How many years has Eremeevna served in the family of simpletons? Characteristics of heroes

The surname Eremeev comes from the name Eremey. This is the Russian folk form of the ancient Hebrew name Jeremiah, which means “God will exalt” or “Exalted by God.” Yiermeyah is a Latin derivative.
This is what is written about the prophet Jeremiah in the book “Mediterranean Rus' and the Mysteries of the Bible.” He lived at the turn of the 7th – 6th centuries. BC. At this time, Assyria (an ancient state in the Northern Mesopotamia, which was on the territory of modern Iraq) began to lose its power, and the power of Babylon continuously expanded. Even the allied Egypt could not prevent the fall of the powerful Semitic power.
The kings of Judah tried to free themselves from the foreign yoke, seeking support from Egypt. In 602 BC. The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar undertook several punitive campaigns against Judea and Jerusalem and in 586 BC. finally captured Judea. He took captive most of the country's inhabitants. The stage in the life of the Jewish people that followed was called the “Babylonian Captivity.”
Jeremiah foresaw all these troubles. He prophesied, “From the north comes disaster upon all the inhabitants of the land” (Jeremiah 1:14). This was both a warning and a call to the authorities of Judea to turn policy in a different direction. In vain did Jeremiah tirelessly repeat to them the Lord’s instruction: “And if you say: why, Lord our God, are you doing all this?”, then answer like this: “How have you forsaken Me and served foreign gods in your land (Rus), then You will serve strangers in a land that is not yours."
Russian names of Jewish origin were given to newborns by the church. She named her children in honor of the ancient biblical righteous people or saints and martyrs. And these saints, in turn, often received names, again, in honor of biblical heroes and prophets. This is how Jewish names came into the Russian language.
But there is also a version that some of the names, including Eremey, were first changed into the Greek way (from Greek - Eremey - “giver of wealth”), then into Slavic.
For a long time There were no surnames in Rus'. At first, surnames arose among feudal lords. There was hereditary land ownership, which led to the inheritance of hereditary names, that is, surnames. The first Russian surnames are found in documents dating back to the 15th century. Peasants acquired a surname only after the abolition of serfdom in 1861, but this innovation took root very poorly. Only in 1888, the Senate published a special decree: “To be called by a certain surname is not only the right, but also the duty of every full-fledged person, and the meaning of the surname on some documents is required by law itself.”

In the article “Family Tree” it is written: “Some Eremeevs are untitled Russian and Little Russian nobility from Andrei Eremeev.” The name Andrey cannot be traced further.
And in the Brockhaus encyclopedia it is written the Eremeevs - Russian noble families. Ivan, Nikita, Peter, small Fyodor and big Fyodor Borisovich Eremeevs were included in the nobility in 1555. (Another source says that Ivan Borisovich Eremeev was killed in the Kazan campaign in 1550).

Yakov (name) Tikhonovich Eremeev - killed in 1634 during the siege of Smolensk. This family of Eremeevs was included in the VI part of the “Genealogical Book” of the Kazan and Pskov provinces. The other two families of the Eremeevs are recorded in part VI of the “Genealogical Book” of the Tver province (XVII century). The remaining 15 genera are of late origin.
But, in brief description articles by A.Kh. Khalikov’s “500 Russian surnames of Bulgaro-Tatar origin” contains the following data: “... at the baptism of Eremey, the grandson of Ilik, who left the Horde to serve Dmitry Donskoy...” and also “from Tatar-Mishar - owner - huja-in.”
Dmitry Donskoy – Grand Duke Moskovsky, son of Grand Duke Ivan II the Red, lived from 1350 to 1389.
Here, Eremeevs, choose either you are descendants of one of the noble families and then your surname was first heard in the 15th-16th centuries, or the second, then your ancestor fought in the ranks of D. Donskoy in the 14th century.
These are the first mentions of the surname in the history of the Russian state.

In "Orthodox church calendar" - Jeremiah, prophet – Exalted by God (Jewish). The days of celebration of the saint's memory are indicated (according to the old style):
Prophet - May 1,
Martyr – February 16,
Reverend – January 14, September 28, October 5.
And the holy day of Jeremiah is July 19 according to the new style.

Signs associated with the name Eremey.
1. Eremey, Eremey, think about the crops.
2. On Eremey, go to sowing after the early dew.
3. On Eremey, the lazy plow goes out into the field.
4. If there is bad weather on Eremey, it means a harsh, cold winter.
5. This week is after Yegor and the other after Yeremey.
6. Eremey was not supposed to lend either bread or grain; there would be a bad harvest.
7. If on Eremey (May 14, local time) spruce buds bloom early. Soon, we can’t delay sowing.”

And for your information, Lenka Panteleev, who wrote “The Republic of Shkid” is none other than Alexey Ivanovich Eremeev, i.e. namesake

But that is not all.

While browsing the Internet, I came across Lyudmila Eremeeva from Krasnoyarsk. She has been studying the history of the family for ten years now. Her grandson is the fifteenth generation of Eremeevs that she has tracked down. Lyudmila is writing a book about this. And here are excerpts from L. Bezyazykov’s book “Primordial Krasnoyarsk” -
“In 1695, a group of servicemen rose up against the cruel and thieving Krasnoyarsk governor Alexei Bashkovsky. Most of all, the boyar children Trifon and Matvey Eremeev were dissatisfied with the actions of the governor... They removed the governor from his post and elected their own governing body. This riot became known as the “Krasnoyarsk unrest”. Soon after the turbulent events of the "shaky" Matvey Eremeev with ataman Dmitry Tyumentsev "settled" 86 km below Krasny Yar, forming the village of Atomanovo. The second brother, Tryfon, left for the future Novoselovsk region. People began to call the village that he founded Trifonovka, and later Eremeevo. This village is now at the bottom of the Krasnoyarsk Sea. But how and where the brothers came from in Siberia, and who their parents are remains a mystery.
But this is the Krasnoyarsk region, and Vera Karpeevna, my paternal grandmother, Eremeev’s husband, came from the village of Ust-Isha, on the Isha River. The village is located 66 km from Biysk. The village is ancient. During excavations, burial grounds from the 5th century were found there. Nelli Nikolaevna Eremeeva works as the director of the gymnasium. That is, the descendants of the Eremeevs still live in Ust-Isha. According to Lelka, the sister of my father Illarion Mikhailovich, there are our relatives in the village. And someone in the male line looks like Hilarion like two peas in a pod. After his divorce from Uncle Vasya (Illarion’s older brother), his first wife Lusha and their daughter remained in the village.

But let’s return to the book “Mediterranean Rus' and the Mysteries of the Bible.”

This book tells the story of the “promised land” in the last two thousand years before the birth of Christ. The history of the Jewish people is considered as part of a global process. The influence of ancient civilization (Sumerian, Egyptian, Aryan) on the development of the Jewish ethnos and the formation of its culture and religion is traced. Readers are offered many examples proving the existence in the Bible of a huge layer of Indo-European images brought to the Mediterranean by immigrants from Europe, including from the Russian Plain. In this regard, many biblical myths and legends are explained in a completely new light, and known facts European history receive a deeper interpretation.
But we will find in this book what concerns Eremey. I have already referred to this book above. And Rus' was mentioned there. More from the book...

“The name “Rus”, it seems to us, is not mentioned here by chance. The country of Rusen covered the whole of Canaan, and not just its southern part - Judea. From the Biblical Encyclopedia "The Canaanite land covered both the northern Phoenician cities and the southern coastal lands. In the Encyclopedia of the Bible, on page 547, there is a map of Palestine or the land of Canaan. Palestine lay at the very center ancient world and as close as it was to the inhabited parts of Africa, it was just as close to the states of Europe and Asia. Therefore the Lord himself says: I have set Jerusalem among the nations and the land around it."
One can also talk about the internal, unconscious predisposition of the Jew Jeremiah to Aryan concepts. His name is a slightly corrupted version of the word "Aramean" and its derivative Eremey. The Dictionary of Russian Names derives the name “Eremey” from the Hebrew “Yahweh will exalt.” But this is another common misconception. Eremey is Yar-husband. The Jews borrowed this name from us. Jeremiah lived in Jerusalem, the name of which, when translated from Hebrew, reads as “Yar-mir” or “World of the Aryans.” Aryans (Aryans), the name of the peoples belonging to the Indo-European (primarily Indo-Iranian) linguistic community. As we see, even in the time of Jeremiah, its population still remembered the former name of their land. This is fragment 8 from Jeremiah 5.19.

The first family noble coats of arms appear in Russia at the end of the 17th - early XVIII century. The fashion for them came from Poland. Under Paul I, the beginning of the unification of noble family coats of arms was laid. By decree of January 20, 1797, Emperor Paul I ordered the compilation of the “General Armorial of the noble families of the All-Russian Empire.” With this act, Paul, prone to knightly romance, wanted to raise the class spirit of the nobility, focusing on the heroic examples of the past.
In all European States in ancient times, the titles of Nobility and the titles of Knighthood had the same duties - Honor and Courage were the main basis for the actions of the Nobility and Knighthood.
(the decree of Paul I is given below in an abbreviated version)


By God's Grace
Emperor and Autocratic All-Russian
and so on, and so on, and so on.

... The families of the Princely Empire of OUR for the most part descended from the sons of the Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, who illuminated Russia with the light of the Gospel from the Princely families many families of the Nobility originated, therefore, such families come from Rurik, and therefore in their antiquity they are not inferior to the most ancient Princely and Noble States of other States.
... Having now examined the first part of this Armorial, which has now been presented to US, composed of three sections according to the rules prescribed by OUR DECREES, WE affirm it and command:
1e: All the Coats of Arms included in the Armorial Book must be left forever indispensable, so that without a special command from OUR, or OUR Succeedors, no one under any circumstances is excluded from them and nothing is added to them again.
2e: Each nobleman of the clan whose Coat of Arms in the Armorial Book will be presented with a certificate from the Noble Leader, or famous relatives, that he belongs to that clan, issued on parchment behind a clasp, an exact copy of the Coat of Arms of that clan and from the description thereof.
3e: In cases in which there is a need for someone to prove the dignity of their surname as a nobleman, accept as the surest proof of it the general Noble families The armorial, which is kept in the NASHNM Senate in St. Petersburg on January 1, 1798.


A total of 20 volumes of the Armorial Book were published. The last 20th volume was approved by Nicholas II in February 1917. And the 21st volume - by the Senate under the Provisional Government from June 1 to November 22, 1917.

The surname Eremeev appears in three volumes:
in I – oh number 121,
in III – it is numbered 96 and
in the 19th century under number 118.

In the first volume, probably Eremeev Andrey. And in Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron found the following entry:

Eremey Konstantinovich - Prince of Dorogobuzh, son of Konstantin Mikhailovich, Prince of Tver (1346-1372). After the death of his brother Semion, who bequeathed his inheritance to the Grand Duke of Tver Mikhail Alexandrovich, he fought over this inheritance until 1368, and when, thanks to the intervention of Moscow, he received part of the inheritance - Gorodok.

A family is a stream that forms a river, and the history of each family creates the history of the Fatherland. It is not for nothing that every genus is called a tree. And every tree has a crown and roots. Interesting? So start finding your roots. Believe me, then the crown will not let you down.
October 20, 2008

Pushkin highly valued the work of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, who wrote under Catherine II. He saw Gogol as his successor. Main character Fonvizin - the undergrown Mitrofanushka - brought Alexander Sergeevich into complete delight.

Herzen and Belinsky spoke highly of the artistic and social style of this comedian. Gogol immortalized the image of his teacher, Fonvizin (though without specifying his name), in the story “The Night Before Christmas.” Remember, when the blacksmith Vakula turned to the empress, she turned the conversation to a middle-aged man with a plump, pale face and invited him to reflect “this folk innocence” in his next essay. The man was wearing a poor caftan with mother-of-pearl buttons. This is what Fonvizin looked like.

So, a comedy created according to classical canons (Fonvizin, “The Minor”). The characterization of the heroes, however, turned out to be innovative for the 18th century. This article is dedicated to the characters of the play.

Negative images

Undoubtedly, the characterization of the heroes presented by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin lays down the traditions of Russian national comedy. “The Minor” boldly and openly castigates the tyranny of the feudal landowners. The most negative image of comedy is Mrs. Prostakova. She rules her serfs with a firm hand, rather even cruelly. The heroine does not disdain to be ignorant and vindictive. And talking in a raised voice with the servants is a common thing for her. The landowner habitually addresses her serf Trishka: “cattle”, “thief’s mug”, “blockhead”, “swindler”. To her son’s nanny, Eremeevna, who is in this idiot, the “grateful” mother says “scumbag,” “dog’s daughter,” “beast.” And this is for the closest people, the “yard” people! Her conversation with the others is even shorter. Prostakova threatens to “flog them to death.” She is confident in herself because the laws are always on the side of the landowners.

True, this vixen has an outlet in her soul: she loves her 16-year-old son. True, this feeling is blind, for which Mrs. Prostakova paid at the end of the comedy. The author’s, “Fonvizin’s”, characterization of the heroes is truly original. “Minor” is a comedy where each hero uses his own unique vocabulary and a certain vocabulary.

Mr. Prostakov is a quiet, calm henpecked man. He submits to his wife in everything; not having his own, follows her opinion. However, he is not cruel, he loves his son. But in fact, it doesn’t affect anything in the house, including raising a child.

Fonvizin created the characterization of the characters in an original and interesting way, respecting individual vocabulary. It is not by chance that the undergrowth wears. After all, in Greek it sounds like “like a mother.” By the way, regarding the name of the comedy. In Rus', young nobles who did not have a written certificate of education were called ignoramuses.

Mitrofanushka avoids studying, he is rude to people who treat him kindly. Eremeevna says: “Old Khrychovka.” To teacher Tsifirkin - “garrison rat.” The catchphrase of the young dunce - that he does not want to study, but wants to get married - is undoubtedly Fonvizin’s creative find; it really has become popular. The minor is narrow-minded, rude and ignorant. His laziness is indulged by everyone in the house.

Prostakova's brother, Mr. Skotinin, is caricatured in the comedy. He treats the lower class with contempt, but for him it is a real passion and purpose in life. His entire horizons are limited to the problems of the pigsty. He never tires of talking about these animals. On top of everything, he wants to marry Sophia.

Good Comedy Heroes

However, there are no less positive images in the comedy. The government official Pravdin, sent to check the Prostakova estate, is the embodiment of justice, legality and reason. He is outraged when people who “have power” over serfs use it “evilly and inhumanely.” He strives to help “worthy people” and promote proper upbringing. As a result of his inspection, Prostakova’s property is requisitioned by the state.

Starodum is also positive, having imbibed an honest attitude to service since the time of Peter I. Service in the army, and then his bureaucratic share not only brought him a fortune, but also molded him into an honest, decent person. He equally considers unacceptable both pleasing those in power and violating the human rights of the disadvantaged.

His niece Sophia is honest and educated. She has a discerning mind, so she is going to build her life in such a way as to earn the trust of “worthy people.” Sophia's fiancé, the young officer Milon, is honest, modest and open. He showed his courage in combat. The young man has a truly knightly upbringing. The war did not turn him into a martinet. He considers his love for Sophia his greatest wealth.

Among minor characters there are also positive ones - the decent and straightforward Tsyfirkin, a former soldier; and negative ones - the cunning and greedy Kuteikin, the seminarian - a dropout, Adam Adamovich Vralman - with a vile lackey essence, praising Mitrofan in order to earn mercy from Prostakova.


Fonvizin was undoubtedly a wise and observant person. In the comedy they are given a devastatingly accusatory description of the heroes. “Undergrowth” makes you think about the need to stop bullying of serfs. Therefore, Fonvizin’s comedy is not abstract, not for the amusement of Catherine’s nobles and favorites, but sharply satirical, socially oriented. For the comedian himself, working on such works was thankless and required nerves. Denis Ivanovich resigned due to a serious illness - paralysis. Even Empress Catherine II, a progressive woman, did not like Fonvizin’s caustic satire and did not always meet the classic’s requests.

Characteristics of minor characters in the comedy “Minor”

All his thoughts and interests are connected only with his barnyard. Gogol says about him: “Pigs became for him the same as for an art lover Art Gallery! He only shows warmth and tenderness towards his pigs. Skotinin is a ferocious serf owner, a master of “ripping off” rent from the peasants. Skotinin is greedy. Having learned that he will bring his husband a fortune that will give him ten thousand in income, he is ready to destroy his rival, Mitrofan.

Eremeevna, Mitrofan’s nanny, is drawn with great artistic force. Fonvizin convincingly shows what a corrupting influence serfdom had on domestic servants, how it disfigures and distorts their inherent good qualities. human qualities, develops and instills in them slavish humiliation. Eremeevna has served Prostakov-Skotinin for forty years. She is selflessly devoted to them, slavishly attached to her home, and has a highly developed sense of duty. Without sparing herself, she protects Mitrofan. When Skotinin wants to kill Mitrofan, Eremeevna, “shielding Mitrofan, going berserk and raising her fists,” as Fonvizin pointed out, shouts: “I’ll die on the spot, but I won’t give up the child. Show up, sir, just kindly show up. I’ll scratch out those thorns.” But this devotion and sense of duty acquires a distorted, slavish character in Eremeevna. She has no feeling human dignity. There is not only hatred for one’s inhuman oppressors, but even protest. Serving her tormentors, “without sparing her life,” Eremeevna lives in constant fear, trembling before her ferocious mistress. “Oh, he’s leaving him! Where should my head go? - she screams with despair and fear, seeing how Skotinin approaches Mitrofan with threats. And when Milon pushes Eremeevna away from Sofia, Eremeevna screams: “My little head is gone!”

And for such selfless and faithful service, Eremeevna receives only beatings and hears only such appeals from Prostakova and Mitrofan as a beast, a dog’s daughter, an old witch, an old bastard. The fate of Eremeevna is difficult and tragic, forced to serve the monster landowners who are unable to appreciate her faithful service.

The images of Mitrofan’s home teachers: Tsyfirkin, Kuteikin, Vralman are truthful and vitally convincing in the comedy.

Retired soldier Tsyfirkin is a man with a number of good qualities. He is hardworking: “I don’t like to live idlely,” he says. In the city, he helps clerks “either check the meter or summarize the results,” and “teach the guys in his spare time.” (Fonvizin painted the image of Tsyfirkin with obvious sympathy. In a different light, Fonvizin gives the teacher of Russian and Church Slavonic languages ​​Kuteikin. This is a half-educated seminarian who left the first classes of the theological seminary, “fearing the abyss of wisdom.” But he is not without cunning. Reading the Book of Hours with Mitrofan, he It is not without intention that he chooses the text: “I am a worm, not a man, a reproach of men,” and he also interprets the word worm as “an animal, a beast.” Like Tsyfirkin, he sympathizes with Eremeevna. But Kuteikin sharply. differs from Tsyfirkin in his greed for money. Kuteikin’s language strongly emphasizes Church Slavonicisms, which he brought from his spiritual environment and theological school.

The comedy portrays the German Vralman, a rogue teacher, a man with a lackey's soul, and Starodum's former coachman, in a satirical light. Having lost his job as a result of Starodum's departure to Siberia, he became a teacher because he could not find a position as a coachman. Naturally, such an ignorant “teacher” could not teach his student anything. He did not teach, indulging Mitrofan’s laziness and taking advantage of Prostakova’s complete ignorance.

Destructive and merciless satire fills all the scenes depicting the way of life of the Prostakova family. In the scenes of Mitrofan's teaching, in the revelations of his uncle about his love for pigs, in the greed and arbitrariness of the mistress of the house, the world of the Prostakovs and Skotinins is revealed in all the ugliness of their spiritual squalor.

An equally destructive verdict on this world is pronounced by the group of positive nobles present on stage, contrasted with the bestial existence of Mitrofan’s parents. Dialogues between Starodum and Pravdin. which touch upon deep, sometimes national issues, are passionate journalistic speeches reflecting the author’s position. The pathos of the speeches of Starodum and Pravdin also performs an accusatory function, but here the exposure merges with the affirmation of the positive ideals of the author himself.

Two problems that especially worried Fonvizin lie at the heart of “The Minor.” This is primarily the problem of the moral decay of the nobility. In the words of Starodum. indignantly denouncing the nobles, in whom nobility, one might say, was “buried with their ancestors,” in his reported observations from the life of the court, Fonvizin not only states the decline of the moral foundations of society, he seeks the reasons for this decline.

Starodum’s final remark, which ends “”: “These are the worthy fruits of evil!” - in the context of the ideological provisions of Fonvizin’s treatise, gives the entire play a special political sound. Unlimited power of landowners over their peasants in the absence of proper moral example on the part of the highest authorities it became a source of arbitrariness, this led to the nobility forgetting their duties and the principles of class honor, that is, to the spiritual degeneration of the ruling class. In the light of Fonvizin’s general moral and political concept, the exponents of which in the play are positive characters, the world of simpletons and brutes appears as an ominous realization of the triumph of evil.

Another problem of "Undergrown" is the problem of education. Understood quite broadly, education in the minds of the thinkers of the 18th century was seen as the primary factor determining moral character person. In Fonvizin’s ideas, the problem of education acquired national significance, because the only reliable, in his opinion, source of salvation from the evil threatening society - the spiritual degradation of the nobility - was rooted in correct education.

A significant part of the dramatic action in “The Minor” is, to one degree or another, subordinated to the problems of education. Both the scenes of Mitrofan’s teaching and most of Starodum’s moral teachings are subordinated to it. The culminating point in the development of this theme is undoubtedly the scene of Mitrofon's examination in Act IV of the comedy. This satirical picture, deadly in terms of the power of the accusatory and sarcasm contained in it, serves as a verdict on the system of education of simpletons and brutes. The passing of this verdict is ensured not only through the self-disclosure of Mitrofan’s ignorance, but also through the demonstration of examples of a different upbringing. These are, for example, scenes in which Starodum talks with Sophia and Milo. -

A son of his time, Fonvizin, with all his appearance and the direction of his creative quest, belonged to that circle of advanced Russian people of the 18th century who formed the camp of enlighteners. All of them were writers, and their work is permeated with the pathos of affirming the ideals of justice and humanism. Satire and journalism were their weapons. Courageous protest against the injustices of autocracy and angry accusations against the serf owners were heard in their works. This was the historical merit of Russian satire of the 18th century, one of the most prominent representatives of which was Fonvizin.

Most of my direct blood ancestors are from the main branch of the family tree with the surname Katsyn, who came to the Krasnoyarsk prison in the middle XVII century, as well as some side branches - the Laletins, Lenivtsevs, Rostovtsevs, Roskashchikovs, Khudyakovs, were Cossacks, both on foot and on horseback. Over time, due to various circumstances, representatives of some branches changed their place of residence and occupation. After I 1st revision 1719-22 many of them were classified as commoners and peasants and moved to the south of the Krasnoyarsk district.

From the above list of surnames, the Eremeev branch stands out noticeably, since the beginning of this ancient Russian family goes back to the Moscow boyar children. The founder of the Krasnoyarsk dynasty, Vasily Ivanov, son of Eremeev, is recorded in the early documents I found as a Moscow son of a boyar exiled clerk of the Ambassadorial Prikaz.

Note - The Ambassadorial Prikaz is the central government agency in XVI - XVIII centuries in charge of relations with foreign states, ransom and exchange of prisoners. At the head of the Order was the Ambassadorial or Prikazny clerk. The staff of the Order consisted of his “comrades” - clerks and interpreters. Under Peter I The Ambassadorial Order was transformed into the Collegium of Foreign Affairs.

Why Vasily was exiled to Siberia is not known for certain, although some researchers cite bribery as the reason for his exile, others point to certain mistakes (voluntary or involuntary) made by clerk Eremeev when registering important state documents. Moreover, Vasily Eremeev was first sent to Yeniseisk, and then transferred to the Krasnoyarsk prison, maintaining the status of the son of a boyar. He lived with his sons Tryphon and Matvey in the village of Matu near Krasnoyarsk.

The RGADA and GAKK store many documents that mention Vasily Eremeev and his sons.For example, it is described as in 1664, Pentecostal Trifon Vasiliev Eremeev, accompanied by two Cossacks, went to negotiate with Lojan. In numerous petitions of Krasnoyarsk servicemen to the sovereign, the signature of Trifon Eremeev is also found. In Name Books Among the meeting huts of clerks, the first (apparently senior in rank) is Vasily Ivanov, son of Eremeev, with an annual salary of 12 rubles, and in the detachment of Cherkasy and Moscow archers, his son, Pentecostal Trifon Vasilyev Eremeev, is listed as the main one with a salary of 6 rubles per year. Trifon Eremeev is mentioned in the battle of Krasnoyarsk servicemen with the army of Prince Erenyak in the year 175. Documentation testify that “Pentecostal Trifon Eremeev was at the battle and in full force,” i.e. was captured by the Kirghiz

. There is information about the Pentecostal Trifon Eremeev and. Below is the signature of Vasily Eremeev in the petition of 175. Written:

Vasily Eremeev had a hand in this petition from the clerk

From numerous archival materials it is clear that Trifon Eremeev was a very authoritative person, a brave and successful warrior, an experienced military leader of the Krasnoyarsk servicemen. The crowning achievement of Trifon Eremeev’s military career can be considered his appointment in 1709 (at the age of about 71) as the first Krasnoyarsk Cossack head. Like all Krasnoyarsk boyar sons of that time, Tryphon was a large landowner. From the RGADA document “Information on documents of Krasnoyarsk servicemen for arable land, hay and other real estate in 1701.” it follows that Trifon Eremeev owned the village Trifonova (aka Eremeeva

, belonging to the village of Balchuzhskoye) according to the deed of sale of 1675:

Rank and names of service people holding documents

Document information

Information about arable land (in

one field), mowing and

other real estate for which are presented


Village son of a boyar Trifona Eremeeva

Son of the boyar Trifon Eremeev and his nephew son of the boyar Yakov Matveev Eremeev

This fortress of Trifon Eremeev 183 years


9 acres of arable land and fallow land,

7 dessiatines of mowing

In the Krasnoyarsk census of 1671, Trifon Vasiliev son of Eremeev was recorded. With him are his father Vasily and his brother Matyushka, 16 years old. Yes, they bought people from the Mugal yard Matyushka, Ivashko, and Matyushka, newly baptized.

And here is information from the census of Krasnoyarsk and the district in 1713:

Village Eremeeva

In the courtyard of the Moscow list, the nobleman Trifan Eremeev is eighty years old; his wife Nastasya is fifty years old; his children are Stepan, twenty-five years old. people Kirilo, thirty years old, his wife Anna, twenty eight years old, Ignateus, thirty-four years old, his wife, Khavronya, twenty-two years old, Ivan shtinatsati, Semyon, nine years old, Ignatya, daughter Marfa, twelve years old, Lukerya, five years old

In the courtyard of the unfathomable son Yakov Eremeev, thirty-seven years old, his wife Marya, twenty-seven years old, children, his son Vasily, three years old, daughter Anna, osmi years old, Oksinya, seven years old, Matryona, five years old.

The courtyard of the unfathomable son of the boyar Fyodor Eremeev, he is Fyodor, thirty-five years old, his brother Alexey is in the horse service, twenty-five years old, their mother is a widow, Domna, fifty years old, his sisters, Fekla, twenty-two years old, Matryona, osmnatny years old, Tatyana, fourteen years old, a domestic, Semyon, forty years old, of foreign breed.

In the courtyard of the unfathomable boyar's son Mikhailo Eremeev, fifty years old, his wife is Matryona, thirty years old, his son, Grigory, three years old, a yard man, Philip, his wife is Ulita, thirty-two years old.

According to the census of 1719-22. Trifon Eremeev's age is shown to be 84 years old, from which it can be assumed that he was born around 1638; in total, according to the 1st revision, five Eremeev families are recorded:

Village Trifonova

1. Nobleman of the Moscow list Trifan Eremeev, 84 years old. He has children - Ivan 28, Timofey 12, grandson Ivan 3. Dvorovs - Ignatey 50, Semyon 18, Ivan 24.

2. Son of the boyar Yakov Matveev (surname not indicated, but undoubtedly Eremeev) 46 years old. He has children - Vasily 6, Timofey 2.

3. Son of the boyar Fyodor Eremeev, 38 years old. He has a brother Alexey 32, a yard man Semyon 50, a nephew Ivan 2.

Village Buzimskoye

4.Moscow list nobleman Andrei Eremeev, 47 years old. His [boyar children] include Efim 12, Egor 7, Ivan 6. A man lives with him, Ivan 20, another […].

Simonova village

5. Posad man Kuzma Eremeev, 60 years old. He has children: Egor 20, Semyon 8, Volodymer 7, Miron 5.

In the Abakan prison

Village Eremeevskaya

L. 53. 409. Courtyard of the undiscovered noble son Mikhail Trifanov. And he,

Mikhailo, under fear of the death penalty, said: he, Mikhailo, -

fifty years. He has children: son Grigory - ten years old, Peter -

five years. He feeds Evo Vasily - five years old.

Yes, the yard man Philip is thirty-five years old. Him

son Timofey – one year old. Yes, he has Mikhail as a street cleaner. Walking

people Leontey Teterin - twenty-three years old, Alexey Semenov -

twenty years old. And if he, Mikhailo, said what was false, and for such

[his] false helmet [decree] would be executed by the Great Sovereign by death.] To this[skaske…………………………………………. put his hand].

L. 53 rev. 410 Courtyard of the never-before-seen noble son Stepan Trifanov. And he,

Stepan, under fear of the death penalty, said: he, Ste=

sir, thirty-three years old. His son Andrei is two years old.

He has servants: Kirilo - thirty years old. Children have

him, Kirila: son Andrey - six years old, Ivan - three years old,

Ivan is two years old. And if he, Stepan, said that it was false,

and for such a false tale the Great Sovereign would point out

execute by death. To this skask Andrey Eremeev at the behest

I put my hand in with my brother Stepan Trifanov.

And here is information from the 2nd revision of 1747 about some residents of the village of Trifanova:

The villages of Eremeeva and Trifanova: commoners

3301 written in the previous census Peter Mikhailov son of Trifanov 29

He has children born after the census

3302 Peter 8

3303 Matvey 8 weeks

The courtyard people listed in the previous census after him were included in the raznochintsy after the decree because of him.

3304 Philip 51

3305 Philip has children Timofey 25

Born after the census

3306 Gavrilo 24 recruited in 747

3307 Vasily 19

3308 Jacob 15

3309 Prokopei 11

3310 Fedor 6

3311 Lavrentey 15 weeks

3312 Written in the previous census Andrei Stepanov son Trifanov 26

3313 he has a brother Peter 22

3314 Andrey has children Fedor 6

3315 Jacob 2

3316 Peter's son Matvey is 15 weeks old

Those who came by themselves from different places of the same department

...From the village of Trifanova

3319 Written in the previous census Ivan Trifanov son Eremeev 52

He has children in the previous census

3320 written by Ivan 24

Born after the census

3321 Mikhailo 18

3322 Alexey 12

The courtyard people written down in the previous census after him by Eremeev who, by force of the decree, were included in commoners because of him

3323 Semyon 42

3324 Ivan 48

3325 Written in the previous census Yakov Matveev 40

3326 He has a son in the previous census written by Timothy 26

He has grandchildren of his son Vasily, who died in the previous census and children born after the census

3327 Mikhailo 7

3328 Peter 4

From the village of Buzimskogo

Written in the previous census

3329 Efim Andreev son of Eremeev 36

he has brothers in the previous census written

3330 Egor 31

3331 Ivan 30

The villages of Trifanova, Tyumentsov and


5799 written in the previous census Fedor Eremeev 62

In the previous census written for him

5800 he has a brother Andrey 56

5801 Andrey has children Ivan 28

Born after the census

5802 Peter 20

5803 Andrey 17

5804 Ivan has a son Yakov 7

5805 Peter has a son Dmitry

It should be noted that there were two villages with the name Trifonova in the Krasnoyarsk district:

The first is the village of Eremeeva (Trifanova, Volosatikova, Tyumentsova), which belongs to the village of Balchuzhskoye and is located 12 versts below the village of Shiverskaya. One verst from Eremeeva was the village of Atamanov, apparently later these villages merged. In the census of Krasnoyarsk and the district of 1719-22. this village of Trifonova is recorded on L. 109-110. She is also mentioned in the diaries of G.F. Miller and Messrs.

The second is the village of Eremeevskaya (aka Trifonova). It belonged to the Karaulny prison, then to the Novoselovskaya volost. Mentioned by G.D. Messerschmidt in the diaries for February 19, 1722, from the same G.F. Miller and in the census of Krasnoyarsk and the district of 1719-22. (L. 53-53 vol.).

In both villages lived the Eremeevs, who were descendants of the exiled clerk of the Ambassadorial Prikaz Vasily Ivanov Eremeev. In Trifonova of the Guard fortress, some families were recorded as Trifonovs, not Eremeevs.

My family tree branch for the Eremeevs comes from a resident of the village of TrifonovaGuard prisonIvan Trifonov Eremeev (Bigger).

The village of Trifonova, Novoselovskaya volost on the map of 1893

Sources and literature:

RGADA. F.214. Op. 3. Stb. 623. L. 110, 111, 113.

Personalized books of the Krasnoyarsk prison for the children of the boyars and clerk atamans and horse and foot Cherkassy and Moscow archery warrior and obrochnik with cash salaries by 7170 // RGADA. F. 214. Op. 3. Stb. 438. L. 312-326.

RGADA. F.214. Op. 3. Stb. 814. L. 208-217.

RGADA. F. 214. Op. 1. book 566. L. 162-213.

RGADA. F. 214. Op. 5. D. 2242. L. 44 ob, 45.

RGADA. F. 350. Op. 2. D. 1601.

Tales of townspeople, commoners of Krasnoyarsk, commoners and state, monastic peasants and exiled peasants of the Krasnoyarsk district.//RGADA. F. 350. Op. 2. D. 1602. L. 1-313.

Messerschmidt D.G., Expedition to Siberia 1720-1727. T. 1., Diaries 1721-1722. Berlin, 1962, 380 pp. (in German).

As was customary in classicism, the heroes of the comedy “The Minor” are clearly divided into negative and positive. However, the most memorable and striking are the negative characters, despite their despotism and ignorance: Mrs. Prostakova, her brother Taras Skotinin and Mitrofan himself. They are interesting and ambiguous. It is with them that comic situations are associated, full of humor, and bright liveliness of dialogues.

Positive characters do not cause such bright emotions, although they are sounding boards that reflect the author’s position. Educated, endowed only positive features, they are ideal - they cannot commit lawlessness, lies and cruelty are alien to them.

Let's describe each of the characters in more detail:

Heroes Characteristic Character Speech
Negative characters
Mrs. Prostakova Central negative character, a representative of the serf nobility. She is depicted as an uneducated, ignorant and evil woman, who holds all the power in the family: “I scold, then I fight, and that’s how the house holds together.” She is convinced that education is unnecessary and even harmful: “People live and have lived without science.” A two-faced person: she communicates haughtily, rudely, even aggressively with serfs, teachers, husband, brother, and tries to flatter the people on whom her position depends. Confirmation of the same thought is the change in attitude towards Sophia. Pravdin calls her “a despicable woman whose hellish disposition brings misfortune to the whole house.” The only person who inspires her with good feelings is her son Mitrofanushka, “dear friend”, “darling”. That’s why in the finale it’s even a pity for her, because he also turns away from her. Trishke - “cattle”, “swindler”, “thief’s mug”, “blockhead”; To Eremeevna - “beast”, “rascal”, “dog’s daughter”. To Starodum - “benefactor.” “Whatever the peasants had, we took it away, we won’t be able to rip anything off.” “Rogues, thieves, swindlers! I’ll order everyone to be beaten to death.”
Skotinin Another sharply negative character, the owner of a bestial surname, narcissistic and cruel. His only passion is pigs and everything connected with them gives his image a certain semblance of an animal. “I haven’t read anything since I was born... God saved me from this boredom.” “I love pigs...” “Are there pigs in your villages?” “I want to have my own piglets.” “... I’ll break the devil... if I were a pig’s son... “Eco happiness has fallen.” “I would have… by the legs, but on the corner,” “Oh, you damn pig!” - Mitrofan. “Look how she screamed” - about her sister.
Mitrofan Sixteen-year-old minor, son provincial landowners. His name is “speaking”, because Mitrofan translated from Greek means “like a mother.” The same two-faced: a tyrant towards his family, humiliatingly asks for forgiveness from Starodum in the finale. He has undeniable cunning. For example, a dream where “mother beats father.” Education depends on life, environment, and the conditions of a person’s formation. Mitrofan, who grew up in an ignorant family, is himself ignorant, stupid and lazy. Mitrofanushka is not only a complete ignorant who has an aversion to learning, but also an egoist; for him there is nothing significant except his own interests. “An ignoramus without a soul is a beast,” according to Starodum. Rude and cruel towards serfs, teachers, nanny, father. “Although he is sixteen years old, he has already reached the last degree of his perfection and will not go further,” Sophia says about him. “The damned pig,” as his uncle calls him, is the final result of the degradation of the nobility under a soul-crippling upbringing. Historically, a young nobleman who did not receive a written certificate of training from his teacher was considered a “minor.” He was not accepted into the service and was not allowed to marry. Thanks to comedy, the image of a “minor” has become a household word: this is usually what they say about stupid and ignorant people. Eremeevne - “old Khrychovka”; uncle - “Get out, uncle; get lost"; “garrison rat” - to teacher Tsyfirkin.. “Take them and Eremeevna too” - about teachers. “I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” “To hell with everything!”
Prostakov The person is weak-willed and weak. It’s definitely impossible to say about him that he is the “head of the family.” Submits to his wife in everything and fears her. He prefers not to have his own opinion - the scene with sewing a caftan: “Before your eyes, mine see nothing.” Illiterate “spineless henpecked”, in essence, he is not that bad person. He loves Mitrofan, “as a parent should.” “He is humble,” Pravdin says about him.
Positive characters
Pravdin A government official sent to check the situation on the Prostakov estate. Arbitrariness, in his opinion, is an unforgivable vice. Tyranny deserves punishment. Therefore, the truth will prevail and the estate of the cruel and despotic Prostakova will be taken away in favor of the state. “From the struggle of my heart, I do not fail to notice the malicious ignoramuses who, having power over their people, use it inhumanly for evil.” “So that there is no shortage of worthy people, special efforts are made to educate.”
Sophia Starodum's niece. Decent, kind, a smart girl. Translated from greek name her "wisdom". Honest and educated. “God gave you all the pleasantness of your sex,... the heart of an honest man,” Starodum tells her. “How can the heart not be content when the conscience is calm... It is impossible not to love the rules of virtue... They are ways of happiness.” “I will use all my efforts to deserve good opinion worthy people."
Starodum Sophia's uncle and guardian. Acts as a sounding board, expressing the author's thoughts. His name says that he was raised in the era of Peter and adheres to its ideals, when they served at court faithfully and honestly, without fawning before the “powers of this world.” And he honestly earned his fortune and position: he was in military service, and served at court. Has straightforwardness and impatience for injustice. A person endowed with power, in his opinion, should not in any way violate the rights of other people. “Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul.” “Cash money is not cash dignity.” “Ranks begin, sincerity ceases.” “Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times.” “The dignity of the heart is indivisible.” “The main goal of all knowledge.” human - good behavior."
Milo A handsome officer, Sophia's fiancé. Despite his youth, he already took part in hostilities, where he showed himself heroically. Modest. “A young man of great merit,” “the entire public considers him an honest and worthy person,” according to Starodum. "I'm in love and I have the happiness of being loved.”“I believe true fearlessness is in the soul, not in the heart...”
Minor characters
Tsyfirkin In the past he was a soldier, so he values ​​the concepts of duty and honor: “I took money for service, but I didn’t take it in vain and I won’t take it.” Rough, but straightforward and honest. “I don’t like to live idly,” he says. "Direct kind person"named Starodum. “Here gentlemen are good commanders!”, “here there is rapid fire every day for three hours in a row.” “Hello for a hundred years, yes twenty, and another fifteen, countless years.”
Kuteikin A half-educated seminarian with a “speaking” surname: kutia is a ritual porridge, an obligatory Christmas and funeral dish. The man is undoubtedly cunning, as evidenced by the choice of text when teaching Mitrofan: “I am a worm, and not a man, a reproach of men,” “that is, an animal, a cattle.” Greedy for money, tries not to miss what he has. Church Slavonic vocabulary: “utter darkness”, “woe is me a sinner”, “the call was”, “I came”, “fearing the abyss of wisdom”.
Vralman German Adam Adamovich is Starodum's former coachman. The man is a rogue, as his last name suggests, posing as a scientist who can teach “French and all the sciences,” but he himself interferes with other teachers. The owner of a lackey's soul, tries to please Prostakova, praising Mitrofan. He himself is ignorant and uncultured. “They want to kill the turnip!” “Shiuchi with the wild hospots, as far as I’m concerned, I’m all with the little horses.”
Eremeevna Mitrofan's nanny. She sincerely serves in the Prostakovs’ house, loves her pupil Mitrofan, but is rewarded for her service like this: “Five rubles a year, up to five slaps a day.” “... I would have broken down with him... I wouldn’t even take care of my fangs.” ... you don’t know how to serve anymore... I would be glad if nothing else... you don’t regret your belly... but everything is not to your liking."
    • D.I. Fonvizin lived during the reign of Catherine II. This era was gloomy, the forms of exploitation of serfs reached the limit when only a Russian rebellion, “cruel and merciless,” could follow. The enlighteners expressed deep sympathy for the situation of the peasants. Fonvizin also belonged to them. Like all educators, the writer was afraid of the complete freedom of the peasants, so he advocated for easing their lot, placing high hopes on education and enlightenment. Mitrofan is the only son of provincial [...]
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    • Characteristics The present century The past century Attitude to wealth, to ranks “We found protection from court in friends, in kinship, building magnificent chambers where they indulge in feasts and extravagance, and where the most vile traits of the foreign clients of their past life will not be resurrected,” “And those whoever is higher, flattery, like weaving lace...” “Be inferior, but if you have enough, two thousand family souls, he is the groom” Attitude to service “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to be served”, “Uniform! one uniform! He is in their former life [...]
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