Tambov State University. Quality education, the way it should be Admission TSU State

Tambov State University

Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin
(TSU named after G. R. Derzhavina)
original name

Tambov State University
named after G. R. Derzhavin

International name

Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin

Former names

Tambov State Pedagogical Institute, Tambov State Institute of Culture

Year of foundation

by merging the Tambov State Pedagogical Institute and the Tambov State Institute of Culture

Year of reorganization



Vladislav Mikhailovich Yuriev

Legal address

Coordinates: 52°43′15″ n. w. /  41°26′46″ E. d. 52.720833° s. w.52.720833 , 41.446111

41.446111° E. d.(G) (O) (I)

"Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin"

- a higher educational institution in Tambov, with more than 17,000 students, the strongest teaching staff (over 160 doctors of science and professors), the richest material and technical base and the latest scientific research in the region.


In 1918, the State University was opened in Tambov - the first higher educational institution on Tambov land. Lectures were given mainly by visiting professors and teachers of Moscow University. After existing for three years, the university was closed, but it left a mark on the development of education in the region: cooperative courses, literacy centers, and the Institute of Public Education were organized at the university. Subsequently, the Institute of Public Education was transformed into a pedagogical institute. The current TSU, formed in 1994, includes the Tambov State Pedagogical Institute and the Tambov State Institute of Culture. Over the years, famous scientists and prominent figures in education and culture worked at the university: physicists P. S. Kudryavtsev and B. F. Bilimovich, mathematician V. V. Nikitin, philosopher A. T. Khaikin, philologists N.I. Kravtsov and B.N. Dvinyaninov, culturologist M.M. Rybyakov, choirmaster A.V. Zinoviev, musician A.P. Khvorostov.

On December 29, 1994, the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin signed a Decree in the Kremlin on the creation of a state university in Tambov. A new university of the classical type arose on the basis of the Tambov State Pedagogical Institute and the Tambov State Institute of Culture through their merger.

University today

At the moment, Tambov State University is one of the leading classical universities in the region, and fully meets all current economic, scientific and sociocultural requirements.

University named after G.R. Derzhavina. Main building

The achievements of TSU are appreciated not only at the regional, but also at the federal level - in 2007, the university became the winner of the second competition of innovative educational programs, which was held within the framework of the priority national project "Education" and received a grant of 480 million rubles for the implementation of its own innovative project.
The structure of the University includes 14 academies, institutes and faculties. Personnel training is carried out in more than 100 educational specialties and areas, among which the dominant specialties are those that form the basis of the educational activities of the Russian classical university. The University provides postgraduate training in postgraduate and doctoral studies. 9 dissertation councils in 22 scientific specialties are actively functioning. At TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin, modern educational technologies are widely used, and distance learning is being developed. The university occupies one of the leading places in the Central Black Earth Region in organizing scientific research. The university is proud of its scientific schools in economics, physics, chemistry, mathematics, philology, history, known both in Russia and abroad. TSU is active internationally, collaborating with foreign universities in Europe, America, Africa, and Asia.

The university has its own hotel, dormitories, sports palace, and zoo. The rector of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin is Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Vladislav Mikhailovich Yuryev.

Faculties and institutes

University named after G.R. Derzhavina (Medical Institute)

  • Institute of Service and Advertising
  • University of the Foreign languages
  • Institute of Russian Philology
  • Faculty of Journalism
  • Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
  • Institute of Natural Sciences
  • Medical Institute
  • Institute of Law
  • Institute of Pedagogy and Social Work
  • Academy of Humanitarian and Social Education
  • Academy of Economics and Entrepreneurship
  • Academy of Psychology and Management
  • Academy of Culture and Arts
  • Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

Endowment Fund of TSU named after. G. R. Derzhavina

In May 2009, for the first time in our region, an Endowment Fund (Endowment Fund) was created. The main task of creating an endowment fund is to ensure a stable financial position of the University and to develop a socially oriented mechanism for interaction between business and science.

Sergey Petrovich Yukhachev was appointed Chairman of the NSO “TSU Endowment Fund named after G. R. Derzhavin”.


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    See what "Tambov State University" is in other dictionaries: Tambov State University - Tambov, st. International, 33. Psychology, social work, preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education, social pedagogy. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. M., 2002. With ...

    - (TSTU) Motto The future begins today Year of foundation 1958 ... Wikipedia

    This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles... Wikipedia

    Tambov Regional Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 14 Founded: 1989 Director: Alexey Mikhailovich Kuzmin Type: Lyceum Address: Tambov, st. Michurinskaya, 112 V Website: www.tofmal.ru Tambov Regional Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 14 (TOFML) ... ... Wikipedia

1. Magomedov Mamed Ibragimovich - not accepted. Admission conditions are incorrectly specified

2. Shkurin Ilya Andreevich - not accepted. The entry conditions were incorrectly specified. Individual achievement not documented.

4. Magomedov Kurban Dzhamalutdinovich - not accepted. The entry conditions were incorrectly specified.

5. Shirinskikh Ksenia Alekseevna - accepted.

6. Samsonkina Vasilisa Andreevna - not accepted. The results of the entrance tests do not meet the minimum scores.

7. Omutkova Anastasia Sergeevna - not accepted. There are no entrance test results.

8. Korneev Denis Vladimirovich - accepted.

9. Kofanova Anastasia Vyacheslavovna - not accepted. The application indicates a specialty of a different level of education.

10. Ermakova Daria Dmitrievna - accepted.

11. Nesterenko Angelina Olegovna - accepted.

12. Komarova Sofya Vladimirovna - accepted.

13. Kveskis Maria Mikhailovna -

14. Ramazanov Arslangadzhi Arslankadievich - not accepted. There is no certificate of secondary general education.

15. Bilchuk Valeria Vladimirovna - not accepted. The grounds for admission were incorrectly stated.

16. Podmarkov Vlad Olegovich - accepted.

17. Pereverza Svetlana Vladimirovna - accepted.

18. Karpova Anastasia Denisovna - accepted.

19. Zakharova Svetlana Anatolyevna - accepted.

20. Bannikov Denis Andreevich - accepted.

21. Vorontsova Natalya Igorevna - accepted.

22. Savelyeva Angelina Aleksandrovna - not accepted.

23. Kozmenko Anastasia Vasilievna - accepted.

24. Gladyr Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - accepted.

25. Pershikova Vidana Alekseevna - not accepted. The application indicates individual achievements that are not taken into account by the university.

26. Milana Rustamovna Kadyrova - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

28. Bykova Daria Dmitrievna - accepted.

29. Vrublevskaya Svetlana Vladimirovna - accepted.

30. Nokhrina Valeria Alekseevna - not accepted. The application indicates individual achievements that are not taken into account by the university.

31. Sviridova Ekaterina Alekseevna - accepted.

32. Berzhinskaya Evgenia Mikhailovna - not accepted. The application indicates an individual achievement that is not taken into account by the university.

33. Murodova Parvina Abdukhalimovna - accepted.

34. Shebuldaeva Elizaveta Dmitrievna - not accepted. The special right was incorrectly indicated.

35. Zubenko Danila Sergeevich - accepted.

36. Sexton Anastasia Andreevna - accepted.

37. Aidemirova Fatima Maratovna - Not

38. Alimov Korkmas Zainutdinovich - accepted.

39. Anfinogenova Alexandra Pavlovna - not accepted. There is no copy of the certificate supplement.

40. Ivanova Yana Sergeevna - not accepted. The application indicates a specialty that is not offered at the university.

41. Zazulin Ilya Vitalievich - accepted.

42. Chumakov Vladislav Alekseevich - accepted.

43. Maksimova Alina Aleksandrovna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

44. Kritchina Alina Vadimovna - not

45. Kostetskaya Polina Vladimirovna - accepted.

46. ​​Akimov Korkmas Zainutdinovich - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

47. Timofeev Maxim Sergeevna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

48. Tyunkin Dmitry Vladimirovich - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

49. Kuzminskaya Maria Alexandrovna - not accepted. The application indicates an individual achievement that is not taken into account by the university.

50. Dzer Victoria Igorevna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

51. Sapelkina Olga Andreevna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

52. Salikhova Abidat Musalimov - accepted.

53. Turukhina Valeria Dmitrievna - accepted.

54. Lavrushko Anna Sergeevna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

55. Sukhanov Andrey Sergeevich - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

56. Firsova Evgenia Vladimirovna - accepted.

57. Chumakov Nikolay Nikolaevich - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

58. Malova Daria Aleksandrovna - accepted.

59. Gorozhankina Ksenia Dmitrievna - accepted.

60. Petrakova Tatyana Andreevna - accepted.

61. Slomov Denis Vitalievich - not accepted. The special right was filled in incorrectly.

62. Melnichuk Anastasia Yurievna - not accepted. The application does not indicate areas of training (specialties).

63. Kuklin Andrey Andreevich - not accepted. The application indicates a form of study that is not offered at the university.

64. Terekhov Maxim Sergeevich - accepted.

65. Potylitsyna Lyudmila Vitalievna - not accepted. The application indicates a specialty that is not offered at the university.

66. Dutsinina Valeria Sergeevna - accepted.

67. Levchenko Liliya Evgenievna - not accepted. The application indicates an individual achievement that is not taken into account by the university.

68. Ilya Evgenievich Irodov - accepted.

69. Lubko Ksenia Valerievna - not accepted. There is no copy of the application to the certificate.

70. Shikhavova Umsapiyat Ruslanovna - accepted.

71. Khusnutdinov Eduard Vladimirovich - not accepted. Individual achievement not documented.

72. Shmaliy Alexey Miroslavovich - accepted.

73. Vilkova Yulia Gennadievna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

74. Volkova Ekaterina Nikolaevna - not accepted. There is no certificate of secondary general education.

75. Borisenko Maxim Vladimirovich - not accepted. The application indicates a specialty that is not offered at the university.

76. Zaitseva Daria Gennadievna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

77. Zhurenko Yulia Sergeevna - accepted.

78. Semaeva Margarita Alekseevna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

79. Dzutsev Georgy Konstantinovich - accepted.

80. Stolyarova Regina Vladimirovna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

81. Gubenko Yulia Aleksandrovna - accepted.

82. Kazhanova Natalya Andreevna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

83. Kukharenko Alena Sergeevna - accepted.

84. Kutuzova Anna Aleksandrovna - not accepted. The set of entrance tests is not indicated in full.

85. Cheridnikova Margarita Sergeevna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated. The application indicates an individual achievement that is not taken into account by the university.

86. Danilova Victoria Valerievna - accepted.

87. Koroleva Eva Evgenievna - not accepted. The application indicates an individual achievement that is not taken into account by the university.

88. Glazatov Vadim Andreevich - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

89. Ivanova Marina Denisovna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

90. Usenko Danila Sergeevich - accepted.

91. Smotrova Valeria Aleksandrovna - accepted.

92. Barieva Kamila Shamilevna - accepted.

93. Zhavoronkov Elizaveta Vladislavovna - accepted.

94. Yakunina Kristina Pavlovna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

95. Achapina Angelina Andreevna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

96. Khromenkov Evgeniy Alekseevich - accepted.

97. Podlesnyaya Maria Alexandrovna - accepted.

98. Babaeva Diana Ruslanovna - not accepted. There is no birth certificate.

99. Lezina Ksenia Vladimirovna - accepted.

100. Bilchuk Valeria Vladimirovna - accepted.

101. Timofeev Maxim Sergeevich - accepted.

102. Lukyanova Kristina Sergeevna - accepted.

103. Kuleshova Anna Vladimirovna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

104. Gadadov Imam Islamovich - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

105. Mozgovaya Zhanna Alekseevna - accepted.

106. Davudbegov Zagidyeg Rustamovich - not accepted. The application indicates a specialty that is not offered at the university.

107. Litvinov Alexander Alekseevich - accepted.

108. Kolesnik Tatyana Nikolaevna - accepted.

109. Sonin Sergey Nikolaevich - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

110. Kurbanov Hamid Alievich - accepted.

111. Magaramov Mairbek Noruzbekovich - not accepted. The application indicates a special right that is not confirmed by a document.

112. Shishina Polina Fedorovna - accepted.

113. Lyan Alexandra Sergeevna - not accepted. The application does not indicate specialties.

114. Meshcheryakova Lilia Alekseevna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

115. Stepanova Marina Mikhailovna - not accepted. The application indicates a specialty that is not offered at the university.

116. Sidorova Daria Nikolaevna - accepted.

117. Shatalov Alexander Vladimirovich - not accepted. The application indicates an individual achievement that is not taken into account at the university.

118. Popova Maria Nikolaevna - not accepted. The set of entrance tests does not correspond to the field of study.

119. Gubina Maria Yurievna - accepted.

120. Pakhomova Ekaterina Konstantinovna - not accepted. The application indicates a special right that is not confirmed by a document.

121. Potylitsina Lyudmila Vitalievna - accepted.

122. Golubeva Irina Sergeevna - accepted.

123. Gevorkyan Narek Lernikovich - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

124. Kalinkina Kristina Andreevna - not accepted. The application indicates an individual achievement that is not taken into account by the university.

125. Semenova Alexandra Sergeevna - accepted.

126. Bagaeva Elena Vladimirovna - not accepted. The set of entrance tests does not correspond to the field of study.

127. Gretskaya Lada Vladimirovna - accepted.

128. Naberezhnev Alexander Maksimovich - accepted.

129. Baranova Irina Sergeevna - accepted.

130. Popov Pavel Dmitrievich - accepted.

131. Fedina Ekaterina Andreevna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

132. Milana Rustamovna Kadyrova - accepted.

133. Oboimova Alina Aleksandrovna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

134. Guzenko Svetlana Viktorovna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

135. Dmitrieva Valeria Andreevna - accepted.

136. Ochilov Shakhriyor Keldiyorovich - accepted.

137. Ashuraliev Javadkhin Gapalovich - not accepted. There is no document confirming individual achievement.

138. Chupalaeva Aida Arsenovna - accepted.

139. Korovkin Sergey Andreevich - accepted.

140. Grekova Yulia Sergeevna - accepted.

141. Potapov Evgeniy Alekseevich - not accepted. Statement missing.

142. Matytsina Alina Aleksandrovna - not accepted. The application does not correspond to the level of education.

143. Zubenko Maria Sergeevna - accepted.

144. Buryakova Daria Maksimovna - not accepted. The copy of the appendix to the certificate is not presented in full.

145. Miloserdova Elizaveta Alekseevna - not accepted. The copy of the appendix to the certificate is not presented in full.

146. Porotnikova Yaroslava Yuryevna - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

147. Knevets Ksenia Vladimirovna - accepted.

148. Gribanova Lyubov Sergeevna - accepted.

149. Aliev Sabir Osmanovich - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

150. Khashchina Yulia Sergeevna - accepted.

151. Gadadov Imam Islamovich - accepted.

152. Ashibokov Batyr Romanovich - not accepted. The reasons for admission were incorrectly indicated.

153. Shatalov Alexander Vladimirovich - accepted.

154. Safiulin Andrey Nikolaevich - not accepted. The individual achievement does not conform to the approved form.

155. Andreev Dmitry Yurievich - accepted.

156. Ermakov Ilya Sergeevich - accepted.

157. Pushkova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - accepted.

158. Tarasova Lidiya Alekseevna - accepted.

159. Slobodyanik Vladimir Aleksandrovich - accepted.

Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin
(TSU named after G. R. Derzhavina)
Tambov State University
named after G. R. Derzhavin
International name Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
Former names Tambov State Pedagogical Institute, Tambov State Institute of Culture
Year of foundation
Reorganized through the merger of the Tambov State Pedagogical Institute and the Tambov State Institute of Culture
Year of reorganization
Type State
Rector Stromov, Vladimir Yurievich
Professors 160
Legal address Russia, 392000, Tambov, st. Internatsionalnaya, 33
Website tsutmb.ru
Media files on Wikimedia Commons

41.446111° E. d.- higher education institution in Tambov.

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"Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin"

Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin dates its history back to.

In 1918, the State University was opened in Tambov, the first institution of higher education on Tambov land. Lectures were given mainly by visiting professors and teachers of Moscow University. After existing for three years, the university was closed, but it left a mark on the development of education in the region: cooperative courses, literacy centers, and the Institute of Public Education were organized at the university. Subsequently, the Institute of Public Education was transformed into a pedagogical institute.

Tambov State University was created by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on December 29, 1994 by merging and. The university is housed in 5 academic buildings with a total area of ​​50 thousand square meters. m.

In December 1995, by a unanimous decision of the conference of teaching staff, students, graduate students and staff, the position of rector of TSU named after. Yuriev Vladislav Mikhailovich was elected G. R. Derzhavin, who subsequently held this position for twenty years.

As a result of the merger of the natural-geographical and chemical-biological faculties, a natural science faculty was formed with seven departments (Dean E. A. Ganzha). In 1994, the scientific and practical laboratory of school cartography celebrated its 35th anniversary, which prepared 3 editions of the “Atlas of the Tambov Region” (headed by A. M. Kirillov). In the same year, the Faculty of Economics was opened (Dean G. A. Gostilovich), and in 1995 - the Faculty of Law (Dean N. A. Pridvorov).

The Faculty of History continued its activities within the university (Dean Yu. A. Mizis), which included the Department of Russian History (headed by a member of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences and the New York Academy of Sciences, Professor L.G. Protasov) and General History (headed by - A. G. Airapetov).

Professional personnel were trained at the faculties: Physics and Mathematics (Dean A. A. Sletkov), Romano-Germanic Philology (Dean N. P. Dronova). In September 1995, the Department of Journalism was opened at the Faculty of Philology (Dean N. L. Potanina). The Department of Russian Language became one of the founders of the Russian Humanitarian and Political Science Lyceum, which opened in 1994. The Department of History of Russian Literature (so-called since 1998), headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor L.V. Polyakova (student of N.I. Kravtsov), has become one of the generally recognized domestic scientific centers for the study and research of E.I. Zamyatin’s creativity.

The Department of Theoretical Physics, created by P. S. Kudryavtsev, since 1997 began to be called the Department of “Theoretical and Experimental Physics”, which since 1982 has been headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Soros Professor Yu. I. Golovin.

The merger with the Institute of Culture expanded the specialization of the university into the faculties of artistic folk art (Dean B. S. Geiko), cultural studies (Dean V. A. Karimov), information and library (Dean B. V. Borisov).

The Faculty of Physical Education, which switched to a 5-year course of study in 1990, provided students with the following specialties: physical education teacher and school psychologist, physical education and physical therapy.

In the 1990s, the university employed more than 40 professors and doctors of science; about 20 professors, candidates of science, who conducted proactive scientific research and improved the educational work of the university.

In March 1996, the Academic Council of the university adopted the “Concept for the Development of TSU named after. G. R. Derzhavin for 1996-2000.” These years became a period of rapid development of science at the university, especially in terms of training young scientific personnel. If at the time the university was founded, its graduate school trained personnel in 22 specialties, and the number of graduate students and applicants was 108 people, then by 2000, the training of graduate students began to be carried out in 36 specialties, and the number of graduate students and applicants increased more than 4 times.

University today


Publishing house "Derzhavinsky"


TSU Stadium G. R. Derzhavina

  • On June 28, the Department of Public and Political Relations of the Moscow Government registered the International Slavic University.
  • On December 5, 1994, the International Slavic Institute was created. The founders are the International Slavic University and the Russian Zemstvo Movement.
  • In 1995, a license was received from the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia (No. 16-200 dated March 16, 1995) to conduct educational activities at MSI.
  • On April 15, 1997, by Decree No. 272 ​​of the Moscow Government, the International Slavic University was named after G. R. Derzhavin
  • In the city of MSI, it passed state accreditation for the first time (certificate No. 25-0821 dated December 20, 1999).
  • On December 23, 2002, the institute received state registration number 207717009 99 23.
  • The highest body of strategic management of MSI is the general meeting of the Founders of MSI.


Rector of MSI

  • Kim Alekseevich Smirnov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, President of the Cyril and Methodius Academy of Slavic Enlightenment and Education.

First Vice-Rector

  • Vladislav Aleksandrovich Studentsov, professor, candidate of historical sciences

Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs

  • Igor Mikhailovich Bratishchev, Doctor of Economics, professor, adviser to justice, State Duma deputy.
  • Koval Maxim Valerievich

Vice-Rector for Branch Relations

  • Mamontova Svetlana Viktorovna


Psychology faculty

General information about AF

Dean of Faculty: Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor Bugrenkova T. A. The Faculty of Psychology prepares graduates in specialty 030301.65 (020400) “Psychology”. Qualification - Psychologist. Psychology teacher.

Bachelor 030401 “Clinical Psychology”, qualification “Psychologist. Clinical Psychologist. Psychology teacher"

Forms of training for PT
  • All forms of training are available:
  • full-time - 5 years (bachelor - 4 years);
  • part-time - 6 years (bachelor - 5 years);
  • part-time - 6 years (bachelor - 5 years);
  • distance learning - 6 years (bachelor 5 years);
  • second higher education - 3 years;
an abbreviated program for persons with secondary vocational education or higher vocational education at various levels - 3.5 years.
  • Specializations available:

clinical psychology (including speech therapy).

Diplomas for FP
  • It is possible to obtain three diplomas during training:
  • Psychologist - Manager,
  • Psychologist - Linguist,

Psychologist - Lawyer.

Postgraduate studies in FP
  • The Faculty of Psychology offers postgraduate studies in the following specialties:
general psychology, history of psychology and personality psychology.

Postgraduate students have the opportunity to defend their PhD degree in leading universities in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation.

Faculty of Foreign Languages

General information about foreign languages Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages: corresponding member. International Cyril and Methodius Academy of Slavic Education, professor Pyotr Vasilievich Moroslin . Deputy Dean in foreign language: Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Vice-President of the International Cyril and Methodius Academy of Slavic Education, Doctor of Philology, Professor Alexander Stepanovich Mamontov. Good technical equipment (video classes and language and computer labs). Individual graduates of the faculty who have particularly proven themselves during their studies may be offered a job as a teacher of English and German at the faculty and/or admission to graduate school in the specialty 02/10/20 - comparative historical, typological and comparative linguistics, followed by defense of a dissertation for a candidate of philological sciences at RUDN University. The faculty employs highly qualified teachers, graduates of Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU), Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova (MSU), Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), among whom is Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Professor A. S. Mamontov , Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor E. G. Azimov , Doctor of Philology, Professor, corresponding member of the International Cyril and Methodius Academy of Slavic Enlightenment, professor P. V. Moroslin and others. The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​offers courses on studying Chinese, Russian as a foreign language, Spanish, Arabic, German, English And French languages. Groups are formed depending on the level of knowledge of students.

The faculty is bound by cooperation agreements with a number of Russian universities, including RUDN University, State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin and others.

In addition to English and German, Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese and Chinese are offered as a third foreign language. Additionally, Slavic languages ​​are studied - Bulgarian, Macedonian, Polish (optional).

The faculty provides assistance in completing a 3-month language practice in the USA and Western European countries. Form of training in a foreign language; Linguistics; Qualification:.

linguist, teacher
  • linguist, translator
  • linguist, English teacher

Forms of training

full-time - 5 years;

part-time - 5 years. Languages Full-time education: Required -.

English german

; third language -

Spanish, Italian Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship Organization General information about FEiOP Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Economics:, MEIS, MEPhI - this is the strongest mathematical and information component of the educational process.

Economics teachers have the highest professionalism. These are the best representatives of leading economic universities in Russia and Moscow - REA, Financial Academy, MFEI, VEFI, MESI, MIU, VZPI, MPEI.

Online video lectures are conducted for distance learning students.

FEiOP provides students with the opportunity to use an electronic library, which contains educational and methodological materials on the disciplines of the curriculum. Full-time students are given a deferment from the army..
  • It is obligatory for the organization of the educational process for students to undergo practical training in leading companies in Moscow and Russia.
  • The faculty has its representative offices in the regional branches of the institute in the following places: Sofia, Kyustendil, Vratsa, Staraya Zagora, Bishkek, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Petrozavodsk, Ulyanovsk.
  • Faculty of Law
  • General information about the Faculty of Law
  • Dean of the Faculty: Candidate of Legal Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences
  • Close business relations with the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, the Moscow State Law Academy, and universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Active interaction with the educational and methodological association of law universities in the country.
  • The organization of the educational process at the faculty is based on the requirements of state educational standards of higher professional education and the recommendations of the Federal Association of Law Universities, of which MSI has been a member for several years.
  • Upon completion of training, graduates of the MSI Faculty of Law receive a state diploma

Departments of Law Faculty

  • Theories and histories of state and law
  • Civil law disciplines
  • Head of the department - Doctor of Law, Professor Sergey Valerievich Kalashnikov
  • Criminal law disciplines

Forms of study at the Faculty of Law

  • Full-time (5 years)
  • Part-time (6 years)
  • Part-time (Saturday) (5.5 years)
  • 2nd higher (2.5 years)
  • Remote (6 years)

Faculty of Design

General information about the Faculty of Design

Dean of the Faculty: Associate Professor, Member of the Union of Artists, Head of the Department of Fine Arts Kozlov D. V.
  • The MSI Faculty of Design was organized in 1995 by the Higher School of Design and Decorative Arts.
  • The faculty provides training in specialty 052400 (“Design”) with qualifications: 052404 (Environmental Design) and 052403 (Costume Design).
  • The cycle of general professional disciplines includes:
  • History of culture and art
  • History of design science and technology
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Sculpture and plastic modeling

Descriptive geometry and technical drawing

  • Information technology in design

Flower science and coloristics.

  • Departments of the Faculty of Design
  • Department of Environmental Design
  • Designer (environmental design).” The objects of design of this type of design are everything that surrounds us. It includes the design of interiors of premises for various purposes, from apartments to cinemas and shopping centers, and the design of entrance areas of various buildings with landscape design elements, as well as the creation of small architectural forms: sculptures, wall panels, fountains. In the learning process, the department uses advanced techniques, including the use of computer technologies. Over the course of 7 semesters, students are taught to design in 3Dmax/viz, ArhiCAD 6-9, AutoCAD 2004-05 systems.
  • Introduction to the specialty
  • Fundamentals of Composition in Environmental Design
  • Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of environmental design
  • Layout in environmental design
  • Design in environmental design
  • Architectural and design materials science
  • Landscape design of the environment
  • Design and monumental and decorative art in the formation of the environment
  • Equipment and improvement of environmental facilities and systems
  • Fundamentals of ergonomics in environmental design
  • Organization of architectural and design activities
  • Computer technologies in environmental design
  • Psychology of Design

Teaching of special disciplines is carried out on the basis of original methods and individual approaches to content and teaching aids. The educational process at the department is provided by highly qualified personnel, including candidates and doctors of science, members of the Union of Artists and the Union of Designers of Russia and Moscow, and practicing designers.

  • Department of Costume Design

Produces specialists with the qualification “Designer (costume design)”. Students of this specialty are taught the basics of designing and constructing clothing, learning to create an individual style and apply creative solutions in creating an image. Much attention is also paid to creating collections of accessories, jewelry, bags, and hats that accompany the costume. Small group sizes allow teachers to work individually with each student, developing their personal creative abilities.

During preparation, students study such special disciplines as:

  • Propaedeutics (basics of composition in clothing design)
  • Costume design
  • History of costume and cut
  • Fundamentals of costume design theory and methodology
  • Costume design
  • Materials Science
  • Suit manufacturing technology
  • Project graphics
  • Computer-aided design in clothing design
  • Execution of the project in the material
  • Costume layout
  • Components of the image (including hairstyle, makeup, etc.)
  • Modern technologies for manufacturing industrial clothing
  • Making hats
  • Batik
  • Knitwear manufacturing technology

Every spring, a creative report of the department is held, at which a display of models made by students is organized.

The Department of Costume Design pays great attention to expressive, emotional drawing. Sketching is an important part of this work. We teach how to draw from life, using only line, without shading or auxiliary diagrams. The time it takes to complete the sketch is no more than 2 - 3 minutes. The existing methodology makes it possible to intensively teach the image of a human figure, taking into account the characteristic features of the image.

  • Department of Fine Arts

The department is engaged in general theoretical and practical training of students. Practical classes in drawing and painting are held in the university's classrooms and workshops, along with plein-air trips to museums, parks in Moscow and estates near Moscow. In terms of theoretical training, students take courses in the History of Culture and Art, History of Design, Science and Technology, History of Costume and Cutting, and Color Studies and Coloristics. The program of classes is targeted and provides for the general artistic training of students, taking into account their specialization.

  • Department of Information Technologies

The classrooms where students take classes are equipped with modern computers of the Intel Pentium IV generation, with the resources provided for working on them in such software packages as: Autocad, 3DMax, Archicad, CorelDrow, AdobePhotoshop, Adob ​​Illustrator. Computers operate on a single network and have high-speed Internet access.

The department is taught by professionals in artistic computer graphics, illustration and layout. Along with standard applications necessary for working on a computer (MsWord, Excel, Power Point) and all of the above applications and packages, depending on specialization.

Acting department

Basic information about the acting department

The acting department was created in 1997 and became one of the first theater non-state universities in Moscow, which today has taken a serious position in the theatrical life of the capital.

Sergei Ivanovich Zemtsov (currently the dean of the Acting Faculty of the Moscow Art Theater School) made a great contribution to the formation of the department. At his invitation, such outstanding theater teachers as Professor Ivan Mikhailovich Moskvin-Tarkhanov and Professor Tatyana Ilyinichna Vasilyeva came to work at the MSI. Their talent, their authority, their friendliness and cordiality, their energy and invaluable experience, their selfless love for their work - all this from the very beginning set the highest level of professional training and made training at the MSI Acting Faculty no less prestigious than in the oldest theater universities . The first artistic director was the chief director of the Moscow MOST Theater Evg. I. Slavutin. His theater helped the faculty in a serious test. When there was a fire in 1997 and the faculty found itself on the street, the theater provided a platform for classes free of charge, and then the “fire victims” enjoyed its hospitality for several more years.

The first graduation performance in this course was staged by a wonderful teacher, associate professor of the Moscow Art Theater School S. V. Shentalinsky.

The head of the first issue was Ivan Mikhailovich Moskvin-Tarkhanov. His wisdom and tact, his family Moscow Art Theater culture and, without exaggeration, his pedagogical genius made it possible for our children to feel included in a great theatrical tradition. Professor of stage speech Tatyana Ilyinichna Vasilyeva, a former wonderful actress, also played a huge role in this. The first class was lucky, as they say, to receive first-hand that amazing atmosphere of respect and love for students, for their work, without which there is and cannot be art. It is symbolic that Tarkhanov and Vasilyeva, graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio of the first graduating class, passed on to our first graduates everything that they had accumulated over many years of their teaching and theatrical work. Their very appearance at the institute made the life of the faculty significant and interesting, and this feeling lives inside everyone who worked with them to this day.

The second intake at the MSI Acting Faculty was conducted in 1998 by People's Artist of Russia Professor Lyudmila Ivanovna Ivanova. The star of the legendary era of Sovremennik, one of Eldar Ryazanov’s favorite actresses, she brought all her excitement to the life of the faculty, all her faith in the victory of talent over dullness. Lyudmila Ivanovna is a surprisingly kind-hearted person by nature, and her students always feel under real maternal care. In the theatrical world, which is sometimes very cruel, this quality of hers is difficult to overestimate.

A big event for the formation of the acting department was the arrival of Professor Yuri Mikhailovich Avsharov to the faculty. Yuri Mikhailovich is a living legend of theater pedagogy. “I am a student of Avsharov” - the magic of these words is known to all students of theater universities. In 1999, he took a course where he managed to create a truly creative atmosphere, and not only instill in students a love for the school where they study, but also to feel like full-fledged creative individuals. Educating not just an artist, but above all a creative personality is Avsharov’s credo. Several graduates from this course received an invitation to stay at the faculty and try themselves in theater teaching work. This is how a new generation of theater teachers arises - teachers who graduated from our institute and teach in their native walls. This is a guarantee that the MSI Acting Faculty will continue to develop.

In 2001, the faculty received state accreditation. Three graduations have already taken place, they confirmed the competitiveness of our graduates in the professional theater world. Actors who have received our diploma work in many capital theaters (Taganka Theater, Satire Theater, Stanislavsky Theater, Gorky Moscow Art Theater, New Drama, Jewish Theater, Anatoly Vasilyev Theater, Roman Viktyuk Theater, Clown Theater under the direction of Teresa Durova, Cool theater, etc.), participate in popular television projects, act in films and television series). This success of young artists is not accidental, because the main thing that the acting department can be proud of is the brilliant galaxy of theater teachers from the best theater institutes in Moscow, gathered under the roof of the MSI.

The Department of Acting is headed by People's Artist of Russia Professor Yuri Mikhailovich Avsharov. The department employs: People's Artist of Russia Professor L. I. Ivanova, People's Artist of Russia G. A. Frolov, Chief Director of the New Drama Theater V. V. Dolgachev, Chief Director of the Moscow Theater "MOST" E. I. Slavutin, directors working in different theaters in Moscow: V. G. Baicher, V. A. Bogatyrev, V. V. Belyaykin, A. A. Ogarev, associate professors S. V. Shentalinsky, L. N. Novikova, L. K. Nekrasova, Art. teacher V. A. Kharybina.

The Department of Stage Speech was created by Professor Tatyana Ilyinichna Vasilyeva. In 2003, after her death, Professor Viktor Vladimirovich Markhasev became the head of the department. The work of the department was awarded prizes at all-Russian competitions (Yakhontov competition, 2000 - Kunitsyn Prize). In 2003, in the course of Professor Yuri Mikhailovich Avsharov, a play based on Homer’s Iliad was staged (the directors of the production were stage speech teacher, associate professor Natalya Ivanovna Nechaeva and young talented director Vladimir Belyaykin). This unique thesis became a participant in the Podium 2003 festival. The department employs T. S. Fedyushina, E. N. Borzova, E. A. Yuryeva, and vocal teachers I. K. Mustafina, S. I. Tugutova and K. M. Ivanov.

The faculty pays great attention to stage movement and plastic expressiveness. Associate Professor V.A. Sazhin did a lot to ensure that class-concerts on stage movement turned into real graduation performances. Now this work is continued by teachers A.V. Bachurin, A.A. Zharkova, as well as dance teachers R.I. Stroganova, A.E. Melovatskaya and T.M. Borisova.

In addition to special disciplines, the faculty teaches general education subjects - a person who has received an MSI diploma must be comprehensively educated. Our goal is to produce not just artists, but people of high culture, with a broad outlook. Over the years of the faculty's work, legendary teachers taught students: Professor N. A. Krymova, Professor V. A. Ryapolova. An outstanding theater scholar, Professor V. Yu. Silyunas oversees the department of theater history. The institute today employs famous theater critics and theater experts G. G. Demin, O. I. Galakhova, candidate of art history A. Yu. Smolyakov, and young teacher M. S. Sokologorskaya. The course of Russian literature is taught by the candidate of philological sciences T. S. Korpacheva, the course of philosophy is taught by the candidate of philosophical sciences O. V. Kataeva. French classes are taught by teacher R. A. Kiselev.

The diploma performances of the MSI Acting Faculty are popular with the audience and receive prizes at professional shows and theater festivals.

The first sign of the popularity of the theater school is the appearance of its abbreviated name, which has become commonly used among students and applicants. I am sincerely pleased that in recent years the Acting Department of the International Slavic Institute has begun to be called simply “Slavyanka”.

Faculty of Vocal Arts

General information about the vocal department

The vocal department was created in September 2001 on the initiative of the wonderful Russian singer, People's Artist of Russia Elena Konstantinovna Ivanova, together with the outstanding vocalist of our time, People's Artist of the USSR and Russia, Lenin Prize laureate Zara Alexandrovna Dolukhanova.

The Faculty of Vocal Arts "Belcanto" is the only one and unique of its kind, since in addition to disciplines special to all music universities, vocal departments, unique teaching methods of the Italian vocal school are used based on the methods of the Academy of Music "Santa-Cecilia" Rome.

At the vocal department, increased attention is paid to the study of foreign languages, students are trained in Italian, French, German, and English, the knowledge of which is so necessary now in world opera and concert practice. The training of students at the Belcanto vocal department is focused on international connections that are now necessary in the open world. Also, increased attention is paid to the education of manners and behavior of students on stage and in everyday life. The training program includes a full list of subjects studied at the Moscow Conservatory and Gnesin Institute.

Concert practice during the training period takes place at the best concert venues in Moscow and abroad on radio and television.

Vocal Faculty Specialties

  • Academic vocals;
  • Pop vocals;
  • The art of musicals and operetta.