The singer Zemfira has children. Zemfira: biography and creative path

Details Created: 11/10/2017 18:57 Updated: 11/16/2017 14:36

Zemfira Ramazanova is a shocking, extraordinary and very mysterious woman, as well as a strong and talented person. Her songs inspire, charge with positivity, and every year her work gathers more and more fans. What was her star journey like? Let's find out below.


According to sources, a talented girl was born August 26, 1976 in the city of Ufa (considered one of the great economic, cultural and scientific centers Russian Federation). Nationality - Tatar. According to the horoscope, Virgo is a strict, intellectual, romantic, gentle and devoted woman.

Photos from childhood

The girl’s family was small and consisted of four people: Zemfira, mother Florida, father Talgat and older brother Ramil. The baby's parents were intellectuals: her father taught history at school, and her mother was a doctor (she practiced therapeutic gymnastics).

The girl adored her older brother, because it was thanks to him that she fell in love with rock and achieved success in her career. Unfortunately, in 2010, Ramil died tragically (according to sources, he drowned while spearfishing), which was a big blow for his family and friends, and especially for Zemfira.

The girl also has two nephews - Arthur and Artem. They are twins and are currently studying abroad (in London). The guys also love to sing and play music. Zemfira even managed to perform several famous singles with them.


WITH early childhood the baby began to show interest in music. Therefore, her parents gave her away at the age of five to music school, where she learned to play the piano and sang in the local choir. At the age of seven, she even wrote her first song.

At school I was a very active child, because I attended many clubs. Most of all, she liked to practice vocals and basketball (for some time she was even the captain of the women's team).

After graduating from high school, she had to make a difficult choice: continue playing sports and make a career as a basketball player, or choose music in order to later attract stadiums of fans. She settled on the latter and submitted documents to Ufa School of Arts, which she graduated with honors.

Music career

According to sources, after graduating from university, the girl took on various jobs (she sang songs in restaurants in her hometown, worked for some time as a sound engineer at the radio station “Europe Plus”, worked as a backing vocalist in the group “Spectrum Ace”, etc.), but already at that time Her main dream was to create her own musical group.

Gathering the guys, recording songs and singing them at several concerts was not easy, but possible. But promoting the group and making it known throughout the country has become very problematic.

Therefore, in the late 90s, Zemfira decided to go to Moscow and look for all the ways to promote her established group. Thanks to a lucky chance, her cassette falls into the hands of producer of the Mumiy Troll group Leonid Burlakov and he takes a risk and records an album with her.

From that time on, the singer’s stellar career began: she releases albums one after another, her songs are liked by millions of listeners, she gathers crowds of fans at her concerts and becomes a worldwide favorite of the public.

The themes of her songs are very accessible and understandable to the people. There is no hidden subtext in them and they all relate to the problems of the 21st century (money, incurable diseases, unrequited love And so on).


- Album - “Zemfira” (1998-1999).
The radio station launches the songs “AIDS”, “Rockets” and “Arivederchi” and simultaneously shoots video clips for them. Soon the first song among them becomes a real hit.


- “Forgive me my love” (2000-2001).
Zemfira begins to receive her first awards in various categories. Her song "Iskala" appears in the movie "Brother 2". The most famous songs from this album are “Ripe”, “You Want”, “City”, “Proved”, “Dawns”.


- “Fourteen weeks of silence” (2002-2003).
At this time, her group composition was changing, she toured a lot and received the prestigious Triumph Award.

"I was looking for"

- “Vendetta” (2004-2006).
This album became the best-selling album in Russia. This included such famous singles as “Sky Sea Clouds”, “Walk”, “Blues” and others.


- “Thank you” (2007-2008).
The recording of the album took place in London and all the songs were recorded very quickly within a year. And all because at this time the singer turned 30 years old. She rethought a lot and with this album a new page in her life began.

"We're Crashing"

Collection of b-sides “Z-Sides” (2009-2010).


- “Live in your head” (2011-2014).

"Do not let go"

- "Small man" (2015-2016).
During this period, Zemfira organizes a large-scale tour to support the new album. The girl not only tours the cities of Russia, but also performs in concerts abroad (she has visited Israel, Germany, Great Britain, the UAE, the USA, Canada and other countries). Rumor has it that during the second tour, Ramazanova announced that she was stopping touring.

"Live in your head"

Interesting Facts

Zemfira has an open page on Instagram, where she shares videos from closed rehearsals and her own selfies with fans.Her height is approximately 172 centimeters, and her weight is about 53-55 kilograms.

Zemfira performs her songs in the style of rock and pop-rock, although some musicians claim that her songs also contain other genres.

Zemfira sang with the twins V THE group UCHPOCHMACK, but after recording only one album, the band broke up.

According to the media, the girl has an old disease - chronic otitis media, which often reminds of itself and pesters her.

Ramazanova is also involved in charity work, but really does not like to advertise it. For some time she took custody of one of the orphanages in Ufa and took part in raising the children.

Personal life

If a girl’s biography is an open book, then her personal life is hidden behind seven seals. In her interviews, the singer rarely touches on this topic, and if the journalist still manages to hook her, she cleverly avoids the questions. Therefore, all romantic relationships that the media talk about are mainly based only on guesswork and not always on confirmed facts. One thing is certain: Zemfira is not officially married and has no children.

But let's take a closer look at some relationships, rumors about which either the singer herself spread for PR, or others talked about.

1. Vladislav Kolchin. Many people talked about this man and it was even believed that Vladislav was the star’s first love. He is also from Ufi and he and Ramazanova once sang in restaurants. But the truth about this relationship was revealed when Kolchin’s autobiographical book was published. In it, he described in detail about the fight against a terrible disease (multiple sclerosis) and confirmed that Zemfira played the role of his girlfriend in order to protect a vulnerable guy at that time.

Vladislav Kolchin

2. Sergey Anatsky. The press believes that they had an affair while she was working at the Europe Plus radio station in Ufa. But this relationship quickly exhausted itself and ended just as quickly.

Sergey Anatsky

3. Vyacheslav Petkun(leader of the group "Dancing Minus"). The girl invented this novel herself. In the late 90s, a guy and a girl allegedly announced their engagement. Everything was very believable, because the young people even had a photo shoot in wedding dresses. The press rejoiced, all fans closely followed the information and waited for the upcoming wedding.

What a disappointment it was when the guys announced to the whole country that the ceremony was being postponed indefinitely. And then it turned out that it was all just another joke.

Vyacheslav Petkun

4. Roman Abramovich. Rumor has it that she met him when she moved to Moscow and was looking for a producer. For some time, he even became a shadow sponsor for her, helping her record albums and providing a carefree life. Their romance lasted for several years, and then quickly ended when Roman met another girl (a certain Dasha Zhukova). Then the press reported that because of this breakup, the singer lost weight sharply and suffered from anorexia. And in order to somehow brighten up her loneliness, she changed her orientation and started dating Renata Litvinova.

With Roman Abramovich

5. Renata Litvinova. The fact that the girls have friendly relations is no longer a secret to anyone. Renata actively participates in the singer’s life, supports her morally and looks after her style.

The fact that these relationships have developed into non-traditional ones is doubtful, because journalists always love to raise this kind of topic that is of acute concern to society.

With Renata Litvinova

But Renata is not the first woman with whom Ramazanova was accused of having an affair. For some time there were also rumors about the singer's relationship with her director Anastasia Kalmanovich. It’s as if Nastya left her husband for Zemfira and the girls were in a relationship for two years and then broke up.

Anastasia Kalmanovich

Zemfira, that well-known girl who contributed Russian rock has its own twist, light, journalists gave it a name - “female rock”. Her songs are still played on radio stations, and for young people Zemfira’s work is a source of inspiration, melancholy and sadness.

The little future singer was born in the city of Ufa, into a family of high moral views. Father Talgat Talkhovich was a history teacher, and mother Florida Khakievna was a specialist in physical therapy.

Zemfira was not the only child in the family, the elder brother Ramil doted on his sister and a trusting, very warm relationship always developed between them. Sometimes, a girl could tell her secret to her brother and not be afraid that she would be judged, scolded or laughed at.

Since childhood, the girl was drawn to music. At such an early age of 5, Zemfira was already taking piano lessons at a music school and was a soloist in the choir. And at the age of 7, without anyone’s help, she wrote her first song and did not hesitate to perform it in front of her mother’s colleagues.

Musical activity brought great pleasure and was much more than just a hobby.

At school, Zemfira became interested in basketball, but she was not particularly tall, and this spurred her even more to achieve something. The efforts were not in vain and she became the captain of the Russian junior team. Sports are so pulled the girl in tight, which stood on par with music, which was very important.

Therefore, in high school, a huge problem became what to devote my life to, who to become. Thinking a lot about this topic, Zemfira put musical activity at the forefront and applied to the art school in his hometown.

In order to have her own personal money, and not ask her parents, Zemfira began to look for part-time work and got a job at a local restaurant, where she performed various popular compositions in the evenings.

I got a little fed up with this lifestyle, I wanted to change my occupation, and now the girl is working at a radio station, recording commercials. At this time Zemfira n starts recording songs own compositions on cassette tapes.

At the end of the 90s, Zemfira's life takes a sharp turn 180 degrees. Her songs, recorded on tape, through friends, completely randomly end up in the hands of the producer the then famous group “Mumiy Troll”.

He appreciates musical compositions having truly seen real talent. Leonid Burlakov gives Zefmira the opportunity to advance in her activities, and she records her first album, which she calls “Zemfira”.

Zemfira did not even expect such success, because the album sold like hotcakes, and at the concerts there were always many people who were delighted with her music.

Work has begun on the second album entitled "Forgive me, my love", which became the most popular in early 2000. This album is still the most popular among the singer’s projects. One song even became the soundtrack to the film “Brother 2”.

Later, Zemfira received a very large and serious offer; director Renata Litvinova invited her to join her team so that the girl could compose music for the film “Goddess: How I Fell in Love.”

Zemfira’s musical activity brought such success that she was included in the list of “One Hundred Most Influential Women in Russia.”

There were always a lot of rumors about Zemfira’s personal life, but she was in no hurry to refute them and clarify them.

Moreover, the singer herself misled journalists and her fans by saying that she was marrying the leader of the group “Dancing Minus,” but this was just an attempt attract attention.

Someone said that Zemfira had a relationship with a woman and was engaged to Renata Litvinova. But both girls prefer not to talk about this topic, avoiding it in interviews.

In 2010, Zemfira suffered a misfortune: her beloved brother died and drowned in the river. The father died from the disease, and then the mother. This crippled state of mind singers. From that time on, she decided that her main task was to take care of her nephews. Therefore, for now the singer does not have her own children, and her personal life remains under seven locks.

Although Zemfira mentions her status as “In Love” in interviews with journalists, she does not reveal all the secrets of her personal life.

Zemfira’s huge “Little Man” tour has started, during which she visited 20 cities in Russia and several foreign countries. Driving around the cities, the singer reported the sad news that her musical career the end has come, thereby greatly upsetting the loyal fans who were inspired by her music.

But the singer does not stop spreading her songs. A in 2016 she even recorded a new song"Come back home". Loyal fans are still waiting for Zemfira to return to music and have not lost hope.

The singer is dating a man and went on a protein diet

The singer is dating a man and went on a protein diet

The other day, the Express Gazeta paparazzi photographed Zema leaving a cool cafe in the capital. The singer was with a guy in the establishment. The couple behaved relaxed and playful - as if this was not their first date. We are sincerely glad that Zemfira RAMAZANOVA has finally put things in order in her personal life.

ZEMFIRAs with boyfriend Andrey GAGAUZ

To the capital's cafe "Fresco" Zemfira Ramazanova and her companion arrived in the star's BMW. They did not reserve a table in advance, but the staff, recognizing the famous singer, immediately provided them with the best seats. The cafe was not chosen by chance - it is the most fashionable establishment in the Frunzenskaya embankment area, where Ramazanova lives. It happens regularly in local eateries and shops. I immediately remember the scandalous story when Zema insulted an employee of the Dixie grocery store, where the singer continues to shop as if nothing had happened. She also prefers nearby hairdressers when she needs to get her hair done before concerts, and other service services.

Sea reptiles

Zemfira seemed to know the “Fresco” menu by heart, so she immediately ordered seafood soup, baked sea bass (she chose the fish from a display case where seafood delicacies brought from all over the world were displayed in ice) and Pu-erh tea. The guy studied the menu for a long time and eventually chose tongue salad, veal medallion in Parma ham with porcini mushroom sauce and a cup of espresso. In total, the couple paid about four thousand rubles on the bill. The young man paid.

In general, it was interesting to observe their relationship from the outside. The guy very touchingly stroked the 35-year-old singer’s hand, entertained him with jokes, she, in turn, kissed him on the lips a couple of times, pulled the sleeve of his sweater and coquettishly showed photos on her phone.

Restaurant workers say that during the meal Zema sang an ode to seafood and a protein diet. When the waiter offered the couple a drink, Zemfira refused even a glass of wine! We managed to find out that the protein diet and abstinence from alcohol in Zema’s life are not accidental. Thanks to a specific diet, Ramazanova, who had recently lost a lot of weight, has now gained noticeable weight. It turned out that the singer strives in every way to become a mother.

Donor or husband?

Following the example of my colleague and friend Diana Arbenina, the lead singer of the Night Snipers group, who recently gave birth to twins, Zema decided not to delay motherhood. The singer will turn 36 in August, so the best gift on your birthday there would be a positive pregnancy test. By the way, in 2005 and 2009 the media already wrote about Zemfira’s interesting situation (it was even indicated that the singer was trying to get pregnant through IVF), but in both cases something did not work out.

Over the past few years, the singer’s name has been associated only with the name of the eccentric Renata Litvinova. And as you know, aspen trees will not produce oranges. Therefore, a man is needed. By the way, the same Arbenina assures that she gave birth not from a sperm donor, but from a real man, but for some reason she has not yet presented him to the public. So Zema, apparently, decided to find the only one who is capable of becoming the father of her child.

After the meal, the couple did not linger in the cafe; while talking, they went out into the street, got into Zemfira’s car and sped off into the evening Moscow.

And the most important thing. We have identified Zemfira's companion! This handsome young man - Andrey Gagauz, musician from Donetsk, now living in Moscow. Plays bass guitar in the bands Underwood and The Maneken.

What connects Zemfira and Andrei Gagauz, I have no right to reveal, because this is their personal business,” the press attache of “The Maneken” told Express Gazeta. Denis Kozlovsky. - I think that Zemfira’s favorite drummer introduced him to Zema Dan Marinkin, and maybe the former guitarist of her band Roots. Gagauz and Zemfira have many mutual friends.

Zemfira, whose personal life is the subject of close attention of the press and fans of her talent, burst into music world 2000s bright star. The singer puts her own freedom and the right to be herself above any social rules and norms. Therefore, she repeatedly became the object of various press speculations and scandals. In particular, they concerned her personal life. We suggest you figure out what secrets Zemfira is hiding from the public.

Singer Zemfira: personal life, orientation

Zemfira, whose songs (“Arivederche”, “Do you want?”, “Daisies”, “Forgive me, my love”) are a real musical discovery of the beginning of the new millennium, has long become a cult singer. Her songs are close to people of various ethnic groups - those who love rock, who were brought up on the music of Viktor Tsoi, who are attracted by the singer’s sincerity and rebellion against stereotypes.

Zemfira Ramazanova is a symbol of the birth of youth rock culture. It is in this role that they write about her in school textbooks. The singer is one of the hundred richest women in Russia. A talented, extraordinary, frank, but taciturn person off stage, Zemfira is the subject of close attention of the tabloids and yellow press.

The singer puts her personal freedom above all else. Her work is proof of this. In songs she opens her soul, but the singer talks about herself, her hobbies and her personal life in Lately prefers not to spread the word. Therefore, journalists can only guess and speculate what is really happening in Zemfira’s life, who won her heart.

The fact that the performer still does not have a family, she has never expressed intentions to create one, did not talk about the desire to have children, and also given her clothing style and demeanor (more masculine than feminine), her closeness with famous women, gave rise to rumors about Zemfira’s unconventional sexual orientation.

We propose to find out whether this is so, whether such behavior is not just a provocation of society, a PR stunt and a protest against social dogmas.

A lot has been written about Zemfira’s novels. Some of them actually became part of the singer’s biography, while others were invented by her herself for curious journalists. We propose to compare the facts and draw a conclusion about where the truth is and where it is a skillfully created illusion.

Here are the romantic stories Zemfira usually talks about:

  • Vlad Kolchin.

All publications wrote for a long time that a former classmate at the Ufa Music College was Zemfira’s first love.

They performed together in one of the restaurants in the capital of Bashkortostan in 1995–1996. However, in 2016, Vlad Kolchin released an autobiographical book, “Music as a chance to overcome multiple sclerosis,” in which he told the truth about their relationship.

It turns out that Zemfira agreed to pretend to be in love because the owner of the restaurant “Zhespar” showed signs of attention to Vlad. The girl helped the saxophonist avoid persecution and harassment. Soon Vlad left for St. Petersburg, while Zemfira remained to pursue a career in Ufa. Even then, Kolchin spoke about the singer’s masculine character traits, about her toughness and harshness.

Mutual friends claimed that Zemfira was in love with the black-eyed lead singer of the ensemble and could not forgive him for his betrayal. Now Vlad is struggling with a serious illness - multiple sclerosis. The singer continues to communicate with him and helps him. As the musician himself says, what brings them together is that they are both self-sufficient in their loneliness.

  • Sergey Anatsky.

In 1996, Zemfira began her career as a sound engineer at the popular radio station Europe Plus in Ufa. The girl is patronized by studio director Sergei Anatsky.

Zemfira took the office romance seriously: she began to talk about living together. However, the dreams quickly collapsed: Anatsky was married and did not want to violate his status quo. Once again Zemfira's heart was broken.

To finally get rid of the love dope, she moves to Moscow, where she quickly becomes mega-popular and mega-secret. Zemfira avoids answering questions about her personal life and romantic feelings.

  • Vyacheslav Petkun.

In the early 2000s, information appeared in the press about the upcoming wedding of Zemfira and the leader of the group “Dancing Minus” Vyacheslav Petkun. The singer made hints regarding her tender relationship with the musician.

However, this love story was just a PR stunt. Zemfira thus satisfied the thirst of fans and journalists for hot news about her personal life.

  • Roman Abramovich.

Another love myth, now invented by journalists. The famous billionaire did not hide the fact that he is a fan of Zemfira’s work. He not only appeared at her concerts and album presentations, as, for example, in 2005, when the singer presented the collection “Vendetta” to the public.

Abramovich was a philanthropist and financially supported the rock singer. There were friendships and business relationship, however, the yellow press decided to play on this fact and created a story about a romantic relationship between a rich man and a singer.

  • Anastasia Kalmanovich.

In 2000, Anastasia Kalmanovich became Zemfira's producer and director. At this time, a piquant gossip is born about the intimate relationship of two women. It is fueled by the fact that Kalmanovich left her husband Shabtai.

Now the famous actress and producer denies this connection and gives other reasons for her divorce, especially since in 2009 Zemfira betrayed Anastasia.

After the death of her ex-wife, Kalmanovich sought to have custody of her daughter Daniella returned to her. Zemfira did not support her in this fight, despite Anastasia’s requests and appeals. Moreover, the singer deleted from her official biography any mention of Kalmanovich’s participation in her musical career.

The story about this affair faded away on its own: Zemfira refused to comment on any facts that indicated her affair with the producer. And soon more piquant facts about her relationships with women appeared: Renata Litvinova burst into Zemfira’s life.

Renata Litvinova and Zemfira: relationships

Renata Litvinova and Zemfira began appearing in public together in 2005. Journalists and fans of these talented and eccentric women immediately had questions about their relationship.

This is because their appearance at parties, film festivals, weekends and vacations spent together looked more than extravagant. Zemfira and Renata behaved like an unconventional couple. The somewhat angular and rude singer and the beautiful, feminine actress resembled spouses.

They were brought together by joint creative projects. Zemfira wrote and is writing music for films and performances of Renata Litvinova, and the actress helps the singer in staging videos. In interviews, the women repeatedly emphasized their friendships and called each other close people.

On Zemfira’s birthday in 2015, Renata Litvinova was the first to congratulate her on Instagram. She wrote a touching post full of tender feelings. Some subscribers later claimed that the word “beloved” was present in the text, but the author soon removed it.

The behavior in public of Renata and Zemfira also testified to the close relationship between the women. In 2008, a verbal skirmish between the actress and Ksenia Sobchak ended with the singer’s tirade, generously peppered with obscene words, which resolved the conflict in Litvinova’s favor.

In the same year, one of the journalists - a representative of Muz-TV - received a slap in the face from Zemfira for asking Renata at a press conference about the relationship that connects her with the author of the songs “London Sky” and “Why”.

It is known that Litvinova is raising a minor daughter, whom she diligently protects from any gossip and journalistic speculation. Most likely, in this way Zemfira, in her characteristic impartial form, decided to protect and support her friend.

Scandalous story about the same-sex love of Renata Litvinova and Zemfira gained momentum in 2017, when information about marriage between women appeared in the press. Allegedly this event took place in Stockholm. After the painting, the ladies, according to journalists, went on a honeymoon to the capital of Estonia.

The reason for such assumptions was the identical rings on the ring fingers of Litvinova and Ramazanova, which were noticed by journalists. However, these rumors were quickly denied by the actress’s assistant. In addition, simple logical arguments smash such a version to smithereens. To enter into a same-sex marriage in Sweden, at least one of the couple must be a citizen of this country. Neither Litvinova nor Zemfira have Swedish citizenship.

Creative tandem causes a lot of rumors and gossip. This upsets Renata and annoys Zemfira. However, it can be assumed that they themselves support this legend in order to draw attention to their activities. Zemfira's popularity is gradually fading, and any scandal fuels interest in her.

The question of romantic relationships that connect or do not connect Zemfira with men or women is in no way reflected in the emotional and spiritual potential that her songs have.

Zemfira is an accomplished musician. She went down in the history of rock music as a talented and original performer.

Zemfira Ramazanova is a famous rock singer, author and performer of her own songs, and producer. Zemfira's biography began on August 26, 1976. Talgat Talkhoevich, the singer’s father, taught history to schoolchildren, her mother, Florida Khakievna, was a doctor and physical therapy instructor. Zemfira is Tatar by nationality. By now her parents and brother have died. The only close relatives are nephews Artur and Artem Ramazanov, musicians who studied to become directors and now live in the UK.

The beginning of a creative journey

The girl became interested in music from early childhood and at the age of five she was enrolled in a music school to study piano. Zemfira's family supported the active life position of the future star. While studying at school, the future singer took part not only in music concerts, but also actively participated in basketball matches, practiced choral singing and was a member of seven other clubs.

As a child, she made her debut on a local music program on television. In 1990, Zemfira graduated from music school with honors, and in the same year she was elected captain of the Russian women's junior basketball team.

At this time, the future rock star turned her attention to the guitar and began taking lessons on this instrument. Performing compositions by her favorite singers right on the street became both a rehearsal for her and a kind of preparation for the future.

After graduating from school, after much thought, Zemfira decided to continue professional music studies and entered the specialty “Pop Vocals”, and she was accepted into the art school immediately as a 2nd year student.

After graduating with honors, the girl worked for a short time as a restaurant musician, and then got a job at the Europe Plus Ufa radio company.

There she worked as a sound engineer and gradually mastered the latest computer programs for creating and arranging music. After recording several commercials, Zemfira tried her hand at writing her own songs and tracks. Subsequently, some of these compositions, in particular “Snow”, “Rockets”, “Why”, were included in Zemfira’s albums.

The beginning of the singer’s career coincided with her work at the radio station.. Her first demo disc was recorded here. The sound engineer was the famous Ufa musician Arkady Mukhtarov. To conquer the musical Olympus, Zemfira assembled her own team. With him she went to conquer Moscow and all of Russia.

Moscow and first success

Since 1997, from the moment of the first publication in the press about the group, Zemfira began promoting the group and left for Moscow. One of the copies of the recordings accidentally fell into the hands of the Mumiy Troll producer. Leonid Burlakov took the risk of starting a collaboration with a little-known group and recording their first album.

At that time, Zemfira worked with the following musicians:

  • Akhmadiev Rinat (bass guitar);
  • Sozinov Sergey (drummer);
  • Mirolyubov Sergey (keys);
  • Soloviev Vadim (guitarist).

The singer herself was the lead singer of the group. She attracted the attention of the public and the press - the group experimented with genres, developed their own style, which helped Zemfira's songs become real hits.

After the release of her first album, the young performer became an idol of youth in the late 90s. They recorded the album with the assistance of professional musicians of the popular group Mumiy Troll, mixed the material at their home studio in London, Ilya Lagutenko personally participated in the work on the sound of the album. It all ended with the release of an original music product.

With this album, the singer made her debut in front of the Moscow public at the 16 Ton club. It was May outside the windows, and the musicians in the hall created the illusion of the coming spring. Zemfira performed the song “Chamomile” with a chamomile woven into her hair, tearing off the petals in front of the audience, as if during fortune telling. With their debut album, the group went on concerts throughout the CIS cities. Musicians began to earn decent fees.

Significant promotion milestones

The year 2000 was significant for the group and its leader. The team was noted by the press as the best group, and favored by the public for the best debut album. According to funds version mass media, Zemfira became the winner in 4 more categories. She became breakthrough of the year, brawler of the year, performer of the year. Her songs attracted ordinary listeners so much that the famous film director Alexei Balabanov drew attention to this, who included the composition “Iskala” in the cult film “Brother-2”.

The performer actively worked on the group’s image, participated in photo shoots, and received the title “Person of the Year.” In the same year, one of the landmark albums, “Forgive Me, My Love,” was released, after the release of which Zemfira went on a concert tour. The beginning of the tour was marked by a solo concert at the Olimpiysky.

The album sold thousands of copies and became the most financially successful in the singer’s career. The songs were among the ten most popular compositions of the year. The group was awarded the Ovation Prize, Zemfira was awarded the State Youth Prize of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the field of culture.

The concerts brought massive popularity, from which the singer simply got tired, canceled the remaining concerts and went on sabbatical. At the end of 2000, the team took part in the project, dedicated to memory Viktor Tsoi, and recorded the songs “Every Night” and “Cuckoo” for him.

Over the next two years, Zemfira worked on her next album, which was released in 2002. Extreme fatigue from the incessant, exhausting tours and aggressive behavior of the public at concerts gives Zemfira doubts about the very possibility of releasing this disc. The opinions of critics after the release of the album also differed.

However, the compositions “Infinity” and “Traffic” once again proved Zemfira’s inexhaustible creative potential as a composer, lyricist and performer. By the summer of 2002, the album had sold a million copies and became another bestseller for the Russian rock legend.

Over the following years, Zemfira released albums:

  • "Venedetta" (2005);
  • “Thank you” (2007);
  • collection of b-sides “Z-Sides” (2009);
  • “Live in your head” (2013).

After this, the list of studio albums has not yet been replenished. In 2016 during tour"Little Man" was recorded as a live album.

Introduction to the world of cinema

In 2004, the singer met with director, screenwriter and writer Renata Litvinova. Working on the soundtrack for her film “Goddess: How I Loved You” became a turning point in the rock star’s work. Collaboration with Renata Litvinova opened the world of musical cinema to the singer, and her acquaintance and collaboration with arranger Igor Vdovin opened new horizons of professionalism.

The artist’s filmography includes the following films:

  • “Green Theater in Zemfira” (2008) - music, producer;
  • “Bird-Gogol” (2009) - voice acting;
  • “Rita’s Last Fairy Tale” (2012) - music, co-producer.

The music of a rock star sounds not only in the films of Renata Litvinova. Kira Muratova used several songs in her films.

Experiments in the genres of rock music, indie rock and pop rock made her work in demand among different categories of listeners. The influence of blues was expressed in the appearance of jazz harmonies. Zemfira also uses the bossa nova style, and this brings rhythmic variety to her music. By synthesizing genres and styles, the performer finds new fans.

Communication with Renata Litvinova and Nastya Kalmanovich led to changes in the singer’s appearance. According to her, during this period she became more feminine and beautiful. A performance at the Maxidrom festival, where she performed the song “Bear” together with Ilya Lagutenko, led the singer into complete delight with high-heeled shoes and a bright dress, unusual for her wardrobe. During this period, she conducted a photo shoot for Citizen K magazine, where she appeared on the cover in a feminine and sexy image. The magazine's editors noted Zemfira's high performance during filming.


Zemfira carefully hides her personal life from prying eyes. Fans were always interested in when her husband and children would appear in her life, what sexual orientation she had, and whether she had a real love. Famous for her shocking actions, Zemfira constantly misleads everyone. She was credited with having affairs with both men and women.

According to popular rumor, Zemfira’s lovers were: oligarch Roman Abramovich, saxophonist Vlad Kolchin, film screenwriter Renata Litvinova. However, none of the rumors were fully confirmed, and the facts of an unconventional approach to sexual relations were not confirmed. Fate decreed that Zemfira never managed to find happiness in marriage and create her own family.

While working with Renata Litvinova, in the mid-2000s, Zemfira sharply lost weight. Her height is 173 cm, weight is 58 kg. The pages of the yellow press were full of headlines about the singer’s incurable illness. Living at the pace that Zemfira lived in those years is not easy. Youth passes, and it becomes difficult for the body to cope with the stress of constant concerts and tours. But over time, rumors about the disease died down.

With age, the story of Zemfira’s creativity acquired an increasingly mature character.. She is no longer compared to representatives of the domestic rock scene Nastya Poleva and Yanka Diaghileva. She is no longer a “girl with a player.” Now Zemfira is a legend, the founder of her own style in “female rock”.

It is difficult to overestimate the significance and influence of her songs on an entire generation of youth in the 2000s. A complex character, an open voice that conveys the meaning of words to the very heart - this is not just music, it is a lifestyle. Zemfira recalled her childhood: “I was small, but the most important.” The singer remains like this even now. It was she who set the bar to which young talents are measured today. For example, the young Tatar performer Hakim, in whose work critics find motifs first discovered by his great fellow tribesman.