Topic on English media with translation. Mass Media - Mass media

Mass media / media

Mass-media plays an important part of our lives, as it is the main source of information we receive every day. The term was formed in 1920 in the result of massive circulation of newspapers and different radio activities.

TV, radio, newspapers, books, internet serve to keep us up to date about everything that happens in the world. Although not all journalists or TV and radio commentators treat the news objectively and honestly. So that is why it is our responsibility to make the difference between truths and lies. But serious and honest journalists and TV reporters can also provide us reliable news.

So is the world, people are no more interested in ordinary events. Everyone wants some breaking news: plane crash, wars, attacks, murders, natural disasters. Good news must be really stunning in order to grip someone’s attention.

The most popular of all is of course television. It is more interesting and pleasant to watch something on the screen, than to read a newspaper or listen to radio. On TV you can see everything with your own eyes.

The quickest source of airing the news is Internet. You may read about some event right after it happens in real life. On the Internet you may find out different opinions about this or that topic. And you may not wait a certain time to read to watch news, as you may check it any time.

The disadvantage of mass media is it tendency to make private life public. Some journalists do not feel ashamed to tell lies about someone’s personal affairs, telling their secrets to the audience, following people everywhere just to take a good and provocative shot. Neither they are afraid of authorities, as it is allowed by democratic law to tell whatever you want.

This depends on us and only on us what to watch or read, so that to preserve our humaneness and be just to everyone.

Mass media plays a significant role in our lives, as it is the main source of information, which we receive every day. The term was formed in 1920 as a result of the mass circulation of newspapers and various radio broadcasts.

Television, radio, print media, books, and the Internet serve to keep us informed about everything that happens in the world. Although not all journalists or television and radio commentators treat the news objectively and honestly. Therefore, it is our responsibility to distinguish truth from lies. However, serious journalists and television reporters can provide us with objective news.

Such is the world, people are no longer interested in ordinary events. Everyone wants sensational news: plane crashes, wars, murders, natural disasters. Good news must really be stunning to grab someone's attention.

The most popular source of information is, of course, television. It is much more pleasant and interesting to watch something on the screen than to read a newspaper or listen to the radio. On TV you can see everything with your own eyes.

The fastest source of news broadcast is the Internet. You can read about an event almost immediately after it happens. And on the Internet you can find different opinions about any topic. And you don’t have to wait for a certain time to read or watch the news. You can check it at any time.

The disadvantage of the media is the desire to make someone's private life public. Many journalists don't think there's any shame in lying about someone's personal life, sharing their secrets, or stalking someone to get a good, provocative photo. And they are not afraid of the authorities, since the democratic law allows you to talk about whatever you want.

So, it is up to us and us alone what to read and watch in order to preserve humanity and be fair to everyone.

​ Having studied which you will be able to discuss modern sources of information. Talk about various events that are covered in the media. Having learned English topic on media you will be able to talk about the most popular source of information, the Internet, and also talk about your attitude towards various media.


Mass Media

Nowadays Mass Media plays a very important role in our life. The most popular means of media include television, newspapers, radio, magazines and Internet. These sources not only entertain us, but also educate and inform us about what is going on in this world. They influence the way we see the events, shape our views.

Some newspapers and TV programs report the events not very objectively, but as for serious journalists and TV reporters, they are fair and provide reliable information to us. Today the world is full of dramatic events such as wars, natural disasters, murders, robberies, plane crashes, diseases. But these events interest people more than good ones, that is why we see so many programs and read articles about them.

My favorite media resource is Internet because it represents all sources in one and that is its main advantage. I go online if I want to read the daily news, articles about things that interest me. I address the Internet when I want to listen to the radio or to watch a movie.

If I had no Internet, I would choose television. I find this media resource engaging and useful. The programs I enjoy watching are Discovery and Animal Planet. These programs are interesting and educational. I watch them in English to improve my language skills, to learn more about animals and scientific discoveries.

There are some people who prefer listening to the radio. One can do something about the house or drive their car while enjoying music or getting necessary information. I listen to music almost all day long, Sometimes I listen to the news in English on the BBC channel.

As for printed press, sometimes we buy local newspapers and some magazines. My mother reads about fashion and household. She always tries new recipes from her favorite magazine. My father prefers articles about sports and cars.


Mass media

Today the media plays an important role in our lives. The most popular media are television, newspapers, radio, magazines and the Internet. These sources not only entertain us, but also educate and inform us about what is happening in the world. They influence how we see events and shape our views.

Some newspapers and television programs do not report events objectively, but as far as serious journalists and television presenters are concerned, they are fair and provide us with reliable information. These days the world is full of dramatic events such as wars, natural disasters, murders, thefts, plane crashes, diseases. But such events interest people more than good ones, which is why we see so many programs and read so many articles about them.

My favorite media is the Internet because it contains all media, and this is its main advantage. I go to the Internet if I want to read daily news, articles about what interests me. I turn to the Internet when I want to listen to the radio or watch a movie.

If I didn't have the Internet, I would choose television. I find this source of information useful and fascinating. The programs I like to watch are Discovery and Animal Planet. These programs are interesting and educational. I watch them in English to improve my language skills and learn more about animal life and scientific discoveries.

Some people prefer to listen to the radio. You can do housework or drive a car while listening to music or getting the information you need. I listen to music almost all day. Sometimes I listen to news in English on the BBC channel.

In terms of print media, we sometimes buy local newspapers and magazines. Mom reads about fashion and housekeeping. She always tries new recipes from her favorite magazine. Dad prefers articles about sports and cars.

Reading news in English is the most natural and sure way to advance in the language. For those who are interested in specific publications or websites, Puzzle English has prepared a selection of British and American newspapers that will help you learn the language.

At what level should I start reading?

Teachers usually advise starting to read at the Intermediate level and above. But often reading, writing, speaking and listening skills develop unevenly, so you need to focus on your own feelings - do you understand the essence of what you read or do 80% of the words and constructions seem incomprehensible to you?

If you can’t wait to start reading news in English but don’t have enough knowledge, you can practice in the News Review and Words in the News sections on BBC Learning English, which offer short news items with simple constructions and vocabulary. Another option is a joint project of the British newspaper The Guardian and - where articles are rewritten for each level from Elementary to Advanced and there are ready-made studies with test questions for checking. Puzzle English teachers also conduct master classes on reading newspaper materials.

Where to look for news in English

News in English from a wide variety of publications and media companies can be found on Google news (to switch to English, you need to go to the “Language and Region” section and select one of the pairs - English/UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, etc.) or Yahoo News.

1. BBC News

One of the world's largest television and radio corporations. The main content is video and audio, the BBC News website is an excellent source of international news. Correspondents work all over the world, so the BBC can always find detailed information and analytics about events not only in the UK and Europe, but also in other countries.

BBC news texts are well structured and written in clear language. The articles describe not only the essence of the events, but also contain information from direct participants, experts, and BBC correspondents in the region. The reader is given not just a short set of facts, but a complete picture of what happened, especially when it comes to central topics (Top Stories).

Absolutely all BBC content is free, including podcasts, the BBC News app (text and audio) and video files. The only negative is the lack of transcripts of podcasts, but this is compensated by the multimedia nature of the site - most topics are presented in several formats at once - text, video and audio.

2. Sky News

Private British news channel. The site publishes news notes and short videos, including with subtitles. But in terms of variety of materials and depth of coverage, Sky News is inferior to the BBC.

The main content is about what is happening in the UK and its interaction with the world. Like most news media, there is a World section, which covers world events. All content is free. Minus - the channel's live broadcast is not available in Russia.

3. Fox News, CNN

Most of the content of these American media corporations is devoted to global and local events in the United States and related international issues. There are sections for entertainment and international events.


The world's largest news agency. Unlike its main competitor, it publishes a large amount of materials of various types into the public domain. Despite her economic specialization, she publishes news and articles on general topics. Like most news media, they are sorted under the headings Business, World, Politics, Tech, Life and Video.

In addition, there is a free application.

The news is structured and written in a strict informational style. For language learners, this presentation helps to understand the essence of the event without a dictionary, as well as learn a lot of useful expressions.

Minus - somewhat dry style of presentation, business orientation.

Those interested in economics and business will find The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, which has a section on Russian economics and finance, Bloomberg and The Economist. They post some of the content on the website, the rest is available by subscription.

7. The Guardian

A great alternative to The New York Times and Reuters. The newspaper is British, but covers international topics quite widely; there is a special section about the USA. The articles are very lively, interesting and have a variety of topics - from high art to advice on personal life. The Languages ​​and English and creative writing sections have been created especially for language lovers.
The writing style can be complex, especially when it comes to columns, but in regular news articles the language is quite clear, although more complex than in the BBC or tabloids.

There is a paid subscription, but even the volume that is available for free is quite enough to keep up to date with events. You can install a free application with a pleasant addition in the form of a weekly selection of fascinating longreads.

8. The Daily Telegraph and The Independent

Some of the oldest British publications. The main content is about what's happening in the UK, but there are also international news sections.

To access The Telegraph articles you need to register, but you can do this through social networks.

The Independent features an easy-to-read style, an engaging LifeStyle section, and all materials are available for free and without registration.

Disadvantage - the articles are aimed at readers living in the UK.

Both newspapers offer apps, and The Independent even has two - a daily and a weekly.

9. The Daily Mail

Popular British tabloids are also called housewives' reading material.

The slogan of one of them - News, sport, celebrities and gossip - accurately reflects the essence of such newspapers. You should not look there for serious news, analytics and articles about art.

What is there is an easy and lively language with numerous phraseological units and even slang, details of scandals from the world of politics and show business, rumors from the life of the British royal family.

Disadvantages - periodically shocking pictures of crime victims, terrible diseases or mutant people from Indian villages pop up.

Pros: clear presentation and completely free content, including applications.
The Daily Mail has a variety of sections from politics to international news (Female, Health, Travel, Science). There is even a section about Russia.

All articles are quite voluminous and oversaturated with photographs, videos and social network widgets, but each is preceded by an announcement from a list of short and understandable phrases describing the essence and most effective facts of the material.

In addition to The Daily Mail, the four most famous British tabloids include

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Mass Media

Main functions

Mass Media has become an important part in the life of our society. It includes the press, radio and television whose main functions are to inform, to educate and to entertain.


I believe millions of people can’t live without TV; it’s an integral part of everyone’s life. Even if we don’t watch it, it can be switched on just for the background. The same thing is with radio. We listen to it whenever we have meals or do work around the house. Radio broadcasts are valued mainly for their music programs. As for TV, there is a great variety of programs from which one can choose in order to satisfy his interests in the best way. Our television provides so much information that sometimes we are even lost in this stream. We get to know about social, economic and political events that take place in our country and in the whole world. We learn about new discoveries in science and about problems concerning different spheres of our life. There are lots of shows, films and games that are entertaining and exciting and help us to relax at the end of the working day.


Newspapers are also able to supply people with any kind of information. They comprise articles about the latest international and national events, all kinds of rumours, advertising, fun stories, biographies of well-known people and so on. There are newspapers and magazines for people of all age groups where one can read all kinds of news, events and reports on education, sports, cultural life, entertainment and fashion.


One more important thing which is worth mentioning is advertising. Mass Media is one of the best ways to promote various goods and to help people to understand what they really need.

Mass media

It is difficult to imagine our life without mass media. It is the part of the modern world: newspapers, radio, television and the Internet. Just imagine, almost every minute you face this or that kind of mass media.

Of course, nowadays most people prefer the Internet as a kind of mass media. You can find interesting news, know about special events or sales, invite many people to your party or arrange a meeting. The most important thing about the Internet is that you can do it in a matter of seconds.

Newspapers are still very popular kind of mass media. I would say the press is a very powerful kind. It is difficult to explain but people trust the press. Old people like reading newspapers. For example, my grandparents buy many newspapers every week. Young people prefer magazines because magazines are bright and contain the information which is more interesting for youth.

Radio is the favorite kind of mass media of many people. Listening to the radio, one can do a lot of things, for example, drive a car or clean the room. You can know useful information, listen to interviews or news. I like listening to the radio.

Television plays an important role in our life. There are a great variety of channels. We watch news, sport competitions, films, talk shows, for example. Everyone can find what he or she wants to watch most of all.

Mass media is an important part of the modern life. However I think that sometimes we need to get away from mass media just to relax or spend time with family or friends.


Mass media

It is difficult to imagine our life without the media. They are part of the modern world: newspapers, radio, television and the Internet. Just imagine, almost every minute you come across one type of media or another.

Of course, most people these days prefer the Internet as a medium. You can find interesting news, learn about special events or sales, invite many people to your party or organize a meeting. The most important thing is that you can do all this in a matter of seconds.

Newspapers are still a very popular form of media. I would say that the press is a very influential species. It's hard to explain, but people trust the press. Elderly people love to read newspapers. For example, my grandparents buy a lot of newspapers every week. Young people prefer magazines because magazines are colorful and contain information that is more interesting to young people.

Radio is many people's favorite media. You can do many different things while listening to the radio, such as driving a car or cleaning your room. You can find out useful information, listen to interviews or news. I love listening to the radio.