“Does this happen or not?” Summary of a lesson on identifying real and unreal events for pupils of a Type VIII school. Didactic game “Who has who Didactic game what happens middle group

Yulia Anosova
Didactic game“It happens or not” (preparatory group for school)




TARGET: Expand children's understanding of didactic game


Expand children's knowledge about the world around them, encourage children to widely and creatively use games acquired knowledge;

Create a joyful atmosphere;

Develop initiative, organizational and Creative skills children;

Learn to separate objects and their functions;

Develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistency in judgments;

Develop observation, attention, memory and reaction speed.

Continue to develop independence in creating a gaming environment, in observing the rules and norms of behavior in the game;

Promote a conscious attitude towards compliance with the rules of role interaction, directing attention to quality roles performed, their social significance;

Cultivate goodwill between children, the ability to take into account the wishes of comrades.



5. 22.10 1. Texts of fables

2. Camera 1. Examination of illustrations to the fables of K. I. Chukovsky

2. Drawing "My Tale".

Listen carefully to the text and identify errors

Progress of the GAME

Game rule: whoever notices a fable must prove why it is not so It happens.

Teacher: Now I will tell you about something. In my story you should notice something that is not It happens. Whoever notices, let him, after I finish, say why this cannot be so.

At the beginning of the game, only one fable should be included; when the game is repeated, the number of fables is increased.


The teacher asks what the children remember best, what they liked most.

Fable texts:

cucumbers play hide and seek,

Kids grow in the garden

Musketeers sleep in a ravine,

The pigs sharpen their swords

Crayfish run to the circus in droves,

Children are dozing under a snag,

Wolves swim along the bottom,

The pikes howl at the moon.

What kind of mess is this?

Sharpen your pencil!

I order you

Put everything in its place!

In a wonderful country

In one country

In a wonderful country,

Where not be with you and me,

Boot with black tongue

Lapping milk in the morning

And all day through the window

Potato looks out with an eye.

The bottle's neck is singing,

Gives concerts in the evening,

A chair with bent legs

Dancing to the accordion.

One day in July

On a wonderful day

Suddenly orange snow fell on the meadow

And into the sky above the meadow

Familiar and clever

The cow took off

Like a ladybug

And butterflies made nests from twigs

and caught the green sun in the net

Birds barked and dogs sang.

I assure you that these are not lies

I closed my eyes and lay down in the grass.

And I saw all the miracles in reality.

Fishes are walking across the field,

Toads fly across the sky

The mice caught the cat

They put me in a mousetrap.

And the chanterelles

We took matches

Let's go to the blue sea,

The blue sea has been lit.

The sea is on fire,

A whale ran out of the sea:

"Hey firefighters, run

Help, help!

Borya turns the pages

A book full of miracles.

The plane floats on the sea,

And above it there is a green forest.

There's a frog lying on his back

Holds a log with its paws.

Old lady on a rope

He walks out the window in his arms.

"Two cheerful little ones,

sitting deftly on the stove,

They picked watermelons from the apple tree,

They pulled carrots in the sea.

Crayfish are ripe on the branches,

Seven herrings and ruffs.

All the neighborhood dogs

We ate rutabaga to our hearts’ content.”

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to consolidate ideas about the signs of winter. Tasks: -activate the vocabulary on the topic; -develop auditory attention, logical thinking;

Didactic game “When does this happen?” Children's age: 4-5 years. Goal: developing the ability to navigate the parts of the day, distinguish and name them. Materials: - free playing space.

The didactic game "Mathematics Around Us" is built on the principle of the well-known TV show "Field of Miracles". The main goal of creating a game.

Jr preschool age, this is the age when children absorb any information like a sponge. They are interested in everything that happens around them. There's more.

Didactic game on the emotional development of older preschoolers “Mood can be different” Completed by the teacher of the 1st quarter. Sadykov's categories.

Didactic game “Guess” (middle group) Goal: To teach children to correctly use the names of baby animals in the singular and plural. Progress of the game: The teacher makes a guess.

Nadezhda Permyakova
“Does this happen or not?” Summary of a lesson on identifying real and unreal events for pupils of a type VIII school

Lesson notes for special education students(correctional) VIII type schools. Compiled by: teacher of category I N. N. Permyakova.

Subject: Didactic game "So happens or not

Target: Formation of communication skills through play.


Give an idea about real and unreal events.

Learn identify real and unreal game-based situations "So happens or not

Correction and development of oral speech by constructing simple sentences.

Cultivating motivation to practice through play.

Equipment: slides, handout pictures, cartoon based on a poem by Korney Chukovsky "Confusion".

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Guys, do you like to play?

Children. Yes, we love to play.

Educator. What games do you know?

Children. Hide and seek. By the bear in the forest. Third is extra, etc.

Educator. Well done, you named a lot of games. Today we will introduce you to games that can be combined into one group "So happens or not What do you think we will need to guess in these games?

Children. We will need to guess what it really happens.

Educator. Right. Remember:

- Events that happen are actually called « real» .

- Events things that don't happen in life are « unreal events» .

Educator. What word can replace the word « unreal» ?

Children. Word « unreal» can be replaced with the word "fictional".

Educator. Right. Fictional events are fables. Fables have a special place in children's creativity - they contain an unusually attractive force. These works are built on overturning norms, on imposing on objects features that are unusual for them. This is very interesting game. Shall we try to play it?

Educator. I will offer you the simplest situations, and you will answer, it happens or not. It's clear?

Educator. A wolf wanders through the forest.

Children. So It happens.

Educator. A wolf sits on a tree.

Children. Not so It happens.

Educator. Soup is being cooked in a saucepan.

Children. So It happens.

Educator. The cup is fried in a frying pan.

Children. Not so It happens.

Educator. Felt boots are flying across the sky.

Children. Not so It happens.

Educator. The ship sails on the waves.

Children. So It happens.

Educator. In the morning we do exercises.

Children. So It happens.

Educator. Lunch consists of three courses.

Children. So It happens.

Educator. A tree grows in a pond.

Children. Not so It happens.

Educator. The girl draws a house.

Children. So It happens.

Educator. The house draws a boy.

Children. Not so It happens.

Educator. Now try to play it yourself, inventing your own situations.

Children come up with their own situations in a chain.

Educator. Well done, you've mastered this game well. Let's take a little rest.

Physical exercise.

Educator. Guys, let's sit closer to the edge of the chair, let's lean on the back. Let's place our hands loosely on our knees, legs slightly apart. Attention!

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, draw.

But not everyone can do it yet

Relax, rest.

The formula for general peace is pronounced by the teacher in a quiet voice, at a slow pace, with long pauses.

We have a game like this

Very light, simple

Movement slows down. The tension disappears.

And it becomes clear: Relaxation is nice!

Educator. Clench your fingers tightly into a fist. (Shows hands on knees.) To make the bones turn white. That's how tense your hands are! A lot of tension! It's unpleasant for us to sit like this. My hands are tired. Stop squeezing your fingers and straighten them. So the hands relaxed. They are resting. My hands became warmer. It became easy and pleasant. (The exercise is performed three times.) Now listen and do as I do. Calm inhalation and exhalation, still once: inhale-exhale.

Hands on your knees

Fists clenched

Firmly, with tension,

Fingers are pressed.

press the thumb to the rest.

Squeeze your fingers tighter

Let go, let go.

(It is easy to lift and drop each child's relaxed hand.)

We had great rest?

Children. Yes, we had a good time.

Educator. Now watch the cartoon based on the poem by Korney Chukovsky "Confusion" and tell me it's not like that It happens?

The kittens meowed:

"We're tired of meowing!

We want, like piglets,


And behind them are the ducklings:

"We don't want to quack anymore!

We want, like little frogs,


The pigs meowed:

The cats grunted:

Oink oink oink!

The ducks croaked:

Kwa, kwa, kwa!

The chickens quacked:

Quack, quack, quack!

Little Sparrow galloped

And the cow mooed:

A bear came running

And let's roar:


And the cuckoo on the bitch:

"I don't want to scream cuckoo,

I'll bark like a dog:

Woof woof woof!"

Just a little bunny

Was a good boy:

Didn't meow

And he didn’t grunt -

Lying under the cabbage

He babbled like a bunny

And foolish animals


"Who is told to tweet -

Don't purr!

Who is ordered to purr -

Don't tweet!

Not to be a crow

Don't fly frogs

Under the cloud!"

But funny animals -

Piglets, bear cubs -

They're playing more pranks than ever,

They don't want to listen to the hare.

Fishes are walking across the field,

Toads fly across the sky

The mice caught the cat

They put me in a mousetrap.

And the chanterelles

We took matches

Let's go to the blue sea,

The blue sea has been lit.

The sea is on fire,

A whale ran out of the sea:

"Hey firefighters, run!

Help, help!"

Long, long time crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

Pies and pancakes,

And dried mushrooms.

Two little chickens came running,

Watered from a barrel.

Two ruffs swam

Watered from a ladle.

The little frogs came running,

They watered from the tub.

Stew, stew - don't put out,

They fill it up - they don’t fill it up.

Then a butterfly flew in,

She waved her wings,

The sea began to go out -

And it went out.

The animals were happy!

They laughed and sang,

Ears flapped

They stamped their feet.

The geese have started again

Scream like a goose:


The cats purred:


The birds chirped:


The horses neighed:

The flies buzzed:

Baby frogs croak:


And the ducklings quack:


The piglets grunt;

Oink oink oink!

Murochka is being lulled to sleep

My dear:

Baiushki bye!

Baiushki bye!

The children explain that this is so it happens and it doesn't happen.

Educator. And now we will continue the game, only the rule will be a little more complicated. Whoever notices a fable must prove why it is not so It happens. Are you ready?

Educator. In the summer, when the sun was shining brightly, the boys and I went for a walk. They made a slide out of snow and began sledding down it.

Children. In the summer you can’t make a snow slide and sled down it, because there is no snow.

Educator. Spring has come. All the birds flew away. The children felt sad. Let's make birdhouses for the birds! - Vova suggested. When the birdhouses were hung up, the birds settled in them, and the children began to have fun again.

Children. In spring, birds do not fly away, but arrive.

Educator. It's Vitya's birthday today. He brought in kindergarten treat for your friends friends: apples, salty candies, sweet lemons, pears and cookies.

The children ate and were surprised.

Children. Candy is not can be salty, and lemons are sweet.

Educator. All the children were happy about the coming of winter. “Now we’ll go sledding, skiing, skating”, - said Sveta. “And I love swimming in the river,” said Lyu-da, “my mother and I will go to the river and sunbathe

Children explain what is wrong in this story and why.

Educator. Would you like to listen to a poem? children's writer Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak about an absent-minded person?

Educator. But first tell me what the word means "absent-minded"?

Children. An absent-minded person is one who confuses everything.

Educator. After listening to the poem, tell me what the absent-minded person got confused?

Once upon a time there lived an absent-minded man

On Baseyannaya Street.

He sat down on his bed in the morning,

I started putting on my shirt,

He put his hands into the sleeves -

It turned out that these were trousers.

That's how absent-minded

From Basseynaya Street!

He began to put on his coat -

They tell him: not that.

He began to pull on his gaiters -

They tell him: not yours.

That's how absent-minded

From Basseynaya Street!

Instead of a hat on the go

He put on the frying pan.

Instead of felt boots, gloves

He pulled it over his heels.

That's how absent-minded

From Basseynaya Street!

Once upon a time on a tram

He was on his way to the station

And, opening the doors,

I told the counselor:


Dear carriage!

Dear Carriage

Dear one!

Through thick and thin

I have to go.

Is it possible by the tram

Stop the train station?

The counselor was surprised -

The tram stopped.

That's how absent-minded

From Basseynaya Street!

He went to the buffet

Buy yourself a ticket.

And then I rushed to the cashier

Buy a bottle of kvass.

That's how absent-minded

From Baseyannaya Street!

He ran to the platform,

He climbed into the uncoupled carriage,

He brought in bundles and suitcases,

I shoved them under the sofas,

Sat in the corner in front of the window

And fell into a peaceful sleep.

What kind of stop is this? -

He screamed early in the morning.

And they say from the platform:

This is the city of Leningrad.

He slept a little again

And again I looked out the window,

Saw a big train station,

I was surprised and said:

What kind of stop is this?

Bologoe or Popovka?

And they say from the platform:

This is the city of Leningrad.

He slept a little again

And again I looked out the window,

Saw a big train station,

Reached out and said:

What kind of station is this?

Dibuny or Yamskaya?

And they say from the platform:

This is the city of Leningrad.

He shouted: -What a joke!

I'm going for the second day,

And I came back

And I came to Leningrad!

That's how absent-minded

From Baseyannaya Street!

Children answer the question of what the absent-minded person confused.

Educator. Well done, you listened carefully and answered well, and now let’s work with the pictures “What did the artist mix up?”\ see Attachment \.

The children explain what the artist mixed up.

Educator. Well done, you worked very actively today, I am pleased with you. Ours has come to an end class. Oh, you learned something new on class? What did you like most?

Children. They express their opinions.


Didactic game “Find the mistake”


Progress of the game: The teacher shows a toy and names a deliberately incorrect action that this animal allegedly performs. Children must answer whether this is correct or not, and then list the actions that this animal can actually perform. For example: “The dog is reading. Can a dog read? The children answer: “No.” What can a dog do? Children list. Then other animals are named.

Didactic game “Say the Word”

Goals: learn to clearly pronounce polysyllabic words loudly, develop auditory attention.

Progress of the game: The teacher pronounces the phrase, but does not finish the syllable last word. Children must complete this word.

Ra-ra-ra - the game begins...

Ry-ry-ry - the boy has a ball...

Ro-ro-ro - we have a new...

Ru-ru-ru - we continue the game...

Re-re-re - there is a house on the...

Ri-ri-ri - there is snow on the branches...

Ar-ar-ar - our self is boiling....

Ry-ry-ry - there are a lot of children in the city...

Didactic game “It happens or not”

Goals: teach to notice inconsistency in judgments and develop logical thinking.

Progress of the game: The teacher explains the rules of the game:

– I will tell a story in which you should notice something that does not happen.

“In the summer, when the sun was shining brightly, the boys and I went for a walk. They made a snowman out of snow and started sledding.” "Spring has come. All the birds flew away to warmer lands. The bear climbed into his den and decided to sleep all spring...”

Didactic game “What time of year?”

Goals: learn to correlate descriptions of nature in poetry or prose with a certain time of year; develop auditory attention and quick thinking.

Progress of the game: Children are sitting on a bench. The teacher asks the question “When does this happen?” and reads the text or riddle about different times of the year.

Didactic game “Where can I do what?”

Goals: activation in speech of verbs used in a certain situation.

Progress of the game: The teacher asks questions, the children answer them.

What can you do in the forest? ( Walk; pick berries, mushrooms; hunts; listen to birds singing; rest).

What can you do on the river? What are they doing in the hospital?

Didactic game “Which, which, which?”

Goals: learn to select definitions that correspond to a given example or phenomenon; activate previously learned words.

Progress of the game: The teacher names a word, and the players take turns naming as many signs as possible that correspond to the given subject. Squirrel - red, nimble, big, small, beautiful.....

Coat - warm, winter, new, old.....

Mother - kind, affectionate, gentle, beloved, dear...

House - wooden, stone, new, panel...

Glad, glad, glad bright birch trees
And roses grow on them with joy.
It happens? Who will answer?

It's not rain from a cloud, it's not hail,
Then grapes fell from the cloud.
It happens? Who will explain?

Hurry to the forest and pick all the flowers there.
Quickly break branches and destroy birds' nests.
Whether this happens or not, give me an answer as soon as possible?

If there is trash in the clearing,
Will you put it in a package or not?
Who will give the correct answer?

Squirrels, the nimble people, dug a passage underground.
There are bedrooms and storage rooms, there is a hall and an office
Whether this happens or not, which of you will give me the answer.

I’m ready to help in the forest, I tore the web, destroyed the spiders.
Answer me friends, am I a good friend of the forest?

The anthill was bothering me, I broke it with a stick.
Ruined, ruined, did I do well?

I found a hedgehog in the forest and am taking it home.
Let him live with me, the hedgehog and I will be friends.
My question is, is it good that I brought the hedgehog home?

Well, that's a completely different matter - I really need help! Otherwise, I won’t be able to handle forest affairs alone!

Reading the poem “Forest Rules.”
If you came to the forest for a walk,
Breathe fresh air
Run, jump and play
Just don't forget,
That you can't make noise in the forest,
Even sing very loudly.
The animals will be scared -
They will run away from the forest edge.
Don't break branches either.
Never forget
Remove debris from the grass.
There is no need to pick flowers in vain.
Don't shoot with a slingshot...
They come to the forest to relax.
Let the butterflies fly.
Well, who are they bothering?
There's no need to catch everyone here,
Stomp, clap, hit with a stick.

Leading: Dear Lesovichok, we came to the forest to learn better about its inhabitants. Will you help us with this?

Lesovichok: Well, of course I’ll help and tell you everything about our forest life!
To come to me in the forest,
We need to find the key to it!
I'll tell you riddles
I'm waiting for answers from you, friends!

If you guess them, you will immediately understand what trees grow in our forest.

They rush straight into the sky, up into the sky
Look closely.
Not birch, not aspen
There are no leaves, there are needles. (Spruce.)

Not birch, not rowan -
She stands in silence.
But only the wind will pass,
All the foliage on it is shaking. (Aspen.)

A wonderful autumn will come,
The tree will turn red.
Leaves are bright stars,
Golden and hot! (Maple.)

Russian beauty
Standing in a clearing
In a green blouse
In a white sundress. (Birch.)

He shakes his lush crown,
The green leaves rustle.
Look among the branches,
How many acorns ripen? (Oak.)

So that pines, lindens, spruce
They didn’t get sick, they turned green,
To new forests
Rising to the skies
Them to the sound and hubbub of birds
Who is guarding? - (Forester.)

Lesovichok: That's right, guys, a forester or a huntsman - main man in the forest, protector of the forest, my best assistant! He supervises the planting of a new forest, protects the forest from pests, fire and people who cut down trees and shoot animals without permission. Guys, who are the main tree inhabitants in the forest? (Children's answers.)
Many birds live in the forest, but you can’t always see them; most often we hear their singing. Guess which bird is singing.

Lesovichok: Guys, do you hear someone buzzing? Lesovichok and the children look around. That's who it turns out was buzzing. The forest boy removes a dragonfly from a tree. Let's play with her.

Game "Catch the Dragonfly".
Several children are called, who jump up and down, trying to reach an object suspended above the child’s raised hand.
Children who were able to touch the object are highlighted.

Lesovichok: Animals live in the forest. And what traces will help us find out.

Game “Whose traces?”
Here is the first trace -
The scythe has no den, He does not need a hole, His legs save him from enemies, And his bark saves him from hunger. (Hare.)
Second trace - You and I recognize the animal
According to two such signs
He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,
And in a red fur coat in the summer. (Squirrel.)

The third footprint - touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide. (Elk.)

Cunning cheat, red head
The fluffy tail is a beauty,
And her name is... (Fox.)

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear.)

Lesovichok: Well done, you guessed the animals from their tracks. Let's play with them.

Game "Dance, show your movements."
- Bear, bear, dance, show me your movements.
A child in a bear cap goes out into a circle and performs movements, the children repeat after him and so on with all the animals.

Little fox - little fox, dance, show your movements.
- Mouse, mouse, dance, show your movements.
- Bunny, bunny, dance, show your movements.
- Frog, frog, dance, show your movements.

After the game, the teacher collects the children’s hats and they sit near the fire.
Conversation “Who hears what?”
Which animal in the forest do you think hears better? He who has big ears hears better. (Children look at the animals’ ears in the pictures and find out that the elk hears best.)
The bat has big ears, she hears better than anyone, but you won’t wait for her here. Now is the day, she is sitting somewhere in a hollow or in a cave, sleeping upside down and upside down, clinging to some ledge with her claws. They say about her that she not only hears, but also sees with her ears.
But no matter how much you look at the grasshopper’s head, you will not find ears here. Even if you search for an hour, you won’t find it. Because they are not there. (Children look at the picture of a grasshopper.) The grasshopper hears with his feet. Their ears are narrow slits on their front legs. When a grasshopper listens, it does not turn its head towards the sound, but shows its legs. Birds don't hear very well. Most don't have ears, so they don't hear well and rely most on their eyes. But there are exceptions among them: those who have to hunt at night - an owl, an eagle owl. Their ears are made of feathers. They hear perfectly.
Here is a bee, a fly, a mosquito, a moth that lives in a people’s house and eats their things and food - they hear with their whiskers. Locust - belly. Pisces and crayfish hear with their whole body.

The teacher takes on the role of a leader, names some attribute (property, quality, external sign) fruit or berry, asks “Does it happen?”, throws the ball to the child, who must say whether it happens or not, and throw the ball to the teacher.

Working with educational visual aids (p. 18).

V.: Now look what K-M saw in the fruit store. Name the fruits that are sold in the store.

Count oranges, cherries, bananas, pears and put a card in the window on the right and left side that represents this number.

Which is more: oranges or cherries? What can be done to answer this question? (Connect in pairs, count and compare quantities.) Equally, by how much? Although the oranges are large and the cherries are small, there are equal numbers of them, three each.

Which is more: bananas or oranges? Pears or oranges? Bananas or pears? Pears or cherries? Cherries or bananas? Which number is greater: “two” or “three”? Which number is smaller: “two” or “three”?

Physical education break. Finger gymnastics “Plums”.

Thick finger and big Middle finger -

The most accurate one went to the garden to pick plums,

Index from the threshold He knocks plums off the branch.

Showed him the way. Nameless eats

And the little finger is gentleman

Plants seeds in the ground.

Working with educational visual aids. (p.19)

The teacher suggests looking at the plums and telling them where on the napkin they are depicted. For example, a purple plum is drawn in the center, a yellow plum is drawn in the lower right corner.

Q: Which plum is bigger: yellow or purple? Compare them using a proxy item. To choose an intermediary, name the geometric figure that the image of the plum in the picture resembles. This means that the intermediary object will be an oval.

The teacher explains the rules for using an intermediary figure to compare objects by size (more - less). First, you need to determine by eye which plum is larger. Then check the correctness of your assumption. For this purpose among geometric shapes find figures of the same shape as the image of a plum (ovals). From three ovals, you need to choose a figure of the same size with a smaller plum. Transfer it to the image of a larger plum. If the oval turns out to be smaller, then the choice was correct.

Didactic game "Find your home."

The teacher invites the children to find houses for the fruits and berries that are drawn in the pictures. Shows house cards on which the signs of fruits and berries are indicated (Fig. 8): size (a large house, which means a large berry or a large fruit lives; small house- a small fruit or a small berry lives here) and color (indicated by a stroke of yellow, green, red, orange, purple). For example, he shows a picture with a small banana and a picture with a big banana and offers to find them homes; explain why they made that choice.

House cards are placed in different places in the group room. Then the pictures are distributed (one at a time) and, to the sound of music, the children look for a home for the fruit or berry shown in their picture. After completing the actions, the pictures remain “in the houses”, and the teacher distributes the next group of pictures.

The game is repeated until all the pictures (fruits and berries depicted on them) find their homes.

Lesson 11

Educational objectives

"Quantity and counting." Form ideas: about quantitative counting (about the purpose and rules of quantitative counting); about the number “four”; about the number 4 as a sign denoting the number “four” (level of recognition);

the ability to count, following the rules, with quantitative counting within four; determine the total of the account; distinguish the counting process from its result; denote the number of four objects with the word “four”, coordinating it with the name of the objects in gender and number, the number 4.

"Value". Form ideas: about size (big - small); about methods of comparison by size;

the ability to compare the size of images of two objects using an intermediary object (a geometric figure of the same shape as the image), observing the rules for using an intermediary; use the words “more”, “less” to denote the relationships of objects in size identified as a result of comparison.
"Geometric figures and the shape of objects." Form ideas about geometric shapes (triangle, circle, oval, square, rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus), about the shape of objects;

the ability to recognize geometric shapes (triangles) and name them; distinguish the shape of objects, designate it by naming the geometric figure it resembles.
Develop: attention, perception, thinking, imagination; actions of comparison, the ability to find similarities and differences; eye gauge; manifestations of creativity; persistence, attentiveness, curiosity; cognitive interest; graphic skills (finish drawing, draw).
Bring up: careful attitude towards natural resources; intellectual feelings; accuracy.


For didactic game exercise “Be careful!”: images of fish from geometric shapes (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Options for laying out images of fish from geometric shapes

For demo figure 4; cut-out material (numbers and triangles), colored pencils for each child.
For Games "Fisherman and the Fishes": cord.

Progress of the lesson
1.Didactic game exercise"Be careful!".
The teacher suggests introducing K-M to the fish that live in our reservoirs. There are a lot of fish. To distinguish them, you need to be very careful. So let's play the game “Be careful!” together. The teacher hangs images of fish from geometric shapes on the board one by one and asks them to name the geometric shapes from which the image of the fish is made (Fig. 9).
After the game he tells a quatrain:
Early morning from the river
Fishermen catch fish.
Caught a lot of fish
And they put it in a bucket.

(p. 20).
The teacher suggests looking at the fish that the fishermen caught and put in a bucket. To name the fish, you need to solve riddles.

He lives in the pool itself, striped, toothy,
Master of the depths. Prowls underwater

He has a huge mouth looking for small fish (Pike).

And long mustache (Som).

A thorn, not a hedgehog. Hiding from toothy pikes,
But it’s good for fish soup. Swam by... (Crucian carp).
This is a small fish

And she’s called… ( Ruff).

IN.: How many ruffs were caught? Somov? Pike? Crucian carp?

The teacher shows the demonstration number 4.

IN.: This is the number 4. People use it when they want to write down the number four. This figure is a sign for the number “four”. If we see the number 4, we can not count, but immediately say that there are four objects.

It is suggested to look at the images drawn with the number 4 and name the objects with the number “four”: 4 pikes, 4 buckets, 4 fishing rods. Cover those items that are named with cards with the number 4.
3. Physical education break.

Children perform movements to the poem:

A pike lived in the lake and invited three ruffs.
I took the worm off the hook. The ruffs told everyone:

The pike cooked cabbage soup, - The pike’s cabbage soup is good!

4.Working with educational visual aids(p. 21)

The teacher says:

Glass house on the window

With clear water

With rocks and sand at the bottom

And with a golden fish.

IN.: What is this? (Aquarium). Look closely at the fish. Are the fish the same or different? How are they similar? What is the difference? Which one is bigger: blue or yellow? Which one is smaller? To answer, compare the fish using an intermediary figure. To choose an intermediary, name the geometric figure that the image of the fish in the picture resembles. This means that the intermediary object will be a triangle.

The teacher reminds the rules for using an intermediary figure to compare objects by size (more - less). First, you need to eyeball which fish is larger. Then check the correctness of your assumption. To do this, among the geometric shapes, find shapes of the same shape as the image of a fish (triangles). From three triangles, you need to choose a figure of the same size with a smaller fish. Transfer it to the image of a larger fish. If the triangle turns out to be smaller, then the choice was correct.
IN.: Draw two more fish in the aquarium, but so that they do not look alike. How many fish are there in the aquarium?
Look at the funny fish with umbrellas. Find two identical fish. Connect them with a line. Find an umbrella that is different from others. How is it different?

Game "Fisherman and fishes".

An outdoor game is played in which the teacher takes on the role of a fisherman (spinning in place with a cord in his hands, trying to catch the fish children standing in a circle). Those children who are touched by the cord leave the circle. When 4 children are caught, everyone counts the “catch”.

Lesson 12


Educational objectives

« Quantity and counting." Form ideas about ordinal counting (its purpose, rules);

"Value". Form ideas about size; about serial (ordered by size) series;

the ability to compare images of objects by size by eye; determine the relationship in size between images of objects; build serial (ordered) rows of four elements in size, display them graphically (connect images in order with lines and arrows); denote in words dimensional relationships (in magnitude) between the elements of a series in ascending and descending order.

"Space". Form ideas about the spatial position “behind”, spatial directions: “from right to left”, “from ... to ...”;

the ability to determine the spatial position of objects, counting from right to left, left to right, the sequence of objects following each other.

"Time". Form ideas about the parts of the day: “day”, “night” (children’s actions, natural phenomena); about modeling parts of the day using conditional images.

Develop: attention, perception, thinking, imagination, memory; comparison actions; the ability to group and classify objects according to one criterion (what happens during the day, what happens at night); ability to find similarities and differences; attentiveness; cognitive interest; graphic skills (draw connecting lines, arrows, color).

Bring up: accuracy.


For didactic game “Animal Crossings”: two hoops; cards with a symbol of a forest (drawing of a Christmas tree) and a person (drawing of a human figure); 13 pictures each depicting wild (bear, fox, hare, wolf, elk, deer, raccoon, beaver, owl, eagle, snake, squirrel, hedgehog) and domestic (cow, horse, pig, dog, goose, chicken, cat, turkey, duck, rooster, goat, sheep, donkey) animals.

For working with educational visual aids: pencils of different colors.

For relay games “Make a portrait”: magnetic board (flannelograph), two demonstration images of an owl, composed of geometric shapes (Fig. 10), two sets of geometric shapes (corresponding to the sample image) on magnets

(with glued flannel or velvet paper) for each team.

Rice. 10. Demo images of an owl

For didactic game “Day and Night”: owl cap, two circles (white and black) - day and night models.

Progress of the lesson

IN.: Traveling around our planet, K-M visited forests, fields, and visited different people. I saw many different animals: birds, animals. He thought: there are wild animals and domestic ones, but which one is which? Let's help him figure it out. And the game “Rest the Animals” will help us with this.

1. Didactic game “Disperse the animals.” The teacher lays out two hoops. In them he displays model cards and explains that the tree represents a place where wild animals live. Next to this card you need to put pictures on which a wild animal (beast or bird) is drawn. A card with a drawn person indicates the place where the pets are located. Next to it you need to put pictures depicting pets. He turns the pictures face down and invites each child to take two pictures, turn them over, look at them and put them in the hoop that matches this animal. You can ask for an explanation of the choice.

2.Working with educational visual aids(p.22)

IN.: One day K-M came to the village and saw there... But you will find out who he saw there if you guess the riddles:

Scarlet cap, He lived in a white house,

The vest is non-woven, the house was broken with its nose.

The little pockmarked caftan began to walk around the yard,

He called the children together and began to peck the grains.

Gathers everyone under his wings ( Chicken). (Chick).

How many chickens walk with their mother on the green lawn?

Color the bows: the smallest chicken yellow; the larger one is in red; the one that is even larger has a blue color, and the largest one has green. Tell us about the chickens: “The ones with a yellow bow are the smallest, the ones with a red bow are bigger,... even bigger,... are the most...”.

Show the path (draw the arrows in order) from the smallest chicken to the largest.

Who came to the chicken first? Second? Third? Fourth?

And now K-M called the chickens. Who came to him first? Second? Third? Fourth?

Compare two rows of chickens. What changed?