RSA Price Guide. The Supreme Court has declared reference books on the cost of parts for compulsory motor insurance illegal

Since February 2015, a new online service for determining the average cost of spare parts and standard hours when performing restoration work has been launched on the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

Currently, the cost of restoration repairs within the framework of compulsory motor liability insurance must comply with the regulation “On a unified method for determining the amount of costs for restoration repairs in relation to a damaged vehicle” approved by the Bank of Russia on September 19, 2014 N 432-P (LINK).

According to the developers, the provision is intended primarily to form a unified approach to determining the cost of restoring a damaged car (or other vehicle).

This question arose due to the fact that many insurance companies determined the cost of work to be much lower than in fact (this was especially noticeable when contacting independent examination centers), especially since the majority of motorists do not have access to any reference manuals determination and assessment of damage in a traffic accident.

So that any car owner can check the accuracy of calculations made by insurance companies, RSA has launched a new online service -

Working with the service

It is worth noting that depending on the selected region, the price of spare parts differs.

So, for a VAZ 2110 wing, prices differ by almost 200 rubles.

It is important to remember that prices correspond to prices from official sources.

The service for requesting the cost of a standard hour is no different from searching for the cost of spare parts - you must again select the economic region and.

The difference in the cost of work, depending on the economic region, again differs.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to obtain any more data.

But when calculating the cost of restoration, it is necessary to take into account:

  • quality of spare parts - original spare parts while so-called “duplicates” will be used;
  • type and brand of paint and varnish material;
  • type and brand of preparatory and consumable materials;
  • the amount of materials needed to perform a particular repair.

Even this given data is not taken into account by the service. But for the most part, the cost of, for example, standard painting is comparable to the cost of the part itself.
The service does not take into account the degree of wear, the possibility of having tuned parts, etc., etc.

It is also worth noting that the service is designed to calculate the cost of spare parts and labor only for cars whose age does not exceed 12 years. Thus, owners of older cars and “rarities” were left “overboard.”

For them, the principle of calculation based on average cost will be applied. Again, the question arises about the average cost of what? For many truly rare cars, the cost of spare parts and labor is not comparable to the cost of work even for a fairly expensive car.

All these, as well as many others, questions are left to the discretion of the experts conducting the examinations. Thus, the car owner, in fact, can only control the cost of spare parts identified for replacement by an expert.

Even the cost of a standard hour cannot be an indicator, since to replace, for example, a wing, it must be removed and then a new one installed. The same goes for coloring. But the process in this case is doubled, since the wing is first “thrown” onto the car, and then painted and installed. Accordingly, the amount of work performed increases, and significantly.

In conclusion, I would like to say that despite all the above-mentioned shortcomings, the launch of the service allows us to hope that in the future the rest of the “secrets of auto examination” will become available to ordinary motorists in full.

Video: practical advice - what points should be taken into account in case of an accident in order to receive payments under compulsory motor liability insurance

The PS:Complex program includes reference books developed by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers for the full use of the Unified Methodology developed by the Central Bank of Russia and approved by Resolution No. 432-P.

ATTENTION! In order to implement clause 3.3 of the Unified Methodology, the Presidium of the RSA established that the amount of losses subject to compensation under the MTPL agreement in connection with damage to the property of victims as a result of an accident is determined:
  • on road accidents that occurred until April 30, 2015 (inclusive), - on the basis of an expert opinion, in which, when determining the amount of costs for restoration repairs in relation to a damaged vehicle, the costs of spare parts, materials and standard hours of work given in the reference books, which were approved by the Presidium of the RSA on October 16, 2014, were used;
  • for road accidents that occurred since from May 1 to November 30, 2015, - on the basis of an expert opinion, in which, when determining the amount of costs for restoration repairs in relation to a damaged vehicle, the costs of spare parts, materials and standard hours of work given in reference books that were updated as of April 7, 2015 were used;
  • for road accidents that occurred since from December 1, 2015, - on the basis of an expert opinion, in which, when determining the amount of costs for restoration repairs in relation to a damaged vehicle, the costs of spare parts, materials and standard hours of work given in reference books that were updated as of November 16, 2015 were used.

ATTENTION! Switching versions of PCA reference books depends on the specified “Date of accident” (or “Date of insured event”). If the date of the accident is indicated before April 30, 2015 inclusive, then the calculation is made according to the RSA directories dated December 1, 2014. If the date of the accident is indicated from May 1 to November 30, 2015, then the RSA directories dated May 1, 2015 will be used in the calculation. If the date of the accident is indicated from December 1, 2015, then the RSA directories dated December 1, 2015 will be used in the calculation.

To use the RSA Directories, the following conditions must be met:

  • You must be connected to the PS:Online service package
  • Create a new Document using the AMTS ASSESSMENT (OSAGO) form
  • Please indicate your Economic Region. To do this, use the Settings section, third item from the top - Economic region

The economic region is specified in the Parameters section


Designed to establish the average cost of spare parts (parts, assemblies, assemblies) installed on passenger cars when calculating the cost of restoration repairs. The cost established on the basis of this directory reflects the average estimate of the amount of costs that will be incurred to purchase a spare part when repairing a vehicle in the event of its damage as a result of the occurrence of an event covered by the insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners.

The addition of prices from the corresponding RSA Directory occurs after the entire calculation has been calculated. You must go to the “Spare parts” section and click the button Cost of spare parts (online).

View of the window with the result of adding prices from the RCA directory

By default, the result of the request will use prices from the PCA directory. The Save button will save the user's selection. The result of the registration will be displayed in the Cost column of the Spare parts section.


Designed to establish the average cost of a unit of repair work (standard hour) used in calculating the cost of restoration repairs of vehicles. The cost established on the basis of this directory reflects the average estimate of the amount of costs that will be incurred when performing work to repair a vehicle in the event of damage to it as a result of the occurrence of an event covered by the insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners.

Choice of cost 1 n.h. carried out before preparing the calculation, while entering all the preliminary parameters.

To select, click the Cost button. (Home feed, Directory group) or go to the Parameters section, Information source item (group Cost of work per 1 hour).

View of the cost selection window 1 n.h. according to the RSA directory

In the window that opens, select the desired brand and click OK.


Designed to establish the average cost of materials used in calculating the cost of vehicle restoration. The cost established on the basis of this directory reflects the average estimate of the amount of costs for materials that will be incurred when performing work to repair a vehicle in the event of its damage as a result of the occurrence of an event covered by the insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners.

The choice of paint system is carried out before drawing up the calculation, while entering all the preliminary parameters.

PCA reference data is provided only for SIKKENS and STANDOX paint systems.
There is no data for the DUPONT system in the RSA Directories.
Therefore, all prices for DUPONT materials are calculated as average for the Central region and are recommended exclusively by the developers of the “PS: Complex” program.
To select a painting system, you need to go to the Parameters section, Paintwork System item (Paintwork Cost group).


We draw the attention of PS:Complex users that when working with RSA directories, discrepancies may arise in the spelling of the same catalog number, which are especially typical for domestic car brands.

In the illustration below you can see that the same part can have two catalog numbers, which will be exactly the same, but written differently.

1 spelling option: 21700-3711011-00
2nd spelling: 2170-3711011

We remind you that the details are identical. The problem is that the prices for them in the RCA directories may be different. Unfortunately, in this case, nothing depends on the developers of PS:Complex.

Lawyers who have at least once been involved in disputes regarding compulsory motor liability insurance know that prices for spare parts are taken from spare parts directories that are compiled by RSA.

The insurance company paid me compensation almost in full in accordance with the requirements of the methodology; no questions arose to it. However, in my accident, the following parts were damaged and required replacement: the inner door trims and the side airbag.

After reviewing the calculation and checking the part numbers on the websites of automobile spare parts, I saw that the prices for the above parts are very different from the prices on the websites of automobile spare parts, and to a lesser extent. I noticed an interesting trend that the prices in the PCA directories for all the parts I replace are about 40 percent of the cost of the original spare parts. And minus wear and tear, it turns out that they pay me about 20 percent of the cost of the original. Those. a situation arises in which the maximum wear and tear is increased from 80 to 50 percent (compared to previously applicable standards) and thus RSA compensates for the losses of insurance companies. Just as previously, injured owners of old cars, taking into account wear and tear, received 20 times the cost of the part, so it is now, despite the increase in the percentage of wear.

The airbag and door trims have no analogues and are sold only in the original, so it was not entirely clear how their cost in reference books could be several times less than their real cost. To make it clearer, I’ll say it in numbers. Door linings in RSA directories cost about 18,000, while their real cost was from 46 to 50 thousand rubles, an airbag in the directory cost 12,400, but in reality about 28,000 rubles.

I submitted many applications to the RSA, the Bank of Russia, and the Prosecutor General's Office. However, no clear answer or response measures from the government. no organs followed. RSA sent me an “unsubscribe” that the directories were legal, approved, and in the sample they used retail and wholesale prices from various sources.

I look forward to your opinions, dear colleagues, on all the arguments presented.

As you know, more than a year ago, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, under the pretext of fair insurance payments under compulsory motor liability insurance, lobbied for the obligatory use by all experts of its directory of spare parts and the cost of standard hours of work.
It can be viewed here:
Naturally, in practice there can be no talk of any “justice”. If earlier an expert (at least a truly independent one) calculated the cost of work and spare parts based on real market prices, now he is obliged to take the price only from the RSA directory.
Jumps in the ruble exchange rate, rising prices - all this is poorly reflected in the bureaucratic reference book, but is clearly felt in the real economy.
As a result, the spare part can actually cost 10,000 rubles. (and this will be a “gray” part), and “according to the reference book” - 5,000 rubles. And from 5,000 rubles. They will also calculate your wear and tear.
It’s the same with standard hours - for example, the average cost of a standard hour of work on a Mercedes according to the reference book is 900 rubles, in reality in the Central region - from 1000 to 5000 rubles.
And if earlier it was possible to come to court and appeal against such lawlessness, now all judges refer to this “reference book”, and not to the market price and common sense.
In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and within the meaning of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, payment to the victim must be made in full, and not “according to the directory”.
Therefore, I intend to cancel the mandatory use of this delusional, crude and lobbying (for insurance companies) tool.
The first stage is a letter to the RSA to clarify their vision of the situation.

I’m waiting for a response to it in order to understand the RSA’s vision of the situation, and then I will appeal the regulations that the courts have referred to over the past six months.

After reading “reviews” on the Internet about the work of the Arbat police department, I realized that “protecting” criminals is their usual activity. And so it turned out. They refused to initiate a criminal case. Argument about damage of 18,000 rubles. had little effect on Mr. Karpin. Apparently Mr. Karpin is not only incapable of catching and punishing criminals, but he is also not at all confused in matters of law and graduated from “3rd grade and a corridor,” because he suggested that I file a civil lawsuit. On what basis I will file it, he doesn’t know. Article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is apparently also unfamiliar to him. Now the refusal lies in the Presnensky interdistrict prosecutor's office, where I took the new application; communication with the prosecutor was much more pleasant than with Karpin from the Rabat police department who is rude and does not know how to behave. I'm waiting for the prosecutor's decision.


pp. b clause 18 art. 12 40ФЗ of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance: the amount of losses subject to compensation by the insurer in case of damage to the property of the victim in the event of damage to the property of the victim is determined in the amount of expenses necessary to bring the property to the condition in which it was before the occurrence of the insured event.

Section 3.1. Unified methodology of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: 3.1. The purpose of calculating the cost of restoration repairs is to establish the most likely amount of costs required to bring the vehicle to the condition in which it was before the accident.

The requirements of the Law and the unified methodology clearly determine the procedure for determining the amount of insurance compensation, as well as the cost of restoration repairs, in strict accordance with Article 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The expert did not comply with the requirements of either the Law or the methodology.

The 2014 car is under a factory warranty; the condition for carrying out repairs while maintaining the original (until the occurrence of the insured event) condition is to maintain the factory warranty on the car, and this is only possible when repairs are performed at an official dealer.

The expert ignored this fact and set the standard/hour at 830 rubles. Instead of 1500 at the dealer.

Thus, the expert did not comply with the requirements of clause 7.2.2 of the EM Central Bank

"7.2.2. With regard to the cost of a unit for performing work - a standard hour: the primary sources of cost are the data of regional expert technicians, appraisers, forensic experts, ... "

That is, the requirements of a unified methodology clearly determine the independent study of standard hours by both an expert technician, appraiser, and a forensic expert, because a source of value cannot appear according to the data of a forensic expert if the forensic expert has not conducted such research.

In this case, the expert did not conduct research within the standard hour, thereby violating the requirement of Article 8 73 of the Federal Law “On Forensic Expert Activities...”

Article 8 “The expert conducts research objectively, on a strictly scientific and practical basis, within the relevant specialty, comprehensively and in full.”

The expert wrote off the cost of standard/hour from the RSA directory (Appendix No. 3 to the expert opinion), thus acting in the interests of the insurance company, using unreliable information from an organization interested in understating the final calculations.

Thus, the expert violated the requirements of Article 7 73 of the Federal Law

Article 7 “When conducting a forensic examination, the expert is independent; he cannot be in any way dependent on the body or person who appointed the forensic examination, the parties and other persons interested in the outcome of the case. The expert gives an opinion based on the results of the research conducted in accordance with his special knowledge.”

The expert did not conduct research and did not use special knowledge.

Thus, when determining the standard hour, the expert violated the requirements of the Unified Methodology and the Law on Forensic Expert Activities and 40 Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance...”

Article 8. Objectivity, comprehensiveness and completeness of research

“... The expert’s conclusion must be based on provisions that make it possible to verify the validity and reliability of the conclusions made on the basis of generally accepted scientific and practical data.”

Checking the cost of a standard hour of body repair in Moscow car services in US dollars.

Name Contact details Plumbing and mechanical work Electrical installation work Reinforcement work Body and painting work

Official dealers

Automir st. Bolshaya Filevskaya, 3

tel. 234-33-66 35 35 35 35

Dim+Co Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 120

tel. 105-05-22 35 35 35 35

Block Motors Moscow, st. Perovskaya, 1

tel. 730-44-99 40 40 40 40

Canyon Moscow, st. Marxistskaya, 3

tel. 911-26-45, 912-44-64 25 25 30 30

Korea Motor Moscow, Sokolnichesky Val, 1a

tel. 730-20-30, 269-26-03 30 30 30 30

Rolf-Yug Moscow, st. Obrucheva, 27, building 1

tel. 363-35-65, 363-02-02 26 26 30 30

Rolf-Vostok Moscow, Ryazansky prospect, 24, building 3

tel. 785-80-00, 784-73-66 30 30 30 30

Volna Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, 26

tel. 725-47-67, 725-22-89 30 30 35 35

Average cost per hour in the Moscow region, analyzed based on prices for repair work at 8 official Hyundai dealers

31,38 31,38 33,13 33,13

5.7. The cost of restoration work is determined on the basis of labor intensity standards for vehicle maintenance and repair established by the manufacturer, the weighted average cost of one standard hour of work on maintenance and repair of a vehicle of this type in a given region (taking into account the provided allowances or discounts).

For vehicles that were repaired by official dealers or for which the estimated wear does not exceed 40% and the service life is no more than 5 years, the cost of spare parts, materials and standard hours by type of repair work is determined according to the data of the nearest official dealers and branded service stations, including In all other cases, it is sufficient that the spare parts, materials and services used for restoration repairs must have a certificate of conformity.

The results of the audit refute the expert’s data on the cost of a standard hour.

Thus, determining the cost of a standard hour by a forensic expert does not meet the requirements of objectivity, comprehensiveness and completeness of research

And it is not possible to check the source of value of the RSA directory; RSA does not disclose the sources of information.

Regarding the cost of spare parts (Appendix No. 5 of the expert’s opinion).

The expert wrote off the cost of spare parts from the RSA directory, from an organization interested in understating the insurance payment.

As a result, the cost of spare parts, as well as the standard hour, turned out to be underestimated.

The expert ignored the requirement of the Unified Methodology, clause 7.2.1.

“If, based on the results of the inspection, the average deviation of the recommended retail price of the vehicle manufacturer is no more than 10 percent of the average cost of the totality of all parts for each region, obtained by statistical observation, a decision is made to use the data of the recommended retail price of the vehicle manufacturer in full in the directory average cost for this brand.”

When deciding to use the PCA reference book, the expert had to verify the reliability of the data used, but the expert did not conduct such a study, which led to the unreliability of the final results.

Thus, the expert did not comply with the requirements of Article 7 73 Federal Law, Article 8 73 Federal Law, paragraphs. b clause 18 art. 12 40FZ Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance, clause 3.1. Unified Methodology of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: 3.1., Unified Methodology clause 7.2.1, Unified Methodology clause 7.2.2.

Which led to a lack of objectivity, comprehensiveness, clarity and completeness of the research and, as a result, an unreliable result was obtained.

Guided by Article 87 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, I ask you to schedule a re-examination.

I ask you to entrust the examination to ………………..