The best eye cream to remove puffiness. Effective ointments against puffiness under the eyes

The eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, but sometimes also an indicator of the occurrence of various diseases. Many people face the problem of swelling of the lower or upper eyelid, treating this phenomenon purely cosmetically, but sometimes everything is much more complicated. The nature of the process is such that fluid accumulates under thin and delicate skin, resulting in a bruise, most often under the eye. In order to take adequate measures and get rid of the problem, you should understand what you are dealing with, how it works and why it occurs. This article is devoted to this problem, collecting all the information necessary to combat eye swelling.

Why eyes swell: possible reasons

As you know, there are a lot of mechanisms for the occurrence of such a phenomenon as edema. In each individual case, the process has its own phenotypic and biochemical characteristics. It should be rightly noted that swelling under or above the eyes can be evidence of a serious disruption in the functioning of internal organs, the course of biological processes, etc. Below is a list of the most common causes of swelling in the eye area.

Swollen eyes as a sign of disease

You need to understand that medicine knows a lot of diseases accompanied by bruising in the eye area. These ailments can have either a progressive form or not progress at all. Basically, edema is a symptom that is part of the complex of manifestations of a specific disease. In this regard, it is necessary to influence the “root of evil” by resorting to therapy for the underlying ailment, as a result of which the swelling will go away over time.

Among the diseases that can cause the described problem, it is necessary to note: purulent conjunctivitis, eyelid abscess, endophalmitis, Quincke's edema, abdominal edema, acute infectious diseases, demodicosis, cancer, eyelid hernia, as well as whole line ophthalmological, neurological, ENT and other diseases.

Puffiness under the eyes in the morning

There are a number of conditions that can cause circles of varying severity to appear under the eyes in the morning. The most common cause of this phenomenon is considered to be an incorrect lifestyle. This condition may include: drinking alcohol, smoking, fatty unhealthy foods, sitting at the computer for long periods of time, etc.

In order to have a clear look in the morning and your eyes to look rested, you need to rest, since lack of sleep primarily affects the skin under the eyes. Lack of sleep, overwork, insomnia and heavy strain on the eyes before bed have always led to swelling. This is especially noticeable in people with pale, thin and dry skin.

After the tears

As a result of crying, especially prolonged and intense crying, the eyes look very unpresentable. The fact is that when the lacrimal glands work in active mode, the blood vessels passing under the thin and sensitive skin of the eyelids swell, giving the area under the eyes redness and swelling. In addition, as a result of crying, the eyes dry out, which can serve as an excellent basis for the appearance of circles and bruises in the eyelid area. In some cases, even vascular ruptures can be observed, which further aggravate the overall picture.

What causes swelling under the eye on one side?

Sometimes it happens that swelling does not appear under both eyes, giving the face a fairly damaged appearance. This problem can be dealt with, however, you first need to understand what factors cause this phenomenon. First of all, unilateral swelling can be observed after a blow or injury, as well as with ENT diseases, such as sinusitis.

Sometimes an insect bite causes a large bruise to swell under or above the eye, accompanied by swelling of the eyelid. This phenomenon is classified as an allergic reaction to an insect bite. With swelling in the mouth, dental problems, and also in a number of other cases, the described phenomenon can be observed.

How to quickly get rid of edema: a review of effective remedies

Today there is an incredible a large number of cosmetic and therapeutic products for the care of sensitive skin around the eyes. These drugs can be purchased at every pharmacy or cosmetic store. However, it should be borne in mind that not every product can have the desired effect, since the conditions of use for each drug are different. In this regard, below is a list of cosmetic products that can help get rid of swelling around the eyes, relieve swelling and circles on the eyelids.

Eye cream Green Pharmacy “For puffiness and bags under the eyes”

This product is an effective Ukrainian-made cream for the care of the skin around the eyes. A special feature of this product is a unique complex of components aimed at restoring the water-lipid balance of the skin. After applying the composition to the sensitive skin of the eyelids, you can verify the effectiveness of the described cosmetic product. The product contains natural ingredients, providing the skin with the necessary care and nutrition, since the cream is enriched with vitamins and minerals. The care product is sold in the form of a 15 ml tube. It is recommended to use Green Pharmacy cream after 35 years to combat swelling and bags under the eyes.

Enterosgel will relieve severe swelling under the eyes

In the event that the bags under the eyes are caused by damage or disruption of the internal organs, then this remedy allows you to cope with the problem. The described product has the form of a gel and is sold in jars of various sizes containing the drug for oral administration. The peculiarity of the action of this product is the removal of toxins and pathogenic microelements of various forms of origin from the body. For therapeutic purposes, the drug must be taken twice a day, a tablespoon, with water.

The drug Troxevasin will help remove swelling

This ointment is widely known and is very popular because it has a high-quality effect in the fight against periocular swelling. The gel is also used to treat varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and various dermatitis. The described product belongs to the class of venotonic drugs for external use. In this case, you should be extremely careful when using Troxevasin gel to treat swelling under the eyes, so that the composition does not get on the mucous membrane of the eye in order to avoid negative consequences.

Heparin ointment

This product is an ointment for topical use, sold in 25 gram tubes. This remedy has anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, antithrombotic effects, providing local analgesia and resolving swelling.

The composition of the ointment is quite simple and consists of only a few active ingredients, including: benzyl nicotinate, sodium heparin and benzocaine. The described ointment should be applied locally to the affected areas in a thin layer, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes.

Diuretics: tablets, herbs

It is known that bags, bruises and swelling under the eyes can be caused by external factors (for example, the sun, cosmetics, poor diet, etc.) and internal factors (impaired moisture removal functions in the body). When a large amount of moisture accumulates, phenomena such as bags under the eyes may occur. In this case, the doctor may prescribe drug treatment, but in no case should you independently decide to take such medications without the doctor’s recommendations. It should be noted that there are the following herbs that help remove fluid from the body:

  • sage;
  • milk thistle;
  • Linden;
  • mint;
  • chamomile, etc.

As for medications, the following can be used:

  • Urebit;
  • Hypothiazide;
  • Diakarb, etc.

How to relieve puffiness using folk remedies

In addition to pharmacological drugs, traditional medicine can also be used to treat swelling around the eyes. Basically, such methods are of an auxiliary nature, acting as applied products or cosmetic-type components. Below is a list of effective approaches for correcting the area around the eyes.


As is known, under the influence of various factors, the flow of lymph in the body is disrupted, which leads to blockage of blood vessels, the appearance of bags under the eyes and impaired water balance skin. To combat this phenomenon, various techniques of lymphatic drainage massage of the area around the eyes are used. The procedure can be performed in two ways: hardware and manual. The event can be implemented both within the salon and at home. To perform a massage yourself, use light circular movements to work the area around the eyes. To do this, you need to start moving clockwise, passing the pad of your index finger around the entire eye.

The best masks for healthy eyelid skin

Few people know, but potatoes are a product that helps relieve puffiness and improves the quality of the skin, including its color, texture and density. Thus, potato masks can be used to combat puffy eyes. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to grate peeled potatoes on a fine grater. The resulting mass must be mixed in a 2/1 ratio with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. The mixture should be applied to the upper and lower eyelids for 20 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, the composition must be washed off by washing with strong tea.

Cosmetic ice is the best remedy

Cosmetic ice is an effective skin care tool that allows you to tone the skin, disperse blood and lymph, preventing thrombosis and other cosmetic pathologies. To prepare this product, you will need to brew chamomile and let the mixture cool. Now you need to pour the broth into molds and put it in the freezer so that it turns into ice cubes. Chamomile ice is used for washing in the mornings and evenings.

Lotions and compresses

The medicinal herbs discussed above are used as the basis for compresses. To prepare a lotion for bags under the eyes, you need to soak a gauze bandage in an infusion of milk thistle, sage or chamomile. It is important that the infusion is not hot. Maintain the compress for 15 minutes, perform the procedures in a course of 10 sessions.

Swelling and bruises under the eyes certainly do not make a person more attractive. There are many reasons for their appearance: lack of sleep, poor diet, bad habits, illness, age, obesity, stress, improper use of cosmetics and many others. An ointment for puffiness under the eyes will help get rid of this trouble.

List of drugs

Such products are easy to find in the pharmacy, they have a wide range, acceptable prices, accessible and, most importantly, effective.

Most often used:

  1. Curiosin.
  2. Solcoseryl.
  3. Relief.
  4. Foretel.
  5. Afulim.
  6. Hepatrombin.

Composition and benefits

Scientists have proven that the most effective remedy for bags under the eyes is ointments for hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Their composition perfectly relieves swelling and bruising under the eyes, making the face more attractive.

1) Curiosin.

This ointment for bags under the eyes helps relieve swelling, bruises, is effective for acne, improving general form faces. The gel based on zinc hyaluronate is quickly absorbed. It must be applied twice a day. If a person is hypersensitive, it may cause redness or mild tingling.

An excellent remedy for eliminating swelling and bruises under the eyes. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces capillary permeability, as a result of which the fluid is absorbed and new fluid ceases to flow. Apply twice a day, rubbing in circular movements. The ointment makes swelling less pronounced and relaxes the smooth muscles in the facial area.

3) Solcoseryl.

This ointment is often used to relieve swelling and bruises under the eyes, against bedsores - it performs regenerative functions. The drug is made from cattle blood extract. To prevent swelling from appearing, it is necessary to apply Solcoseryl to the skin in a thin layer, preferably at night. You can use it two to three times a week, not more often.

This homeopathic remedy can also help relieve puffiness under the eyes. The drug has an anti-edematous, immunocorrective effect.

5) Foretal.

Foretal ointment also has an anti-edematous effect. Made from urea. It is best to use it twice a day - morning and evening.

This is another remedy that will help solve the problem. Made with shark liver oil. The composition also includes vitamins, thyme, cocoa butter, phenylephrine. Used several times a day. Anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor. Has virtually no side effects.

7) Afulim.

If bags under your eyes bother you, apply this ointment for ten minutes, then rinse with water. Continue treatment for about a month. The composition includes herbal components, so there are practically no contraindications.

8) Hepatrombin.

This product contains heparin. The product has a regenerating, decongestant, anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the formation of blood clots and fluid stagnation. The ointment is applied with massaging movements several times a day. Do not use for pregnant or lactating women, for blood diseases, or hemorrhagic diathesis.

Plump lips look fashionable, rounded cheekbones look sexy, but bags under the eyes do not add beauty. They make the face visually older, highlight wrinkles and pigmentation.

Men face this problem as often as women. But with the help of cosmetic creams you can get rid of the bags or significantly reduce them.

Why do they appear?

Workaholics most often face this problem.

Other negative factors include:

  • Using a pillow that is too high for sleeping, resulting in the head being at a large angle to the body all night.
  • Abuse of fatty, salty, smoked foods. This leads to a slowdown in metabolism and accumulation of fluid in the body. As a result, fluid accumulates in the fatty tissue under the lower eyelid.
  • Bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol cause vasoconstriction, which leads to redness of the eyes and the appearance of congestion under them.
  • Natural aging processes of the body, causing a decrease in the elasticity and density of the skin, and the formation of folds. Fat accumulates in them and bags form.
  • Hormonal imbalances and poor heredity can lead to the appearance of bags even in youth. Excess estrogen and too thin a membrane between the subcutaneous tissue and the skin of the eyelids cause the accumulation of excess fluid and fat cells.

Overwork and fatigue, high eye strain cause problems with facial skin tone. A small amount of time allocated for sleep also provokes the appearance of bags under the eyes.

There are many other individual factors that worsen the condition of facial skin, including under the eyes.

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How to remove

To eliminate bags, you need to adjust your diet, reduce your consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, and get enough sleep regularly.

Lotions and cool compresses help reduce swelling, but a more effective way is to use special creams for bags.

The cream should contain several of the following components:

  1. Hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin. They increase the elasticity and firmness of the dermis.
  2. Extracts of sage or parsley, which have anti-edematous properties.
  3. Coffee extract that has a tonic effect. It improves the outflow of excess fluid.
  4. Seaweed, rich in beneficial microelements.

High-quality creams will contain caring and nourishing ingredients. They will provide skin hydration, increase turgor and even out color. You should not choose products with fragrances and fragrances, they can only increase swelling.

The opened tube should be stored in a cool, dark place, but not in the refrigerator. You need to use the product 2 times a day. In the morning it is applied before applying makeup 25-30 minutes before leaving the house. In the evening, apply the cream to cleansed skin at least 50-60 minutes before bedtime.

At one time you need an amount of cream the size of a grain of wheat. It is distributed by patting movements with the pad of the ring finger from the outer corner to the inner.

The effect of using the cream should appear within 14 days. If it is not observed, it means that the remedy was chosen incorrectly.

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In the lines of many manufacturers cosmetics There are special creams for bags under the eyes. We present the best products from well-known manufacturers to solve this problem.

Read about which depilatory cream for the face will help you get rid of excess hair safely and effectively.

Best for Women

Among the popular products are the following highly effective products:

  1. Eye cream against puffiness and bags under the eyes, produced Green pharmacy. The product contains rutin, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and horse chestnut extract, which promotes active blood circulation, removes excess fluid, and reduces bags. Can be used as a makeup base. The consistency is light, the color of the cream is milky, there is a slight herbal smell. The cost of a tube is about 100 rubles.
  2. Ultralifting Pro-Xylan, produced by Garnier. The product has a double effect. One half of the tube contains anti-wrinkle cream with Pro-xylan. It contains beech extracts that restore the dermis and smooth it out. The second half of the tube contains an anti-bag product with a gel consistency. The cream contains Indian chestnut extract, which has an anti-edematous and refreshing effect. The product does not contain fragrances and has passed ophthalmological testing. Cost 355 rubles.
  3. Darphin serum anti-poches et anti-cernes serum. The cream contains a patented complex of peptides and flavonoids Eyeliss ™, extracts of licorice, rose, passionflower, and sodium hyaluronate. The product is approved for use when wearing contact lenses. The consistency is light and there is no stickiness left after application. The skin under the eyes is smoothed and brightened. The cost of a 15 ml bottle is about 40 Euro.
  4. RoC® MULTI CORREXION® 5 In 1 Eye Cream. The product reduces puffiness and dark circles, the skin becomes smooth, moisturized, and radiant. The product's key ingredient is HEXINOL®, which reverses most signs of aging, including bags under the eyes. The cream also contains Shea butter and vitamin E, which provide hydration and nutrition. A 15 ml bottle costs $29.
  5. La Roche-Posay Hydraphase Intense Eyes Intense Rehydration contains fragmented hyaluronic acid, it improves cellular adhesion for long-lasting moisture retention in the skin. Caffeine helps relieve swelling and eliminate bags. Suitable for very sensitive eyelid skin. A 15 ml bottle costs 15 Euro.

Any of these products has good effectiveness; you need to choose a cream based on your financial capabilities and commitment to certain brands.

Darphin serum anti-poches et anti-cernes

Find out why you should pay attention to Evelyn facial depilatory cream.

Best for men

Middle-aged men often face the problem of swelling and the formation of bags.

Chronic lack of sleep and alcohol consumption lead to deterioration of fluid outflow. Bags appear under the eyes, which visually add years, and general image make you careless.

Special products have been developed for men to remove bags:

  1. GIVENCHYMAN– intensive lifting cream has a gel consistency. The product contains peptides and caffeine. The components accelerate metabolism in tissues, reduce the amount subcutaneous fat. Marine collagen promotes smoothing facial wrinkles. A 9 ml bottle costs 3100 rubles.
  2. Clarena Men's Line Power Eye Cream It has a soft texture and is quickly absorbed, softening the skin. The product contains the MATRIXYL 3000 peptide complex, which stimulates the formation of its own collagen and elastin and stops the appearance of new wrinkles. Caffeine relieves signs of fatigue and bags under the eyes. A 15 ml bottle costs 1,450 rubles.
  3. Lierac Homme Contour des Yeux has a light texture. The product contains more than 30% natural ingredients: extracts of horsetail, mantle, butcher's broom, ivy, arnica, chamomile, and ruscus. Ruscus and arnica reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Ivy and horsetail smooth out wrinkles. A special SkinPower complex of five minerals increases the effectiveness of natural ingredients. The cost of a 15 ml bottle is 2100 rubles.

Even if a man does not use the cream regularly, in emergency situations it will help mask the signs of fatigue, overwork, and poor health. Therefore, such a tool should be in everyone’s arsenal.

They will help you cope with the first imperfections.

Lierac Homme Contour des Yeux

Is it possible to use hemorrhoid cream from a pharmacy against bags under the eyes?

Pharmaceutical products against hemorrhoids have a pronounced tightening effect. They activate blood flow and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, such creams and ointments can be used to combat bags under the eyes.

Almost all hemorrhoid creams contain phenylerphine hydrochloride, a medicinal component that relieves swelling, and heparin, which removes swelling and constricts blood vessels. Moisturizing components, lanolin, oils have a softening effect.

Troxevasin, hepatrombin, heparin ointment, and bezorbil are most often used to eliminate bags. Ointments strengthen the blood vessels in the lower eyelid area, resulting in less fluid accumulation there.

Medicinal products must be used very carefully. If they come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, they can cause severe irritation.

For one-time use, a very small amount of product is used, which is distributed over the lower eyelid, away from the eyelash line.

Solving the problem with cosmetics - how to cover bags under the eyes with foundation

If cosmetic creams do not help completely solve the problem, then use foundation. It will even out the skin tone under the eyes and make bags less noticeable.

To Foundation Lay down flat, you must first moisturize the skin. Apply eye cream using patting movements. Then the foundation is distributed on the lower and upper eyelids. If the upper eyelid is not tinted, a difference in skin color will be visible.

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A special one will help cope with peeling and redness.

When applying foundation, use a thin concealer brush; its hairs will be able to get into every crease and disguise it.

The accumulation of fat and fluid under the lower eyelid forms unsightly swelling. Their formation occurs as a result of an incorrect lifestyle and various diseases.

Cosmetic creams help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and remove accumulated fluid. Such effective products are available in the product lines of many manufacturers. Using tinting products will help completely solve the problem of masking bags under the eyes.

Bags under the eyes look unesthetically pleasing, making your look tired and your face puffy. In youth, they usually appear after a stormy holiday, but older people can be “pleased” without any special reason. Is there anything that can be done? Yes, you need to determine the causes of swelling (especially if it bothers you every morning) and treat the chronic diseases that cause it.

In some cases (with the appropriate structure of the eyelid, hernias), only blepharoplasty helps to get rid of the bags forever. Ointments, gels and creams do not provide a lasting effect, but they quickly relieve swelling. Are you looking for an emergency remedy for puffy eyes? We invite you to read this review dedicated to ointments for “bags”.

Ointments for bags are used in the following cases:

  • swelling and dark circles have formed under the eyes;
  • the eyelids are constantly swollen and/or severely dehydrated;
  • the skin around the eyes is very sensitive.

In any case, swelling is not the norm. Ideally, you need to undergo a comprehensive health examination and eliminate it, and if you need to quickly put yourself in order and remove swelling (or at least reduce it), use special means.

Ointment under the eyes is an emergency remedy for swelling.

Features of the drugs

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of ointments for bags under the eyes. Release forms are plastic jars and aluminum tubes, the volume may vary. Pharmacodynamics of drugs:

Pharmacy ointments for puffiness under the eyes are available in the form of gels. This form is easy to use and gives the fastest possible effect.

The base of all ointments under the eyes is gel. The active components are released from it without problems, penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, exerting a pronounced effect within 30-60 minutes. After absorption, they are processed in the liver and excreted within 24 hours in the urine.


The main drugs used for swelling under the eyes are Afulim, Bezornil, Troxevasin, Gepatrombin, Lyoton (gel), Relief, Curiosin (gel), Heparin ointment.

Let's consider their features and principles of operation.

Preparations for relieving swelling of the eyelids One of the most effective means

for puffiness under the eyes are ointments for hemorrhoids. Ointments for hemorrhoids are one of the most effective remedies for bags under the eyes.

The most popular drugs in this category are Relief, Troxevasin, Troxerutin, etc. They contain the following active substances: The texture of ointments for hemorrhoids is delicate, they are absorbed quickly and give an almost instant effect.

Heparin ointment

The drug has only one drawback - it eliminates swelling, but not the cause of its occurrence (however, like all topical agents). Heparin ointment is a good direct-acting anticoagulant.

Its main purpose is the treatment of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, occlusions, hemorrhoids, hematomas, superficial mastitis, and bruises.

Heparin ointment dilates blood vessels

Heparin ointment is a universal drug for diseases of veins, bruises, blood clots, hemorrhoids, mastitis and hematomas. It also quickly removes bags under the eyes. The drug dilates blood vessels, thins the blood and has a direct effect on plasma, activating its resorption processes. Therefore, swelling, bruises, dark circles, and swelling disappear almost immediately after application. The consumption is economical. Make sure that the drug does not get into your eyes.

It must be used systemically - the course of treatment is 10-20 days

(depending on the severity of swelling).

Heparin ointment is used in courses, but not longer than 20 days. The active components of the gel stop inflammation, reduce the degree of capillary permeability, and the process of water entering the tissues is suspended, and excess fluid begins to dissolve.

Troxevasin gel relieves inflammation

Troxevasin gel helps with severe swelling and mild swelling.

Troxevasin should be used for two weeks only in the evening or both in the morning and in the evening.– Apply a thin layer under your eyes and let it soak in, or spread a thick layer of the product and then wash it off after half an hour.


Proctonis ointment has a moisturizing and softening effect, so it is often used for the skin around the eyes.

The product contains cocoa butter, extracts of chistyaka, sage, aloe, shark liver extract, glycerin. Apply Proctonis to cleansed skin twice daily using gentle movements.

Proctonis ointment has a moisturizing and softening effect

Ointments for bags under the eyes have contraindications for use. Basic:

For those under 18 years of age and in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is highly undesirable to use anti-edema ointments. The following may occur side effects– burning, itching, urticaria,

(in this case, the use of the drug should be discontinued). Squeeze the ointment onto your finger or directly onto the skin under your eyes - usually a pea-sized amount is enough. Cases of overdose are not known to medicine, but the drug should not enter the stomach.

Did you get the ointment in your eye? Rinse it with plenty of water. The above remedies cannot be combined with antibiotics and acetylsalicylic acid.

. Do not prescribe ointments simultaneously with NSAIDs, allergy medications (antihistamines), and tetracyclines. Store the medication in a cool, dry place and close the tube tightly after each use. The shelf life of the ointment can be from two to five years.



The appearance of bags under the eyes is caused by internal reasons. Is it possible to quickly relieve swelling? Yes, and special ointments are used for this. They contain a whole range of active substances that do not penetrate the blood and quickly relieve swelling. Ointments for hemorrhoids are considered the most effective. Before use, read the list of contraindications and make sure that the product does not get into your eyes. Ointments are usually used in courses.

Also read about the specifics and what means are used for. We can talk endlessly about how to remove the hated bags under the eyes. At any thematic forum you will definitely be offered the most against this scourge and will even recommend several equally effective alternatives. But as soon as you try to apply the advice, you will understand that not everything is so simple. The cream for bags under the eyes, which we will talk about today, cannot be called a panacea, but it is quite capable of removing the serous tint from the area around the eyes and getting rid of puffiness of the eyelids. You can buy it at the pharmacy and save yourself from many problems. Or, as an option, try to do it yourself. But first, it’s worth understanding what it is.

Expected therapeutic effect

A cream (gel, ointment), designed to combat bags under the eyes, is a high-tech cosmetic product, and when creating it, the manufacturing company is forced to solve a rather difficult problem. On the one hand, it must be sufficiently effective. On the other hand, a too aggressive composition can damage the thin skin of the eyelids, as a result of which the fight against bags under the eyes can end very badly for you. Moreover, its action must be as comprehensive as possible. This will not only allow you to achieve the desired result faster, but will also significantly reduce the likelihood of certain side effects.

Therapeutic effect:

  • good tonic effect;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • stimulation of blood microcirculation;
  • improvement of fluid outflow;
  • gentle lightening of problem areas;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • additional nutrition and hydration of the skin.

Properties of the ideal cream:

  • absolute safety for health (we remind you: the skin of the eyelids is very thin and requires especially careful handling);
  • hypoallergenic;
  • additional protection against ultraviolet radiation;
  • slowing down natural age-related changes in the epidermis;
  • the lightest possible consistency. Otherwise, the cream will not be absorbed into the skin, but will remain on its surface and clog the pores. This can cause swelling and a severe allergic reaction.


Ointment for bags under the eyes, as well as cream or gel for the eyelids, are most often sold in pharmacies without any prescription. From this, many women make the mistaken conclusion that these products are absolutely safe, and rarely bother to read the accompanying instructions. And there, among other things, it contains the most important information about the composition of the drug. Why is it needed? At least in order not to buy frankly defective drugs, the manufacturer of which used certain harmful compounds to reduce costs.

Useful material:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • seaweed extract;
  • horse chestnut;
  • elastin;
  • natural herbal ingredients: chamomile, coltsfoot, gentian, mint, edelweiss;
  • caffeine;
  • vitamin E

What to buy?

Before going to the pharmacy, it is highly advisable to consult a dermatologist and ophthalmologist. The specialist will certainly recommend you several names of drugs that, in his opinion, are best suited. In other words, you still have to take into account the opinion of a specialist. And it would be better for them to be a certified physician than a 2nd year student working part-time in a pharmacy.