Method of using sesame. How is sesame beneficial for the body and how to take it? If you have gastritis and constipation

Sesame or sesame is a herbaceous plant belonging to the category of annuals. Its fruits are small seeds of different shades: from deep black to chocolate. There is no such thing as snow-white sesame - the white seeds we are accustomed to are grains that have been peeled.

Sesame is one of the most popular oriental spices, which has a unique sweetish taste. Thanks to this, it has become widely used in cooking: sesame goes well with red meat and vegetables, and is sprinkled on fresh bread and unsweetened buns. A large number of components also allows the seeds to be used for medicinal and preventive purposes.

Black and white sesame: what's the difference?

There are two main types of sesame available for sale: white and black. They are distinguished not only by color, but also by taste and beneficial properties.

Black sesame, unlike white sesame, is not peeled, which contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutritional components. Therefore, it is much healthier than white. It mainly grows in southeast Asia, Japan and China. Black sesame produces high-quality oil with a rich taste and aroma. At the same time, it does not take all the attention to itself, but only highlights the other ingredients in the dish. Therefore, it is most often used for seasoning side dishes, sauces and marinades. In the East, it is black sesame that is used for medicinal purposes, since all the main components that improve the human condition are located in the outer shell of the seed.

White sesame also contains unique oils and has a pleasant neutral taste with a subtle nutty note. This is a peeled seed, which in 90% of cases is used in cooking as an external decoration for desserts, sushi or side dishes. The main importing countries of shelled sesame are El Salvador and Mexico.

Calorie content of sesame

Almost all plant seeds have a high energy value, since they contain predominantly fats. This is especially true for flax and sunflower seeds - their fat percentage can exceed 50-60% per 100 grams. Sesame is also considered a high-calorie product - 50 grams have 280-300 kcal, and the fat content reaches 55%.

In addition to the high concentration of fats, its composition is dominated by saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for nutrition and cell restoration. A unique feature of sesame is the presence of a unique substance called sesamin, which is considered a natural antioxidant. It prevents early skin aging and fights free radicals, which are the root cause of oxidative stress.

How to choose and store sesame correctly

When choosing sesame, pay attention to the condition of the seeds, whether they are intact and not glued to each other. To do this, it is better to buy it in a sealed bag. The seeds should not taste bitter and should not have any strange aftertaste.

As for storage rules, black sesame is more unpretentious in this matter. It lasts longer even if it remains in the manufacturer's packaging. But it is better to pour it into a glass or enamel container with a lid. Sesame does not like moisture and sun.

The shelf life of white (hulled) seeds usually does not exceed several months, because it quickly loses its natural taste and begins to become very bitter. To prevent this, store it in the refrigerator. In this case, it will not lose its taste and benefits for six months.

  1. Sesame contains thiamine, which is necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Beta-sitosterol present in sesame is responsible for lowering cholesterol. It prevents blockage of blood vessels and is useful for the prevention of many diseases.
  3. The composition of this unique seed includes amino acids, which are building materials for organs and systems.
  4. Sesame is also rich in vitamin E, which promotes youthful skin. It is an essential vitamin responsible for maintaining optimal functioning of the body. It normalizes the functioning of the female and male reproductive system, affects the endocrine and nervous systems. Being a powerful antioxidant, it protects cells from damage by free radicals.
  5. Sesame is an excellent remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis. It has a record concentration of calcium - 100 grams of the product contains 750-1150 mg of the mineral. For comparison: 100 grams of cottage cheese contains only 125 mg of calcium. The body needs it for pregnant women, children, and the elderly, since it is the main building material and participates in the processes of restoring the structure of bones, hair, and teeth. For pregnant women, its daily dosage should not exceed 30 grams.
  6. Black sesame is enriched with phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, iron and other minerals involved in blood formation and immunobiological processes.
  7. Phytoestrogens contained in sesame are especially useful for women over 50 years of age. It is considered a natural alternative to female hormones, and is therefore indispensable during menopause.
  8. One of the benefits of sesame is its high concentration of vitamins A, C, and B. Retinol is involved in the regulation of protein synthesis and is necessary for the normal growth of new cells. Without it, the normal functioning of the immune system is impossible. B vitamins improve skin condition and intestinal function, strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

Sesame contraindications

Despite the enormous benefits that sesame can provide to health, its use can also be potentially dangerous. Since one of its properties is improving blood clotting, people with thrombosis should avoid it.

Sesame is also prohibited for people diagnosed with sand and kidney stones, as it can provoke their movement.

To get the maximum benefit from a product, you need to eat it correctly. Regardless of the variety, you need to buy only live sesame that has not been subjected to special processing. Checking this is quite simple - living grains can germinate. To do this, it is not necessary to use professional germination equipment. Place slightly damp gauze folded in several layers on a regular plate. Pour 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds on top of it and cover it with the same slightly damp gauze. Place the plate with sesame for several days in a dark place that is not exposed to sunlight (in a kitchen cabinet or oven). If within 2-3 days the first sprouts begin to appear from the seeds, then it is natural, safe for consumption sesame.

Sesame seeds are best absorbed when slightly heated and soaked. The roasted seed is already deprived of any beneficial properties, and is more likely to simply enhance the taste of the dish than to replenish the vitamin or mineral deficiency of the body.

Sesame should be chewed slowly and try not to subject it to strong heat treatment unnecessarily. Based on these considerations, nutritionists recommend pre-soaking the seeds in water - this will make them much easier to survive. For these purposes, you do not need to take too much liquid - for 1 full teaspoon of sesame, take 100 ml of water.

The optimal amount of sesame for an adult is up to 3 teaspoons per day. Do not use the product in the morning or on an empty stomach. This can trigger an attack of nausea and excessive thirst.

Sesame serves as an excellent dressing for salads and meat; it is used to decorate baked goods and added to dough. In oriental cuisine it can be found as part of special desserts, such as kozinaki or halva.

Unique features of sesame oil

The oil obtained from sesame seeds is also considered incredibly beneficial for the body. It is used for medical purposes, cosmetology and as an alternative to traditional edible oils. It has been clinically proven to be effective as a detoxifier and laxative. It moisturizes the intestinal mucosa, indirectly improving its peristalsis.

Sesame-based oil is an affordable product for any woman to care for aging facial skin. It copes well with fine wrinkles, restores tone, moisturizes and nourishes the epithelium. The unique substances included in its composition relieve redness and even out the complexion.

Hairdressers recommend sesame oil to regenerate dry hair roots and ends. To do this, just rub a small amount of it (up to 2 teaspoons) systematically into the scalp. Of course, it, like any other oil, will have the effect of dirty hair. To get rid of it, you need to select the optimal amount and wash your hair with shampoo after the procedures.

Many manufacturers use organic sesame oil to enrich tanning products because it is not UV resistant.

Sesame is a widespread product that will be a good addition to any dish. You can sprinkle it on boiled rice, meat and salads - it will enrich their taste. Due to its nutritional value, sesame can become a staple ingredient in vegetarian cuisine.

If you want to get maximum nutrients with food, forgetting about synthetic vitamins, then adding sesame to your diet is an excellent solution. Eat it daily, thoroughly savoring and chewing each grain.

Video: benefits of sesame

Sesame is considered to be the most important Pancake week plant. Its main purpose is to obtain sesame oil. In practice, sesame seeds are often used in cooking as a decoration for baked goods, an addition to salads and vegetable dishes. Without sesame it is difficult to imagine most sweet desserts, in particular halva. However, sesame, or sesame as it is also called, has a number of beneficial and even harmful properties that will be interesting to learn about.


Method 1: In medicine

Both sesame seeds and the oil itself are used to treat various diseases and as a general tonic.

The benefits of sesame for the body are due to the high content of vitamins:

Sesame seeds also contain your daily requirement of calcium. There are 783 milligrams of this substance per 100 grams of product. In addition to it, sesame contains minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc, without which the normal functioning of the human body is impossible.

There are many ways to use sesame in medicine:

Method of use 1: For the treatment of colds

  1. Sesame oil should be heated in a water bath to a temperature of 36-38 degrees Celsius. Before going to bed, rub the oil into the skin of the patient’s chest, then insulate the chest, covering it with a woolen scarf or blanket.
  2. Taking sesame oil internally can also help - 0.5-1 tablespoon 1-3 times a day. If the remedy is taken only once a day, then it is advisable to do it in the morning.

Method of use 2: For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

If you have an upset stomach:

  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of bee honey in 150-200 milligrams of boiled chilled water.
  • Grind sesame seeds.
  • Take 1-2 teaspoons of the prepared mass and also stir in the honey solution.
  • Give drink in small portions until diarrhea stops.

If you have gastritis and constipation:

  • It is necessary to take 0.5-1 tablespoon of sesame oil orally 1-3 times during the day.
  • You should take half or a whole tablespoon of sesame oil throughout the day. Double the dose if constipation persists.

If you have intestinal colic:

  • Rub a small amount of sesame oil into the abdomen in the intestinal and stomach areas until it is completely absorbed by the skin.
  • During the day, take 15-30 grams of sesame oil orally. It should be continued until relief occurs.

To cleanse the body:

  • Grind sesame seeds into powder. It should be taken orally with water 3 times a day before meals. Dose per dose – 15-20 grams of seed mass.
  • Drink 25-30 milligrams of sesame oil during the day. This will improve the protective function of the body and cleanse it of waste and toxins.

If you have hemorrhoids:

  • You need to pour 2 tablespoons of chopped sesame seeds into 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  • Insulate the container and leave until cool.
  • Use the resulting product every day to rinse the anus.
  • Additionally, drink 1 tablespoon of sesame oil every morning on an empty stomach.

Method of use 3: For the treatment of neuralgia, toothache

  • Lightly fry the seeds in a frying pan. Grind into powder and take no more than 1 tablespoon with the same amount of honey once a day.
  • To relieve toothache, the oil should be rubbed into the inflamed gum.

Method of use 4: For breast treatment

  • Roast the seeds over low heat.
  • Grind into powder.
  • Stir in vegetable oil.
  • Apply to the site of inflammation of the mammary gland.
  • The product helps with mastitis.

Method of use 5: For ear treatment

  • Heat sesame oil in a water bath.
  • Place a few drops into the inflamed and healthy ear canal.

Method of use 6: For blood treatment

  • Roast the plant seeds.
  • Crush into powder.
  • Take 1 tablespoon before meals.
  • If you use oil, then in the same amount and 3 times a day.
  • The product helps with poor clotting.

Helpful Tips: sesame – benefit and harm “in one person”. It is contraindicated for use by people suffering from increased blood clotting, acidity and kidney disease. Excessive consumption of sesame can lead to miscarriage in pregnant women and the birth of a child with hypocalcemia.

Method 2: In cosmetology

Sesame oil and plant seeds are widely used in cosmetology. As mentioned above, they contain:

Sesame oil is used to create nourishing and rejuvenating face masks, hair and body care products. Such masks can be bought in a store in ready-made form, or you can use folk beauty recipes.

Hair Recipes with Sesame Oil

Masks with the addition of sesame oil will be especially good for dull, weakened hair and those prone to hair loss.

Option 1: With yolk, honey and butter

  1. Mix honey and oil in equal proportions.
  2. Add 1-2 yolks to the mixture and mix thoroughly.
  3. Apply the mask to your hair and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Use 1-2 times a week.

Option 2: With butter and banana

  1. Grind 1 ripe banana.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of oil.
  3. Apply to hair and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Use 1-2 times a week.

Option 3: In combination with other oils

  1. 50 grams of sesame oil,
  2. 15-20 drops of rosemary oil,
  3. 20 drops lavender,
  4. 6 drops vitamin E,
  5. Heat slightly in a water bath,
  6. Mix and apply to hair.
  7. Leave for 1-2 hours.

Helpful Tips: To wash off oil from hair, you need to mix soda with shampoo in proportions of 1:3. There is also the option of applying an egg yolk mask to your hair, after which you should wash your hair with regular shampoo.

Facial recipes with sesame oil

Sesame seed oil is beneficial for flaky, dry and irritated skin. It can moisturize it, relieve irritation and protect it from premature aging and ultraviolet radiation.

Option 1: With butter, yogurt and avocado

  1. Mash the avocado with a fork, adding a little water.
  2. One tablespoon of avocado with the same amount of other ingredients.
  3. Apply to clean face until dry, then rinse with warm water.

Option 2: With oils and aloe vera

  1. A few drops of lavender and cinnamon oils,
  2. A teaspoon of wheat germ oil,
  3. 2 teaspoons aloe vera juice,
  4. Stir in 2 teaspoons of sesame oil.
  5. Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes.

Option 3: With butter, powdered sugar and ginger

  1. Mix a teaspoon of grated ginger,
  2. One teaspoon of powdered sugar,
  3. One tablespoon of warmed sesame oil.
  4. Apply to a clean face and leave for 15 minutes.

Helpful Tips: In case of skin inflammation, it is recommended to lubricate the damaged areas with sesame oil 2-3 times a day. Additionally, you need to take a teaspoon of oil internally. However, these methods of use are prohibited if there is an allergic reaction to sesame in any of its manifestations.

Recipes for body skin with sesame oil

Wraps with sesame oil will be beneficial for the body. It has an anti-cellulite effect, increases skin elasticity and firmness.

Option 1: With essential oils and cucumber

Option 2: With grape juice and aloe

  1. 50 milligrams of grape juice,
  2. 50 milligrams of aloe juice,
  3. Mix 100 milligrams of sesame oil.
  4. Apply for 30-40 minutes and then rinse.

Option 3: With other oils

  1. Heat sesame oil to 40 degrees,
  2. Olive and peach.
  3. The quantities of all ingredients are equal.
  4. Apply to skin and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Or use it as a bath for dry hands.

Helpful Tips: a mixture of sesame oil and lemon juice can be used to prepare a hand bath. The same mixture can be used to strengthen nails by rubbing it into the nail bed.

Method 3: In the diet

Sesame - benefits and harm, this is what interests people who like to eat sesame as an additive to various dishes. It has a pleasant nutty taste and aroma, and is rich in vitamin and mineral complex.

Sesame has other beneficial properties. For example:

Sesame can also be harmful if:

  • Urolithiasis has been reported as a result of the large amount of calcium contained in sesame.
  • Use it together with aspirin and sorrel, due to increased formation of deposits in the kidneys.
  • If consumed on an empty stomach, as it may cause feelings of thirst and nausea.

Helpful Tips: Despite the huge number of beneficial properties of sesame, do not forget that its use can harm the body. “Everything should be in moderation” - this is the rule that should be followed by those who prefer sesame and have no contraindications to its use or consumption.


Charaka (author of the ancient Ayurvedic treatise "Charaka Samhita" (700 BC) argued that sesame oil is the best of all oils and, in combination with various plants, can cure all diseases. The ability of sesame oil to penetrate deeply into tissues makes Its main oil for preparing massage mixtures for paralysis, pain in joints, muscles, tendons. For example, the basis of oil effective for these problems is sesame oil.

Sesame oil is divided into several types depending on the color of the seeds. These are "Raktha" (red), "Krishna" (black) and "Shweta" (white). Sometimes other seed colors are found - golden, brown, gray. The color depends on the variety, method of cultivation, collection and processing. The sesame genus includes about 25 different species.

White sesame is most popular in the West and Middle East, while black sesame seeds are more popular in the East and Asia, where they are used as a spice in many Asian dishes, adding a nutty flavor to food.

It is believed that black sesame seeds have the best medicinal properties and are recommended for use in all Ayurvedic procedures and in the manufacture of Ayurvedic preparations that contain sesame. Oil extracted from black sesame seeds is highly prized due to its long shelf life without rancidity.

White sesame has average medicinal qualities and is more often used in cooking. Red sesame has no special medicinal qualities.

Some sources say that white sesame is peeled black. Removing the shell (although it is not removed at all) does not make black sesame grains white, they remain black. This could have been written by a person who has never seen black sesame. There is no way to bleach it, I assure you. White sesame seeds are usually shelled. The peeled seeds also look white. The common brown sesame seeds also turn white if their seed coat is removed.

Ayurvedic flavors sesame: sweet, bitter, astringent.

Vipak(aftertaste): sweet

Energy: hot

With its heavy nature, sesame oil gives strength and nutrition to tissues, so it is simply necessary for weak constitutions, and

The warming effect can be (theoretically) beneficial, but since sesame oil is thick, difficult to digest, nourishes and gives growth to tissues, it should be used sparingly by kapha. Although Charaka claims that sesame does not increase kapha, but can only slightly increase it if consumed in excess.

For a very useful procedure (oil rinsing), it is recommended to use sesame oil. They claim that if you continuously perform this procedure for 45 days, stones and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) disappear, bleeding gums are eliminated, loose teeth are strengthened, tooth enamel is improved and whitened. It is recommended to carry out the procedure on an empty stomach, up to 3 times a day.

“Rinsing the mouth with sesame oil strengthens the jaws, gives fullness to the voice, removes sagging face, and improves taste. Those who practice rinsing their mouth with sesame oil will never have a dry, cracked voice, cracked dry lips, they will not have dental caries, the roots of their teeth will be strong, their teeth will never hurt, they will not be sensitive even to sour foods, they will be able to chew fairly hard food” (Charaka Samhita Ch V-78 to 80).

Gargling with hot sesame oil mixed with and (black cumin seeds) instantly relieves toothache.

Simply chewing sesame seeds also helps with toothache. For many problems of the ear, nose and throat, it is recommended to instill warm sesame oil, if you cannot buy a special one, such as (Anu Thailam), the basis of which is sesame oil infused with Ayurvedic plants and preparations (the number of components can be from 20 to 50).

Sesame oil is very popular in bodybuilding as it helps build muscle mass. So kapha with - pay attention to this and do not get carried away with sesame oil in high doses.

Sesame seeds increase tissue moisture, so they are very effective in

The oil has excellent wound healing properties. For burns, apply a mixture of sesame seeds, camphor and

This reduces burning and pain. A mixture of ground seeds and milk is also applied.

Sesame oil is widely used in for cosmetic purposes. As Indian women say, “If you have sesame oil, then you don’t need other cosmetics.” The oil tightens the skin and tightens the pores of the face.

It is useful to make a scrub with ground rice flour and sesame oil before showering.

Mix ½ cup ground sesame seeds, ½ cup apple cider vinegar, and ¼ cup water. Let it sit and rinse your face with this mixture before going to bed without rinsing. Very quickly you will notice radiant skin on your face.

True, you need to understand that with severe skin problems, which most often occur with external rinsing, they will help little, since the problem lies internally.

Sesame oil is added to tanning creams so it does not transmit ultraviolet radiation. If you are already burned, then applying sesame oil to your body and hair will help remove dryness.

If you have dry, cracking heels, then in addition to the advice on foot care (in the post "), it is recommended to lubricate your feet with sesame oil at night (and be sure to wear socks, otherwise you will not wash the bed linen).

Sesame seeds act as aphrodisiac(stimulant), give strength, increase sexual potency, and help with premature ejaculation in men. It is recommended to take it raw, brew it in milk, and roast it and mix it with honey (which is also an aphrodisiac) - this is a very popular mixture for men in India.

The same advice is repeated on the Internet: you need to add equal parts/a little flax and poppy seeds to the sesame seeds. This mixture allegedly affects both women and men equally. The truth is that poppy, which is a strong sedative, is questionable. I didn't find any explanations for this. All you have to do is experiment on your own - either get excited or fall asleep. One out of two:)

They say that the production of sex hormones and stimulation of the prostate are influenced by zinc and vitamin E, of which sesame contains a lot. Sesame also contains the amino acid arginine, which significantly increases testosterone secretion. Sesame works effectively as a brain tonic.

People of mental professions Eating sesame provides the body with microelements and substances necessary for mental activity, such as phosphorus, B vitamins, amino acids and phospholipids.

– lubrication of the nasal mucosa. To do this, dip your little finger in sesame oil and rub it inside each nostril. Then close both nostrils for a few seconds and quickly inhale (draw in), like a sharp inhalation. A stronger oil for this purpose is

– rinsing the mouth (see above about the procedure “) to strengthen bone tissue (sesame oil contains a lot of calcium), cleansing the oral cavity of toxins.

– full body massage before a warm shower or bath (read about massage above). You can keep the oil on your body from half an hour to several hours, the longer the better (meaning the condition is free of toxins).

Taking a bath with sesame oil added to the water improves blood circulation and, accordingly, cleanses the body well.

Joint massage sesame oil before bed can give good results, but it can cause discomfort if there is increased stiffness in the joints. In this case, it is better to use the above-mentioned special oil, or if it is unavailable, you can add 1 tsp. ground black pepper in 200 g of sesame oil, heat it in a water bath, store in a closed bottle.


The oil increases hair growth, prevents hair loss and the formation of dandruff, so the basis of many hair oils is sesame. It is recommended to rub sesame oil into the hair roots, massaging the scalp at least once a week.

The use of sesame oil for hair is a little confusing - sesame oil is hot by nature, and therefore should increase hair problems. But Charaka claims that some properties of sesame oil, such as Twachya, are good for the skin, which is why it is used as a base for many Ayurvedic oils to treat skin diseases. Another property of “Keshya” is that it improves hair quality, stimulates hair growth, reduces hair loss, and prevents the appearance of gray hair.

In general, regardless of hot energy, sesame oil contains sufficient amounts of phyto-nutrients to improve hair quality. Sesame based hair oils usually contain several Ayurvedic plants and preparations that skillfully balance the hot nature of pure sesame oil.

Milk (a cooling ingredient) is often added to these oils. Amla is also cooling and is most often found in hair oils.

Masks with sesame oil work well on dry, damaged hair, with split ends, damaged by poor-quality dyeing. They restore shine, elasticity to hair and make it soft.

By the way, fair-haired people - keep in mind that almost all industrially produced oils say “for dark hair only.” Blonde hair darkens several tones to an incomprehensible color, depending on the frequency of use. Personally, for me (a blonde), after using hair masks with sesame oil in the salon, they barely straightened my hair color to my usual one.


I will give the table “Sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum), whole, dried” Nutritional value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

I won’t translate into Russian, the main thing is already clear (calculation per 100g):
Energy 573 Kcal 29%

Carbohydrates 23.45 g 18%
Protein 17.73 g 32%
Total Fat 49.67 g 166%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 11.8 g 31%

Folates 97 µg 25%
Niacin 4.515 mg 28%
Pantothenic acid 0.050 mg 1%
Pyridoxine 0.790 mg 61%
Riboflavin 0.247 mg 19%
Thiamine 0.791 mg 66%
Vitamin A 9 IU<1%
Vitamin C 0 0%
Vitamin E 0.25 mg 2%


Sodium 11 mg 1%
Potassium 468 mg 10%


Calcium 975 mg 98%
Copper 4.082 mg 453%
Iron 14.55 mg 182%
Magnesium 351 mg 88%
Manganese 2.460 mg 107%
Phosphorus 629 mg 90%
Selenium 34.4 µg 62.5%
Zinc 7.75 mg 70%


Carotene-ß 5 µg
Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 µg

According to other studies, it is believed that sesame contains vitamin K, B6, omega-6, omega-9.

The body needs copper to produce enzymes, some of which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to ensure the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, bones and joints. Therefore, black sesame must be included in the diet of people suffering from rheumatoid.

Magnesium present in black sesame helps prevent attacks, helps lower blood pressure and can prevent migraine attacks and ease menopause. Black sesame contains quite a lot of calcium, which is necessary for healthy bones. By the way, during menopause, women's bones weaken, leading to osteoporosis. Eating black sesame seeds during menopause will have a positive effect. Studies have shown that older adults who consume black sesame seeds are less likely to be diagnosed with osteoporosis.

Black sesame is a rich source of iron, so its inclusion in the diet is recommended for general weakness.

Some studies have found that black sesame prevents colon cancer. Unfortunately, research is limited, so it cannot be said with certainty that sesame will prevent cancer.

1 ounce of raw sesame seeds (28 g) contains 163 calories, 14.11 fat (of which 1.96 g saturated). Roasted grains contain slightly less at 160 calories and 13.61 fat (1.09 saturated).

Both raw and roasted seeds do not contain cholesterol (which is understandable, this is not an animal product, but they still say on the labels - 0% cholesterol).

1 ounce of raw sesame seeds (28 g) contains 5.03 g of protein, roasted - 4.81. This is not much, and you cannot rely only on sesame seeds.


1 ounce of dried sesame seeds (28 g) contains 291 mg of calcium (29.1% of the daily calcium requirement) and 9.77 mg of selenium (18% of the daily requirement for adults). 4.13 mg of iron contained in 1 ounce covers the daily dose for women by 23%, for men by 50%. Roasted seeds contain less minerals than raw seeds.

The calcium content of shelled and unshelled sesame varies significantly. Peeled sesame seeds contain 60% less calcium than unpeeled sesame seeds. However, in peeled seeds, calcium, although present in smaller quantities, is better absorbed. Question - “Which is better - peeled or unpeeled sesame?” remains open. In real life, we use what we manage to buy, it will still be useful.

Black sesame seeds contain phytosterols, which when consumed in sufficient quantities may help reduce levels and may also reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

Black sesame seeds have one of the highest levels of phytosterols compared to other foods.


Sesame improves blood clotting and is not recommended for people suffering from from thrombosis.

For those suffering urolithiasis sesame is also contraindicated.

Excessive consumption of sesame oil causes hiccups and breathing problems with difficulty breathing.

Sesame with its hot nature can cause allergic reaction, especially in hot pitta, especially in people who react to different nuts.

You can find completely opposite information about the benefits and harms of sesame on the Internet. Therefore, use the advice from the post and maybe you will get to the truth.


One of the main advantages of sesame oil is that it lasts well and does not go rancid for a long time.

Sesame seeds can be consumed whole, crushed, crushed, raw, shelled, roasted, or in powder form. For medicinal purposes, seeds with a shell are used. In cooking, sesame seeds with the shell removed (what we see on top of buns) are used in different types of sweets.

Both black and white sesame seeds are used in the preparation of various types of sweets, desserts, dressings, sauces and marinades; they are added to certain types of rice, vegetables, and salads.

Black sesame seeds have a stronger and more persistent aroma compared to white ones. They have a unique, nutty, sweetish smell, which intensifies significantly when fried. Black sesame is slightly bitter.

White sesame seeds, with their rich, nutty flavor, are widely used in sweeter dishes such as cakes, baked goods (no Middle Eastern flatbread is complete without sesame seeds), muffins, and sesame bars. They are more suitable for gourmet baked goods.

Sesame seeds are widely used to prepare various types of sweets (gajak, laddu, revadi), especially in winter, as they have a warming effect and protect against colds.

Laddu (laddoo) is given morning and evening to children with bedwetting problem, especially during the cold season. This type of sweet is also recommended for adults with frequent urination. The composition of laddu varies. Base: milk, palm sugar, various types of flour and various fillings, including Ayurvedic ones. The paste is formed into balls and fried in (ghee).

On sale you can find ready-made sesame paste “Tahini” (from ground sesame seeds), widely used in the cuisine of the Middle East and East Asia for thickening and flavoring sauces and gravies.

A common spice is roasted sesame seeds; they are often sprinkled on Japanese and Korean dishes.

Different countries around the world have their own methods of obtaining (from refined to hard cold pressing) and consuming sesame oil. For example, cold-pressed dark sesame oil is not suitable for frying and is mixed with refined sesame oil.

You can make delicious sesame salt (widely used among Koreans). You need to fry the sesame seeds, grind them and add 1 tsp to one 200 g cup. salt

Koreans skillfully use sesame leaves, the taste of which is quite pungent. When fresh, they are served with vegetables, sauces are prepared, and fried in batter. Pickled sesame leaves are added to stewed meat dishes at the very end of cooking.

The Japanese use sesame leaves to make sushi.

When purchasing seeds be careful. They must be in a closed, airtight container and must be fresh to avoid the risk of rancidity. Hulled seeds become rancid faster and should be stored in the refrigerator.

Sesame seed is one of the foods that can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, start using it with caution, in small doses and observe the body’s reaction. If you have a negative reaction, a so-called “food allergy,” think about your digestion. Almost all food allergies are a symptom

And most often, hot sesame reacts to energetically hot sesame

By the way, remember the magic words “Open Sesame” from the fairy tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” (“A Thousand and One Nights”)? The robbers used them to open a secret cave in which they kept their treasures. The words were chosen for a reason. The sesame seed is a miniature gemstone that contains enormous power that breaks the outer shell when the seed ripens, giving rise to the phrase “Open Sesame!” In general, no one needs to be persuaded that sesame definitely needs to be included in the diet of most of us.

Was last modified: March 12th, 2019 by consultant

Sesame flour, which has high nutritional value and a wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic effects, contains:

  • nonessential and essential amino acids (histidine, tryptophan, arginine, methionine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, threonine, phenylanine, aspartic and glutamic acids, alanine, glycine, serine, tyrosine, cysteine, etc.),
  • fiber, poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, alpha-linolenic, etc.),
  • vitamins (vitamin E, carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A), vitamin T, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9),
  • various macro- and microelements (calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, manganese, copper, selenium, etc.),
  • phenolic antioxidants (sesamol, sesaminol),
  • antioxidant lignans (sesamin and sesamolin),
  • carbohydrates, pectins, organic acids, phytosterols (including beta-sistosterol).

In the optimally balanced protein composition of sesame flour, the leading positions are occupied by the essential amino acids histidine, arginine, tryptophan, methionine, valine, and leucine.

Protecting the human body from the destructive effects of radiation and toxins, the amino acid histidine promotes the active restoration and growth of damaged tissues, stimulates the healing of ulcers of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the development of inflammatory processes and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and has an antiallergic and vasodilating effect. In addition, the amino acid histidine contained in sesame flour plays an important role in the synthesis of hemoglobin and biologically active peptides of muscle tissue, improves digestion and helps increase sexual activity.

The concentration of magnesium in sesame flour is also high, which reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, diabetes, urolithiasis and various prostate diseases

Flour obtained from sesame seeds also contains pectins and coarse fiber in significant quantities, which normalize the balance of beneficial intestinal microflora, activate peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulate the process of cleansing the human body of all kinds of harmful substances (slags, toxins, heavy metal salts).

Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of sesame flour

Regular consumption of sesame flour is recommended as part of prevention and complex treatment:

Diseases of the cardiovascular system(atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, tachycardia, arrhythmia, stroke, heart attack, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels). Sesame flour is rich in components that provide adequate nutrition to the heart muscle, regulate the strength and rhythm of myocardial contractions, help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and have a vasodilating effect, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques (such substances have a beneficial effect on heart and blood vessels, include vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, manganese, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, amino acids arginine and histidine, sesamin).

Diseases of the female reproductive system. Sesame flour is rich in substances that help normalize the hormonal balance in a woman’s body (estrogen-like phytosterols and sesamin, magnesium, vitamin B6, zinc, etc.), enhance lactation (vitamin E), and also contains components that have an anti-inflammatory effect in women’s diseases genital area (diseases of the breast, ovaries, uterus, etc.). That is why eating sesame flour can be recommended for various infectious and inflammatory gynecological diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, eating sesame flour will bring tangible benefits to women who regularly experience pain and psycho-emotional discomfort during the premenstrual or menopausal period.

Male genital diseases(erectile dysfunction (impotence), male infertility, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, etc.). Sesame flour contains a high concentration of substances that have a beneficial effect on the functional state of the prostate gland, improve erection, normalize the production process and quality of sperm (these are components of sesame flour such as vitamin E, zinc, manganese, selenium, beta-sitosterol).

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Rich in substances necessary for the full formation of bone and cartilage tissue (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, estrogen-like phytosterols that prevent bone resorption, promoting the natural synthesis of collagen, amino acids leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, lysine, threonine), sesame flour will be a very useful component in the human diet, suffering:

  • osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis, gout, osteochondrosis and other diseases of bones, joints and spine,
  • anemia and other blood diseases (hemorrhagic diathesis, hemophilia, Werlhof's disease, essential thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura), hemorrhoids,
  • respiratory diseases,
  • diseases of the excretory system (urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, nephritis, urethritis cystitis),
  • dermatological diseases and skin injuries

The introduction of sesame flour into the daily diet will also bring tangible benefits for:

  • Obesity and diabetes. Sesame flour is a rich source of substances that promote the “burning” of excess subcutaneous fat (sesamin, the amino acid arginine, polyunsaturated Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids) and are involved in the synthesis of insulin by the pancreas (manganese, zinc, magnesium, the amino acid isoleucine, sesamin).
  • Decreased physical and mental performance, impaired memory and attention, insomnia (sesame flour has a high content of phosphorus, arginine, histidine and vitamin E, which help increase endurance and improve muscle function. In addition, sesame flour contains substances that, in complex combination with each other, other most effectively help eliminate the consequences of psychological stress, improve the psycho-emotional state, prevent the development of depression, improve memory and mental abilities (a complex of such substances includes sesamoline, amino acids tryptophan, histidine, glycine, phenylalanine, glutamine, tyrosine, threonine, valine, alanine, asparagine).

How to use sesame flour

For prevention and as part of complex treatment of diseases, it is recommended to consume sesame seed flour 1-2 tbsp. spoons daily in cereals, salads, side dishes. Sesame flour also goes well with honey, jam, jam or fruit syrup.

In home cooking, sesame flour, which has a pleasant nutty taste and aroma, can be used as a breading for meat and vegetable cutlets and meatballs, added to homemade baked goods, in the dough for pancakes and pancakes, and also used as a thickener for various sauces and gravies.


Regular consumption of sesame flour is contraindicated in cases of increased blood clotting, varicose veins, thrombosis, and thrombophlebitis.

Sesame is a herbaceous annual plant that belongs to the sesame family. The sesame genus has approximately 30 species of plants. Sesame loves heat very much and grows, as a rule, in tropical or subtropical zones. It cannot be wild. As for the birthplace of culture, there are several versions. Some say that it began to be grown in India, others say that it was grown in Pakistan and Africa. One thing we know for sure is that even before our era, sesame cultivation was practiced in Arabia, India and Ancient Rome. After all, this is a plant that loves warmth very much. Today, there are sesame fields in Central Asia, the Krasnodar Territory and Azerbaijan.

For normal growth and development of the plant, the air temperature should be approximately 30 degrees. In addition, before sowing seeds, it is necessary that the soil warms up to 16-18 degrees. If the temperature drops even by 0.5 degrees, the plants die. Before sowing sesame, the soil is well prepared (fertilized and weeds removed). When sesame begins to ripen, its leaves become pubescent in order to withstand the winds. Around the beginning of autumn, the plant begins to turn yellow and the leaves fall off. It's time for the harvest. Harvesting must be done very carefully, because the opening of the pods can occur even with a loud click. As a rule, one pod contains 50-100 seeds.

Preparation and storage

The healthiest sesame seeds are raw. The fact is that during heat treatment a lot of nutrients are lost. It is not advisable to store raw seeds for a long time. If sesame seeds sit for more than a month, they begin to go rancid. The same cannot be said about sesame oil, which is obtained by cold pressing. By the way, this oil is very healthy and retains its vitamin and mineral properties for 9 years. Sesame oil has a similar taste to olive oil, but it is less bitter and more aromatic. You cannot fry in this oil, as it will immediately catch fire. It is made to season salads and is also used as a cream or makeup remover.

Use in everyday life

The benefit of sesame seeds is that they contain a large amount of vitamin E, which has a rejuvenating effect. One hundred grams of the product can satisfy the daily calcium requirement. The seeds are rich in zinc and phosphorus, which take part in the construction of tissue. It is often credited for the prevention of osteoporosis. The fiber in sesame seeds prevents various diseases of the digestive system; promotes intestinal function to regular function.

The oil, which is made from the seeds, is considered a strong antioxidant, and therefore helps the body fight cancer cells. Oil obtained from sesame seeds cleanses the body very well and removes harmful products. Sesame seeds, when entering the body, moisturize the intestines, which themselves have a mild laxative effect. Although this product cannot be called low-calorie (its calorie content is 582 kilocalories). Therefore, it is better to consume seeds in small quantities.

Composition and medicinal properties

  1. Based on its medicinal properties, sesame can be called a fabulous plant.
  2. With the help of sesame seeds, you can neutralize toxins in the body, so they are taken for healing and cleansing the body. For such purposes, use it in powder (20 grams per dose).
  3. For prevention, use sesame powder three times a day before meals.
  4. As an antitoxic agent, sesame powder is used 25-30 grams per day.
  5. It is best to add crushed seeds to honey and drink it diluted with warm water on an empty stomach.

Use in folk medicine

For eye disease

Sesame will perfectly help overcome irritation or minor damage to the eyeball. In order to make medicine for the eyes, you need to take sesame oil (necessarily filtered) and instill one drop into your eye before going to bed. This operation is a little painful, but the results are worth it.

For bronchial disease

In order to get rid of bronchial disease, you need to drink a tablespoon of sesame oil per day. This will help you breathe much easier.

For tumors and hardenings

In order to remove hardening and swelling, it is necessary to mix sesame oil with egg white and apply it in the form of lotions and compresses.

For skin injuries

Sesame is great for treating injuries when used along with flaxseed oil. To do this, you just need to regularly heal the sore spot and the result will be amazing.

To reduce platelet count

If you have a problem with poor skin clotting and a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, use one tablespoon of sesame oil three times a day before meals.


  • Unfortunately, there are no products in the world that bring exclusively benefits to the body. For some, herbal products help in treatment, for others, on the contrary, they worsen their well-being. That is why, before you include even the most seemingly healthy foods in your diet, understand the side effects they can have on the body. For example, if you eat sesame on an empty stomach, it can cause thirst and nausea.
  • Sesame also has its contraindications. It should not be used for people who suffer from thrombosis. Also, it is not advisable for people who are allergic to nuts or other foods to take it.
  • There is an opinion that sesame burns weight well. This is not entirely true. Yes, sesame helps the intestines work better, but it contains such a large amount of fat that instead of the desired weight loss, you can, on the contrary, gain a couple of extra pounds.
  • That is why, before you start actively using sesame seeds or oil in food, check the body’s reaction. Start with half the dose prescribed in the prescription. If after a few days you feel better, it means the product has a good effect on the body. But if you experience signs of an allergy, stop taking sesame oil or seeds immediately.