Wedding traditions, bride price script. How to ransom the bride for the groom? Tips for the groom and witnesses

The bride price is an essential part of the wedding ceremony and the starting point of the entire wedding. This tradition has a deep meaning - the bride leaves her father’s house, the groom proves that he is worthy of his beloved, expresses gratitude to the bride’s relatives with a ransom, and the young family receives a blessing from the parents. In order for this element of the wedding ceremony to become fun, interesting, original and to get everyone in the mood for the holiday, you should consider how the bride ransom takes place and prepare for it in advance.

Features of the ancient tradition

Everyone, especially newlyweds, wants all the moments of their wedding day to be remembered as a cheerful, joyful and memorable holiday. The bride price is the informal beginning of this holiday. On it, the groom has to demonstrate his quick wits, sharp mind, and strength. Proving his love for the bride, he shows his readiness to overcome obstacles and perform feats.

Grooms, knowing how the bride's ransom from home goes, do not always agree to participate in the ceremony, afraid of the difficulties and afraid of being a laughing stock. From this day on, the young people's life together begins. It should begin with mutual understanding, so it is advisable to discuss all competitions in advance.

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Impeccable preparation for the ceremony

Organizing this event is no easy task and requires careful planning and preparation. Let's look at how to make the bride's ransom easy, joyful and carry it out correctly.

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Key success factors for the event

The entire ransom ceremony takes place in the newlywed's home. The main burden of organizing it falls on the shoulders of the bride herself, her friends and parents.

The main stages of the ancient rite include:

  • script writing;
  • preparation of competitions;
  • decoration of rooms and entrance;
  • table preparation;
  • holding an event.

Each of these stages has many nuances, knowing which you can make the bride's ransom interesting and create only positive emotions everyone, including the groom. Therefore, each stage should be carefully considered.

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Important points in selecting a script

Usually the script is drawn up by the bride, the witness and the bridesmaids. Nowadays it is not difficult to find many scenarios that can be used as a basis. Another option is to come up with everything yourself; this, of course, is not easy, but interesting. It will take a little time, a good sense of humor, intelligence and imagination.

In any case, you should first discuss the topic with the groom. He does not need to know the script itself, but he must be prepared for a specific topic that will form the basis of the ransom. General story line This event will help unite the whole scenario into a single whole and make it interesting.

Many scripts offer to conduct bride ransom in verse. It looks quite beautiful, but using them completely is not entirely appropriate; rarely does anyone manage to memorize poetry well. To avoid problems and hesitations, it is best to speak in ordinary prose, in simple words. To a young man this will also make it easier to understand what they want from him. If you choose poems, then simple ones.

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All the details of competitions

Here it is necessary to consider how to conduct a bride ransom in an original way. The whole scenario of such a ritual is more like a game. Vibrant competitions, entertainment and competitions set the tone for the fun.

You should not choose hackneyed competitions that are familiar to almost everyone. To make the ritual unique and original, you should add your own twist. At the same time, the main attribute of the ceremony should be the wonderful mood of all guests, including the groom.

In addition to the fact that all tasks should be fun, they should be uncomplicated and without vulgarity. This is an exciting day for the groom; all competitions should be designed so that he does not get dirty or wet. The newlywed should feel worthy of his beloved. He must be a winner.

When drawing up a script, do not forget about the time it takes to carry out the entire ceremony. All upcoming events on this wonderful day are just beginning. Delaying the ransom will tire everyone. It is necessary to find a middle ground. Usually 15–20 minutes are enough to complete the entire action.

The main thing is that the chosen program is varied. This condition is the key to success, as well as a fun, interesting and original event.

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Creating a festive atmosphere

Creating colorful posters, humorous wall newspapers and props for competitions will help lift the mood and add originality to the ceremony. You can do a lot of things yourself or buy ready-made ones. Remembering how the bride's ransom is carried out, you should carefully consider the decoration for the entrance to the entrance, the entrance itself and the newlywed's apartment. Prepare everything, and on the wedding day early morning do some decorating.

Usually the groom is greeted on the way to the house, so it is advisable to decorate him too. The entrance to the house, decorated with fabric drapery or garlands of balloons, looks elegant.

You can decorate with colorful messages, stickers, ribbons, paper hearts or flowers. At the entrance, railings, walls, stairs and floors are usually decorated.

They decorate the apartment more carefully, because during the buyout it becomes the object of attention. This is where the betrothed comes for his beloved. When decorating the bride's apartment and room, they use balloons, garlands, and ribbons.

A romantic atmosphere is well created by rose petals, candles, toys in wedding dresses or with flowers. When decorating a newlywed's home, the main thing is to do it with love. It is important for a young man to feel that he is expected and loved.

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Simple guest care

When preparing for the ceremony, do not forget that the bride's ransom takes place long before the wedding feast begins. Many events await everyone ahead. Therefore, when taking care of guests, it is advisable to prepare some snacks.

The buffet table is usually set in the bride's room. You need to think carefully about what snacks to prepare. They should be light, tasty and satisfying. The ideal option is canapés, tartlets and sandwiches. It is advisable to decorate it beautifully, originally and tastefully.

It is better to choose light drinks - red and white wine, champagne, cocktails. Strong alcohol should be left until the wedding reception. There should definitely be non-alcoholic tonics, lemonade, and juices on the table.

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Implementation of a memorable ritual

Everything is ready for the event, let's look at how to ransom the bride for the witness. There are several nuances that should be taken into account:

  1. When discussing the theme of the script, you need to take into account all the wishes and ask the guys not to buy off competitions right away, but to bargain until the last minute in order to win over those who come to the event.
  2. It is necessary to organize everything correctly and distribute roles between the participants in the action. To orientate the number of competitions, you should carefully walk the path from the entrance to the apartment.
  3. To avoid an unforeseen event, the printed script should be placed in a colorful folder. Sometimes you just need to look into it.
  4. You should show all your artistry, laugh and joke more. Everyone should have fun.
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The newlywed needs to support her lover in every possible way. When discussing the upcoming event, you should assure the groom that bullying is not planned, as well as difficulties. The young man will be exposed to better light, because this is in the girl’s interests.

The newlyweds' life together should not begin with hostilities. Such a policy of relations always leads to the interest of young people and their relative calm.

When preparing for the ceremony, you should take care of video recording. Watching the ransom together will subsequently amuse and show what the newlywed had to go through, what tricky questions he had to answer in order to get to his beloved. These moments will remain in the memory for a long time.

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Remembering how the bride ransom takes place at a wedding, the groom needs to be well prepared. First of all, you should prepare fruits, money, chocolate, sweets, alcohol, flowers. Money can be exchanged to have more, but you should not skimp. Usually all money given is returned to the newlyweds. As for alcohol, the set usually includes: vodka, champagne, wine, whiskey, cognac.

You should also think about what to carry all this in. Ordinary bags don't look very nice, even if they are colorful. Baskets decorated with flowers are more suitable. But the main thing is a good mood and a smile. You should treat the event as a wonderful opportunity to show your best side.

Bride ransom is a spectacular, fun and at the same time touching ritual that has been preserved since time immemorial. After this event, the newlywed’s life changes, she leaves her father’s house and begins a new life together with her loved one. A lot depends on how the new step in her life begins.

One of the most entertaining moments at a wedding is the ransom of the bride by the groom. He comes and takes her from her parents' house, for which he must give a "ransom" to her girlfriends, sisters and brothers. As a rule, all this happens in a humorous manner, and we offer you the five best scenarios for conducting the so-called game of witnesses and guests.

Bride ransom scenario No. 1

If you decide to arrange a wedding ransom for the bride, there is no need to delay it too much; 10-15 minutes is the best option. When thinking about ransom competitions, think about whether your chosen one is able to complete this or that task (you don’t need to mock him too much so that the wedding is not spoiled by his bad mood). Here are tasks for the groom and best man, from which you can choose those that will appeal to both the bridesmaids and the groomsmen.

1. Different letters are written on the steps; the groom must, as he goes up the steps, say sweet words to the bride starting with this letter.

2. Signs with questions about the bride and her family are placed on the steps. In order to move up to the next step, the groom must answer the question correctly or pay a fine.

3. The witness is given an apple with matches, he must, pulling out the matches, list positive traits groom

4. Variation on the theme of the previous competition. The groom is given an apple studded with matches. One of the matches should be short. The groom must pull out one match at a time until he pulls out a short one, and with each long match he must somehow affectionately, without hesitation, name his beloved.

5. Several hearts are made (just for the flight of stairs), and on each one the reason for the marriage is written: “by convenience,” “by accident,” etc. The inscription “for love” is placed on the topmost step. The groom must reach the top heart without stepping on the steps on which the wrong answers lie, without using the railing. The witness must guess to carry the groom upstairs in his arms.

6. Place daisies of two colors on the stairs. Step on the red one - say a kind word about the bride, step on the blue one - tell me how you will scold her. If you don’t want to scold, pay.

7. Freeze the apartment key in an ice cube. You can freeze a few more cubes with “fake” keys.

8. Papers are inserted into the inflated balloons. On one of them there is the inscription "key". The groom must burst the chosen balloon; if he guesses correctly, he is given the key to the apartment; if he is wrong, he is fined. A variant of this task is possible when the name of the bride and the names of the guests (including men) are written on pieces of paper.

9. The groom is greeted with a glass of water, and he must throw so many coins into it so that the water flows over the edge.

10. In three glasses, you need to put what rustles, what rings and what splashes.

11. The groom is offered three glasses (with salty, sour and sweet water). What kind of face to drink with is the same one to live with as a bride.

12. The doors to the apartment and in the apartment are all closed. There is a task on each door. The groom chooses the door behind which he thinks the bride is and answers the question. The answer is correct - the door opens; if you don’t guess correctly, choose another door or pay a ransom. At the same time, in one of the rooms there may be a person dressed as a bride, preferably a man.

13. The groom must write the name of the bride on a tray or table with money.

14. The groom must identify the bride from childhood photographs. Photos can be hung on strings, then the groom must jump and kiss the bride's photo.

15. There is a dartboard hanging on the door, with the inscriptions “for love”, “for convenience”, “friends advised”, “stupid...”, “how do I know?” and so on. The groom must throw darts at them, thereby explaining the reason for the marriage. You can shoot a champagne cork.

16. From a deck where funny pictures (photos from Playboy, caricatures) and a photo of the bride are pre-pasted on the cards, choose your betrothed. An unsuccessful attempt and the decision to take a new card are paid.

18. Make the groom and his friends perform the dance of little swans to their own accompaniment or dance a gypsy girl.

19. Ask the groom to draw a picture of the bride (you can save some grandmother in advance and then present her as the one most similar to the drawing).

20. All women present leave an imprint of their lipstick on a piece of paper. The groom must guess the bride's lips.

21. Recognize the bride by the finger on which she is going to put the ring. They pull the sheet up and several girls show one finger.

22. The groom makes his way into the room for a long time, and there a false bride is waiting for him - a man or an old woman in a veil.

23. Invite the groom to put something for the soul in the basin. The groom must figure out how to stand there himself.

24. When the groom approaches the bride's room, he must say the magic words so that the door opens. The groom must guess that these words are “I love you!”

25. You can put wallpaper on the entrance to the bride’s room. And pretend that there are no more rooms. And when the groom breaks through the wallpaper, take a ransom for the damage to the apartment.

26. Several threads or ribbons stick out from under the last door; the bride and several other people are tied to them. The groom must pull the ribbon and pull out the bride. If he pulls out not her, but, say, her neighbor of retirement age, he must either pay off or marry the one he pulled out.

27. The groom enters the bride's room - but she is without shoes! You need to guess which box this shoe is in (you can put slippers and a man's shoe in the other boxes).

Bride ransom scenario No. 2

For ransom, the witness must prepare:

1. Three footprints, painted on one side with any color (only, of course, not black), and on the other side write on one - “By calculation”, on the second - “By love”, on the third - “By necessity” . These three tracks are shown to the groom, colored side up, and he must choose.

2. “Hearts” painted red, their number should correspond to the number of steps on the stairs.

3. Stool.

5. Three mugs of water. One contains diluted sugar, the second contains salt, and the third contains citric acid.


Hello, dear guests!
Why did you come to us?


For the bride.


Not a bride, but a queen,
Yes, such a craftswoman!
We value the bride
We won’t just give it away!
We need a ransom like this,
What cannot be expressed by price:
Three bottles of lemonade
Yes, two bars of chocolate,
Vodka, beer - everything flows like a river,
And a gold ring.

Witness (on the street)

So that the bride is at the window
I'm not bored alone,
You owe her from here
Shout out your love.


And now, groom,
There's no escape:
Tell us frankly,
Why are you getting married:
Here are three footprints in front of you,
Choose any one for yourself. (“By calculation”, “by love”, “by necessity” - the reason may not be liked, and this is played out.)
How bad is the reason
Should I oversleep the groom?
Do you want to rise up?
Pay off richer!

Witness (on the stairs)

How many hearts
So many kind words.


We don’t know the groom at all,
And we want to know everything about him.
Let the friend-witness slowly
He will list the groom's merits to us.
If a friend does not name ten qualities in advance,
There will be a complete turn from threshold to gate

Witness (on the stairs)

This ladder of songs:
For every staircase there is a song.


We ask the groom to stand on the stool,
Now let's see - how are you dressed?
Yes, dressed and shod in fashion.
And the jacket is not a robe,
As if sewn in “Silhouette”,
It's just lovely how he sits.
Fashionable tailcoat, watch with fire,
He's even wearing a tie.
In general, we can be calm.
The groom looks quite decent.

Witness (on the stairs)

What do these numbers mean?


For the bride's beauty
Dance, groom, on our pelvis.
And you, witness, don’t be timid,
Dance us the swan dance.

Witness (at the apartment)

Now, dear groom, show us
What kind of life will you have?
Here are three mugs of water for you:
One mug speaks of the sweet life (with sugar)
The second is about bitter (with salt),
And the third is about sour (with citric acid).
Drink water from any mug,
And by your face we will know
What kind of life awaits you?

Witness (in the bride's apartment)

Well... (groom's name), she's yours,
I only have the shoe.
If you can't find the shoe,
(name of the bride) cannot be taken to the registry office.

The groom buys the shoe, goes into the room where the bride is sitting, gives flowers and puts her shoes on.

Bride ransom scenario No. 3

At the door of the house (if the house is multi-story, then at the entrance to the entrance), the groom and his friends are met by friends and guests of the bride.


Hello, guests gentlemen,
Where are you from and where?
If you're passing by, just pass by,
If you come to us, tell us why.

The groom and his friends answer: “For the bride.”


For the bride. That's great.
We are waiting for you, our clear falcon.
Yes. We have a bride
It's impossible to take your eyes off.
Young, slim, beautiful,
Whiteface, everyone is amazed.
But in order to win her hand,
You need to work hard.

After these words, the groom and his friends enter the door and see, oddly enough, steps.


Tender words on there is a lot of light,
And the bride deserves them.
You walk up the steps
And call the bride tenderly.

The groom is offered the first test. He must climb the stairs (if the house is multi-story, up to the first floor). At each step of the stairs, the groom affectionately calls his betrothed. The task can be complicated by writing a letter on each step and inviting the groom to affectionately name his bride with this letter. If he cannot come up with anything for a given letter, the witness and the rest of the groom’s friends pay a ransom.
After this, the groom moves to the next step, etc.

When the groom overcomes this obstacle, he is offered the next competition. The bridesmaid holds a chamomile in her hands. On each petal of this chamomile, memorable dates for the future newlyweds are written in advance. This could be the date the bride and groom met, the hour of their first date, the waist size or shoe size of the bride, and even the age of the future mother-in-law.


Here is a field chamomile,
Tear off a petal
Guess the number.

After these words, the groom tears off the chamomile petals one by one and guesses one or another memorable number. If he cannot guess what any number is associated with, then he pays a ransom. As soon as the ransom amount suits the bride's guests, the groom tears off the next petal. The test ends when the chamomile is left without petals.

If the groom has completed this test with dignity, he is passed on. (When the bride ransom takes place in a multi-story building, the groom is allowed to take the elevator to the bride's floor or must walk if the bride's friends are unhappy with the ransom or the way the groom guessed the memorable numbers).

A bridesmaid stands at the bride's door and holds a large piece of paper in her hands. On this sheet, the bride and her bridesmaids leave imprints of their lips in advance.


You see these lips.
Can you guess it or not?
Where is your beloved's footprint?

The groom is looking for the imprint of his bride's lips. The task can be complicated by writing a certain amount under each print. In this case, the groom or his friends pay the specified ransom for all incorrectly guessed lips. This test may be accompanied by playful reproaches. The competition continues until the groom guesses the lips of his betrothed.

After the task is completed, the presenter offers the following:

The door is closed on the way,
We need to find the key to the door.
Serenade, song of love,
You do it and pass.

The groom must sing a song. If he refuses, then friends help. If friends also refuse, then a ransom is paid. Its amount should completely satisfy the bride's guests.
When this task is completed or the ransom is paid, the door opens and the groom finds himself in front of the next locked door.


Isn't the groom lame?
Come on, stomp your foot.

The groom stomps.


Don't make people laugh,
Dance a gypsy song for us.

If an accordion player is present at the wedding, he performs the gypsy song. If there is no accordion player, then the tape recording starts. The groom dances a gypsy dance or pays a ransom to the laughter and jokes of the guests.


The beautiful bride loves fun,
Dance not alone, but with everyone!

The groom's friends and he himself perform the gypsy or pay the ransom.


For my dear bride -
Champagne bottle.
For the beautiful wife -
Chocolate "Alenushka"
For a long dress -
A bottle of wine.
So as not to go to someone else's cutie,
Give me some paper money.

After these words, the groom and his friends pay the ransom, the guests can jokingly shout out: “You don’t pay enough, apparently, you want to go to someone else’s cutie,” “Don’t be stingy, give more!” etc.
After the ransom is paid, the groom is offered the next task.


In this bunch is the key to the door,
Can you find him?
If you took the wrong one, pay.

The groom is given a bunch of keys, from which he removes the keys one by one and tries to open the door with one key or another. For every key that does not fit the door, the groom and his friends pay a ransom. The competition ends when the required key is found and the door is open.
The door opens. The groom and his guests see a table blocking the corridor.


What's your bride's name?
Write in money.
Show me how you write it!

The groom is asked to write in money full name his bride. He lays it out with money on the table. This action is accompanied by jokes like “Write bigger!” etc. After the groom completes the task, the table is cleared.


You paid money generously
But he didn’t talk about love.
So that no one doubts
Confess your love!
Shout loudly without melting,
(name of the bride)! I love you!

The groom screams and the guests judge. There may be exclamations: “Something is quiet!”, “The bride doesn’t hear anything!” etc. The groom shouts a declaration of love until the guests are satisfied.

In front of the door of the room where the bride is, the groom sees a basin.


Here. You see this basin.
Put it in now
Neither kid nor lamb,
Not a skinny pig.
Put it for the bride
What does she need for her soul?

Of course, the groom will not be able to immediately guess what exactly should be put in the basin, and a comical situation will arise. But the test will last until the groom realizes that he himself must stand in the basin.

After the groom has passed this test, he sees several ribbons peeking out from under the door where the bride is. In the room, the bride and her bridesmaids are tied to these ribbons by the finger. And for more fun, you can tie, for example, a neighbor of retirement age to some ribbon. If the groom pulls the ribbon and pulls out this same matryona, it will be a laugh.


Pull one ribbon
And pull out your betrothed.
If you pull out the wrong one,
Pay us money.
Or marry the one
What will you pull behind you?

The competition with laughter and jokes continues until the groom pulls out his bride. When he makes a mistake, the guests loudly ask for ransom or tell the groom that he must marry the one who came out from behind the door.

After the bride is finally guessed, the future newlyweds walk hand in hand to the table, and then it turns out that the bride is missing one shoe.


You are going with your bride,
How will you marry her?
I don't have one shoe,
Find her, hero!

Several shoe boxes are offered to the groom's attention. One of them contains the bride's shoe. For a laugh, you can put torn slippers, galoshes or felt boots in the remaining boxes. For each incorrectly guessed box, the groom pays a ransom. The test lasts until the groom finds his betrothed shoe.

When the groom finally overcomes all the obstacles on the path to his happiness, the host says:

Passed the test
You've reached the bride!
And that's why now
You take the bride to the registry office!

The future newlyweds go to the table, where they receive congratulations and wishes from the guests.

Bride ransom scenario No. 4

In addition to the bride, there is also a little girl (6-10 years old) and a grandmother in the room. Both dress up in “bridal” suits.

In the middle of the entrance, at the level of the groom’s mouth, a large apple is suspended on a string.

The bridesmaids demand a bride price from the groom. If the ransom seemed too small to them, then the “little bride” is brought out to the groom. “Is this your bride?!” they ask the groom. “No,” the groom answers, “my bride is older.” “Then, is this your bride?” they ask him and they bring out an old woman dressed as a bride. “No, my bride is younger!” “For the kind of bride, the beauty you want, you need a ransom (they name it) and pass one test,” the girlfriends say. There is a ransom ceremony, then one of the bridesmaids speaks about the test for the groom: “Do you see the apple hanging? If you bite it without touching it with your hands, so be it - we will give you your bride.” After the groom takes a bite of the apple, everyone goes into the bride's room.

The best man and the groom's friends open champagne and treat everyone present. The first toast is proclaimed to the happiness and health of the young. Champagne glasses must be prepared in advance. The bride and groom can only take a “light sip” from the wine glass.

Bride ransom scenario No. 5

There is a bench in front of the entrance to the multi-storey building. The groom and his friends are greeted by the bridesmaids.


Guys, get out of here. The groom will arrive now.
- Bow to the ground, good fellows!
- Why are you at the parade today? Why did you all come with ties?
- We invite you, come in, we are selling the bride. If you don’t want to, go ahead, we will always find suitors.
- Choose any of us. (bride's name) do you want? But she’s not there. Koschey the Immortal visited our area. The whole kingdom evil spirits entangled, blocked all the roads, stole your bride, locked her in prison, cast an evil dream over her. Are you ready to fight with evil spirits and win the bride from Koshchei the Immortal? If you are ready, then come with us. Challenges await you ahead.

Tests for the groom

1. "Stone". There is a stone at the gate. Three roads lead from the stone - the beginning of the domain of Koshchei the Immortal. Choose the road, now we will find out what thoughts you came with, whether you are going to your sweetheart with a pure heart.
The first path is “marriage out of necessity.” We won't let you in. Pay and take another road.
The second path is “marriage of convenience.” We won't let you in. Pay and take another road.
The third way is “marriage for love.” Come on in.

2. “Dense forest” (Fence, gate, posters with pictures of the forest hanging). Koschey the Immortal threw down his comb and the forest stood up like a wall. Don't pass, don't knock out. Stand up like that, whistle loudly, and jump or fly through the forest. If you don't know how to fly, you have to pay.

3. "The Web". (From threads). Koschey the Immortal released all kinds of evil spirits, poisonous spiders. They entangled everything around with their web. If you touch the thread, that’s where the end will come for you. And none of your friends are allowed to touch.

4. "River of Fire". Koschey the Immortal threw in the towel - the river of fire overflowed. Neither swim nor fly over. There is only one place where there is a ford: where the fire has died down, there are traces. (4-5 tracks are drawn). But every trace will light up if you don’t fulfill the girls’ wishes. A well-mannered man will never refuse a woman. You need to follow the tracks and pay the girls.


We were going to a wedding
Tried to be beautiful
Everyone spent a lot of money,
To us sissy girls

Give me more money.
Give us money for earrings,
On beautiful boots,
Alu ribbon in hair,
Otherwise, go back.
We are girls with a sweet tooth,
We love gingerbread cookies and nuts.
To have slender legs
Give us a bag of potatoes.

5. "Dragon". (Drawn on the poster). And here is the Serpent Gorynych himself in front of you. Cut his head off. Take out your treasure sword, dildo spear. If you don't have yours, take ours. But he's just frail. It must be encased in gold. It can also be encased in silver. (The groom puts coins on the cardboard sword). Or maybe you can do something else to appease the dragon?

6. "Mermaids". Koschey the Immortal released seductive mermaids on you. This is who we are. And we don’t want to let you see the bride.

Were we getting the bride ready for the wedding?
Have you washed your hair in the bathhouse or combed your hair?
Did you dress up in a dress, put on a veil?
Have you tried on the shoes?

They gave you not just any friend, but your best friend. The best seductress, the best temptress, the beauty of beauties.

Here's a stool, don't sit on it. Place the bride price on her.

There are many beautiful brides in this house. Tell me the signs and write a portrait.

For the bride's elegant dress, give us grape wine.
For pumps - a bottle of vodka.
For every heel we get a fist's worth of coins.
For a white veil, give us ripe apples.
For the brides ringing laughter - "sweet couples" for everyone.
And for a slender figure - we get a bottle of champagne.
For the bride's tender look, give us chocolate.
For the bride's ears, give us a tub of mushrooms.
If not, serve with vinaigrette. If there is no vinaigrette, pay money for it.
For the scarlet lips of a sweet dove, don’t begrudge ten rubles.
So as not to live without children, put some candy in your pocket.
For the bride's white hands, get the stars from the cloud. (Cognac).
On this tray, let the groom write out the name of his bride from rubles.
For your wedding dress, sing a heartfelt song.
For the bride's voice, give us a bag of seeds. And if not, then dance “lady” once.
Here is a squared scarf, put a coin on each square.
Break the plate with the force with which you love Lyudmila. Now cover each fragment with paper money.
Come on, stomp your foot. And now another one. Don't wave your legs, just dance.

7. "Chest". Here is the treasured door. But there is no key. The key, like the death of Koshchei the Immortal, lies in the chest on the tree. You get the key and Koschey will die. Then the door will open. There is a hare in the chest, a duck in the hare, an egg in the duck, and a key in the egg.

8. "Tablet". In the corridor there is a sign on the door: “In this mansion a gray-eyed girl languishes.” If you find a mistake, you will immediately end up in the turret. (Find an error in the inscription. The catch is that the groom noticed an error in the word “languish”, but did not notice that the bride’s eye color is not gray, but blue).

9. "Table". The table stands in front of the largest room. Place every good thing on all four corners. You take a young wife, provide for her, cover her with a self-assembled tablecloth. If you put a lot on the table, then wealth will be added in life.

10. "Bride". The bride is tied with a rope and sleeps in an enchanted sleep. The groom unties the knots and dispels the spell with a kiss. The bride wakes up, but she doesn't have her shoes. The groom buys the bride's shoes.

The groom buys the bride and takes her to the registry office.

Those who are given the honorable mission of being witnesses at a wedding know how difficult it is to decide on the ransom scenario.

The Internet is replete with a million scenarios, and each of them captivates, and some have already filled their minds. Sometimes it seems that it is simply impossible to do something original. We have prepared for you 22 interesting ideas for bride ransom, which will turn the traditional ransom scenario into an original one.

Idea #1

Redemption can take different forms. For example, in prose, in poetry, in haiku style, in sign language.

We value Tatyana,

And we won’t just give it away.

You are beautiful - no doubt

And you are dressed in fashion,

But in order to find a bride,

There is a lot to go through...

They say that all ages are submissive to love

And all nations. And if so,

Shout out:“I love you, Tatyana!”

In three different languages.

But if the languages ​​are overseas

You failed to know

You'll have to pay ransom

We are supposed to give it back!

Replacing cash with tasty currency. You can replace money with fruits, sweets, chocolates, delicious alcohol, and the like. Or maybe with passionate kisses...

Idea #10.

Reality show style ransom. If young people like to watch show programs, such a ransom is just what the doctor ordered! Prototypes of a ransom scenario can be programs such as “What? Where? When?,” “The Last Hero,” “Fort Bayard,” “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?,” and even “Fashionable Sentence.” will capture everyone characters and will carry out exactly with the transmission script.

For example, let’s take the program for experts “What? Where? When?" The groom and his retinue will act as experts, and questions will come from the bride’s relatives. Be sure to include a musical break and the help of masters, who can be your mother-in-law, father-in-law and grandmother. Questions can be from a grandmother, a young sister or brother, an aunt, an uncle, a mother, a father, etc.

To do this, you can carry out several interesting competitions: start the ransom with a medical examination, then follow the oath, a competition for fire training using darts, a test of artillery abilities (shooting at balloons) and the final competition can be a competition for the physical training of the groom. Which will help convince everyone that the bride is truly being given into safe hands. After successfully passing the tests, the groom is allowed into the bride's room!

Idea No. 15


If young people are football fans, you can conduct an interesting buyout in a football style. It would be ideal to hold the ransom on a football field; the bridesmaid and bridesmaids will need to prepare football paraphernalia, with which you can create a real atmosphere of a football match.

The ransom itself can be built on questions about football. A logical continuation would be an on-site marriage registration on the football field, and a subsequent photo shoot. Football fans will truly appreciate this event.

Idea No. 16


This is a truly original idea for an unconventional buyout.
But the groom and his groomsmen should not reveal their ideas ahead of schedule. Indeed, it will be a surprise if the witness, and the bride, are waiting for the groom’s motorcade, and a team from the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrives, in appropriate equipment. Such guests will easily pass all the tests and take the bride without any unnecessary fighting! For active and resourceful grooms, this original idea It's worth taking note!

Idea No. 17

For bride price in a private house

It’s great if it is possible to conduct a ransom in a private home. The private territory allows you to stage a whole show.

You can also decorate a private house in an interesting way.

Tests can be carried out in the yard, on the veranda, in the entryway, or in rooms. Where there is room for wild imagination, the ransom becomes much more interesting.

Idea №18

Wedding ransom in traffic police style

This non-standard ransom is suitable for those who work in the police, those who like to ride an iron horse, and simply people with a sense of humor.

For such a ransom you will need the appropriate details: a traffic policeman’s costume, a whistle and baton, signs traffic etc. But most importantly, you will need fun, active guests and imagination. The witness and girlfriends dress up as traffic police officers and the action begins. Based on the results of the ransom, the groom must receive the rights to family life, after which he will be allowed to meet the bride.

Idea No. 19

Interesting idea for a police themed ransom

The essence of such a ransom is as follows.
At the main entrance of the entrance, the groom and his friends are met by two girls - police officers, who claim that the bride's apartment was broken into and the most valuable things were stolen.

Set your wedding celebration in the right direction from the very first minutes! An interesting bride price is guaranteed good mood to everyone present and a great start to the most important day for a couple in love!

Your faithful assistant in pre-wedding preparation is pleased to offer only the most interesting and original options for a traditional custom. A ready-made bride's ransom script, like a wedding script, will greatly save time and nerves during preparation for the event. More

Wedding ransom scenario

Preparing an impeccable buyout script is not so difficult if you initially approach this matter responsibly. The main thing is to follow a few standard rules- and the program will go off with a bang.

  1. Determine the budget. Purchasing the necessary little things and thematic paraphernalia may require a decent investment. It is worth determining in advance the amount you are willing to invest. If the young couple are already earning money for the family together, then it is worth including the groom’s ransom and “payoffs” in the budget: candy, alcohol, money;
  2. Time limit. If the painting is scheduled for the morning, but you want to maintain traditions, then a short bride price would be an ideal option. The main thing is that the witness keeps track of time and the newlyweds are not late for the registry office.
    It is important that the ransom is not too long, otherwise the guests and the groom may get tired, but there are still so many important and interesting things ahead!
  3. Wedding ransom scenario. We advise you not to place all responsibility on the witness in planning this ceremony. As a bride, you probably know what your loved one is capable of and what competitions can affect his male ego. Be sure to take into account the tastes and principles of the groom, otherwise the ransom may be disrupted and the mood may be irrevocably spoiled.
    For a themed wedding, it is better to choose an appropriate theme. This will allow guests to tune in to the upcoming gala evening;
  4. So that the ransom does not go from hand to hand, take care of a basket for sweets, alcohol and a chest for money;
  5. Organize a video shoot. It will be especially interesting for you, as a bride, to see with your own eyes how the chosen one proved his love and fidelity with dignity and courage, and for the groom to look at himself from the outside. Watching the footage a couple of years later, you will still laugh at the youthful ransom of the bride and the ingenuity of the groom and witness.

An interesting redemption program and new wedding competitions will help the groom get a little distracted and relieve nervous tension. In the meantime, the groom is fighting for access to his beloved, the bride can once again touch up her makeup and drink a little champagne.

A modern bride price scenario (2020)

Great-grandfather traditions are undergoing changes, especially in recent decades. Redemption young was no exception. Now the main thing is that the bride price script 2020 is relevant and truly original. After all, the main requirement of today's newlyweds is a departure from accepted standards and hackneyed clichés.

On our website you will find interesting and fresh programs for the event. Detailed descriptions of competitions and dialogues will make the event easy and fun. Funny bride price scenarios are exactly what your wedding needs!

The thematic section presents:

  • Scenarios with a magical theme;
  • Bride ransom in the style of Hollywood casting;
  • A mandatory exam to gain access to the bride's heart;
  • Modern quests;
  • And also a sea of ​​diverse ways to carry out a traditional ritual in an interesting way.

Modern buyouts are distinguished by fresh jokes and competitions, not boring scenarios and a careful approach to thematic attributes. Not satisfied ready-made scripts? You can always choose your favorite tasks and questions from different programs, creating your own individual cool script ransoming oneself-beloved.

How to prepare for the groom?

While the bride is being prepared for the wedding ceremony by a team of professionals, the groom can only be nervous, anticipating tricky questions and unexpected tasks at the redemption of his beloved. The portal site advises you to relax and treat everything that happens exclusively with a sense of humor.

Before the ransom, the groom should:

  1. Take care of the payoff. We are sure that the bride will tell you how much candy and bottles of alcohol to buy and give you an idea of ​​the money. The groom and the witness can only listen carefully, write down, and - buy;
  2. For cash payments you should change money in advance, get some change and buy counterfeit “currency”;
  3. Sense of humor- the main weapon of the groom at the ransom. The main thing is to understand: no one wants to offend or put their future spouse in an awkward position, even at the most advanced bride price 2020;
  4. Remember important dates concerning the bride and close relatives, especially the future mother-in-law. Numbers, favorite subjects and activities - everything related to the beloved should not confuse the groom.

When organizing a buyout plan, or planning a bachelorette party scenario, it is important to take into account every detail. This is the only way to avoid unpleasant moments. And an active witness and a humorous witness are the best helpers of the newlyweds on their wedding day!

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Every couple strives to make their wedding unforgettable, so they prepare for it in advance. The bride's ransom is considered one of the highlights of the newlyweds' day, which involves a large number of guests.

To create a colorful atmosphere and conduct a fun ransom in 2018, you need to come up with a funny and modern scenario so that such a tradition will be remembered for a long time.

Organization of redemption

It will not be difficult for creative people organizing the event to come up with a poetic scenario with competitions. The easiest way is to use a ready-made option, change some phrases in it in accordance with the theme of the holiday, or take a script in verse that has already been tested on friends.

When choosing a poetic theme for the holiday, you should not saturate the traditional event with numerous rhymes, but focus on holding competitions. To explain to the groom the rules for completing tasks, 1-2 short poems are enough. For a full-fledged holiday, you need to come up with an introduction and a logical conclusion.

In addition, the decoration of the bride's house is provided. You can hang posters, colorful ribbons, balloons, flowers, various garlands, etc.

The clothing of the organizers of the ritual with competitions must correspond to the chosen theme. If there is no certain style, then you can do without a dress code.

Greeting the groom

Bride price 2018 with a funny and modern begins with the meeting of the groom in front of his beloved’s house. The host of the event offers to introduce himself to the guests and voice the purpose of the visit.

In poetic form you can ask this:

Oh, you guests-G gentlemen, where are you from and where?

Are you ready for the journey?

Why did you dress up like that?

What's in that suitcase?

And why is there money in your pockets?

(The matchmakers give the reason for their arrival)

Look how things turned out!

You wanted to get married!

Well, which of you two?

Called Zhenya X?

Then the groom is presented with the cost of the ransom, which he makes up for with money or sweets. After everything is paid, the opportunity to participate in competitions opens up.

Passing competitions

The beginning of bride price 2018, according to a funny and modern scenario, is passing tests in front of the beloved’s house. The most common task with which the ritual begins is proof of one’s feelings. To do this, the groom needs to shout three times about his love for the girl.

You can demand this in verse as follows:

So that the bride, sitting at home,

Don't be shy, Ivan,

Confess your love to Katya,

Shout loudly, without melting:

“Katya, I love you!”

Come on, shout it out tell her twice about his love.

Sample questions:

  • date of birth of the bride;
  • mother-in-law's date of birth;
  • apartment number of the future wife;
  • bride's age;
  • date of acquaintance;
  • beloved's favorite activities;
  • beloved eye color;
  • the most cherished dream of a future wife.

After the correct answers to the questions, the host of the ransom lets the groom move closer to the bride and says the following words:

“So you have come right,

I didn’t lie - I found my destiny.

And find my daughter-in-law.”

To pass the further competition, you can prepare a flower with petals on which to write various tasks for the groom and witness.

The presenter introduces the rules of the competition:

We all need to get together.

Here are some colored petals for you,

Their tasks are not easy.

Quickly choose any

It takes two to complete.”

The witness, together with the hero of the occasion, choose the petal they like and complete the task written there. In case of refusal of this competition or unsuitable performance, they are required to pay accordingly.

To organize a funny and modern bride price 2018 according to the scenario, it is recommended to use the following inscriptions on the petals:

  • show with gestures funny story;
  • dance on one leg;
  • stand on a chair and shout that he is a caterpillar;
  • depict a rumbling stomach;
  • sing a song in a fictitious language;
  • after inhaling from a helium balloon, tell a terrible story.

After the groom and witness have completed all the tasks, they are allowed to continue. Along the stairs to the beloved’s apartment, sheets of paper with letters are laid out at a certain distance, along which the hero of the occasion must walk and say compliments to his future wife (for the letter that is written on the paper):

“The path to destiny will not be easy.

You need to go through the sheets

Shower with compliments

To visit my beloved."

The final stage in passing the tests can be a competition with a fruit (for example, an apple), which is hung on a bell near the beloved’s door. The organizer explains what needs to be done:

"And now the last step

For you tired poor fellows.

To go to the bride-to-be,

Take a bite of this fruit.

Just use your teeth -

Don't help yourself with your hands.

If you can handle it soon,

This is a bone of contention

Will lose its power -

You will live in peace with your beloved.”

If the groom successfully completes the tests, the presenter allows him to meet the bride, who is presented with a kiss and a bouquet of flowers.

The end of the ransom can be expressed in the following lines:

It's time to finish the poems,

The tasks were not easy

But you were able to complete them all,

And it will be like a lesson,

Now take the bride,

Open the door to a new life,

Love her and respect her

Then there will be paradise all around you!

If desired you can add a few more tasks to make the ritual more intense and interesting.

When the competitions are over, all the guests enter the bride’s house and sit down festive table and celebrate the successful completion of the ransom. Then the newlyweds go to the official marriage ceremony at the registry office.

Topic examples

If the organizers of the holiday want to come up with a thematic scenario, you can choose a fairy-tale style. Stories can be both domestic and foreign.

For example, future wife can be depicted as a princess in prison, and the groom as her savior, who came with great love and a desire to free her.

No less interesting idea is a ransom with a gypsy theme. To reach the bride, the hosts of the event, dressed in bright, fluffy and eccentric clothes, put the groom through difficult tests, accompanied by dancing and singing.

Organizing a bride price in poetic form can be much simpler than holding a celebration in prose. The sound of the lines looks beautiful, complete, understandable, and the tests of the hero of the occasion are carried out quickly and clearly. To make a traditional ritual interesting and effective, you need to include imagination.