Warm and cold tones presentation. Warm and cool colors

Lesson topic “Warm and cold colors” of the lesson: Objectives 1) Educational: to introduce primary ideas about expressive means every type of art; improve graphic skills when working with different materials; teach how to use cold and warm colors when working with watercolors (color overlay, color combinations). 2) Developmental: develop children’s perception of the features of the spring landscape through painting, poetry, music; develop students’ logical thinking (ability to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions); develop students' creative imagination; development of visual-motor coordination ( psychological development); develop various techniques of working with a brush, pencil, wax. 3) Educational: nurturing a sense of beauty in nature through painting, poetry, music; instilling in students the skills of careful handling of fire (fire safety). Equipment: white sheet of paper (for watercolor), watercolor paints, a vessel for water, a simple pencil, a candle for drawing, a set of brushes, a rag, a template for a linear drawing of a candle, a candle in a candlestick. Lesson progress: 1. Class organization Checking the class's readiness for the lesson. Nature is the source of human creativity. This is what the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote: “Even art cannot give those moments of aesthetic delight that nature gives.” Today, the master of the image will introduce you to the various states of nature and color as a means of expressing mood, feelings, and attitude to the world. 2) Riddle Guess the riddle and find out what time of year we will talk about today: If the snow is melting everywhere, The day is getting longer, If everything is green and the stream is ringing in the fields, If the sun is shining brighter, If the birds are not sleeping, If the wind has become warmer - So , has come to us... (spring) At all times, artists, poets, writers, composers have sung the beauty of this time of year in their works. In nature, winter fights with spring, does not want to give up its rights; struggle between cold and heat. She comes with affection and with her fairy tale. He waves his magic wand and the snowdrop blooms in the forest. Do you like fairy tales?

3) Fairy tale (comprehension of the emotional expressiveness of warm and cold colors) “Two girlfriends live in the world - the girl Snow Maiden and the girl Vesna. Every year they meet when it's time to change cold winter warm spring is coming. The girls give people their colors as souvenirs. But among all the colors they have one favorite, the most magical. With these paints they can turn any color into either cool or warm.” Which one magic paint at the Snow Maiden's? (blue) – cold. At Vesna's? (yellow) – warm 3) Work on the color table What colors can we call warm? Cold? What do warm colors express? (joy, fun, happiness). What about cold ones? (anxiety, mystery, sadness). Today we will draw a good fire. Guess the riddle: It’s not the ice that can melt, It’s not the lantern that gives the light (the candle) (Showing a drawing for drawing) What colors are used in the drawing? A candle is lit. On what occasion are candles lit? ( New Year, birthday, fortune telling, lighting) Sequence of drawing Layout of the sheet - vertical Pencil sketch (work method - thin line) - line of horizontal and vertical surface. Drawing a candle in a candlestick using a template. Working with paints from light to dark tones. a) candle (drawing with wax, yellow) b) flame (technique of overlaying colors: yellow, red; wick - black) c) background images: vertically - blue; horizontally – purple. Work with a wide brush d) image of light from a candle (circle - color overlay) During work, P.I.’s music sounds. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” The composer dedicated his music to the seasons (Spring - Winter) By the Fireplace - January by the Fireplace. Maslenitsa - February. The lark's song - March. Snowdrop - April. White nights – May. 4. Lesson summary 1) Exhibition of student work Who was better able to convey the image of a candle using cold and warm colors? 2) Evaluation of student work and answers 4) General conversation What can be expressed in color? (feelings, mood, emotions, state of mind) What colors would you use, warm or cold, to convey your mood in the lesson? Why? Let the light from your candle give warmth, joy, good mood and warms you when your soul is sad and cold.

▫ And a little more. This topic is: Finnish War. Before, they tried not to talk about her at all. Now there are a lot of publications. And for the most part it is bleak there, in publications. But distorting history is really telling the truth about losses, fatal blunders in supply, management and command, propaganda and in general the “direction” of this entire military campaign? Silence is a distortion. Although... And here, too, there are two ways: you can laugh disgustingly at defeats, keeping silent about heroism. Or you can fall into pathos and accuse those who really assess the scale and results of “defeatism”...
▫ You and I are talking about the same thing... It’s just that your first comment was not very clear right off the bat, but our position is practically the same.
▫ Absolutely right: see adequately. For example: here was Prince Alexander. He kicked the Scandinavians, that was it. Then he gave it to the “order bearers.” And besides, he led the Horde to Rus' and used their help in civil strife. By the way, many people in Rus' died from these campaigns. It is also appropriate to provide explanations for actions: the situation, the problems of choice... Another example: the role of such and such an organization in the Great Patriotic War. And instead of “If it weren’t for us, there would have been no victory!” - tell how it really happened. That there were those who were from their ranks, but fought. The number can be indicated (so that there is no impression that the others stood on the sidelines, and those figures themselves did everything). Marked for heroism. And there were those who hugged and drank vodka with the military not wearing our uniforms. Also indicate the quantity - to compare the scale of participation on our side - and on the enemy side. So as not to give the impression that they were standing on the sidelines. And the conclusion is: this is how we won. Together. This is our COMMON victory. Independent of the cross, crescent and other things; from `Thank you`, `rahmet`, `barkal` or `dyakuyu`. =================== Look, next time a young man or girl who sees a “judgment” about how everything was “oh, bad-bad-bad!” - or about how everything was “oh, good, good, good!” - they were able to independently, with KNOWLEDGE of the matter and a BAGGAGE of truthful, adequate knowledge, grin, excuse me: “This is a lie, guys. This is on purpose in order to distort our country, our History, our VALUES (disgrace, distort, over-praise, stretch... etc.). Isn't that adequate? I think it will be respectful and principled for both the country and history. Well, they are pulling the blanket - so, I repeat, the domestic ones are even nastier than the Midwayites. Whatever they were and to which social or other “niche” they belonged. Because they are nearby. Among us. Because they know: adults and people of principle can be bullied and, so to speak, “answered for the market” - and they go after children. Different ways. I am sure that stopping such people is both adequate and patriotic. No matter who they are and no matter what they dress up or don’t dress up in.

Everyone feels how warm the sun is, what heat comes from the fire or how cold it blows from snow and ice. It turns out that warm and cold can not only be felt, but also seen!

And now I will tell you one story.

The history of the origin of color has existed since time immemorial. Let's remember the old Mexican fairy tale, which says that once upon a time the world was black and white. Only at sunset and dawn did shades of gray appear, so that “the black color did not turn into white too sharply.” In the absence of color, human emotions, dreams, and visions also become colorless. Therefore, the gods decided to create colors to make the world more joyful for people. And then they climbed to the top of a huge tree and generously scattered colors everywhere. All these colors were different from one another. People accepted with gratitude and admiration the gift of true happiness, without which life would be monotonous and the world boring and uninteresting.

Color greatly affects people’s feelings, condition, and mood, for example:

Green color - evokes peace, kindness, tranquility, pleasant mood;

Yellow color - warm, cheerful, invigorating, attractive;

Orange color - joyful, kind;

Red is the color of fire, life, warms and at the same time frightens, causes anxiety;

Blue - causes a feeling of cold, melancholy, seriousness, sadness;

Purple – connects the feelings of blue and red, full of life at the same time melancholy;

White – symbolizes freshness, purity, youth;

Black – absence of color and light, unkind, hostile.

Guys, let's imagine the summer sun. It warms us, and we are warm.

What color do we paint the sun with? (yellow) So yellow- warm!

Now let’s imagine a bonfire or fire. It also warms up. What color do we use to represent a bonfire or fire? (orange, red,) means red and orange are also warm colors!

Let's open the textbook, on page 30.

And look at the image below, what flowers do you see? Are these warm colors?

Read the information above where the font is in bold.

Who will respond to warm colors called what?

Look at page 31 of the image, what do you see? What colors were used?

But if we imagine that we are wet in the rain, we feel cold.

What color do raindrops or clouds represent? (blue, violet) So blue, violet are cool colors.

Let's imagine a river, it is cold, plants grow in it - algae, they will also be cold. What color do we use to paint algae?

(green,) So green color it will be cold.

Open the textbook on page 32. Look at the image, what colors do you see here? Are these colors cool or warm?

Let's conclude what kind of flowers belong to warm colors?

And in the cold?

Well done.

Let's work in workbook, opened on pages 20-21.
Read the assignment. What needs to be done. Start the task, then we will check.

Well done, I see that you have mastered this material well and now you can get to work

The purpose of the lesson: teach children to visually distinguish between warm and cool colors


1) familiarize children with the classification of color, with the main color groups: warm and cold;

2) develop artistic, figurative, creative imagination;

3) develop skills: differentiate and generalize knowledge about groups of colors: primary and composite colors, “warm” and “cold” colors;

4) teach how to obtain these shades through mixing paints and use them in painting.



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Slide captions:

C o l o r as a means of expression. Warm and cold colors Teacher: Naumova K.R.


Once upon a time there were two girl friends in the world - a girl WINTER and a girl SUMMER. Every year they meet when the cold winter is replaced by a gentle and warm spring. To remind people of their friendship, the girls make a multi-colored carpet. Among the many colors that girls work with, each of them has their own favorite, most magical. SUMMER has a yellow, warm ray of sunshine, and winter has a blue or blue piece of ice. With the help of these paints, they can turn each color either into cold, to freeze it, or into warm, to warm it up. The WINTER girl drops a small blue piece of ice into each color, and the color freezes and takes on a cold tint. And the girl SUMMER warms the colors with a warm yellow ray, turning them warm. Warm colors are always compared to the sun and are called sunny, and cold colors are always compared to ice and are called cold.

What colors do you already know? Basic? Composite?

Color wheel LOOK at the color wheel and determine where the warm colors are and where the cool colors are? All colors are divided into warm and cold. When looking at warm ones, you will feel warmth, and when looking at cold ones, you will feel cold.

But there is a dispute between the girlfriends. The girlfriends can't decide what to call the green color - warm or cold. Why do you think? How can you get green?

If the green contains more of the blue ice of Winter, it will become colder, but if Summer tries and lowers the yellow ray into the blue, the green will become warmer.

Nature is richly decorated with cold and warm colors.

Look at 2 pictures with landscapes. Which of these landscapes is “Warm” and which is “Cold”? Why?

Combination of warm and cool colors

Assignment: Divide an A4 sheet of paper in half with a pencil and, remembering the fairy tale, draw a plot where on one part of the sheet there is a girl Summer, and on the other there is a girl Winter. Color each part of the picture in the correct shades (Warm and cold).

Thank you for the lesson!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation for the lesson "Victory Salute. Warm and cold colors."

The presentation helps students imagine the picture of the war from the very beginning to the end, contributes to the education of patriotism, pride in their country, respect for veterans and participants in war and labor,...

The lesson is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Lesson topic: Warm and cold colors. The struggle between warm and cold. The purpose of the lesson: to create conditions for the emotional perception of color as a means of...

Lesson: Warm and cool colors. The struggle between warm and cold.

Program section : Program B.M. Nemensky, 2nd grade,IVquarter.Lesson type : learning new material

Target: introduce students to warm and cool colors, different ways mixing colors, applying them in practice.

Tasks: (educational, developmental, educational)

    Give an idea of ​​the warm and cool colors that artists use to express feelings and mood. Contrast of warm and cool colors.

    Expand your experience with color combinations.

    Forming an understanding of colorful expressiveness native nature, the ability to enjoy its beauty.

Lesson type: Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Form: A lesson in creativity.


    Verbal (explanation, story).

    Visual (visual aids, illustrations, reproductions, methodological tables, pedagogical drawings, use of computer technology).

    Practical (informational - receptive method (explanatory - illustrative).

Lesson duration: 40 minutes.

Teacher equipment: media projector, computer, set of colored circles and tablet with pockets.

For students: gouache, large and small brushes, palette.

Visual range: computer presentation, methodological tables on color science.

Literary series: Firebird, excerpt from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

Musical series: N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Fragment from the opera "The Snow Maiden".

The main activity of the student: image of the Firebird's feather (the brightness and richness of the warm colors of the magic feather against the background of the cold sky)

During the classes

I. Organizing time. Checking workplaces

II. Lesson topic message.

1slide. Fairy tale .

There live two girl friends in the world - the girl Snegurochka and the girl Vesna. Every year they meet when the cold winter is replaced by a gentle and warm spring. To remind people of their friendship, the girls make a multi-colored carpet. Among the many colors that girls work with, each of them has their own favorite, most magical.

Spring has a yellow, warm ray of sunshine, and Snow Maiden has a blue or blue piece of ice. With the help of these paints, they can turn each color either into cold, to freeze it, or into warm, to warm it up.

The Snow Maiden girl drops a small blue piece of ice into each color, and the color freezes and takes on a cold tint. And the girl Spring warms the colors with a warm yellow ray, turning them warm. Warm colors are always compared to the sun and are called sunny, and cold colors are always compared to ice and are called cold.

2slide. (color circle)

But there is also a dispute between them. The girlfriends can't decide what to call the green color - warm or cold.

Why do you think? How can you get green? (Children's answer)

That's right, because it consists of warm - yellow and cold blue colors. If the green contains more of the Snow Maiden’s blue ice, it will become colder, but if Spring tries and lowers a yellow ray into the blue, the green will become warmer.

All colors can be divided into warm and cold.

I propose to determine which group the circle lying on the table belongs to.

(Children go to the board and put their circle in a pocket, next to a warm or cold group)

3slide. (Warm and cool colors )

In warm and cold colorsdifferent mood. – What colors convey a joyful and cheerful mood?(Warm) – What about the fantastic, mysterious?(Cold)

4slide. Nature is richly decorated with combinations of warm and cool colors.

5 slide. Artists also use combinations of warm and cool colors in their paintings.

6 slide. (Remember the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” and imagine the feather of the firebird that remained in Ivan’s hands when she escaped.)

7 slide. ( poems "Firebird")

She is a wonderful bird.
All made of flame-fire.
Wings smoothly raises,
The tail spreads out like a fan,
The eyes are burning like a yacht -
Amazing outfit.
Darkness wins.
The black cloud is the first enemy.
And the feather of that wondrous bird
Instantly your wish will come true,
It will bring happiness to people.

8-9 slide. Imagine a flaming feather, glowing in shades of yellow-orange and red-orange. The brightness and richness of the warm colors of the magic feather is enhanced if it is placed against the background of a cold sky, i.e. surrounded by purple, blue, blue.

10 slide. Warm and cool colors located next to each other help each othersound brighter, as if louder.

11,12,13 slides. Draw the feather of the firebird that remained in Ivan’s hands when she escaped.

III. Practical work.

Image of the Firebird's feather (the brightness and richness of the warm colors of the magic feather against the background of the cold sky)

Demonstration of how to start drawing . (Pedagogical drawing.)

Choose the type of stroke to work with. For example, for the background – a “rain” or “spot” stroke. And to depict the firebird’s feather, use a “wave” stroke.

14 slide.

IV . Physical education moment. (Let's now try to depict firebirds in motion)

Firebirds are flying
The wings are making noise.
Bent over the ground
They shake their heads.
They know how to hold themselves straight and proud.

And very silently
They sit down.

V. Summing up. Reflection. Exhibition of works.

Let's summarize. What did we get? -What are your impressions from the lesson? What made you happy, what made you sad?We reflect the mood on the board. Joy – we place warm colors, sadness – cold ones.

VI . Homework.
Think about where else in nature there is a struggle between warm and cold colors.

Lesson development

« Warm and cool colors.

The fight between warm and cold"

B.M. program Nemensky,

2nd grade, IV quarter “As Art Speaks.”

Ilyasova Zugra Abdulovna

teacher visual arts

MBOU "Secondary School No. 28"