Country house insurance in reso guarantee. Home and cottage insurance

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  1. Are unfinished construction projects accepted for insurance?

    Yes, home insurance is issued on an individual basis, if the building has walls, roofing, closed window and door openings.

  2. If the building is not registered, will you take it for insurance?

    Yes, if you have a document for the land plot on which it is located.

  3. Is real estate accepted for insurance in the absence of a certificate of ownership?

    Not only a certificate of ownership or an extract from the Unified State Register can be accepted as a document confirming the right to receive insurance payment. These documents can be replaced by an alienation agreement (purchase and sale, gift, exchange), a certificate of inheritance, an extract/certificate from the local administration and other documents that make it possible to clearly determine who owns the insurance territory.
    In the process of transfer of rights, when title documents are completely absent, we propose to draw up an agreement on the condition “at the expense of whom it should be”: payment of insurance compensation, according to this condition, will be made to the person who confirmed his rights to the damaged/lost property at the time of the loss settlement. occurrence of an insured event.

  4. Can social housing be insured?

    Yes, premises used by citizens for living on the basis of a social tenancy agreement can be accepted for insurance on general terms. Payment of insurance compensation will be made to any of the adults registered in the insured premises (registration is established according to the passport data).

  5. I rented a country house for a long term, can I insure it for my benefit?

    Yes, if the lease agreement stipulates your obligation to restore property damaged for any reason, carry out scheduled/unscheduled repairs, etc.
    Also, in favor of the tenant, the tenant's movable property located in the rented premises, as well as leased property for which he is financially responsible under the lease agreement, can be insured. Otherwise, the recipient of the payment will be the owner of the rented property.

  6. How long should I wait to receive payment?

    15 working days from the date of receipt of the last of the loss documents

  7. I want to buy a policy as a gift to a friend, but I have nothing to do with the object of insurance itself. Is this possible?

    Yes, sure. To purchase an insurance contract, you do not have to be the owner or have at least some relation to the insurance object. Absolutely any person can buy a property insurance contract (become an insured), and the payment of insurance compensation is always received by the person who has the official right to own, use, and dispose of the insured property (for example, the owner).

  8. Shared property – what can you offer?

    Common joint and common shared ownership (both with and without the allocation of shares) is not a rare case. First you need to determine what exactly you want to provide with insurance protection: the entire object or only the part that belongs to you.
    Features of property insurance in shared ownership:

    • In respect of the entire object, insurance is carried out in favor of all its owners, including minors. In this case, the payment of insurance compensation is made either according to the share in the ownership of each of the owners (in the case of common ownership), or in full to one of the owners (in the case of common joint ownership).
    • In relation to part of the object, insurance is carried out in favor of the owner(s) of this part. If the share of ownership is not allocated (does not have clear documented boundaries), the insurance contract can be concluded on the basis of a plan of the property drawn up and signed by all its owners for the purpose of concluding an insurance contract, which indicates the part transferred for insurance (notarization of the plan is not required) .
  9. Is it possible to insure movable property located outside the home?

    Yes. This applies to some items of movable property, which, due to their functional purpose, may be located outside the insured premises (garden furniture, swings, garden equipment, etc.). Such property is accepted for insurance only if a separate list (inventory) is drawn up, exclusively on the terms of the “Platinum” product.

  10. Now no one lives in a country house, we rarely go there - will you take it for insurance or does someone have to live there?

    Both truly residential buildings (with permanent registration, year-round residence) and houses with non-permanent residence are accepted for insurance. At the same time, the very fact of absence of permanent residence (more than 240 days a year) does not increase the cost of insurance, but is necessary for Ingosstrakh only to collect statistical data.

  11. Rodents have damaged the furniture at your dacha - will you pay for repairs?

    Yes, provided that the additional risk of “Animal Action” is included in the insurance contract. For this risk, insurance covers damage caused to the insured property by animals that do not belong to the policyholder or his friends, guests, employees, etc.

  12. In spring there are floods or rising groundwater levels. Does Ingosstrakh pay for such cases?

    Yes, if the specified events relate to non-standard for the given area, dangerous natural phenomena, which is confirmed by a certificate from Roshydromet.

Refund limit

The maximum amount of insurance compensation established in the insurance contract for the entire insurance period, after which the insurance contract is terminated.

Insurance premium

An insurance fee that must be paid by the policyholder or his representative.

Insurance risk

The expected event, in the event of which an insurance contract is concluded.

Insurance case

An event that has occurred from among those provided for in the insurance contract and entailed the insurer’s obligation to pay insurance compensation.

Sum insured

The amount of money specified in the insurance contract, on the basis of which the amount of the insurance premium (insurance contributions) and the amount of insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event are established. When insuring property, the insured amount can be set equal to or lower than its insured value.

Insurance compensation

The amount received by the person in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded, or his legal representative upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Monetary losses of the person in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded as a result of the occurrence of an insured event.

Insurance claim form

When insuring property, a monetary form of compensation is provided (payment is made in rubles to the bank account of the person in whose favor the insurance contract was concluded).


The part of the damage determined by the contract that is not subject to compensation by the insurer, established as a percentage of the insured amount or in a fixed monetary value.


An insurance organization created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to carry out insurance activities and received a license to carry out the corresponding type of insurance activities in the manner prescribed by law.

Insurance contract

An insurance contract is understood as an agreement between the policyholder and the insurer, according to which the insurer, for the payment stipulated by the contract (insurance premium), upon the occurrence of an event (insured event) stipulated in the contract, undertakes to compensate the person in whose favor the insurance contract was concluded for damages caused by of this event, damage in the amount (limit) and in the manner determined by the rules and/or the insurance contract. An insurance contract is a combination of an insurance policy and the text of the insurance rules on the basis of which it was concluded, as well as annexes to the insurance policy (if any).

Insurance rules

Insurance conditions that define the rights and obligations of the parties under the insurance contract, the object of insurance, a list of insured events and exceptions under which the insurer is released from liability. The text of the insurance rules is an integral part of the insurance contract.


A legal or legally capable individual who enters into an insurance contract in its own favor or in favor of a third party (beneficiary) and pays insurance premiums under such a contract. The conclusion of an insurance contract in favor of the policyholder is possible only if the policyholder has an interest in preserving the insured property based on law, another legal act or contract. When concluding an insurance contract in favor of the beneficiary, the policyholder may not have a property interest.

Insured person

In terms of civil liability insurance: a person whose liability for causing harm to life, health or property of individuals, property of legal entities, municipalities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or the Russian Federation is insured under an insurance contract.


An individual or legal entity appointed by the policyholder who has an interest in preserving the insured property (property interest) based on law, another legal act or contract, in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded.

Insurance period

The validity period of the insurance contract usually coincides with the validity period of the insurance contract.

Contract time

The period during which the insurer's liability insurance is valid usually coincides with the insurance period.

Insurance territory

The territory defined in the insurance contract (country, region, route, etc.), within which an insured event occurring during the validity period of the insurance contract entails the insurer’s obligations to pay insurance compensation. For property and civil liability, the insurance territory is the address of the location of the property; for civil liability insurance for the actions of animals, the insurance territory is the territory of the Russian Federation.

Incomplete proportional insurance

The condition of incomplete proportional insurance means that the insured amount established in the contract is lower than the insured value of the property and the payment of insurance compensation is made in the same proportion to the amount of damage in which the insured amount was related to the insured value.


The condition of incomplete insurance means that the insured amount established in the contract is lower than the insured value of the property. In this case, payment of insurance compensation can be made both taking into account the ratio of the sum insured to the insured value (incomplete proportional insurance) and without taking into account this ratio (incomplete disproportionate insurance).

Full insurance

The condition of full insurance means that the insured amount established in the contract is equal to the insured value of the property

Incomplete disproportionate

The condition of incomplete disproportionate insurance means that the insured amount established in the contract is lower than the insured value of the property and the payment of insurance compensation is made without taking into account the proportion in which the insured amount was related to the insured value.

A gradual decrease in the original value of property during its use.

Reimbursement system

The compensation system refers to the procedure for accounting for wear and tear on replaced materials/parts in case of partial damage to property: the “New for Old” compensation system assumes that wear and tear is not charged on replaced materials/parts in the event of partial damage (the payment is equal to the cost of new parts), the “Old” compensation system for old" assumes that replacement materials/parts in case of partial damage are subject to depreciation during the operation of the damaged property (the payment is equal to the cost of new parts minus depreciation during the period of operation)

Bonus system

Reward system for our clients. Bonus is a discount that you receive when renewing your policy if you have not had any losses.

Insurance value

The true, actual value of property for insurance purposes. To determine the insured value, various methods of economic assessment are used, as a rule, when insuring suburban real estate, decoration and engineering equipment, the insured value is equated to the replacement cost (including wear and tear), and when insuring movable property, structural elements of apartments / townhouses - to the market value (minus wear).

Rating: 1 Payout Score: 3

In August 2015, heavy hail occurred on the KMS in particular and in Mineralnye Vody; the size of the hailstones reached the size of a chicken egg, and some hailstones were the size of a tennis ball. My three-story house was insured under the RESO-Dom policy in the amount of 2,050,000 rubles for a mortgage from Sberbank. Policy number SYS911746094. The policy was chosen with the maximum risk package No. 3, which was possible for mortgage insurance. In general, the hail damaged the roof and its structural elements, the drainage system, the cap and lining of the chimney, the roof of the porch canopy, the glazing of the loggia, the cladding of the loggias, the gate of the first floor house, a block glass window, a double wooden window - 3 units.., All repairs inside the house were flooded with water; electrical wiring and wooden floors had to be replaced. In general, everything needs to be replaced except the gate. I collected all the documents, an expert from the insurance company arrived, took photographs of the house from the ground from all sides, and then they said wait.

A couple of times I was invited to the office to sign a preliminary calculation. In general, I called for three months to Moscow, Stavropol and Pyatigorsk asking when you would pay. I remembered all the numbers by heart, since all the specialists are very busy people. When signing the preliminary calculation in Pyatigorsk, I asked why there was so little, there
The amount was 120 thousand, I don’t remember exactly. I call Moscow and find who is taking care of my
business, and I ask him. I say that the roof is damaged and it needs to be completely replaced. I won’t give his last name, but he said that it was necessary to do a second examination due to newly discovered circumstances. They did an inspection and said that they would reschedule using some kind of tables, and that it would turn out much more, since the roof was being completely replaced. Again, I constantly call Moscow, Stavropol, they feed me breakfasts and promises.

In December 2015, I received a payment of 56,271.14 rubles. I call the insurance company and
I’m asking if you made a mistake with the amount, but you over-corrected the amount of the loss. All in all
I am writing a claim to Stavropol addressed to the director and asking him to recalculate the amount of the loss. I receive an answer, do an examination. At the end of December I am ordering an expert
loss estimate that reflects the market value of restoration costs
(repair) of property taking into account wear and tear - RUB 446,697.25. This assessment did not include
hail damage on the wall of the house on the front side of the facing brick,
interior finishing, wooden floors and electrical wiring.

In March, I sent a pre-trial claim with a request to reconsider the unreasonably reduced amount of payment in the amount of 56,271.14 rubles, in case DCH6375525 with a report determining the market value, costs of restoring (repairing) property damage. There is still no answer (04/09/2016), I call Pyatigorsk and ask them to see what is there about my case. In response, the case was closed.

As a result, six months of time and a lot of nerves were lost. Also in December, I asked in writing to issue a copy of the insured event report, asked for a copy of the insurer’s insurance rules, on the basis of which the contract with individual insurance conditions of policy No. SYS911746094 was concluded and what limits of liability for individual elements as a percentage of the insured amount it provides, asked to issue a calculation damage. In response, they made it clear to me that you will not receive anything. No one at RESO could tell me what limits of liability for individual elements of the house as a percentage of the insured amount I am entitled to under my policy. They said what is written in your pole is a standard form and cannot be trusted. Nobody said what exactly this pole insures against
what kind of damage?

As a result, I advise everyone, do not believe in the words of the stories from the insurance company. One gets the impression that RESO is deliberately dragging its feet and harrassing people, hoping that the person will spit on all this disgustingness and will not continue to bother with the insurance company, trying to get at least some adequate payment for the damage.

I no longer hope for a peaceful solution to the problem, and I advise everyone not to believe in stories from RESO that everything will be fine. I wrote this for people who are going to insure their home with a mortgage, so that they don’t make the same mistake as me.

RESO-Garantiya 04/20/2016 9:50

Good afternoon, Oleg Igorevich!

The company’s specialists have once again studied the materials of your payment case.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the property insurance policy was issued in accordance with the requirements of the Bank, which is the Beneficiary under this agreement.

The structure of the house (main structure) is insured under the contract. The interior decoration and electrical wiring, the restoration of which you are applying for, were not insured.

Insurance compensation was paid for damage to the roof (roof), as well as windows.

We regret that the payment amount does not meet your expectations. But we remind you that the payment was made in full accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement.

We offer two insurance programs.

This product is for insuring houses of the lower and middle segment, built in gardening partnerships, settlements, villages, hamlets, and cottage communities. This policy allows you to insure most types of buildings, including cottages and outbuildings.

Insurance of a dacha or home under the Rosgosstrakh-dom “Active” program is especially relevant for those who are used to vacationing outside the city only in the warm season and are forced to leave their property unattended for the rest of the year.

Advantages of the "Active" home and property insurance program

  • Conclude an agreement promptly without an application.
  • Pay your insurance premium in one lump sum or in installments.
  • We help you accurately and quickly determine the cost of insurance for your cottage and property.
  • You can insure a house, outbuildings, interior and exterior decoration of premises, movable property and especially valuable items, engineering and equipment, as well as civil liability during the operation of buildings (including damage to life, health and property of third parties).

This is an insurance program for private homes with an individual architectural solution and interior design. The “Rosgosstrakh-dom “Prestige” policy can be issued for a cottage located in a guarded village.

Insurance of country houses at Rosgosstrakh is reliable protection in unforeseen situations.

Advantages of home and property insurance "Prestige"

  • Lack of required objects.
  • Maximum flexible insurance conditions for exclusive buildings.
  • Insurance of external objects (equipment).
  • Individual approach to each client who has chosen country house insurance.
  • Insurance of expensive property (collections, antiques, etc.).

Home insurance priceand other detailed official information on this product can be obtained from Rosgosstrakh specialists.

Insure your home contents

In addition to insuring a country house, country house or apartment, you can now insure any household property: furniture, household appliances, etc.

The Rosgosstrakh program insures household property against a wide range of risks. You will protect yourself from financial losses in the event of theft or fire, which, unfortunately, is also not uncommon.

Very inexpensive

The cost of insuring a home and other property may not be burdensome to the family budget. Rosgosstrakh strives to ensure that the programs offered are not only as reliable as possible, but also accessible to everyone.

No unnecessary documents

Rosgosstrakh offers to insure your property in just 5 minutes! There is no need to present receipts for the purchased property or collect a package of documents. All you need is a passport, the address of the insured object and the amount for which you want to insure it. It doesn't matter whether you own or rent your home.

Home contents insurance at Rosgosstrakh - reliable, fast, inexpensive!

We are always happy to see you and answer any questions. Just call us or come to your nearest office.

The insurance company "RESO-Garantia" has been carrying out insurance activities for more than 25 years and is one of the leaders in the Russian insurance market. The company offers clients property insurance programs to reliably protect real estate from robbery, fire, flooding and other unforeseen incidents.

Advantages of property insurance at RESO-Garantiya

At the end of 2015, the company took 3rd place among Russian insurance organizations in the property insurance segment, collecting RUB 3,163,807 thousand. bonuses and paying 584,296 thousand rubles. for insurance cases.

The authorized capital of IC "RESO-Garantia" is 10.85 billion rubles, and the company's reliability rating is assessed by the Expert RA agency as exceptionally high "A++" with a stable forecast. The company's insurance obligations regarding payments are guaranteed by reinsurance companies Munich Re, Hannover Re, Gen Re, SCOR, Partner Re. The number of RESO-Garantiya client base is more than 10 million individuals and legal entities.

Other advantages of insurance in IC "RESO-Garantia" include:

  • the ability to insure a wide range of objects - apartments, houses, cottages, fences, swimming pools, greenhouses, technical equipment;
  • payment of an insurance policy in installments;
  • payment of insurance compensation within 15 days.

Insurance risks covered by the policy

All property insurance programs from RESO-Garantiya guarantee compensation for losses associated with the following insured events:

  • fire, gas explosion, lightning strike;
  • water damage;
  • natural disasters (earthquake, inundation, flood, hurricane, storm, tsunami, tornado, rockfall, landslide, avalanche, hail, mudflow);
  • robbery, burglary;
  • damage associated with illegal actions of third parties;
  • collision with foreign objects;
  • terrorism.

Types of property insurance programs

IC "RESO-Garantia" offers several real estate insurance programs that differ in the objects of insurance. The list of insurance risks is identical for all programs.


This program was created to insure country property and provides insurance for such objects as:

  • cottage, dacha;
  • interior decoration;
  • movable property;
  • fencing, fencing;
  • landscape structures.

"Policy without inspection"

The insurance product is designed to insure any country buildings worth up to 1 million rubles. To conclude a contract, a preliminary inspection of the property by a company representative is not required.


This program is designed to insure an apartment, namely such structural elements as:

  • walls, windows, doors, pipelines;
  • covering walls, floors, ceilings;
  • Built in furniture;
  • heating, ventilation, sewerage, gas and water supply, surveillance and security systems;
  • movable property (interior items, furniture, electronics, equipment, household appliances, dishes, tools, clothing).

In addition to the listed insurance items, the program provides life and health insurance for apartment residents against accidents, as well as civil liability insurance. Registration of the “Brownie” insurance program is possible in four options depending on the selected amount of insurance coverage - “Economy”, “Preferential”, “Express”, “Premium”.

Cost of property insurance programs

The table below provides approximate data on the cost of property insurance from RESO-Garantiya in Moscow as of 2017.

The name of the program
Insured risks
Amount of insurance coverage, rub.
Cost of insurance, rub./year

fire, gas explosion, lightning strike;
water damage;
natural disasters;
robbery, burglary;
damage associated with illegal actions of third parties;
collision with foreign objects;
house - 6,500,000;
movement property - 500,000;
bathhouse - 800,000;
garage - 300,000;
fence - 150,000.
30 520
"Policy without inspection"
house - 500,000;
movement property - 50,000;
bathhouse - 250,000;
utility block - 50,000.
6 480
apartment design - 1,500,000;
finishing - 300,000;
movement property - 300,000;
3 000
apartment design - 3,000,000;
finishing - 450,000;
movement property - 300,000;
citizen liability - 300,000.
6 000
apartment design - 7,000,000;
finishing - 700,000;
movement property - 600,000;
citizen liability - 1,200,000.
9 800
apartment design - 10,000,000;
finishing - 1,200,000;
movement property - 1,000,000;
citizen liability - 1,700,000.
17 000

The Resogarant company appeared on the insurance market in 1991. It was then that the boom in the creation of private companies began, because the USSR with its state economy was already practically disintegrating and new forms of management were emerging.

About company

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The company has constantly developed and expanded the range of services it provides for legal entities and individuals. Today, the company with a 26-year history of success is considered one of the most stable in Russia. Over the course of its existence, it has become an international corporation: insurance companies are represented in Belarus, Armenia and Kazakhstan.

The range of services provided is extremely wide (more than 100 products).

The main areas of insurance activity are:

  • property insurance for individuals and legal entities;
  • insurance for tourists going on a long journey;
  • health insurance;
  • CASCO and OSAGO for all Russian motorists;
  • life and health insurance of citizens.

The company has repeatedly become a laureate of Russian recognition awards among insurance companies, received other prizes for its merits and good offers for clients. The reputation of IC "Reso" is impeccable, because there have never been delays in paying insurance compensation to clients.


The Reso company is mainly engaged in insuring real estate of citizens of the Russian Federation. Let's take a closer look at how cottages and houses are insured.

The list of insured events that are provided for by the norms of the company’s insurance contracts includes:

  • emergency situations (lightning strike, domestic gas explosion);
  • fire;
  • natural disasters;
  • flooding, consequences of rainfall;
  • illegal actions of third parties, robberies, burglaries;
  • consequences of an accident.

There are several options for insuring houses and summer cottages (depending on the list of insurance risks, the consequences of which are compensated by insurers):

In the area of ​​home and garden insurance, the company has developed several software products. Among them is the Resodom insurance policy.

Under this program you can insure:

  • dachas, garden houses;
  • cottages outside the city;
  • fences;
  • utility rooms in the yard;
  • bath rooms;
  • fences and fences.
  • select a risk package (for example, No. 3);
  • We note (or not) the possibility of insurance against terrorist attacks;
  • write down the name of the region in which the property is located (for example, Kemerovo region);
  • we indicate the objects of insurance (the main building with an estimated value of 100,000 rubles, outbuildings with an estimated value of 15,000 rubles);
  • we specify the features of the house and living conditions (we put marks. Let’s say the client wants to insure a brick house);
  • set the deductible amount (optional).

The insured amount will be approximately 483 rubles.

It is also possible to issue a product called “Policy without inspection”. What is its essence? To obtain insurance, there is no need to visit the Reso insurance agent to the location of the property.

Other benefits of insurance are:

  • It is possible to obtain protection for three buildings located at the same address. It is important to take into account that the cost of each building cannot exceed 1,000,000 rubles;
  • The policy period will begin 7 days after the document is issued;
  • the insurance company will only allow you to complete the contract if you provide 2 photographs;
  • It is possible to obtain home insurance online without visiting the company’s office.

To insure apartments, the company offers to take out a “Brownie” insurance policy (there are 4 types).

You can insure the following:

  • apartment designs;
  • finishing;
  • engineering and technical equipment and movable property located inside the insured real estate;
  • health and life of persons who live in the apartment;
  • civil liability to neighbors for harm caused to them.

The company offers powerful protection against such risks:

  • man-made accidents;
  • natural disasters;
  • actions of third parties with the aim of causing damage to structures or property of the owners;
  • falling objects or collision with vehicles (for example, the apartment is located on the ground floor near the roadway).

Now let's look at the conditions of each package in more detail, because there are differences among them.

So, the “Brownie Preferential” program provides the opportunity to insure:

  • apartment structures with an area of ​​no more than 100 square meters with coatings up to 1,500,000 rubles;
  • finishing and interior doors for no more than 300,000 rubles;
  • property of the owners and technical systems of the apartment (up to 300,000 rubles);
  • civil liability to neighbors.

The insurance premium will be 3,000 rubles per year.

The House Economy package provides the possibility of insuring the same elements, but there are some differences:

  • the amount of insurance coverage for apartment structures has been increased to 2,100,000 (outside Moscow) and 3,000,000 rubles;
  • the insurance limit for finishing elements has been increased to 450,000 Russian rubles;
  • the cost of the policy will be 4500 or 6000 rubles.

The House Express policy offers the company's clients a choice of design options and, accordingly, coverage amounts.

In the first option there is an opportunity:

  • insure the structures of an apartment with an area of ​​up to 120 square meters with coverage of up to 7,000,000 rubles;
  • finishing elements worth up to 700,000 rubles;
  • technical systems and property of citizens with guaranteed coverage of up to 600,000 Russian money;
  • liability to neighbors is covered up to 1,200,000 rubles.

The price of this insurance option is 9800 rubles.

The second option provides for slightly reduced amounts of risk insurance coverage:

  • no more than 5,000,000 (structures);
  • up to 500,000 (finishing, doors);
  • maximum 450,000 in case of damage to property and technical systems of the apartment;
  • civil liability is insured for up to 600,000 rubles.

The Reso company offers the most favorable conditions to its own clients as part of the Domovoy Premium service package.

Again, the client can choose one of two interesting options for receiving insurance compensation. Option #1 is:

  • insurance of structures without area limitation with compensation up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • risk insurance for finishing surfaces with damage coverage in the amount of up to 2,000,000;
  • protection of technical systems and property (movable) of apartment residents in the amount of up to 1,500,000;
  • civil liability insurance for neighbors on the floor and below with coverage up to 3,000,000 rubles.

The cost of such a policy is 35,000 rubles per year.

Option No. 2 provides for the protection of the same elements of the apartment and payment of civil liability with the following reservations:

  • the area of ​​insured structures cannot exceed 150 square meters, and the amount of coverage is 10,000,000;
  • the maximum compensation for damage caused to the finishing cannot be more than 1,200,000;
  • liability to neighbors is covered by a maximum amount of 1,700,000;
  • if something happened to the property or technical systems of the apartment, the owner will receive a maximum of 1,000,000 as compensation.

The cost of purchasing such a policy is 27,000 rubles.


It is impossible to list all the insurance rules in a short article. Let's mention just a few of them:

  1. The list of insurance risks is specified in the insurance contract and is exhaustive, therefore the policyholder has no right to claim compensation for any other reasons.
  2. The validity period of any policy is 1 year.
  3. The company issues insurance for objects located exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. The contract is concluded only if all necessary documents are provided.
  5. The coverage area of ​​a specific policy is specified in the contract.
  6. The insurance contract loses legal force in the following cases:
    • full fulfillment of obligations;
    • expiration of its validity period;
    • liquidation of an insurance company;
    • death of the person who insured the property;
    • by mutual desire;
    • in case of recognition of the invalidity of the contract;
  7. The maximum amounts of insurance compensation established in the text of the contract for specific objects are conditional. The amount of specific compensation is established based on the severity of the harm and the destructiveness of the consequences of the incident in the apartment.

How to obtain real estate insurance for individuals in RESO

To draw up an insurance contract you must:

  • contact the company office;
  • submit an application for an insurance policy online.

Further actions can develop as follows:

  • the policy will be issued automatically after providing 2 photos of the object by email (private home insurance program “Policy without inspection”) and sent to the specified postal address after payment of the insurance premium is received in the company’s bank account;
  • An insurance inspector will go to the specified address of the property to assess the property.

After completing the assessment activities, the policyholder will have to prepare a package of documents and visit the company’s office to sign the contract and receive the policy.

Required documents

To conclude an insurance contract you will need:

  • compose, which is located on the object;
  • to write an application;
  • draw up a list of property that is insured, indicating the main technical characteristics of each part and cost;
  • provide documents confirming ownership of the apartment and property (exchange agreement or certificate of inheritance, social tenancy agreement, agreements, acts or invoices for the acquisition of property (if any));
  • provide a floor plan and other technical documents for the apartment (house);
  • passport and identification code of the policyholder;
  • a certificate with a list of people living in the apartment.