Essay on the topic of art. An essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is real art?”

9.1 Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment, revealing the meaning of the expression of knowledge of Russian skogo fi-lo-lo-ga F.I. Bu-sla-e-va: “Only in the pre-lo-zhe-nii do they get their meaning from-del -words, their endings and prefixes.”

Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your answer, with-ve-di-those 2 examples from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text.

You can write a work in a scientific or pub- lic style, covering a topic in a linguistic style ma-te-ri-a-le. You can start the conversation with the words F.I. Bu-sla-e-va.

Work, on-pi-san-naya without relying on the pro-read text (not according to the given text), does not evaluate.

9.2 Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment. Explain how you understand the meaning of fi-na-la text: “- Ta-lan-ta! - Lenya repeated loudly. - This is absolutely necessary! This must be taken care of and appreciated! Isn’t it true?”

For example, indicate the number of the required clauses or use the qi-ti-ro-va-nie .

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.3 How do you know the word REAL ART?

Form and pro-com-men-ti-ruy the definition given by you. Let's write a discussion on the topic “What is real art”, taking as zi-sa definition given by you. Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your thesis, with-ve-di-those 2 examples-ra-ar-gu-men-ta, confirming-waiting for your reasonings niya: one example-ar-gu-ment with-ve-di-those from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, and the second - from your life-no-no- th experience.

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) At dawn, Lyonka and I drank tea and went to the mshars to look for wood grouse. (2) It was boring to walk.

- (3) You, Lenya, should tell me something more fun.

– (4) What to tell? - Lyonka answered. - (5) Is it about the old women in our village? (6) These old women are the daughters of the famous artist Pozhalostin. (7) He was an academician, but he came out of our shepherd kids, from the snotty ones. (8) His engravings hang in museums in Paris, London and here in Ryazan. (9) I suppose you saw it?

(10) I remembered the beautiful engravings, slightly yellowed by time, on the walls of my room in the house of two busy old women. (11) I also remembered the first, very strange feeling from the engravings. (12) These were portraits of old-fashioned people, and I could not get rid of their glances. (13) A crowd of ladies and men in tightly buttoned frock coats, a crowd of the seventies of the nineteenth century, looked at me from the walls with deep attention.

“(14) One day the blacksmith Yegor comes to the village council,” Lenya continued. - (15) There is nothing, he says, to repair what is required, so let’s remove the bells.

(16) Fedosya, a woman from Pustyn, interrupts here: (17) “In the Pozhalostins’ house, old women walk on copper boards. (18) Something is scratched on those boards - I don’t understand. (19) These boards will come in handy.”

(20) I came to the Pozhalostins, said what was the matter, and asked to show these boards. (21) The old woman brings out boards wrapped in a clean towel. (22) I looked and froze. (23) Honest mother, what fine work, how firmly carved! (24) Especially the portrait of Pugachev - you can’t look at it for a long time: it seems that you are talking to him yourself. (25) “Give me the boards for storage, otherwise they will be melted down for nails,” I tell her.

(26) She cried and said: (27) “What are you talking about! (28) This is a national treasure, I won’t give it up for anything.”

(29) In general, we saved these boards and sent them to Ryazan, to the museum.

(30) Then they called a meeting to try me for hiding the boards. (31) I came out and said: (32) “Not you, but your children will understand the value of these engravings, but the work of others must be respected. (33) The man came from shepherds, studied for decades on black bread and water, so much work, sleepless nights, human torment, talent were put into each board...”

- (34) Talent! - Lenya repeated louder. - (35) You need to understand this! (36) This must be protected and appreciated! (37) Isn’t it true?

(According to K. G. Paustovsky) *

* Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich (1892-1968) - Russian writer and publicist, master of lyrical and romantic prose, author of works about nature, historical stories, artistic memoirs.

1) The word TEA has two syllables.
2) In the word SHEPHERD, all consonant sounds are unvoiced.
3) In the word RUSHNIK, all consonant sounds have a pair of hardness - softness.
4) In the word LENYA, the letter E means one sound.


The hard consonant Ш does not have a soft pair.

The correct answer is indicated under number 3.

Answer: 3

Source: State Academic Inspectorate - 2013, version 1319, State Inspectorate in the Russian language 06/04/2013. Main wave. Option 1319.

Replace the simple word “don’t-bos” in the sentence 9 with a neutral si-no-ni-m . Na-pi-shi-te this si-no-nim.


In context, “His engravings hang in museums in Pa-ri-zhe, Lon-do-ne and here in Rya-za-ni. Don't you see it?" the simple word NE-BOSH means REALLY TRUE or its si-no-ni-ma-mi.

Answer: probably, probably, probably, probably

Answer: probably|probably|possibly|probably|maybe

Na-pi-shi-those so-chi-ne-ras-judgment, revealing the meaning of your-saying of knowledge of Russian -go fi-lo-lo-ga F.I. Bu-sla-e-va: “Only in the pre-lo-zhe-nii do they get their meaning from-del- new words, their endings and prefixes.” Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your answer, with-ve-di-those 2 examples from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text.

For example, indicate the number of the required clauses or use the qi-ti-ro-va-nie .


The Russian language is one of the most divine languages ​​of the world, both in terms of the composition of the language and in the ways of its speech or-ga-ni-za-tion. It’s impossible not to agree with you-saying that you know the Russian phil-lo-lo-ga F.I. Bu- sl-e-va: “Only in a sentence do individual words, their endings and prefixes gain their meaning " The preposition is a unit of sin-tak-si-sa, in combination with separate words and pre-di-ka-tive parts with -obtain the ability to interact and formulate relationships between people.

To confirm the correctness of the words of F.I. Bu-sla-e-va, we turn to an excerpt from the text of Kon-stan- Ti-na Pa-u-stov-skogo. In the text you have quite a lot of mutual connections. So, for example, in proposal No. 13 (A crowd of ladies and a man in tightly buttoned sur-tu-kahs, a crowd of seven-de-s years nine hundred years old, looked at me from the walls with deep attention) gram-ma-ti-che-skaya the main phenomenon is the “crowd of watching”, which in itself is in-ter-res-but from the point of view of the from the lexical and grammatical meaning. In the context of the word “crowd”, according to its lexicon, it has a literal meaning several people, literally a group of people. However, the grammatical meaning of the word “crowd” is a singular noun. Thus, in the very context of the black-ki-va-et-sya, on the one hand, there are no people with engravings, and on the other -goy, as it were, their integrity, commonality, that’s why I say it’s required according to gram-ma-ti-che-norms- moms in the singular: the crowd watched.

Dub-li-ru-et No. 3259.

Source: FIPI task bank


15.1 The Russian language is one of the most divine languages ​​of the world, both in terms of the composition of the language and in the ways of its speech organization . It’s impossible not to agree with you-saying that you know the Russian phil-lo-lo-ga F.I. Bu- sl-e-va: “Only in a sentence do individual words, their endings and prefixes gain their meaning " The preposition is a unit of sin-tak-si-sa, in combination with separate words and pre-di-ka-tive parts with -obtain the ability to interact and formulate re-communities.

To confirm the correctness of the words of F.I. Bu-sla-e-va, we turn to an excerpt from the text of Kon-stan- Ti-na Pa-u-stov-skogo. In the text you have quite a lot of mutual connections. So, for example, in proposal No. 13 (A crowd of ladies and a man in tightly buttoned sur-tu-kahs, a crowd of seven-de-s years nine hundred years old, looked at me from the walls with deep attention) gram-ma-ti-che-skaya the main phenomenon is the “crowd of watching”, which in itself is in-ter-res-but from the point of view of the from the lexical and grammatical meaning. In the context of the word “crowd”, according to its lexicon, it has a literal meaning several people, literally a group of people. However, the grammatical meaning of the word “crowd” is a singular noun. Thus, in the very context of the black-ki-va-et-sya, on the one hand, there are no people with engravings, and on the other -goy, as it were, their integrity, commonality, that’s why I say it’s required according to gram-ma-ti-che-norms- moms in the singular: the crowd watched.

In sentence 18 (Something on those boards is on-tsa-ra-pa-but - I don’t understand) full-filled from-the-nok at-ob-re -ta-the word “na-tsa-ra-pa-no”, it is used in order to reduce the significance of life in graphs .

Thus, having analyzed the text, we can confidently assert that in the sentence the word, its grammatical Ti-che-skoe and le-s-si-che-s-niya are dis-s-covered to the fullest extent.

15.2 Very often, what a person does not understand due to his lack of education, lack of development, lack of ability he considers the ability to evaluate due to the essence of life and the prevailing circumstances to be unimportant, nothing -nym. Not every person can appreciate and appreciate art. About this are the final words of Lenya from the text of Kon-stan-ti-na Pa-u-stov-skogo.

The text tells how it was necessary to save the life of life. It’s not once that Baba Fe-do-sya is in art who is ready to take the boards from the old women. : “Something on those boards is na-tsa-ra-pa-but - I don’t understand.” For Fe-do-sya, the meaning of these boards is not clear, she does not know how to appreciate the beautiful, she lives “on her subsistence bread”, according to -it seems like it would be better to re-melt these “boards” onto nails. How many such masterpieces were lost during the years of the revolution and the civil war.

The author also mentions another hero - Lenya, who is ready to risk his re-pu-ta-qi-ey, career, life, to save these masterpieces. In proposal 30, we hope to confirm this: the hero will be judged by his co-bi-ra at a general meeting because of his behavior -niya to work there hu-rain-ka.

15.3 Art is all the most beautiful things that are created by the hand and mind of a person. The power of the nature of the world with its un-manufactured beauty moves a person with help -shchu ta-lan-ta for-pe-chat-fly not-to-re-repeat the moments of life. The spirit seizes you when you try to grasp with your mind everything created by the gene, preserved new and long-wives of them after-the-ka-mi and after-to-va-te-la-mi. Now it is impossible to imagine that our life would not be led by art, creativity.

In the text of Kon-stan-ti-na Pa-u-stov-skogo-s-say-va-et-sya how I had to save the pro-iz-ve-de-niya live-in-pi-si. It’s not once that Baba Fe-do-sya is in art who is ready to take the boards from the old women. : “Something on those boards is na-tsa-ra-pa-but - I don’t understand.” For Fe-do-sya, the meaning of these boards is not clear, she does not know how to appreciate the beautiful, she lives “on her subsistence bread”, according to -it seems to be a good idea to re-melt these “boards” onto nails. How many such masterpieces were lost during the years of the revolution and the civil war.

When you come to Red Square, the main square of the country, your gaze will involuntarily be drawn to the Temple of Vasily Bla-zhen- but-ho. This is an example of a hundred-year-old art, it beckons, it makes you live. No matter how the history of our state has changed, the temple has stood, stood as a symbol of our strength and greatness .

Preserving the art for the future is our duty to the future. We should not only be proud of the iz-mi-tel-ny-mi pro-port-tsi-mi of the Church of the Blood on the Nerl or the co-bor-rum of Va-si-lia Blessed, but also to do everything so that our children can be proud of them.

Source: Open Bank FIPI, option 70F6FF

Using the pro-read text, you complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3. Before you enter the number you have chosen: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3.

9.1 Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment, revealing the meaning of the expression of pi-sa-te-la V.A. So-lo-ukhi-na: “Epi-te-you are the clothes of words.” Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your answer, with-ve-di-those 2 examples from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text. For example, indicate the number of the required clauses or use the qi-ti-ro-va-nie .

You can write a work in a scientific or pub- lic style, covering a topic in a linguistic style ma-te-ri-a-le. You can start with the words of V. A. So-lo-ukhi-na.

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.2 Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment of the text: “Gosh is not very angry: he didn’t want to take this bottle, you -but-sit him quietly, but V-roch-ka for-sta-vi-la. She, you see, has her own whims at least.”

Pri-ve-di-te in co-chi-ne-nii 2 ar-gu-men-ta from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, confirming your reasoning -de-niya.

For example, indicate the number of the required clauses or use the qi-ti-ro-va-nie .

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.3 How do you understand the word MORAL CHOICE?

Form and pro-com-men-ti-ruy the definition given by you. Write a discussion on the topic “What is a moral choice”, taking the given data as the basis Definition by you. Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your thesis, with-ve-di-those 2 examples-ra-ar-gu-men-ta, confirming-waiting for your reasonings niya: one example-ar-gu-ment with-ve-di-those from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, and the second - from your life-no-no- th experience.

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) The guys left the yard and are collecting camping equipment. (2) Gosha is the only one left. (3) He is on duty at the entrance and is waiting for someone...

(4) Finally she appeared. (5) A mysterious creature of thirteen years old, an incredible beauty with an ear-to-ear smile, golden eyes, and a tiny waist. (6) Verochka.

“(7) Hello,” says Verochka and shudders. - (8) It’s still cold... (9) Give me your jacket.

(10) Gosha throws a jacket over her shoulders, remains in only a T-shirt, and the skin on his hands becomes covered with pimples.

- (11) Did your father bring you anything from England?

- (12) Yeah. (13) Look, there’s a transistor.

- (14) Did you bring anything to your mother? (15) Perfume, for example? (16) Bring me to see.

- (17) But how can I... (18) Vera, I... (19) Well, it’s inconvenient...

- (20) Then stand on your head. (21) Well?!

– (22) Stop it, Verk... (23) Don’t...

- (24) Stand on your head now!

- (25) Well, please... (26) Gosha approaches the wall, gets down on all fours and, after several unsuccessful attempts, makes a stand. (27) Verochka watches him sternly, like a coach.

- (28) Who is in charge? - she asks.

- (29) Well, you...

- (30) Turn over. (31) And bring the perfume. (32) Otherwise I’ll make you stand on your head all day!

(33) Wiping his palms on his T-shirt, Gosha stomps around helplessly, blinks, but Verochka is inexorable. (34) And then, having given her the transistor, Gosha trudges to his apartment.

“(36) This is a rocket,” Seryozhka says impressively. - (37) Let’s launch it in the forest.

(38) Vera condescendingly watches how the boys fiddle with the rocket, how they carefully place it on the steps of the entrance, and they themselves go to get their backpacks.

(39) After waiting for the boys to disappear on the stairs, he goes out into Gosha’s yard. (40) He looks around and hands Verochka a blue shiny bottle.

(41) Gosha is a little angry: he didn’t want to take this bottle and take it out slowly, but Verochka forced him. (42) You see, her own whim is more valuable to her. (43) And Gosha is now angry and almost condescendingly talking to Verochka: (44) “Here, look, if you want...”

(45) Verochka understands his condition. (46) And she doesn’t like that Gosha talks down to her. (47) Verochka’s face becomes thoughtful. (48) She tilts her head to the side and squints. (49) Before, three years ago, with such an expression, Verochka rushed to fight (and fought worse than the boys). (50) Now she doesn’t fight. (51) There are other ways.

(52) She reluctantly takes the blue bottle.

- (53) So, I see... (54) Do you have any matches?

- (55) Matches?.. (56) Well, in the jacket... look in your pocket.

- (57) Yeah. (58) Now set that tail on fire! - (59) Verochka points to the rocket left by the boys.

- (60) Why?.. - Gosha mutters, not realizing anything. - (61) What is this?

– (62) Bomb. (63) Let it boom.

- (64) Well!.. - Gosha mutters in confusion. - (65) This...

- (66) Who is in charge?

- (67) Verka, stop it!

- (68) Oh, right? - (69) Vera strikes a match and brings the flame to the rocket’s tail. (70) Finally, something hissed and began to sizzle like oil in a frying pan...

- (71) Verka! (72) Move away!..

(73) Vera stands defiantly over a smoking cardboard pipe. (74) And here I see the beginning of the feat, its accomplishment and end. (75) Gosha, numb with horror Gosha, pressed against the wall with a distorted face, quiet, shy and fearful Gosha suddenly pushes Verochka away and - flat, on his stomach - falls on the rocket.

(According to E. Shim) *

* Shim Eduard Yuryevich (Eduard Yuryevich Schmidt) (1930-2006) - Russian writer, playwright, author of several collections of stories for children and adults.


Point out the mistaken judgment.

1) In the word THINY, the number of letters and sounds coincides.
2) The word GO AWAY has three syllables.
3) In the word DEAR, all consonant sounds are hard.
4) The word LADDER has seven sounds.


The word TO-NYU-SEN-KOY has 11 letters and 10 sounds [TAN "US" IN "KAI"].

Answer: 1

Source: GIA - 2013, version 1301

Among the sentences 39-44, find a complex sentence with a demonic connection -ze between the parts. Write the number of this proposal.


Proposal 41 “Gosha is not very angry: he didn’t want to take this bottle, take it out quietly, but Verochka for- sta-vi-la" consists of three parts:

1. Gosha is not very angry.

2. He didn’t want to take this bottle, but take it quietly.

3. V-roch-ka for-sta-vi-la.

Parts 1 and 2 are connected by a non-connected connection, parts 2 and 3 - by a social connection.

Answer: 41.

Answer: 41

Source: Open Bank FIPI, block DBFBDD; option I WILL DECIDE No. 1, GIA in the Russian language 06/04/2013. Main wave. Option 1301.

Avdey Shariga 22.02.2017 12:00

Isn’t this just a non-union connection?

Tatiana Statsenko

Read the explanations for the assignment.

Nikolay Mironov 20.03.2018 21:02

There is no coordinating conjunction in the sentence. Did you mix up the assignment? Maybe there it was necessary to find a complex sentence with a non-union and a union subordinator? And not a union composition.

Sorry if I'm wrong myself.

Tatiana Statsenko

Everything in the answer and in the explanations is correct. The coordinating conjunction BUT is in the sentence, and it connects two bases.


Here we have an example of a so-chi-ne-niya-ras-judgment-de-niya in a pub-li-qi-sti-che-sky style.

15.1 The Russian language is one of the richest and most beautiful languages ​​in the world. It contains up to a hundred words in order to name all the objects and phenomena, to convey the most diverse feelings, to -building, re-living. In addition, in our language, as, perhaps, in no other, a large ar-se-nal of special means of vy-ra-zi-tel-no-sti, one from which epi-tet appears. Epitet V. A. So-lo-ukhin called “the clothing of words.” Let's try to understand the validity of this statement using examples from the text of Eduard Shim.

In order to monitor what the author uses the epi-those for, it appears before -log 5 (For-a-daughter being three-years-old, an unbelievable beauty with a smile- to my ears, with golden eyes behind me, with that ny-sen-koy that-li-her). In the pre-sentence there are epi-those: for-the-daughter-being, golden-eyed-for-you and others - in-mo-ga- They present us with an image of a girl. It comes together with something bright and good. So the author expresses his attitude towards the character, emphasizing her attraction -body-ness. In the preposition 75 (Gosha, stunned with horror Gosha, pressed against the wall with a twisted face, quiet, behind the wall The chi-wy and bo-speaking Gosha suddenly ot-tal-ki-va-et V-roch-ku and - flat-me, live-in-that - falls on the ra-ke-tu ) epi-you use the author to describe another hero - Gosha.

Thus, the given examples can rightfully be considered ar-gu-men-tami in support of the opinion of So-lo-ukhi-na: “ Epi-te-you are the clothes of words.”

15.2 E. Yu. Shim bears an important responsibility for moral choice. In the given fragment, the author talks about Gosha’s transition to his own steps. Gosha gave in to Verochka’s “at-ho-ti” and brought out a bottle of perfume, now he’s angry with both Verochka and himself, that he had succumbed to weakness, did not give up his position.

V-roch-ka su-la-la-knitted Gosha for herself, now she does with him everything that she considers necessary. About the fact that in this pair the co-man-du-et dev-chon-says proposal number 27: “Ver-roch-ka is watching him su -ro-vo, as a coach.” The word tre-ne-ra is the law. The problem is that the word is not always correct and can lead to trouble.

I’m glad that Gosha, at a dangerous moment, managed to make his own decision: “Gosh, frozen with horror, Gosha, pressing - standing up to the wall with a twisted face, quiet, behind-the-wall and fearful Gosha suddenly ot-tal-ki-va-et Veroch- ku and - flat-me, zhi-vo-tom - pa-da-et on ra-ke-tu.” Here is an example of a hundred-year-old ha-rak-te-ra, in the basis of which lies the boy’s own choice.

We must make our choice, no matter how difficult it may be, according to our conscience. At the same time, you should remember that for each step you will have to face yourself and those around you, and on what it will be this choice depends not only on our lives, but also on the lives of those around us.

15.3 Every person, to one degree or another, has an understanding of such feelings as shame, pity, co-experience. These purely human feelings, moral concepts, which actually mean what -lo-ve-ka from life, have meaning and exist only in the society of their own kind, in human beings skom society. These moral principles are actually the soul of a person.

E. Yu. Shim bears an important responsibility for moral choice. V-roch-ka su-la-la-knitted Gosha for herself, now she does with him everything that she considers necessary. I’m glad that Gosha, at a dangerous moment, managed to make his own decision: “Gosh, frozen with horror, Gosha, pressing - standing up to the wall with a twisted face, quiet, behind-the-wall and fearful Gosha suddenly ot-tal-ki-va-et Veroch- ku and - flat-me, zhi-vo-tom - pa-da-et on ra-ke-tu.” Here is an example of a hundred-year-old ha-rak-te-ra, in the basis of which lies the boy’s own choice.

The life-position of many people this year is an example for support. The name of the children's doctor of the world Leo-ni-da Ro-sha-la can often be found in associations of information agencies. Ter-ak-you, earth-le-shaking-se-niya, ka-ta-stro-fy - Ro-shal always tries to go to where the children need- for help.

As long as a person is alive, he will be in a constant struggle. How to drink: make a deal with a co-vest or make a step that is worth a hundred more things what? We must make our choice, no matter how difficult it may be, according to our conscience. At the same time, you should remember that for each step you will have to face yourself and those around you, and on what it will be this choice depends not only on our lives, but also on the lives of those around us.

Source: Open Bank FIPI, block DBFBDD; option I WILL DECIDE No. 1

Relevance: Used in the current year’s OGE

Using the pro-read text, you complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3. Before you enter the number you have chosen: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3.

9.1 Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment, revealing the meaning of the expression from-the-known philosophy logo N. M. Shan-sko-go: “Using the example of a complex-but-subordinate pre-position, you can trace how a person you-ra -desires the relationship between the world and one’s own point of view.” Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your answer, with-ve-di-those 2 examples from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text. For example, indicate the number of the required clauses or use the qi-ti-ro-va-nie .

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words.

Work, on-pi-san-naya without relying on the pro-read text (not according to the given text), does not evaluate. If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.2 Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fi-na-la text: “On-the-mouth, he wanted-you-su- run out into the street, wave to mom and loudly, so as not to drown out the rain, shout: “Don’t worry! Don’t worry, mom ... Everything is fine!"".

Pri-ve-di-te in co-chi-ne-nii 2 ar-gu-men-ta from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, confirming your reasoning -de-niya.

For example, indicate the number of the required clauses or use the qi-ti-ro-va-nie .

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.3 How do you understand the word MA-TE-RIN-SKY LO-VE?

Form and pro-com-men-ti-ruy the definition given by you. Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment on the topic “What is mother-te-rin’s love”, taking as-quality these-zi- sa definition given by you. Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your thesis, with-ve-di-those 2 examples-ra-ar-gu-men-ta, confirming-waiting for your reasonings niya: one example-ar-gu-ment with-ve-di-those from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, and the second - from your life-no-no- th experience.

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Tolya didn’t like autumn. (2) He didn’t like it because the leaves were falling and “the sun shone less often,” and most of all because it often rained in the fall and his mother didn’t let him go outside.

(3) But then a morning came when all the windows were in winding water paths, and the rain was hammering and hammering something into the roof... (4) But mother did not keep Tolya at home, and even hurried her. (5) And Tolya felt that now he was very big: dad also went to work

in any weather!

(6) Mom took out an umbrella and a white raincoat from the closet, which Tolya secretly put on instead of a robe when he and the guys played doctors.

- (7) Where are you going? - Tolya was surprised.

- (8) I’ll accompany you.

– (9) Should I... see you off? (10) What are you?

(11) Mom sighed and put the prepared things back in the closet.

(12) Tolya really liked running to school in the rain. (13) Once he turned around and suddenly saw his mother on the other side of the street. (14) There were a lot of raincoats and umbrellas on the street, but he recognized his mother immediately. (15) And she, noticing that Tolya turned around, hid around the corner of an old two-story house.

(16) “Hiding!” - Tolya thought angrily. (17) And he ran even faster, so that his mother would not try to catch up with him.

(18) Near the school itself, he turned around again, but his mother was no longer there.

(19) “I’m back,” he thought with relief.

(20) At the ceremonial line, the students lined up by class. (21) The young teacher quickly brushed wet strands of hair from her face and shouted:

– (22) First “B”! (23) First “B”!

(24) Tolya knew that the first “B” was him. (25) The teacher took the children to the fourth floor.

(26) While still at home, Tolya decided that he would never sit at a desk with a girl. (27) But the teacher, as if jokingly, asked him: - (28) You probably want to sit with Chernova, right?

(29) And it seemed to Tolya that he really had always dreamed of sitting next to Chernova.

(30) The teacher opened the magazine and began roll call. (31) After roll call she said:

- (32) Orlov, please close the window.

(33) Tolya immediately jumped up and went to the window, but it was not easy for him to reach the handle. (34) He stood up and suddenly froze on tiptoe: outside the window he suddenly saw his mother. (35) She stood holding a folded umbrella in her hands, not paying attention to the rain that was dripping from her raincoat, and slowly ran her eyes along the school windows: mom probably wanted to guess in which class her Tolya was sitting.

(36) And then he could not get angry. (37) On the contrary, he wanted to lean out into the street, wave to his mother and shout loudly, so as not to drown out the rain: (38) “Don’t worry! (39) Don’t worry, mommy... (40) Everything is fine!” (41) But he couldn’t shout, because shouting is not supposed to happen in class.

(According to A. Aleksin) *

* Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich (born in 1924) - writer, playwright. His works, such as “My Brother Plays the Clarinet”, “Characters and Performers”, “Third in the Fifth Row”, etc., tell mainly about the world of youth.

Indicate in what sense the word “pro-thief” is used in the text (preposition 21).

1) skillfully
2) quickly
3) carefully
4) without thinking


The word PRO-VOR-BUT is used in the meaning of FAST-RO.

The correct answer is indicated under number 2.

Answer: 2

Source: GIA - 2013, version 1307

Replacing the one-time word “(not) blow-ma-la” in the sentence 17 sti-li-sti-che-ski neutral-si- but-no-mom. Na-pi-shi-te this si-no-nim.


In the sentence “And he ran even faster, so that mom wouldn’t bother to get him,” the colloquial word VZDU-MA-LA means cha-et RE-SHI-LA.

Answer: re-shi-la.

Answer: decided|undecided|wanted|didn’t think|thought|didn’t

Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment, revealing the meaning of what you-say-va-niya from-vest-no-go fi-lo-lo -ha N. M. Shan-sko-go: “Using the example of a complex-subordinate preposition, one can trace how a person you-ra- longs for the relationship between the world and one’s own point of view.” Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your answer, with-ve-di-those 2 examples from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text.

For example, indicate the number of the required clauses or use the qi-ti-ro-va-nie .

You can write a work in a scientific or pub- lic style, covering a topic in a linguistic style ma-te-ri-a-le. You can start your discussion with the above statement.

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Let us give an example of a so-chi-ne-niya-ras-judgment in a scientific style.

The well-known philo-logist N.M. Shan-sky said: “Using the example of a complex subordinate preposition, one can trace “how a person manages the relationship between the world and his own point of view.” There is no doubt in my mind that thinking and speech are closely related, speech is -lem level of in-tel-lek-tu-al-no-go and spiritual development of a person: the lower the level of development of a person -lo-ve-ka, the poorer his speech, the more complex the proposals for him to create. Without a doubt, the use of complex prepositions in speech indicates that the lo-vek knows how to write, construct, formulate a statement, and, consequently, he thinks next, logical, but.

About-ana-li-zi-ru-em gram-ma-ti-che-sky structure of language in the text Ana-to-liya Alek-si-na. The text is not simple from the point of view of syn-tak-si-sa: many complicated pre-positions, complex syn-tak-si-che-structures , complex propositions. So, proposal No. 2 (I didn’t like it because the leaves had fallen and “less often the sun was near”, but most of all because in the fall it often rained and his mother did not let him go outside) - a complex syn-so-si-che-structure, in the composition of which part of the connection -for-us co-chi-ni-tel-noy and sub-chi-tel-no-no-communication, with-what-not-with-accurate-in-the-lo-same -nii and one-of-a-kind, and not-of-one-of-the-kind, which allows one to formulate a thought succinctly, after tel-but, logical-but. Sentence 6 (Mom you-well-from-the-closet umbrella-tik and a white raincoat, which Tolya thai-com na-de-val instead of ha-la-ta, when they are with re-bya-ta-mi playing in the doc-to-ditch) is also complicated under-chi-not-anything at-yes-accurate. Possession of gram-ma-ti-che-ski-mi norm-ma-mi in the construction of pre-lo-zhe-ny poses-in-la-yu their auto-ru especially the battle of my form will attract attention, make an impression.

Source: FIPI task bank

Analysis of the content of the text.

Which of your sayings correspond to the text? Specify the number from the ve-tov.

1) It was autumn rain outside, and Tolya was afraid that his mother was cold and sick.

2) Tole realized that his mother was very worried about him, which is why I stood in the rain, looking out of the school windows.

3) Tolya didn’t want his mother to find out that he was sitting at the same desk with the girl.

4) Tolya didn’t want his mother to take care of him like a lazy little girl.

5) Tolya felt like an adult, because he had to go to school even in the rain.


1) It was autumn rain outside, and Tolya was afraid that his mother was cold and sick. - It’s not confirmed in the text.

2) Tole realized that his mother was very worried about him, which is why I stood in the rain, looking out of the school windows. - Confirmed-is-waiting-for-the-same-no-me 36−39.

3) Tolya didn’t want his mother to find out that he was sitting at the same desk with the girl. - It’s not confirmed in the text.

4) Tolya didn’t want his mother to take care of him like a lazy little girl. - It’s confirmed that it’s waiting before 9−10.

5) Tolya felt like an adult, because he had to go to school even in the rain. - Confirmed, waiting in front of the same 5.

Answer: 245.

Answer: 245

Analysis of means you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti.

Point out the va-ri-an-you from-ve-tov, in which the means of vy-ra-zi-tel-no-speech appear-la-et-sya-ta- fo-ra.

1) Tolya didn’t like autumn. I didn’t like it because the leaves were gone and “less often did the sun come near,” and most of all because it often rained in the fall and my mother wouldn’t let me in - threw him outside.

2) And she, noticing that Tolya had turned around, hid around the corner of an old two-story house.

3) But then the morning came, when all the windows were covered with windy roads, and the rain came and went -ko-la-chi-threw something into the roof...

4) She stood there, holding a folded umbrella in her hands, not paying attention to the rain that was dripping from the cloak, and the honey -but I kept my eyes on the school windows: my mother probably wanted to guess what class her Tolya was in.

5) He stood up and suddenly froze on tiptoe: he unexpectedly saw his mother outside the window.


3) But then came a morning when all the windows were covered with windy roads, and the rain was pouring down and something was falling into the roof...To be clear.

15.1 The well-known philo-logist N.M. Shan-sky said: “Using the example of a complex subordinate preposition, one can trace to see how a person manages the relationship between the world and his own point of view.” There is no doubt in my mind that thinking and speech are closely related, speech is -lem level of in-tel-lek-tu-al-no-go and spiritual development of a person: the lower the level of development of a person -lo-ve-ka, the poorer his speech, the more complex the proposals he has created. Without a doubt, the use of complex prepositions in speech indicates that the lo-vek is able to write, construct, and formulate a statement, and therefore, he also thinks next, logical, but.

About-ana-li-zi-ru-em gram-ma-ti-che-sky structure of language in the text Ana-to-liya Alek-si-na. The text is not simple from the point of view of syn-tak-si-sa: many complicated pre-positions, complex syn-tak-si-che-structures , complex propositions. So, proposal No. 2 (I didn’t like it because the leaves had fallen and “less often the sun was near”, but most of all because in the fall it often rained and his mother did not let him go outside) - a complex syn-so-si-che-structure, in the composition of which part of the connection -for-us co-chi-ni-tel-noy and sub-chi-tel-no-no-communication, with-what-not-with-accurate-in-the-lo-same -nii and one-of-a-kind, and not-of-one-of-the-kind, which allows one to formulate a thought succinctly, after tel-but, logical-but. Sentence 6 (Mom you-well-from-the-closet umbrella-tik and a white raincoat, which Tolya thai-com na-de-val instead of ha-la-ta, when they are with re-bya-ta-mi playing in the doc-to-ditch) is also complicated under-chi-not-anything at-yes-accurate. Possession of gram-ma-ti-che-ski-mi norm-ma-mi in the construction of pre-lo-zhe-ny poses-in-la-yu their auto-ru especially the battle of my form will attract attention, make an impression.

Thus, Shan's conclusion that a complex sentence can seem to interact -the connection between the world and our perception of it is justified.

15.2 Very often it happens that we cannot assess in time how much the closest, dearest person to us, our mother, loves us. This is not always due to our callousness, equal-spirit, no. Sometimes we are so convinced that mom is there that we think she will always be there, which means we still have time to tell her more. words to show her your love.

The hero of the text, Ana-to-lia Aleksi-na, loves his mother, he did not want his mother to accompany him to school, because he was afraid of laughter from peers. And when he saw her through the window, he realized how much she loved him, which is why he wanted to reciprocate. This is precisely what the final lines of text are about.

When mom was getting ready to take Tolya to school, he left the room, and mom quickly put things in the closet, somehow that she cares about her child, that she lives up to his feelings (prepositions number 7 - 11).

Tolya ran to school, often looking around so that his mother would not follow him. But at the same time, proposal number 14 appears (There were a lot of raincoats and umbrellas on the street, but he recognized his mother immediately): The hero recognizes his mother immediately - this says that the boy loves her, which is why he was able to recognize her on a crowded street among the many capes and umbrellas -kov. Or maybe Tolya felt calm, but only because he sub-knew that his mother was nearby, she would -ha-he will come to help at any moment?!

Ma-te-rin's love is safety, peace, trust, for-that, but you can't forget that in for-that and Our mothers also need it. Let's remember this more often.

15.3 Mother's love is a huge force, co-creative, creative, inspiring. She can do miracles, bring her back to life, save her from dangerous diseases.

The hero of the text, Ana-to-lia Aleksi-na, loves his mother, he did not want his mother to accompany him to school, because he was afraid of laughter from peers. And when he saw her through the window, he realized how much she loved him, which is why he wanted to reciprocate. The boy loves his mother, which is why he was able to recognize him on a crowded street among the many cloaks and umbrellas. Or maybe Tolya felt calm, but only because he sub-knew that his mother was nearby, she would -ha-he will come to help at any moment?!

We meet examples of mother's love in our everyday life, and they are also the same for Russians. tu-ra. In the production of A. N. Tol-stogo “Russian character”, the main character is Dremov, a civilian from went home, introducing himself to another person. But not having lived there even a day, he returned back to his unit. It seemed to Dre-mo-woo that he had become a stranger to the family. But ma-te-ri’s heart told her that her son had arrived. It doesn’t matter to mom whether their son is handsome or not, the main thing is that he stays alive.

Ma-te-ri’s love for her child is unselfish, serving and protecting the fact that mom loves for no reason, but just like that, because she’s a mom. The least we can give in return is to repay her with our love.

Source: Open Bank FIPI, block C0D5F2, option I WILL DECIDE No. 7

Relevance: Used in the current year’s OGE

9.1 Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment, revealing the meaning of the expression from-the-known philosophy logo N. M. Shan-skogo: “In a mono-logical speech, a final thought sometimes does not fit into the limits one sentence, and for its expression a whole group of people connected with each other in meaning and grammar is required. ti-che-ski pre-lo-zhe-niy.” Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your answer, with-ve-di-those 2 examples from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text. For example, indicate the number of the required clauses or use the qi-ti-ro-va-nie .

You can write a work in a scientific or pub- lic style, covering a topic in a linguistic style ma-te-ri-a-le. You can start with the words of N. M. Shan-sko.

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words.

Work, on-pi-san-naya without relying on the pro-read text (not according to the given text), does not evaluate. If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.2 Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment of the text: “I would like a friend to appear. Not randomly, not for an hour when you want to play chess or listen to Paul McCarty, but at the moment... schi..."

Pri-ve-di-te in co-chi-ne-nii 2 ar-gu-men-ta from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, confirming your reasoning -de-niya.

For example, indicate the number of the required clauses or use the qi-ti-ro-va-nie .

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.3 What do you mean by the word FRIENDSHIP?

Form and pro-com-men-ti-ruy the definition given by you. Let's write a discussion on the topic “What is friendship”, taking as the definition you gave division. Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your thesis, with-ve-di-those 2 examples-ra-ar-gu-men-ta, confirming-waiting for your reasonings niya: one example-ar-gu-ment with-ve-di-those from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, and the second - from your life-no-no- th experience.

The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) My mother and I recently moved to this house. (2) The most interesting thing here is the courtyard. (3) It’s big, green, and there’s room to play ball, hide-and-seek, and various other games. (4) The guys played almost every day, especially in the summer. (5) And I gradually became acquainted with them, and we all treated each other well.

(6) Then they began to appoint me as a referee in volleyball matches. (7) No one liked to judge, everyone wanted to play, but I was always welcome: how could I not help my friends?.. (8) And it happened that on the wide porch of a neighboring wooden house we played chess and lotto.

(9) Occasionally the guys came to my house. (10) They listened to records, played my railroad, chatted about this and that, but nothing serious.

(11) And the guys also loved it when I released paper pigeons from the balcony. (12) More precisely, these were not exactly pigeons. (13) I learned how to make birds out of paper that look like flying saucers.

(14) Completely round, only with a fold in the middle and a triangular beak. (15) They flew great, in smooth, wide circles. (16) Sometimes the wind lifted them to a decent height and carried them away from the yard.

(17) The guys were chasing every dove in a crowd - who would grab it first! (18) To avoid confusion, it was decided to say in advance which dove I was sending to whom.

(19) The fact is that I painted each dove with felt-tip pens. (20) On one he drew all sorts of patterns, on another - ships in the sea, on the third - fairy-tale cities, on the fourth - flowers and butterflies. (21) And all sorts of space pictures. (22) And a lot more - it turned out beautiful and interesting.

(23) The guys, of course, liked it, but I was still a stranger among them. (24) And suddenly I stopped wanting to let the doves out from the balcony.

(25) I did the last one and - I don’t know why - I painted the evening sky, the orange sun on the horizon and the road along which two boys are walking side by side.

(26) Although no, I knew why I drew this. (27) I wanted a friend to appear. (28) Not random, not for an hour when he drops by to play chess or listen to Paul McCartney, but real...

(29) I released the dove from the balcony, and the wind grabbed it and carried it away behind the poplar trees. (30) And I thought: someone will find it, guess it, come to me...

(According to V. Krapivin) *

* Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich (born in 1938) is a modern writer, journalist, author of books about children and for children, including science fiction.

Point out the mistaken judgment.

1) In the word ALIENS, all consonant sounds are hard.
2) In the word SO, the letter CH stands for the sound [w].
3) In the word LET UP, all consonant sounds are unvoiced.
4) In the word SERIOUS, the number of letters and sounds coincides.


The consonant Ch is always soft.

The correct answer is indicated under number 1.

These are human creations such as music, dance, literature, ballet, opera. Art helps a person, inspires him to various actions, thanks to which poetry, novels or plays appear. To prove my statement, I will give a couple of examples.

In the text offered to me by K.G. Paustovsky I find an example of real art. In sentences 16-36, the author describes the situation taking place in the house of an old woman. She was about to throw away the boards, which turned out to be very valuable art. “Something was scribbled on those boards, I don’t understand.” The old woman did not see anything beautiful or beautiful in them, although they were of historical value.

And in life you can find examples of real art. For example, this is the painting “Mona Lisa” by the great artist Leonardo da Vinci, painted in 1503-1506.

This painting aroused great delight among contemporaries, a huge amount of literature was dedicated to it, its fame was so great that various legends and myths developed around it.

Thus, we can conclude that art greatly influences a person, allows him to express his ideas and bring them to life.

Updated: 2017-05-17

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What is real art? I believe that real art is what is created by man, what inspires us, makes us enjoy life and look at the world differently. To prove my thoughts, I suggest turning to the text by M. Moskvina.

This excerpt tells how one boy and his dog named Keith “created” jazz. The boy actually realized that “jazz is not music, but a state of mind.” For the little boy, the most important thing was not money and popularity, but precisely the state that he felt while creating this music. For him it was real art.

As a second argument that could confirm my speculations, I would like to cite as an example Astafiev’s work “Tchaikovsky’s Melody”. This story tells about how one guy sat for a long time on the phone during wartime, he felt so bad that he even wanted, roughly speaking, to commit suicide.

Well, after some time, a friend called him, who, having learned about his friend’s bad mood, decided to exclude him from a beautiful melody. This melody gave strength to the guy, inspired him and drove away bad thoughts. As it turned out later, this melody was from Tchaikovsky’s collection. It was she who saved the life of a young guy.

Thus, real art is art that is like a powerful force, capable of touching the deepest corners of the human soul.

Updated: 2017-07-01

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We present to your attention several options for an argumentative essay with additional arguments.

Option 1

(244 words) What art can be called real? I believe that any work in which the author describes his vision of the world in its various manifestations. It doesn’t matter what serves as a means of expressing the thoughts and feelings of the creator: words, colors, sounds. The main thing is the author’s sincerity towards the viewer, his concern and ardor. Few people have the talent to create truly memorable works of art. To substantiate my point of view, I will give examples.

The argument can be the text of K. Paustovsky. It describes the laborious and exhausting process of writing musical works. To create real masterpieces, Tchaikovsky sat and worked for a long time without stopping. He tried to find inspiration in every rustle, in every echo of nature. Now everyone can say with confidence that Tchaikovsky’s compositions are an example of real art. His music is preserved in the souls of people living a hundred years after him, and is not going to disappear.

Another example is my own memories and impressions that I received from a trip to St. Petersburg. There I visited many museums, but most of all I was delighted with the Hermitage. Every exhibit, every painting, every tapestry or piece of furniture in the Winter Palace is an object of real art. Even the building itself in which the museum is located is an example of beauty and grace. Such a concentration of beauty in one place left incredibly vivid impressions in my soul.

For real art there is no such thing as time or space. It is eternal, it is capable of leaving a mark on every person, and it undoubtedly needs to be protected and preserved for posterity. Thanks to truly talented writers, artists, composers, and architects, today anyone can get their own piece of true art, and perhaps someday create their own masterpiece.

Option 2

(162 words) True art is one of the main components of human culture, because it can awaken feelings and emotions in everyone, shake the imagination, and change the worldview. True masterpieces do not leave us indifferent; they serve as guidelines and ideals for us.

The hero of the text was impressed by the beautiful engravings that he met while visiting the daughters of the artist Pozhalostin. Masterfully created works awakened the narrator's imagination and dreams. For a very long time he could not forget the look of the people depicted in those engravings. Thanks to the impression that the engravings made on the hero, he was able to save them, risking his own reputation.

In life we ​​also come across examples of real art. While working on illustrations for M. Lermontov’s work “The Demon,” the artist Vrubel went crazy. The devil described in the poem began to pursue him. Art changed his soul so much that he began to live more literary work than reality. This poem really evokes strong emotions, it is very powerfully written.

Thus, real art can have a direct impact on the minds and souls of people, change them for the better or worse, inspire or drive them crazy.

Additional arguments:

Example from life: Many artists did not feel public approval for their work. For example, to this day not everyone considers V. Mayakovsky a full-fledged poet. They say that he was not able to write poetry like all other poets due to lack of education and talent. But an attentive and understanding reader can find hidden thoughts, feelings, and images in Mayakovsky’s poems.

Example from the literature: Another example of the influence that real art has on a person is the story of I.S. Turgenev "Singers". Listening to the beautiful, deep, young voice of Yashka Turk, full of strength and joy of life, the narrator truly admires. He, like other visitors to the tavern, is greatly impressed by Yashka’s singing.

Real art is reflection human life, but everyone defines this concept in their own way, I think so. For a long time, masters and craftswomen lived and created in all corners of the Earth; they tried to pass on their experience to future generations with their creativity. Today we gain this knowledge at exhibitions, in museums, concert halls, we get acquainted with the world of art and its beauty. This is the real thing - but it is not only a reflection of beautiful thoughts, but also works of art, great creations that evoke emotions among the people. A person begins to perceive differently environment. And he likes to be in the world of fantasies and ideas, which help him escape from the turbulent reality.

The creators of art are ordinary people. Among them are doctors, teachers, carpenters, blacksmiths - there are no restrictions or rules among those who create, and what they create can be anything. Everyone experiences and experiences the world in their own way. For example, I also love photography and get great pleasure from this activity. For me, photography is not just about capturing a photo. interesting moments, but also the manifestation of oneself as a creative person. Since art is a human creation, it cannot personify evil or call upon humanity to fight it. It shows only beauty, calls for love and faith.
What is considered art are real masterpieces that people are interested in to this day. For example, the literature and music that we study at school is real art. But today we can say that our modern prose not everyone is inspired and cannot be called a masterpiece. But in the world of cinema and painting, everything has changed dramatically.

In principle, it is good when people are not afraid to express themselves in one or more directions, opening their inner world on display. But on the other hand, it becomes difficult to notice creators among ordinary people. Therefore, in our crazy world, it is possible that a person with a great voice works as an accountant. Quality to our contemporary art lacks.

I wonder how happy we would feel if art were not present in our lives. For example, without music. I don't mean those meaningless songs where the words don't connect at all.

Thus, real art can and should be perceived only with a pure soul and heart. After all, it captivates the spirit.

Grade 9, arguments, 15.3, text by Dombrovsky, Paustovsky, Khludov, how do you understand the expression Real Art, 70 words.

There are many examples in life and literature of how art helps humanity to live, prevent diseases, get rid of negative emotions, and also helps to cope with the most bitter troubles. Everyone chooses for themselves what they like: music, drawing, cinema, embroidery or performing on stage. For example, in the text by V.A. Oseeva, the miraculous properties of music, in particular the violin, are clearly expressed. Thus, the portrait of Yakov’s deceased wife made a huge impression on Yakov Ilyich’s son, Ioska. In turn, music helped Yakov Ilyich survive the death of his wife, while at the same time playing the violin gave Dinka the opportunity to take a fresh look at Yakov Ilyich.

In addition, worldwide known facts there is something that: the works of Bach increase intelligence, and the music of Beethoven brings peace.

Option 2

Art is the reproduction of reality through artistic images. Some make money from it and sell it. Others become cultural monuments. What is “real art”?

I think that real art is art that can directly touch a person’s soul, leaving pleasant emotions, sensations in it and generating the brightest feelings. True art enriches a person spiritually, that is: one person (artist, musician, writer) conveys his feelings and emotions to a second person - the listener, the reader. It goes from soul to soul.

As a rule, reminders of real art in modern world are called classics.

Thus, Romain Rolland said: Art can be called real only if it resonates in the heart...”

Next, let's look at the paintings. I am deeply touched and fascinated by works that depict the sea. I especially admire the work of I.K. Aivazovsky, because looking at his paintings, you seem to be moving to the sea, observing a sea storm and calm. I wonder what emotions were in his soul when he painted the painting “Storm”? What was he worried about? It will forever remain a mystery; we can only guess by looking at his paintings.

True art is a powerful force that influences a person and his soul.

Thus, real art is something that is passed down from generation to generation, something that brings people together and remains in memory forever. Our sadness when listening to music, tears when reading a book - all this is proof that a piece of real art has passed through us.

Essay 3

True art... does not sink in water and does not burn in fire! In fact, manuscripts don’t burn. This is something that persists through years, centuries. Mastery at its own level.

It will help in understanding if you talk about fake art. It is for money, often ordered by a crowd. They say that such art follows people (fulfills orders for furniture, pictures), and real art educates people, they themselves follow it. That is, if for money (they are simply the main goal), then the “artist” will do what the buyer likes. Real art creates something new that people could not even imagine. His works are made masterfully, which requires a lot of time and effort that a “craftsman” would not spend. It is unique, and fake art is often “stamped”, copies pictures that are in demand.

But sometimes real works of art were made to order, but money did not interfere with the quality of the work or inspiration. Often the creator simply lives with his painting or sculpture. He dreams about her!

Skill is important, of course, but it doesn’t solve everything. After all, there are pictures that even a five-year-old could draw. And the black square?! But the author said something new in art with this square.

And again, art is important in itself. And all these receptions around every little picture - Savor. And it's not the critics who choose best works, and not a crowd... But life itself, time. And it turns out that this is almost accidental. It is necessary that, for example, a painting remains intact for centuries. Not to gather dust in the attic, but to be looked at. That is, the luckier ones survive here!

In general, art is a difficult thing. It is important that there is no specific benefit from it, it is done for beauty, sometimes it conveys some kind of thought... No one will definitely say what is real art and what is not. And this profession is an art critic, but they still can’t figure it out. If they say anything, it will only be in a hundred years. Then it will be clearer... This is not yet the time for real art! The present can only be seen from a distance (in time, in the sense).

They also say (and it would be good) that such art makes people better. Then let there be more useful art like this.

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