Reading fairy tales together is the goal. Reading fiction in kindergarten - introducing preschoolers to the wonderful world of books

On the role of fairy tales in raising children.

"The fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows"

Target: Reveal the meaning of reading fairy tales for children using your own narrative.
-show the importance of folk tales in the process of growing up;
- awaken the desire to read fairy tales to children;
- fostering love for the Motherland.
Vetrova Marina Aleksandrovna, Teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 4 in Tatarsk, Novosibirsk region.
Description: This work is addressed to high school students, students, educators, teachers and everyone who loves fairy tales. I advise parents to read it.

“Hello, my dear mother!
How do you live? How is your health? I recently saw the competition “Visiting a Fairy Tale” on the Internet and remembered how you read a lot to me as a child and told me different fairy tales and fairy tales. Remember, right?
Mom, you probably started reading me a fairy tale when I didn’t even speak yet, and was just a baby? I imagine how you held me in your arms and rocked me, telling me a story. Surely it was “Ryaba Hen”! I guess?!
Now I watch how my children go to bed and ask to read them a fairy tale... Mom, I was like that too and asked for a fairy tale? I think that many children do this, but we, as good and loving parents, take a book, choose the best fairy tale, sit down and read it to our beloved children.
Mom, you know, I really loved it when you talked about Ivan Tsarevich, about the heroes. Without even closing my eyes, I imagined them to be kind and brave. I believed that Dobrynya Nikitich must definitely defeat this evil Snake Gorynych, and Ivanushka will definitely be found by Alyonushka and the evil Baba Yaga will be lost. And Emelya is a fool, not a fool at all, but lucky - he caught a magic pike, and everything ended well for him - he married Princess Marya. Yes, you can’t think badly of people until you know better!
And the heroes often had to choose where to go: straight, right or left. And wherever he chose the path, there were obstacles everywhere before the good end came. Well, just like in life: everything good comes through difficulties and trials.
Mom, what is this happening? What did fairy tales prepare me for life? After all, I learn this from fairy tales.
And what did the fairy tale “Turnip”, which everyone knows by heart, and we often dramatize it even in kindergarten, teach me something too?!
Grandfather planted a turnip. It's time to clean it up. It's difficult for yourself. He began to call his family. And until everyone, even the most insignificant and seemingly unnecessary mouse, joined in, there would be no result. Yes, of course it’s obvious that only together they were able to pull out the turnip. And it also turns out: every person, even the most insignificant one, is important! Everything is like in life.
Mommy, but not every fairy tale had a good ending. For example, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” As a result, the old woman ended up again with nothing! How did this happen? And all because she didn’t want to change her character, she didn’t like people, she wasn’t happy with anything, and greed and insatiability became stronger than her. So she learned nothing and was left with nothing.
Mom, this also happens in fairy tales, among people. Well, weren’t they really read fairy tales when they were children?
Yes, Mommy, your fairy tales have taught me and are teaching me a lot. When I grew up and could read books myself, do you know what book became my most read? TALES of the peoples of the USSR! There, of course, there were already stories about love: how a hero saves his beloved and (well, as always) everything ends well for them. I began to believe and imagine that love is happiness. And indeed it is! After all, good people who are not refracted by evil and lies, but radiate goodness, light, tell the truth, they always have and will have a good ending.
Oh, mom, you know, I seem to live in the city, I have everything, but I’m drawn to the village. I want to go to the forest, to the Russian birch trees, to walk barefoot on the grass, to have the wind in my face and the smell of wildflowers! And in winter, how wonderful it is in winter! The river is freezing. I can imagine how people used to go to the ice hole to get water; Emelya with pike in a bucket; The wolf froze his tail while he was catching fish. And the frosts are so bitter!
Mom, I love Russia, I love its open spaces, its people, its songs, I love the fairy tales that you read to me!
Mom, I got it! By reading fairy tales to me, you wanted me to grow up to be a good person, to believe in goodness, in people!
Thank you, my dear mother!
Your daughter Marina"

P.S. Yes, this is not an article. This is my letter to my mother. But the conditions for the competition do not say how to talk about the educational role of fairy tales. This is my story about how fairy tales read to me had an educational effect. I really love my country. And I hope that fairy tales have not lost their magical effect on my children. Wait and see.
Thanks everyone!


teacher of senior preparatory group

MBDOU kindergarten "Rainbow"

Pugacheva Elena Sergeevna

Introduction……………………………………….…………………………………… 3

1.Goals and objectives of the work………………………………………………………..… 4

2. “Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales”…..………………………………………………………………………………...…. 5

3.1.Ways to form a culture of book perception.…….. ……………..... 7

3.2. Features of mastering fairy tales……………………………………..…… 8

Conclusion. ………….………….……………………………………………… eleven

Bibliography. …………………….……………………………………... 13

Applications. …………………………………………………………………… 14


Fairy tales are a kind of “educational system”

which includes moral, environmental, labor,

patriotic, mental, civic education, etc.

(T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva)

The problem of introducing preschool children to fiction is one of the most pressing, since, having entered the third millennium, society came into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, it is children who suffer first of all, losing touch with family reading. In this regard, pedagogy faces the problem of rethinking the value guidelines of the educational system, especially the system of preschool education. And here mastering the folk heritage, which naturally introduces the child to the basics of fiction, becomes of great importance. According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, “reading books is the path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds the way to a child’s heart.”

The pedagogical value of fairy tales is extremely great. Preschool children are read and told stories about animals. In fairy tales of different peoples and different times, there are images of a rustic-stupid wolf, a cowardly braggart hare, a bumpkin bear, a crafty flirtatious fox, a warlike rooster, etc.

Magic fairy tales are loved by older preschoolers. They unobtrusively teach the child to evaluate the deeds and actions of people in the light of the correct concepts of what is good and what is bad. Based on folk tales, literary fairy tales arose. They often intertwine elements of fairy tales about animals, everyday life and fairy tales.

The value of reading fiction is that with its help an adult can easily establish emotional contact with a child. The attitude towards fiction as a cultural value of oral creativity is the defining position of mywork.

Relevance : It is known that reading experience begins to develop from early childhood.

By instilling a love for books, we help the child to understand the world around him and himself in it, form moral feelings and assessments, and develop the perception of the literary word.

Every child’s acquaintance with literature begins with fairy tales, which accompany his entire childhood and remain with him for the rest of his life.

1. Goals and objectives of the work

Target: develop a sustainable interest in fiction.

Tasks :

    introduce the history of fairy tales;

    develop children's listening skills;

ability to know

ability to compare, contrast

ability to think in words

coherent speech





responsiveness and empathy;

    learn to compose fairy tales using Propp's cards;

    cultivate a love of fairy tales;

    careful handling of books.


- studying psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem;

- observing children in speech development classes and in independent activities;

Questioning of parents and children;

Analysis of creative activity products.

Direction of activity development: complex, speech, cognitive, visual, theatrical, musical.

2. “Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales”

It is difficult to imagine preschool childhood without books. Accompanying a person from the very first years of his life, fiction has a great influence on the development and enrichment of a child’s speech: it fosters imagination and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Listening to a familiar fairy tale, the child experiences and worries along with the characters. This is how he learns to understand literary works and through this is formed as a person.

Folk tales reveal to children the accuracy and expressiveness of language. However, a literary work is fully perceived only if the child is appropriately prepared for it. Therefore, it is necessary to pay children’s attention both to the content of a literary work and to its means of expression.

Already at an older preschool age, children are able to understand the content, idea and expressive means of language, and further acquaintance with literary works will be based directly on the foundation that adults (parents, educators) lay in preschool childhood.

Children's perception of literary works in preschool age is quite complex. Each child goes a long way from simple participation in the events depicted to more complex forms of aesthetic perception of a literary work. Aesthetic perception of a literary work occurs as a result of purposeful perception at a certain stage of development.

Growing up, children acquire the ability to analyze literary works, learn to convey certain content in the unity of its artistic form, and also actively master the means of artistic expression.

The significance of folklore is enormous: it has a cognitive, educational, and aesthetic influence on the child. It cannot be emphasized enough that folklore develops the ability to feel the melody, artistic form, and rhythm of the native language. The artistic system of Russian folklore itself is also unique.

In younger groups acquaintance with fiction is carried out with the help of literary works of different genres. At this age, children are taught to listen to poetry, fairy tales, and stories. Children are also taught to follow the development of action in a fairy tale and sympathize with the positive characters. Children are also attracted to works of the poetic genre, which are characterized by rhythm, clear rhyme, and musicality. Children begin to remember the text when they read it again (or repeat it many times). At the same time, the child’s speech is enriched with the most memorable words and sentences.

In the middle group Children continue to be introduced to fiction. The teacher draws the children's attention both to the content of the literary work itself and to some features of the language (some epithets and comparisons, figurative words and expressions). After reading (telling) fairy tales, it is necessary to teach children to answer questions related to the content of the work, as well as the simplest questions about the artistic form. It is very important to formulate questions correctly after reading. This is necessary in order to help children highlight the main thing - the main events of the work, the actions of the main characters, their actions and relationships.

In the older group When perceiving the content of literary works, children are taught to notice expressive means. By this age, they can already distinguish between genres of literary works and some specific features of each genre. In order for children to be able to understand and feel the artistic merits of a fairy tale and its deep ideological content, it is necessary that they fall in love with and remember poetic images for a long time. Questions about the read work should determine the child’s understanding of the main content, as well as the ability to evaluate the actions and actions of the characters.

In the preparatory group The teacher is faced with the task of instilling in children an appreciation for fiction, books, and the ability to feel an artistic image; develop a poetic ear (the ability to perceive sonority, musicality, rhythm of poetic speech), intonation expressiveness of speech. Reading literary works reveals to children all the richness of the Russian language and helps them begin to use this richness in independent creativity and everyday verbal communication.

Familiarization with fiction includes both a holistic analysis of the work and the implementation of creative tasks. All this has a positive impact on the development of children’s verbal creativity and poetic hearing.

3.1. Ways to form a culture of book perception.

To cultivate an interest in reading in every child and to teach him to treat books with care is one of the most important tasks of a teacher.

The implementation of the methodological development began with modeling a situation to identify the problem, and involved conducting a survey of children and parents.

Questionnaire for parents (see appendix).

Questionnaire for children (see appendix)

As a result of questioning parents and children, I understood how the child and parents understand a literary work.

The main distinguishing feature of a child’s perception of a work of art is the predominance of the “practical” over the “conventional”. The predominance of the “practical” over the “conventional” is the reason for the specific features of the child’s artistic perception.

In answers to questions, parents indicate different ages at which children become interested in books.

Based on the data obtained,lists of literary works for children aged 5–7 years were compiled (see appendix).

3.2. Features of mastering fairy tales.

Love for a fairy tale and interest in it arises in early childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. Much has been written about the role and significance of fairy tales in the formation of positive character traits and mental processes for preschool children.

A fairy tale penetrates into all types of activities of a child - a preschooler. It underlies visual activity (research by T.S. Komarova, N.M. Sokolnikova and others); musical activity (S.I. Bukatina, Sh.A. Vetlugina, O.P. Radynova, etc.); gaming (T.A. Antonova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, D.B. Elkonin and others). The fairy tale receives special attention in artistic and speech activities.

Almost all of the parents surveyed noted that in childhood they preferred fairy tales. Many features of a fairy tale are learned by children early, but not all of them.

IN work system With the fairy tale, I identified the following areas of activity:

    joint and individual work;

    classes with children to familiarize themselves with fiction;

    traditional folklore holidays and entertainment

In teaching and educational activities I use the followingmethods, techniques:

Making and guessing riddles . These tasks develop intelligence and observation. Children enjoy this game. They love to ask riddles they know, but they also come up with their own.

Reading by heart proverbs, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes . These tasks develop the skill of briefly, clearly, clearly and figuratively expressing your thoughts and at the same time the ability to capture poetry, melody, and rhythm of speech.

Coming up with definitions for a given word . Such tasks are aimed at developing the ability to use a given word in combination with others, since it is known that this often causes difficulties for children even if they misunderstand significant words.

Constructing words, phrases and sentences – is of great importance in the development of expressive speech in preschoolers.

Telling fairy tales to children . The child, learning the plot of the fairy tale and experiencing all the stages together with the hero, gets acquainted with possible life situations, forming, “cultivating” in himself the necessary skills to resolve and overcome them.

Retelling a fairy tale using flat theater – this task allows you to determine how emotionally and intonationally correctly the child perceives the heroes of the fairy tale. The purpose of this task is to think about the meaning of words, to strive to use them in such a way as to accurately characterize this or that feature, object, phenomenon.

Creative tasks on the content of fairy tales , it is necessary to ensure that the products of children's creativity can be used by children in the future; in play activities, in dramatizations of fairy tales, in everyday life.

Coming up with a fairy tale on a given topic – is offered to children who, according to previous research, have certain skills in composing coherent messages.

Dramatization of fairy tales . Through dramatization, the child becomes liberated and masters the skills of managing his behavioral reactions.

I use all these methods and techniques in the followingforms of work:

Collaborative and individual work . In free communication with children, it is possible to offer the type of activity that currently particularly attracts them. They develop and accumulate a certain amount of knowledge and ideas, introduce new words and terms, and get acquainted with possible life situations.

Classes for children to familiarize themselves with fiction are designed in such a way that fairy tale characters “come” to children’s classes, tell them something new and interesting, and offer them playful and creative tasks aimed at mastering practical material.

Traditional folklore holidays and entertainment as a result of the work done, where children reveal their creative abilities and knowledge in understanding the culture of their people. Holidays are important for children; this is where the connection between past and future, love for the homeland, one’s people, its customs and traditions is felt.

The result of the work with a fairy tale is:

    Children’s ability to resolve conflict situations;

    use of fairy-tale situations in free play activities;

    replenishing the book corner with new and interesting fairy tales;

    active participation of children in folklore events;

    formation in the child of a position of caring attitude towards the world around him;

    instilling love for one’s history and Motherland;

    mastering the skills of relationships with the world;

    assimilation of universal human values ​​and moral values ​​of culture;

    formation of an active life position. Some children are careless with books; they are used to their abundance. The book has even ceased to be a welcome gift, so work on cultivating interest in the book must begin in the younger group.

In my classes I teach children to correctly perceive and understand literary words. Familiar literary works are placed in the book corner, and each child can come up, watch their favorite fairy tale, and talk about it with their peers.
To arouse interest in books, we use toys to act out scenes from works of art, and conduct didactic games like: “What book is this from?”, “Who said that?” (Kids guess words and dialogues from familiar fairy tales, poems, recognize books by their covers.)
When working with children, special attention is paid to the contents of the book corner, which contains: books recommended by the program; sets of postcards related in content to the themes of fairy tales, literary works, cartoons; games for speech development: “Finish the fairy tale”, “Recognize the hero”, “Pick up pictures”; portraits of writers and poets; children's drawings based on their favorite works.
Thematic exhibitions “Funny Books”, “Books about Our Country”, etc. are periodically organized. Children also take part in their organization. Book characters come to life in the drawings and modeling of preschoolers. I make albums from the best drawings and prepare exhibitions of crafts for the book corner.

Older preschoolers show great interest in fairy tales and perceive them meaningfully. But mostly their knowledge and impressions are based on material from television programs.

The lack of rich literary and life experience limits the creative and speech capabilities of children.

Parents do not pay enough attention to this problem. Special work is needed to develop creative storytelling skills based on familiarity with fairy tales and fiction, and their analysis.

The work carried out in the system to introduce children to book culture produces tangible results: children know and follow the rules for handling books. I hope that this interest will grow, and I will apply all my knowledge and strength to this. After all, teaching to understand and love a book means teaching to think and feel.

Reading is a national problem, and the spiritual health and future of the nation depends on its condition. Reading is seen as a sensitive indicator of the state of society.

Children's reading is an indicator not only of the state of society, but also of society's attitude towards its future.

That's why I explain to parents and teach children to love books and show interest in reading.

In our country, the problem of children's reading has not been recognized in recent years as an important task and due attention has not yet been paid to the problem of “Child - book”. Based on my experience working with preschool children, I came to the conclusion that children’s reading needs to be paid special attention and parents should be actively involved in this.


    Alekseeva M.M., Ushakova O.S. Interrelation of tasks of speech development of children in the classroom // Education of mental activity in preschool children. - M, 2003. - pp. 27-43.

    Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for preschool children. – M.: Education, 2004. – 213 p.

    Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: A manual for kindergarten teachers. - M.: Education, 2005. – 160 p.

    Borodich A.M. Methods of speech development for preschool children. - M.: Education, 2004. - 255 p.

    Gerbova V.V. Work with plot paintings // Preschool education - 2005. - N 1. - p. 18-23.

    Gerbova V.V. Composing descriptive stories // Preschool education. - 2006. - N 9. - p. 28-34.

    Gritsenko Z.A. Tell your children a fairy tale... Methods for introducing children to reading. – M.: Linka-Press. 2003.

    Elkina N.V. Formation of speech coherence in children of senior preschool age.: Author's abstract. dis....cand. ped. Sci. - M, 2004. – 107 p.

    From birth to school. Training program. education and development of a child in kindergarten / Ed. NOT. Verax,

M.A. Vasilyeva. T.S. Komarova // Preschool education. No. 1-12.


    Speech development of preschool children: A manual for kindergarten teachers / V.I. Loginova.A.I. Maksakov.M.I. Popova and others; Ed. F. Sokhina. – M.: Enlightenment. 1984.

    Tikheyeva E.I. Children's speech development. / Ed. F. Sokhina. - M.: Education, 2005. - 159 p.

    Shvaiko G.S. Games and game exercises for speech development / Ed. V.V. Herbovaya. -M., 1983.


Questionnaire for parents

“Organization of home reading in families”

Dear parents, please answer the questions in the questionnaire.

Your opinion is very important to us.

    Do you have a library at home, what is it like?

a) several bookshelves; b) bookcase;

c) shelves with books; d) other ____________________________

    Does your child have his own bookshelf or corner with books?

a) yes; b) no.

    Do you and your child visit a children's library?

a) often; b) no, we are not recorded and we don’t even know where it is;

c) no, we don’t visit for another reason: __________________________

    Do you often read books to your child?

a) every day; b) every day before bed;

c) when asked; d) sometimes.

    Please name your child’s favorite books: __________________________________________________________

    Please name a few works you have recently read to your child:_________________________________________________

    Do you talk with your child about what you read?

a) yes; b) no; c) sometimes.

    Can your child name the books he recently read with you?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

    What names of poets and writers does your child know? ______________________________________________________________

    Can your child retell a passage from a favorite book?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

    Do you subscribe to children's magazines? Which? ______________________________________________________________

    At what age do you think a child should learn to read? ________________

a) yes; b) no.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Questionnaire for children.

    What is your name? What is your last name? How old are you?.

    Do you like books? (Not really)

    What do you like more – what is read to you (text) or pictures (illustrations)? (text, illustrations, both)

    How do you listen to adults read? (I like to listen to different interesting books, even if they have few pictures; I like to listen only when there are a lot of pictures in the book).

    How do you look at pictures? (before reading, you ask to show it while reading, you can just listen and look at the pictures after, you don’t pay attention to the illustrations)

    Do you have books with black and white drawings at home or in kindergarten? (Not really)

    Which pictures do you like best? (color, black and white, both)

    Do you want to color black and white illustrations in a book? (Not really)

    Who writes books?

    Name some writers or poets.

    Who draws pictures in books?

Do you think the illustrations in different books are drawn by the same person or

different? (same, different, don’t know)

What do you think comes first - the text or the pictures? (text, pictures, not

    Name some artists.

    Do you like to draw? (Not really)

    Do you draw pictures for the books you read? (often, no, sometimes)

Remember what books you drew pictures for. If you rarely draw or don't draw

according to books, although in general you like to draw, then why does this happen? I want to

Is it possible to draw in a book without pictures? (Not really)

    What do you draw with? (colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, pencil, pen)

Abstract of GCD on fiction in the preparatory group “Journey through Russian folk tales”

Goal: To systematize children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales through a game - a journey.

Priority educational area: “Reading fiction”

Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Safety”, “Health”, “Physical education”, “Music”.

Types of children's activities: Play, Communicative, Musical and artistic, Motor.

Educational objectives:

1. Create a desire to learn a fairy tale according to the assignment. (NGO "Fiction")

2. Strengthen the ability to convey the structure of a fairy tale using modeling. (NGO "Fiction")

Developmental tasks:

1. Develop imagination, fantasy, thinking. (OO "Communication").

2. Ensure the development of free communication with adults and children. (OO "Communication").

3. Contribute to the development of all components of speech activity (OO “Communication”).

Educational tasks:

1. To develop an interest in reading, a love of oral folk art, to introduce verbal and musical art and the rules of safe behavior. (NGO “Music”, “Safety”).

2. Contribute to the formation of the skill of negotiating with each other and acting in concert. (NGO "Socialization").

Wellness tasks:

1. Relieving visual tension (gymnastics are performed for the eyes, and to relieve muscle and nervous tension (physical exercises). (NGO “Health”).

2. Ensure children’s physical activity throughout the entire lesson (NGO “Physical Culture”).

3. Promote the formation of a healthy lifestyle. (NGO "Physical Culture").

Methods: Game, verbal, practical, visual.

Techniques: Surprise moment, use of TSO, showing methods of action, telling a story, making and guessing riddles.

Vocabulary work: Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise.

Materials: Toys for riddles, the game “Fold a Fairy Tale” (cut-out pictures, the game “Turnip” and “Teremok” (cards-schemes, a disk with Russian folk tales, a storyteller costume for the teacher.

Equipment: Audio recording with melodies, a stand with books of Russian fairy tales, a laptop, a disk with the fairy tale “How Kolobok was looking for friends,” a disk with a quiz on Russian fairy tales, tables, chairs.

Pedagogical technologies: Socio-game elements, personality-oriented, health-saving, TRIZ elements.

Preliminary work: Educational activities during regime moments - Reading fairy tales: “Turnip”, “Teremok”, Mitten, Teremok, Kolobok, Geese-swans, Masha and the Bear, Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf, Marya Morevna, Light Moon, Snow Maiden and other fairy tales.

independent activity of children - making, together with parents, aids for dramatizing fairy tales.

Quiet music is playing. Children pass by and stand in a circle.

The ritual of the beginning of GCD:

We stand, hand in hand,

Together we are a great force

We can be small

Can we be big?

But no one will be alone.

There was a knock on the door and they brought a letter from Skaza Rasskazovna.

Educator: (reading the letter). Hello, children, I am Skaza Rasskazovna, I was bewitched by Baba Yaga, save me, complete all the tasks that she sent you. Thank you in advance. "Guys, let's help. I love fairy tales very much. Do you, children, like fairy tales? (children's answers)

Children. Yes. We love you. Like very much. And we will help.


Educator. Here's the first task. - How can you say about a fairy tale, what is it like?

Children. Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise, etc.

Educator. Well done boys. Everything that is created by the mind

Everything the soul strives for

Like amber at the bottom of the sea,

Carefully stored in books.

Educator. Here's your second task. - Remember the proverbs about the book.

Children. A house without a book is a day without sun.

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

A book teaches you to live, a book should be treasured.

A book is a small window through which you can see the whole world.

A book is to the mind what warm rain is to sunrise.

The book is small and inspiring.

The book will help you in your work and help you out in trouble.

Educator. That's right, we did it.

From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.

A good book shines brighter than a star.

Finger gymnastics “Favorite Tales”

(Children bend their fingers one by one and clap their hands for the last line.)

Let's call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok,

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

Three bears, Wolf - Fox.

Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,

Our prophetic kaurka.

We know the fairy tale about the firebird,

We don't forget the turnip

We know the Wolf and the kids.

Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.

Educator. Why are they called folk?

Children: Because they were composed by the Russian people.

Educator. Right. Here's your third task. - And so, you and I will go on a journey through Russian folk tales.

Let's go friends

Into a miracle fairy tale - you and me

To the theater of puppets and animals,

For girls and boys!

There is a magic screen here,

There are countless fairy tales here!

(Quiz on the computer “Russian folk tales”)

Educator. And you completed this task.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

We open our eyes - once,

And we close our eyes - two.

One two three four,

Opening your eyes wider

And now they have closed again,

Our eyes were rested.

Educator. And here is the fourth task. Stand in a circle together

We need to play fairy tales!

Physical education minute “Fairy tales”

The mouse ran quickly (running in place)

The mouse wagged its tail (imitation of movement)

Oh, I dropped the egg (bend over, “pick up the egg”)

Look, I broke it (show “testicle” with outstretched arms)

Here we planted her (bend over)

And they poured water on her (imitation of movement)

The turnip grew nice and strong (spread your arms to the sides)

Now let’s pull it (imitation of movement)

And we’ll make porridge from turnips (imitation food)

And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show “strength”)

We are a nice family of little goats

We love to jump and gallop (bouncing in place)

We love to run and play

We love to butt heads

(become in pairs and index fingers of both hands

show "horns")

Educator. Around us here and there

Different fairy tales live on.

There are riddles in the clearing

Guess without a hint

Call it, dare

These fabulous friends!

Here's the next task. (He makes riddles, I, the children find the answer among the toys and show it)

1. The beautiful maiden is sad,

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun

The poor thing is shedding tears.

Snow Maiden

2. A woman rides on a broom in heaven and on earth, Scary, evil, who is she? Baba Yaga

7. Once upon a time there were seven guys

Little white goats.

The gray one tricked his way into the house.

The goat then found him,

I was able to outsmart him.

And she saved all her children.

3. At Alyonushka's sister's

The birds took my brother away.

High they fly

They look far away

Swan geese

4. An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin.

Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty? Princess Frog

5. Her grandfather planted her in the field

The whole summer grew.

The whole family pulled her

It was very large.

6. It was mixed with sour cream

Baked in a Russian oven.

Met animals in the forest

And he left them quickly.

Educator. All the riddles were solved and all the heroes were named. Well done.

Koschey was visiting yesterday

What have you done, just - Ah!

All the pictures are mixed up

He confused all my fairy tales

Puzzles you must collect

Call it a Russian fairy tale!

Educator. But we will definitely cope with this task. (Children collect a picture of a fairy tale from the puzzle and name it).

Fairy tales: Geese-swans, Masha and the bear, Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf, Marya Morevna, Light the Moon, Snow Maiden.

The teacher at this time reads the verse:

It's hard to put together a fairy tale,

But we don’t need to bother.

Friendly, brave and skillful

We got down to business with you!

Educator. Well done! We managed to put it together!

Koshchei's tricks have been overcome!

And now you will separate

Form into two teams.

Let's remember fairy tales

We'll play fairy tales.

Look at the fairy tale “Turnip”

And help the heroes.

They need to get them a turnip,

Who should stand behind whom, where?

This is the fairy tale "Teremok"

He is neither short nor tall.

And he’s waiting for his tenants,

Who will come here for whom?

Educator. Here's another task. (Children, using cards-schemes, sequence the chain of heroes of the fairy tales “Teremok” and “Turnip”)

We managed to cope quickly,

And they sat quietly on the chairs.

Educator. With skillful hands,

For intelligence and ingenuity

I want to say thank you!

To those who worked

To those who tried

I’ll show everyone my gift now.

Educator. You completed all the tasks very quickly, and Skaza Rasskazovna sent you this fairy tale as a gift.

(Children watch a fairy tale

“How Kolobok looked for friends” on the computer)

Believing in a fairy tale is happiness.

And to those who believe

A fairy tale is a must

He will open all the doors.

What did you do?

What was interesting?

What caused difficulties?

GCD ending ritual:

"Let's be friends with each other,

Like a bird with the sky, like a field with a plow.

Like the wind with the sea, grass with the rain.

How the sun is friends with all of us! »

(Children say goodbye and go to the group).

Project type: research and creative.

Project duration: long-term.

Project participants: children of preschool groups, teachers, parents of pupils.

Educational Areas Covered: communication, cognition, reading fiction, socialization, work, artistic creativity, music, physical education, health, safety.

Relevance of the project: It is known that reading experience begins to develop from early childhood.

By instilling a love for books, we help the child to understand the world around him and himself in it, form moral feelings and assessments, and develop the perception of the literary word.

Unfortunately, there is currently a problem - children do not like to listen to or read fiction, but they are very passionate about computer technology. Therefore, I decided to combine the problem with the hobby by developing a project to introduce children to fiction through reading fairy tales using computer equipment.

Every child’s acquaintance with literature begins with fairy tales, which accompany his entire childhood and remain with him for the rest of his life.

Project goal: to develop a sustainable interest in fiction.

Project objectives:

  • introduce the history of fairy tales;
  • develop children's listening skills;
  • ability to know;
  • ability to compare, contrast
  • ability to think in words;
  • coherent speech;
  • thinking;
  • attention;
  • memory;
  • imagination;
  • responsiveness and empathy;
  • learn to compose fairy tales using Propp's cards;
  • use interactive equipment;
  • cultivate a love of fairy tales;
  • careful handling of books.

Long-term plan for working with children and parents


1. Survey of children on the topics “My favorite fairy tale” and “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

2. Questioning of parents “Reading fiction at home”

3. Speech at the teachers' council in order to attract kindergarten teachers and students from their groups to the project.

4. Watch books with fairy tales in a group with children. Conversation on the topic “Careful storage of books.” Carrying out the game “Book Hospital”.

1. Introduction to the history of the creation of fairy tales by “Auntie the Storyteller”

2. Computer presentation “Museum of Russian Fairy Tales in Moscow”

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “Teremok”, “Wolf and Fox”, “Hare and Hedgehog” by the Brothers Grimm, “Little Baba Yaga” by O. Preusler

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Mouse, Fox, Baba Yaga, Hedgehog

1. Parent meeting “The role of fairy tales in a child’s life”

2. Literary lounge “The Work of Alexander Pushkin”

3. Master class on soap making “Rukavichka”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “The Braggart Hare”, Ukrainian folk “Rukavichka”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” and “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty hero Guidon”

A. Pushkin

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Hare, Bear, Princess, Bogatyr Guidon

1. Introduction to book publishing – computer presentation “Book Production”

2. Computer presentation “Museum “Glade of Fairy Tales” in Ukraine”

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tales “Turnip”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, English fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, “Thumbelina” by H.-K. Andersen

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with characters (by week): Grandmother, Hare, Piglet, Thumbelina

1. Literary lounge “Creativity of A. Lindgren”

2. KVN with parents “My favorite fairy tales”

3. Master class on soap making “Masha and the Bear”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “Little Fox and the Wolf”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Carlson Who Lives on the Roof” and “The Princess Who Doesn’t Want to Play with Dolls” A. Lindgren

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with characters (by week): Wolf, Masha, Carlson, Princess

1. Computer presentation “Museum of Astrid Lindgren’s Fairy Tales”

2. Physical education “Journey through fairy tales”

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”

4. Making “Baby Books with Fairy Tales”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tales “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “The Frog Princess”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Kolobok”

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with characters (by week): Alyonushka, Frog, Rooster, Kolobok

1. Literary lounge “Creativity of Pyotr Ershov”

2. Master class on soap making “Feather of the Firebird”

3. Holding a competition and designing an exhibition of joint drawings by children and parents “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “At the Pike’s Command”, “Koshey the Immortal”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P. Ershov

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Wolf, Emelya, Koschey, Ivan

1. Literary lounge “The Work of Charles Perrault”

2. Re-enactment of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” with the participation of parents

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tale “The Cockerel and the Beanstalk”, “Cinderella”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Puss in Boots” by Ch. Perrault

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with characters (by week): Rooster, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Cat

1. Awarding the winners of the drawing competition “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

2. Presentation of the project for parents

3. Final event - a project using the interactive board “Journey through Fairy Tales” (Mimio Studio program)