Accurate weekly horoscope for Taurus woman. Taurus – Snake

Talismans: gold calf, owl.

Influence of planets: Venus, Moon.

Symbols: bull with wings.

Metal: copper.

Stones: jade, turquoise, opal, carnelian, sapphire, agate, emerald marble.

Colors: sky, lemon, yellow, orange, light green, bright orange and all shades of spring. Undesirable - red and scarlet colors.

Favorable days: Friday and Monday.

Unfavorable day: Tuesday.

Character of the sign

Taurus are people characterized by silence, prudence, thoughtfulness and self-control. Representatives of this sign are noble, intelligent, and always, even under the most difficult life circumstances, remain calm and self-possessed. They are characterized by sensuality, slightly veiled jealousy and a very strong will and passion.

In the normal state, Taurus is soft, patient and reliable, who will always find time to listen to his interlocutor, sympathize, give useful advice and console. Their distinctive feature is that they perceive other people's problems closer than their own. They are great friends, wonderful parents and sensitive, loving and faithful spouses.

Important! Taurus likes peace and quiet; he cannot stand crowded places, noise and chaos.

However, he is persistent and ambitious, does not tolerate it when someone tries to lead him, and does not allow even his closest relatives and friends to do this. It is difficult to anger and piss off a representative of this sign, but if this happens, the anger will be very strong, and the offense will not be forgotten for a long time. They cannot stand lies, hypocrisy, they always tell the truth to their face, even if it is unpleasant and bitter, while managing not to humiliate anyone.

These people are pedants and perfectionists, they always finish what they start and, as a rule, complete the task perfectly, even the most seemingly mundane and trivial one. They always look after themselves appearance, they will never go outside even for a short time in dirty shoes or an unironed shirt, they always take into account the opinions of other people. Thoughtfulness, measuredness, step-by-step tactics are their style. However, investing all their strength and energy into one thing or another, they expect returns from others and are in dire need of approval of their work.

Under favorable life circumstances, they achieve great success in their careers, often becoming top and middle managers.

As a rule, they are intellectually developed, inquisitive and even curious. These qualities will encourage you to study the 2018 horoscope for Taurus now.

Horoscope for Taurus

Compared to the busy and stormy last year, 2018 will be relatively calm and measured. However, already in the second month of the year it will be necessary to make an important decision in a short time, which will affect the course of further events.

The spring period will pass peacefully and safely, pleasant unexpected surprises will delight Taurus, saturating life with bright colors.

An unexpected meeting with a relative or old friend, a pleasant romantic acquaintance or a good job offer is quite possible.

In the summer months, the natural ability to see in people what others do not see will protect Taurus from problems - illness, imprisonment or a fatal life mistake.

Attention! In the fall, you should pay attention to your family: visit relatives you haven’t seen for a long time, show them your love and care.

With the onset of cold days, blues are likely. During this period, it is better to think about choosing a position in life, reassess values, and perhaps more constructively assess your strengths when planning things for 2019.

Horoscope for 2018 for Taurus woman

Ladies, according to the 2018 horoscope for Taurus, should rely only on their own intuition and life experience. You should not blindly follow the advice of girlfriends and relatives; your own inner instinct will tell you what to do.

In a relationship with a man, the time has come for specifics. Without scandals and complaints, find out his future plans regarding your life together, talk about prospects. It is better to smooth out conflict situations and rough edges immediately, without leading to quarrels.

Lonely young ladies need to take a closer look at their colleagues at work. Some envious people may quietly slander you to the management. As a result, the reputation will be damaged, and it will not be possible to correct the situation immediately. Restoring an honest name will require a lot of time and effort.

Married Taurus girls, in whose home there is peace, harmony and sincerity, can expect a new addition to the family. A child conceived this year will certainly make the mother happy and completely change her outlook on life.

Horoscope for 2018 for Taurus man

For representatives of the stronger sex, the horoscope for the coming 2018 for Taurus promises success in work. Thanks to their efforts, men will receive a promotion up the career ladder or, at a minimum, a bonus. Having plunged headlong into work, men will forget about other possible problems.

In the summer, you should still set aside time for your family - go on vacation, preferably abroad, this trip will certainly be successful and memorable long years. Be sure to visit your parents if they live far away.

In the last months of autumn, you should think about implementing new, most daring plans. The stars assure that such projects will certainly bring success in the future.

Love horoscope 2018 for Taurus

On the personal front, lonely Taurus, according to the horoscope for 2018, will experience changes for the better. In order not to waste precious time on short-term romances, initially determine for yourself the criteria that your future life partner should have. Such a framework will allow us to weed out unsuitable candidates.

Married Taurus should behave more carefully at work - the stars do not rule out the appearance office romances. Such affairs will not lead to anything good, so you should not risk a successful family union.

Couples living together for a long period are advised to add variety to their family life and unwind. Go to a restaurant, a movie more often, or just have romantic family dinners. Give your spouse a nice present for no reason.

If you suspect your other half of betrayal, stop trying to find out the truth. Scandals will only worsen relationships, just don’t think about this problem.

Money horoscope

From January to April, Taurus should not invest funds and resources even in projects that inspire trust - this can end sadly. During this period it is better to find new option income that can make your wallet fatter.

Carefully! You should not work with financial schemes that you have not encountered before; it is better to follow already proven paths.

In the spring and summer months, you can try to increase your capital through deposits.

In the fall, relatives and friends will probably ask for financial support. There is no need to refuse them, and then in the first half of next year fate will reward you to the fullest.

At the end of the year, you will receive a lucrative offer to buy an apartment or house - you don’t need to miss it. It is also likely to receive an inheritance.

Career horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

Those who have their own business are advised to research the foreign market in the year of the Earth Dog. At the same time, of course, it is important to maintain restraint and strictly follow the laws of the partner country. But no matter what, such cooperation is guaranteed to bring profit.

Employees and employees should carefully perform their direct duties and not violate labor discipline. For this they will definitely receive a decent reward at the end of the current year.

Pay attention to your colleagues - it is likely that one of them is weaving intrigues and trying to trick you. Be wary of people who try to make friends with you and extract important personal information. Keep your mouth shut, but at the same time don't alienate your colleagues, otherwise you will make dangerous enemies.

All Taurus people need to avoid gossip and refrain from any kind of intrigue at work. Behave with restraint at corporate parties. Rash actions will ensure disrespect from colleagues and moral decline in the eyes of managers.

At the end of the year, a bright streak will begin in the professional field, allowing representatives of the sign to grow up the career ladder and develop in their specialty.

Health horoscope for 2018

As a rule, Taurus are supporters healthy image life. But if you have bad habits (smoking, alcohol), try, if not completely get rid of them, then at least reduce the amount of booze and cigarettes.

In the first half of the year, a sharp deterioration in health may lead to planned surgical operations. However, if you seek help from competent specialists in time, surgery can be avoided.

The genitourinary system will be under attack in both men and women. During cold seasons, it is important to avoid hypothermia. At the first symptoms of a cold, you should contact medical care: Self-medication will only make the situation worse.

In the summer, in June-July, the risk of getting into an accident increases. If you are a driver, be careful when driving vehicles and cross the road carefully.

Representatives of this sign who are prone to obesity need to limit their calorie intake and engage in more physical exercise.

Celebrities born under the sign of Taurus

Celebrities born under this sign are: writers Boris Akunin, Vladimir Akunin, Honore de Balzac, Tatyana Tolstaya. This list also includes such famous personalities as Joe Cocker, Al Pacino, Yuri Shevchuk, Gosha Kutsenko, Michelle Pfeiffer, Uma Thurman, Eva Polna, Natalia Oreiro, Chris Kelmi and others.

The Fire Rooster will, without a doubt, fill the life of Taurus with bright events. Although the year will not be easy, it will more than compensate for all the costs if the representatives of the sign make an effort.

This horoscope will tell you:

General Taurus horoscope for 2017

Taurus will enter the Year of the Rooster slightly exhausted. After all, the difficult and eccentric monkey took a lot of strength and energy. During this period, you should be as focused as possible on practicing self-discipline and implementing what you planned on time. Only in this case, the horoscope promises good results and real gifts of fate.

Particular attention should be paid to social life and teamwork. This will reduce your own energy costs and also avoid unnecessary mistakes.

In the middle of the year, conflicts are very likely, which can have serious consequences. You should restrain yourself in emotional outbursts so as not to break off relationships with loved ones or colleagues. The stars recommend forgetting your natural stubbornness for this time. The ability to listen will be needed more than ever. Moreover, valuable advice can be given not only by representatives of the mature generation, but also by their own children.

The family will generally become the center of Taurus’ life. Already at the beginning of the year there will be an opportunity to make sure that she is support and hope in life.

In the second half of the year, Taurus will feel a surge of energy. Some will even be drawn to areas that were previously far from them. Mastering new frontiers will only be beneficial. But some representatives of this sign may completely lose track of time, which can adversely affect their personal life.

Updates should definitely become a part of the life of Taurus in 2017. This could be a radical change in hairstyle or hair color, clothing style, work, hobbies, etc. This will launch an important cycle of changes in the fate of the representatives of the sign, which will be favored by the location of the stars. Starting a family is also one of these positive changes.

It must be remembered that Taurus should make decisions that can turn their whole life upside down only after consulting with their loved ones.

The Taurus horoscope indicates the need to make efforts to create alliances, unity in the family and other types of collective action.

Taurus love horoscope for 2017

Big changes await representatives of the spring zodiac circle on the love front. On the one hand, this year will be very favorable for starting a family. This issue needs to be given special attention. Perhaps the spouse will not be the one who for a long time was nearby.

There is no need to waste time on empty disputes and disagreements. It is better to learn to seek compromises, because relationships should be valued.

At the beginning of the year, the stars predict all kinds of tests of feelings. But everything will end well. It will be useful for Taurus to gain new impressions. Moreover, the emotional side prevailed over the rational throughout 2017.

Those who have not yet found their soulmate may meet them quite unexpectedly. For example, during a business trip. Purely business conversation can turn into a romantic story. Love horoscope this is conducive to this.

You should be wary of outside adventures and business connections. Most likely, this will break more than one heart and damage the reputation as a whole.

Random affairs, if any, must be hidden from your significant other. There will be no continuation of these stories, but it will be possible to make sure that your own family is the best without “going to the left.”

Career and finances of Taurus in 2017

It cannot be said that the year of the Rooster marks the financial blossoming of Taurus. But the horoscope does not note any serious problems with material values. Money can be earned with the help of advice from relatives or financial gurus. It is better not to consider projects that are too risky.

This year will be favorable for getting rid of debts. The stars do not recommend taking out new loans.

If you find yourself with large sums of money in your hands, you should treat this very carefully. There is a high risk of losing them.

Luck is generally on the side of Taurus, but only with their own serious investments. In this case, “you can’t even pull out a fish without difficulty.”

If in the second half of the year Taurus takes the risk of starting new projects or making useful business contacts, you can count on a significant improvement in well-being. The money horoscope also indicates the possible receipt of an inheritance.

If the career of those born during this period is just beginning, then they need to be on their guard. The management will carefully monitor the behavior of personnel, so there is no room for error.

Particularly talented people may discover career prospects after July. It will be difficult for the rest to escape from under the wing of higher management.

Those employed in the creative industry should count on lucrative offers and high fees in the spring.

Taurus businessmen need to carefully monitor their own reporting so as not to incur tax audit. Additional attention can also be expected from supervisory authorities. The horoscope does not recommend going to negotiations alone due to possible distortion of information.

Sphere of health in the year of the Rooster

The Fire Rooster can bring unpleasant surprises in the area of ​​health. Exacerbations of existing chronic diseases, as well as a deterioration in overall health, cannot be ruled out. To prevent this, prevention should be started at the beginning of the year. Medical examinations, dietary nutrition and adequate physical activity are useful. The health of Taurus will depend on how inherent the instinct of self-preservation is to its representatives.

Don't get carried away extreme species sports, since the Taurus horoscope signals a high risk of injury.

The most vulnerable place will be the legs. Athletes should reduce the load on them, everyone else should be careful even while walking.

There should be funds at hand for the treatment of ENT diseases. It is better to carry out constant prevention so as not to encounter a serious problem.

According to the stars, the endocrine and digestive systems are under threat. Both are sensitive to stress, so you need to be able to relieve psychological stress.

Alcohol should be in limited quantities. Especially if accompanied by rich treats. This load may be too high for the body.

Taurus women and their horoscope in 2017

First of all, seductive representatives of this sign should think about getting married. The year is ideal for this step and for the birth of the baby. But you need to give up your temper and increased demands on your partner in order to find harmony.

Throughout the year, and especially in the second half, ladies will not be deprived of male attention. But you should be careful not to provoke false rumors or jealousy of a loved one.

Career development is also going well. The Taurus woman should think about gaining new knowledge for further advancement.

Family relationships will be harmonious. There will be many pleasant surprises, discoveries, and trips in this area. It is possible that representatives of this sign will be involved in resolving issues of relatives or children. There is no point in imposing your opinion, and trying to develop a joint strategy of behavior will be useful for the whole family.

Excessive reproaches to your husband or partner can lead to discord in the relationship. Sometimes lovely ladies simply don’t notice this, so it’s useful for Taurus to listen to outside opinions about themselves.

Perhaps in the year of the Rooster, a Taurus woman will be lucky to get pregnant. It is worth trying to reduce your workload and enjoy this state as much as possible. In addition, the financial situation will be favorable for this.

Taurus men and their Year of the Rooster

Stubborn and obsessed with their own ideas, Taurus must learn gentleness. You can learn this from your parents or other half. Otherwise, by spring aggression will lead to the loss of important acquaintances that can lead to profit.

Under no circumstances should you risk large sums of money by investing in other people's projects. The horoscope indicates a prosperous start for your own projects. You will have to invest a lot of effort into them, but at the end of the year it will bring tangible results.

A Taurus man may want to prove to others how independent he is in making decisions. This is fraught with possible losses, because he will not want to listen to his wife or other relatives.

Unlike women of this sign, representatives of the stronger sex are not recommended to change their field of activity.

It is better for family Taurus to refrain from communicating with seductive people, so as not to provoke a family scandal. This can also damage your business reputation. During this same period, growth prospects may open up. It should be remembered that the leader who has his own strong team wins. Its creation may be the goal for 2017.

No matter how much Taurus wants to take everything into his own hands in 2019, he is unlikely to succeed. In the year of the Pig, much in the life of people of the Taurus sign will depend on Her Majesty Fate. The latter will not skimp on surprises for Taurus in 2019. What does the horoscope have in store for 2019? In the year of the Pig, representatives of this sign will experience a lot of pleasant and intriguing moments. But we must not forget that this is the year of the Earth Pig, so Taurus may also face dangers.

Horoscope for 2019 for Taurus

The 2019 horoscope for Venus-born people has many encouraging predictions. In the year of the Earth Pig, every Taurus will feel a powerful surge of strength. Representatives of this sign will be able to reveal their creative potential and show their best abilities.

The horoscope for 2019 also promises difficulties. First of all, they will affect Taurus’ relationships with others. The year will begin with conflicts and quarrels. Representatives of this zodiac sign will have to constantly defend their opinion. At the end of 2019, Taurus will experience peace. They will be able to smooth out many conflicts, but they will have to establish relationships with some people no longer during the period of the Earth Pig’s dominance.

Another extremely important point in the horoscope for 2019 for Taurus there is an increase in demands from superiors. People born under this sign will not be left alone until the end of the year. This fact in the horoscope for Taurus for 2019 cannot be considered as a negative point. In the year of the Pig, representatives of the Taurus sign will be able to show their best sides, without being afraid to take responsibility for their own decisions. It is no coincidence that the horoscope predicts good luck in work for Venus’s wards.

Romantic horoscope for 2019 for Taurus

The romantic horoscope for 2019 will not offend any Taurus. Representatives of this sign are not destined to part with their loved ones in the year of the Pig. The horoscope promises Taurus and their significant other cloudless happiness, which can only be overshadowed by separation from a loved one due to circumstances beyond the couple’s control.

Taurus, who have not yet known the happiness of being loved, have high hopes for the new horoscope. People born under this sign will not be disappointed in the coming period. The horoscope does not promise Taurus that love will still overtake them, but the chances of finding the one and only are quite encouraging.

The only ones who will be a little less lucky are family Taurus. Married representatives of the sign will have a difficult time due to conflicts and misunderstandings. Taurus will be able to overcome all difficulties only by the end of the year, but after that the horoscope promises them a long period of happiness and tranquility in family life.

Things will also go well for loving people born under this sign. Even if they fail to build a relationship, they will not be upset. Every Taurus womanizer, according to the horoscope for 2019, will have a chance not only to diversify their intimate sphere, but also to open new horizons in it.

Financial horoscope for Taurus for 2019

Material security is exactly the area of ​​life that worries Taurus most at the moment. Oddly enough, the horoscope for 2019 promises representatives of the Taurus sign a distraction from financial matters. Of course, money will not stop worrying Venus’s wards, but it will definitely fade into the background.

The year for Taurus will begin with unexpected expenses. This could be a breakdown of equipment, urgent repairs to a car or home, but Taurus will definitely need to invest funds.

As summer approaches, the horoscope for 2019 promises representatives of the sign the onset of a financially calm period. People of this sign will be able to relax for a while and stop hunting for profit. At the end of 2019, Taurus will face financial difficulties. Close and reliable people will help you solve them, so those born under the sign of Taurus should be restrained and help others in every possible way throughout the year.

Taurus career in 2019

Only the career horoscope for 2019 recommends Taurus to rely more on their own strengths than on the favor of fate. Changes for the better are expected in the business sphere in 2019. Those representatives of the sign who are engaged in business will be especially lucky.

The horoscope for 2019 does not guarantee Taurus rapid career growth. People of this sign will have to work hard to be noticed. There is no need to count on a dizzying career either because the ambitious Earth Pig, who does not tolerate competitors, will in every possible way hinder such aspirations.

The business horoscope for Taurus for 2019 has prepared many difficulties. Having overcome them, representatives of this sign will receive a substantial reward. Taurus businessmen will be able to expand their zones of influence in 2019. Relationships with partners will be harmonious and productive.

People of the Taurus sign who work in large teams will encounter envy from their colleagues, which will result in real intrigues. Taurus in 2019 should be above this, without getting involved in silent wars for the right to be the best employee.

Taurus health in 2019

A person born under the sign of Taurus will have a hard time during the period of the Pig’s dominance. The horoscope for 2019 warns of a high risk of injury. People of this sign will be literally haunted by viral diseases. The year for Taurus is predicted to be traumatic, so maximum caution should be taken.

The greatest risk for older Taurus in 2019 is disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The horoscope recommends that people of this sign pay close attention to their health.

The horoscope for 2019 warns Taurus to be wary of skin diseases. Children of this sign remain at high risk of developing dermatitis, insect and animal bites. The horoscope draws women's attention to the possibility of hormonal imbalances. Girls of this sign should pay special attention to the adrenal glands. The 2019 horoscope for men does not give warning predictions. But this is not a reason to relax.

Horoscope for Taurus women for 2019

The horoscope for 2019 advises Taurus women to spend more time with their family. In the second half of the year, it is better for girls to direct all their vigorous energy to establishing relationships with relatives. A powerful breakdown awaits the fair half of Taurus at the beginning of autumn. During this period, it is better for women not to start serious affairs and not make fateful decisions.

For married Taurus girls, the horoscope for 2019 predicts a difficult period in terms of communication with their husband’s relatives. Women will have to constantly defend their right to independence. Women of this sign will face difficulties in raising sons. The horoscope for 2019 promises a quick solution to such problems, subject to the timely intervention of a qualified specialist.

During the period of Venus's dominance, Taurus girls are highly discouraged from changing their appearance. The horoscope predicts fatal consequences even from a seemingly harmless haircut. As soon as Venus cedes its right of influence, Taurus can safely begin beauty experiments.

Horoscope for Taurus men for 2019

In 2019, Taurus men will begin to make completely new plans for the future. Because of this, the horoscope predicts all sorts of difficulties for them in the family sphere. Accept important decisions will have to without hesitation. Because of this, their situation can seriously worsen.

Taurus people under the age of 24 will have a great chance of having a child. Whether the birth of a baby will be a joy for the stronger half of Venus’s wards is another question. However, the stars promise new Taurus parents absolutely new life with different perspectives.

An important moment in the life of Taurus men in 2019 will be a solid acquisition. There are no forecasts for good profits, but men can count on them in the near future.

The emotional state of representatives of this sign during the period of dominance of the Earth Pig leaves much to be desired. There is a high probability of nervous breakdowns and serious shocks. Taurus should prepare for this and work on themselves. You will have to spend a lot of time at work. But this circumstance does not mean that you need to give up quality active recreation.

Horoscope for 2019 for other zodiac signs

Horoscope for 2018 for Taurus: life is a sofa and a fluffy robe. Well, a glass of hot drink!


As the horoscope for 2018 indicates, Taurus will have a completely calm year.
There will be much less stress. The year of peace and tranquility has finally arrived for you. In 2018, Taurus will feel much freer in all areas of life. The world does not rest solely on your shoulders in 2018, dear Taurus! Calm down and relax. Oh yes, you still need to get out from under the spotlight. Otherwise the mascara will run.

Career horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

As the career horoscope for 2018 indicates, at first Taurus will have little work, but its quantity will increase. You need peace of mind and confidence when it comes to work or business. At times, the career horoscope warns, it will be difficult. but Taurus can handle it.
Sometimes, of course, you can work in a team. But in 2018, Taurus women and Taurus men need to cope with the tasks of the career horoscope alone. It will be hard, but everything will pay off in full. 2018 is the time to show what Taurus is capable of. Especially to the authorities.

Finance horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

The financial horoscope for 2018 predicts that the year will be very successful for Taurus financially.
The arrival will be constant. And Taurus will have money in 2018. Constantly. But spending habits can dance a jig.
First of all, the horoscope advises Taurus to spend money in 2018 on things they absolutely cannot do without. And then - for fun. Do as the financial horoscope for 2018 advises and everything will be excellent.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

As the love horoscope for 2018 suggests, the romantic sphere (like other areas of Taurus’ life) is not experiencing any shocks this year. At the beginning of 2018, there is a certain turmoil in the personal life of Taurus, but closer to May 2018, everything in the love sphere of Taurus will calm down. Calming down doesn't mean everyone is upset. The sexuality of Taurus in 2018 will be released in full. But there will be many fewer quarrels with your significant other. Taurus can express their feelings or suppress them. The choice is yours. Have you thought about adding to your family? 2018 is a great year to have a baby.
Whatever Taurus decides in terms of their love life in 2018 will greatly affect your relationships. The love horoscope for 2018 very much hopes that Taurus will be positive in terms of their own personal life. And if you are single, 2018 will give you a couple.
Both Taurus men and Taurus women need to go searching for cupids. Friends in 2018 are not suitable for the role of lovers.
But as friends, they are very important and necessary. And don't forget about family.
If Taurus is loyal and devoted to friends and family in 2018, you will be given the same in return.

Health horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

The 2018 health horoscope predicts for Taurus that you will be in excellent physical shape. And stronger than usual. Maybe it's time to do yoga? Or meditation?
This will put in order not only the mind of Taurus, but also his body.
Control your emotions in full. Thanks to this, your life will become much easier.

Horoscope for 2018 by month for Taurus

  • indicates many changes in the life of this zodiac sign. Everything will settle down only by the end of the month.
  • February 2018 for Taurus will be a month of excellent health and progress in business and career.
  • March 2018 for Taurus will be the month when hidden aspects of life will be revealed and you will become more spiritually oriented.
  • April 2018 will be a month of spirituality for Taurus. Your 12th house is very strong. Be careful with your feet.
  • May 2018 for Taurus is the month of dominance of the First House of the horoscope. Success awaits Taurus in all areas of life.
  • June 2018 for Taurus will be a month of increased attention to the financial sector.
  • July 2018 for Taurus will be a month of triumph of intellect and the search for knowledge.
  • August 2018 will be the month of home and family for Taurus, as your 4th house is very strong.
  • September 2018 will be very hectic for Taurus. Lots of ups and downs and a lot of changes.
  • October 2018 will be a month of new beginning for Taurus due to.
  • November 2018 for Taurus will be a month of increased social activity. Lots of meetings, acquaintances, parties.
  • December 2018 for Taurus will be a month of favorable times in all areas of life.

In general, the horoscope for 2018 predicts a year of peace and global relaxation for Taurus.

Of course, all of the above applies only to “typical” zodiac signs. If you need a personal horoscope for Taurus -.
We will also soon have a horoscope by year of birth for 2018

The Year of the Fire Rooster will be very eventful for Taurus. From the first days of 2017, representatives of this sign will be required to take decisive actions and lightning-fast reactions to current events. The stars recommend that stubborn Taurus force himself to do what he really needs, and not indulge his personal desires. If you learn to be responsible and efficient, the heavenly bodies will provide you with every possible support.

Famous Taurus

  • Jack Nicholson
  • Vladimir Nabokov
  • William Shakespeare
  • Renee Zellweger
  • Channing Tatum
  • Michelle Pfeiffer
  • Philip Kirkorov
  • David Beckham
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Sigmund Freud

Forecast for the zodiac sign Taurus for 2017

The Rooster will bring not only strict order and obligations into the life of Taurus - he has also prepared many unexpected and nice gifts. In the spring, it is quite possible to meet a person whom you have long despaired of seeing; in the summer, expect new opportunities for investing money, and in the fall, the Rooster will give you a chance to correct any mistakes. By the way, relationships will become an important area for Taurus in 2017. You will have the opportunity to evaluate each person and get rid of extra people in your surroundings.

Professional contacts will play an equally significant role. Don’t forget to ask advice from more experienced colleagues - they will give you bright thoughts and innovative ideas. Adopt the experience of professionals wisely - and you yourself will become one of the company’s irreplaceable employees. Family members will be a reliable support for Taurus all year, so do not forget to express gratitude for the help and support provided.

In 2017, Taurus will have to do what they need to do, and not what they want

In the middle of the year, astrologers advise not to be led by the hot-tempered Rooster and to be diplomatic in communicating with people. Of course, Taurus himself knows what to do in this or that case, but do not forget that those around you can give you reasonable advice. Listen to other people's opinions so as not to miss chances in business and relationships. In the second half of 2017, Taurus may want to radically change their field of activity. Do not resist this desire - the Rooster will help you learn new skills.

The autumn-winter period will be marked by creativity. Taurus will soar above routine and traditionalism, proving to be a storehouse of creative ideas. Even the most daring adventure will be crowned with success, so feel free to start implementing your plans. However, remember: individualism does not always bear fruit. Try to create a close-knit team of like-minded people to get a truly impressive result.

  • Forecast for men. The heavenly bodies recommend that Taurus men become more confident in their abilities. Do not doubt the correctness of your decisions - the assertive Rooster will give you the opportunity to achieve your goal. The main thing is to draw up an action plan and not deviate one step from it. moderate your stubbornness and treat your loved ones as carefully as possible - their help will become invaluable at the end of 2017. Be especially delicate in resolving financial issues - the Rooster does not recommend starting a new business with relatives. There is a high risk of quarreling due to divergent interests.
  • Forecast for women. The Rooster favors Taurus women. Already from the beginning of 2017, you can be presented with a valuable gift. Feel free to plan long trips and trips, do not deny yourself the pleasure of going shopping - the patron of the year will give you the necessary funds. In a romantic relationship, your strategy should be honesty and fidelity. Surround your partner with care and attention - and the return will exceed your wildest expectations. It is better to devote the end of the year to the area of ​​career interests in order to lay a solid foundation for the future.

Love horoscope for 2017

Sphere love relationship Taurus will not be pleased with stability. There may be obstacles on the way to your happiness. However, Taurus will be able to cope with any problems if they take aggression under control and do not conflict with their loved one over trifles. Despite the inherent emotionality, the Rooster - famous diplomat. He only welcomes peaceful resolution of conflicts.

Try to listen to your loved one, and not fight over trifles

Taurus men will be overly impressionable in 2017. Don’t take anything your significant other says with hostility. Express your dissatisfaction calmly and without unnecessary emotions - you will definitely be heard and understood, and your relationships will come to a state of harmony and peace. Remember: loyalty and patience are above all! If Taurus cultivates these qualities, then Rooster will take care of his happiness. Astrologers recommend being prepared for changes - the time has come to adjust your character for the better.

In the life of Taurus women, family will play a major role. You won’t be able to get rid of the presence of relatives in your life in 2017 - they will constantly give you advice and recommendations. Do not take such insistence and interference in your personal life too emotionally; it is better to listen to the advice of your elders - this way you can avoid painful and unpromising relationships.

In the second half of the year, the stars predict chances for interesting acquaintances for lonely Taurus. Be fully prepared - take your wardrobe and appearance seriously. Married Taurus women will be able to build harmonious relationships with children - the child will be sensitive to your requests and attentive to your comments.

Health horoscope for 2017

In the year of the Fire Rooster, the health sector will not particularly bother you. Astrologers recommend taking care of yourself during the peak activity of seasonal diseases. Dress warmly, take a course of general strengthening vitamins on time - and you will be healthy all year. If you have been planning to do hardening for a long time, then 2017 marks a favorable period for this. The main thing is to get down to business without unnecessary fanaticism, gradually accustoming the body to temperature changes. First, start taking a contrast shower in the morning.

Hardening will strengthen the health and immunity of Taurus

The stars recommend that Taurus men not get too carried away with pills - stop using the entire pharmacy arsenal at the first sneeze. If you feel an illness approaching, timely inhalation and herbal teas will help. A bath or sauna will undoubtedly benefit Taurus - such procedures are not only pleasant, but also healing.

Astrologers advise Taurus women to pay attention to the state of the endocrine system and pancreas. Listen carefully to your body's signals and consult a doctor at the slightest sign of alarm. In winter, do not abuse alcohol. Of course, during the January holidays it is difficult to resist strong drinks, but the consequences provoked by your recklessness will haunt you for a long time.

In the summer of 2017, give up spicy and fatty foods - the basis of your diet should be cereal products, fruits and vegetables. In autumn, don’t forget about the need physical activity. During the summer, you can get so lazy that you forget about fitness. This will negatively affect the condition of the figure and lead to despondency during the period of exacerbation of autumn depression.

Money horoscope for 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster promises Taurus financial stability - you shouldn’t count on a particularly big jackpot, but you can also avoid significant expenses. Don’t embark on risky adventures, and then by the end of the year you will be able to replenish your stash.

Don't risk your money: it's better to live 2017 without adventures

Astrologers recommend that Taurus men listen to the advice of friends. Do not hesitate to use business and family connections in 2017. For debtor Taurus, the Fire Rooster will help them pay off and not accumulate new debts. Your main income will come from your professional field. However, at the end of the Year of the Rooster, you can expect income from outside, so don’t shy away from freelancing and new types of activities. The symbol of 2017 promises that it will not be difficult for pragmatic Taurus to make money.

Taurus women are encouraged to boldly express fresh ideas. Stop standing on the sidelines and doing menial work - you are quite capable of doing something serious on your own! Take advantage of all the chances that 2017 will give you, and by the beginning of winter you will be able to reap the fruits of your efforts. The Rooster especially favors Taurus who are involved in the creative field - he promises that your achievements will be properly appreciated not only in the form of recognition from society, but also in material form.

Career horoscope for 2017

The Rooster promises Taurus achievements in the field of career interests. The feats performed by representatives of this sign in the professional field will be main theme conversations in the office since the beginning of spring. True, you shouldn’t rely only on luck and favorable location stars - the workaholic Rooster will require hard work and complete dedication.

The work will require full dedication and patience from Taurus

Astrologers advise Taurus men to be patient and give their best in the first half of 2017. Your efforts will not be in vain, and management will highlight you when distributing annual prizes. Even if you are tired and can no longer carry a whole load of work responsibilities, do not give up. By summer, you will have settled into a comfortable rhythm and will be able to complete all your endeavors.