Exercises with a hoop for a 2 year old child. Physical education lesson with hoop for children of senior preschool age

You probably know what a hoop is. We saw how gymnasts performed mesmerizingly with it, and circus actors enchantingly twirled a stack of hoops. Hoops are often used by teachers physical culture in kindergartens and schools. But you yourself can successfully use the hoop for outdoor games with your baby at home and on the street. Games with a hoop will make your baby stronger, more dexterous, and more resilient. The hoop will be useful for educational activities with your child.

In this article we will discuss how to choose a hoop for your child and how to use this simple item in a variety of games with your baby.

How to choose a hoop

When buying a hoop for a child, pay attention to its size and the material from which the hoop is made. For children under 4 years old, it is better to buy hoops of small or medium diameter (60 - 90 cm). Children aged 4 years and older can also play with large diameter hoops (from 100 cm).

It is desirable that the hoop be light. Plastic hoops are the most suitable for children. Steel and aluminum hoops are now made hollow inside, so they are also lightweight, but they are cold to the touch and less pleasant for children's hands.

If you plan to use the same hoop for your fitness activities, you can purchase a hoop with massage attachments.

Let's jump into a hoop

By the age of two, children begin to jump on two legs. Teach your child to jump into a hoop lying on the floor and jump out of it on two legs. When the baby gets used to it, you can raise the hoop slightly above the floor level.

We roll and twist

Show your child that a hoop can roll like a wheel. You can roll the hoop to each other or have a competition to see who can roll the hoop the furthest. You can teach a three-year-old child to roll a hoop by passing it in his hand or holding it on a shelf.

If you place the hoop on the floor with one side and slightly spin it from the middle of the other side, the hoop will spin like a top. You can have a competition to see who can spin the hoop the longest.

Bus driver

Give your child a hoop that he can grasp with his hands on both sides, and invite him to become a car or bus driver. The kid moves around the room and turns the steering wheel - a hoop, the passengers follow him.

We're spinning

Together with your child, grab the hoop with both hands from different sides and begin to move slowly in one direction. Gradually spin faster and faster.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

We're pushing

Mark a rectangle on the floor that you cannot step on. The borders can be the edges of the carpet. Together with your child, grab the hoop with both hands from different sides. When moving inside the marked territory, try to push your opponent beyond its borders.


A hoop lying on the floor, leaning against a wall, or hanging vertically can make an excellent target. Teach your child to throw soft balls at a target. The best shots can be marked on the floor or wall with stickers that can be easily removed.

Throwing a hoop

Show your child that a hoop can be thrown on a stool, a large bottle standing on the floor, or on a tree stump outside.

Catch-up with a hoop

If you're playing tag at home, the hoop can become a house. A player who hid in a house can no longer be hit. It's a lot of fun to play catch-up with hoops - houses in a large group on the street. Make the task more difficult for the runner: let the child run with a hoop on one leg. You can catch those running away with a hoop, just be careful not to hit anyone.

Hoop games for a large company


You can make a tunnel from several hoops. Children pass through it one after another, trying not to touch the hoops, or roll a ball and pass after it. If the ball rolls out of the tunnel, the player is eliminated.


Place the hoop on the ground. Children stand in a hoop - they are birds in a nest. At the leader’s command “Let’s fly!”, the birds fly out of the nest and run around the site. When the presenter gives the command “Cat! Everybody go to the nest,” the birds try to run to the nest – a hoop – and hide in it. The leader is a cat trying to catch the birds. Whoever is caught is out of the game.

One extra

For this game you will need several hoops: one for each participant. The hoops are laid out on the floor. Children stand in them (one at a time in each). If you arrange the hoops in a circle, children can step from one hoop to another. When the leader says: “Let’s run!”, the children come out of the hoops and run around the playground, and the leader removes one hoop. At the command of the presenter “To the houses!”, the children must stand in the hoop. The one who does not get a place is eliminated from the game.

During outdoor games, try to turn on rhythmic music: the game will become more dynamic and fun.

Hoop - props for role-playing games

When your child starts playing role-playing games, you can use the hoop as a prop for them. The hoop can become:

  • lake,
  • round table, behind which the dolls gathered for lunch;
  • a roundabout on the road (the road can be made on the floor using insulating tape and masking tape) and so on.

Hoop: getting to know the circle

Experts advise: if you decide to introduce your baby to, start with a circle. And the hoop is just a big circle. It will allow your baby not only to remember what a circle is, but also to feel it with his whole body. Invite your child to run around and inside the hoop and roll the ball along the inner edge of the hoop. Lay the rope around the hoop, remove the hoop - what remains is a circle of rope. You can lie down in the hoop and, spreading your arms and legs, try to reach the hoop with your hands and feet.

Stand in the hoop and raise it to the level of the child's hands. You are the Earth, the hoop is the orbit of the Moon. Invite your child to become the Moon and, holding a hoop with one hand, fly around the Earth. In a similar way, you can play the Earth revolving around the Sun.

Fold it round. Place several objects in the box: round and some other shape. Ask your child to take only round objects out of the box and put them in the hoop.

You will find a few more ideas on what exercises you can do with a hoop in this video:

The hoop is also called a hula hoop. With its help, children can do different exercises, both simple and complex, and you can also twist one or more hoops around your waist. This item does not require any instructions and is safe for children. Exercises help train breathing, improve muscle and vascular tone; if you twist the hoop, it massages from the hips to the chest. Moreover, the exercises do not require a special room; you can do them even in front of the TV.

Types of hoops

The simplest hoops are made of plastic, aluminum and steel. Plastic ones are suitable for children due to their light weight, they are best taken for exercise, the diameter for children should be about 80 centimeters. For teenagers who want to improve their figure by twirling a hoop around their waist, plastic ones are not suitable. For modeling your figure, exercises with several plastic hoops are only suitable. To improve blood circulation, you can spin massage hoops with special balls, but for them children need average school age and elders. There are also complex accessories, with different sensors that show heart rate and other indicators.

Simple exercises

These exercises can be done as in kindergarten, and in the lower grades of school.

Respiratory complex

Breathing exercises with a hoop can be done before and after classes, as a kind of warm-up or relaxation exercise.

Hoop games

Exercises for children can be done individually, as well as in a group, so children will learn to keep their distance, listen to the teacher, and generally learn how to handle this equipment, which requires coordination of movements.

Alena Gaeva
Games and exercises with a hoop

Equipment: metal (plastic) hoop with a diameter of 60-80cm.

1. Machine

Goal and objectives: to develop attention, the ability to respond to sound signals, creative imagination.

Rules. I. p. - a hoop in two hands at chest level. When you hear the words “start the engine,” rotate the hoop left and right and pronounce the sound (r-r-r). On the word “let’s go” move forward in different directions with a change in tempo. Stop at the word “arrived” (p/n for children 3-5 years old, s for children 3-7 years old).

Complication. Move in a certain direction, along a narrow board, on a gymnastic bench ( game exercise for children 3-4 years old, outdoor game for children 4-5 years old and older children).

2. Wheel, or Rocket

Rules. I. p. - hold the hoop on the floor in a vertical position from above with a straightened hand or from below when the hand is lowered (both options can be used). To the word “sight!” Roll the hoop slightly towards you, aim and say the word “start!” push it with your hand in a given direction. When children roll a hula hoop from a standstill, different movement options can be used;

Long-distance rolling (i/u for children 3-5 years old, s for children 5-7 years old);

Rolling a hoop at a given target (i/u for children 3-5 years old, s for children 5-7 years old);

Rolling the hoop with repeated pushing to prevent it from falling, that is, the child runs next to the hoop and pushes it forward with his hand as necessary (i/u for children 3-4 years old, e/s for children 4-7 years old);

Rolling a small hoop with a diameter of 50 cm with a stick (i/u for children 5-6 years old, e/s for children 6-7 years old);

3. Zoo, or Animal Circus

Goal and objectives: to develop coordination of movements, imagination and fantasy, develop a sense of flight, develop flexibility, a sense of balance and the ability to control one’s body.

Rules. I. n - as in No. 1. To the words “the cockerel strides importantly and raises its paws high,” walk with the hoop, raising your knees high and stretching your toes down and forward; a hoop in the hands in front of the chest (i/a for children 3-4 years old, p/i for children 4-7 years old);

To the words “the horse importantly nods its head and kicks its hoof,” first apart, and then at the same time tilt your head forward and down and perform sliding movements with one, then the other leg, touching the floor only with the toe stretched down. To the word “but!” Walk or run with high knees. To the word “whoa!” stop and repeat all over again (p/n for children 3-4 years old, e/s for children 4-5 years old, used for performances).


Running at a straight and lateral gallop (and/or for children 3-5 years old).

Spin with high knees.

Springy movements from the lunge position

Walking (backward) with high knees back and forth, left and right (sideways)

a) A circus horse with a hoop. Children place the hoop vertically on the floor and grab it with both hands from above. Raising their legs high, they step through the hoop, first with one, then with the other leg, alternately and nod their heads. After stepping over, turn the hoop forward again with your hands and repeat it all over again (used for performances). First, a slow pace of stepping is set, then a fast pace (i/u for children 3-5 years old, e/s for children 5-7 years old, p/i for children 5-7 years old).

b) The bunny jumps on two legs. I.p. the same. Jumping through a hoop with both feet together, then from foot to foot at a fast pace (i/u for children 3-4 years old, e/s for children 4-7 years old).

c) Squirrel in the house. Holding the hoop from above, but with one hand, sit down and walk through the hoop in a squat. Stand up straight and repeat again, but on the other side, this way you can perform this movement several times in a row with increasing tempo (i/u for children 3-5 years old, a/l for children 5-6 years old, s for children 6-7 years old years).

d) Parrot in a hoop. The hoop is in the same position, hold it with both hands from above. Stand on the hoop with both feet. Sit down and sway left and right (and/or for children 3-7 years old).

Try to move forward (i/u for children 4-6 years old, a/l for children 6-7 years old).

e) Cat in the pipe. The hoop is on the floor. Stand in the middle of the hoop, squat down, take it with both hands and, standing up, lift the hoop up. Without changing the grip position, raise the hoop higher and higher to the level of your arms raised above your head. Then lower it down to the floor without changing the position of your hand grip. When the hoop is fully raised or lowered, say the word “meow!” (i/u for children 3-7 years old, s for children 4-7 years old).

Complication. Alternately climb through the hoop several times in a row, threading it only from below or only from above, or one from below and the other from above, etc. (i/u for children 3-6 years old, s for children 4-5 years old, e/s for children 5-7 years old).

e) Chickens on the roost. Hoop on the floor. Walk on the hoop with your feet straight or sideways (and/or for children 3-7 years old).

g) Early and early in the morning a kangaroo jumps merrily. Hoop on the floor. Jumping with high knees on both legs at the same time.

Options. Into the hoop, out of the hoop; from hoop to hoop, lying one after another at different distances (and/y for children 3-7 years old); through hoops of different diameters starting from 50 cm (i/u for children 4-5 years old, s for children 5-6 years old, e/s for children 6-7 years old). Sideways snake jumps (into a hoop from a hoop); jumping backwards into a hoop from a hoop; jumping on one leg straight and sideways into a hoop from a hoop (i/u for children 4-7 years old, s for children 5-6 years old, e/s for children 6-7 years old).

h) The swallow flies and calls guests. I. p. - the hoop stands vertically on the floor, held with two hands from above. Step over the hoop with both feet, then rest the foot of one foot on the hoop and slowly lift it with the help of your supporting leg and arms, arching in the lumbar spine and maintaining balance while standing on one leg. The head rises to the raised hoop. The lifting height of the hoop is individual (taking into account the child’s capabilities) (and/or for children 3-7 years old).

i) Snake in a ring. I. p. - hoop on the floor. The child lies on his stomach in the center of the hoop. Place your hands and feet on the hoop near your feet. Slowly lift the hoop up, bending in the lumbar spine; the head rises up to the raised hoop (i/u for children 4-7 years old). (Used for performances).

4. Yula

Goal and objectives: to develop small muscles of the hand.

Rules. I. p. - hoop vertically on the floor, grip with one hand. Using a rotational movement of the hand, bring the hoop into a circular motion around its axis (i/u for children 3-7 years old).

Complication: catch the hoop with your hand without letting it fall; compete to see who can spin the hoop the furthest; when rotating the hoop, have time to perform some exercise and catch it before it falls (and/or for children 4-7 years old). (Used for performances).

5. Antenna, or Locators

Goal and objectives: to develop small muscles of the fingers.

Rules. I. p. - a hoop in raised hands above the head, grasping with two hands at close range. Slowly rotate the hoop around its axis, gradually increasing the rate of rotation (i/u for children 3-7 years old).

6. Boomerang.

Goal and objectives: to develop eye, dexterity, hand strength, the ability to combine your movements with a playing partner.

Rules. Roll the hoop in pairs with each other from different distances - straight, diagonally, in a circle (i/u for children 3-7 years old; e/s for children 5-7 years old).

Complication. The hoop is held in front of you with one hand and directed towards your partner. Throw the hoop up towards your partner. The partner catches the hoop flying towards him with both hands and sends it back to his partner (i/u for children 5-7 years old). Throw the hoop forward upward so that it touches the floor and rolls back to the child (and/or for children 5-7 years old). (Used for performances).

7. Pinwheel

Goal and objectives: to develop coordination of movements, dexterity and plasticity.

Rules. Stand in the center of the hoop, grab it with both hands and lift it to waist level. Moving your torso, perform horizontal rotational movements of the hoop at the waist (and/or for children 4-7 years old).

Complication. Rotation of 2-3 or more hoops (and/or for children 6-7 years old); rotation of hoops on hands, knees (and/or for children 5-7 years old)

8. The bravest

Goal and objectives: to cultivate courage and dexterity of movements.

Rules. Two children roll hoops towards each other, and the third runs between them, trying not to drop them. A group of children take turns running between rolling hoops (i/u for children 4-6 years old; e/s for children 6-7 years old).

9. Snipers, or Throwers

Goal and objectives: to develop eye, coordination and dexterity of movements

Rules. You can throw hoops of different sizes, but start with a small diameter. I. p. - grab the hoop with both hands on both sides and lift it to the level of the belt.

a) Knock down the pin. The child moves the hoop slightly to the side, takes aim and throws it horizontally at the target (i/u for children 3-7 years old; e/s for children 6-7 years old).

b) Place the hoop on the cylinder. The child throws the hoop, trying to hit it at a given target and not drop it (i/u for children 4-7 years old; e/s for children 5-7 years old).

10. Punch through the hoop, or Shoot into the hoop, or Hit the target

The goal and objectives are the same.

Rules. Hang the hoop at a certain height, or install it vertically, or lay it on the floor, or roll it. The children's task is to get to the center of the hoop without moving or dropping it. You can throw stuffed bags, balls, spheres, medicine balls, towns, flying saucers, snowballs and even a skittle like a spear (i/u for children 3-7 years old; e/s for children 4-7 years old). Types of throwing: from the shoulder, from behind the head, from below, from the chest.

11. Labyrinth

Goal and objectives: to develop dexterity of movement, speed of thinking and reaction.

Rules. Play with two teams. One holds the hoops vertically, the other runs like a snake through them (i/u for children 3-7 years old).

Complication. Run with clasped hands. The team that does not break the hand grip will win (i/u for children 4-5 years old; e/s for children 5-7 years old). To conduct the game like a relay race, it is necessary to divide the children into 4 subgroups.

12. Who will jump higher

Goal and objectives: develop a sense of flight and coordination of movements.

Rules. Tie the hoops together. Two children lift connected hoops to a certain height, the rest take turns jumping from hoop to hoop. Anyone who does not overcome the given height leaves the game. The winner is the one who takes the highest height (i/u for children 3-7 years old; e/s for children 5-7 years old).

Complication. Jumping sideways with a snake (and/or for children 5-7 years old).

13. Jugglers

Goal and objectives: develop dexterity and speed of reaction.

Rules. Pass the hoop from one hand to the other behind your back, under your leg, behind your head, above your head (i/u for children 3-5 years old; a/l for children 5-7 years old).

Throw and catch the hoop up with two hands and one hand (and/or for children 5-7 years old). Throw the hoop up, have time to perform some exercise and catch it (and/or for children 5-7 years old).

14. Gymnastics with hoop

Goal and objectives: to develop creativity and imagination.

Rules: children themselves can come up with various exercises with a hoop (i/u for children 3-5 years old; c for children 5-7 years old).

Conventions and abbreviations

i/u - game exercise

p/i - outdoor game

I. p. – starting position

e – relay race

c – competitions

e/s – relay race

a/l - activation of agility

06.04.2013 7421 0

12.0pt">Exercises with a hoop develop coordination of movements, accuracy,
speed, hand strength, increase mobility in the wrist, shoulder joints,
contribute to the formation of correct posture.

none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">With the hoop the following is performed:

rotations in the front, side and horizontal planes
with various movements of the torso and legs;

18.0pt;mso-pagination:none;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:15.35pt list 33.0pt;
swing and circle the hoop in an arc, in a circle, in a figure eight
different planes;

18.0pt;mso-pagination:none;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:15.35pt list 33.0pt;
rotation of the hoop in the front, side and horizontal
planes with the arm slightly bent at the elbow joint;

18.0pt;mso-pagination:none;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:15.35pt list 33.0pt;
rolls of the hoop on the floor, on the arms, on the body, on

18.0pt;mso-pagination:none;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:15.35pt list 33.0pt;
throwing and catching the hoop with one or two hands
inclined, horizontal and vertical planes (with springy movement

18.0pt;mso-pagination:none;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:15.35pt list 33.0pt;
bending with a hoop (forward, backward, to the sides);

18.0pt;mso-pagination:none;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:15.35pt list 33.0pt;
lunges (forward, backward, sideways);

18.0pt;mso-pagination:none;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:15.35pt list 33.0pt;

18.0pt;mso-pagination:none;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:15.35pt list 33.0pt;
jumping: through a hoop, into a hoop, into a swinging hoop or
spinning it like a rolling pin.

none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">One ​​of the important
technical techniques for handling a hoop is the correct grip; with both hands
from the outside, two hands from the inside, one hand from above , one hand from below .

none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">Hoop position by
in relation to the floor can be horizontal , vertical

none;text-autospace:none"> And

the body, the hoop can be located in the front lateral and intermediate planes.

mso-pagination:none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">Movements with
with a hoop are performed with one or two hands in different directions and
planes, as well as in combination with movements of the torso and legs.

none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">Vertical rotations
hoop in the front plane are performed from the position: legs together, hoop
in front, two-handed outside grip .

none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">Rotate the hoop down
to the right with the torso tilted to the left is performed as follows: body weight
move it to the right leg, and put the left one aside on the toe .

none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">To rotate the hoop downwards
to the left with the torso tilted to the right, it is necessary to transfer the body weight to the left
leg, and put the right one to the side on the toe .

none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">Horizontal rotations
hoop from the position of legs together, hoop at the top, grip with both hands from the outside.

none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">Rotating the hoop to the front
plane is made from the position: legs together, hoop in front, grip on the bottom
edge with both hands. To perform the exercise, you need to move one arm in
side and rotate the hoop outward .

none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">Rotate hoop to front
parts can also be from the position: legs together, hoop in front, grip at the top edge
with both hands .

hoop on the floor is done with a three-finger grip (thumb, index and

rotates by turning the hand outward or inward .

hoop with two hands, an outside grip is made from the initial position of the hand
forward upwards bent at the elbows. Sharply extending your arms forward upward, perform
throw the hoop and catch it with both hands from below.

The hoop can be done in a jump and caught with an overhand grip.

none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">Can throw
hoop up (hoop in a horizontal position) with a grip from the sides from below and catch
with both hands from below.

none;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">Throw the hoop up (hoop
in a vertical position) is performed with an underhand grip with one hand, catching it with that
same hand.

Jumping in the swing
The hoop is performed as follows. Swinging the hoop in the front plane
back and forth, jump in and out of the hoop with both feet. Same
The exercise can be performed by jumping from the right foot to the left, and vice versa.

Jumping in a hoop
rotating it like a jump rope, performed by pushing two legs with an intermediate jump,
and also from foot to foot.

Exercises with a hoop are one of the most interesting sections of rhythmic gymnastics. This is an excellent tool for developing coordination, speed, motor response, and precision of movements. Exercises with a hoop increase the strength of the arms, especially the fingers and hands, and effectively influence the formation of correct posture.

IN school curriculum Exercises with a hoop are performed by girls of grades X - XI. The hoop can also be used when performing general developmental exercises.

Hoops are made of plastic, wood, and duralumin. They come in different sizes. The most common hoop is 80 - 90 cm in diameter.

Exercises with a hoop are divided into the following groups:



    throwing and catching,

    jumping into and through hoops,

    swing movements,

    hoop rolls.

All movements with the hoop are performed with one or two hands, in different directions and planes, in combination with the movement of the torso and legs.

Below are the simplest exercises that can be used in physical education lessons and extracurricular activities with schoolchildren.

There are grips:

    two hands outside

    with both hands from the inside

    grip the hoop with one hand from above

    grip the hoop with one hand from below.

Grasp the hoop with all fingers without tension (thumb on the outside). The position of the hoop in relation to the floor can be:




In relation to the body, the hoop can be in the front, side and intermediate planes.

Complex yelling with a hoop.

1. I.p. - hoop at the bottom with a two-hand grip outside

1 - right swing back, hoop up

2 - IP, 3-4 - the same with the left

2. I.p. - hoop at the bottom with a two-hand grip outside

1 - right to the right on the toe, hoop up

2 - tilt to the right

3 - straighten up, hoop up

3. I.p. - hoop at the top with a two-hand grip outside

1 - right swing to the right, hoop horizontally forward

2 - lunge on the right, hoop vertically on the floor

3 - with a hoop roll to the left, a lunge on the left

5-8 - the same with the left

4. I.p. - hoop vertically in front, grip from inside

1-2 - rise on your toes and move the hoop back

5. I.p. - hoop vertically on the floor in the front plane on the right

1 - swing with the right hand with the hoop rolling under the right hand to the left

2 - hoop vertically on the floor in the front plane on the left

3-4 - the same to the right

6. I.p. - the hoop is vertical at the bottom, grip from the inside

1 - hoop up, toe stand

2 - squat inside the hoop

3 - hoop up, toe stand

7. I.p. - hoop vertically forward, outside grip (in the middle)

1-2 - lowering left hand arc downwards to the right, right arc upwards to the left, turn the hoop to the left with the body tilted to the left

5-8 - the same to the right

8. I.p. - legs apart, hoop vertically forward, two outside grip

1-2 - step right to the right, left to the left on the toe, turn the hoop down to the right with a tilt to the left

5-8 - the same with the left

9. I.p. - left forward on the toe, hoop vertically in the lateral plane on the right with a two-hand grip from the outside.

1-2 - half squat on the right, turning the hoop forward while bending forward

5-6 - tilt back with turning the hoop back

10. I.p. - stand with your legs apart, hold the hoop with your hands on your belt.

1-8 - rotation of the hoop.

11. I.p. - stand with legs apart, hoop vertically behind you, grip with two outside.

1 - turn left

3 - tilt bending

5-8 - the same to the right

12. I.p. - hoop vertically in front of you with an overhand grip on the top edge

1-4 - step with your right hand to place the hoop in front of you, front balance on your right

5-6 - lowering the left one, step it in front of the hoop, step the right one into the hoop, bending the arms (the hands slide down the hoop)

7-8 - straighten up in a wave, simultaneously lowering your left hand, with your right hand move the hoop forward over the side, placing your left hand. I.p.

13. I.p. - hoop horizontally forward, grab the front edge with both hands from above

1-2 - swing the hoop back, jump into the hoop with a push from left to right

3-4 - repeat movement 1-2, swinging the hoop back in the opposite direction.

14. I.p. - hoop vertically upward, grip with two hands from above, rotating the hoop forward like a skipping rope, jumping with a push of two with an intermediate jump.

15. I.p. - standing facing each other, holding one hoop, grip with two outside

1-2 - step inward, turn in a circle, rotating the hoop in the direction of the turn, finish the movement with your backs to each other.

16. I.p. - hoop in the front plane, with a two-hand grip on the bottom edge

1-4 - swinging the hoop to the right and left

5-8 - lift the hoop up with your hand and, straightening your fingers, begin to rotate the hoop, moving your hand up and down in a circular path.

17. I.p. - left to the left on the toe, hoop vertically on the floor to the right in the front plane. The left hand is an overhand grip, the right hand is an outside grip from the right side.

1 - step left, right to the side on the toe, push the hoop with your right hand to the left towards your partner

2 - stop the rolling hoop