Thesis plan about the story of Yushka. Retelling and brief description of the work “Yushka” by A.P. Platonov

Analysis of the work

The genre of the work is short story. Main character- blacksmith's assistant Yushka. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The plot of the work is a description of Yushka’s life, his work in the forge. As the action progresses, the reader learns about how the people around Yushka treated Yushka, and also that Yushka has some relatives to whom he goes every summer. The climax is an argument with a drunk passer-by and the death of Yushka. The denouement is the arrival of Yushka’s adopted daughter and the story of her future fate.

In his books Platonov

does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary actions; the heroes of his works enter into ordinary everyday relationships. Based on these relationships, the writer tries to look deeper into human soul, to touch its still untouched strings. The heroes of his works - simple people, people of labor. Here is the hero of this story - a blacksmith’s assistant, who was the subject of universal ridicule, turning into hatred. This man's whole life was spent working.

Yushka was killed. A random drunk passer-by did this because of the anger that was choking him. After Yushka’s death, however, they began to notice that everyone was missing him.

The gentleness of which he was the embodiment has disappeared. Kindness and meekness have disappeared. For some reason, the fact that people of this kind are bearers of true human values ​​becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story we learn that Yushka left behind the same kind person- an orphan girl studied with the money he saved and became a doctor, helping the sick day and night. Here is a paradox: Yushka so lacked the understanding and compassion of people, and his adopted daughter generously brought them to people.

There are not many people like Yushka in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people should not take out their anger, their failures in life, which have accumulated over the years, on such people. long years inexplicable hatred. The attitude towards people who require compassion is an indicator of a person’s viability as a bearer of high moral qualities.


1. Portrait of Yushka and a story about what his work was.

2. Him financial situation.

3. Children’s attitude towards Yushka.

4. Adults, like children, offend and maim Yushka.

5. Every summer Yushka takes a vacation and goes somewhere for a month.

6. Yushka began to weaken and did not go anywhere this year.

7. A random passer-by kills Yushka.

8. Everyone comes to say goodbye to the person they tormented.

9. After Yushka’s death, life around me changed.

10. Yushka’s adopted daughter arrived, began looking for him and told him where he went every summer.

11. After grieving, the girl remained in this city forever to work as a doctor.

12. All her life, Yushka’s daughter brings good to people.


      • Yushka's story plan
      • Platonov Yushka analysis
      • plan for the story Yushka
      • analysis of Yushka's story
      • Yushka analysis

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The works of A. Platonov teach readers to be kind to each other and merciful. The author condemns human cruelty and callousness, helping to draw the right conclusions. A striking example of this layer of his work is the story “Yushka”. The plot and its characters are simple, but thanks to the eternal motives of kindness and compassion, the work has taken an honorable place in the literary heritage of Russian authors. Schoolchildren study “Yushka” in 7th grade. The article presents an analysis of the story, which will help you quickly and efficiently prepare for the lesson and the Unified State Exam.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing - 1935.

History of creation- The work was created in the first half of the twentieth century, and it was published only in 1966 in the collection “Favorites”.

Subject- In his work, A. Platonov touched on the themes of kindness and mercy, as well as human cruelty.

Composition- The organization of the story is simple. The plot develops sequentially. Portraits of Yushka and his adopted daughter play an important role in revealing the stated themes. The work covers a fairly large period of time, thanks to the rapid development of events.

Genre- Story.

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

The history of the creation of the work has been practically unexplored. But certain conclusions can be drawn if we take into account the writer’s biography. The year “Yushka” was written was 1935. By this time, A. Platonov had already matured as a writer and managed to work in editorial offices. But Stalin forbade their publication, considering that they were dangerous for the regime. During that period, A. Platonov practically did not publish.

The story “Yushka” was seen by the world in 1966 in the collection “Favorites”. Critics responded positively to the work.


In the story “Yushka,” the analysis should begin with the characteristics of themes and images.

In Russian literature of the first half of the twentieth century, they actively developed motives revolutions, wars, however, some writers, even in such conditions, gave preference to moral issues. A. Platonov is no exception.

Main themes“Yushki” - mercy and kindness, as well as cruelty. To implement them, the author created an original system of images. At the center of the work is Efim, to whom the villagers gave the nickname Yushka. We meet him at the beginning. A. Platonov creates a detailed portrait of a man. He is forty years old, but he looks like an old man. Yushka’s body is exhausted by consumption and hard work.

Efim was a blacksmith's assistant. He took his work very responsibly. At the beginning of the work, the author keeps the intrigue: the reader wonders why Efim saved money. It turns out that the man gave all his earnings to his adopted daughter, who lived in the city.

The man was not liked in the village. Fellow villagers were angry at the defenseless man, even though he had not done anything bad to them; on the contrary, he was always ready to help. Once Yushka was beaten. The owner's daughter looked after him. The dialogue between these characters perfectly demonstrates inner world Yushki.

The girl kept saying that it would be better if Yefim died. She didn't understand why she should live like this. The employee’s answer surprised her: “People love me, Dasha!” " The man justified the actions of his fellow villagers with his characteristic innocence: “People have blind hearts.”

Yushka's fate was tragic. The man was killed by a fellow villager. His adopted daughter came to the village. It turned out that the girl was studying to be a doctor and really wanted to cure her father. It seems that Yushka’s kindness was passed on to her. The girl stayed in the village to selflessly help people.

Meaning of the name can be interpreted in different ways. With its help, the author concentrates attention on the main character. In addition, the colloquial meaning of the word “yushka” is blood, and we know that the hero was beaten until he bled more than once.

Idea of ​​the work- praising the best moral qualities person. The author shows that without people like Yushka, the world would become cruel.

Main thought: you need to learn to see the good in people, even if excellent qualities are hidden under an unattractive appearance. This is what A. Platonov teaches the reader.


The organization of the story is simple. The plot develops sequentially. Conventionally, it can be divided into several parts: a story about Yushka’s appearance and his relationships with his fellow villagers, a conversation between Yushka and Dasha, a story about Yushka’s annual departure, the death of the hero, the arrival of Yefim’s adopted daughter in the village. With each part, the author goes deeper into the main problems.

Portraits of Yushka and his adopted daughter play an important role in revealing the stated themes.

Main characters


Genre characteristics are an obligatory element of the literary analysis plan. “Yushka” by A. Platonov is a story, In it you can notice such signs of small literary genre: small volume, the author’s attention is concentrated on one storyline, the image system is not very branched. The direction of the work is realism, as the author truthfully describes human life.

Work test

Rating analysis

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 308.

The genre of the work is short story. The main character is the blacksmith's assistant Yushka. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The plot of the work is a description of Yushka’s life, his work in the forge. As the action progresses, the reader learns about how the people around Yushka treated Yushka, and also that Yushka has some relatives to whom he goes every summer. The climax is an argument with a drunk passer-by and the death of Yushka. The denouement is the arrival of Yushka’s adopted daughter and the story of her further fate.

In his books, Platonov does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary actions; the heroes of his works enter into ordinary everyday relationships. Based on these relationships, the writer tries to look deeper into the human soul, to touch its strings that have not yet been touched. The heroes of his works are ordinary people, people of labor. Here is the hero of this story - a blacksmith's assistant, who was the subject of universal ridicule, turning into hatred. This man's whole life was spent working.

Yushka was killed. A random drunk passer-by did this because of the anger that was choking him. After Yushka’s death, however, they began to notice that everyone was missing him.

The gentleness of which he was the embodiment has disappeared. Has kindness and meekness disappeared? The fact that people of this kind are bearers of true human values, for some reason, becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story, we learn that Yushka left behind an equally kind person - an orphan girl studied with the money he saved and became a doctor, helping the sick day and night. Here is a paradox: Yushka so lacked the understanding and compassion of people, and his adopted daughter generously brought them to people.

There are not many people like Yushka in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people should not take out their anger, their failures in life, or the inexplicable hatred that has accumulated over many years on such people. The attitude towards people who require compassion is an indicator of a person’s viability as a bearer of high moral qualities.


  1. A portrait of Yushka and a story about what his work was.
  2. His financial situation.
  3. Children's attitude towards Yushka.
  4. Adults, like children, offend and maim Yushka.
  5. Every summer Yushka takes a vacation and goes somewhere for a month.
  6. Yushka began to weaken and did not go anywhere this year.
  7. A random passer-by kills Yushka.
  8. Everyone comes to say goodbye to the person they tormented.
  9. After Yushka’s death, life around her changed.
  10. Yushka’s adopted daughter arrived, began looking for him and told him where he went every summer.
  11. After grieving, the girl remained in this city forever to work as a doctor.
  12. All her life, Yushka’s daughter brings good to people.

Platonov is a writer who very often in his works described the ordinary everyday relationships of people, trying through these relationships to get to know a person and his soul more deeply. His heroes are ordinary people, a simple person There was also Yushka, the hero of Platonov’s work “Yushka”.

Platonov's story Yushka

Working on the work “Yushka” by Platonov and its analysis, it is worth noting the genre of this work and this is a story. A story that tells us the story of one person: kind, sympathetic, who knew how to love sincerely, no matter what. In addition, this is a story that shows us the cruelty of humanity, which could not understand what it is to love and how to love just like that. Here we see inhumanity, cruelty, people’s mistakes, and the author also showed us that among all this there are kind people who know how to enjoy the beauty of nature, who can take care of their neighbors.

Heroes of the story Yushka

The author introduces us to the main character of the story “Yushka” at the very beginning and this is Efim Dmitrievich. True, no one called him that, for everyone he was Yushka. He was a forty-year-old man who had been prematurely aged by illness. He suffered from consumption. He worked for a blacksmith, doing menial work for which he received pennies. He was very poor, because he couldn’t even afford new clothes, he drank water instead of tea, and lived in the kitchen of a blacksmith’s apartment.

Everything would have been fine, but out of the kindness of his heart, having a real gift of love, Yushka attracted attention to himself and everyone wanted to offend him, provoke him into conflict, hit him. He was constantly offended by both adults and children, taking out their anger on him, but Yushka himself believed that this was how they showed their love for him, it’s just that no one taught them to love in any other way. This is exactly what this kindest man thought, so he did not insult in return. To the children, he just said: “What are you doing, my dears, what are you doing, little ones! You must love me? Why do you all need me?"

In Platonov's story "Yushka" and summary we see that not only does he treat people with kindness and love, he also treats nature with a feeling of tenderness, and we see this when he bends down to inhale the aroma of flowers, without breathing, so as not to spoil their beauty with his breath. We see how he picks up dead bugs and insects, feeling orphaned without them, how he enjoys the singing of birds and grasshoppers.

Despite the cruelty of those around him, he did not lose his humanity, and meanwhile, for twenty-five years everyone mocked him, and one day, a meeting with another passer-by who beat Yushka ended in tears for Efim Dmitrievich. He died. He was buried, and the whole city came to the funeral. Maybe because people felt a great loss, because with his death they lost love. They have lost something bright, they have lost what each of them lacks.

Another heroine is an orphan, a girl whom we learn about at the end of the work. She came to visit Yushka, and not just to visit, but to cure him. From her story we learn that Yushka took the girl under his wing. He, denying himself everything, managed to teach the girl, bringing her money for her studies, and now, having graduated from the university and trained to be a doctor, she came to help him. But I didn’t have time, because I didn’t find him alive. This was probably the only person who truly loved Yushka with all his heart, with all his soul. During his life, Yushka managed to teach the girl to love people and do good for them, so she stayed in the city and treated people who suffered from consumption for free.

Yushka's essay plan

1. Acquaintance with Efim Dmitrievich - Yushka. Description of his work and living conditions
2. Children’s cruelty towards Yushka
3. Parents scare their children with Yushka for bad behavior
4. Adult cruelty
5. Conversation with Dasha, the blacksmith’s daughter
6. Yushka’s annual hike. Enjoying nature and relaxing Yushka from the city and its inhabitants
7. More work and more bullying
8. The disease progresses
9. A passerby caused Yushka’s death
10. Yushka’s funeral
11. Orphan – named daughter of Yushka
12. A girl doctor who treated tuberculosis patients free of charge

The genre of the work is short story. The main character is the blacksmith's assistant Yushka. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The plot of the work is a description of Yushka’s life, his work in the forge. As the action progresses, the reader learns about how the people around Yushka treated Yushka, and also that Yushka has some relatives to whom he goes every summer. The climax is an argument with a drunk passer-by and the death of Yushka. The denouement is the arrival of Yushka’s adopted daughter and the story of her future fate.

In his books, Platonov does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary actions; the heroes of his works enter into ordinary everyday relationships. Based on these relationships, the writer tries to look deeper into the human soul, to touch its strings that have not yet been touched. The heroes of his works are ordinary people, people of labor. Here is the hero of this story - a blacksmith's assistant, who was the subject of universal ridicule, turning into hatred. This man's whole life was spent working.

Yushka was killed. A random drunk passer-by did this because of the anger that was choking him. After Yushka’s death, however, they began to notice that everyone was missing him.

The gentleness of which he was the embodiment has disappeared. Kindness and meekness have disappeared. For some reason, the fact that people of this kind are bearers of true human values ​​becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story, we learn that Yushka left behind an equally kind person - an orphan girl studied with the money he saved and became a doctor, helping the sick day and night. Here is a paradox: Yushka so lacked the understanding and compassion of people, and his adopted daughter generously brought them to people.

There are not many people like Yushka in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people should not take out their anger, their failures in life, or the inexplicable hatred that has accumulated over many years on such people. The attitude towards people who require compassion is an indicator of a person’s viability as a bearer of high moral qualities.


A portrait of Yushka and a story about what his work was. His financial situation. Children's attitude towards Yushka. Adults, like children, offend and maim Yushka. Every summer Yushka takes a vacation and goes somewhere for a month. Yushka began to weaken and did not go anywhere this year. A random passer-by kills Yushka. Everyone comes to say goodbye to the person they tormented. After Yushka’s death, life around her changed. Yushka’s adopted daughter arrived, began looking for him and told him where he went every summer. After grieving, the girl remained in this city forever to work as a doctor. All her life, Yushka’s daughter brings good to people.