Stationmaster image. Images of ordinary people in the story “The Station Warden”

A. S. Pushkin “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin.” In “The Station Agent” he introduces us to the hard, joyless life ordinary people, namely, station guards, during serfdom. Pushkin draws the reader’s attention to the fact that in the outwardly stupid and ingenuous performance of their duties by these people lies hard, often thankless work, full of troubles and worries. Why don't they blame the stationmaster?

“The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the driver is stubborn, the horses don’t carry - and the caretaker is to blame...” Few of those passing by take stationmasters for people, more for “monsters of the human race,” and yet “these much-maligned stationmasters are generally peaceful people, naturally helpful, inclined to live together, modest in their claims to honor and not too money-loving.” Few of those passing by are interested in the life of station guards, and yet, as a rule, each of them has a difficult fate, in which there is an abundance of tears, suffering and grief. Samson Vyrin was no different from the life of station wardens like him, who, in order to have the bare necessities to support their family, were ready to silently listen and just as silently endure endless insults and reproaches addressed to them. True, Samson Vyrin’s family was small: he and his beautiful daughter.

Samson's wife died. It was for the sake of Dunya (that was the name of the daughter) that Samson lived. At the age of fourteen, Dunya was a real helper to her father: cleaning the house, preparing dinner, serving a passer-by - she was a master of everything, everything was easy in her hands. Looking at Dunina’s beauty, a kinder and more merciful essay with Allsoch. ru 2005 even those who made it a rule to treat station attendants rudely.

When we first met Samson Vyrin, he looked “fresh and cheerful.” Despite the hard work and the often rude and unfair treatment of those passing by, he is not embittered and sociable. However, how grief can change a person! Just a few years later, the author, having met Samson, sees before him an old man, unkempt, prone to drunkenness, dully vegetating in his abandoned, untidy home.

His Dunya, his hope, the one who gave him strength to live, left with an unfamiliar hussar. And not with his father’s blessing, as is customary among honest people, but secretly. Samson was scared to think that his dear child, his Dunya, whom he protected as best he could from all dangers, did this to him and, most importantly, to herself - she became not a wife, but a mistress. Pushkin sympathizes with his hero and treats him with respect: honor for Samson is above all, above wealth and money. Fate beat this man more than once, but nothing made him sink so low, so stop loving life, as the act of his beloved daughter.

And, most likely, like the father of the prodigal son depicted in the pictures, the stationmaster was waiting for his daughter, ready for forgiveness. But Dunya did not return. And the father could not find a place for himself out of despair, knowing how such stories often end: “There are a lot of them in St. Petersburg, young fools, today in satin and velvet, and tomorrow, you’ll see, they’re sweeping the street, along with the naked taverns. When you sometimes think that Dunya, perhaps, is disappearing right away, you will inevitably sin and wish for her grave...

“The station superintendent’s attempt to return his daughter home did not end well either. After this, having drunk even more from despair and grief, Samson Vyrin died. In the image of this man, Pushkin showed the joyless life of ordinary people, selfless workers, filled with troubles and humiliations, whom every passer-by and traveler strives to offend. But often such simple people as station guard Samson Vyrin are an example of honesty and high moral principles.

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Dunya is a young girl, the daughter of a stationmaster. Her mother died early, and she was forced to take over a modest household in the house of Samson Vyrin. She was a jack of all trades - she could cook and clean. The father could not get enough of it, looking at his homely, intelligent, beautiful daughter.

She was very friendly and knew how to please both her father and all the guests. But one day Captain Minsky appears at the post station. He could not help but like the beautiful Dunya. Minsky pretends to be sick, gains the trust of Samson Vyrin, and, fraudulently, takes Dunya away from her father to St. Petersburg. For several years there has been no news from her to her father.

Vyrin goes on foot to St. Petersburg to find out about the fate of his daughter, he worries about her. But Minsky won’t even let him in. Although Vyrin finds out that his daughter is alive and rich, he is still worried about her, and she apparently completely forgot about the old man in her life. have a prosperous life. Dunya arrived home, but too late, when her father died. She feels guilty, but she can’t change anything. She will have to live with a stone on her heart.

Her fate can hardly be called happy, although she spent her childhood in the house of a loving father, and then lived in luxury and prosperity in Minsky’s house. Rather, this is a dramatic fate, since all her life she will be tormented by her conscience and the fact that she did not even say goodbye to her old father before her death.

 “The Undertaker” - September 9  “The Station Agent” - September 14 “The Peasant Young Lady” - September 20 “The Shot” - October 14 “The Blizzard” - October 20    The image of Samson Vyrin 1. How did we first see the station agent? “I see, like now, the owner himself, a man of about fifty, fresh and cheerful, and his long green frock coat with three medals on faded ribbons 2. Find another portrait of this hero in the story. What has changed in this person? “It was definitely Samson Vyrin; but how he has aged. While he was getting ready to rewrite my travel document, I looked at his gray hair, at deep wrinkles long unshaven face, on a hunched back - and could not marvel at how three or four years could turn a vigorous man into a frail old man.” 3. What caused these changes? Antithesis - opposition of images, pictures, words, concepts 4. What did Samson Vyrin blame himself for? 5. What did the caretaker do to get his daughter back? 6. What qualities did you like in Vyrin’s character? How does this person make you feel? 7. Can Vyrin be called a “little man”? A “little” person in literature is not only a person of low rank, without a high social status, but also a person lost in life, experiencing fear of it, having lost interest and the meaning of his existence. Portrait of Dunya Prepare answers to the questions: 1. What role did Dunya play in Vyrin’s life? 2. Does Dunya leave her parents’ home with ease or pain? 3. How is life between Dunya and Minsky? 4. Can this happiness be called cloudless? 5. What very important biblical commandment did Dunya break? 6. What does her fate make you think about? 7. Do you blame Dunya or defend? Parable of the Prodigal Son “A certain man had two sons; and the youngest of them said to his father: “Father! Give me the next part of the estate." And the father divided the estate for them. After a few days, the youngest son, having collected everything, went to a far side and there squandered his property, living dissolutely. When he had lived through everything, a great famine arose in that country, and he began to be in need; and he went and accosted one of the inhabitants of that country, and he sent him to his fields to graze pigs; and he was glad to fill his belly with the horns that the pigs ate, but no one gave it to him. Having come to his senses, he said: “How many of my father’s hired servants have an abundance of bread, but I am dying of hunger. I will get up, go to my father and say to him: “Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you and am no longer worthy to be called your son; accept me as one of your hired servants." He got up and went to his father. And while he was still far away, his father saw him and took pity; and, running, fell on his neck and kissed him. The son said to him: “Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you and am no longer worthy to be called a son. And the father said to his servants: “Bring the best robe and dress him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet; and bring the fatted calf and kill it; Let's eat and have fun! For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” And they started having fun. His eldest son was in the field; and, returning, when he approached the house, he heard singing and rejoicing; and, calling one of the servants, asked: “What is this? “He said to him: “Your brother came and your father killed the fatted calf, because he received it healthy.” He became angry and did not want to enter. His father came out and called him. But he said in response to his father: “Behold, I have served you for so many years and have never violated your orders, but you never gave me even a kid so that I could have fun with my friends; and when this son of yours, who had wasted his wealth with harlots, came, you killed the fatted calf for him. He said to him: “My son! You are always with me, and everything that is mine is yours, and it was necessary to rejoice and be glad that this brother of yours was dead and came to life, was lost and was found.” Comparison of the story of the “prodigal son” and Dunya. Parable The Prodigal Son himself leaves his home to live on his own. Stationmaster The father sends his daughter away from her home, not expecting that he is leaving her forever. No one is looking for him. The father is looking for his daughter to bring her home. The lifestyle of the prodigal son after leaving his parental home, Dunya lives in St. Petersburg in luxury and wealth. A joyful meeting between a son and his father Only after the death of his father, Dunya, already a rich lady, visits her native place. The son returned home poor and hungry. He realized his sin and repented of it. Reconciliation with his father Avdotya Semyonovna did not return, but came in while passing by. Impossibility of meeting and reconciliation. Reconciliation is impossible. Louvre. SPADA LIONELLO Return of the Prodigal Son. Rembrandt. Return of the Prodigal Son. Hermitage Museum. St. Petersburg Every person has the right to choose A person should not renounce loved ones in the name of happiness. You can’t build your own happiness on someone else’s misfortune The problem of “fathers and sons.” Pushkin preaches a kind, humane attitude towards people, regardless of their situation. He doesn’t just talk about the fate of his heroes, but as if he looks into their souls and makes us live their lives and feelings, and warns us about possible mistakes. Answer the question in writing: “What feelings and thoughts did A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Station Agent” evoke in you? GBOU secondary school No. 423, Kronstadt district of St. Petersburg The presentation was created by the teacher of Russian language and literature Kharitonova N.V. Intended for use in literature lessons in 7th grade

In the story "The Station Agent". Readers listen with particular interest and attention to the story of Belkin, an eyewitness to all the events described. Due to the special form of the story - a confidential conversation - readers are imbued with the mood that the author-storyteller needs. We feel sorry for the poor caretaker. We believe that this is the most unfortunate class of officials, whom anyone will offend, insult even without apparent need, but simply to prove, mainly to themselves, their importance or to speed up their journey for a few minutes.

But he himself got used to living in this unfair world, adapted his simple way of life and is satisfied with the happiness that was sent to him in the form of his daughter. She is his joy, protector, assistant in business. Despite her rather young age, Dunya has already taken on the role of the station’s owner. She calms angry visitors without fear or embarrassment. He knows how to calm down the most “cocky” ones without further ado. The natural beauty of this girl fascinates those passing by. Seeing Dunya, they forget that they were in a hurry somewhere, wanted to leave their wretched home. And it seems that it will always be like this: a beautiful hostess, leisurely conversation, a cheerful and happy caretaker... These people are naive and welcoming, like children. They believe in kindness, nobility, the power of beauty...

Lieutenant Minsky, seeing Dunya, wanted adventure and romance. He did not imagine that his poor father, a fourteenth-class official, would dare to oppose him - a hussar, an aristocrat, a rich man. Going in search of Dunya, Vyrin has no idea what he will do or how he can help his daughter. He, loving Dunya immensely, hopes for a miracle, and it happens. Finding Minsky in the vast St. Petersburg is almost impossible. But providence guides the unfortunate father. He sees his daughter, understands her position - a rich kept woman - and wants to take her away. But Minsky pushes him.

For the first time, Vyrin understands the entire abyss that separates him and Minsky, a wealthy aristocrat. The old man sees the futility of his hopes of returning the fugitive.

What remains for a poor father who has lost his support and the meaning of life in his daughter? Returning, he drinks, pouring wine over his grief, loneliness, and resentment towards the whole world. Before us is now a degraded man, uninterested in anything, burdened by life - this priceless gift.

But Pushkin would not have been great if he had not shown life in all its diversity and development. Life is much richer and more inventive than literature, and the writer showed us this. Samson Vyrin's fears were not justified. His daughter did not become unhappy. She probably became Minsky's wife. Having visited her father's grave, Dunya cries bitterly. She realizes that she hastened her father's death. But she didn’t just run away from home, she was taken away by her loved one. At first she cried, and then she accepted her fate. And not the worst fate awaited her. We don’t blame her; Dunya didn’t decide everything. The writer also does not look for those to blame. It simply shows an episode from the life of a powerless and poor stationmaster.

The story marked the beginning of the creation in Russian literature of a kind of gallery of images of “little people”. Gogol and Dostoevsky, Nekrasov and Saltykov-Shchedrin would later turn to this topic... But the great Pushkin stood at the origins of this topic

“The Station Agent” is one of the stories included in famous work A. S. Pushkin “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin.” In “The Station Warden,” the author introduces us to the difficult, joyless life of ordinary people, namely station guards, during the times of serfdom. Pushkin draws the reader’s attention to the fact that in the outwardly stupid and ingenuous performance of their duties by these people lies hard, often thankless work, full of troubles and worries. Why don't they blame the stationmaster? “The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the driver is stubborn, the horses don’t carry - and the caretaker is to blame...” Few of those passing by take the stationmasters for people, more for “monsters of the human race,” and yet “these much-maligned stationmasters are generally peaceful people, naturally helpful, inclined to live together, modest in their claims to honor and not too money-loving.” Few of those passing by are interested in the life of station guards, and yet, as a rule, each of them has a difficult fate, in which there is an abundance of tears, suffering and grief.

The life of Samson Vyrin was no different from the life of station wardens like him, who, in order to have the bare essentials to support their family, were ready to silently listen and just as silently endure endless insults and reproaches addressed to them. True, Samson Vyrin’s family was small: he and his beautiful daughter. Samson's wife died. It was for the sake of Dunya (that was the name of the daughter) that Samson lived. At the age of fourteen, Dunya was a real helper to her father: cleaning the house, preparing dinner, serving a passer-by - she was a master of everything, everything was easy in her hands. Looking at Dunina’s beauty, even those who had made it a rule to treat station attendants rudely became kinder and more merciful.

When we first met Samson Vyrin, he looked “fresh and cheerful.” Despite the hard work and the often rude and unfair treatment of those passing by, he is not embittered and sociable.

However, how grief can change a person! Just a few years later, the author, having met Samson, sees before him an old man, unkempt, prone to drunkenness, dully vegetating in his abandoned, untidy home. His Dunya, his hope, the one who gave him strength to live, left with an unfamiliar hussar. And not with his father’s blessing, as is customary among honest people, but secretly. Samson was scared to think that his dear child, his Dunya, whom he protected as best he could from all dangers, did this to him and, most importantly, to herself - she became not a wife, but a mistress. Pushkin sympathizes with his hero and treats him with respect: honor for Samson is above all, above wealth and money. Fate beat this man more than once, but nothing made him sink so low, so stop loving life, as the act of his beloved daughter. Material poverty for Samson is nothing compared to the emptiness of his soul.

On the wall in Samson Vyrin’s house there were pictures depicting the story of the prodigal son. The caretaker's daughter repeated the action of the hero of the biblical legend. And, most likely, like the father of the prodigal son depicted in the pictures, the stationmaster was waiting for his daughter, ready for forgiveness. But Dunya did not return. And the father could not find a place for himself out of despair, knowing how such stories often end: “There are a lot of them in St. Petersburg, young fools, today in satin and velvet, and tomorrow, you’ll see, they’re sweeping the street, along with the naked taverns. When you sometimes think that Dunya, perhaps, is disappearing right away, you will inevitably sin and wish for her grave...”

The stationmaster's attempt to return his daughter home did not end well. After this, having drunk even more from despair and grief, Samson Vyrin died. In the image of this man, Pushkin showed the joyless life of ordinary people, selfless workers, filled with troubles and humiliations, whom every passer-by and traveler strives to offend. But often such simple people as station guard Samson Vyrin are an example of honesty and high moral principles.

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Samson Vyrin worked all his life as a station attendant. While still young, he was widowed and never married again. From a happy, but short-lived marriage, he left behind a daughter. The man always compared her with his late wife, finding more and more similarities.

Due to his intense work, a man could afford to drink punch in the evening with a visiting visitor. During such an “event” the caretaker relaxed, became more talkative and talked about his life.

More than anything and anyone in his life, he loved his Dunya. She was his only joy, pride and subject of universal admiration. The man dedicated his life, giving her all his love.

By nature, he was very kind, generous, but a little naive. Therefore, when a young hussar stopped by his station and fell suddenly ill at the sight of Dunya, Samson did not sense anything was wrong. He called a doctor for the sick man, and entrusted his daughter to look after him until he fully recovered from his illness.

Unfortunately, the care with which they surrounded the hussar was in vain. The man was planning to kidnap Dunya. But before that, I tried to lull the vigilance of my loving father. Minsky faked his own illness. He persuaded the attending physician to “play along” with him and thanked him generously for this.

Before Minsky left, Vyrin also received a good reward. However, he didn’t even think that he was just trying to pay him off. The young hussar will take his daughter away from the station forever.

After this terrible loss, the caretaker will become very old. The narrator, having met him again, has difficulty recognizing him as the old Samson. The old man literally drank himself to death from grief. Having difficulty remembering the narrator, he will tell him a sad story that made his soul ache. The grief he suffered from the loss and betrayal of a loved one destroyed him from the inside.

It was clear that the man was very worried about Dunya’s future fate. He was afraid that the young and seductive hussar would quickly get tired of her, and he would leave her. What then awaits the poor girl?! After all, out of grief and hopelessness, she can even cross the boundaries of decency.

Fortunately, his fears were not confirmed. Apparently, he was still in love with Dunya. Now he took care and looked after her, instead of her father.

A few years after the narrator’s last visit to the station, Samson Vyrin died. He was tired of suffering from longing for his daughter, tired of his meaningless existence. Dunya did not come to her father's funeral. She had no idea that by her own actions she would practically “sentence” her own father to death. Perhaps the girl in her heart hoped that her parent would understand her and forgive her for everything.

She learned the price of her indifference only a few years later, when she decided to visit her native and abandoned home and the station from which it all began. But instead of a loving and dear face, her father’s unkempt grave in the cemetery was waiting for her.

Now it was Duna’s turn to cry. These were also tears of grief, despair and belated repentance. Lying on the grave, the girl mentally hugged her father, begging for his forgiveness...