancy hardware to play World of Tanks comfortably. There are several ways to optimize Tanks and the computer itself in order to enjoy the game without being distracted by all sorts of interference.

Correct settings are the key to success

An effective method to increase FPS in world of tanks is to properly configure the graphics in the game, which will help compensate for the weaknesses of your system. All these settings are very dependent on the specific configuration of your computer, so you need to approach them experimentally.

For some players, turning off music gives an increase in FPS, and indeed all sounds in the game. True, this damages the atmosphere of the battle.

Let's look at each menu item separately:

  • Texture quality - only worth reducing if you have little video memory
  • Lighting quality has the strongest impact on FPS, reduce it first
  • Shadow quality has the biggest impact on FPS, reduce it first
  • Grass in sniper mode - affects FPS, should be turned off
  • The quality of the landscape does not matter in the game, it should be reduced to a minimum
  • Water quality - it consumes resources well on World of Tanks maps with reservoirs
  • The quality of the decals has little effect
  • Detailing of objects is also not the most important parameter
  • Transparency of foliage - although it has an influence, it also has enough benefits
  • Extra quality effects - it’s better to turn them off so as not to get a slideshow in the mix
  • Add. effects in sniper mode - even more so
  • The amount of vegetation is a completely unnecessary “beauty” that reduces FPS
  • Post-processing - turn off immediately
  • Effects from under the tracks - turn off first
  • Tree detail is an optional parameter, but has a weak impact on FPS
  • Draw distance - look for the “sweet spot”
  • Motion blur quality - turn it off immediately
  • Dynamic change in the quality of effects - if the game is difficult to play on medium or high settings, you can turn it on to sacrifice graphics only during difficult moments
  • Tracks of caterpillars - not much effect
  • 3D render resolution - the lower, the greater the performance, but it is better not to touch this parameter (the difference in graphics will be very noticeable)
  • Dynamic rendering change is the best solution if FPS sags during firefights
  • Triple buffering - usually turning it off helps, but the effect may vary
  • Vertical sync - usually turning it off helps, but the effect may vary
  • Anti-aliasing - has a strong impact on FPS, it is better to turn it off or reduce it
Don't overdo it with mods

Many gamers install modpacks for World of Tanks. Here main point– don’t overdo it. Install only those mods that you really use and that are really necessary, since many of them are very power hungry in terms of FPS. Try disabling them one at a time, checking the impact on frame rate each time.

If the resulting effect does not suit you, you can use special compressed textures for World of Tanks. This will only help those who have a small amount of video memory.

Of course, you can forget about a good picture after such settings, but for the sake of performance you will have to sacrifice something.

Don't forget about prevention

This may not have a fundamental impact on FPS, but it can improve overall performance and stability.

  • Defragment your disk
  • Check your computer with antivirus
  • Clean the registry
  • Close all unnecessary applications (browser, torrent) before playing.

Update your video card drivers regularly. The quality of its work directly depends on their relevance, because with each update productivity increases.

You can download drivers for video cards on the official websites of their manufacturers:

Also, remember to clean your computer from dust at least once every 3-4 months, which will help reduce the heating of your equipment.

Upgrade as inevitable

And finally, the most effective way, which sooner or later you will still have to resort to is upgrading your computer. At a minimum, you will have to choose a more powerful processor and a more powerful video card. This is not the cheapest way to increase FPS, but with the right hardware you can play Tanks long years. Let us remind you what to find out system requirements You can always play World of Tanks by visiting the official Wargaming website.

We hope that with these tips you will be able to optimize your system and improve the performance of your Tanks. Experiment wisely, follow the developers' recommendations, listen to the advice of other players, and then a positive result in FPS growth will not be long in coming.

How many FPS do you have in the game? Share your opinion in the comments!