Download patterns and ornaments on dishes. Project "patterns and ornaments on dishes"

Completed by a student of grade 2 “B”

MBOU "Secondary School No. 32" Ozyorsk

Danilov Alexey



Math is everywhere.
Just look at it
And I’ll have a lot of examples right away
You will find it around you.

M. Borzakovsky

Each of us uses various utensils more than once a day: cups, saucers, plates. As a rule, the dishes are beautifully decorated with various patterns and ornaments. All this is created by masters - craftsmen who paint, decorate the dishes, and bring them into an aesthetic appearance. I wanted to become such a craftsman, to learn more about the ways of decorating dishes with patterns and ornaments.

I have set myself the following goals:

1. Explore the history of patterns and ornaments on dishes, study their types, types, structure

2. Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, learn to draw geometric patterns, alternate elements, repeat the rules for their arrangement one after another

3. Create an album of sketches of patterns and ornaments for painting dishes

4. Summarize the research results.

Project hypothesis - if you study the technique of making patterns and ornaments on dishes, you can learn to create sketches of patterns and ornaments for painting dishes yourself.

Main part

1. Definition of pattern and ornament

Patternis a drawing created using a combination of lines, colors and shadows. A pattern can be an independent artistic element, a work of art, or also an element of ornament (if it is repeated several times in a certain sequence). A geometric pattern is a design made using geometric shapes.

Ornament translated from Latin means decoration . It consists of a number of sequentially arranged elements. In this case, a strict pattern associated with symmetry and rhythm must be observed. The ornament gives the product expressiveness, beauty, emphasizes its shape and texture. Ornaments are one of the elements national culture all peoples of the world.

2. The history of the origin of dishes, patterns and ornaments on dishes

Your first dishes primitive began to make from bark, wood, vines. But that dish was inconvenient; it was impossible to cook or store liquids in it.

It was only in the seventh millennium BC that the first artificial material was invented - refractory clay, from which ceramic dishes began to be made. It is believed that pottery was invented by a woman.

Ancient people sought to make dishes not only convenient, but also beautiful. Various designs began to be applied to it.

The emergence of ornamentation dates back to ancient times. Its origins go back to the times when man isolated himself from the world around him and began to make tools and household items. The earliest ornamental images were found during archaeological excavations on fragments of ceramics. And such an ornament consisted of a series of simple dents made on a clay jug at approximately equal distances from each other. Naturally, these dents could not make the vessel more convenient to use. However, they made it more interesting and unusual compared to other vessels.

Over time, the patterns developed and became more and more complex, forming complex compositional patterns in which fairy-tale and real motifs intertwined.

Each nationality, sometimes even a geographical region, has its own unique ornament, since the ornament has always been closely connected with the culture, language of the people, as well as its origin and history.

3. Types of ornaments

We found out that there are four main types of ornaments:
Geometric ornament consists of points, lines and geometric shapes.

Floral ornament made up of stylized leaves, flowers, fruits, branches, etc. (for example, Gzhel, Khokhloma)

Zoomorphic ornament includes stylized images of real or fantasy animals.

Anthropomorphic ornament uses stylized figures or parts of the human body as motifs

A mixed ornament uses various elements.

4. Types of ornaments

There are two types of ornaments:

Ornament in stripes with vertical or horizontal alternation of motifs

Closed ornament. It is arranged in a rectangle, square or circle.

We liked the geometric pattern the most. It's easier to draw, but still looks very elegant. The following forms are used in geometric patterns: dots and lines, circles and ovals, rhombuses and squares, broken lines - zigzags, meanders. Meander - (from the Greek - “circle” - this is when a broken line is formed at a right angle or along spiral curls.

The permanent elements of geometric patterns are individual figures in the form of dots, straight and broken lines, circles, crosses, triangles, squares, rosettes.

Geometric ornament is characterized not so much by the variety of figures as by the variability of their execution. The main and most typical is a rhombus or a square placed on a corner. Diamond shapes can be crossed by diagonals, with extensions - extended sides, with hooks, small rhombuses at the corners, can be enclosed in squares and larger rhombuses, arranged in rows, corners superimposed on each other, etc.

The cross motif is also common in geometric ornaments - oblique or straight, equilateral, with curved ends, with scalloped projections. Very often there are figures of triangles, which can be part of a rhombic pattern and an independent pattern: connected by vertices, superimposed on one another, etc.

Quite often, the gaps between individual figures of one ornament are filled with other figures, which not only complement it, but also create a new pattern. Big role in various options A geometric ornament is played by the size of the pattern and the proportional relationships of its parts. Basically, the elements of the ornament are located along the entire perimeter of the dish, sometimes located in the center of the dish.

The term “ornament” is associated with the term “decor”, which “never exists in its pure form, it consists of a combination of the useful and the beautiful; functionality is at the core, beauty comes after it.” Over many years of existence decorative arts Various types of patterns have developed: geometric, floral, complex, etc., from simple to complex. The ornament can consist of objective and non-objective motifs; it may include forms of humans, animals and mythological creatures. Patterns and ornaments are used in various fields and have different ways creations and some of them have a certain preference in the design of various things and objects.

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Project topic: Patterns and ornaments on dishes. The goal and objectives of the project: learn to draw geometric patterns, alternate elements, understand the rules for their arrangement one after another. Each of us uses various utensils more than once a day: cups, saucers, plates. There are also decorative plates that decorate the walls. All this is created by craftsmen, including artists, who often paint dishes with a wide variety of and very beautiful patterns.

A pattern is a design created using combinations of lines, colors and shadows. A pattern can be an independent artistic element, a work of art, or also an element of ornament (if it is repeated several times in a certain sequence). Ornament translated from Latin means decoration. It consists of a number of sequentially arranged elements. In this case, a strict pattern associated with symmetry and rhythm must be observed. The ornament gives the product expressiveness, beauty, emphasizes its shape and texture.

Patterns and ornaments are used in various areas, have different methods of creation, and some of them have a certain preference in the design of various things and objects. Ornaments are one of the elements of the national culture of all peoples of the world. With their help, you can study the customs and traditions of a particular country. Patterns and ornaments are used in folk art, precious frames, braid, etc. I created the album “Ornaments and Patterns on Crockery,” which contains photographs of the patterns I liked most, which I saw in various places and obtained from various sources. Conclusion: Geometric patterns are everywhere, this is a fairly common phenomenon, we just rarely pay attention to it in everyday affairs and just like that. Mathematics is around us always and everywhere.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Math project for 2nd grade....

Lesson-project in mathematics, 2nd grade, Topic: “Mathematics around us. Patterns on dishes", educational complex "School of Russia"

Topic: “Mathematics around us. Patterns on dishes." Goal: through practical work and observations, to introduce the history of the appearance of dishes, the meaning of dishes in everyday life, the meaning of decorating dishes. Lesson type: master...

Since ancient times, people have tried to make the world around them more beautiful. Therefore, they decorated everything that surrounded them: the walls of their homes, clothes, household items. The simplest patterns were patterns on dishes, consisting of repeating geometric shapes, segments, and dots. Gradually they began to weave into the ornaments plant elements, symbolically close to geometric ones.

on the dishes

Ornaments are designs in which one (main) part is repeated. Typically, patterns on dishes either surround jugs, glasses, vases, or run along the edges of plates, saucers, trays, bowls, pans and other kitchen utensils.

However, today the art of decorating dishes has stepped far forward. Artists and table sets no longer want to limit themselves only to geometric patterns. When decorating dishes, such a technique as bas-reliefs is used together with striped patterns. Thus, it becomes clear that patterns on dishes are made not only with paints.

Subject painting of dishes

Everyone knows the “Shepherdess” coffee sets, painted with plot pictures of a romantic meeting between a nobleman and a young shepherdess - each item is painted differently from the others, illustrating one of the plots of the meeting. Patterns on “Shepherdess” dishes in the form of a geometric ornament can be seen only on the edges of cups and saucers. This painting method is used today by many companies, famous modern brands that make tableware.

Making a project in second grade

Today's curriculum often uses a teaching method called project-based learning. For example, in a mathematics lesson, second-graders are offered the following project: “Patterns on dishes and ornaments: shape, alternation of elements, the rule of their arrangement one after another.”

First, the student must define the words “pattern”, “ornament”, “ geometric figures", "bas-relief". Then it is explained what the ornaments can be.

Presenting the material further, children identify patterns from combinations of dots and solid, zigzag or winding lines. When describing certain patterns on the dishes, photographs of which are provided in the project, the child notes whether they are made with paints or have the appearance of a bas-relief.

Master class in the project

You can also include in the project a master class on decorating dishes with geometric patterns. To do this you will need a camera and didactic material: a paper circle imitating a plate, and multi-colored geometric shapes: circles, triangles, rhombuses, squares.

1 photo should capture all the material prepared for work.

2 photos - the first step, for example, gluing diamonds on a plate at the same distance from each other.

3 photos - the second step, for example, the location of the circles between the diamonds.

4 photos - the third step, during which distribution is made between the circles of triangles.

5 photos can be the final one, which shows the final product - the finished decorated plate.

Since patterns on dishes can be in the form solid lines(straight, wavy or zigzag), then it is appropriate to use this painting method in the master class.

Under each photo in the master class you need to write a comprehensive description of the action performed.

The tradition of decorating dishes with various patterns came from ancient times, and they were placed in a separate sideboard, which served as a sign of status and wealth.

va owner of the house. Previously in

Various images of pastoral themes and flowers were used as paintings, and today it is not difficult to find kitchen utensils with images of Spider-Man and Star Wars heroes.

Ornament and what was, what became

As a rule, in a modern kitchen you can find dishes for every taste. As for the plates, for example, they are made mostly ascetically - that is, in white and with minimum quantity drawing. Moreover, the main pattern usually falls on the border, while prices

the middle part remains empty. Ceramic and porcelain products can be considered real works of art. This is where artists give free rein to their irrepressible imagination, because the patterns and ornaments on dishes made from these materials amaze the imagination. Such decorative products look very luxurious and elegant, so they can decorate any cabinet or pedestal. In addition, with their help you can create a certain style in the room. As a rule, the main color in these is chosen in pastel shades. Bright and catchy multi-color patterns look impressive against such a laconic background.

However, due to the fact that porcelain was quite an expensive pleasure, craftsmen from different countries They began to think about how to make utensils, thinking about the ornament and pattern on the dishes. Thus, craftsmen from Gzhel created a special style of painting, where images of flowers, birds, and animals predominated. By the way, Gzhel porcelain got its start in the Moscow region, where in ancient times

Pottery craft was well developed. Over time, the masters of Gzhel managed to improve their skills, and now the products they produced are distinguished by a combination of blue patterns on a white background.

Modern trends

Very popular today Japanese technology making ceramic items for the kitchen, where a distinctive feature is the ornament and pattern on the dishes. Perhaps this is the only country that offers such a sophisticated combination of simplicity and elegance in its products and at the same time unique design. Kitchen utensils such as toyiki and yakimono are in demand all over the world today, but few people know that they were originally made from stone and earth, and then covered with clay and glaze. But Japanese masters were able to carry through the centuries the main tradition - the use of characters

Traditional motifs and colors that are true to antiquity.

However, for most buyers, glass products remain relevant; they can have such an interesting pattern on the dishes (the pictures confirm this) that they can be safely placed on festive table. In addition, such kitchen utensils are good because they are durable, easy to clean and economical in cost. A separate group includes children's dishes, which can be made of glass, plastic and even ceramics and at the same time have their own ornament and pattern. On dishes they look very bright and impressive, and most importantly, such designs are completely safe for the health of the child.

Painting, floral motifs, traditions of the East and West - all this can be found on modern dishes.

PROJECT in mathematics on the topic:

Patterns and ornaments on dishes


Additional teacher education

Kolmykova Olga



Project topic: Patterns and ornaments on dishes.

Project goal and objectives : learn to draw geometric patterns, alternate elements, understand the rules for their placement one after another.

Each of us uses various utensils more than once a day: cups, saucers, plates.

There are also decorative plates that decorate the walls.

All this is created by craftsmen, including artists, who often paint dishes with a wide variety of and very beautiful patterns.

Pattern is a drawing created using a combination of lines, colors and shadows. A pattern can be an independent artistic element, a work of art, or also an element of ornament (if it is repeated several times in a certain sequence).

Ornament translated from Latin means decoration. It consists of a number of sequentially arranged elements. In this case, a strict pattern associated with symmetry and rhythm must be observed. The ornament gives the product expressiveness, beauty, emphasizes its shape and texture.

Patterns and ornaments are used in various areas, have different methods of creation, and some of them have a certain preference in the design of various things and objects. Ornaments are one of the elements of the national culture of all peoples of the world. With their help, you can study the customs and traditions of a particular country.

Patterns and ornaments are used in folk art, precious settings, braid, etc.

I created an album “Ornaments and Patterns on Utensils”, which contains photographs of the patterns I liked most, which I saw in various places and obtained from various sources, and the utensils that I have in my home.

Conclusion: Geometric patterns are everywhere, this is a fairly common phenomenon, we just rarely pay attention to it in everyday affairs and just like that. Mathematics is around us always and everywhere.