Literary reading lesson I. Bunin Leaf fall plan-summary of a reading lesson (grade 4) on the topic

In I. A. Bunin’s poem “Falling Leaves,” the picture of autumn nature is very vividly and colorfully described. The forest, like a painted tower, Lilac, golden, crimson, Stands above a sunny clearing, Enchanted by the silence... In 1902, the publishing house “Znanie” published the first volume of the works of I.A. Bunina.

Deeply, strangely, the forest was silent And at dawn, when from sunset The purple sparkle of fire and gold illuminated the tower with fire. The moon is rising, and in the forest Shadows are falling on the dew... Now it has become cold and white Among the glades, among the through, dead Autumn thicket, And the eerie Autumn alone In the deserted silence of the night. Rain and darkness fog the forest with cold smoke, - No wonder this night passed! The yard is empty and cold. Birches with yellow carvings Shine in the blue azure, Like towers, fir trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue Here and there in the through foliage Clearances in the sky, like windows.

Bunin, in the poem “Falling Leaves,” very skillfully and colorfully, with multiple use of epithets and comparisons, conveyed a picture of the golden autumn that he observed “above the bright meadow.” 6 The field, forest and meadow are wet, the city, the house and everything around! Children. – When you look at the autumn forest from a distance, the trees stand straight and look like a wall painted with different colors.

Standing above a bright clearing. Write a short story about a walk in the autumn forest and what you saw there. One of the most beautiful poems about autumn is Bunin’s poem “Falling Leaves”. Draw the child’s attention to the fact that although the forest is still warm, sunny and beautiful, we already feel a light sadness. The first part of the work is presented to the reader in the form of a beautiful image of a forest, shrouded in golden foliage and vegetation.

The further part of the poem is already shown in the form of a picture dominated by a silent and tired forest, which awaits imminent death. I. Bunin in the poem “Falling Leaves” tries to convey to the reader the autumn period as clearly and expressively as possible, so that a person can feel the naturalness of what is happening.

Autumn already knows that such a deep and silent peace is a harbinger of long bad weather. They will destroy the old tower, leave the stakes, and then on this empty frame they will hang through frost, and the icy palaces will shine in the blue sky with both crystal and silver.

This poem is a vivid representative of landscape poetry, which occupies a significant place in the author’s work. The picture of a wonderful autumn fascinates the author, and he gradually becomes a witness to the mystery of the autumn fairy tale - here there is a “painted tower” and a “window” of sky gaps in the foliage of trees.

Even the colorful, “bright meadow” that was in the first part of the verse, with the arrival of the widow’s quiet autumn, becomes an “empty meadow.” This sign of autumn is called leaf fall. U. Find confirmation of this in the text of the poem. U. Why is autumn festive and elegant for a writer? U. Now close your eyes and listen to this poem again.

Open your eyes and see how the artist Levitan depicted a golden autumn. Russian nature is one of the main themes of the artists’ works. Take a close look at this picture. It depicts a Russian landscape, such as you have seen more than once in your life, but did not stop to pay attention to it. And Levitan was able to spy on the Russian expanse, the expanse of forests and fields. The picture exudes calm.

The administration of the site and forum is not responsible for materials posted by users. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870-1953) spent several summer dacha seasons in the period from 1896 to 1900 in Tsaritsyn near Moscow. Describing the nature of Tsaritsyn in poetry and prose, he emphasized autumn motifs. If Pushkin had the Boldino autumn, then Bunin had the Tsaritsyn autumn.

During the time of Ivan Bunin, the Upper Tsaritsyn pond had three backwaters formed by the Yazvenka, Cherepishka and Gorodnya rivers. But in my heart everything is more fun! The stay in Tsaritsyn attracted many writers and poets to romantic images. Short story“Tenth of September” is inspired by memories of a tragic incident that Bunin witnessed in Tsaritsyn. After all, Bunin has no connection.

It is desirable that Bunin’s places of stay in Tsaritsyn be somehow marked. 1. Conversation with students based on the paintings of Russian artists I. I. Levitan and I. S. Ostroukhov “Golden Autumn” in correlation with the children’s personal impressions from observations during an autumn walk.

5) What did you see during your autumn walk that the artist saw? Teacher. Now we will read another poem about autumn. It was written by I. A. Bunin. Listen to the text and identify the feelings expressed by the author. Teacher. We subtract other descriptive words with which the author depicts autumn pictures in the poem. And in the picture we see these blue gaps through the golden foliage of maples.

Describe in your own words the pictures you see and relate them to the text. Teacher. Can you hear these sounds in the poem? Teacher. Now let's see, in our words the author expresses his feelings and moods. Underline these words in the text and think about how we should read them. 7. Exercise in expressive reading of a poem. Teacher. Now let’s try to read the text with the appropriate intonation in order to convey both the author’s and our own attitude to the paintings depicted in the text.

And my love for nature. Do you think the main content is defined in this title, i.e. main theme of the poem? I realized that the author in this name did not embody the phenomenon of leaf fall itself, but precisely this time of autumn, the time of leaf fall, when the leaves change color and, before falling from the trees, are unusually beautiful. And I noticed the subtitle: this is not the whole work, but an excerpt in which the main attention is drawn to the beauty and diversity of autumn nature at the time of leaf fall.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died in Paris. He enters his motley mansion... The motifs of Tsaritsyn’s autumn are also heard in Bunin’s prose. The rain is pouring, cold as ice, the leaves are spinning in the clearings, and the geese are flying in a long caravan over the forest.

Literary reading lesson I. Bunin “Falling Leaves”

Lesson objectives:

educational:continue to work on developing analysis skills poetic text, promote students in comprehension artistic image works, teach the correlation of verbal and visual images of works, gradually lead children from the elementary perception of poetry to an understanding of their stylistic features, improve the skill of expressive reading through analysis of a poetic work, enrich lexicon students;

developing: develop speech using the example of analyzing a poetic work, develop sensory perception, imaginative thinking, creative fantasy and imagination, the ability to reason and justify one’s judgments, develop individual characteristics students;

educational: cultivate a sense of beauty, arouse desire and interest in observing nature, love for native nature, careful attitude towards it, evoke the joy of communicating with poetry.

Equipment: textbooks, cards for group work, multimedia teaching aids.

During the classes

I.Organizational moment.

Make yourself comfortable, you can close your eyes and listen to music, but don’t just enjoy the sound, but try to “see” the musical picture created with the help of sounds. (Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. October” sounds

The impressions from the music you listened to, the paintings you “saw” are musical images, and in general Tchaikovsky created his own unique image of autumn.

– How else can you imagine the image of autumn?

In the fall, not only composers admired and dedicated their works to her, she also attracted major masters landscape painting. Here are reproductions of paintings different artists: I.S. Ostroukhova, V.D. Polenova, I.I. Levitan

– Is it possible to give these paintings the same name? Why?

All the artists named their paintings “Golden Autumn”.

2.Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

What do you think we will talk about and read in class?

Today we will again go into the wonderful world of poetry, we will try to see some pictures of the autumn forest through the eyes of I.A. Bunin, to understand his feelings and moods.

3. Checking homework.

Children, you and I have been reading poetry for several lessons already. So at home you had to prepare to read Nekrasov’s poem by heart.

Are you bored with this activity?

Why? (the poems are beautiful, they are easy to read, they are quickly remembered, they describe the beauty of our native nature)

Is it really necessary to read poetry to admire the beauty of our native nature? Wouldn’t it be easier to go outside and see this beauty?

Why? (we don’t always notice the beautiful things in the nature around us)

4. Work on a poem.

4.1. Introductory part.

Without reading the poem, by the title, can we determine what it will be about?

So what is this poem about? (about nature, about autumn in the forest, about how nature prepares for autumn sleep)

4.2. Primary perception.

Reading a poem by children.

How many of you would like to visit again that autumn forest that Bunin describes?

What feelings did you experience?

4.3. Secondary reading in parts

Analysis of the first part of the passage.

Let's take a closer look at the first picture of the autumn forest.

Prove it. Find the colorful words with which the author conveys this beauty of the autumn forest. (lilac, gold, crimson, blue in azure)

Emphasize them.

Are there any words you don't understand? (lilac - violet, crimson - red, azure - light blue)

Explanation of meaning using Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary.

What quality of a poet do these words speak about? (Bunin is attentive, observant)

What are these words called in fiction?

(epithets are on the board)

What other epithets do we find in this part? (a tower with a painted, cheerful motley wall, above a bright clearing, yellow carvings, through foliage)

Emphasize them.

What especially surprised Bunin?

Read these lines. (The forest looks like a painted tower)

How many of you guys have seen the tower? What do you think they are?

Look at the screen. Such wonderful towers were built in Ancient Rus'

What is the technique called in fiction when the author compares objects? ( comparison - on the board)

Emphasize it.

Let's figure out how the forest reminded the author of the tower.

Read what a forest looks like when viewed from the outside.

Why does the forest stand like a wall?

Why colorful and cheerful?

What are the walls of Bunin's tower? (trees)

What else in the forest is similar to a tower? (birch trees with yellow carvings)

Explain this expression.

What is this technique called? (comparison)

Emphasize the comparison.

What do Christmas trees look like? (on the tower towers)

So, the tower is almost ready: the walls are trees, the towers are Christmas trees, the carvings are birch trees with their yellow leaves.

What is missing in this forest mansion? (windows)

Read what the windows of Bunin's tower look like?

What did you notice? What technique does the author use? (the author uses comparison)

Why did these windows appear?

Why does the poet use comparisons in the poem?

What quality of the poet does this indicate?

Where else can you find confirmation of this idea? (Christmas trees)

How do you read these words (affectionately, with love)

Now close your eyes and imagine this picture of an autumn forest.

Tell us what you saw, what it smells like in the autumn forest?

Read what smells did Bunin smell?

You see, the autumn forest smells like a new mansion.

So let's try to open I.A. Bunin, to understand his mood.

1) “the forest looks like a painted tower”

What is Bunin doing?

he is surprised, admires

2) “windows”, “Christmas trees”

he admires, loves what he writes about

3) "a cheerful, motley crowd"

he is happy, he is having fun:

Conclusion for part 1.

In what form did autumn appear?

4.4. Physical education minute.

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree,

Tilts right, left,

Once - tilt

And two - tilt,

The maple leaves rustled.

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree

And he tears off the leaves.

Yellow leaves are flying,

It's leaf fall in our park.

4.5 Analysis of part 2 of the passage.

Now let's take a look at another picture of the autumn forest.

What is autumn like here? (sad)

How did you guess? (and autumn as a quiet widow)

Widows are sad, autumn is sad too

What remedy artistic expression does the author use?


What is autumn sad about?

Find a word that is repeated several times.

What did the author want to show with this repetition? (that all this beauty will end soon)

Is this a coincidence?

What color words does the author use in this part to describe autumn?

Read the epithets that help imagine the picture of an empty autumn forest. (empty clearing, white moth, last petal)

Emphasize them.

How do comparisons change in this part? Read it. (airy web of fabric, shining like a net of silver, like a white petal) Highlight them.

How does he write about silence?

Find words that help us imagine, hear this silence. (enters like a quiet widow, the moth freezes, dead silence)

Have you noticed what word enhances this silence? (yes, this)

So, then nothing disturbs this silence? (no, violates)

Prove it. (that in this silence you can hear the rustling of a leaf:)

Now read these lines in unison so that the leaves rustle under your feet.

Have you noticed what sounds help you hear rustling? (f, w, h)

This technique in fiction is called"ALLITERATION"

What is it? Read it. (reading the rules)

We talked about sound means of describing pictures in literary texts. Can you find them in this quatrain?

Are there words here that use sounds that convey the rustling of a leaf?

"silence" - h;

"above" - ​​sh;

“it’s possible” - well;

"silence" - sh;

“to hear” - sh;

"rustling" - sh.

What picture painted by Bunin in this part appeared in your mind? (I represent)

What is it like?

In what form does autumn appear in this part?

5. Work on expressiveness.

Work in pairs.

What should you pay attention to in order to read a poem expressively? Reading pace. Reading tone. Logical stresses. Pauses.

View the clip.

Students choose the required pace and tone of reading, explain their choice, highlight words with logical emphasis, and place pauses.

Reading a poem aloud by several students. (students evaluate reading according to reading criteria)

6. Creative multi-level work in groups.

1 group.

Lilac, gold, crimson,

Standing above a bright clearing.

The forest is like a painted tower,

Birch trees with yellow carving

A cheerful, motley wall

Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,

Glisten in the blue azure,

And between the maples they turn blue

Clearances in the sky, like a window.

Exercise. Collect a poem

(students collect scattered lines of a quatrain taken from a poem)

2nd group.

Exercise. Thawed patches.

(students write down the missing words in the quatrain using the textbook)

The forest is definitely _________

Lilac, ___________, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Stands above the bright _________

Birch _________ carvings

Glisten in the azure ___________

Like the towers __________ darken,

And between the maples ___________

Here and there through the foliage

Into the sky, like a window.

3 group

If you were an artist and you had to draw one picture for this poem, what would you draw in it?

7. Homework. (optionally)

2. Compose a fairy tale “Autumn in the Forest”

8. Lesson summary

What discoveries did you make in class today?

(autumn is sung by artists, poets, and musicians)

Why did I. Bunin write this poem?

Now listen to yourself: what feelings did the pictures of the autumn forest evoke in you?

Under what circumstances could you remember lines from this poem?

9. Reflection.

Autumn scattered leaves. Take the one that suits your mood.

10. Final word teachers.

What month is it now? (november)

What's happening this month? (winter is coming)


"At midnight the rain stopped,

And like white fluff,

To the autumn dirt

Ilya Semyonovich Ostroukhov

Isaac Ilyich Levitan

Ivan Alekseevich Bunina

Epithet - a bright, colorful expression Comparison - a technique when the author compares objects

Terem - in ancient times in Rus', a house in the form of a tower.

Carving is a design carved from wood or bone.

I. A. Bunin’s mood is “a forest, like a painted tower” Surprise, admiration of the “window”, “Christmas tree” He admires, loves what he writes about “in a cheerful, motley crowd” He is happy, he is having fun

Personification is the endowment of inanimate objects with signs and properties of a person.

Alliteration - repetition of identical, consonant consonant sounds to enhance the expressiveness of artistic speech

At midnight the rain stopped, and snow began to fall like white fluff on the autumn mud.

Class: 4

  • developing the skill of analyzing a poetic text, promoting students in comprehending the artistic image of a work, teaching the correlation of verbal and visual images of works, gradually leading children from the elementary perception of poetry to understanding their stylistic features, enriching the vocabulary of students;
  • developing: develop speech using the example of analyzing a poetic work, develop sensory perception, imaginative thinking, creative fantasy and imagination, the ability to reason and justify one’s judgments, develop the individual characteristics of students;
  • educational: to cultivate a sense of beauty, to arouse desire and interest in observing nature, love for native nature, respect for it, to arouse the joy of communicating with poetry.

Equipment: portrait of I.A. Bunina. Reproduction of I. Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn", drawings depicting autumn, slides for the poem "Leaf Fall" by I.A. Bunina.

During the classes

Checking homework.

Reading of the poem by I.S. Nikitin “In the blue sky they float over the fields:”.

What epithets were copied from the poem?

1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Listen to an excerpt of the poem and think about what the lesson will be about.

The autumn artist waved her brush,
Sprinkled yellow on the light leaves,
The sky was pierced with bluish-lilac,
The river was covered with lead varnish.
From variegated patterned maple leaves
The carpet was laid out against a green background.

Who guessed what we will talk about today in class? (about autumn, we will read poems, we will look at autumn paintings).

Children, you and I have been reading poetry for several lessons already. Are you bored with this activity? Why? (the poems are beautiful, they are easy to read, they are quickly remembered, they describe the beauty of our native nature).

Is it really necessary to read poetry to admire the beauty of our native nature? Wouldn’t it be easier to go outside and see this beauty? Why don't we always notice the beauty in the nature around us?

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Today we will again go into the wonderful world of poetry, we will try to see some pictures of the autumn forest through the eyes of I.A. Bunin, to understand his feelings and moods.

4. Acquaintance with the biography of the poet.

Student message:

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born in 1870. in Voronezh in a noble family. His childhood years were spent on the family estate on the Butyrki farm in the Oryol province. In 1881 entered the Yeletsk gymnasium, which he left after 4 years due to illness. He first appeared in print at the age of 17. He left a rich inheritance literary creativity about the joy of life, human love. In 1933

Bunin was awarded Nobel Prize in the field of literature, the money from which he donated to needy writers.

5. Work on a poem.

A) -On the street snow, frost, and you and I will go to the autumn forest. Listen to the poem and think about the mood in which the author wrote it. Expressive reading by the teacher. - What feelings did you experience? How many of you wanted to visit that autumn forest that Bunin describes, wander along the autumn forest paths, feel the smells of the autumn forest, hear its sounds?

b). Rereading to yourself. Find the words you don't understand.

V) Lexical work. Work in groups with explanatory dictionary. Terem - in Ancient Rus', a tall, rich house with a sloping roof, with outbuildings (p. 795).

  • Lilac - the color of violet or dark lilac inflorescences, violet (p. 327).
  • Crimson - thick red, dark shade(p.33).
  • Azure is a light blue color, blue (p. 318). Slide 2.

G) Selective reading.

Analysis of the poem.

1. - Read the poem again and enjoy the beauty of the autumn forest. Try to imagine what Bunin writes about.

What parts can this passage be divided into? Prove your point.

2.Analysis of the first part of the passage. Slide 3.

Let's take a closer look at the first picture of the autumn forest. How did the author depict the forest? Read the description of the forest. What did the autumn forest remind Bunin of? What especially surprised him? Why does he compare the forest with a painted tower? What do they have in common?

Who is animate in natural silence? What is this technique called in fiction?

What's called personification? (Personification is the transfer of meaning based on the similarity of characteristics from an animate object to an inanimate one).

What other language means does the author use? (epithets). (Repeat in pairs).

Group work. Students find epithets. Game "Who is bigger?"

Physical education lesson "In the forest". Slide 4. 3.

What are the walls of Bunin's tower? (trees). What else in the forest is similar to a tower? (birch trees with yellow carvings). Explain this expression.

What does the author write about Christmas trees? Why does the author use such a comparison? What do Christmas trees look like? (on the towers of the tower). What other trees does the author use as building material for his mansion? (maples). So, the tower is almost ready: the walls are trees, the towers are Christmas trees, the carvings are birch trees with their yellow leaves.

What is missing in this forest mansion? (windows). Read what the windows of Bunin's tower look like? What did you notice? (the author uses comparison). Why did these windows appear? Why does the poet use comparisons in the poem?

What does the author call the window? (window). What quality of the poet does this indicate? Where else can you find confirmation of this idea? (Christmas trees). How do you read these words (affectionately, with love). - Now close your eyes and imagine this picture of an autumn forest.

Tell us what you saw, what it smells like in the autumn forest? Read what smells did Bunin smell? You see, the autumn forest smells like a new mansion.

So let's try to open I.A. Bunin, to understand his mood.

Find the lines in which you feel his attitude towards this picture

1) he is surprised and admires “the forest is like a painted tower”

2) he admires, loves what he writes about “windows”, “Christmas trees”

3) he is happy, he is having fun: “cheerful, colorful”

6. Conclusion for part 1. - In what form did autumn appear?

7. Physical education for the eyes.

8. Analysis of part 2 of the passage. Slide 5-7.

Now let's take a look at another picture of the autumn forest. What is autumn like here? (sad) How did you guess? (and autumn as a quiet widow). What is autumn sad about? Find a word that is repeated several times. What did the author want to show with this repetition? (that all this beauty will end soon). Is this a coincidence?

What color words does the author use in this part to describe autumn?

Read the epithets that help imagine the picture of an empty autumn forest (empty clearing, white moth, last petal).

How do comparisons change in this part? Read (the airy web of fabric shines like a network of silver, like a white petal). Emphasize them.

How does he write about silence? Find words that help us imagine, hear this silence (a quiet widow enters, the moth freezes, dead silence). - Have you noticed what word enhances this silence? (yes, that's it). So, then nothing disturbs this silence? (no, it violates).

Prove (that you can hear the rustling of a leaf in this silence).

Now read these lines in unison so that the leaves rustle under your feet. Have you noticed what sounds help you hear rustling? (f, w, h). This technique in fiction is called " ALLITERATION"

What is it? Read it. (reading the rules). Slide 8.(Special selection of consonant sounds to create a certain picture, a more accurate description of the image is called sound recording, or alliteration.)

What picture painted by Bunin in this part appeared in your mind? (I present:)

In what form does autumn appear in this part?

9. Work with a reproduction of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”, 1895.

What did the artist depict? What is this picture about?

What trees are central here?

What is shown in the background? When does a forest look like this?

How did you guess that it was a sunny day? Is the color of the sky different?

How did you feel looking at the reproduction of the painting?

You are right, Levitan’s depiction of the golden autumn is marvelous. A joyful perception of life sounds in his painting.

Compare the image of autumn in the poem and in the painting. What do they have in common?

10. Working on expressiveness.- What should you pay attention to in order to read a poem expressively?

1. Reading pace.

2. Reading tone.

3. Logical stresses.

Work in pairs. Students choose the required pace and tone of reading, explain their choice, highlight words with logical emphasis, and place pauses. Prepare to read the poem expressively. Try to convey your attitude towards the pictures of the autumn forest in Bunin’s poem.

Reading a poem aloud by several students.(students evaluate reading according to reading criteria.

11. Lesson summary. - Which poet’s poem did we meet today? What do you remember about I. Bunin? Slide 9.

- What language devices did the author use in the poem?

Did Levitan's painting and I.A. Bunin's poem help you see nature in a new way? What pictures of the autumn forest did the poet paint with the help of words-colors?

There is no illustration for this poem in the textbook. What would you draw? (Verbal drawing of a poem by students).

What mood is this poem permeated with?


Expressive reading of a poem, a passage by heart. Draw an autumn forest (optional).

VIII species

Lesson summary

in literary reading

on the topic: “Description of autumn in a poem.”

5th gradeVIIIview.


Lesson objectives: ,,,,,,,,,

Lesson type: Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge



Feel the joy of success in demonstrating your knowledge.


Develop memory, attention, speech, observation of words.


Cultivate an interest in reading and a love of poetry.


Multimedia board

Brief description: The goal of the game is to consolidate the acquired knowledge, expand the understanding,,,,,,,,,,. A presentation of the game is attached to the summary.

During the classes

The poem begins solemnly and admiringly.

Students read:


The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

Birch trees with yellow carving

Glisten in the blue azure,

Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there through the foliage

Clearances in the sky, like a window.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

Over the summer it dried out from the sun,

And Autumn is a quiet widow

Enters his motley mansion.

Such beauty takes your breath away.

What colors does the poet name to convey his admiration for the beauty of the autumn forest?

What did the autumn forest remind the poet? What is he comparing it to?

Towers were built in Ancient Rus', princes, boyars, and kings lived in them. More often they built wooden ones. In the village of Kolomenskoye, a wooden palace palace was built for the Tsar. It was the autumn forest that reminded the poet of such towers.

What trees are talked about in the poem?

Riddles will help you name them.

Sticky buds

Green leaves.

With white bark

It's under the mountain. (Birch)

It's not even a mystery

Let's call right away

If only someone would say

Acorns on it (Oak)

You can always find her in the forest

Let's go for a walk and meet

Worth prickly , like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress. (Spruce)

Horny bitches,

The fruits are winged.

And the leaf - with your palm

With a long leg. (Maple)

So that readers can better imagine the autumn forest, Bunin uses comparisons.

Find comparisons:




What poetic device does Bunin use when talking about autumn?

Personification - transference human traits on inanimate objects and phenomena.

What is autumn like in the poet’s opinion: cheerful or sad?

What is autumn sad about?

Bunin admires the beauty of the autumn forest. Why didn't he express this with an exclamatory intonation?

Why did it become so quiet in the forest?

The birds have flown away.

Let's once again admire the beauty of the autumn forest. It was sung by artists, poets, and musicians.

And Ivan Alekseevich is a master of extraordinary and subtle captures of nature.

You worked well, answered questions well, well done everyone!

Answers to school textbooks

The poet paints pictures of golden autumn. First we see a forest painted with different colors: “The forest is definitely painted, purple, gold, crimson.” Yellow birches, dark fir trees, through which blue sky gaps are visible. Admiration for colors, joy, delight! Then you can smell the smells: “The forest smells of oak and pine.” Autumn majestically enters its domain. The intonation becomes calmer and measured.

The poet draws a clearing in which the last butterfly plays, and the airy web glitters. Lots of light and silence. “There is such dead silence in the forest and the blue heights that you can hear the rustling of leaves.” Reverence and awe of the soul. The intonation of surprise from the moth is replaced by hidden quiet admiration.

And, finally, peace, tranquility, enjoyment of the beauty of nature and fascination with it. “The forest...stands over the sunny clearing, enchanted by the silence.”

The poet uses comparisons to make his poem more meaningful. bright images so that the reader can more accurately imagine the pictures of the golden autumn.

“The forest is like a painted tower” - the autumn foliage is multi-colored, and the forest seems to be painted with different colors like a tower. Light, rich and unusually beautiful.

“Birch trees shine with yellow carvings in blue azure” - carving is a way of skilfully decorating products made of hard material with the finest, like lace, pattern. The graceful foliage of birch trees is similar to this unusually beautiful carving.

“Like the towers of the Christmas trees darken” - spruce trees have a deep green color of needles, much darker than the autumn color of any other tree. The trunks of the Christmas trees are smooth, straight, looking up.

“Gaps in the sky, like a window” - a clear blue sky is visible through the foliage. It seems that you are looking through small windows decorated with ancient carvings. That's why the author calls them windows.

3. How does the forest change? How does the poet show these changes? Read it. How do you imagine this picture: “And Autumn, a quiet widow, enters her colorful mansion”? Tell me.

To the question “How is the forest changing?” The answer can be found in task 1.

“And Autumn, a quiet widow, enters her motley mansion” - Autumn comes gradually, the colors of autumn replace one another, the summer activity of nature slows down, nature calms down and falls asleep. Golden autumn is accompanied by a variety of colors that will soon disappear.

4. How does the mood of Autumn change with the arrival of “long bad weather” and winter cold? How does the poet talk about this?

Sadness, sadness, peace, tranquility - such feelings are brought by late autumn, which erases the colorful multicolor of golden autumn. “While playing, a scattered flock of starlings will flash in the sky - and again everything around will freeze.”