Tatar surnames. Tatar surnames-b Beautiful Tatar surnames for girls list

Personal names and surnames derived from them

Regarding the personal names of the Mishars, I consider it necessary to point out only some of their features that are not found among the Tatars.

1) Among the Mishar names there are often ancient Tatar names, which among the Tatars are replaced by Arabic ones.

In Kostroma, I had a conversation about the Mishars with the local Akhun Safarov (originally from Kasimov), who, while talking about the Kostroma Mishars, by the way, touched on personal names. The Mishari, according to him, treat the names of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers with special respect, which is why they try to give their children ancient names, for example Adelsha84, Valisha, Khoramsha, Uraza, Altyn-bikә, Kutlu-bikә, etc., although from The Orenburg Mufti has a special circular on replacing such names with modern names of Arabic origin.

2) The names Kutlug-Mukhamet85, Kutlumet86, Kutlukai87, Kutlush88, Kutlu-yar, Kutlu-bikә ( female name) etc., which is not noticed at all among the Tatars.

There are many personal names with the prefix “Kutlu” among the Kyrgyz: Kotlombәt, Kotlomөkhәmet, Kotlogaziy, etc.

The word “Kut” in the Jagatai dialect means happiness, Khutlug means happy. The Tatar saying “Kutlug bolsun” (let him be happy), as Frehn noted, was also minted on the coins of the Golden Horde khans89.

In the list of Akhuns of the district of the Orenburg Mohammedan Spiritual Assembly for 1896, Ismagil Kutlugyulov is mentioned - in the village of Kubak, Belebeevsky district, Ufa province90.

Timur-kutlug is the Golden Horde Khan, with whose name there are Tatar coins92.

The history of Shikhabetdin mentions the label of Timur-Kutluk, the son of Temirmelik Khan, from the year 800 Gijra 139893

In the Turkic history, Abulgazy Khan is mentioned from the clan of Genghis Khan, Kutluk-Timurkhan, among the Kashgar khans94.

In the names of Tatar villages, occasionally in surnames, there is a Turkic word - Uraz - happiness, hence "Urazly" - happy, Urazgildi - happiness has come, Urazbakty - happiness has appeared, Urazbaga - happiness is watching, Urazmet, Urazai, etc. With similar names in In the Kazan province there are Tatar villages that the Mishars would not notice.

3) Mishars often have names with the final prefix “bek”95, for example Alim-bek (Galimbik), Arslan-bek (Arslanbik), Bay-bek (Baybik), Sultan-bek (Soltanbik), Timer-bek (Timerbik) , Uzbek (Uzbik), Khan-bek (Khanbik), Rөstәm-bek, etc.96

Of these names, one of the Tatar names is Galimbik.

Similar names were also used by the Mongolian Tatars, for example, the known names of the khans are Yanibek, Uzbak, Birde-bek, Nәuz-bek, Keldi-bek, Tulun-bek, Chirkas-bek, Gayasetdin-aga-bek, Kagan-bek, etc.97

In the list of Akhuns of the district of the Orenburg Mohammedan Spiritual Assembly for 1896, Galei Chenaybekov is listed - in the Kalmyk part of the Astrakhan province (P.75)

In the book “Sәgyyd” (Saitovo posad, Orenburg province) on S.29 there is an akhun Temur-bek Vildanov, who died in 1271 Gijra.

4) Mishar surnames are mostly ancient and come from a Turkic root, for example Akchurin, Baichurin, Bichurin, Bikchurin, Baygildeev, Davletgildeev, Davlekamov, Duberdeev, Agishev, Ageev, Bogdanov, Enikeev, Teregulov, Mamaev, Mamleev, Mamin, Muratov, Kolchurin, Kapkaev, Kamaev, Kudashev, Kildyushev, Kadyshev, Karataev, Oktaev, Tenishev, Tukaev, Uzbekov, Chagataev, Chanyshev, Yanyshev. Yamashev, Yangalychev, Yangurazov, etc.98

Tatars often do not have a “surname”, but are called after their father. Akhmetzyan Mukhametzyanov, Abdul Valeev, etc.

In Kazan, where there are about 40 thousand Tatar people, there are only two or three old noble families.

In the list of akhons of the district of the Orenburg Mohammedan Spiritual Assembly for 1896, the akhons of the Mishar parishes almost all have old surnames, but this is not noticeable among the akhons of the Tatar parishes.

5) Among the Mishar names there are often names dedicated to the Lion (Aryslan - Arslan), as a noble and powerful beast, for example Aryslan gerey (Arslangaley), Aryslan-galey (Arslangali), Aryslan-bek (Arslanbik), etc.

The same thing is observed among the Bashkirs, Kyrgyz and Crimean Tatars99.

Among the Kazan Tatars, such names are found very rarely, and then only in later times, probably due to Mishar influence.

The warlike tribes of Asia needed to commemorate the birth of male babies or by naming the names of predatory and bloodthirsty animals: Aryslan - lion, Kaplan - leopard100, Syrtlan - hyena101;

or giving names of birds of prey, hunting birds: Shonkar - falcon, Shahin-garay, Persian Shahin - falcon, hawk; Shaһbaz-gәrayy, Persian Shaһbaz - falcon, hawk with which the king hunts;

or giving the names of glorious kings and heroes of the east: Iskәndәr Alexander the Great, Rөstәm-khan Rөstembek Rustum, glorious hero of ancient Persia;

or they gave names with the prefix “batyr” - hero, hero, “gazy” - to conquer, Kotlo-gazy - happy conqueror102, Batyrsha - king hero, Baybatyr - rich hero, Bikbatyr - excellent hero.

E.A. Malov notes that the Mishars do not shy away from Russian names, which are assigned by adults during relations with Russians103.

Russian names are sometimes seen among Tatars, especially intelligent and well-born ones, and these are mostly Mishars. In the city of Ufa live the famous landowners Tevkelevs, three brothers, now deceased: Salimgerey (former mufti), Saidgerey (guard colonel) and Batyrgerey. They were known more by their Russian names - Alexander Petrovich, Alexey Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich and the latter's son Kutlukai - Konstantin Pavlovich.

In Yelabuga district there were landowners from the Tatar Murzas: Kutlukai Bikmaev, Ilyas Muratov, who were also known by their Russian names - Konstantin Veniaminovich Bikmaev, Ilya Lvovich Muratov. The patronymic of the first is given in accordance with the name of his father Ibniamin, and the patronymic of the second is a literal translation of his father’s name - Aryslan (lion). Various employees of such people, in imitation of their masters, also assign Russian names. In general, Russian names are given especially by those Tatars who constantly rub shoulders with Russians, and in village bazaars various traders are known by Russian names.

"On the language and nationality of the Mishars." Gainutdin Akhmarov
News of the Society of Archaeology, History and Ethnography. Volume XIX, issue. 2. - Kazan, 1893. - P.91-160.

also from this work.

Tatar surnames. The meaning of Tatar surnames

MAKSHEEVS. Nobles since 1653. Perhaps from Kalemet and Asemetelim Maksheev, baptized Tatars, who in 1568 were servants of the metropolitans and the patriarch in Yaroslavl. The surname is from the Turkic word bakshi ~ mokshi “official, overseer”. The type of name Kalemet - Kalembet, according to N.A. Baskakov, is very typical for Turkic-Kypchak names.

MAMATOV. From Mamata - the Owner, the bed-keeper Tokhtamysh, baptized in 1393 with the name Misail. See the village of Mamatkozino near Kazan.

MAMATOVS - SHUMAROVSKIES. From Prince Alexander Borisovich Mamat - Shumarovsky, representing the branch of Yaroslavl princes, in whose names the participation of the Turkic layer is felt.

MAMATOV. Old Kazan tenants Mamatovs: boyar son Neustroy; service man Matvey. The surname is from the abbreviated form "Muhammad" - "praised, glorified".

MOM'S. In the middle and second half of the 16th century, several Mamins are known, most likely from the Kazan environment: Mamin Baigon - ambassador to Nagai in 1554 and Mamin Ignatius Istomin, a novik, i.e. new settler in Borovsk in 1596. The surname is from the Arabic Muslim mamun “protected, preserved.” In descendants famous writer Mamin Dmitry Narkisovich, whose patronymic also speaks of Turkic origin.

MAMONOV. Nobles since 1689. In 1468 the Kazan prince Abdullah Mamon is known, and in 1480 the centurion Vel. Prince Grigory Andreevich Mamon. N.A. Baskakov does not doubt the Turkic basis, cf., mammun ~ momun “quiet, modest,” which, together with the presence of such a name among Kazan residents, strengthens the evidence in favor of the Kazan-Turkic origin of the surname.

MAMYSHEVS. At the end of the 15th and first half of the 16th centuries. Several people with this name or surname are known: Mamysh Kostrov in 1495, Efim Mamyshev in 1549, Mamysh Kudashev Otodurov in 1550. These are probably people from the Kazan-Turkic environment, for whom the name “Mamysh” - “Mamich” was quite common. Nobles in Russian service since 1606. The year 1558 marks the Prince of Kazan Mangish Kanbarov. The Mangushev surname is based on the Turkic-Mongolian proper name "Myankush". The Mangushev surname is still common among the Kazan Tatars.

MANSUROVS. From Alivtei Shigildey, son of Mansurov, who came out of the Horde to Ivan Danilovich Kalita. Related to the Saburovs and Godunovs. In 1513, Boris Mansurov was elevated to the nobility and was a governor in Moscow. The surname is from the Arabic-Persian mansur, “winner” or “slender, graceful.” From the newly baptized Fedets Mansurov, who was sent to Lithuania in 1475, was a bailiff in Novgorod in 1476, promoted to the nobility in 1495 and then sent on an embassy to Poland. Probably, Yakov Mansurov, who was Vasily III's solicitor in 1533, and Leonty Mansurov, ambassador to Astrakhan in 1554, belong to the same family.

MANTUSHEVS. From among the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars, who became gentry, and with the conquest of Poland became Russian nobles. Back in 1727, the captain of the Tatar lancers in Poland, Mustafa Mantushev, was known.

MATYUSHKINS. From Arbaut from the Horde, who went to Alexander Nevsky in 1260. Judging by the time and name arbaut ~ albaut ~ alpavyt “noble hero, landowner” - he could have come from Bulgaria, destroyed by the Mongols. At the end of the 15th century, Fyodor Matyushkin Odoevtsev was known in Novgorod, which allows us to express an opinion about the placement of the Matyushkins in Novgorod land and about their possible connection with the famous Russian surnames of the Odoevtsevs. In the XIX - XX centuries. known scientists, navigators, military Matyushkin OS, 1987, p. 774).

MASHKOVS. From the Tatar Mashkov Yushka, who switched to Russian service in the mid-16th century and was Ivan the Terrible’s ambassador to Crimea in 1555. In the XIX - XX centuries. famous scientists, artists OS, 1987, p. 776).

MELIKOVS, “Semyon Melik, killed in 1380 on the Kulikovo field; from him - Melikovs, later the Russified surname of the Milyukovs,” among which there are also Turkic names: Murza, Sabur, etc. Perhaps he comes from a Turkic-speaking Caucasian environment, because the title "melik" from the Arabic malik "king" was very characteristic of the Azerbaijani and other Turkic-speaking nobility in the 13th - 16th centuries.

MELGUNOV. From Yan Mingaleev, who came from Poland and was named Ivan Melgunov in baptism. Obviously, the native was placed in the Ryazan district, because later mentioned in Ryazan under 1595 by Melgunov Boris Prokofyevich, and under 1676 by Melgunov Andrey Ignatievich. The Mingaleev Turkic surname is based on the Arabic word goli ~ ali “highest, mighty” and the family name “min”. In the XIX - XX centuries. famous scientists, military men, etc.

DEAD. From Blagoden, the prince of the Golden Horde, who came to Olga Ryazan at the beginning of the 15th century. They were obviously stationed in Murom, because At the beginning of the 16th century, Dmitry Yakovlevich Mertvago was mentioned in Murom. The name Blagoden-Bilgitdin is deciphered from Turkic-Arabic as “sign of faith.”

MESHCHERINOVS. By surname they come from Meshchera, perhaps from the Mishar Tatars. The first mention was at the end of the 15th century by the Meshcherins Rusin and Vasily, Meshcherin Fyodor Cheremisinov. In 1568, the Streltsy centurions Meshcherinovs were noted in Kazan ShchKK, p. 3, 39). Among the nobles since 1753. N.A. Baskakov has no doubt about their Turkic origin.

MESHCHERSKY Shirinsky, who came in 1298; according to the OGDR, land and then received an allotment in Meshchera. In the XV - XVI centuries. noted as active Russian princes; for example, Grigory Fedorovich Meshchersky - the head of the nobles of the Tsar's regiment, the Putivl landowner, etc. .

MESHCHERSKY. Under 1540, in the Tver district, the lands of newcomers, possibly newly baptized, Aksamit and Barkhat Ivanovich Meshchersky are noted. These Meshcherskys were related to the Karamyshevs and had lands along the Likova River on the border of the Moscow and Tver districts. Of these Meshcherskys, Yuri in 1563 was a prince - bailiff under Bishop Arseny of Polotsk. IN early XVII centuries became related to the Valuevs. The names Aksamit and Velvet (fabric made from cut silk) are of typically Turkic-Iranian origin. Judging by the surname, these are also people from the Mishar environment.

MESHCHERYAKOVS. Most likely, people from the Mishar environment no later than the turn of the 15th - 16th centuries. Under 1546, Meshcheryak Pestrikov, son of Kachalov, along with his relative Sanbar, was noted in Novgorod. In 1646, Meshcheryakov Ivan Kirillov, a service tenant, was registered in Kazan.

MILKOVSKY. In 1604, a landowner, newly baptized Tatar Taras Milkovsky, was noted in Arzamas.

MIKULINS. Under 1402 - 1403 Chronicles celebrate the Tatar Mikulin in Moscow. Perhaps the humble Mikulins came from him, for example, the archer Grigory Mikulin, who took part in the riot of 1605.

MININES. As is known, the “Min” clan was one of the leading Kipchak-Horde clans, from among which came noble Horde people, for example, the Prince of the Horde, the “Daruga” of Moscow Min-Bulat. People from this family were called Minins or Minchaks.

MINCHAK, MINCHAKOVS. These surnames or nicknames are known in the Russian environment of the 15th - 17th centuries: "Minchak, beekeeper, late 15th century, Pereyaslavl; Semyon Vasilyevich Minchak Sturishin, 1582; ​​Elisey Minchakov, clerk of the Pushkarsky order, 1623." . N.A. Baskakov suggests an origin from “munjak”, which is not entirely convincing, because then the name would be “Munchak” - Munchakov.

MICHURINS. The surname of small-scale nobles in the Tambov and Ryazan provinces, where Turkic immigrants of the 14th - 15th centuries were usually located. to the Ryazan princes. N.A. Baskakov suggests the origin of the surname from the adapted Turkic form Bichurin.

MISHEROVANOV. Origin from Azberdey Misheronov, governor of the Horde prince Mustafa. Misheronov, judging by his surname, of Mishar origin, was captured in 1443 near Ryazan and, apparently, then placed in the Ryazan lands.

MOZHAROVS. "Mozhar" is a distorted name for Mishar. Toponyms starting with "Mozhar" are common in the lands of settlement of the Tatars - the Mishars. The surname Mozharovs, therefore, can quite naturally be associated with people from among the Tatars - the Mishars. See in connection with this - Dionisy Fedorovich Mozharov, noted in Ryazan in 1597.

MOLVYANIKOVS. From Rumor of Ivan, who emerged from the Naruchad-Mukhshin horde, i.e. from among the ancestors of the Tatars - the Mishars, related to the Plemyannikovs. In 1568, Bersen and Bekhter Yakovlevich Molvyaninovs were noted in Yaroslavl; judging by the names, they are of Turkic origin and may be the successors of this family.

MOLOSTOVS. The origin of the family is unclear, but judging by the fact that under 1615 the Molostvos Saltan and Ulan were mentioned in Nizhny Novgorod, i.e. having clearly Turkic nicknames, one can assume inclusion from the Turkic environment. S.B. Veselovsky suggests the origin of the Molostvovs from among the Novgorod boyars, evicted in the 15th century Nizhny Novgorod, later to Kazan.

MOSALSKIYE. The princes who came to Rus' together with Solykh Emir in 1371. . Subsequently - famous scientists and artists.

MOSOLOVS. From Murza Akhmet, who came from the Golden Horde to Rus' in 1346."" In 1556, the Mosolovs Matvey, Grigory, Semyon Ivanovich, located in Kashira and Meshchera, were noted, i.e. in the lands of usual settlement of people from Kazan and on the land of the Tatars - mishar. The surname is from the Turkic masul “request, wish”. Subsequently - populists, scientists.

MURATOVS. From Amuratov Boris, nicknamed Kizilbash, who left Kazan in 1550. By 1562 he was already mentioned as a nobleman in Moscow, and in the last quarter of the 16th century he and his descendants were allocated lands near Ryazan. In the OGDR, Roman Muratov was recorded in the nobility with estates in 1663. The surname is from the Turkic-Arabic murad ~ murat “having will, desire.”


From Murza Fedorovich Malikov, who entered Russian service in the first half of the 16th century. Subsequently, the Murzins with Turkic names were known as nobles in the Tula district. The surname is from the Turkic-Arabic nickname Mirza ~ Murza “prince, nobleman”. MUSINS.

A very common Tatar surname, based on the Hebrew-Arabic name Musa ~ Moses ~ messiah. The transition to the Russian environment apparently began around the middle of the 16th century; for example, Musa, a serving Tatar, a resident of Kazan in 1568, but perhaps earlier.

MUSTAFINS. From Semyon Mustafa, a baptized Tatar, serf of Bezzubts Sheremet, who lived at the end of the 15th century. Mustafins are landowners in Novgorod and Bezhetsk, for example, Nikita Stepanovich Mustafin, 1603, Novgorod. The basis of the surname is from the Arabic - "" Muslim Mustafa "chosen one of Allah".

MUKHANOVS. Known since the 16th century as nobles, for example; Mukhanov Stepan Ivanovich was noted under 1580 with lands in the Bryansk district; in the 17th century, the lands of the Mukhanovs, elevated to the nobility in 1597, were in Staritsky district. N.A. Baskakov does not doubt the Turkic exodus of the Mukhanovs and traces their surname to the Turkic-Arabic word mukhan ~ mukhkhan “servant, worker.” .

MYACCHKOVS. In the OGDR, Ivan Yakovlevich Myachk-Olbuga left the Tevriz kingdom to Dmitry Donskoy. Granted nobility in 1550. N.A. Baskakov confirms the Turkic origin of the family by the Turkic basis of the nicknames Myachka - from machi “cat”, Olbuga - from ala buga “hero or motley”. S.B. Veselovsky, like his relative Prince Serkiz, remained in Moscow during the period of great unrest in the Horde in the 70s of the 14th century.

Round table “BUSINESS Online”: Tatar Murzas and their role in the formation of national identity

Today the question of the formation of new elites in society is acute: what is the new Tatar elite, does it exist? And how should it respond to contemporary issues, to the challenges that the Tatar nation faces, including those related to the problem of loss Tatar language? Representatives of ancient Tatar families - the Murzas from Kazan and Ufa - sought answers to these and other questions in the BUSINESS Online editorial office.

Participants round table:

Bulat Yaushev- leader of the meeting of Tatar Murzas of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Alexey von Essen- leader of the nobility assembly of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Rashid Gallam— candidate historical sciences, former researcher at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan;

Gali Enikeev— independent historian, lawyer (Ufa);

Nail Chanyshev- Member of the Tatar Noble Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, reserve officer (Ufa);

Farhad Gumarov— Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the discussion club “Greater Eurasia”;

Gadel Safin- Head of an IT company.


Farit Urazaev— Candidate of Historical Sciences, member of the meeting of Tatar Murzas of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Ruslan Aisin- political scientist.


Who can be considered the elite of Tatar society today? The answer to this question was sought by representatives of the Tatar nobility - the Murzas - at the round table “Tatar Murzas and their historical role in the formation of national identity”, this was the topic of the meeting at the BUSINESS Online editorial office. “Today the issue of forming new elites in our society is acute. We lived in the large Russian state for 100 years after the revolution, and it was an era when the concept of elites was turned upside down: everything in society was mixed up, confused. And this had a detrimental effect on the state of the entire society, its socio-economic and political development,” the leader of the meeting of Tatar murzas of the Republic of Tatarstan began the round table. Bulat Yaushev.

Bulat Yaushev: “We lived in the big Russian state for 100 years after the revolution, and it was an era when the concept of elites was turned upside down”

At the same time, the representative of the oldest Tatar family added that there is a natural history, an understanding of what the elites of society are and how they should be formed correctly. “There are many examples of this concept from various countries and peoples, there are even mathematical theories, which describe the process of elite formation. These historical patterns cannot be broken; they inevitably make themselves felt. Today we would like to see these correct science-based processes emerge again and lead to our society returning to healthy, natural development,” he said.

Rashid Galliam: “The theme of the Murzas is the most important layer in the history of the Tatar people and at the same time the history of Russia as a whole”

Candidate of Historical Sciences Rashid Gallam gave short description the concept of "Murza". “The theme of the Murzas is the most important layer in the history of the Tatar people and, at the same time, the history of Russia as a whole. The term “Murza” means “son of the emir” - a member of the ruling dynasty. The Tatars used it in several variants, depending on the dialect - Morza, Mirza and Myrza,” the scientist noted. This term, according to Galliam, is Golden Horde was brought from Persia. “Murza is a large feudal lord, landowner, head of a clan, a horde,” he clarified and cited the names of well-known Murzas: this is the leader Idegey, Yusuf(from Yusuf Murza came the famous Russian noble family Yusupov - approx. ed.) and his brother Ismagil- the queen's father Syuyumbike. “Later this status was leveled. In 1713, under Peter I, during the Christianization of the Tatars, the Murzas were ordered to accept baptism; if they refused, their lands were taken away and handed over to the Russian feudal lords. At this time, many Murzas were transferred to the taxable estate, although some Murzas retained both their title and some privileges. They were included in the nobility already during the time of Catherine II. Since then, some of the former Murzas entered the nobility, and some took up trade. Among the Murzas came famous mullahs, philanthropists, industrialists, and so on. The next stage begins in the Soviet and modern era, when the title “Murza” has a purely nominal meaning, a certain code of prestige, but does not carry a real social load,” the historian recalled. At the same time, the round table participants noted that “half of the noble families of Russia wore Tatar surnames».

“Adapting to persecution, many Murzas became clergy, imams, muftis, since they could not be baptized,” the round table moderator especially noted Farit Urazaev. “Both in the Russian Empire and in Soviet times, people from these families reached very serious heights, although the Soviet system harshly persecuted and repressed them. But many births took place in Soviet times and retained this code. For example, more than 200 candidates and doctors of science came from the Chanyshev family. A phenomenal phenomenon! There is also the village of Tatar Kargaly in Bashkortostan, 250 outstanding personalities came from it: composers, writers, artists, scientists, military men. This phenomenon has not yet been studied,” Urazaev added and gave the floor to a representative of the Chanyshev family Nail Chanyshev from Ufa.

The former military man spoke about the history of his family, from which, as Urazaev already noted, more than 200 scientists emerged, as well as their contribution to the development of Tatar society. In particular, Shaikhilislam Chanyshev took an active part in the public life of the Tatars of Moscow, with his direct participation the Asadullaev House was returned to the Tatar community, now the Tatarsky Cultural Center Moscow. And the lieutenant colonel Shagiakhmet Rakhmetullin son Chanyshev awarded the medal “For the Capture of Paris” in the wars of 1812–1815. “The Chanyshevs, like many others, unlike the family of the richest family of the Russian Empire, the Yusupovs, refused to be baptized, as a result of which they lost their estates, bore state duties, were subject to a capitation salary and lost their previous status and title, after which they moved to the Ufa province.” , said Chanyshev.

Gali Enikeev: “History is part of ideology, it shapes worldview”


Due to the fact that most of the ancient archives of Muslims were preserved in Ufa, in 1993 Garden of Murza Enikeev For the first time, the Tatar Noble Assembly of the Republic of Belarus was created. Since 1997, the regular newspaper “Noble Messenger” (“Morzalar Khabarchese”) has been published. . Later, in Kazan in 2006, the “Meeting of Tatar Murzas of the Republic of Tatarstan” (“Majlis of Tatar Murzas”) was registered. .

“The organization began its work by studying the history of ancient families and clans. The Murzas have always been the most educated class and bearers of traditions and advanced knowledge. This left its mark on many generations. The example of the Chanyshev family is striking, but not the only one; we see similar manifestations in many genera. Studying the history of our families, our clans, we delve into the study of the history of the entire Tatar people - we find various documents in the archives. I would like the view of the modern generation to be directed deeper into its history. This in modern life sorely missed. Knowledge of the history of one’s people and one’s ancestors forms national self-awareness and personal self-identification. National identity, in turn, creates motivation to preserve native language and culture. This direction in our activities is the most important, and we are trying to connect the younger generation to the knowledge of the real history of the Tatars,” said the leader of the meeting of Tatar Murzas of the Republic of Tatarstan Bulat Yaushev.

Gali Enikeev
, another representative of the ancient Tatar family, a lawyer by profession, wrote five books about the history of the Tatars (“Crown of the Horde Empire”, “Genghis Khan and the Tatars: Myths and Reality”, “Heritage of the Tatars” and others), the sixth is being prepared. “I read the entire history of the USSR, translated from Russian into Tatar, in the 4th grade. History is part of ideology, it shapes the worldview,” he explained his interest. Even then I had many questions about this story.

Murza and scientists noted the importance of studying the objective history of the Tatar people. Thus, the head of the discussion club “Greater Eurasia” in the Republic of Tatarstan, Candidate of Historical Sciences Farhad Gumarov told how the Tatar Murzas and Eurasianism as a certain concept are connected. “The Golden Horde civilization played an important role in the fate of many peoples in Eurasia. However, its role was subsequently distorted. Since the time of Peter I, important posts in the state gradually began to be occupied by foreigners from Western Europe or their supporters. Both Klyuchevsky and Lomonosov spoke about this. According to one of the founders of the theory of Eurasianism, Trubetskoy, a Romano-Germanic yoke was established in Russia. And so, over time, they began to unfairly describe the Golden Horde heritage of Muscovy as a time of savagery and robbery, given that more than half of the noble families were associated with the Tatar Murzas. And it was the Eurasians who were the first to ask the question of whether the history of Russia, written by Europeans, was true. And based on the scientific base, they came to the conclusion that the Turkic Tatars acted in the Eurasian expanses as the leading state-forming nation and the custodian of Eurasian traditions,” he noted.

At the same time, all participants in the round table agreed that representatives of some famous Tatar families need to move away from the scale of microhistory, when the Murzas study only the history of their surnames, and go beyond these limits. “The history of the Murzas is not generalized, there are separate articles by individual scientists, there are books devoted to individual genera, but there is no generalizing work, there is still no fundamental book,” Gallam expressed his concern. At the same time, Urazaev added that the process of mobilizing the Tatar Murzas and scientists is now underway in order to hold an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the history of the Tatar Murzas and nobles.


The participants of the round table also did not ignore the burning topic of studying the Tatar language in schools today for everyone. “What is the elite now? And how should the new Tatar elite respond to the challenges facing the Tatar nation, including those related to the problem of the loss of the Tatar language. What is the new Tatar elite, does it exist? If not, what should it be and how should it respond to the issues of our time? — asked another round table moderator, a political scientist Ruslan Aisin. “The topic “Tatar Murzas and their historical role in the formation of national identity,” in my opinion, is a very important defining topic, because what is a “nation”? A nation is, first of all, self-determination. We must understand that the thickness of the people, the masses of the people, is not a collective mind. Only a few people make a nation—namely, representatives of the elite. It so happened historically that these elites, who made the Tatars into a nation - an imperial nation, an advanced nation, which not only captured, as they said here, Eurasian territories, but reached Egypt - were made by the rulers of Egypt, the Mamluks ( Turkic Kipchaksapprox. ed.). Therefore, we must say that we are crossing even these boundaries, because, being a nomadic civilization, we do not have a horizon, we are overcoming the horizon. It is very important that it was the Murzas who acted as the elite and the factor that built this nation-building pyramid. Today, now, unfortunately, this topic is disappearing, because we do not know our roots, our history,” he noted.

“This has been a painful topic for me all my life, because if a people does not have a language, they lose their face as a people. Why does this question affect everyone, because until I was 17 years old I spoke with my grandmother, and then I did not have the opportunity to practice and continue to learn the Tatar language. I believe that all efforts should be devoted to improving material well-being or solving some technical problem, but not forgetting to search for new methods and forms, and they exist, in order to raise the Tatar language to a level so that a person can think and speak in their native language language. A person who knows two languages ​​- Russian and Tatar - perfectly will discover great opportunities for himself in the future in the formation of a Eurasian worldview. If someone solves this problem, he will be a real murza. And if you make language secondary, then this is a quiet assimilation, the same as Christianization,” Chanyshev supported the language theme and cited the Yusupov family as an example. “If you love money, accept Christianity.”

“Language is not just a linguistic construct, it is a style of thinking. Carriers different languages formulate and construct their thoughts differently. This aspect of language determines the cultural portrait of a nation. The language must be preserved because it is the heritage of our culture, because it is the method and style of our national thinking. If we lose it, we will lose our uniqueness. What is connected with the current language situation: external forces are systematically trying to make us an object of manipulation, and we have all felt the pressure of this manipulation since childhood. In this case, the distorted perception of history from school textbooks is crucial. An example is the history of the Golden Horde, the history of the so-called Tatar-Mongol yoke. This is, to put it mildly, not true. “Black Legend”, as Lev Gumilyov said. And this untruth, implanted in the consciousness of the majority of the population from school, is the basis of interfaith and interethnic conflict. We want to get away from it, but we just can’t; our consciousness holds us, because it was formed from childhood. And now one of the most important tasks for all of us and the thinking part of our society is to finally begin to study real story. Come back to historical facts, books written by serious independent researchers. If we come to this, we will understand that there is no confrontation between the nations inhabiting the Russian Federation, we have all lived here for centuries, we must be friends and cooperate, as we have cooperated since ancient times. And in principle there should be no problems. Russians must respect the fact that the Tatars and other peoples know their language and history, and the Tatars must watch with satisfaction how the Russian nation develops, prospers and improves. After all, we live in a country that our ancestors built together,” added the leader of the meeting of Tatar Murzas of the Republic of Tatarstan Yaushev.

And the moderator of the round table, Urazaev, in order to draw closer attention of the round table participants, focused on sad statistics. Since the 90s, after the collapse of the Soviet empire, the Russian people at their core have been experiencing a deep depression: one day, 25 million Russians were left outside their homeland and did not want to return; demographic indicators over the past 25 years record population decline; every year hundreds of villages disappear from the map of the country, land is devastated, especially in central Russia and the Far East; V last years in Russia there are about 20 million people living below the poverty line; increase in retirement age and outflow of young people from higher education from Russia (about 30%) to different countries can dramatically worsen the socio-economic situation of the population.

At the same time, in the Baltic countries, Ukraine and the countries of Central Asia, the Russian language as a means of interethnic communication is derived from school curriculum. This is a stressful factor for the Russian population. However, in the Russian Federation itself, in areas where Tatars live compactly, Tatar schools have been systematically closed over the last quarter of a century. What remains is the ethno-cultural component - two to three hours of Tatar language or literature per week, and in many areas this is not even the case. These problems after the abolition of the agreement between the Republic of Tatarstan and Russian Federation, came to our republic. “When the first Tatar gymnasiums opened, and this was the desire of the parents, I sent my children to Tatar kindergartens and schools. I didn't have any problems. When I sent my grandson, who speaks the Tatar language, to kindergarten, within six months he lost his native speech. That is, in Tatarstan, teaching my children and grandson in their native language modern stage not guaranteed by the state. Unfortunately, the assimilation of a nation begins not from school, but right from kindergarten. We not only need to study history, but we will also have to rebuild the national education system. These problems specifically concern me, as a grandfather, as a parent. We have one homeland, we have lived here and will continue to live here. I am the same taxpayer, but some are provided with the conditions for learning their native language, while others are not. At one time we wanted to be the “Soviet people”, but for certain reasons it disappeared. Now they say: “We are the Russian people.” But before becoming a Russian people, I, as a citizen of this country, as a representative of the Tatar nation, must know whether the state guarantees my unshakable rights to preserve the Tatar language and culture on a legislative basis. Violation constitutional rights, unfortunately, does not contribute to the formation civil society", concluded Urazaev.


At the same time, Aisin noted that the role of the Murzas is very important here. “Even before the revolution, it was not easy for the Tatars: their freedom of religion was violated. What did the Murzas do? These are people of serious, great consciousness, because they were responsible for the fate of the nation, and thanks to them we now have our religion of Islam, which they brought to us, and the language, and history, and cultural matrix. Now their role is greater than ever. Who, if not them? When we talk about people, we must understand that this concept is quite abstract and amorphous. It is made into a people by certain people: specific historians who write books, specific Murzas: the Chanyshevs, the Yaushevs, and so on. They personify this people and lead it. If they don’t exist, then the people will simply crumble, which is what we are getting now. Do we have a genuine elite or not? If there is no elite, then everything falls apart. All we get in recent years is an elite identity crisis. Apparently, there is no layer that could, like the Murzas in their time for 500 years, preserve this entire rich tradition. And now, unfortunately, we can lose all this very quickly,” Aisin said.

“All descendants of nobles during Soviet times came under the heavy influence of the state. Nobles at that time were not allowed into the highest educational establishments“Added another participant in the round table, the leader of the noble assembly of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey von Essen. At the same time, von Essen is confident that in order to raise a new elite, it is not enough to teach a person good manners. “Tradition, which is passed down through the family, forces a person to be cultured. To become cultured person, it is not enough to learn how to hold a spoon and fork correctly and smile. A family of two or three generations should live in abundance and in order, which is not the case now. What do you understand by the Soviet and post-Soviet elite? That elite - the Murz, the nobles - was a community of people that treated representatives of other classes with respect. Now we have an elite of money, an elite of clans. Every rich person considers himself an elite and creates groups around himself. We are heading into the 1990s. Is this the elite? We must decide on this issue,” he emphasized.

“The question arose about what is the main value base of our society, not only the Tatar one, but more broadly,” Aisin agreed with him. — During the World Cup, we saw that a certain value substitution was taking place: everyone shouted “hurray, hurray.” When the nation or people that inhabit these spaces do not have systemic values, they are replaced by some kind of ideological simulacra.” “Such jingoism,” the Murzas agreed with him.

“The elite are people who have introduced some kind of ideological superstructure. What should be the main value orientation of the Tatars, their traditional historical elite - the Murzas? — Aisin wondered. And he himself, at the request of the round table participants, answered it. “What is the Tatar elite? What should it consist of? What things should it be formed from? Unfortunately, a certain thread, a connection with the historical past, where great ancestors were, has been lost; part of this greatness is unknown, part of it has been conveyed to us. But, unfortunately, our current rulers are happy to squander this whole business and simply make money economically. What should the elite consist of now? These are, first of all, those people who are ready to sacrifice for the benefit of society, who are ready to invest their intellectual and existential resources in the development of the nation. These are the people who are ready to give, not take. Plus, these are people with an excess of a certain internal passionary energy. These are people with a special seal who are chosen to lead the people forward. There cannot be many such people, but without this elite you can’t get anywhere. I think that those present here are also representatives of the Tatar elite, because, firstly, they pose the question “why did this happen?”, and secondly, “what to do?” If people ask such a question, they are already at the first stage. The second stage is, in fact, action.” “That is, you will recognize them by their deeds,” Urazaev noted.

Head of an IT company Gadel Safin noted that uniting young people under one idea is not so easy now: “The situation among young people is deplorable, since there is social discord, differentiation: along national, ethnic and, most importantly, religious lines. There are entire channels that incite this discord, and there are channels that, on the contrary, consolidate. I have nothing to do with the Murzas, so it’s difficult for me to say anything on this topic.” “Every time puts forward its own murzas, intellectuals - this is the request of the time. Yes, there are hereditary Murzas who make their contribution, and there are intellectuals, they are also Murzas, who have enormous potential and contribute their knowledge to the development of society. In this regard, you are a young Murza, the future of the Tatar nation; people of intellectual labor who are making and will make their contribution,” Urazaev objected to him. “Being a Murza is a great responsibility for yourself, for your family, for your clan, for your nation, for the fatherland where we live,” he concluded.

Tatar surnames

A lot of interesting things can be told about the history of the origin of Tatar surnames, their origin and meaning, as well as the peculiarities of spelling. Initially, having a surname was an honorable prerogative of members of the nobility. Only in the 20th century did all other Tatar clans receive this right. Until this moment, the Tatars placed clan-tribal relations at the forefront. The custom of knowing one’s family, one’s ancestors by name up to the seventh generation, was made a sacred duty and instilled from a young age.

The Tatars represent a very large ethnic group, distinguished by a rich and distinctive culture. But historically conditioned assimilation with the Slavic people still left its mark. The result was the formation of a fairly large part of Tatar surnames, formed by adding Russian endings: “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in”. For example: Bashirov, Busaev, Yunusov, Yuldashev, Sharkhimullin, Abaidullin, Turgenev, Safin. According to statistics, Tatar surnames ending in “-ev”, “-ov” are three times larger than surnames ending in “-in”.

Traditionally, Tatar surnames are formed from the male names of paternal ancestors. The majority of Tatar surnames are formed on the basis of male personal names. Only a small proportion of surnames come from professions. For example, Urmancheev (forester), Arakcheev (vodka merchant) and others. This type of surname formation is common to many nationalities.

A distinctive national feature of the Tatars is the form of formation of Tatar names. The full version of the Tatar name, like that of many other nationalities, consists of a first name, patronymic and surname, but since ancient times it has been customary to add a gender prefix to the patronymic of Tatars: “uly” (son) or “kyzy” (daughter).

The peculiarities of Tatar surnames also include the custom of their writing. The Tatars have two variants of spelling surnames: official - with endings (Sayfutdinov, Sharifullin, Saitov) and “everyday”, most widely used without adding an ending, only the name is written (instead of the surname Tukaev, Tukai is written). This method, by the way, is characteristic of Tatar literature.

There are countless Tatar surnames
Each of them has a zest
If the last name makes sense, look for it
There are many nuances you can learn

This page of our website discusses Tatar surnames. We will learn about the history and origin of Tatar surnames, discuss their meanings and distribution.
Origin of Tatar surnames

Studying ethnic composition population of Russia, you can notice that a significant part of the inhabitants of our country are Tatars. And this is no coincidence, history Russian state has developed in such a way that at the moment representatives of many nations and nationalities live on its territory. And one of the most numerous ethnic groups are the Tatar peoples. And, despite the fact that for decades and centuries there has been a mixture of nations and nationalities, the Tatars were able to preserve their national language, their culture and traditions. Tatar surnames refer specifically to such national characteristics and traditions.

The origin of Tatar surnames goes back centuries, when, like other nations, the richest and most noble representatives of the Tatar family were the first to acquire surnames. And only by the 20th century the rest of the people of Tatar origin received surnames. Until this moment, that is, while there were no surnames, the kinship relations of the Tatars were determined by their tribal affiliation. WITH early years every representative of the Tatar people remembered the names of their paternal ancestors. At the same time, the generally accepted norm was to know your family up to seven generations.
Features of Tatar surnames

There is a significant difference between well-known Tatar surnames, given names and the complete formula for the formation of Tatar names. It turns out that the complete formula for Tatar naming consists of the first name, patronymic and last name. At the same time, patronymics among the ancient Tatars were formed from the naming of the father, to which “uly” (son) or “kyzy” (daughter) was added. Over time, these traditions in the formation of Tatar patronymics and surnames mixed with Russian traditions of word formation. As a result, at the moment it can be considered that the vast majority of Tatar surnames were formed as derivatives from the names of male ancestors. At the same time, to form a surname for male name Russian endings were added: “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in”. These are, for example, the following Tatar surnames: Bashirov, Busaev, Yunusov, Yuldashev, Sharkhimullin, Abaidullin, Turgenev, Safin. This list of Tatar surnames can be quite large, since it was male names that were the main source for the formation of Tatar surnames. If we talk about the meaning that these surnames have, then it is obvious that it will repeat the meaning of the naming from which a specific surname is derived.

According to statistical data, the number of Tatar surnames with endings “-ev”, “-ov” exceeds Tatar surnames with the ending “-in” by approximately three times.
Writing Tatar surnames

There are two spelling options for Tatar surnames. One of these options eliminates the added endings, using only the name itself (for example, instead of the surname Tukaev, Tukay is spelled). This option is widely used in Tatar literature, but is not official. In official documents and common practice in Russia, a variant of Tatar surnames with endings is used: Sayfutdinov, Sharifullin, Saitov, etc.
Other Tatar surnames

Also, the origin of some Tatar surnames was associated with professions. This type of surname exists among almost all nations, and Tatar surnames in this sense are no exception. Examples of surnames whose origin is associated with professions may include the following surnames: Urmancheev (forester), Arakcheev (vodka merchant) and others.

Origin of surnames.

Story modern Tatar surnames quite young. For most hereditary names, it is possible to determine the first bearer of the surname, because the majority of Tatars had surnames only at the beginning of the 20th century. Until this time, surnames were the privilege of Tatars princely families, of which there are quite a lot in Russian Empire. The Tatar people are a large ethnic group with a rich culture. However, the advantages of Russian as the state language could not but affect the formation of Tarar surnames. While viewing list of Tatar surnames in alphabetical order Their Russian endings -ov, -ev, -in are immediately noticeable. Feminine These surnames are distinguished by the vowel -a at the end. It is natural that Declension of Tatar surnames similar to the declension of Russian surnames, that is, they change according to cases in both the masculine and feminine gender.

The meaning of surnames.

Meaning majority Tatar surnames associated with the name of the father of the first owner of this surname. For example, Saitov, Bashirov, Yuldashev, Safin, Yunusov. Initially, these surnames pointed directly to the father, but they began to be inherited and now you can use them to find out the name of your ancestor.

Interpretation smaller quantity Tatar surnames goes back to the professions - Usmancheev (forester), Arakcheev (vodka merchant). Dictionary of Tatar surnames includes some famous surnames that have long been considered Russian. They, as a rule, appeared much earlier than the usual Tatar surnames, in the XIV-XV centuries. The first owners of such surnames were either of Turkic origin or Russians, who received Turkic nicknames, which later became surnames. A nickname usually indicated a distinctive characteristic of a given person. Such surnames were most often adjectives. Thus, the well-known surname Turgenev, obviously, comes from the adjective “fast”, “hot-tempered”, and Aksakov - from “lame”. The descendants of the Golenishchev-Kutuzov princes looked for their roots in German, but experts are sure that the name Kutuzov goes back to the Turkic concept of “mad”, “mad dog”. The Tatar “trace” is also visible in the surname Bulgakov, which, most likely, was given to a restless, fidgety, flighty person.

If in official documents and generally accepted practice Tatar surnames are sounded and written according to the Russian model, then in literature or at the everyday level there are surnames without Russian endings. That is, the name in its pure form is used as a surname - Tukay (Tukaev), Sait (Saitov), ​​Sayfutdin (Saifuitdinov).

Top Tatar surnames makes it possible to evaluate them by their greatest prevalence and popularity.

List of popular Tatar surnames:


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