“Topalov became a father twice”: Sergei Lazarev is raising his illegitimate son Vlad - Set. Sergei Lazarev showed a photo of his son: latest news Sergei Lazarev who is the mother of his child

Cunning paparazzi photographed Sergei Lazarev while visiting one of the Moscow churches with his family. In the video, next to the popular performer are his mother and a little boy holding the singer’s hand. Lazarev plays with the baby and puts him in his car.


Stunned journalists immediately contacted Sergei. to find out who the boy is to him. The performer did not deny it and admitted that for more than two years he has indeed been a happy father. However, he categorically refused to make any other comments. “This is my personal life, which I would not like to make public,” Lazarev said.

However, reporters from Life.ru found out that the singer’s son’s name is Nikita. The artist hid the birth of his heir from everyone - the boy was born in 2014. Now Nikita Lazarev is two and a half years old. Sergei never went out with his son and never showed him anywhere. According to people from the artist’s circle, it was Sergei’s conscious decision not to make the family event public. Journalists have not yet learned anything about Nikita’s mother.

Let's note. that very little is known about the personal life of the popular singer. Previously, Sergei Lazarev was credited with a romantic relationship with presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. However, not only media representatives, but even their fans had little faith in this relationship. However, as the TV presenter’s mother said in a recent interview, the romance between Lera and Sergei actually took place.

“Seryozha is wonderful! I love him immensely. I probably haven’t met a more caring and gentle boy. Of course, they upset me when they announced that they were breaking up. After all, everything was really there: love, sex, and plans for a long happy future together. But... it turned out as it turned out,” stated Lera’s mother.

And who begat him an heir?

There are men in the world who know how to keep secrets and keep their mouths shut! Sergei Lazarev, being under close attention, managed to hide the fact that his son was growing up. Now the singer’s fans are wondering: where did the boy come from and who is his mother?

Seryozha was declassified by the paparazzi. And even then - by accident. They hunted for the singer before the New Year, hoping to catch him hugging someone, but they filmed him with a clumsy baby in a puffy jacket. Together with him and his mother, Lazarev left the church after the service.

“This is his child!” - we decided everything at once and were not mistaken. A little later, under a barrage of questions that rained down on him, Sergei was forced to admit on social networks:

“I’m really happy to be a dad and raise my son for two and a half years now. But the life of a public person is always viewed under a magnifying glass, causing a lot of conversations, rumors, discussions, often negative emotions, and even for adults and experienced people such increased attention is a difficult test, not to mention a small child. That’s why I decided to keep this wonderful, joyful event exclusively within the family circle.”


At the same time, Sergei always called his mother, his recently deceased brother and his daughter, his beloved niece, his family. There was never any talk of any life partner, even a common-law wife.

Who needs my marriage? To society? - Sergei was indignant just recently. - Yes, I'm 33 years old. But I’m fine with my personal life, I’m not alone. I'm just not ready to start a family yet.

Lazarev emphasized more than once that work comes first. It is impossible for him to live with a woman under the same roof. He's always on the road, he's always at home, he doesn't have time to respond to text messages. Well, what kind of wife is this? Moreover, his requirements are oh so high:

I'm a perfectionist and any little thing can throw me off. I like women who are strong, purposeful, and who know their worth. Nurses and whims have never been interesting to me. A woman must be smart, maybe even smarter than a man, in order to allow him to feel like he is in charge, leading.

Such relationships, the singer says nostalgically, were only “with Lerka” - with Lera Kudryavtseva. And even those lasted only five years and burst like a soap bubble. Although many did not believe in this novel at all, considering it PR. Despite the fact that Kudryavtseva talked about the miscarriage that happened when she became pregnant with Seryozha. They dreamed of calling their daughter Nastya...


Sergei and his son spent the New Year holidays in Miami, where he and Leroy had often flown before. It is unknown whether their mother accompanied the child. She is generally the main mystery in this whole story. No one has seen her, no one has heard of her, and it is unclear whether she even exists in the life of Sergei and his child.

The singer’s fans were not too lazy to rewind the film chronicling his life a little over three years ago - it was then, in the fall of 2013, that his son Nikita was conceived. And they didn’t find any mention of Lazarev’s love affairs - there wasn’t even a hint of a romance. Of course, maybe the singer’s heir was given birth to by some fan who was lucky enough to accidentally spend the night with him.

But perhaps Sergei doesn’t know his son’s mother at all. After all, like Philip Kirkorov and Maxim Galkin, he could resort to the services of surrogate mothers who are ready to carry, give birth and give away for money. Lazarev was always happy for his show business colleagues who became parents in such an unconventional way:

Technologies do not stand still. And if they allow people who don’t have a partner to do this, that’s great and should be used,” he believed.

By the way, when it became known about Lazarev’s child, his friend Philip Kirkorov wrote: “Welcome to the club, Brother.” What he meant: a club of happy dads or a club of parents of “test tube children” - one can only guess.

Perhaps Sergei will someday reveal this secret too...


Sergey Sosedov, music critic:

In my opinion, this already smacks of PR. Perhaps this boy is not even his son. It seems to me that if Lazarev had really become a father, we would have known about it immediately as soon as the child was born, and not two and a half years later. Most likely, he invented this story, like the affair with Lera Kudryavtseva, so that nothing would be said about his sexual orientation. But I don't believe him. Rather than stir up bullshit, it would be better to tell everything honestly as it is...


Edgard Zapashny for four years he hid his illegitimate daughters, Gloria and Stefania. I told about them a year ago, when the girls were two and four years old.

In 2010 on the TV show Denis Klyaver, while still in his first marriage, shocked everyone with his confession: he has a five-year-old daughter from singer Eva Polna. Today for Evelina he is a visiting dad.

Evgeniy Stychkin always willingly talks about his three children from his first marriage with Ekaterina Skanavi. But he hid his eldest daughter Sophia from his youthful hobby named Yulia for 16 years, until in 2012 journalists accidentally unearthed the truth about her.

The myth of the family idyll Evgenia Zharikova And Natalia Gvozdikova collapsed in 2005 when it turned out that the actor lived in two families. His legal wife did not suspect that he had a daughter and son on his side for 10 years.

The news that the popular Russian artist Sergei Lazarev is a parent, and even a two-year-old child, came as an incredible shock to the entire Russian Internet space. The singer was able to hide the fact that he had a child for almost two years. And if a few days ago the ubiquitous paparazzi had not photographed him on the street with a stroller, then, quite possibly, the truth would have remained shrouded in secrecy.

Sergey Lazarev posted a photo with his son on Instagram

After the incident with the paparazzi, Sergei Lazarev did not hide the obvious and decided to openly admit that he really is the father, and his two-year-old boy’s name is Nikita. True, the artist did not name the child’s mother.

And on the sixth of January, on the eve of Orthodox Christmas, on the personal page of Sergei Lazarev in social network A photo appeared on Instagram showing the legs of Sergei himself and his two-year-old son Nikita. The singer congratulated all his subscribers on the upcoming holiday and wished everyone all the best. The photo was accompanied by the hashtag “father and son,” which casts aside any doubts that the photo actually shows Sergei with his child. True, the artist does not want to show his baby’s face yet.

Christmas holiday of Sergei Lazarev with his son

In the published photo, Sergei’s feet and his son’s feet are shod in very light slippers, despite the fact that they are on the street. You can also notice that where they are located is very sunny, which brings to mind thoughts of warm countries. And considering that just two days ago Sergei Lazarev posted a photo on the same social network Instagram in which he is in Miami, it is not difficult to guess that this Christmas the artist and his two-year-old child went to the sunny coast of the United States of America.

Who is the mother of Sergei Lazarev's son?

In the meantime, Sergey Lazarev and his baby Nikita are sunbathing on the scorching ocean beach, his subscribers from frosty Russia are trying to guess who became the mother of a two-year-old child. Most of the artist’s fans are convinced that the singer’s chosen one is a non-public person, which is why he does not want to show her off.

Some are inclined to think that Nikita’s parent was a surrogate mother. This option is very plausible, given the trends in modern domestic show business. Thus, there are known cases when very famous stars, including Philip Kirkorov, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, used the services of surrogate mothers. In addition, after Sergei Lazarev’s difficult breakup with popular TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, which occurred four years ago, not a single woman was seen near the artist.

However, there is no official information regarding the mother of Sergei Lazarev’s son. And it doesn’t look like the artist is going to reveal this secret either. He asked his fans and journalists not to interfere in his private life and to respect the personal space of his family and his son.

The creative biography of Sergei Lazarev began early - as a schoolboy he joined the musical group “Fidgets,” one of whose members was Vlad Topalov. Later they created the group “Smash!!”, which made Sergei famous performer. Along with the growth of Lazarev's popularity, interest in his personal life increased, which the singer tries to keep away from prying eyes.

Personal life of the artist

It was impossible to hide the affair with presenter Lera Kudryavtseva - fans were too interested in what happens to such famous personalities in everyday life.

In the photo - Sergey Lazarev and Lera Kudryavtseva

Many suspected that the relationship between Lazarev and Kudryavtseva was fictitious, because Lera is twelve years older than Sergei, so someone believed that they were playing to the public, trying to attract attention to their persons.

They met at the “New Wave” competition - at that time Lazarev was just starting his career, and Kudryavtseva was already a popular presenter.

Five years later, in 2007, they met again, and then Sergei, together with Lera, hosted the Muz-TV award ceremony.

This time they decided not to limit themselves to just professional relationships, began to be friends, and when they went on tour together to Israel, a romance began between them that lasted six years.

Sergei says that all the years they never lived like a married couple, and their relationship was filled with love and romanticism. To this day, Lazarev denies that everything that happened between him and Leroy was a game for the public and was deliberately put on display. According to him, they broke up because their feelings faded away - working together killed all romanticism, and according to him, meeting further did not make any sense.

Lazarev says that the marriage of Lera Kudryavtseva, which soon followed their separation, hurt him greatly, but then they were able to find mutual language and continue to communicate, but only as friends.

The news that their favorite performer became a father was a real sensation for fans, and they tried to find out by any means who the wife and son of Sergei Lazarev were.

In the photo - Sergey Lazarev with his son

For two whole years he managed to hide the information that he had become a father, and after it became known to others, Sergei got a tattoo in the form of the letter “N” in honor of his son Nikita.

Lazarev says that he deliberately did not tell anyone about the presence of a child for so long, protecting Nikita from excessive attention. After everyone found out about the boy, Sergei began taking him on tours and vacations, no longer afraid that they would be seen together.

The appearance in the biography of Sergei Lazarev of such important event, like the birth of a son, caused a new wave of interest in his personal life - now everyone wanted to know who the child’s mother was, but the singer carefully hides this information.

He was very surprised by the rumors that Nikita is only one of the children of Sergei Lazarev, and he also has a son named Hector. To this day, Lazarev does not understand why everyone decided that he was the father of Anna Sedokova’s son; perhaps this was due to the fact that she was pregnant with Hector just at the time when they were in close contact.

According to Sergei, he treats Anna very well; they crossed paths at work more than once, but they did not have any close relationships.

About his personal life, Sergei Lazarev says that he is not married and is not yet going to change his bachelor status, at least in the near future.

In his opinion, in order to raise a child it is not at all necessary to get married, the main thing is that the baby grows up in a warm atmosphere, surrounded by loving, attentive people.

The veil of secrecy over the birth of Lazarev’s son was lifted by Philip Kirkorov, saying that Nikita was carried and given birth to Sergei by a surrogate mother.

Brief biography of the singer

Sergei Muscovite, was born on April 1, 1983, and when he was still little, his parents divorced, so he and his older brother were raised only by his mother.

Sergei with his mother and older brother

Lazarev met his father when he was an adult and already an established popular artist, and this meeting did not bring him any joy - he realized that he was not at all interested in his father.

Mom did everything to ensure that her son grew up to be a versatile person - first she sent him to artistic gymnastics, and then, when she saw Sergei’s interest in music and theater awakening, she took him and his older brother to the Loktev music group.

In the photo - Sergey and “Fidgets”

At the same time, Sergei studied at the theater studio of Boris Pokrovsky, and when he was twelve years old, he became a member of the children's musical group “Fidgets”.

After school, Lazarev applied to several theater universities at once, successfully passed the entrance tests to two of them - the school named after. Shchukin and the Moscow Art Theater School, and decided to choose the first one.

Lazarev made his debut as a theater artist in his second year of college, when he played main role in the production of Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" on the stage of the Theater. Pushkin. Sergei was finishing his studies and defending his diploma just at the time when he learned what real popularity was - after performing the composition “Belle” together with Vlad Topalov, their duet “Smash!!” gained tremendous popularity.

Sergei and Vlad decided to create a group when they were still performing with the group “Fidgets,” and Topalov’s father helped with this, offering to record an album for the tenth anniversary of the group. He also helped Sergei and Vlad with the recording of “Belle,” the success of which prompted the creation of “Smash!!”

The idea was very successful, and in 2002 they became winners of the prestigious New Wave competition. This prompted the guys to record their own compositions, and a year later they released the full-length album “Freeway,” which was a huge success and quickly became platinum.

The duet of Sergei Lazarev and Vlad Topalov quickly gained popularity not only in their homeland, but also in neighboring countries. The last jointly released disc “Smash!!” became “2nite”, and almost immediately after that, for reasons unknown to fans, Sergei decided to leave the duo.

Having set out on a free voyage, in 2005 he recorded his own disc, and his solo debut turned out to be successful - three of the twelve English-language compositions from this album became hits.

In the photo - Sergey Lazarev and Vlad Topalov

At the end of next year, Sergey Lazarev was awarded as the best performer according to the MTV Russia Music Awards. The singer's solo career is developing successfully, and today he is one of the most popular Russian pop artists. The artist has four solo albums, two collections, two video albums, and a large number of official singles.

After a number of statements from music critics that Lazarev performed mainly English-language compositions, he began to include more songs in his native language in his repertoire.

Significant event in creative biography Lazarev became involved in international competition Eurovision, held in 2016. According to the new conditions for evaluating the participants, Sergei took third place, although the majority of viewers gave him their votes, awarding him first.

Parallel musical career Sergey Lazarev also works on television. For the first time on the silver screen he appeared as a participant in the children's project “Morning Star” in 1996. Nine years later, Sergei won the first season of “Circus with the Stars” and became second on the television project “Dancing on Ice.”

Sergei Lazarev is also known as a TV presenter of such programs as “Dance!”, “Song of the Year”, “New Wave”, and he took part in the show “I Want to Meladze” as a coach. In addition, Sergey Lazarev took part in the dubbing of the television film “High School Musical”, the cartoons “Shrek the Third” and “Alpha and Omega: The Fanged Brotherhood”, and his songs are performed in many TV series, sketch shows and television projects.

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Lazarev is a well-known singer, theater and film actor throughout Russia, who previously worked as a TV presenter and was a former member of the group Smash. The singer is the producer of the popular duet Dvoe.

In 2014, the singer had a son, Nikita. All people, of course, were interested in the question of who the baby’s mother was, but Lazarev did not disseminate this information. Quite recently it became known from whom the singer has a child.

From whom does Lazarev have son Nikita, where is his mother: the baby’s surrogate mother

In December 2014, all people were shocked by the news that the famous singer Sergei Lazarev, who has neither a girlfriend nor a wife, had a son. Sergei decided to name his son Nikita. The artist managed to hide the birth of the baby for two whole years, but still everything secret became clear. After everyone learned about the birth of a son, people began to wonder who the child’s mother was.

A couple of months after Nikita was born, Lazarev got a tattoo in honor of his son. Many stars were also shocked by this news, for example, Lazarev’s best friend, pop king Philip Kirkorov, give your comment on this matter.

‘’As Seryozha’s best friend, I learned about Nikita’s birth, you can tell right away when it happened. And also from a surrogate mother. After the birth of my daughter Alla-Victoria and son Martin, the stars of domestic show business began to quite often use the services of surrogate mothers. For example, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, who also became the parents of beautiful twins, Garik and Elizaveta, in 2013,” Kirkorov said.

Despite the constant gossip that the singer got married, Lazarev always denies this.

''IN Lately There are many rumors that I got married secretly, but this is not true! Moreover, it is complete nonsense that I am credited with marrying both women and men. I want to completely dispel this rumor - I am not married to anyone! And in the near future I don’t plan to get married at all. I am completely calm about marriage; I believe that marriage is not proof of love. My parents divorced when I was still just a child and I was raised by one mother, but in no way do I feel any inferiority due to the fact that I was raised by one of my parents,” Lazarev frankly admitted to journalists.

On this moment Lazarev does not hide his son, posting a bunch of photos with him on social networks.

From whom does Lazarev have son Nikita, where is his mother: the singer’s career ladder

Sergei Lazarev's stellar career began with the famous music group Smash. The artist created this group together with his friend Vladislav Tapalov. In August 2002, the group won the music competition‘’New Wave’’, which took place in Jurmala. The first video of Topalov and Lazarev gained incredible popularity.

In 2005, Lazarev’s solo career began after he released his own album ‘’Don’t be Fake’’. At the end of 2012, the artist’s fourth album was released. At the moment Sergey Lazarev is a popular singer in Russia