Soso Pavliashvili personal life. Soso Pavliashvili's wife helped him cope with a serious illness

Soso Pavliashvili is a famous Russian and Georgian singer, whose biography is full of interesting events, and whose personal life only makes him envious. After all, Soso is not only a talented artist, but also the husband of a beautiful young singer and the father of three beautiful children.

Soso Pavliashvili was born in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, in 1964. The most famous songs in his biography are “To please,” “Let’s pray for our parents,” “Me and You” have already become part of not only Soso Pavliashvili’s professional career, but also his personal life.

Childhood and family

The full name of the popular singer is Joseph. Soso's father is architect Ramin Iosifovich, his mother is housewife Aza Alexandrovna. Soso's parents positively influenced his choice of future life path.

The path to a musical career lay through studying at the Tbilisi Conservatory. There the young student spent many pleasant and useful hours, and later the future idol of women recalled this time as the most wonderful time in his entire life.

Soso Pavliashvili in childhood and now

Finishing educational institution Soso was rightfully proud of himself - after all, he became the most successful graduate of the conservatory and retains this title to this day.

Music career

Few young people can boast of a positive attitude towards military service. Soso is one of these unique people. Pleasant memories of the years spent defending the Motherland are associated with the fact that it was in the army club that the artist first tried to perform on stage as a singer. And very successfully: this experience pushed our today’s hero to the idea that he needs to develop precisely in the role of a pop performer.

Soso Pavliashvili at the beginning of his stage career

After demobilization, an important chapter began in the biography and personal life of Soso Pavliashvili - he began performing as part of the legendary Georgian musical group Iveria, whose year of birth coincided with the assassination of Martin Luther King in the United States. Despite the difficult political situation of that time, the team gained fame throughout the entire Soviet Union. Over the course of a year of work in the ensemble, Pavliashvili gained experience and felt self-confidence, realizing himself as a professional singer.

Soso's next musical achievement was associated with the festival in Jurmala, where in 1989 the singer won and became widely known. This moment became a turning point in the artist’s life - now he signed contracts with many zeros, toured the countries of the former CIS and even began recording his songs.

As a result, by 1993 the singer had accumulated enough wonderful songs and was able to release his first studio album. It was this first record that brought the artist enormous success.

Soso Pavliashvili on stage

  • "Me and you";
  • “A Georgian is waiting for you!”;
  • “Remember the Georgian”;
  • "Caucasian".

In 2003, along with the release of the album “A Georgian is Waiting for You!” The singer’s career growth reached its peak. It is noteworthy that Soso writes most of the songs himself, which is why the oriental flavor and hot temperament of the artist are so clearly felt in them.

Pavliashvili is not only a popular singer, he also starred in various films and TV series, and therefore is also known to viewers in this role.

Soso and Irina Pavliashvili at the Comedy Club

Murder charges

In 2013, the famous artist faced the threat of legal proceedings - even an official warrant for the singer’s arrest was issued by law enforcement agencies in Tbilisi. Soso Pavliashvili was accused of the contract killing of his old friend, businessman Avtandil Aduashvili. In addition to the artist this case 6 more people were detained. As a result, the long proceedings against the singer were terminated, and all charges were dropped.

However, such stories do not pass without a trace. The singer and his wife recovered from the shock they experienced in connection with the initiation of a criminal case - after all, it was quickly closed.

But you can’t bring back your close friend... Soso Pavliashvili is sure that this was a deliberate provocation, and everything did not look as harmless as described in the press.

Singer Soso Pavliashvili

According to the singer, his own son-in-law gave testimony under pressure in which he accused Pavliashvili of financing this crime. Vakhtang Chhapelia, Soso’s son-in-law, emphasized that the singer had serious disagreements with his old friend, because Avtandil often lured a lot of money out of Soso through deceptive maneuvers. Because of this, as Vakhtang says, he and the artist decided to punish Aduashvili.

The singer himself claims that his son-in-law long ago abandoned this testimony, and Soso made a noble gesture by transferring a large sum of money to the family of the deceased.

Soso Pavliashvili

Personal life

During his personal life, the hot man Soso Pavliashvili had, as in the song, three wives and three children; his romantic relationships became one of the most tender pages in his biography.

Soso's first wife, Georgian Nino, gave him a son, Levan. The artist still maintains good relations with his first wife and enjoys communicating with his now adult son.

Soso Pavliashvili with his son

The singer’s second woman is Russian pop star Irina Ponarovskaya. Although the couple did not formalize their relationship, their love was strong enough and lasted for many years. For the third time, Pavliashvili fell in love with singer Irina Patlakh, and since 1997 he became her legal husband. They had two beautiful daughters, Sandra and Lisa.

Although Soso Pavliashvili looks like a hot macho, he can be called monogamous, because fans have never seen the artist surrounded by young beauties, and he himself diligently maintains the image of an exemplary family man.

Soso Pavliashvili with his wife Irina and daughters



If you mean a humorous question (I thought about it too), then Paviashvili’s daughter doesn’t have one, he full name Joseph, and that’s why Father Iosifovna’s daughters, and Soso is a shortened name from his native

If Soso had been his full name, I would have laughed at his middle name for a long time. But in fact (even fortunately) the name Soso is not full. A shortened name for Joseph. Thus, the middle name of all children is Soso Iosifovna or Iosifovich. Quite decent.

In Georgia, where the singer and composer Pavliashvili was born, boys named Joseph in childhood are usually called Soso for short, with the emphasis on the first syllable. This means that his two daughters’ official name will be Iosifovna.

This means his daughter will be Iosifovna.

In order to know your daughter’s homeland, you need to know a little Georgian language and Georgian traditions. Because among Georgians Soso means a shortened version of the name Joseph. Therefore, Elizaveta’s middle name (that’s her daughter’s name) is Iosifovna. Elizaveta Iosifovna.

Soso is a shortened name for Joseph. We can clarify this on sites with information about this singer. Accordingly, the middle names of his children are son Levan Iosifovich Pavliashvili, daughter Liza Iosifovna Pavliashvili and daughter Sandra Iosifovna Pavliashvili.

Among Georgians, the name Soso is usually a shortening of the name Joseph.

But it so often happens that artists and other show business workers take creative pseudonyms for themselves on stage.

Therefore, to know for sure, let’s turn to reference literature.

So, here is the information contained in Wikipedia −

To summarize: Soso Pavliashvili’s daughter will have a middle name - Iosifovna.

Soso is short for Joseph, which means the middle name of Soso Pavliashvili’s daughter will be Iosifovna.

At first, the question makes you smile. A not very euphonious possible middle name comes to mind, but this is only at the first moment. In fact, the name Soso is a shortened form of the full name Joseph. This is the name of the famous Georgian singer - Joseph Raminovich Pavliashvili. Accordingly, his daughter’s middle name will be quite familiar and euphonious - Iosifovna.

If someone thinks that Soso is the full name of Pavliashvili, then indeed, the patronymic of such a name in Russian will not be very euphonious.

But you can remember that Stalin was also called Soso, but in fact he is Joseph. Pavliashvili is also Joseph.

Patronymic on behalf of Soso

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What is the middle name of Soso Pavliashvili’s daughter?

Answers: 11

Among Georgians, the name Soso is usually a shortening of the name Joseph.

But it so often happens that artists and other show business workers take creative pseudonyms for themselves on stage.

Therefore, to know for sure, let’s turn to reference literature.

So, here is the information contained in Wikipedia −

To summarize: Soso Pavliashvili’s daughter will have a middle name - Iosifovna.

Soso is short for Joseph, which means the middle name of Soso Pavliashvili’s daughter will be Iosifovna.

At first, the question makes you smile. A not very euphonious possible middle name comes to mind, but this is only at the first moment. In fact, the name Soso is a shortened form of the full name Joseph. This is the name of the famous Georgian singer - Joseph Raminovich Pavliashvili. Accordingly, his daughter’s middle name will be quite familiar and euphonious - Iosifovna.

The question, as I understand it, is somewhat provocative. The name Soso corresponds to the name Joseph. Therefore, the middle name of the daughter of a famous singer will probably be Iosifovna. Joseph Raminovich Pavliashvili apparently chose his childhood name for his creative pseudonym, as it was easy to remember.

The real name of the singer and actor Soso Pavliashvili is Joseph. Soso (with emphasis on the first syllable) is a diminutive of Joseph, like ours, Sasha - Alexander, for example. So Pavliashvili’s children have a middle name Iosifovich/Iosifovna

If someone thinks that Soso is the full name of Pavliashvili, then indeed, the patronymic of such a name in Russian will not be very euphonious.

But you can remember that Stalin was also called Soso, but in fact he is Joseph. Pavliashvili is also Joseph.

This means his daughter will be Iosifovna.

In order to know your daughter’s homeland, you need to know a little Georgian language and Georgian traditions.

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Soso Pavliashvili

Soso Pavliashvili: biography

Soso Pavliashvili, whose full name is Joseph, is a very popular Georgian and Russian singer and actor. His most famous songs are “To Please,” “Me and You,” and “Let’s Pray for Our Parents.” What nicknames, epithets and titles he received from his ardent fans! Pavliashvili is called the king of oriental music, the knight of the mountains, the guardian angel, the tuning fork of Georgia...

Soso was born in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, in the family of architect Ramin Iosifovich and housewife Aza Alexandrovna. While still a preschooler, the boy entered a music school, where he began to master the violin. Hard work and many hours of practice yielded quick results: very soon the little musician began performing at regional and national competitions and festivals.

The violin really fascinated Joseph, so after graduating from music and secondary schools, he entered the Tbilisi Conservatory, specifically in the field of violin playing. But during his mandatory military service, Soso moved away a little from classical music and joined the stage. Therefore, after receiving a university diploma, he gets a job in the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Iveria”.

Soso Pavliashvili is a famous Russian and Georgian singer and actor, whose biography and personal life sometimes interests fans even more than his work.


Joseph Raminovich Pavliashvili was born on June 29, 1964 in the city of Tbilisi, the then Georgian SSR. Having moved to Russia early, Soso Raminovich has long been perceived as a Russian artist - moreover, most of the time he actually works in our country. His shocking image has remained one of the most striking on the Russian stage for many years.

It is not surprising that fans of Soso Pavliashvili are interested in any information about his biography and life, be it personal photos or last news his family. And today we have to understand - what do we really know about the famous singer?

Childhood and family

Soso's father, Ramin Iosifovich, worked as an architect. The mother of the future singer, Aza Alexandrovna, was a housewife almost all her life. Perhaps the fact that Aza Alexandrovna spent a lot of time with her son became paramount for the biography of Soso Raminovich. After all, it was thanks to his mother that the future performer began to study music.

When Soso was six years old, he already played the violin decently and even appeared at children's festivals and attended concerts for talented youth. Soso Raminovich is the case when the question of future career it didn’t last for a minute: by the time he graduated from school, he already knew exactly what fate he dreamed of.

Soso's only goal was to enter the prestigious Tbilisi Conservatory. No difficulties could prevent the talented applicant from passing the entrance exams, and soon Soso joined the student community.

Soso Pavliashvili in childhood and now

At the university, Soso showed himself to be a responsible young man who was able to work tirelessly - it was so important for him to achieve his goal. Subsequently, Soso Pavliashvili will tell you that during his university years he often did not get enough sleep, and there was no talk of building his personal life: he was so busy building his creative biography.

The work was not in vain: Soso Raminovich received the highest score in the final exams. To this day he remains one of the most famous students of the conservatory.

Soso Pavliashvili

After graduating from university, Soso joined the army. It was there that Soso (his colleagues knew him as Joseph) began performing in front of the public as a vocalist. Having once experienced incredible emotions from such contact with the audience, Soso firmly decided that he wanted to become a pop singer.

Music career

Returning from demobilization, Pavliashvili immediately had the opportunity to make sure that fate favored his wishes. The young man joined the Georgian ensemble “Iveria”, which enjoyed incredible popularity in the mid-seventies. In the Soviet Union, perhaps, there was not a single corner where they had not heard of the legendary group.

Soso Pavliashvili collaborated with Iveria for only a year, and after that they parted ways. However, during this time he managed to gain experience from more professional colleagues, increasing his knowledge and continuing to develop his talent.

singer Soso Pavliashvili

In 1989, Soso Raminovich went to Jurmala to prove to the whole world that he deserves to be a solo performer - and not an ordinary, “passing” artist, but a bright star. And he really soon shone on the domestic horizon, winning the main award of the music festival.

The victory in Jurmala became a turning point in Soso's life. He immediately received job offers, and soon the singer began touring the countries of the Union. By 1993, there were so many compositions in the artist’s repertoire that he decided to combine them in a studio album, which provided Soso Pavliashvili with even greater popularity.

Soso Pavliashvili on stage

Four years later, Soso Raminovich appeared on the big screens of the country, playing a role in the cult film “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio.” By this time, he had already completely left his native Georgia, moving to Moscow and receiving Russian citizenship. In 1998 and 2003, respectively, the albums “Me and You” and “A Georgian is Waiting for You” were released. After this, Soso Pavliashvili’s fame reached its peak, becoming unconditional and undeniable.

At that moment there was no one on the national stage who was similar in style or voice to the Georgian musician. Soso Pavliashvili's star burned as brightly as ever.

Soso Pavliashvili

Murder charges

As often happens, joyful days were unexpectedly overshadowed by tragic events. In March 2013, Soso's friend, famous businessman Avtandil Aduashvili, was found murdered.

The public was dismayed that the Tbilisi police had issued an official arrest warrant for the singer. Soso Raminovich was the main suspect in the case - it was believed that he could be the mastermind of the murder.

Soso Pavliashvili was accused of murder

At first, the investigation did not clarify the circumstances, but only further confused the investigators. The vortex of justice sucked in at least six more people, among whom was Soso Pavliashvili’s brother-in-law, Vakhtang Chkhapelia.

The proceedings dragged on for a long time, and the country followed the development of events with bated breath, trying not to miss a single detail of the complicated incident. The result was that the charges were dropped: Soso Pavliashvili was released.

Soso Pavliashvili

Personal life

All aspects of Soso Pavliashvili’s biography are surprising in their brightness, and, of course, the singer’s personal life could not be an exception. At the moment, there were three women in the artist’s life, relationships with whom can, it seems, be considered the most serious.

The singer met his first wife, Nino Uchaneishvili, in his homeland, even before his final move to Russia. It was in his marriage to her that Soso became a father for the first time. The year of birth of Soso Pavliashvili’s first son is 1987; the singer accepted such positive changes in his biography and personal life with great joy.

Soso Pavliashvili with his son from his first wife

However, the couple soon decided to divorce - the reason was a banal mismatch of characters. According to the performer, the former spouses still maintain friendly communication.

This was followed by a civil marriage. For a long time Soso Pavliashvili met and even lived with another Russian pop star, Irina Ponarovskaya. Violent passions were constantly boiling in the couple - after all, both Soso and Irina have strong, hot characters. It could not do without jealousy and quarrels. Perhaps this is why the couple never decided to go to the registry office.

Soso Pavliashvili married to Irina Patlakh

And since 1997, Soso Pavliashvili tied the knot with Irina Patlakh. The singer’s chosen one also has a musical background - for some time she was a backing vocalist in the Mironi group.

It seems that it can be argued that the biography and personal life of Soso Pavliashvili ultimately turned out well - in his last marriage he has two children, girls Louise and Sandra.

Soso Pavliashvili family
  • Most fans of Soso Pavliashvili are known as a singer, but he has more than twelve appearances in films and TV series.
  • In 1988, at the Winter Olympics, Soso Pavliashvili performed the composition “Suliko”. He was greeted with warm applause and shouts from an audience of more than fifty thousand people. This is where his growth as a great solo artist began.
  • In 2005, Soso Raminovich received the “Order of Patron” for his sincerity and selflessness. The singer continues to do charity work today.

Singer Soso Pavliashvili on stage

Soso Pavliashvili now

Soso Raminovic remains a sought-after singer and actor, and can often be seen on television. For example, the new year 2018 was marked by the participation of the performer in the project “ New Year on STS”, where Soso appeared with his beloved women - his wife and daughters.

Today, the family occupies a place of paramount importance in the biography of Soso Pavliashivli: he tries to devote more time to his personal life and children, as evidenced by numerous joint photos, full of smiles and happiness.

Soso Pavliashvili in the project “New Year at STS”

Soso Pavliashvili continues to perform concerts both in Russia and in former Soviet countries. Recently, information appeared on the Internet about a fight that the singer’s fans started before his concert in Baku, but everything ended well. The singer has plans for 2018 tour across Russia.

Songs performed by Soso Pavliashvili are incredibly popular among Russian listeners, especially among women. Today we will talk about where he was born, studied and how this artist got on stage. The article will also reveal details of his personal life.

Soso Pavliashvili: biography

He was born on June 29, 1964 in Tbilisi. Soso Pavliashvili's middle name is Raminovich. He is Georgian by nationality. What family was our hero brought up in? Let's start with the fact that his parents have nothing to do with music and stage. Father, Ramin Iosifovich, graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and worked in his specialty for many years. Mother, Aza Alexandrovna, was a housewife.

Many people think that Soso is a pseudonym. But that's not true. Soso - shortened version male name Joseph.


At the age of 6, our hero was enrolled in music school. In a short time, the boy learned to play the violin well. However, the neighbors were not happy with his hobby. Soso could spend hours rehearsing this or that piece.

At school, Pavliashvili got straight A's and B's. Unsatisfactory grades appeared extremely rarely in his diary. Teachers praised Joseph not only for his diligence, but also for his active participation in the life of the class and school. The talented boy performed at various school events - competitions, concerts and so on. He liked to hear loud applause from the audience in the hall.


After graduating from high school, Soso Pavliashvili entered the conservatory in his native Tbilisi. Among his mentors were the best teachers in Georgia. Pavliashvili was an ideal student. He never skipped classes, passed his tests on time and did not argue with teachers. In his final exams Soso received


It would seem that after receiving a diploma from the conservatory, the guy could begin to develop his musical career. But he decided to repay his debt to the Motherland. Pavliashvili went to serve in the army, although his parents dissuaded him from this step.

Joseph joined the stage in the army amateur club. The guy picked up the microphone and sang. Colleagues noted that he has a pleasant voice and perfect pitch. Our hero listened to their words and decided to pursue a singing career.

Star Trek

After demobilization, Soso Pavliashvili became a member of the Iveria musical group. In the 70s, this group was famous not only in Georgia, but beyond its borders. Talented guys toured major cities of the USSR.

In 1989, Joseph decided to become a solo artist. To demonstrate his abilities and capabilities, he went to a vocal competition in Jurmala. The professional jury highly appreciated his talent. Pavliashvili was recognized as the winner of the festival.

From that moment on, the young singer's career took off. In a short period of time, he signed several contracts with major recording studios. In 1993, it went on sale debut album Pavliashvili. The entire edition was sold out by Georgian fans.

Conquest of Russia

In the late 1990s, Soso began to often come to Moscow on tour. He felt at home in the Russian capital. And soon Pavliashvili decided to move there permanently. He plunged headlong into creativity.

In 1998, the first album, “Me and You,” was presented to Russian listeners. Several more records followed. The performer with a velvety voice timbre and a Georgian accent has found his niche on the stage.

In 2003, Soso released another album. It was called “The Georgian is Waiting for You.” During this period, the performer's career reached its apogee. Soso's songs could be heard literally from every window. Women went crazy from his voice.

To date, Pavliashvili’s creative collection includes more than 60 songs, 20 videos and 16 film roles. Wealthy fans invite him to corporate events, weddings and birthdays.

Personal life

Soso Pavliashvili is called the conqueror of women's hearts. And this is justified. There were many dizzying novels in his life. But none of them turned into a serious relationship.

The first woman Soso wanted to marry was Nino Uchaneishvili. In 1985, the couple got married. Numerous relatives and friends of the bride and groom were present at the celebration. In 1987, Joseph and Nino became parents. Their son Levan was born. Over time, the couple's relationship began to deteriorate. Soso lived in Moscow, and Nino lived in Tbilisi. In 2003, they officially filed for divorce. They managed to remain friends.

Since 1997, the singer has been living in a civil marriage with Irina Patlakh. At one time, the girl was a backing vocalist in the Mironi group. In December 2004, Irina gave Soso a charming daughter, Elizaveta. At that time, the famous Georgian had already divorced his former wife. In June 2008, Irina and Soso had a second daughter. The baby was named Sandra.

Famous singer Soso Pavliashvili spoke about his affair with Irina Ponarovskaya and the consequences of a terrible car accident.

“Ponarovskaya and I lit each other up”

In 1989, no one famous performer Soso Pavliashvili took the Grand Prix at the All-Union music competition in Jurmala. A year later, a hot Georgian guy burst onto the Russian stage. His patroness was popular singer Irina Ponarovskaya, who sat on the jury of the very competition where the novice performer had his first triumph. Behind her were two failed marriages and a child, the wounded female heart was inflamed with love for the temperamental Soso. They began to sing a duet, and rumor immediately married them.

“Ira made a big contribution to my development,” states the singer. – We did a lot for each other, we had a very stormy relationship, we lit each other up. Ponarovskaya became the queen next to me.

All Soviet Union talked about their romance, and at this time Soso’s legal wife Nino Uchaneishvili and his little son Levan were waiting in his native Tbilisi. This woman was the only one to date with whom Soso went to the registry office - they got married in 1986. She waited two years for him to get out of the army; Having returned, the Georgian macho proposed and, according to tradition, kidnapped the bride. In 1987, Levan was born to them. When the boy was three years old, his father left to conquer Moscow.

Pavliashvili’s son Levan was born in Tbilisi / personal archive

“I was in Tbilisi for three days a year - well, what kind of relationship can there be,” exclaims Pavliashvili. – When we got together, I was 19 years old, and Nino was 18 - young, hot, succumbed to euphoria. Then I went into the army, wrote her five letters a day. When I served, we got married, Levan was born, but I had to leave for Moscow, I had to build a career. She was only listed as my wife in my passport; we stopped living as husband and wife. In Moscow I had my own life with good and bad sides. Our separation is fate, it was necessary.

– He was credited with relationships with many famous singers. I was very jealous, I only told my husband about it once. He denied everything, but I understood everything,” Nino openly confessed in one of her television interviews. “At that time I couldn’t go to Moscow for my husband; I had a sick mother in Tbilisi, whom no one but me could care for.

While Nino still hoped to return the relationship, he already knew that a bold period could not be corrected with a comma. In the capital, passions were in full swing with Irina Ponarovskaya, who at that time was also married to urologist Dmitry Pushkar (the marriage lasted from 1986 to 1997 - Author).

“You and I - the candles don’t go out until the morning, you and I - and nothing else is needed,” Soso and Irina sang.

He shouted to her: “You, like my angel, will always be with me,” she sang along drawn out: “I am with you.”

This turned out to be one of the couple's last performances together; however, they sang together most often for the first three years, and in subsequent years they only repeated for encores in order to shed balm on the souls of the audience. In 2002, the duo finally broke up. Soon Ponarovskaya left the stage. She waited a long time for the cherished proposal from Soso, but it never came.

Irina Ponarovskaya and Soso Pavliashvili / personal archive

“Everyone went their own way.” If Ira had sung until today, I assure you, she would have been in the trio “Pugacheva - Rotaru - Ponarovskaya”. I am truly sorry that she left the stage. We haven’t seen each other for many years, and I don’t know anything about her fate.

– Do you regret that things didn’t work out with Irina?

- Of course not! I am now happy with my beloved wife and children!

After the breakup with Soso, there were no more men in Ponarovskaya’s life. She has become almost a recluse, rarely gives concerts and does not communicate with journalists. The singer devotes all her time to her 30-year-old son Anthony, who has become an artist. According to media reports, since 2010 the singer has spent most of her time in Norway, where her son and his wife live.

Soso’s ex-wife Nino also never got married after her relationship with the Georgian macho. Her son Levan became the main man in her life.

– When I was in Moscow, and he was in Tbilisi, we were just crazy about each other; if I came, my son did not leave me a single step,” recalls Pavliashvili.

In 2002, when Levan was 15 years old, Soso decided to take him to Moscow, fearing that away from his father he might fall into bad company. In the capital, he sent him to the Suvorov School. Now the singer’s son is engaged in the construction business.

I suffered from epileptic seizures for 7 years

For 19 years now, Soso has been living in a civil marriage with Irina Patlakh. They met when she was only 16 years old. The girl accidentally walked into Pavliashvili’s recording studio, met him there and asked him to rewrite one of the songs on a disc in order to sing it at the school graduation.

Soso Pavliashvili / Vladimir Chistyakov

– Until we were 20 years old, we were just friends, and then I announced to my parents that we would live together with Soso.

Irina’s relatives were shocked by the news that one of the country’s main womanizers, and this is precisely the role assigned to Pavliashvili, would become their daughter’s cohabitant. Over time, Soso found the key to their heart, and now he has an excellent relationship with Ira’s parents.

“Irochka appeared at a time when it was very difficult for me. . My extremely drunk friend was driving. He began to become wildly aggressive, and I understood that I couldn’t let him go alone. We drove home, and a woman in black with a child suddenly appeared on the road. No one understood where it came from; there was no crossing on this section of the road. The friend turned sharply to the side, and the car crashed into the curb at breakneck speed. A strong blow, and that’s it – he switched off. I woke up in the hospital, I had a severe concussion, and there was not a scratch on the driver. I was treated for a long time, I was regularly examined, and the doctors themselves allowed me to continue touring. A year after the accident, epileptic seizures began. I started going to church often. Apparently, God heard my prayers and sent me Irochka.

For 7 years the singer could not get rid of seizures, and it seemed that there was no way out...

Four years later, a second daughter, Sandra, appeared in the Pavliashvili family.

– I have a great responsibility - I have to make my girls happy, with God’s help, I hope this will work out.

From a womanizer to an ideal family man

The accident divided the singer's life into before and after. The hot, handsome man and reveler became a believer and an exemplary family man.

“Oh, how many women I’ve had before, and what kind of women it makes my hair stand on end,” Soso confesses. – Now in my life there is only Ira. I'm very happy that I have her.

Soso Pavliashvili with his son / personal Facebook page

“A white veil, like a white angel, will bring happiness,” Pavliashvili sang in his wedding hit, but he himself did not dare to say the cherished words: “Be my wife.” Soso’s chosen one has been in the status of “cohabitant” for almost two decades. On October 16, 2014, at a concert in Moscow, Irina and her two daughters appeared on stage with Pavliashvili. The singer knelt down in front of his beloved and presented her with a box with an engagement ring.

“Let’s do it, let’s have a wedding,” Soso waves it off. “We just don’t have the opportunity yet; we’re busy building a house.”

Three years ago, a singer, an hour's drive from the capital.

- My house is being built beautiful people“They pray first, and only then eat,” Pavliashvili is delighted with his builders. – I hope that we will be able to move there by the New Year. If this happens, then next year we will celebrate the wedding, unless, of course, Irochka changes her mind (laughs).

On two floors of the singer's house there are eight living rooms, a large living room, a veranda, a 15-meter Indonesian-style spa pool, and a corner with exercise equipment.

“And over time, I want to build a real Russian bathhouse on the site,” the singer shares his plans. – I’m not a supporter of huge pretentious palaces; on the contrary, I want a village house. I still dream about the Georgian village where I visited my relatives as a child. I will have a small house, the main thing is that I can feel it all.

"The doors of the house are always open for ex-wife»

Now Soso and his family live in luxury apartments near the center of Moscow.

Pavliashvili's common-law wife Irina with children / Anatoly Lomokhov

- I moved everyone here. Ira’s parents live in the next apartment, and son Levan lives on the floor above. My parents from Tbilisi often come to visit us, my mother cooks so well that during her stay I gain a lot of extra pounds. His mother Nino comes to visit Levan, we are on excellent terms with her, I respect this woman very much. My daughters love her very much, Ira found her too mutual language. The doors of my house are always open to my ex-wife.

– We celebrated in my restaurant in Moscow, this time there were not as many people as usual – 70 people. All our relatives came, my children, of course, were there. Among my colleagues, Igor Sarukhanov, Alexey Chumakov, Yulia Kovalchuk came (but, by the way, Irina Allegrova, with whom the singer sang a duet, did not come. - Author). My son gave me cufflinks, my wife gave me five hiking suits and backpacks for traveling. One confectionery company gave me a gift: a cake with a wolf pack on top: I am depicted as a wolf, Ira is a she-wolf, the children are wolf cubs. It was not a cake, but a work of art. When I asked how much I owed for such beauty, they answered me: “Soso, you have done so much for us, you help us so much in life with your songs, we won’t take a penny.” I was very pleased to hear this, but it’s just a pity that at my age I don’t even have the title of Honored Artist, but I should have been a people’s artist for a long time. But I have never asked anyone for anything and never will!