Art lesson: artistic thinking at the forefront of science. Artistic thinking at the forefront of science and art

Purpose of the presentation:formation of students' ideasabout the numerous functions of art, the ability to correlate new sciences with art, the formation of competently expressing one’s attitude towards works of art.

Tasks:expand students’ knowledge about the scientific significance of artistic knowledge using examples of masterpieces of literature, music, visual arts, cultivate motivation for learning activities.



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Artistic thinking at the forefront of science Art lesson 9th grade, Teacher Somko E.V.

Art does not achieve its meaning when it confines itself to enchanting people without at the same time arousing in them inspiration for all that constitutes the greatness of life. J. Renier

What knowledge does art give? 18th century artist Jean Etienne Lyotard in the film “The Chocolate Lady” decomposed light according to laws that were still unknown to physics at that time. French science fiction writer of the 19th century. Jules Verne's "20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" predicted the appearance of a submarine. The artist Vincent Van Gogh claims that he had a unique gift to see what mere mortals are not given - air currents. The artist V. Kandinsky, having developed the theory of the influence of color on human emotions, came closer to solving the problems of modern psychology and art therapy (healing through art).

18th century artist Jean Etienne Lyotard in the film “The Chocolate Lady” In the history of mankind, art has more than once discovered knowledge of scientific significance. For example, an artist of the 18th century. Jean-Etienne Lyotard in the film “The Chocolate Lady” decomposed light according to laws that were still unknown to physics at that time. The painting “Chocolate Girl” is distinguished by its completeness in every detail, which J.-E constantly strived for. Lyotard. Art critic M. Alpatov believes that “due to all these features, the “Chocolate Girl” can be classified as a miracle of optical illusion in art, like those bunches of grapes in the painting of the famous ancient Greek artist, which sparrows tried to peck.” After the conventions and mannerisms of some 18th-century masters, the almost photographic precision of J.-E. Lyotard came across as a revelation.

French science fiction writer of the 19th century. Jules Verne

Artist Vincent Van Gogh

Wassily Kandinsky Moscow Influx of improvisation

Functions of art Art performs the following functions: aesthetic, social transformation, knowledge of reality, anticipation of events, education of the individual, instillation of values, serves as a means of social communication and gives pleasure.

“An obstacle does not bend me. Every obstacle is destroyed by persistence. The one who aims at the star does not turn around.” Science and art are two areas of activity that accompany the development of humanity throughout its existence. Model of the Vitruvian Man aircraft

French writer Honore de Balzac (1799-1850) “Human Comedy”, French writer Jules Verne (1828-1905), “20 thousand leagues under the sea”, “Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin”. Russian writer, Count Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882-1945), “Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin.” Russian engineer Lev Sergeevich Termen (1896-1993) invented the theremin - an electric musical instrument.

Questions: 1.What is one of the many functions of art that gives an understanding of the significance of artistic and imaginative thinking in the cultural development of mankind? 2. Give examples of predictions in works of art about future discoveries and achievements of science. 3. Give other examples of the scientific significance of artistic knowledge.

Artistic thinking at the forefront of science

  • A person with undeveloped imaginative thinking can never exclaim: "Eureka!"

A. Einstein


Toccata and fugue

(D minor)

  • One of the unique guesses about the polyphony of the Universe was the greatest musical creative discovery of the 17th century. - fugue- a genre of polyphonic music, which was developed in the work of I.-S. Bach. Two and a half centuries later, A. Einstein, the creator of the theory of relativity, will say that the Universe is a layer cake, where each layer has its own time and its own density, structure, forms of movement and existence.

Ermakova Daria

  • The sounds of the organ evoke both visible and speculative poetic pictures. Avalanches fall, the celestials argue, good fights with evil, the sublime soars, earthly things are filled with passions, choirs sing, the heart conducts confession. Life itself manifests itself in its eternal movement.

Petrov Vyacheslav

  • At the first notes there is an exciting feeling of anxiety, maybe even fear. A gradually reviving sense of horror and intrigue makes the heart beat faster, and gloomy castles, night, and fantastic creatures appear in your head.

  • The imagination of composers, writers, and artists could not remain indifferent to the enchanting beauties starry sky. What is it, the music of space, the music of other worlds? This is how the American composer Charles Ives heard it at the beginning of the 20th century, who wrote an orchestral piece that he called “Cosmic Landscape” (“The Unanswered Question”).


The most amazing composer of the 20th century


Question, Unanswered

  • String instruments depict uncharted distances, stars, planets, wind instruments convey the image of human cosmonauts, as well as unknown to us inhabitants of other planets, interaction occurs between them, but will earthlings learn to communicate? "The unanswered question." This is what Charles Ives called the latest version of his space play. The question of understanding the world in which we live.

  • For art, predicting the future or discovering new scientific facts is not the main goal, it is just one of its many functions. You could say by-product. But he very revealing to understand the significance of artistic and imaginative thinking in the cultural development of humanity. As is known, cultural development includes the achievements of technological progress. There are many different facts in the history of culture that confirm this.

  • Russian engineer Lev Sergeevich Termen (1896-1993) foresaw the emergence of the modern synthesizer and the sound of electronic music .

Designed for performing any (classical, pop, jazz) musical works, as well as for creating various sound effects (birds singing, whistling, etc.), which are used in film scoring, in theatrical productions, circus programs.

  • The composer’s creative destiny was determined by a meeting with engineer and mathematician E.A. Murzin - the creator of the first photoelectronic synthesizer ANS, named after Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin. In 1960, when the ANS, installed in the A.N. Scriabin, attracted a whole group of young composers, a new direction was born in Russian music - the direction electronic music . Having become a student of E.A. Murzin in electronics, he was the only one who linked his fate with it.

  • In the early 1960s, filmmakers became interested in Artemyev’s electronic experiments. At first, mostly popular science films with a “space” theme were scored using sound and noise layers, electronic effects, and emphatically “unearthly” sound. E. Artemyev took part in three films by Tarkovsky: “Solaris” (1972), “Mirror” (1975) and “Stalker” (1980) - and in "Solaris" as the creator of the entire sound space, and not just as the author of the music itself .


Drama based on the novel of the same name Polish science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem about the ethical problems of humanity through the prism of contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence. Meaning simple to the point of impossibility - humanity has not yet matured enough to colonize exoplanets.

The authors used an arrangement of the F minor chorale prelude by I.S. Bach ( “I call upon you, Lord!” ), made by E. Artemyev. This work is known as "Listening to Bach (Earth)".


Chorale Prelude

(F minor)

  • Organ chorale preludes by I.S. Bach - examples of the composer's philosophical lyrics, reflections on man, his joys and sorrows.

  • The organist usually performs a prelude on a theme that is meaningfully related to the chorale that follows. Prelude F minor precedes the chorale “I call upon you, Lord.” Chorale - a Protestant church service performed by the entire parish. The melody of the chorale determines the entire appearance of the work. The songlike quality and smooth movement of the bass gives the music rigor and composure, which gives rise to a state of deep concentration and sublime sadness.


  • What did the authors of the film (director and composer) want to say by including the music of I.S. Bach?
  • Why does Artemyev imitate choral voices in his arrangement of the chorale prelude?

Artistic thinking at the forefront of science

  • 1. Is the main purpose of art to predict the future? A) yes B) no
  • 2. Which of the great artists designed a model of an aircraft? A) Honore de Balzac B) Leonardo da Vinci C) Jules Verne
  • 3. Which of the great writers predicted flights to the moon in their works? A) Honore de Balzac B) Leonardo da Vinci C) Jules Verne

  • 4. What is the name of A. Tolstoy’s work, in which he predicted the appearance of the laser?

A) “20 thousand leagues under the sea”

B) “Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin”

B) "Human Comedy"

  • 5. What is the name of an electric musical instrument on which sound is produced by moving the performer’s hands in an electromagnetic field near a metal antenna? A) theremin

B) Tervomox C) Temernox


  • Artistic and creative task

Create a composition using any type of art that reflects your idea of ​​the future of Russia and the world.


  • 1) B
  • 2) B
  • 3) B
  • 4) B
  • 5) A

The work examines the relationship and interconnection of science and art in modern world, provides examples of the scientific significance of artistic knowledge, reveals complete image eras of the 20th century by works various types arts

The influence of art on science and on the progressive ideas of society is invaluable.

The importance of artistic and imaginative thinking in the cultural and scientific development of mankind is great. In the modern world, science and art are merging.



Finaenova Tamara Viktorovna Identifier: 208-415-954

Lesson topic: " Artistic thinking at the forefront of science"

Subject "Art", 9th grade

Position: music teacher

GKOU "Boarding School"


Improving knowledge about the importance of culture in artistic painting peace


  1. teach to think about the relationship and interconnection of science and art in the modern world; give examples of the scientific significance of artistic knowledge
  2. reveal a holistic image of the 20th century era using works of various types of art
  3. be able to create a color palette for a musical fragment
  4. formation of students’ spiritual culture

Lesson type: Lesson on communication and systematization of knowledge.

Genre: integrated

Lesson type: reflection lesson

Equipment: TSO, visual aids, piano

Lesson summary:


Already at the beginning of life, a person manifests a need for self-expression through creativity, a person learns to think creatively, although the ability to such thinking is not necessary for survival. Creative comprehension is one of the ways to actively understand the world, and it is what makes progress possible, both for an individual and for humanity as a whole.

Science and art are completely self-sufficient areas of culture, scientific and artistic activity significantly different. Nevertheless, a certain closeness and kinship between science and art has long been noticed.

Is there a boundary between science and art?/Children's answers/

Consider these 2 areas of life:

Main part


sensual rational

Concrete abstract

value-emotional cognitive-theoretical

Indeed, artistic perception operates with concrete sensory images and is based on a holistic experience of the world.

Let's figure out what scientific thinking and creative thinking are? What are the differences and similarities?

Scientific thinking– a special type of cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systematically organized and substantiated knowledge about nature, man and society.

Creation – activity, the result of which is the creation of new material and spiritual values, distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness.


Culture and all its highest achievements, just like all works of art, were created not by a crowd, but by individual brilliant and talented individuals. It is they who lead humanity along the path of progress. Only those who are ahead of others in their development are able to capture, above the outlived and decayed currents of modernity, the streams of new creative trends and be a true artist, the creator of true and works of art art.

List of references and Internet resources:

E. D. Kritskaya, G. P. Sergeeva, I. E. Kashekova. Textbook “Art 8th – 9th grade –

Moscow, Education, 2009 (electronic edition)

Lindsay G., Hull K.S., Thompson R.F. Creative and critical thinking//

Reader on general psychology. Psychology of thinking. Ed. Yu.B.

Gippenreiter, V.V. Petukhova. M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 1981.

Ponomarev Ya.A. Psychology of creativity. M.: Nauka, 1976.

K.A. Svasyan. Goethe's philosophical worldview. Moscow, "Evidentis", 2001.
© K.A. Svasyan, 2001-2014 © Electronic publication - RVB, 2006-2014.

Feinberg E.P. The relationship between science and art in Einstein's worldview.

“Questions of Philosophy” No. 3. 1979.

Kolmogorov A.N. Problems of information transmission, vol. 1, 1965: vol. 5, 1969.

Abstract on the discipline “Practical Psychology” on the topic: “Psychological

Peculiarities of creative thinking of the individual" GBS(O)OSH-boarding school, urban settlement. ‎‎‎‎

>>Artistic thinking at the forefront of science

Artistic thinking at the forefront of science

Of course, for art, predicting the future or discovering new scientific facts is not the main goal, it is just one of its many functions. You could say it's a by-product. But it is very indicative for understanding the significance of artistic and imaginative thinking in the cultural development of mankind. As is known, cultural development also includes the achievements of technological progress. There are many different facts in the history of culture that confirm this.
The Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci already in the 15th century. developed a model of an aircraft! True, it was never built then, but the drawings were preserved.

The French writer Honore de Balzac (1799-1850), in his epic “The Human Comedy,” which includes many novels and short stories, made individual observations related to the biological nature of man before scientists and explored the psychology of mental deformation of the individual.

French writer Jules Verne (1828-1905), one of the founders of the science fiction genre, predicted flights to the Moon at a time when there were no airplanes, much less rockets. In many of the writer’s works there is a protest against the use of science for criminal purposes. So he foresaw this opportunity too!

Russian writer, Count Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882-1945), author of famous historical novels, also wrote several equally popular science fiction works. In them he predicted the appearance of lasers and spaceships.

Russian engineer Lev Sergeevich Termen (1896-1993) foresaw the emergence of the modern synthesizer and the sound of electronic music. In 1920, he invented the theremin, an electromusical instrument in which sound is produced by moving the performer's hands in an electromagnetic field near a metal antenna. Theremin can sound like a violin, cello, or flute. The instrument is intended for performing any (classical, pop, jazz) musical works, as well as for creating various sound effects (birds singing, whistling, etc.), which are used in film scoring, theatrical productions, and circus programs. L. Theremin believed that the most successful work for demonstrating the capabilities of the theremin was “Vocalise” by S. Rachmaninov.

Science fiction not only projected the technological progress of mankind, but also sought to predict the future of man and society.

Artistic and creative task
Create a composition using any type of art that reflects your idea of ​​the futureRussia , peace.

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