Wedding programs and competitions. The funniest wedding competitions

Funny and interesting wedding competitions are the main component of a bright and memorable wedding, because the general mood in the hall determines the atmosphere in which your holiday will take place. The site for newlyweds recommends stocking up on a dozen original and creative games that will not allow guests to get bored in the midst of the holiday. Be sure to coordinate all cool wedding competitions with the host so that they suit your taste and are not offensive or obscene.

Funny contests for newlyweds

The bride and groom have enough excitement at a wedding, so the task of the toastmaster is to cheer up and cheer up the newlyweds so that not a trace remains of their worries. Very funny competitions that will amuse the newlyweds and guests of the holiday will help with this:

Kiss my hand

  • Participants: bride and groom
  • Props: eye scarf

One of the popular comic competitions, which are held for a wedding, is a challenge for the bride, where she needs to guess her lover by kiss. The bride is blindfolded and told that several male guests from the audience will take turns kissing her hand, and she needs to guess who her groom was. The catch of the competition is that the bride’s hand is constantly kissed by her groom, masquerading as other men. Will the beautiful bride guess that during the competition she was kissed exclusively by her lover? You can repeat such competitions on your wedding anniversary in the company of friends to check how well the spouses have managed to get to know each other.


  • Participants: bride and groom
  • Props: projector or posters with images of gifts

If you like funny wedding games and competitions, try playing Gifts. The bride and groom take turns sitting on a chair facing the guests. Behind them, the toastmaster places a projector or shows posters with images of the most unusual gifts, for example, “a black eye,” “a fly swatter,” or “a matchbox.” Gifts are visible only to guests, and the newlyweds must answer tricky questions from the host, for example, “Would you like to receive this wonderful gift?”, “Who would you be happy to give such a gift?”, “Do any of the guests already have Is there such a gift? You are guaranteed laughter in the hall during such a game!

Wedding games: funny competitions for witnesses

Funny wedding competitions will help warm up not only the newlyweds, but also the witnesses, who have to resolve many issues during the holiday and whose energy gradually fades away in the evening. The witnesses have already held bride ransom competitions, and now it is their turn to actively participate in wedding games.

Funny clothespins

  • Participants: witnesses
  • Props: 10 clothespins, blindfold

The funniest competitions are those that require dexterity and ingenuity from participants. Playing with clothespins will surely make all the guests in the room laugh, so feel free to add such funny competitions to the evening program. The essence of the game is that the witness is blindfolded, and the witness, accompanied by cheerful music, hangs 10 clothespins on his clothes, trying to choose the most unexpected places. It is important to be careful so that the witness does not feel where the clothespins are attached. Then the participant needs to find and remove all the clothespins as quickly as possible. The speed can be recorded on a stopwatch. Later, the witness will have to show her dexterity. The fastest participant will receive a set of clothespins as a gift.

Lemon congratulations

  • Participants: witnesses
  • Props: lemon and greeting card

If you want to make your guests laugh until they cry, you can hold a funny competition for witnesses who will be very sour, but have fun. Prepare half a lemon for each participant, cutting it into slices onto plates. The task of the witnesses is to take turns eating their half of the lemon, while reading congratulations to the newlyweds. We read one line and tasted some lemon. After a few shares, the participants will have difficulty continuing to read out their congratulations, and instead of a happy face, the guests will see funny grimaces. The winner will be the one who manages to eat all the lemon slices before finishing his congratulations.

Let's entertain guests: funny games and questions for competitions

Wedding competitions for your favorite guests should not only be funny, but also active, so that not a single participant gets bored. The website about weddings offers you several games that will cheer up your family and friends:

Fashionable image

  • Participants: guests
  • Props: clothes of different sizes

If you want your wedding party games to be fun and creative, try throwing a real fashion show. Prepare suitable props in advance: clothes, accessories and decorations. Divide the guests into 5 pairs, in each of which one will be a model and the other a stylist. Accompanied by cheerful music, couples begin to actively create a fashionable look for a while. As soon as the presenter gives the signal, the competition stops. Now the models must walk along an impromptu “catwalk”. The bride and groom will determine the most creative couple and award the winners with fun prizes.

Tricky question

  • Participants: guests
  • Props: 10 question cards and 10 answer cards

A fun game can be organized right at the table so as not to distract guests from the meal. The presenter prepares cards with questions and answers in advance, with all questions written on leaves of one color, for example, yellow, and the answers on leaves of a different color, for example, pink. Next, the host selects a guest who will read out the questions and a participant who will read out his answer. Funny questions for competitions can be the most unusual: “Do you want to start a fight today?”, “Do you like Bruce Willis’s bald head?”, “Do you sleep cuddling a teddy bear?” The answers should also be unexpected: “Yes, I think about it day and night,” “You figured me out,” “Actually, it was a secret.”

Funny wedding competitions for parents

As a rule, parents at a wedding are very tense and excited, so having fun will be an excellent opportunity for them to relax a little after a difficult, exciting day:

Mom, dad, rock it

  • Participants: moms and dads of young people
  • Props: music

A fun dance competition will greatly amuse the parents of the newlyweds. They need to split into pairs and take turns performing dance routines to the music turned on. Even if the melody is unfamiliar, the couple must improvise so as not to lose.

Dessert for your loved one

  • Participants: moms and dads of young people
  • Props: cakes and yoghurts, spoons

The parents of the newlyweds have lived together for many years and know each other well, but the host may suggest checking whether caring mothers can feed their loved ones blindfolded. For men, it is best to take off your jacket and tie a napkin around your neck. At the same time, moms begin to feed dads yogurt, and then cake with whipped cream. The couple that can eat all the desserts the fastest will win.

Wedding competitions with a funny scenario can be held even without a toastmaster, at home, if you organized a celebration outdoors or in a large country house. Lyrical games are best left for the restaurant, but in the fresh air guests will be happy to have fun and laugh a lot.


    A wedding without competitions and entertainment is like a joke without humor. It is the entertaining moments that create the overall atmosphere of fun and real celebration. Well-chosen competitions will not make you blush the next day, but on the contrary, they will give you wonderful memories of one of the best weddings in your life.

    For convenience, we have divided 13 ideas into groups.

    Competitions for guests

    1. Impromptu “Welcome Guests”

    The host asks what the guests wish for the young intangible values. The following will definitely be listed: happiness, health, success, luck, joy, warmth, mutual understanding, harmony and, of course, love. Everyone who guessed correctly is given cards indicating the role and phrases. The text is read out. Participants must say the phrase immediately after mentioning their character.

    Roles and phrases:

    Love:“I’ll warm your blood!”

    Happiness:"Here I am! Hello everyone!"

    Health:“I’ll add to my genealogy!”

    Success:“I’m the coolest among you!”

    Luck:“I’m coming to join you!”

    Understanding: “Just a moment!”

    Patience:“I’ll tell you the solution!”

    Harmony (all guests in chorus): “Advice and love!”

    The day has come when Harmony came to the world. A beautiful woman rules over him Love. Hovering over our young people is huge Happiness . Promises to be in perfect order and cheerful Health. Swears he's just around the corner, loud Success .. The inevitable comes to us on the wings of a blue bird Luck. It's serious at the table Understanding Love And with it came cheerfulness . Patience Health. It's serious at the table This is what we have Swears he's just around the corner, loud Harmony Hovering over our young people is huge. It's serious at the table Very loudly promises unrestrained . Even louder - persistent Luck. .. The unbelted man tries to keep up with them .. I'm having fun


    The presenter offers to give everyone a gift-wish to the newlyweds, using certain gestures. The text will contain key words, upon hearing which you need to show the indicated gesture. Before starting, rehearse each gesture.

    Love– married ladies draw a heart in the air.

    Happiness– unmarried girls blow a kiss to the newlyweds.

    Healthmarried men, bending your arms at the elbow, showing your biceps.

    Wealth– unmarried guys show the young man the “yes” gesture, lowering his arm bent at the elbow down.

    Passion– everyone together shows the “Wow!” sign with both hands, extending them towards the young people.

    We will read you the forecast
    For the next hundred years.
    How to live them is not a question,
    We have the answer to everything!

    A hurricane is waiting for you love,
    Torrential downpour happiness,
    AND wealth on a way,
    AND health, sea passions.

    will become happiness Sweet home -
    U love he will be a prisoner
    AND wealth will be in it
    AND health, undoubtedly!

    Passions there will be a typhoon in it,
    Hovering over our young people is huge will be with children's laughter.
    AND Love among the lagoons,
    AND wealth, and joy!

    Will always serve you
    AND wealth, And health.
    Passion, Love you won't survive -
    Hovering over our young people is huge will be at the head!

    3. Flash mob of love

    During the dance break, guests are invited to make a flash mob for the young people. To a cheerful, rhythmic melody, tell the love story of the newlyweds in dance. The presenter shows and rehearses the movements - first without music, then with it. The young people are shown an already rehearsed number.


    • Went- rhythmically step from foot to foot.
    • Saw– hold your palms clenched into a fist with your index and middle fingers extended (“V” gesture) in front of your eyes.
    • Fell in love– draw a heart with your hands.
    • My head is spinning with happiness – turns around an axis with arms extended upward: first in one direction, then in the other.
    • Started to soar on the wings of love - the same thing, just swing your arms like wings.
    • Made an offer – put your hands to your heart and spread them to the side: to the heart – to the left side – to the heart – to the right side.
    • She agreed– bend your elbows, move up and down, simultaneously turning in one direction or the other.
    • Air kisses to the young.

    Repeat movements 4-8 times. You can “tell” the story 2-3 times in a row, but reduce the number of repetitions.

    4. Body designers

    Two teams of 7-8 people are recruited. No inventory. They are given tasks to depict a certain object as a team. Each team has 3-4 tasks. For example: teapot, car, bouquet, window, multi-armed Shiva, airplane and so on.

    5. Rainbow of wishes

    Competition to unite related teams.

    7 people each from the bride and groom participate. Participants randomly pull out one ribbon of a certain rainbow color, 1 m long, from the bags. Next, the teams line up opposite each other. The presenter suggests castling and uniting in pairs of participants with the same color of ribbons.

    1. Educated couples must tie their ribbon to what they consider to be the more attractive part of their partner’s body.
    2. All couples become a semicircle - facing the young people. Excerpts from songs are played (20-30 seconds), in which one of the colors of the rainbow is mentioned. Participants with the same color ribbons come forward and dance. The most active dancing part of the body should be the one on which the ribbon is tied.
    3. By applause A winner is selected for each pair.
    4. Everyone dances together to a common song about a rainbow.

    Props: two bags, 7 pairs of ribbons 1 m long.

    Recommended songs: “Orange Sun” (Paints), “Blue Frost” (Prime Minister), “Yellow Autumn Leaf” (Hummingbird), “ Blue eyes"(Mr Credo), "Red Dress" (Shtar), "Don't Hide Your Green Eyes" (I. Sarukhanov), "Purple Powder" (Propaganda), "Rainbow of Desires" (E. Lashuk).

    6. Spy at a wedding

    Participants are called who, after the question “who considers themselves sober?” raised their hands. They take turns blowing into the “tubes.” After each time, the “breathalyzer” comment is voiced.

    The banquet is the most important stage of the wedding celebration, so its organization should be approached responsibly. Entertainment should be thought out to the smallest detail, and wedding competitions for the toastmaster should be funny and modern. Let's consider scenarios with competitions that will be most liked by the guests and remembered by the newlyweds. These include songs, ditties, outdoor games, and even jokes from the host in stand-up style, which will be appreciated by all relatives and friends.

    Fun banquet

    All competitions should be universal, since among the guests of the newlyweds there are both young boys and girls, as well as married couples, elderly people and even small children. During the conduct of the event, the toastmaster must take into account the total number of guests, all stages of the event (greeting, feast, first dance, birthday cake, etc.), wishes and financial situation the bride and groom, as well as the age and status of the guests.

    Wedding entertainment can be:

    • for warming up - these are most often funny competitions and funny jokes;
    • for the ceremonial part;
    • for the second day in nature;
    • competitions for newlyweds;
    • children's games;
    • competitions for parents.

    Some interesting options entertainment for guests:

    The wedding celebration scenario should be interesting and include a variety of competitions and entertainment in a playful way, because the similar friend Tasks on a friend can quickly get boring. No one will tell jokes several times in a row, sing into a microphone or play with words.

    Sometimes you need to entertain guests at a meal, during toasts or tea with birthday cake. For this purpose, there are special intellectual games that can be played without leaving the table. Here are some interesting table competitions:

    The video shows an example of a fun competition program for a wedding, because the scenarios for the toastmaster should be funny and modern, with well-thought-out competitions and outdoor games.

    Comic hobbies

    Three guys must participate in the game, doing something in their free time. The host announces the rules of the game to the guys and says that he will supposedly ask leading questions regarding their hobbies. It is forbidden to voice your hobbies; young people write them on a piece of paper and give them to the organizer. The audience must guess the favorite activity of each participant based on the answers.

    List of questions (the order may change):

    • Where did you learn your hobby?
    • What are you wearing during this activity?
    • How old were you when you first tried this hobby?
    • Who could teach you this activity?
    • In order to be a master in this matter, do you need to complete any courses or educational institutions?
    • What time of day is considered the best time for this activity?
    • What sounds surround you?

    After the conditions are announced, the three are asked to leave the room for a while so that the guests can come up with questions. But, in fact, the presenter persuades the audience that the hobby of the three participants is kissing. In this context, any answer to questions will be very comical and will amuse the guests.

    Fun game "Welcome!"

    You need to select several hosts in the game, each of whom will have a piece of paper pinned to their back with the inscription: “Strip club”, “ The State Duma”, “Restroom”, “Proctologist’s office”, “Wild beach”, etc. (whatever your imagination allows for). None of the drivers should see, much less know, what is written on his back, but keep in mind the inscriptions of other participants.

    The rules are as follows: players take turns sitting on a chair in the center of the hall with their backs to the guests so that the sheet is visible. They need to imagine that they are going to the place or institution written on their piece of paper. Everyone present asks leading questions, and the player answers with enthusiasm and wild imagination.

    A list of questions:

    • How often can you be seen in this place?
    • Are you usually there alone or accompanied by someone?
    • Is it possible to have lunch or tea there?
    • How long do you stay there?
    • Do you take photos in this setting? Where can I see the photos?
    • Does your wife/husband (girlfriend/boyfriend) know about your hobby?
    • Who can you spend time with there?
    • What objects surround you there?
    • Is it possible to rest or sleep there?
    • What do you take away with you from there?
    • Do you like visiting this place?
    • Is there a dress code there and what clothes do you wear?

    The participant’s answers can surprise and amuse not only the guests at the holiday, but also himself when he finally finds out the name of his mysterious institution, and “Where has he really been all this time?” A similar mini-game is usually played to warm up and lift the mood before dynamic competitions.

    Walk at the wedding

    The toastmaster invites two formed pairs to participate, and men and women do everything the host says.

    Leader's words:

    “So, imagine the two of you are walking along the sea coast. Warm summer evening, soft breeze blowing. You are all alone on the beach pier, you start hugging and merge in a passionate kiss. But suddenly the guy notices a shiny gold piece floating past, and his eyes immediately sparkled like the shine of this coin. He tells the girl about his find, shows the place, but she doesn’t notice anything. The guy speaks, but she doesn’t see... He points with all his hands and feet, but she won’t notice... For a long time the girl doesn’t see the chervonets, but finally she saw the coin. She was very happy, jumping and clapping her hands. The young man tries to get the chervonets without going into the water, but nothing works - the coin has floated far from the shore.

    Then the guy rolls his trousers up to his ankles and takes off his shoes, but this doesn’t go deep enough. Then he rolls his pants up to his knees and goes into the water. The beloved enthusiastically encourages her daredevil, but suddenly the young man stumbles and falls into the depths, beginning to drown. The girl dives headlong into the sea to save her beloved and carries him out of the abyss in her arms. Having laid the guy on the white sand, she gives him artificial respiration and presses herself to her chest, completely forgetting about the ill-fated gold piece!

    The presenter pauses and asks the participants to freeze in this position without moving. Then he addresses the guests:

    “Well, now we are witnessing a historical moment: these are the winners of the competition for true sacrificial female love and the most beautiful male legs!”

    Who knows the young people best?

    The toastmaster asks all the necessary questions to the bride and groom in advance, writes down the correct answers and keeps them secret “behind seven locks” until the end of the competition.

    The point of the game is to find out who knows the newlyweds best. As many years of experience in holding wedding celebrations shows, this may not always be the closest friend or relative.

    • What flowers does the bride prefer and which ones does she hate?
    • Where are the lovers going to go on their honeymoon?
    • What size shoes does the bride have?
    • How tall is the groom?
    • How many children are the young people planning?
    • What color are the eyes of the cat (any other pet) of the newlyweds?
    • Where did the bride meet the groom?
    • How old is the bride?
    • How long have young people been dating?
    • Who proposed to whom?
    • Favorite series of the bride's mother (father, grandmother, etc.)?

    So everyone will find out with whom young people most often keep secrets. The winner receives a joke prize, which is also prepared in advance.

    And now a game for parents “20 years later”

    At almost all weddings where the parents of the newlyweds are present, this entertaining game is played. The host should ask one of the spouses (most often the father of one of the newlyweds) to leave the hall for a few minutes, as a last resort The participant can put on headphones and turn on music.

    At this time, the mother is asked the following questions:

    • Where and how exactly did you meet your father?
    • What dress (or other outfit) were you wearing?
    • How many guests were present at your wedding?
    • Was the weather outside good or bad at the time of the long-awaited wedding?
    • Was there a wedding gift that your husband liked more than any other?
    • What was the witness's name?

    Then the father of the family returns and must answer the same questions. Those present make sure that the answers match. Any discrepancy can be played out funny by telling a funny joke. At the end, you can offer a toast to the newlyweds and wish that they remember their celebration in as much detail as their parents!


    As you may have noticed, most competitions have winners who need to be awarded prizes. Of course, no one is talking about cash gifts and Parker pens, but some nice things are still worth purchasing in advance. And the presenter should think about this!

    What can be used as comic prizes for guests:

    • small accessories, keychains or magnets;
    • candlesticks;
    • boxes with comic inscriptions, for example, “Kiss of the Bride”;
    • household items;
    • office;
    • plaques, medals and stickers;
    • calendars or paper fans;
    • mugs;
    • T-shirts, etc.

    The host should not forget about the children who can come to the wedding with their parents. To entertain them, you can prepare the following props:

    • tabletop Jenga;
    • colored paper;
    • sweets for gifts;
    • stickers or soap bubbles.

    Hosting a wedding is not an easy task, but it is an exciting one. The main thing is to prepare a flexible scenario and be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Any good host for each competition should have a plan B in stock, because guests can be too passive. Sometimes it takes a long time to warm up the audience, so you should be good mood and be able to joke casually. Use your best qualities: charm, artistry, and, of course, improvisation.

    If you have been entrusted with organizing a wedding banquet, try to think through every detail before the event. With the help of original and fun wedding competitions, it will not be difficult for any toastmaster to create funny and modern scenarios with games and competitions for completely different guests. It is advisable that everyone present wants to participate. After all, it is emotions that are most remembered, and smiles and laughter will fill the celebration with sincere joy.

    Any wedding is memorable for its entertainment. Competitions are selected so that it is fun and interesting for everyone, without exception. It is important to know the audience enough by age and mentality to make the competitions acceptable and to know how not to make mistakes, because this is the main part of the celebration, which will be remembered by many.

    How to choose the right wedding competitions for guests? Read about this in this article.

    Currently, there are many different wedding competitions, for guests competitions are no less important than, but how to choose the most suitable ones for your guests, the following recommendations will help you with this:

    Examples of universal wedding competitions for guests

    Here are some examples of cool wedding competitions that will appeal to almost all guests:

    Wedding competitions for guests at the table

    Mobile wedding competitions for guests

    The fastest team that completes this task wins.

    Fun wedding competitions for guests

    • Competition "Welcome!" All participants are hung on their backs with previously prepared signs on which various names are written: “bathhouse”, “toilet”, “school”, “bank”, “gynecologist’s office”, “nudist beach”, etc. At the same time, the participants do not see which they got the name. Then the toastmaster asks, in order, tricky, intriguing questions, for example: “How often do you visit this place?”, “Who do you usually come there with?”, “What things do you take with you?” etc. Having answered the last question, participants can look at their signs and find out what interesting places they visited today.
    • Surprise competition “Congratulations for the young”. Before the start of the banquet, he places forfeits with tasks (7-10 pieces) under several chairs of the guests. The tasks are related to congratulating the newlyweds. During the celebration, when the guests are about to begin to congratulate the newlyweds, the host asks them to do this based on what is written under their chair. Tasks can be as follows: “congratulate the newlyweds while dancing a waltz”, “congratulate as if you haven’t eaten for 3 days”, “congratulate as if an angry dog ​​is chasing you”, etc.
    • Competition “Singing Hat.
      For this competition, you need to prepare in advance: choose a beautiful bright hat that “can read soap”, and make a musical selection of funny compositions. The host says: “And now we will find out what each guest is thinking about at our beautiful wedding” and, in order of turn, puts on a hat to the guests who, having heard the excerpt, musical composition, must dance to it.

    Dance wedding competitions

    And of course it is important to organize good video shooting.

    The newlyweds and guests are looking forward to one of the most important and interesting parts of the wedding celebration - a festive feast with fun competitions and dancing. IN banquet hall a lot of interesting things happen: giving gifts, touching wishes from family and friends, as well as a delicious banquet and the long-awaited wedding dessert! However, the most fun part of the celebration can definitely be called wedding games and fun competitions, which the newlyweds prepared together with the host to create a cheerful and warm mood in the hall. All games selected by the toastmaster for the wedding must be agreed upon with the bride and groom. They should be kind and funny and definitely match your taste. Avoid stupid and vulgar competitions that only show a lack of tact: your task is to leave a good impression of the holiday on your loved ones.

    On the wedding portal site you will learn about which games for a wedding will be especially fun and memorable, as well as how to properly organize competitions and what props to prepare!

    Active games for a wedding: three fun ideas

    The wedding feast lasts quite a long time, so all guests feel the need to move a little. Take into account several active competitions for guests and witnesses, which will allow participants not only to have fun, but also to warm up a little. If girls take part in the games, the host may invite them to take off their shoes for a while.

    Mother-in-law's pancakes

    • Participants: two teams of 5 people.
    • Props: frying pan, pancakes.

    Games and competitions for a wedding can be not only fun, but also delicious. Two mixed teams of 5 people are invited to participate in the team game. Teams of men and women can also compete with each other. Participants line up and receive a prop - a heavy cast-iron frying pan on which lies a fresh pancake. The participant’s task is to run with the frying pan to the designated point, where they need to throw the pancake so that it turns over, and return back to the starting position, passing the frying pan to the next participant. Don't be upset if your pancake falls on the floor: in the game it is only a prop, so quickly pick it up and run to the other participants. The team that completes the relay faster becomes the winner and receives delicious dessert from pancakes as a gift.

    Shall we dance?

    • Participants: two couples.
    • Props: not required.

    Dancing games for a wedding always cause a storm of emotions among guests, as it is always unusual, creative and fun. Two couples in love (boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife) are invited to participate in the competition. The presenter turns on the music different styles, and couples need to quickly change the style of their dance, trying not to interrupt it. So, starting with a waltz, participants can end with a belly dance. The couple whose dance was the brightest and most daring receives a fun prize, for example, a children's microphone. The losing couple must dance their last farewell dance - “Swan Lake”. Such dance competitions will invigorate and amuse even the most gloomy and sleepy guests!


    • Participants: 10 guys.
    • Props: 100 multi-colored rubber bands.

    Wedding games for guests can be very diverse, the main thing is that they contain some humor and creativity. 10 men are selected as participants in the “Lovelace” competition, to whom the presenter gives 10 rubber bands, each in a different color. The participants' task is to put elastic bands on the ring fingers of the ladies in the banquet hall. The more girls a participant “rings,” the greater his chances of winning. Each girl in the hall can only put one elastic band on her finger. The winner receives a gift of kisses on the cheek from all the girls with rubber bands of the same color.

    Wedding table games: three fun competitions

    Tired after active games, guests can sit at the table for a while and taste delicious holiday treats. To maintain a cheerful atmosphere in the hall, the host can offer several funny wedding competitions right at the banquet table.

    Who's louder

    • Participants: all guests.
    • Props: A phone with a program that measures sound volume.

    A fun and unusual game for guests at a wedding will be checking the volume of the voices of your family and friends. It is best to divide the participants into two teams, for example, the right table and the left table. The presenter stands in the center and turns on a special program on the phone (for example, “Sound Level Meter”), which will measure the volume in decibels. Each team will be asked to sing a line from a song as loudly as possible: the loudest ones will win!

    Strong chain

    • Participants: all guests.
    • Props: not required.

    Guests are divided into two large teams, for example, the right and left half of the table. The essence of the game is for guests to form a strong chain by grabbing onto that part of their tablemate’s body that the host names (for example: nose, arm, leg, elbow, knee, ear). Teams take turns playing against the clock. The presenter quickly names the parts of the body, and the participants must grapple with each other as quickly as possible. If the chain breaks, the team automatically loses. If both teams can easily form strong chains, the fastest team wins.

    The most savvy

    • Participants: three guests.
    • Props: cards with tongue twisters.

    This competition is good to hold closer to the middle or end of the feast, when all the guests have not only eaten well, but also drank a little. The host watches the guests throughout the evening and selects the funniest and not so sober guys for the competition. The participants’ task is to pronounce as many tongue twisters as possible written on prepared cards. Three attempts are given to read, after which the turn is passed to the next participant. The most savvy and focused guest wins. This game will cause a storm among the guests positive emotions and a sea of ​​laughter.

    On the website you learned about what wedding games and competitions can be held at your celebration, so that guests remember the wedding as a fun and bright event!