Autumn type and red color palette. Color type: soft autumn.

Determining your color type is not at all difficult, but knowing it will help you avoid making mistakes when choosing the color of hair dye, makeup or clothing. After all, how often can you notice on the street that some girls wear clothes in shades that do not suit them at all. To avoid this, you just need to understand yourself. Let's take a look at the color type " deep autumn"and his palette.

Appearance color type “deep autumn”

In principle, the color types autumn and spring are largely similar to each other, but each of them has its own small features that allow us to draw a clear line of separation.

Color of the skin. Girls of the autumn color type have delicate skin of peach or gold tones, sometimes ivory. Also, it is autumn girls who are most often the happy owners of sun marks -.

Hair color. The appearance of deep autumn can be distinguished from other color types, first of all, by hair color. All representatives of this type have red hair. They also have a reddish tint to their eyebrows and sometimes eyelashes.

Eye color. Varies from light tones of green, gray and blue to rich chestnut shade. Quite often, girls of this color type have golden inclusions near the pupil, making their look mischievous and radiant like a cat.

Clothes for the “deep autumn” color type

The main thing when choosing shades of clothing is to remember that the autumn color type needs soft shades. The colors of the autumn forest are ideal - orange, yellow, gold, beige, pistachio, brick red. The top of the clothes should be in light colors, but the bottom (trousers, skirts) can be more dark shades. In addition, a girl of this color type should not wear black or gray hats; it is better to opt for various shades of brown - they will give a pleasant tint to the face.

If the protruding areas of the veins on the hands are greenish in color (warm type of appearance), and the hair and eyes are dark (and not only brown, but also dark green and dark blue and blue-gray-green), then Are you an autumn color type?.

Not sure if you know your color type? Reading How to determine your color type.

Each seasonal color type has its own characteristics, subtleties and gradations to other subtypes.


  1. General recommendations that are suitable for each of the subtypes.
  2. Subtypes and subtleties in the selection of makeup

Here is the main palette colors and shades suitable for the autumn type.

(click to enlarge)

Don’t be lazy and get yourself a set of scraps created based on this palette.

Look for it in online stores - it is compact, miniature and won’t get in the way of your purse.

About clothes

You look great in dark, warm natural shades - olive green, rust orange, chocolate brown and chestnut.

This way you will begin to shine in harmony with natural shades.

Avoid clean, bright colors. They will give your face a tired, tortured look.

Also, you should avoid pastel colors - they will make you look sickly pale.

Mustard yellow and orange pumpkin shades look great.

On golden-bronze skin they look as harmonious as possible. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re going to a gala evening or going shopping at the mall.

Your jewelry– these are gold, bronze and copper.

Experiment with colors as your color palette allows you a lot.

Since your fall color scheme is fairly muted, you can easily dilute it with bright accents.

About makeup

1. Makeup base– these are warm, peach and coral shades.

2. Blush– warm shades of peach, almond or iris.

3. For the eyes Use cocoa, chestnut, olive and forest green eyeliner. All ladies of the autumn type go for shades of bronze, ocher and olive shades.

4. Lipstick– red, ruby, coral, cinnamon and fiery shades.

2. Subtypes and subtleties in the selection of makeup shades

Like other seasonal appearance types, Autumn has its own gradation. These are three more subtypes .

The three subtypes have their own subtleties in the intensity of makeup selection. Let's figure it out.


Eyes light brown, blue, gray-blue.

Hair Owners of the soft autumn subtype have golden brown, light chestnut, brown hair with a strawberry tint. Reddish reflections may be visible in the hair.

If your hair has a smoky tint, then you are more likely to belong to the soft summer subtype rather than the autumn one.

Leather has an olive, neutral beige or brownish tint.

If your eyebrows and eyelashes don't match your hair shade, don't pay attention to it. Main indicators– eye color and hair color.

You have the so-called "mouse" palette. This is a mix of warm and cool shades that will perfectly match your slightly yellowish skin tone.

You look your best in monochrome and neutral color groups.

The thing is that your appearance does not have a pronounced color and contrast.

Too bright or too deep shades seriously ruin your appearance.

If your skin tends to have a warm tone, then you can safely turn to the warm shades of autumn in your makeup - purple and green.

If your skin is neutral in color, then your color range can be expanded a little and experiment with shades of blue and red.


Eyes brown or light brown, olive green, dark walnut with green splashes.

Hair– chestnut and dark chestnut with golden tints or a rich nutty hue with reddish highlights.

Leather the same warm shade - bronze, beige, warm beige. There may be freckles.

Your palette emphasizes the warmth of your eyes and skin. So if your skin has a cool undertone, you may not fall into this subtype.

Your skin has a slight golden glow. Therefore, it will look inharmonious in bluish cold shades.

Your main ruleONLY warm shades – pumpkin, rusty red, coral, light mango, pure red and deep emerald.

This is one of the brightest, most expressive and rich color types. Undoubtedly, many representatives of other color types may well envy the rich natural hair color of the Autumn woman - most often red, golden-red, copper, golden-copper, chestnut-red, carrot and even orange, as well as her beautiful bright expressive blue eyes, emerald, bright blue and golden brown shades. In her entire image, the Autumn woman personifies the warmth and beauty of golden autumn.

The Autumn color type is divided into three subspecies:

  • Warm autumn;
  • dark (deep) Autumn;
  • soft Autumn.

Each of them has its own color scheme and ideal color combinations of tones and shades.

Warm autumn

Warm Autumn is a classic representative of this color type; it is no coincidence that it is also called true Autumn. Its peculiarity is a warm shade of hair (copper, copper-blond or bronze), eyes (hazel-green or amber-brown) and skin (peach or yellow-beige), and slight contrast.

This color type is characterized as warm, rich and soft, matte, deep and velvety.

The most successful colors for a warm Autumn are:

  • orange;
  • golden yellow;
  • mustard;
  • olive;
  • all shades of brown;
  • khaki.

The least successful colors for warm Autumn:

  • black;
  • pastel blue;
  • warm pink;
  • cool gray;
  • fuchsia.

Dark (deep) Autumn

The next subtype of the autumn color type is dark Autumn, i.e. Autumn turning into Winter. It is characterized by the richness and brightness of late autumn colors. This is a neutral-warm, deep color subtype of appearance. Women of this subtype most often have rich (dark), pronounced eye and hair color, and skin tone ranges from light beige to dark. The basic color of the wardrobe for this autumn subspecies should be bright and rich.

The most successful colors for dark Autumn are:

  • emerald green;
  • tomato red;
  • orange-brown;
  • black-brown;
  • deep brown shades.

Least successful colors for dark Autumn:

  • all pale colors;
  • gray-blue shades;
  • lavender color.

Soft Autumn

And finally, the last subtype of the autumn color type is soft Autumn. This is the calmest subtype, a mixture of summer and autumn colors. It is characterized by soft, slightly muted color shades.

Most often, women of this autumn subtype have bright eyes with a “soft” shade (light brown, light green, amber), as well as dull hair, sometimes even a “mouse shade” of light bronze, light copper and golden chestnut tones. Their light beige skin has a slight cool undertone, so a color palette of soft neutral fall shades can tone it down.

The most successful colors for a soft Autumn are:

  • yellow;
  • light yellow;
  • creamy;
  • light gray;
  • light mustard green;
  • orange-pink;
  • light peach;
  • khaki.

Least successful colors for soft Autumn:

  • Navy blue;
  • dark grey;
  • fuchsia;
  • black;
  • bright red.

Autumn color type wardrobe

As you can see, despite the existing difference, brown, yellow and red shades, as well as golden beige and dark green, are best suited for all subtypes of Autumn. At the same time, no subtype of Autumn is suitable for pure cold shades and colors.

When choosing clothes for women of the autumn color type, you must remember that this is a bright color type, and the basis of his wardrobe should not be gray formal suits and black gloomy outfits. You should also avoid excessive femininity in clothing, pretentiousness or glamor.

The most suitable style for an Autumn woman is country style, ethnic style, safari or sporty. It’s good to complement your autumn wardrobe with bright details and accessories, folklore elements and rich, non-contrasting patterns.

An excellent choice for women of this color type is multi-layered comfortable clothing with a semi-fitted or loose silhouette.

It is better to choose fabrics that are soft, voluminous and warm, without a cold shine, with folklore, “predatory” or exotic patterns.

As for decorations, it is better if they are golden in color. Good choices would be matte yellow or red gold, amber, brass, copper, bronze and wood, straw and leather weaving.

Makeup color type Autumn

Thanks to the rich, bright color of her hair and eyes, the Autumn woman looks attractive and bright, and without resorting to applying makeup. However, if a woman of this color type wants to emphasize her natural beauty, she should know some secrets of proper selection cosmetics taking into account the characteristics of natural colors.

Foundation and blush for the Autumn color type

So, as a foundation for an Autumn woman, a transparent and light colored base in a beige or peach warm shade is ideal, which will give the skin freshness. But cold bluish or pink tones can give it an unhealthy look.

As a concealer, you should choose a concealer with a slightly yellowish tint.

Shadows, mascaras and pencils for the Autumn color type

In daytime makeup, the Autumn woman with her expressive beautiful eyes can do just fine without using shadows. During the day, she just needs to apply mascara and highlight her eye line with a pencil.

The most suitable mascara color for the autumn color type:

  • brown;
  • black-green;
  • black and purple.

The least suitable mascara color for the autumn color type:

  • blue;
  • blue.

The same color selection rule applies to eye pencils.

The most suitable eye pencil color for the autumn color type:

  • brown;
  • khaki;
  • dark green;
  • black-brown;
  • gold;
  • peach.

The least suitable eye pencil color for the autumn color type:

  • cold silver;
  • gray-blue.

And finally, we select eye shadow for the Autumn woman.

So, the best shades for evening makeup will be:

  • golden;
  • emerald green;
  • peach;
  • light beige;
  • brown;
  • copper brown;
  • warm beige;
  • lilac;
  • eggplant;
  • bronze;
  • lavender shades.

Lipstick for Autumn color type

For lips, as well as for eyes, it is better for an Autumn woman to choose warm shades.

The most suitable lipstick color for the autumn color type:

  • caramel;
  • light brown;
  • shade of creme brulee;
  • coral;
  • copper;
  • orange-red.

The least suitable lipstick color for the autumn color type:

  • lilac;
  • pink;
  • violet.

“And every autumn I bloom again,” A.S. Pushkin....

Women who fit the “Dark Autumn” color type have a special charm. The warm skin tone and dark brown hair give the owners of this color type a soft, attractive look. Autumn women are distinguished by their special temperament - they are passionate, bright, decisive, romantic, capable of crazy things. Of course, such character traits are reflected in the entire image of “autumn”.

To understand the features of the “Dark Autumn” type, consider all the color schemes of autumn people.

Color type "Autumn"

“Autumn came suddenly. This is how a feeling of happiness comes from the most unnoticeable things - from a distant steamship whistle on the Oka or from a random smile” K. G. Paustovsky.

The appearance of women with the autumn type combines warm and dark tones. As a rule, an autumn girl has red or brown hair, and her eye color can be any color. The main difference between people with autumn colors is their skin tone.

There are three color types of autumn: soft, warm (natural), dark (deep) autumn.

Color type “Soft autumn”

Makeup artists consider it neutral, since this type of appearance is combined with a large number of colors. The “Soft Autumn” color type is reminiscent of the end of summer and the beginning of autumn days; it is rich in warm, smoky shades of the color palette. This type is distinguished by its naturalness in color range - there are warm colors gold combined with gray shades in hair or eye color. Soft autumn is rich and at the same time light:

  1. Hair usually contains gold or red tones. There may also be a warm chestnut or auburn shade.
  2. Eyes brown, blue-green, olive green.
  3. The skin tone must be warm.

Stars such as Mariah Carey and Jennifer Lopez have the “Soft Autumn” color type.

Color type “Warm autumn”

"Warm autumn"very bright, rich, dense, deep. It is difficult to confuse it with other color types due to the riot of bright, warm, soft colors and shades. This is exactly the autumn that poets, artists, and great thinkers glorify in their works. Girls with warm autumn gamma, as a rule, have such character traits as passion, unbridledness, love of freedom. “Warm Autumn” is a passionate, warm image, rich in an abundance of bright shades:

  1. with a beige tint, often with freckles.
  2. Brown or green, there are mixed brown-green eyes.
  3. The autumn girl wears red or copper-tinged hair.

Among the stars with this color type are Lindsay Lohan, Yulia Savicheva, Miranda Hobbes.

Color type “Dark Autumn”

Girls with this color type are also characterized by warm shades, but their appearance becomes more noble due to the absence of bright colors in the image. This is the autumn that still pleases with warm days and colors, but already reminds us of the approaching cold winds. The “Dark Autumn” color type is nobility, restraint, sophistication.

  1. Eye color is brown, hazel, deep dark green.
  2. One of the main differences between girls who fit the “Dark Autumn” color type is their hair color: brown with a warm undertone, black.
  3. Dark skin color with warm undertones, olive, beige or beige-pink.

Celebrities who fit the “Dark (Deep) Autumn” color type are Keira Knightley, Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman.

The “Dark Autumn” color type requires a special attitude and approach to appearance. Let's consider the main criteria that will help you choose the ideal wardrobe for this type of woman.

Rules for choosing clothes for the “Dark Autumn” color type

Fashion stylists advise girls with this color type to give preference to deep shades in clothes: warm red-brown tones, dark blue, olive or dark green. It is better if the colors are combined, so the image will be more saturated and not boring.

New fashion trends do not prohibit “Dark Autumn” from using bright and light colors in the wardrobe, the main thing is that they are not saturated and do not have cold shades. You should especially avoid cold, white and blue colors. Pastel colors are best - beige, cream, ivory.

The clothing style of autumn girls should be free - it can be safari, country, street, folk style. Women who fit the “Dark Autumn” color type should have a wardrobe consisting mainly of warm, dense fabrics such as corduroy, velvet, and suede.

It is better to complement the image of an autumn girl with voluminous accessories: large bags made of suede and genuine leather, large earrings and rings, beads made of leather, ivory, bronze, copper and dark gold. It is better to choose topaz, amber, and onyx from stones.

Women who fit the “Dark Autumn” color type should have expressive clothing. Gray and cold shades can make the image of a representative of the autumn type boring - dark autumn does not tolerate pallor and grayness.

Wardrobe for all occasions

“Dark Autumn” allows its owner to be different and interesting:

A business suit can be multi-layered, dark brown or dark green, made of thick fabrics. It is better to combine colors in clothes, so the image will not be boring. Clothing should not contain contrasting patterns. You can complement the look with accessories, for example, large bronze jewelry and a dark brown bag made of genuine leather.

Another casual work look: a fitted brown plaid dress with a tapered knee-length hem and beige pumps. Accessories: copper jewelry and dark brown suede bag.

Leisure clothing should first of all be loose. A pullover in neutral tones with a fluffy beige or brown skirt will look harmonious.

An ivory shirt with loose trousers in brown or beige is also suitable for relaxation. Accessories can be selected from ivory or copper. Bag of discreet colors - brown or beige.

A floor-length evening dress in emerald color will look dazzling in the “Dark Autumn”. The look needs to be complemented with dark gold jewelry and a grunge style bag.

Colors that are also ideal for an evening look are gold, deep purple and dark red. It is better to choose beige or dark brown shoes. There should be no black in the image.

Makeup for "Dark Autumn"

If bright colors are allowed in small doses in clothes for autumn girls, then flashy palettes are prohibited in makeup. The autumn color type is already oversaturated warm tones, so bright shades in make-up make “Dark Autumn” ridiculous and funny. When choosing a suitable image, do not forget that the “Dark Autumn” color type is, first of all, stateliness and nobility. This is what you should start from when choosing decorative cosmetics.

For fashionistas who fit the “Dark Autumn” color type, makeup should be as discreet as possible. Particular preference should be given to matte shades. However, such a girl is allowed to use gold and copper in the shadows or skin tone.

Stylists advise using foundations that match your skin color. You should not darken or lighten your face and try to match another subtype - this is a losing option. Autumn with cool shades in makeup can age the owner and highlight all the imperfections of the skin.

When choosing a lipstick, you should also pay attention to warm colors: deep red, brown, cream, red-black, copper, orange. It is important to remember that one thing can be bright in makeup - either lips or eyes.

Common mistakes in the image “Dark Autumn”

The main and most common mistake girls with the autumn color type make is not accepting themselves and trying to change. Some representatives of the autumn type try to deliberately lighten or darken their skin tone or experiment with the color palette in their clothes. Stylists and makeup artists do not recommend such attempts to adapt an image to another type, since this color type does not tolerate experimentation.

What to avoid in “Dark Autumn”:

  1. All cool colors should be avoided in clothing, as well as grey, white, yellow, bright orange and hot pink.
  2. When dyeing your hair, you need to choose a dye that does not contain blue pigment.
  3. In makeup, it is important not to overdo it with a black eyeliner pencil. Black eyebrows combined with black eyeliner will make the “autumn” face look heavy and rough.
  4. Contrasting patterns in clothing should be avoided.
  5. Black the color will suit only if it is shoes or a bag. In other cases, the color should not be black. Black inserts on clothing and black eyeliner in makeup are allowed.

“Dark Autumn” is quite rich in color palette, the main thing is to remember two simple rules: autumn is warm and noble.

In conclusion

"Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower" . Albert Camus.

Autumn is the time when you want to wrap yourself in a blanket and enjoy the riot of colors of nature: green, yellow, brown colors give this time of year a special charm. Girls of the autumn color type, like autumn itself, are distinguished by their special charm. The beauty of “Dark Autumn” is very contradictory and is associated with warmth and comfort, with passion and nobility, with wealth and sophistication, with tenderness and obstinacy.

Autumn is a wonderful time.

When the foliage of trees turns rainbow colors, with a predominant fiery red hue.

This is the period when nature prepares for winter sleep and its outlines become graceful and sophisticated.

The same can be said about girls of the autumn color type.

Girls of autumn color type

Red-haired, passionate - this is how representatives of this color type can be characterized. It is worth noting that there are quite a few of them. But identifying its representatives is quite simple:

Their hair is bronze, brown with a golden tint, light brown with a copper tint;

Eyes - green with blue and brown tints, brown with a tint of amber;

Skin - with a peach tint, beige with yellow and pink tints.

It is worth noting that representatives of the autumn color type do not have the standard pale skin. They have a sophisticated and sophisticated appearance. Their appearance is so bright and expressive that it does not always require even everyday makeup.

Clothes for girls of autumn color type

Clothes should emphasize the exclusivity of girls of the autumn color type, so it’s better to think a few times and then just wear the thing you like. Having an already bright and expressive image, the main thing is not to overdo it.

You should be meticulous in choosing shades in clothes. Which colors are most suitable? It is worth giving preference to warm shades that will emphasize individuality. Don't stray from natural autumn colors. One has only to imagine all the autumn tones and choose from them - this is the golden color with which it is filled, and red and yellow shades. It is better to emphasize the appearance of this color type not with bright, but saturated tones.

So what shades of clothing should you choose?


Copper with a golden tint;


Delicate green;



Brown with a red tint.

These tones will emphasize the individuality and sophistication of the image. What shades should not be used? It is better not to experiment and not use cold, summer shades. They will only lead to a dull appearance, tired looking eyes. Using her color scheme, a woman of the autumn color type will simply sparkle in the rays of the autumn sun. Her image will be amazing.

.What to do if you really want to use a different shade palette? You can try to pick them up. So:

White color can be replaced with white with a slight peach tint;

If you really want to use black, it is better to replace it with olive or brown, with a reddish tint;

The blue color is easily replaced by deep blue with a green tint;

It is better not to use purple at all.

What shades of red are best? You should not choose a bright red matte color - it will look very strange and unattractive. It can be easily replaced with scarlet. But orange and all the tones and shades that come from it are the best option to use. These colors can be bright carrot or mango. It is better not to use a neon tint in an orange palette.

Girl of autumn color type - choosing the right hair shade

Initially, women of this color type are endowed with deep copper, red hair. It is strongly not recommended to change it to darker and colder tones.

What colors are absolutely not suitable?

Bright hues;

Ash tones;

Black and blue-black.

If a woman of the autumn color type decides to repaint herself in the above tones, then her natural freckles will begin to stand out, it will seem that they are burning with fire. The effect of sun-burnt skin will be created.

What shades are best to use?

Red warm shades;

Copper shades.

This is the only color type that really suits exclusively natural shades of hair color. As practice shows, even after repeated repainting, women of this color type return to their natural tones.

Autumn color type - makeup

Having a truly expressive appearance, representatives of the autumn color type only need makeup to emphasize their individuality and beauty. Where should you start with makeup? From the selection of foundation and blush. They will emphasize the sophistication of the image and make the right accents.

Foundation, powder, blush

Foundation is very important for representatives of this color type. The thing is that their skin is sensitive and tends to redden. It is best to choose a foundation in warm shades to brighten up skin imperfections:

Peach tone;


Transparent tones to even out skin;

It is better to choose a concealer of a yellow shade - it will give the best effect.

You should choose transparent powder. Girls with fair skin will appreciate this advice more than others. If your skin is dark, then it is better to choose a beige powder. In order not to use blush, it is enough to highlight the cheekbones with a darker powder.

Which blush should I choose? Apricot and salmon colors are best. If the skin is dark, it is better to use terracotta and gold tones with a brown tint.

What colors should you avoid in makeup:

Cool shades of powder;

Gray shades in the foundation;

Pink blush;

Dark brown powder.


Girls of the autumn color type have bright, expressive eyes. Therefore, you should be careful about their makeup so as not to overdo it. What’s special about this color type is that if you don’t paint your eyes at all, it won’t create any inconvenience, on the contrary. Natural beauty will only be emphasized if you use only mascara and eyeliner. Mascara can be used both black and colored. But it’s better to choose an eyeliner that is brown rather than black.

Shadows are best used for evening makeup. Which shades are most suitable:

Green shades;

Emerald shades;






It is better not to use cold shades of eyeshadow at all. “Smoky eyes” will only make the image heavier. It’s better not to try to apply this makeup on your eyes - it will only bring disappointment.

Lipstick, lip gloss

Lipstick should also be warm tones:



Creme brulee.

Which tones won't suit you at all?




In makeup, you should focus exclusively on the eyes or lips, otherwise the image will simply be ruined. If you use lip gloss, you should also choose it carefully. It is better to use warm matte shades.

If a girl of the autumn color type puts emphasis on her eyes in her makeup, then she should choose a lip gloss that will not stand out particularly against the general background of her makeup; you can even use a transparent gloss.

The brightness and stylishness of the innate image of women of the autumn color type allows them not to rack their brains over the choice of color palette in makeup, but to simply use warm autumn tones. They will emphasize individuality and make the image expressive. The main thing is not to overdo it, especially in clothes and daytime makeup, otherwise the girl will simply be conspicuous by her overly bright and not sophisticated appearance.