A fairy tale about magic colors. Story: Evgeny Permyak "Magic colors"

Once every hundred years, the kindest of all the kindest old people - Santa Claus - on the night before New Year brings seven magical colors. With these paints you can paint whatever you want, and what you painted will come to life.

If you want, draw a herd of cows and then graze them. If you want, draw a ship and sail on it... Or a starship and fly to the stars. And if you need to draw something simpler, like a chair, please... Draw it and sit on it. With magic paints you can paint anything, even soap, and it will lather. Therefore, Santa Claus brings magical colors to the kindest of all the kindest children.

And this is understandable... If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can cause a lot of trouble. If, say, you paint a second nose on a person with these paints, he will have two noses. It is worth adding horns to a dog, a mustache to a chicken, and a hump to a cat, and the dog will be horned, the chicken will have a mustache, and the cat will be humpbacked.

Therefore, Santa Claus checks the hearts of children for a very long time, and then chooses which of them to give magic colors to.

IN last time Santa Claus gave magical colors to one of the kindest of all the kindest boys.

The boy was very happy with the colors and immediately began to paint. Draw for others. Because he was the kindest of all the kindest boys. He drew a warm scarf for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a new hunting rifle for his father. The boy drew eyes for the blind old man, and a big, big school for his comrades...

He drew without straightening up all day and all evening... He drew on the second, and on the third, and on the fourth... He drew, wishing good things to people. I painted until I ran out of paint. But...

But no one could use what was drawn. The scarf drawn for the grandmother looked like a rag for washing floors, and the dress drawn for the mother turned out to be so lopsided, colorful and baggy that she did not even want to try it on. The gun was no different from a club. For a blind man, the eyes resembled two blue blots, and he could not see with them. And the school, which the boy painted very diligently, turned out to be so terrible that they were even afraid to come close to it. Falling walls. The roof is askew. Crooked windows. Slanting doors... A monster, not a house. They didn’t even want to take the ugly building for a warehouse.

So trees appeared on the street that looked like old brooms. Horses with wire legs appeared, cars with some strange round pieces instead of wheels, airplanes with heavy wings, electrical wires as thick as a log, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other... Thus, thousands of things appeared that could not be used, and the people were horrified.

How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys?

And the boy began to cry. He so wanted to make people happy, but, not knowing how to draw, he wasted his paints in vain.

The boy cried so loudly and inconsolably that he was heard by the kindest of all the kindest old men - Santa Claus. He heard and returned to him. He returned and put paints in front of the boy.

Only these, my friend, are simple colors... But they can become magical if you want it...

That's what Santa Claus said and left...

A year has passed... Two years have passed... Many, many years have passed. The boy became a youth, then an adult, and then an old man... All his life he painted with simple colors. I painted at home. Drew people's faces. Clothes. Aircraft. Bridges. Railway stations. Palaces... And the time came, happy days came, when what he had drawn on paper began to come to life...

Many beautiful buildings appeared, built according to his drawings. Wonderful planes flew. Unknown bridges spanned from shore to shore... And no one wanted to believe that all this was painted with simple colors. Everyone called them magical...

This happens in this world... This happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or a sewing needle and even with simple clay... This happens with everything that is touched by the hands of the greatest wizard of all the greatest wizards - the hands of a hardworking, persistent person...">

My name is Sofia, I am 8 years old, and I study in the second grade of the Verkhnemamonsky Lyceum in the Voronezh region. I really love to draw and have been going to art school for the second year in a drawing class. I am also interested in dancing. I have many friends and I like to play with them. We always come up with something interesting.

I like to write all sorts of stories and often when I draw, I come up with a story for what I depict. And in the summer, my friends and I draw on the asphalt with chalk. Sitting at the computer, I also like to color, more often I do this on special children's sites.

"Magic colors"

Once upon a time there lived a magical artist, and he had magical brushes and paints. Everything that the artist drew came to life and gave nature beauty. One day an evil wizard appeared, irritated by the beauty of nature, and decided to steal the magic brushes and paints. And nature began to gradually fade and lose its bright colors. People began to become more sad and angry, all this made the evil wizard very happy.

In one country there lived a girl who loved to draw and every day she painted a beautiful picture, and her inspiration was the surrounding forest with a river and a beautiful lake. And this girl began to notice the withering of nature and decided to find out what was the matter. But no one could give her an answer to her question, and then she decided to go into the very depths of the forest, where the oldest woman they knew lived. She walked for a long time and finally came to the dugout in which this woman lived; they said that she was already 300 years old.

This woman told her that there is an artist in the world who gives colors to nature, but apparently something happened to him, and therefore nature has lost its former beauty. She is already old and cannot check for herself what is wrong. The girl dared to offer to check what was the matter herself. The old woman told her how to find the artist and gave her a magic bag of sand that helps her move wherever she wants, she just has to say the name of the place, pour the sand into her palm and blow it away. The girl thanked her and went on her way.

The girl left the dugout, took out the magic sand and went to the artist’s house. When she knocked on the door, an exhausted old man opened the door for her, she was surprised, because she thought that the artist was young. He told her a story about an evil wizard and said that he was alive and young only while he was drawing, and now, probably, his life was not long.

The girl decided to help him, because she, like all people, needs nature and beauty. She used the sand to go to the evil wizard. Having come to him, she decided to outwit him, because she couldn’t get paints and brushes so easily. The evil wizard was also fond of drawing, and he stole paints and brushes out of envy that the artist did everything better than him.

The girl pretended to be a student and told him: “I heard that you are a wonderful artist, and I want to learn from you.” The wizard was flattered by this and agreed. For several days the girl tried to find out where the wizard kept the stolen brushes and paints. She became friends with his cat and one day, when the wizard was not at home, she asked the cat to help her find paints, since she needed a special color. The cat told her that this color is only found in the paints that the wizard keeps in his room under his bed; he saw them there while catching mice. The girl found them and, with the help of sand, returned to the artist, but it was too late.

The artist did not paint for too long and therefore died. The girl cried for a long time, but then a fairy appeared and said, nature needs you and you must replace him. The girl began to paint with magic colors, and nature came to life. She returned home, and the evil wizard could not find her, since magic is powerless against children.

The work was sent by mother Bondareva Oksana Viktorovna

In one big house There lived a boy with the same parents, a very good and kind boy. He had a lot of toys, he had beautiful books with bright pictures. He went to kindergarten. And the boy's name was Vitya. And everything would be fine for this boy. If only... But I’ll tell you everything in order...

One day Vitya came home from kindergarten very upset. He did not play with his toys, he did not look at his books. He walked up to his mother, hugged her and said quietly:

– I probably won’t go to kindergarten anymore. I'd rather sit alone at home all day.

- Why so? Did something happen, Vitya? And why are you so upset? Did someone offend you?

- The boys are teasing. Vitya - Neumitya, Vitya - Neumitya...

- Why are they teasing you?

- Because I don’t know how to draw. They know how, but I don’t know how. They are already drawing cars, houses, and airplanes. But I can’t do anything. Perhaps I'm somehow different.

And Vitya sniffed offendedly.

- Why not like this? You are so! You are just like everyone else. And for me you are the nicest boy in the world. And you and I will learn to draw. Now I’ll finish cooking dinner, and we’ll sit next to you and draw. Fine?

- No. I've already tried it a hundred times. Probably when I was a child, I fell from a balcony and hit my head. I hit him very hard.

- Why do you think so? You didn't fall from any balcony. And who told you such nonsense?

- Dad said.

- Well, he was joking. And I’ll talk to him seriously in the evening about whether he himself fell from somewhere in childhood.

In the evening, mom took out pencils, paper, and markers.

- Look, Vitya, this is grass, these are trees, this is a house in the forest. Here's the sun, cloud. And these are birds flying across the sky.

- South. Come on, try it yourself.

- No, I won’t even try. I'll never be able to do that. I'll just ruin everything.

And Vitya pushed the paper away.

- What do we do? The situation is really serious.

Mom put away the drawings, but then said conspiratorially:

I know what we should do. You need to find a magic store and buy magic paints there.

– Is there really a magic shop?

- Of course, it happens. Where do you think I can buy an invisible hat or an airplane carpet? In a magic shop, of course.

- Or maybe it would be better for us to immediately buy an invisibility hat?

- Well, no, Vitya. I don't have enough money for an invisibility hat. Oh how much it costs! But I think I can master the magic colors.

- When will you buy them for me?

“As soon as I find out where the magic shop is in our city, I’ll buy it.”

And then one day my mother announced to Vita:

– I got real magic paints. I even had enough money for a small magic brush. Vitya, holding his breath, watched as his mother took the treasured box out of her bag. He, not believing in his happiness, took this box with his hands trembling with excitement, pressed it to his chest and whispered:

-Are they really magical?

- Certainly. It says on them: “Honey paints are FABULOUS.” And do you know who sold them to me? A real wizard. Wearing a large hat, pink gloves and a blue raincoat.

- Mom, can I open the box?

- Of course. Let's take a look.

Vitya opened the box. It had seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, white, blue and violet.

- So beautiful. Do you want us to check them right now, Vitya?

- No, not now. After.

- And when then? When do we want to draw something wonderful? Anything unusual?

And Vitya put his magic paints on the shelf where he kept his most expensive things - river pebbles, a shell and broken soldiers.

And then one day... Vitya was sitting at home. Not because I was sick, it was just Sunday. Dad went to the garage, mom baked pies in the kitchen. And outside the window it was raining. But not just any sad rain. A cheerful summer rain.

There was a wonderful large puddle under the window of Vita’s house. It was her neighborhood boys who started fussing with her. They threw stones into the puddle and laughed. The rain drove the boys into the entrance, but they still jumped out into the rain and, having reached a puddle and throwing a stone into it, rushed like an arrow under the canopy of the front door.

Vitya went out onto the balcony to better see what was happening in the yard.

Now the rain has stopped. The sky cleared, and the dazzling sun filled everything around with a joyful, pure light.

Vitya looked after the flying cloud - at the lush green grass, at the swallows soaring high into the sky, at the boys near the large wonderful puddle in the yard. And mom was busy in the kitchen making pies. No, no, I looked at what Vitya was doing on the balcony. After all, he’s still a child.

She put the pies in the oven. The dough today turned out airy, it even squeaked when she rolled it out.

- Mother! Mother! Rainbow! Run here quickly! Look what a rainbow!

Mom went out to Vita’s balcony and froze with him in silent amazement. A huge multi-colored rainbow stretched across the sky from the forest to the river.

– What a miracle, Vitya! What a beauty! But it will soon melt away. If only I could draw her! Where are our magic colors?

Mom brought paper, paints, a jar of water, and laid it all out on a stool in front of Vitya. Vitya squatted down.

- Will I be able to do it?

- It will work out. Draw. Start with red.

Vitya took a brush in his hands, dipped it in water, then in red paint and drew a red arched stripe through the sheet.

- Now take the orange paint.

- How's the orange?

- Like an orange.

And Vitya drew an orange arc nearby.

- And now?

- And now yellow.

– Yellow, like a chicken?

- Yellow, like a chicken.

And a third, yellow stripe appeared on the paper.

– The next one is green.

– Green, like grass?

- Green, like grass.

- And now which one?

- And now it’s blue. But it's a pity we don't have blue. Well, let's take the blue one.

The blue stripe lay next to the green one.

- Well, the last one is purple. Look, Vitya, what you’ve done. A real rainbow. Like alive. And you drew it yourself.

- Mom, what does this mean? What do I mean now, I can draw myself? Can I do it myself?

- Of course you can. After all, you yourself drew the rainbow. So beautiful.

- So, now I can draw cars, planes, birds, and flowers?

- Of course you can. After all, you now have magical colors. You will succeed, Vitya.

– Will everything work out? How great, mom!

Since then, Vitya never came from kindergarten upset.


Once every hundred years, on New Year's Eve, the kindest of all the kindest old men, Father Frost, brings seven magical colors. With these paints you can paint whatever you want, and what you draw will come to life.

If you want, draw a herd of cows and then graze them. If you want, draw a ship and sail on it. Or a spaceship and fly to the stars. And if you need to draw something simpler, like a chair, then go ahead. Draw and sit on it.

Santa Claus brings these colors to the kindest of all the kindest children. And this is understandable. If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can cause a lot of trouble. They will add a second nose to a person, and the person will be double-nosed. They will draw horns on the dog, a mustache on the chicken, and a hump on the cat, and the dog will have horns, the chicken will have a mustache, and the cat will have a humpback.

Therefore, Santa Claus takes a very long time to choose which of the children to give magic colors to.

The last time he gave them to one very kind boy. To the kindest of the kindest.

The boy was very happy with the gift and immediately began to draw. He drew a warm scarf for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a hunting rifle for his father. The boy drew eyes for the blind old man, and a big, big school for his comrades.

But no one could use what was drawn. The scarf for the grandmother looked like a rag for washing floors, and the dress drawn for the mother turned out to be so lopsided, colorful and baggy that she did not even want to try it on. The gun was no different from a club. For a blind man, the eyes resembled two blue blots, and he could not see with them. And the school, which the boy painted very diligently, turned out to be so ugly that they were even afraid to come close to it.

Trees like brooms appeared on the street. Horses with wire legs appeared, cars with crooked wheels, houses with falling walls and roofs on one side, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other... Thousands of things appeared that could not be used. And the people were horrified:

How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys?!

And the boy began to cry. He wanted so much to make people happy!.. But he didn’t know how to draw and wasted paint in vain.

The boy cried so loudly that the kindest of all the kindest old men, Santa Claus, heard him. He heard, and returned to him, and put a new box of paints in front of the boy:

Only these, my friend, are simple colors. But they can also become magical if you really want it.

So said Santa Claus and left.

And the boy thought. How can you make simple colors become magical and so that they make people happy and not bring them misfortune? The kind boy took out a brush and began to paint.

He drew without straightening up all day and all evening. He painted on the second, and on the third, and on the fourth day. I painted until I ran out of paint. Then he asked for new ones.

A year has passed... Two years have passed... Many, many years have passed. The boy became an adult, but still did not part with paints. His eyes became keen, his hands skillful, and now in his drawings, instead of crooked houses with falling walls, there were tall, light buildings, and instead of dresses that looked like bags, there were bright, elegant clothes.

The boy did not notice how he became a real artist. He painted everything that was around, and what no one had ever seen: airplanes that looked like huge arrows, and ships that looked like airplanes, air bridges and palaces made of glass.

People looked at his drawings with surprise, but no one was horrified. On the contrary, everyone rejoiced and admired.

What wonderful pictures! What magical colors! - they said, although the colors were the most ordinary.

The paintings were really so good that people wanted to revive them. And then happy days came, when what was drawn on paper began to come to life: palaces made of glass, and air bridges, and winged ships...

This happens in this world. This happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or sewing needle, and even with simple clay. This happens to everything that is touched by the hands of the greatest of the greatest wizards - the hands of a hardworking, persistent person.

The main character of Permyak's fairy tale “Magic Colors” is one very friendly boy. Once every hundred years Santa Claus made a special New Year's gift. He chose the kindest child and gave him magic colors. Everything that was painted with these colors became real.

When Santa Claus gave such paints to a kind boy, the boy decided to help as many people as possible. He sat down and began to draw. He painted for several days until the magic paints ran out.

The boy drew a scarf for his grandmother, a new dress for his mother, eyes for a blind man, new school for children and much more. All this became real, but people could not or did not want to take advantage of the boy’s gifts.

The scarf looked like a rag, the dress was ugly, the eyes could not see, and the school turned out to be so ugly that it was scary to approach it.

People asked the good boy why he did so much evil? The boy cried out of grief. He tried so hard, but did nothing good.

Then Santa Claus came to the boy again and gave him other colors. He said that these colors are ordinary, but the boy can make them magical. The boy sat down to draw again. He drow long years until he became a real artist. And then people began to admire his magical colors and the paintings that the boy created.

People liked what he drew so much that they began to create in the flesh the things that the boy drew - winged ships, glass buildings, air bridges and much more.

That's how it is summary fairy tales.

The main idea of ​​Permyak’s fairy tale “Magic Colors” is that hard work and perseverance can perform miracles. The boy from the fairy tale persistently learned to draw and became a real artist.

The fairy tale teaches you not to take on what you don’t know how to do. The boy received magic paints and began to paint gifts for people without the ability to do so. As a result, instead of doing good deeds, he caused a lot of evil to people. It is not enough to be able to do something. You must also have the abilities and skills to complete the task.

What proverbs fit Permyak’s fairy tale “Magic Colors”?

Do not do good, there will be no evil.
Talent is earned through hard work.
You won't become a master without messing things up.