Shvabrin is a weak person. Essay on the topic “Grinev and Shvabrin in the story The Captain’s Daughter

Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich is one of the negative characters of this work. In the novel, he represents the image of a young officer from a fairly wealthy family noble family. As an officer, he was demoted to the Belgorod fortress due to the murder of his comrade.

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin did not have very beautiful facial features, but there were notes of liveliness in him. He also did not differ in height and, moreover, suffered from excessive thinness.

Among his personal qualities, Shvabrin had a fairly good mind, intelligence and wit. His dialogues are filled with poignant and fascinating themes that further engage the reader. But the way he appeared negative character Shvabrin was endowed with such qualities as slander and invention. So, for example, he described Maria Mironova as an absolute fool, but in reality she was a very smart and good-natured girl.

In many scenes he maintained his importance and a very pompous appearance. He constantly made inappropriate and rude jokes that were alien to those around him. Shvabrin always loved to laugh at someone and received great pleasure from it. This man had nothing sacred. He completely refused to believe in God, and therefore he did not care that he was ranked among the murderers.

A deceitful, impudent, and also vile man who betrayed his army and then calmly joined the forces of the impostor Pugachev. After which, Shvabrin received the position of chief in Pugachev’s detachment Belgorod fortress. And taking advantage of his position, he kidnaps Masha and holds her by force, thus trying to gain favor from her. But as a result, there is justice in everything and Shvabrin is arrested for committing treason.

Essay Image and characteristics of Shvabrin

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin is a minor and negative hero of the story “The Captain's Daughter”. This is a young, educated officer from a wealthy family. He was short in stature, his face was dark and ugly. He knew French and skillfully wielded a sword.

He once served in the guard. There he stabbed one lieutenant with a sword and was sent to serve in the remote Belogorsk fortress.

In the fortress, Shvabrin meets Pyotr Grinev, who has arrived for service. At first, he seems to be a very friendly and witty person, with whom it is interesting and fun to spend time.

But, in the future, the hero reveals himself on the other side. He was in love with the daughter of Captain Mironov, but she did not reciprocate his feelings. Being a vindictive, cowardly and vile person, he began to spread bad rumors about her and her family.

He quarrels with Pyotr Grinev because of his jealousy of Masha Mironova and wants to fight him in a duel. During the fight, he stabs his opponent in the back, who momentarily turns away. He writes a false letter to Grinev's father, after which Peter's mother falls ill.

Alexey Shvabrin is a dishonest and unscrupulous person. During the attack of Pugachev's gang on the fortress, he betrays his own and immediately goes over to the side of the villains. Then the impostor Pugachev appoints him commandant of the fortress. His appearance changes, he becomes important, dresses in Cossack clothes and grows a beard.

He takes advantage of his new position and forcibly holds captain's daughter I wave. He treats her poorly, keeps her locked up, humiliates her in every possible way and starves her. But all his attempts to force Masha Mironova to become his wife are in vain.

At the end of the story, Alexei Shvabrin is arrested. He looks thin and emaciated, his face becomes pale, and his once black hair turns gray. Out of overwhelming powerlessness and anger, he tries to annoy his rival Pyotr Grinev. Shvabrin gives false testimony about him. He claims that Grinev joined the ranks of Pugachev and is a traitor to his homeland. He reveals himself as a vile, hypocritical and deceitful person.

Shvabrin's character does not evoke any respect or compassion.

Option 3

Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich is minor character, an aristocrat, a nobleman who, for one reason or another, ended up in the Belgorod fortress. He is a young officer of average height. He is well educated and knows how to talk. There is always a joke and wit in his speech. Once upon a time, he was in love with Masha Mironova, the only daughter of the commander of the fortress, but was refused, which he was not particularly pleased with. He has been serving in the Belgorod fortress for five years.

After Masha Mironova’s refusal, Shvabrin begins to spread dirty rumors about her in the fortress and beyond. Considering this circumstance, we can say with confidence that this is not a very honest person.

His cunning and deceit is proven by the fact that he took advantage of the fact that during the duel, Grinev was distracted by Savelich, and it was Alexey Ivanovich who shot at him. Next, Shvabrin writes a letter about the duel to Grinev’s father, knowing that this could aggravate the situation for Grinev Jr.

At the moment of the capture of the Belgorod fortress, seeing that Pugachev and his comrades were winning. Shvabrin, without thinking about anything, goes over to the side of the barbarian and the robber. In the service of Pugachev, Grinev continues to lie and commit all sorts of tricks and meanness. Having learned that Masha Mironova was alone in the fortress and no one could protect her, he decided to use his power. He rudely harasses the daughter of the murdered commandant of the fortress, which does not indicate his love for Masha Mironova.

When Shvabrin saw that Grinev was under the protection of Pugachev, he fell at the feet of the sovereign, forgetting about his sense of self-worth and honor. He doesn't honor anyone or anything. He is only afraid for his own skin, which is worth nothing. But we should not forget that Shvabrin is a nobleman, and it is disgusting to see a nobleman lying on the ground.

When Grinev took Maria Ivanovna with him, Shvabrin felt anger and a desire to take revenge on him. He wanted to take revenge not out of love for Maria Mironova, but out of rivalry and personal vileness and flattery. In the end, Shvabrin Alexei Ivanovich is arrested for treason.

When Shvabrin is arrested, he will slander Grinev, although he will know that he did not swear allegiance to Pugachev and did not participate in his robberies.

When characterizing the image of Shvabrin, it should be noted that Pushkin introduced this negative hero not only to diversify the plot, but also to remind the reader that in life there are real scoundrels who can ruin the lives of the people around them.

Shvabrin in Pushkin's story

In the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", the main villain and anti-hero is not the robber Pugachev with his henchmen, but a young Russian officer - Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin. This is a young man with a quarrelsome disposition, coming from an aristocratic family, with an inflated opinion of himself and his own actions. This character lacks the concept of honor and duty, because after the capture of the Belgorod fortress, without hesitation, he sided with the enemy, without even remembering that he had taken the most important oath - to defend his homeland.

Alexey Ivanovich is not familiar with true love. He really liked the daughter of the commandant of the fortress, Masha, so in a fit of his feelings Shvabrin proposed marriage to her. The girl refused the young officer, as she felt bad intentions and deception from him. After the refusal, Alexey did not reconcile himself and decided that he would take revenge on Maria, calling her names and spreading inappropriate rumors about the life of the poor girl. But Masha steadfastly endured Shvabrin’s attacks, while Shvabrin himself became angrier. During the capture of the fortress, Alexei Ivanovich managed to get closer to Maria, he put her under lock and key, did not give her normal food, but only bread and water, thereby hoping to extract consent to marriage from the exhausted Masha. This act shows that Alexey has no mercy and sympathy, he does not feel sorry for the girl, he only thinks about his own benefit and enrichment.

Shvabrin also did not strive to create faithful and sincere friendship. His meanness and cowardice hurt people. In a duel with Pyotr Grinev, Alexey Shvabrin behaved basely and dishonestly; he stabbed Pavel in the back when he was distracted. Thus, with his cowardly and dishonest act, Shvabrin won a victory over Peter. Alexey also often slandered Grinev, presenting his comrade in a bad light.

Even when a righteous trial of Pugachev’s robbers took place, Shvabrin did not admit his guilt, but was only looking for a reason to evade justice and shift his guilt onto others.

The image of the dishonest, envious and cowardly Shvabrin is very carefully conveyed by the author, thus A.S. Pushkin wanted to show what an officer of the Russian army should not be, and what lies, envy, meanness and cowardice can lead to.

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The image of Shvabrin in the story is very clearly outlined; it does not leave any blank spots, no opportunities to “think out, finish writing” his biography. Detailed characteristics Shvabrina is given at the moment Grinev arrives for duty. “The officer is short, with a dark and distinctly ugly face, but extremely lively.” He seemed glad to have a new comrade. “Yesterday I learned about your arrival; The desire to finally see a human face took such hold of me that I could not stand it.”

Alexey Ivanovich is an educated young man who knows languages, a freethinker, with a short track record as a lieutenant, with his own ideas about good and evil. It seems to him that he is not doing anything special, but in seeking Masha’s favor, he crosses the line of decency and sanity. What kind of girl, tell me, would marry a man who threatens to take her by force?

Shvabrin was exiled to a remote garrison for his hot temper and participation in duels. Very soon he will see in Grinev a rival for Masha’s heart and will decide to slander her. But he doesn't expect such a rebuff. The conflict is growing, it will end in a duel and Peter being seriously wounded.

The further behavior of the victim of a fiasco on the personal, love front does not go beyond the once set framework. At the most difficult, culminating moment of the story, Shvabrin betrays the commandant of the fortress, going over to Pugachev’s side. Thus, he violates his oath. The traitor is rewarded: now he is the leader of the Belogorsk fortress.

Subsequently, Shvabrin prevents the rescue of Masha, and even later writes a denunciation to the investigative authorities about his colleague’s collaboration with the rioters. But disorderly and chaotic actions to shield oneself and denigrate the eternal rival do not achieve the goal: Grinev loves and is loved, he is acquitted by the empress, and hard labor awaits the intriguer and traitor.

To a large extent, the image of Shvabrin in the story The Captain's Daughter is written in bright, largely “sarcastic” colors, which directly indicates the author’s attitude towards this type of people. Behavior unworthy of an officer and a man only further emphasizes the nobility and infallibility of the protagonist of the story, rewarded for his diligence, perseverance, and selflessness.

Agreeing to compromises where this cannot be done, making a deal with conscience, looking for workarounds, writing anonymous letters, weaving intrigues, in other words, ruining one’s own soul - this is the choice of Alexei himself. The author thinks so, and in his judgments he is quite straightforward. Only once, at the very end of the story, will we hear sympathetic notes in the speeches of Pyotr Grinev. He will give credit to the defendant in shackles, because during interrogations he never mentioned the name of Masha Mironova.

Work test

I have a direct association with the concept of cowardice with such character traits as dishonor, dishonesty, baseness and uncertainty. A cowardly person is tantamount to a person who has lost self-respect; he acts based only on initial instincts, without looking into the future at all, doing what he wants, and not thinking about the consequences. Such actions are called cowardly, and they, in turn, just like any others, also have their own degree.

You can leave a spider alive, sharing shelter with it and being in constant fear, or you can kill an innocent person, worrying about your own reputation in society. The degree of cowardice, in my opinion, is determined by the degree of damage caused to other people and society as a whole. If one act of a coward cast doubt only on his attitude towards himself, in the future, perhaps, it will only turn out to be a valuable experience. However, if the victim of the act becomes human life, in other words, if for the sake of his own benefit, for the sake of his life, a person endangers the life of one, or even several individuals at once, if lies and hypocrisy come into play, I consider such an act truly cowardly and unworthy.

For example, in the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" the author introduces us to a true coward, Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. At the very beginning of the work, this hero shows the properties of his character in such little things as, for example, the scene with a duel. Directly during the battle, fearing for the state of his health, Shvabrin, weakening and seeing that Peter was distracted by Savelich, deliberately injures him at that moment. Can this be considered a cowardly act? Of course, a duel is a fair battle, it is carried out according to the rules, and a person who takes such a step must be prepared for his own death. Moreover, Shvabrin himself was the initiator. However, he was afraid for his life and struck a dishonest and vile blow. The most cowardly thing, it seems to me, is Shvabrin’s act at the moment when the fortress was attacked by rebels led by Pugachev. Grinev was ready to sacrifice his life to defend his honor and the honor of his fatherland, and Shvabrin immediately sided with the enemy and violated not only the oath of the nobles, but also all the laws of humanity and self-respect. Plus, he was unable to admit his guilt and cowardice even after a while, in court. Shvabrin, like a true coward, tried to tarnish the image of Grinev and make himself look honest.

I also consider the most cowardly act of Evgeny Onegin, the hero of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Throughout the entire work, the author described this hero to us as an ambiguous personality - Evgeniy, it seemed, did not respect secular society, but was part of it. The same situation occurred in the village. Onegin depended on the opinions of those he despised. When Vladimir Lensky, jealous of his beloved, challenged Evgeny to a duel, he quite calmly, based on common sense, could refuse, while preserving the life of a good, bright and promising young man. But, paradoxically, it was not his refusal to duel that showed Eugene’s cowardice. The hero showed it by agreeing to fight, because true cowardice was embodied in Eugene’s desire to preserve his image in the eyes of the villagers, despite the fact that he despised these same residents. Thus, I consider Onegin’s agreement to a duel and his murder of Lensky to be the most cowardly act. My thought is also confirmed by the fact that Evgeniy himself, immediately after the crime he committed, disappeared for a long time and in an unknown direction. Only a real coward, hiding from the truth and popular contempt, could do this.

It seems to me that there is nothing more cowardly than those actions that kill the person within us. Cowardice is the antithesis of honor and dignity, a direct opposition to the word “respect.” A coward will never admit his guilt and until the last moment he will assure himself and those around him that the truth is on his side. Because he is called that because he considers the most important fear in his life to be the recognition of his cowardice, and with recognition, as you know, repentance and correction begin.

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin is a young aristocrat, an officer who ended up in the Belogorsk fortress for killing his opponent in a duel. In the story "The Captain's Daughter" he is shown as a low, cynical and arrogant person. He treated all the inhabitants of the fortress with contempt, considering himself better than everyone else. He really liked Captain Mironov’s daughter, but he called Masha a fool and spread gossip about her. As it turned out later, she simply did not agree to marry him and in this way he took revenge on her. At the end of the story, Shvabrin keeps her under lock and key, puts her on bread and water, and thus wants to achieve reciprocity on her part. His meanness knows no bounds; it costs him nothing to slander and humiliate a person.

During the duel with Grinev, he took advantage of the moment when Peter was distracted by Savelich, and wounded him, and then also told Grinev’s father about the duel in an anonymous letter. It is common for Shvabrin to commit base acts, because he has neither shame nor conscience.

When Pugachev captures the Belogorsk fortress, Shvabrin without hesitation goes over to the side of the bandits. He becomes a traitor, having forgotten that he swore an oath to faithfully serve the empress.

Appearing before the government court, Shvabrin did not calm down and said that Grinev also served with Pugachev. He could not move away from his principles: to lie and commit meanness to the end.

“The Captain's Daughter” is the pinnacle prose work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The author himself called his story historical, since it was based on the true events of the peasant uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev. The author recreates the atmosphere of those times, depicts characters typical of that era.

The story is a memoir, “family notes”, narrated on behalf of Pyotr Grinev, a witness and participant in the events described. The main characters in the work are: the Grinev family, Savelich, the Mironov family, Pugachev and the rebellious peasants, as well as Shvabrin. It is on this that I want to dwell in more detail.

This hero in the story is the direct opposite of Grinev. The latter “preserves honor from a young age”, embodies the best traits of a Russian person: breadth of soul, resourcefulness, courage, readiness to help. Shvabrin, on the contrary, is petty and selfish, cowardly and vile. Only one thing unites them - love for Masha Mironova.

Shvabrin is an aristocrat who previously served in the guard. He is smart, educated, eloquent, witty, resourceful. He has been serving in the Belogorsk fortress for five years, transferred to it for murder - he stabbed a lieutenant in a duel. Shvabrin once wooed Masha Mironova, was refused, and therefore often used insulting language towards the girl. This is precisely what served as the reason for his duel with Grinev. But a fair fight is not for Shvabrin. Having cheated, he wounds Peter when he looks back at the unexpected call of the servant.

Shvabrin is deeply indifferent to everything that does not concern his personal interests. The concepts of honor and official duty are alien to the hero. As soon as Belogorsk fortress ends up captured by Pugachev, Shvarin goes over to the side of the rebels and becomes one of their commanders. He went over to Pugachev’s side not for high ideological reasons, but to reprisal Grinev and marry Masha, who lived under the guise of a niece with a local priest.

A morally devastated person, Shvabrin evokes a sharply negative attitude from Pushkin. The author's assessment of this character is sharply negative; in the story he is called by his last name, or only his initials are indicated: A.I.

How does neglect of male and official honor ultimately turn out for the hero? Pugachev, who learned from Grinev that Shvabrin is holding the girl, is angry. The traitor aristocrat literally lies at the feet of the fugitive Cossack in search of mercy and forgiveness. Meanness, thus, turns into shame, which, unfortunately, did not teach the hero anything. Having fallen into the hands of government troops, Shvabrin points to Grinev as a traitorous Pugachevite.

Probably, we should not condemn this hero, but feel sorry and sympathize with him. Personally, he doesn’t evoke any feelings in me other than pity. A person who cannot overcome his fears, who cannot see beyond his own nose, is weak and insignificant. It's not even a matter of aristocratic origin and brilliant education, but a lack of spiritual qualities. What could be worse than constantly being dependent on someone because of the fear of directly expressing your thoughts and desires, because of the habit of going with the flow? Why fight Pugachev when it is easier to take his side? Why do you need to wait until someone loves you, when you can force a girl to marry!.. Why fight an honest duel when it’s easier to deceive your opponent?!
What kind of honor can we talk about if a person thinks this way?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like Shvabrin around us. Because of them, others suffer, similar in spiritual qualities to Grineva and Masha. But, as a rule, committed meanness and betrayal turn against the mops. This is their problem: fear gives rise to lies and hypocrisy, and these, in turn, are the causes of failure.

Why did I like the image of Shvabrin? Perhaps because in his example one can clearly see what meanness and submission to circumstances lead to. Each of our actions has a consequence, so the epigraph to the story “Take care of honor from a young age” after analyzing the image of Shvabrin takes on a new meaning. Having sacrificed honor once, a person dooms himself to lifelong failures.