Combination of tarot cards Page of Cups. The meaning of the Page of Cups card in readings for relationships, love, work and health

Description of the Page of Cups Tarot card

The Page of Cups Tarot card often depicts a smartly dressed young man holding a cup or goblet in his hand. The young man is clearly fascinated by him and admires the object of his interest. In some decks, the young man seems to be giving someone a cup, and in others, he is going to drink birds from it. Almost always the young man is depicted smiling, which arouses sympathy for him. One gets the impression that this is clearly a friendly, kind and personable person.

General meaning and interpretation of the Page of Cups Tarot card in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

The Tarot card Page of Cups, appearing in a fortune-telling or reading in an upright position, represents the beginning of peace after a quarrel or conflict, sympathy shown in difficult times, and sometimes someone’s emotional impulse that turns into falling in love. The card as a whole speaks of the friendly disposition of those around you. You should expect a pleasant offer that will make a lasting impression on you. This could be a love letter, news of a wedding, engagement, or the birth of a child.

Reversed card position

Inverted, the Page of Cups denotes a temporary and unreliable truce, as well as illusoryness, absent-mindedness and unfounded hopes. Negative manifestations can also be too much gullibility, naivety, overestimation of the positive qualities of the situation or what is happening around.

The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

The Page of Cups in the upright position promises something new, and this new will not only be useful, but also pleasant, and perhaps even flattering. This could be an award, recognition, well-deserved praise, or some kind of work-related news that confirms a high assessment of one’s abilities. At the event level, the card is interpreted as a promotion or as an opportunity to get closer to an influential person.

Reversed card position

Appearing in a fortune-telling or reading in an inverted position, the Page of Cups indicates unpromising projects, undertakings doomed to failure, and the impossibility of career growth. The lasso can mean intrigue, slander, the source and cause of which lies in the fortuneteller himself. Another problem that the inverted Page of Cups can symbolize is laziness, forcing a person to “tread water.”

The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Overall - good health, positive prognosis for recovery. Possible mental illness, lethargy, underdevelopment, childhood illnesses.

Reversed card position

Severe childhood illnesses.

The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

Here the Page of Cups in the upright position speaks of a friendly, conciliatory gesture on the part of the partner. Indicates a renewal of feelings after a period of quarrels and conflicts, or simply the attraction of one soul to another. At the event level, it can foreshadow a marriage proposal.

Reversed card position

Inverted, Arkan speaks of complete unpredictability in the development of relationships. In some cases, the Page of Cups may mean that the fortuneteller’s partner is an egoist or an irresponsible person; indicate unsuccessful and hopeless attempts to hold on to the past at any cost and an unwillingness to look into the future.

The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

As a court card, the Page of Cups in the upright position denotes a fair-haired, blue-eyed young man (girl) with a rich soul and an active imagination, a mature personality. Sometimes the card indicates a person born under the Zodiac Sign Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio. This is a persistent and knowledge-hungry person who takes everything that happens around him very seriously. He is thoughtful, thoughtful, and willing to help others. You can expect sincere help from this person, and he will not ask for anything in return. This person can become a good assistant for a fortuneteller, and his sensitivity and thoughtfulness will always cause joy and calm. Despite his youth, he is accustomed to analyzing his own actions and everything that happens around him, so it will not be difficult for him to understand his own desires and, if necessary, give advice to someone else, including a fortuneteller. One way or another, this person is capable of radically changing the fortuneteller’s life or significantly influencing it.

Reversed card position

Inverted, the Page of Cups card will describe a meeting with a capricious young man (girl) capable of flattery and betrayal. Often this Arcanum characterizes a person who can experience deep feelings. At the same time, this person is not inclined to concentrate on one thing; he is an infantile nature, whose emotions prevail over common sense. The inverted Page of Cups may indicate a person with oddities, with some kind of deviations in behavior or development. His social position can sometimes be uncertain. In extreme cases, this Arcanum can symbolize an ordinary vulgar person, very far from spirituality.

Meaning and interpretation of the Page of Cups card as a card of the day

Today fate plays into your hands. Either you will receive emotional support that will support you, or new opportunities will open up for you that you did not expect. Be open to them, accept the gift of fate when they suddenly give you a compliment, declare their love, or offer an honorable compromise in a difficult situation.

Advice from the Page of Cups card in fortune telling and readings

Be emotionally open, show hidden feelings, fulfill your cherished desires. Avoid naive self-deception. Try as much as possible to control your life and the situations that arise in it. Learn to make your own decisions and be attentive and careful, not forgetting that appearances and words (even in the form of passionate vows and promises) are often deceiving.

Interpretation of the Page of Cups Tarot card - the meaning is positive. Arkan promises good news, peace after a quarrel, valuable advice.

In the article:

Page of Cups Tarot - meaning in readings

The meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot, if the card is in an upright position, is reconciliation after a quarrel, resolving conflicts and disagreements. Good news related to a wedding or the birth of children. Invitation to the celebration. The card is associated with the birth of something new: a new addition to the family, a new project at work.

Page - impulse or chance: reconciliation, invitation to participate in an interesting activity. It is not the querent who will take the initiative. A sincere offer will cause joy and gratitude if the adjacent cards do not show negative warnings.

The Page of Cups speaks of new information and warns that the querent’s lack of knowledge will become a serious obstacle.

Meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot upside down portends a short, tense truce. Armed neutrality is the best option. A reversed card warns of selfishness and lack of creative imagination in the querent. The questioner lacks inspiration.

If flipped over The Page of Cups falls in , the fortuneteller is concerned about the emotional state of the offspring. The problem is that the child is spoiled. The querent's whims, lack of discipline, laziness and restlessness bring problems. The questioner must learn to use talents to correct the situation.

The meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot card at the level of consciousness

The Arcanum shows that difficult trials in the past are useful for the present. After overcoming obstacles, the fortuneteller learned to look at things from different angles. You should remain open to communicating with people. Communication with a young person is useful. Concentrating on one emotional problem will lead to personal growth.

The main meaning of the card is impulse or chance, ideas from the fortuneteller's friends are likely. The help of people who are positively disposed towards the querent consists of sympathy and willingness to listen to a story about problems. There are also likely to be accidents that will make you feel a thirst for development and spiritual growth.

Answers are possible during prayer or meditation: an important message, advice. Arkan is also responsible for mysterious incidents of a positive nature.

Page of Cups Tarot - meaning in readings for work and business

The meaning of the Tarot card Page of Cups for or business promises something new for the querent - useful, pleasant, even flattering. The fortuneteller will receive recognition for excellent work on the project. Well-deserved praise, promotion or other reward for work awaits the questioner.

An invitation to a corporate celebration or party from colleagues in a higher position. You cannot miss the opportunity to make useful connections. You will be able to make friends with a person from work. You can’t think about the benefits of friendship - this is a chance to make a good friend.

If the querent is working on a difficult task, a friend will help. One of your colleagues will provide support. Another meaning of the Jack of Cups Tarot is good and timely advice, thanks to which work becomes more successful.

When asked about a new place of work, the card recommends paying attention to contact with other employees. Emotions and personal, rather than professional, connections with colleagues are put first.

Page of Cups Tarot - meaning in relationships

The main meaning is reconciliation or a transition to a new level of relations. If you have a quarrel with your partner or a difficult relationship, change for the better is expected. The initiative comes from the partner.

If there is no quarrel, the card shows a favorable period in the relationship. Arkan speaks of the attraction of souls, the novelty of feelings and emotions in a union.

For lonely people, the card in fortune telling for love promises a meeting with an interesting person, which could end in a wedding. There is no guarantee of marriage - a short but stormy romance is possible. The likelihood of reconciliation with a former lover.

The Page of Cups foreshadows a marriage proposal. There is a high probability of a marriage proposal from a friend or colleague who has been in love for a long time. Perhaps your loved one has decided to take the relationship to a new level - you should agree and get married. For married women, the lasso promises the birth of a child or grandchild.

Flipped over Page of Cups - relationships are fading. Indifference and inattention to a partner are the main reasons for a breakup. Selfishness and laziness interfere with relationships, but the querent does nothing. It is undesirable to ignore information that your intuition tells you.

What personalities does the Page of Cups Tarot represent?

The card represents people with acting talent, but not necessarily a professional actor: perhaps a poet craving public attention, or a charming swindler. A querent who does not focus on developing talent will remain an amateur.

The card represents a child or teenager who has a significant influence on the situation. Sometimes this is a person with a homosexual orientation, often a man from a good family looking for a girl. Arcanum also means a friend who is younger than the fortuneteller, his child.

The Page of Cups indicates students, teachers and educators, artists, poets and other creative individuals, coaches and athletes. This is a friendly and intelligent person who will help in difficult times. We are talking about introverts who know how to work with people and are pleasant to talk to. A gentle and non-aggressive person, a student of emotions who enjoys working alone. Arcanum indicates a person who is passionate about spiritual practices or esotericism.

Flipped over The Page of Cups is a spoiled and capricious child. The lasso symbolizes an unhappy child, sometimes children who grow up in an incomplete family or an atmosphere of eternal scandals. The card symbolizes a drug addict, alcoholic or a person living in fantasies. The personality is absent-minded, does not want to make plans, lives one day at a time.

Flipped over The Page of Cups is a poor student or young man who has recently graduated from university. A man is lazy, emotionally unstable, selfish, which is why he will not achieve material success. This is an acquaintance of the fortuneteller who considers himself his friend when help is not required.

Page of Cups and combinations in Tarot

The interpretation of combinations of the Page of Cups Tarot with other cards clarifies the layout or changes the meaning of the lasso. Card combinations give advice.

If the Page appears together with the Mage lasso, the meaning is that the fortuneteller must propose an idea or wait for an interesting proposal.

Straight position

The Page of Cups represents quiet joys, romance, dreams and daydreams. This is an impulse that carries a significant emotional load. That is, the Page of Cups symbolizes a love message, news of a wedding, engagement, or birth of a child. And also a step taken towards reconciliation or reunification.

As a court card, this Arcanum denotes a young man or girl with a rich soul, sensuality, and the ability to experience strong emotions. Or we can simply talk about a person of one of the water signs of the Zodiac - Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio.

It is also advisable to take into account that, together with the Wheel of Fortune, the Page of Cups is interpreted as the beginning of something new that has great prospects; with the Chariot - like good plans, however, in need of improvement; with the Hierophant - as a worthy proposal.

Inverted position

Inverted, the Page of Cups denotes a temporary (unreliable) truce, as well as illusoryness, absent-mindedness and unfounded hopes. When such an Arcanum describes a character, it means that this is an infantile nature or a person whose emotions prevail over common sense. If the Page of Cups is a child, then this is certainly a spoiled child; if a young man, then we are talking about a charming impudent man, if a girl, then we are talking about a sweet, attractive temptress.

In combination with the Jester, the inverted Page of Cups is interpreted as a frivolous proposal, with Strength - as a matter that will require considerable effort, and with the Hanged Man - as a circumstance (care, undertaking, etc.) that constantly hinders development and does not allow a normal life.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For personal life, such an Arcanum can signify the finally coming period of calm, harmonious relationships after a period of conflicts and omissions. For new relationships, the Page of Cups often represents a feeling of attraction to a partner, the power of eroticism, and a leisurely rapprochement between two people. As an event, this card is sometimes interpreted as an offer of a hand. And when she is paired with the Lovers, she clearly indicates that the matter will certainly end in the creation of a new family.

If the Arcana falls for a woman, then it can be regarded as her using her sexuality to achieve what she wants.

In combination with the Empress, the Page of Cups signifies conception; the Sun falling nearby suggests that a safe and quick birth is ahead.

Inverted position

If in a relationship reading you get an inverted Page of Cups, it means that this relationship is completely unpredictable. In some situations, such an Arcanum may mean that your partner is a terrible egoist or an irresponsible person.

In addition, the reversed Page of Cups is interpreted as an unsuccessful and hopeless attempt to hold on to the past and an unwillingness to look into the future. And also as emotional insecurity due to a relationship crisis.

If Justice appears next to the inverted Page of Cups during a relationship fortune-telling, then this is a direct indication that your partner may involve you in something illegal. In combination with the Devil, such an Arcanum clearly indicates that they are simply trying to seduce a person.


Straight position

For the professional sphere, the Page of Cups is interpreted as developed intuition, as a flair for promising projects and profitable business. This Arcanum speaks of new proposals, which not only have a good future, but also promise a lot of pleasant moments (in particular, with Moderation). On an everyday level, the Page of Cups symbolizes praise, well-deserved recognition of efforts or talents (including with the Court), sincere and selfless friendly assistance in difficult times. When interpreting events, the card is interpreted as an offer of promotion (especially with the Emperor) or as an opportunity to get closer to an influential person.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the Page of Cups indicates unpromising projects, undertakings doomed to failure, and the impossibility of career growth. In addition, such a card in the layout can indicate intrigue, slander, the original source and the reason for which, however, lies precisely in the one to whom the fortune is being told. Another problem that such an Arcanum can symbolize is laziness, which forces a person to “tread water.”

The doom of the plan is demonstrated by the pair “inverted Page of Cups - Tower”. And together with the Hermit, the card suggests that when implementing the plan, the fortuneteller will be left alone with his problems, and no one will want to help him.

Allow yourself to follow your own intuition and do what your aesthetic sense tells you. Not the notorious common sense, but the subconscious mind knows much better what you need and desire. And only in this way will you be able to realize yourself as fully as possible.

The Page of Cups represents lightness, sincerity of feelings, dreams and positive changes. But for an accurate interpretation of the lasso, it is necessary to analyze its position, meaning based on the purpose of the question and combination with other cards.


The interpretation of the card depends on the position in which it lies in relation to the fortuneteller. Let's consider the meaning of the lasso in the upright and inverted position.


The Page of Cups is the personification of joy, dreams, positive emotions and harmony.

In the Tarot deck of 78 doors, the card characterizes a sensitive person who is immersed in his dreams.

With the major arcana:

  • Jester- frivolous behavior, frivolous approach to business.
  • Mage– inspiration, generation of ideas.
  • Priestess– transfer of experience, the need to give advice to a loved one.
  • Empress– the birth of a child or the manifestation of capriciousness.
  • Emperor– change of job, new field of activity, birth of a child.
  • Hierophant- an advantageous offer that will change the further course of events.
  • Lovers– marriage, cohabitation, changes in personal life.
  • Chariot– errors in work, shortcomings.
  • Force– the thing you are thinking about requires effort.
  • Hermit– refusal, misunderstanding, choosing the wrong path.
  • Wheel of Fortune– the beginning of the implementation of ideas, new projects, inspiration.
  • Justice– legal proceedings, desire to achieve the truth.
  • Hanged– stagnation in business, incorrect distribution of energy.
  • Death– the situation requires active action.
  • Moderation– the need to show vigilance and responsibility.
  • Devil- temptation, deception.
  • Tower- financial difficulties, dashed hopes.
  • Star- waiting, uncertainty.
  • Moon- a veiled offer.
  • Sun– , success in all endeavors, the birth of a child.
  • Court- a reward for well-deserved work.
  • World– the beginning of a new stage in life, improvement of the situation in all areas.

With wands:

  • Ace– prospects, advantageous offer.
  • 2 wands– the need to think about the situation before making a decision.
  • 3 of wands– opening up new opportunities; the card gives advice to start taking action.
  • 4 of wands– the birth of a child, the start of a new project.
  • 5 of wands– lack of support, disagreements in the team.
  • 6 wands- rapid development of the business of interest.
  • 7 of wands- your achievements and efforts will not be satisfied.
  • 8 wands– wedding or profitable cooperation.
  • 9 of wands– a trap, the unknown, a foggy future.
  • 10 wands- inability to “jump above your head.”
  • Page– the need to think through your decisions.
  • Knight- impulsive desires.
  • Queen– conception, beginning of new projects, moving.
  • King– creative manifestation, extraordinary approach to business.

With cups:

  • Ace– the beginning of a new relationship, a marriage proposal.
  • 2 cups- interesting offer.
  • 3 cups– the temptation to succumb to your emotions and momentary desires.
  • 4 cups- gaining recognition and authority.
  • 5 cups- parting, road.
  • 6 cups– the desire for harmony and tranquility.
  • 7 cups– returning home, reconciliation.
  • 8 cups– the beginning of partnerships.
  • 9 cups- a dubious proposal, an adventure.
  • 10 cups– the beginning of grandiose projects, the construction of long-term plans.
  • Knight– optimistic attitude, competition, frivolity.
  • Queen- attention from a powerful person.
  • King– support from experienced people.

With pentacles:

  • Ace- success in the enterprise, good news.
  • 2 of pentacles– support of like-minded people, coordinated work.
  • 3 of pentacles- the desire to increase well-being will be crowned with success.
  • 4 of pentacles– waste, loss of money.
  • 5 of pentacles– spending energy on things that will not bring benefits.
  • 6 of pentacles– gaining experience and new knowledge.
  • 7 of pentacles- cardinal changes in life.
  • 8 of pentacles– collapsed hopes, lack of desire to move forward.
  • 9 of pentacles- caution, suspicion.
  • 10 of pentacles– the need to take into account the mistakes of the past and draw conclusions.
  • Page– success will bring a creative approach to business.
  • Knight– competition.
  • Queen– loss, debts.
  • King- Opportunity to take a leadership position.

With swords:

  • Ace- mistakes caused by your frivolity.
  • 2 swords- quarrel, serious conversation.
  • 3 swords- the beginning of a difficult period of life, in which the manifestation of strength of character will be required.
  • 4 swords– the need to change your principles and worldview.
  • 5 swords– danger emanating from the inner circle of acquaintances.
  • 6 swords- desire to control the situation.
  • 7 swords- reward for work done.
  • 8 swords– loss of authority in the team, tarnished reputation.
  • 9 swords- gossip and rumors.
  • 10 swords– obtaining valuable information.
  • Page- ill-wisher.
  • Knight- cold attitude, indifference.
  • Queen- intercessor, assistant.
  • King- success in any endeavor.

Try to throw away all your fears and negative thoughts and start living in the moments. On this day, it is best to be guided by your own. Only your inner instinct will help you make the right choice and solve the problem.

The Page of Cups advises opening up to the world, new offers and acquaintances. On this day it is necessary to be active in work and personal life. Don't be afraid to initiate original proposals. This is a day of joy, beauty and harmony.


Page of Cups in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - a frivolous proposal.
With the “Mage” card - propose an idea.
With the “High Priestess” card - offer knowledge.
With the “Empress” card - conception.
With the “Emperor” card - a marriage proposal; job vacancy.
With the Hierophant card it’s a worthy offer.
With the “Lovers” card - propose living together, creating a family.
With the “Chariot” card - a project that requires improvement.
With the “Strength” card - a project that requires effort.
With the Hermit card - reject the offer.
With the “Wheel of Fortune” card, start promoting the project.
With the “Justice” card - filing a petition with the judicial or executive authorities.
With the Hanged Man card - a project that slows down development.
With the “Death” card - a project that requires updating.
With the “Moderation” card - adjust the offer.
With the “Devil” card - seduction; setup.
With the “Tower” card - a financial pyramid; a failed project.
With the “Star” card there is hope that the offer will be accepted.
With the Moon card - a vague proposal.
With the “Sun” card - conception; happy birth.
With the “Judgment” card - retribution.
With the “World” card - the birth of a person, a project, a family.

With the Ace of Wands card it is a tempting offer.
With the Two of Wands card, it is a matter that requires careful planning and thought.
With the Three of Wands card - from words to deeds.
With the Four of Wands card - a new addition to the family.
With the Five of Wands card - a proposal that did not receive support.
With the Six of Wands card - a successful project; promotion of plans.
With the Seven of Wands card - claims.
With the Eight of Wands card - a marriage proposal.
With the Nine of Wands card it’s a “pig in a poke.”
With the Ten of Wands card this is an impossible project.
With the Page of Wands card - a proposal that requires study.
With the card “Knight of Wands” - momentary plans.
With the Queen of Wands card - pregnancy.
With the “King of Wands” card - a serious creative project.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Page of Cups (cups) in upright position with Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - Wizard of his craft / Help in difficult times
Priestess - Priest's Visit
Empress - Romance, civil marriage
The Emperor is a blond seducer. Sculpture.
Priest - High and profitable place
Priest - Priest's Visit
Lovers - Flattering innovation, innovation, invention
Chariot - Resolved conflict
Justice - Training in the legal profession, success in this field
Hermit pr and per - Initiative comes from others
Wheel of Fortune - Initiative from above, attention from management
Strength - Spiritual self-improvement, inner growth, loyalty
Hanged Man - Lost on the way, be careful
Death - Extortionist, supervising mafioso
Moderation - Long learning to master the skill
Devil - Young drug addict (schoolboy)
Tower - Uninvited Guest; bad chance
Star - Tendency towards homosexuality
Moon - Son: concern is justified by his behavior.
Sun - Fire, fireman, threat of fire
Court - Excitement, pleasure from the game
Peace - High Self-Esteem
Jester - Attraction

Page of cups (cups) in upright position with the Minor Arcana

2 of Cups - Marriage for a woman

Page of Cups (Chalices) in an inverted position with the Major Arcana

Moderation (trans) - Speaks of affection, sincere and quite strong
Justice - Promises academic success

Page of cups (cups) inverted with the Minor Arcana

9 of Wands - Disappointment