Lyrics of the song - Top (song from the movie "Vertical"). Lyrics of the song - Top (song from the film "Vertical") Eternal fire sparkles with emerald ice during the day

Vladimir Vysotsky is not just a poet and musician, he is a hero. A hero of his time, a hero of our time. He saw more than was shown, he said more than was said, he knew what was happening and what else would happen...

Your doors are wide open, but your soul is locked.

I'm not looking for heroes - at least a thousand characters are buried in each of us.

Our penetration of the planet is especially pleasant from afar: in a public Parisian toilet there are inscriptions in Russian.

The problems are eternal - life breaks the philosophy of non-resistance and puritanism. Human nature takes over.

Our time is different, dashing, but look for happiness like in the old days! And we fly in pursuit after him, running away after him. Only in this race we lose our best comrades, without noticing in the gallop that there are no comrades nearby.

Nothing is true, everything revolves around each other.

We cannot even fall freely, because we are not falling in emptiness.

The whole world is in the palm of your hand - you are happy and silent and only slightly envy those others whose peak is still ahead.

How many rumors strike our ears, how many gossips eat away like moths.

We are always replaced by others so that we do not interfere with lies.

It's hard to pass by the present.

Whatever the road, all that matters is where it leads.

Everyone returns - except for the best friends, except for the most beloved and devoted women. Everyone returns - except those who are most needed.

I think the scientists lied, there is a hole in their theory, a cut: development does not proceed in a spiral, but at random, peddling, across.

But even bright minds place everything between the lines: they are counting on long term.

The giraffe is big - he knows best!

There is no sense in thoughts and sciences when there is a refutation of them everywhere.

Our dead will not leave us in trouble, our fallen are like sentries.

After all, the Earth is our soul, you can’t trample the soul with boots!

muses and lyrics V. Vysotsky

This is not a plain for you,
The climate here is different -
Avalanches are coming one after another
And here, behind the rockfall, the rockfall roars, -
And you can turn, go around the cliff, -
But we choose the hard way
Dangerous, like a military path.

Who hasn't been here, who hasn't taken risks -
He didn't test himself
Even if below he grabbed the stars from heaven:
You won’t meet me below, no matter how you reach out
For all my happy life
A tenth of such beauties and wonders.

No Red roses And mourning ribbons,
And it doesn't look like a monument
That stone that gave you peace -
Like an Eternal Flame, it sparkles during the day
Top of emerald ice -
Which you never conquered.

And let them say, yes, let them say,
But no, no one dies in vain!
This is better than vodka and colds.
Others will come, changing the comfort
At risk and exorbitant labor, -
They will take you on a route you have not taken.

Sheer walls... Come on, don't yawn!
Don't rely on luck here -
In the mountains, neither stone, nor ice, nor rock is reliable, -
We only hope for strong hands,
On the hands of a friend and a driven hook -
And we pray that the insurance doesn’t let us down.

We are cutting down the steps... Not a step back!
And my knees are shaking from tension,
And the heart is ready to rush out of the chest to the top.
The whole world is in the palm of your hand - you are happy and silent
And you’re just a little jealous of those
For others, for whom the peak is still ahead.

Farewell to the mountains
author V.Vysotsky

In the bustle of cities and in traffic flows
We are returning - there is simply nowhere to go! -
And we go down from the conquered peaks,
Leaving in the mountains, leaving your heart in the mountains.


I have already proven everything to myself:

Which I haven't been to yet.
Which I haven't been to yet.

Who wants to be alone in trouble?
Who wants to leave without heeding the call of their heart?!
But we descend from the conquered peaks, -
What to do - and the gods descended to earth.

How many words and hopes, how many songs and themes
The mountains wake us up - and call us to stay! -
But we go down - some for a year, some completely -
Because always
Because we always have to come back.

So leave unnecessary disputes -
I have already proven everything to myself:
The only things better than mountains are mountains,
Which no one has been to!

Song about a friend
author V.Vysotsky

If a friend suddenly turns out to be
Neither a friend nor an enemy, but...
If you don't understand right away,
Whether he is good or bad -
Pull the guy to the mountains - take a risk! -
Don't leave him alone:
Let him be in conjunction with you -
There you will understand who he is.

If a guy is in the mountains - no,
If you immediately become limp and go down,
The step stepped onto the glacier and - wilted,
Stumbled - and screamed -
So, next to you is a stranger,
Don't scold him, drive him away:
They don’t take people like that up here either
They don't sing about people like that.

If he didn’t whine, didn’t whine,
Even though he was gloomy and angry, he walked
And when you fell off the cliffs,
He moaned, but held on
If I followed you like into battle,
At the top stood - intoxicated -
So, as for yourself,
Rely on him!

The Ballad of the Alpine Shooters
auto. V.Vysotsky

The sunset flickered like the steel of a blade.
Death counted its prey.
The fight will be tomorrow, but for now
The platoon buried itself in the clouds
And he left along the pass.

Stop talking -
Onwards and upwards, and there...
After all, these are our mountains,
They will help us!
They will help us!

And before the war, this slope
The German guy took you with him!
He fell down but was saved
But now, perhaps, he
He prepares his machine gun for battle.

The platoon climbs up, and at the river -
The one you were paired with before.
We wait for the attack to the point of anguish,
And here are the alpine arrows
Something's not right today.

You are here again, you are all collected,
You are waiting for the treasured signal.
And that guy, he’s here too.
Among the shooters from Edelweiss.
They need to be thrown off the pass!

Rock climber
auto. V.Vysotsky

I asked you: - Why are you going to the mountains?
And you went to the top, and you were eager to fight.
- After all, Elbrus can be seen great from an airplane! -
You laughed and took it with you.

And since then you have become close and affectionate,

For the first time pulling me out of a crack,
You smiled, my climber.

And then, behind these damned cracks,
When I praised your dinner,
I received two short slaps -
But he was not offended, but said:

My climber, my climber!
Every time looking for me through the cracks,
You scolded me, my climber.

And then on each of our ascents -
Why are you distrustful of me?! -
You insured me with pleasure,
My gutta-percha climber.

Oh, how distant and unaffectionate you are,
My climber, my climber!
Every time you pull me out of the abyss,
You scolded me, my climber.

I reached out for you with all my strength, -
I'm just a stone's throw away from you.
I’ll climb up and say: “That’s enough, honey!”
Then he fell down, but managed to say:

Oh, how close and affectionate you are,
My climber, my climber!
We are now connected by one rope -
We both became rock climbers.


Each person has his own grievances -
Time passes and he forgets,
And my sadness is like eternal snow, -
It doesn't melt, it doesn't melt.
It doesn’t melt even in summer
In the midday heat, -
And I know: this sadness and longing for me
A century to carry with you.

The time comes and you can no longer be so naive. And you even envy those who can...
You no longer set your alarm for 6 am in the hope that you will wake up. You won't wake up! You stop thinking that someday you will finish all your work and relax. You set aside separate time for this. And then it turns out that the tension is not outside, but inside.

You stop mistaking passive aggression for restraint or life wisdom. You hit where you need to hit. And you find out that there are not so many reasons. You no longer mistake absence for presence. Because presence is difficult. And the majority of people are absent.

You begin to trust your intuition. You can recognize wolves in sheep's clothing. Even a very expensive skin. Even if many do not differentiate. Even if all the words are correct and the letters of recommendation are in order. You look at the smile and understand what it means. One smile makes your heart clench and takes your breath away, while another makes your heart open.

You stop mistaking admiration for love, and defensive seduction for genuine interest. You see through, through, deeply. You stop being fascinated. Seeing the beautiful, you remember the terrible and combine it all into a human, multifaceted one.
You no longer pretend to be a good fairy or an evil witch, but recognize yourself as an ordinary sorceress who casts spells according to her mood.

After landing, you calmly let everyone off the plane. Because you know that those in a hurry will still be waiting for you on the bus. You understand that the revolution that you lost will also wait until you feed your loved ones and paint your nails. And it will wait.

You stop hitting when they set you up, and stop taking when it lies badly. You begin to want reciprocity. From loved ones and from myself. But first of all from myself. You raise your hand and open your mouth to scream out of habit, but stop in a second, finding the strength to make a new choice. You say: “It’s difficult for me to admit this now and even see your truth.” You go not where there are no problems, but where it is clearer and deeper.

You allow yourself to be angry at people, but you stop taking revenge on them, knowing that the universe will figure it out much better than you.

You speak from the heart and suddenly become audible. And if your heart is silent, you remain silent. You doubt your truth less, while remaining seeing and hearing. You are responsible for your opinion, and you lose interest in proving it. You stop looking for an external reference point and absolute truth. You begin to compare the internal and external, determining the point of intersection.

You stop devaluing those you don't like. Looking for ways to grow about them. And most importantly, you stop devaluing and shaming yourself.

You can come and stand it. Ask again, explain again, admit you are wrong. You stop suffering and being killed by the fact that you fell, but simply get up, shake yourself off, and move on. You know that any feeling can be experienced over time and in trust in your nature. You begin to understand that success, creativity, parenthood is a path of mistakes that can be made for one fee or another, learn from experience and continue. Mistakes stop hitting you so painfully, because they don’t fly into your face from the slingshot of your perfectionism, stretched to the limit.

All this comes at some point. Better sooner than later. It’s better with an experience that, even if it leaves scars, at least won’t kill you. Disappointing, but not overwhelmingly so. It will take away your youth, but will give you the ability to stay in shape. And enjoy your maturity.

This is not a plain - the climate here is different.
Avalanches are coming one after another,
And here, behind the rockfall, the rockfall roars.
And you can turn, go around the cliff, -
But we choose the hard way
Dangerous, like a military path.

Who hasn't been here, who hasn't taken risks -
He didn't test himself
Even if he was snatching stars from the sky below.
You won’t meet us below, no matter how you reach out,
For all my happy life
A tenth of such beauties and wonders.

There are no scarlet roses and mourning ribbons,
And it doesn't look like a monument
The stone that gave you peace.
Like an Eternal Flame, it sparkles during the day
Top of emerald ice,
Which you never conquered.

And let them talk - yes, let them talk!
But no - no one dies in vain,
This is better than vodka and colds.
Others will come, changing the comfort
At risk and exorbitant labor, -
They will take you on a route you have not taken.

Sheer walls - come on, don’t yawn!
Don't rely on luck here.
In the mountains, neither stone, nor ice, nor rock are reliable.
We only hope for strong hands,
On the hands of a friend and a driven hook,
And we pray that the insurance doesn’t let us down.

We are cutting down steps. No step back!
And my knees are shaking from tension,
And the heart is ready to rush out of the chest to the top.
The whole world is in the palm of your hand - you are happy and silent
And you're just a little jealous of those
Others - for whom the peak is still ahead.

Translation of the lyrics of the song Vladimir Vysotsky - Vershina (song from the film "Vertical")

There is not a plain - the climate is different.
Avalanche go one by one,
And here in the rockfall rockfall roars.
And you can collapse, break circumnavigate -
But we choose the hard way
Dangerous as military trail.

Who here did not happen, who did not venture -
He himself has not experienced,
Even below, he grabbed the star from heaven.
Downstairs you will not meet, but tyanis,
For all his happy life
Tenth of such beauty and wonders.

No red roses and mourning ribbons,
And not like a monument
The stone that gave you peace.
As the Eternal Flame, sparkles day
The top of emerald ice,
That you have not conquered.

And let's say - yes, let them speak!
But no - no one dies in vain,
So - better than vodka and colds.
Others will come, succeeding comfort
On risk and excessive labor -
You do not pass route traversed.

Steep walls - and well, do not yawn!
You"re here on luck does not seek refuge.
In the mountains, unreliable or stone or ice or rock.
Hopefully only fortress hands
On the other hand hammered and hook
And pray that the insurance does not disappoint.

We cut steps. Not one step back!
And on the tension knees tremble,
And my heart is ready to run to the top of the chest.
The whole world in the palm - you"re happy and it
And just a little bit jealous of the fact
Others - who have yet to peak.