On what day is Maslenitsa celebrated?

In 2017, Maslenitsa week begins on February 20, on Monday. It is worth saying that this holiday has its roots in the pagan times of the ancient Slavs, when Maslenitsa was associated with the Vernal Equinox. With the adoption of Christianity in Rus', the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa were preserved.

Starting Monday, pancakes will become the most important dish on the Russian table. According to old Russian traditions, each day of the week must be spent in its own way.

So, Monday begins with the meeting of Maslenitsa. As a rule, on this day, people made a straw effigy of Maslenitsa and installed it in the main square of the city. On Monday they treated pancakes to all the poor and needy.

The very next day, people went out into the streets and organized mass celebrations. People rode roller coasters, played snowballs, built forts, and also had fist fights. The day is called “flirts”.

On Wednesday, which is called a “gourmet”, organized a rich feast and invited neighbors to visit. On this day, sons-in-law had the right to visit their mother-in-law for pancakes without an invitation. However, they did not come empty-handed, but prepared a gift.

Thursday, which is called "let's go for a walk", people again spent it on the street.

On Friday It was the mother-in-law’s turn to go to her son-in-law for pancakes. It was considered correct if she came with her own dishes.

Saturday It is considered the day of the in-laws. On this day, “sister-in-law’s get-togethers” were held. The husband’s parents go to visit for pancakes, which the young wife treats them to.

On Sunday people went to the square and burned a straw effigy. After this, it was customary to ask each other for forgiveness for all offenses. The day has two names: “Farewell to Maslenitsa” and “ Forgiveness Sunday».

Maslenitsa folk schedule

Monday - Maslenitsa meeting

On this day, they made a scarecrow from straw, put old women's clothes on it, put this scarecrow on a pole and, singing, carried it on a sleigh around the village.

Tuesday - flirt

On this day, brides' viewings took place. The girls invited young people to ride from the mountains.

Wednesday - gourmet, mother-in-law pancakes

On this day, mothers-in-law invited their beloved sons-in-law for pancakes.

Thursday - revelry, wide Thursday

Day of fist fights. The blood shed during such battles was perceived as a sacrifice to the spirits of the dead.

Friday - mother-in-law evenings

If on Wednesday sons-in-law visited their mothers-in-law, then on Friday it was the other way around. At the same time, in the evening, the mother-in-law had to give her son-in-law all the necessary ingredients for making pancakes.

Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers

On this day, the daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her place.

Forgiveness Sunday

On the last day of Maslenitsa, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from all relatives and friends.

already close. It lasts for a whole week. , as expected, in Monday. And it will end as usual on Sunday, February 26. The holiday has many traditions and customs. One of the long-standing traditions is considered burning an effigy on Maslenitsa. When and why to burn an effigy on Maslenitsa in 2017.

First, let's say when you need to make a stuffed animal. Usually the effigy was made on the first day of Maslenitsa week. It will be February 20, 2017 - the meeting of Maslenitsa.

Our ancestors used straw to make a scarecrow. To do this, they deliberately left the last fart in the fall after harvesting. They dressed the stuffed animal in old unnecessary things. As a rule, faces were not depicted. That is, the scarecrow was faceless. Nowadays making a stuffed animal is much easier. They make two sticks into a cross and dress them in torn clothes.

The effigy is supposed to be burned on the last day of Maslenitsa. It will be February 26, 2017 - Forgiveness Sunday.

Why is it obligatory to burn an effigy on Maslenitsa in 2017? People have long believed that the ritual of burning an effigy on Maslenitsa can save them from various troubles that previously accompanied them. In addition, old things and clothes are thrown into the fire along with the scarecrow. It is believed that this is how to get rid of negative energy.

In addition, our ancestors considered burning an effigy as a kind of ritual of sacrifice. In response, they hoped that higher powers would send them a good harvest in the coming year. Therefore, they scattered the ashes remaining after burning the effigy across the fields.

The custom of burning an effigy on Maslenitsa has survived to this day. However, nowadays people give this ritual a slightly different meaning. By burning an effigy, people say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. They rejoice at the imminent approach of warmth and the clear sun.

Happy Maslenitsa to you! Love, warmth, hope!

Maslenitsa in 2017: For a long time, Maslenitsa was considered the most fun and joyful holiday after the New Year celebrations. So in 2017, Maslenitsa is celebrated from February 20 to February 26. This holiday has a centuries-old history, and traditions that have developed over for a long time. This holiday is also the last celebration before Lent, which takes place before the celebration of the largest church holiday, Easter. What traditions should be observed and how best to spend Maslenitsa.

Traditionally, Maslenitsa is considered in Russia one of the most fun and long-awaited holidays of the year. As you know, the beginning of the celebration of this holiday changes every year, but at the same time, this holiday always lasts a whole week, during which it is customary to organize festivities, visit guests and have fun.

Maslenitsa 2017: History of the holiday

Before the baptism of Rus', Maslenitsa was celebrated 7 days before the Spring Equinox and a week after. People believed that by organizing pancake feasts, they would help spring awaken from sleep faster, and the body would undergo a restructuring of the hormonal system and prepare for an active life. Christian church I decided to leave this holiday so as not to enter into disputes with Russian traditions, but I moved it a little. Thus, Maslenitsa does not contradict Lent and is celebrated for only one week.

Maslenitsa is a bright, cheerful celebration that is designed to drive away winter and invite spring, awakening nature and the warmth of the sun. Since ancient times, people have compared spring with new life, glorified the Sun, which gave mood and happiness to all living things. It was in honor of the sun that housewives baked sweet flatbreads, and later they learned to make pancakes from fermented dough. Our ancestors established this dish as a kind of symbol of the Sun, because they are just as round, yellow, and warm. When they ate the fragrant dishes, they believed that they were eating a piece of the warmth and power of this bright planet.

Maslenitsa 2017: Centuries-old traditions of Maslenitsa festivities

  • According to Orthodoxy, Maslenitsa is considered to prepare the human body for the upcoming Lent. During this week, the Russian people excluded meat from food, but they were allowed to eat all dairy products, eggs, and fish. The main holiday dish to this day is pancakes, which in shape and color are very similar to the sun, which shines warmer with the arrival of spring.
  • It is noteworthy, but pre-revolutionary Russia Maslenitsa week saw the most matchmaking, conspiracies and weddings. On these days, special competitions were held where young men could openly show their feelings for their chosen one and vice versa. It is no coincidence that a saying appeared among the people: “Matchmaking on Maslenitsa - wedding on Krasnaya Gorka.”
  • According to ancient traditions the main role this week belonged to women. They demonstrated all their culinary abilities, hospitality, ability to welcome guests, and also to sing and dance. It is no coincidence that representatives of the fair sex were the main actors on all the days of Maslenitsa, each of which had its own meaning and customs.

Maslenitsa in 2017: Celebration of Maslenitsa, rituals and traditions.

A well-known Maslenitsa custom is baking pancakes. This custom has its roots back in pagan times. The pancakes were baked golden, ruddy, hot - all this is the personification of the Sun, the welcome of spring. During the festivities, people danced in circles, decorated cart wheels and carried them through the streets, all this is connected with the round shape of the Sun, all these rituals were considered as a kind of “oiling” of the Sun, which, by the way, is where the name Maslenitsa comes from.

Another tradition is jumping over a fire; this custom also has deep roots in paganism, since it was believed that by jumping over a fire, a person would, as it were, singe away his sins. But these days, if such a tradition has been preserved, it is more for fun and fun. As for the sinful side of man, an Orthodox person needs to go to church and bring his repentance to God, and not burn them by jumping over the fire.

To top it all off folk festivals, at the end of the celebration, an effigy of “Maslenitsa” was burned, the personification of the passing winter, and the arrival of spring, the approach of the period of field work. By burning the effigy, people always expected and believed that the year would be fertile and fruitful.

Maslenitsa 2017: Forgiveness Resurrection

The seventh and last day of Maslenitsa is considered Forgiveness Sunday; on this day, all people, preparing for Great Lent, asked each other for forgiveness and remembered the departed.

In churches, evening services are held dedicated to the rite of forgiveness, when the rector asks for forgiveness from parishioners, and parishioners, in turn, ask for forgiveness from each other, answering the request “God will forgive.”

Maslenitsa in 2017: Why do we celebrate Maslenitsa seven weeks before Easter?

As we know, the most important Orthodox holiday, Easter, falls on different dates every year. Every year this holiday is celebrated on different Sundays of the month. This is due to several factors, in accordance with the lunar calendar, the vernal equinox, as well as the celebration of the Jewish Passover. And since Easter is movable Orthodox holiday, that is, they fall on different dates, then other church dates of certain holidays are counted from the date of Easter.

Accordingly, the celebration of Maslenitsa falls on different dates every year, or rather just seven weeks before Great Easter. But since the Maslenitsa holiday itself has pagan roots. AND Orthodox Church against various pagan worldviews. The last week before Great Lent, which is popularly referred to as simply Maslenitsa festivities and farewells to winter for people who believe in fasting, this week is a preparation for Great Lent, that is, semi-lenten, when it is already forbidden to eat meat products, but eggs, cheese, You can still eat milk.

Traditionally Maslenitsa considered in Russia to be one of the best of the year. As you know, the beginning of the celebration of this holiday changes every year, but at the same time, this holiday always lasts a whole week, during which it is customary to organize festivities, visit guests and have fun.

Date and beginning of Maslenitsa 2017

In 2017, Maslenitsa week will last from February 20 to February 26, foreshadowing the coming Lent.

Originally, this holiday was pagan, containing three components: celebrating the arrival of spring in the hope of a fertile year, meeting young people to start families and continue the family line, and tribute to ancestors who, after death, ended up not only in the afterlife, but also in the body of the earth , have become part of nature, which means they also influence the harvest, and therefore life.

Traditions of Maslenitsa

They began to celebrate Maslenitsa and prepare for it two days in advance - they baked pancakes (and the first pancake was always given to the poor), children collected bast shoes from around the yards. The guys with them ran up to passers-by and asked if they were bringing Maslenitsa. If the answer was negative, then the children beat the poor fellow with bast shoes.

Maslenitsa week began with Little Maslenitsa, which lasted three days. These days they continued to work, prepared a lot of foods (pancakes, pies, flatbreads, dumplings, cheesecakes), and began to build a snow town. In the first three days, the groom's family came to visit the bride's family for acquaintance and matchmaking.

Wide Maslenitsa in 2017 - these are the last four days of the holiday

It began with Razgul - Maslenitsa Thursday, all household work was completed, general fun began: fist fights, sleigh rides, competitions, common tables were set up, where food was brought and everyone who did it was treated. The favorite pastime of the Slavs was jumping over a fire. Maslenitsa songs were heard everywhere, accompanied by caroling.

Maslenitsa ended with the honoring of ancestors. Women went to the cemetery, brought pancakes and vodka to the graves, and begged for forgiveness. At home they continued to eat holiday dishes, however, they did not clean up the dishes after themselves; on the contrary, they took out all the leftover food and left it on the table, so that when everyone fell asleep at night, the ancestors could come out from behind the stove and eat too.

Last day of Maslenitsa

On the very last day of Maslenitsa (February 26 in 2017), a straw effigy was burned, personifying winter and last year’s dried-up harvest. The ashes from Maslenitsa were scattered across the fields. Maslenitsa ended with cleaning: they cleaned all the dishes, burned the leftover food, and left nothing for the next day. For believers, the time of Great Lent has come.

Maslenitsa is widely celebrated throughout Russia. This holiday reflects age-old traditions, carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation. Every day of Maslenitsa week is filled with a unique meaning.

Maslenitsa is not only the week before Lent and the upcoming Easter. Traditionally, it is the turning point of winter, when people, tired of the cold, finally welcome the imminent approach of spring and rejoice at the approaching warm and fine days. Maslenitsa in 2017 will begin on February 20 and end on the 26th with Forgiveness Sunday and subsequent strict fasting until the onset of Easter.

Orthodox people, despite the upcoming fast, try to observe centuries-old traditions, while not forgetting about restrictions on celebrations and daily prayers. Meat week, which prohibits the consumption of meat, provides an opportunity to eat plenty before being strict, so the favorite Russian pancakes are served with all sorts of fillings: fish, cabbage, honey.

Monday. Meeting.

Maslenitsa opens on the first day of the week. On Monday, housewives baked pancakes. Traditionally, the first pancake was given to the poor so that they could pray for the souls of deceased relatives, or left on the doorstep as a tribute to their ancestors. On this day, they always made a straw effigy of Maslenitsa and dressed it up in old clothes, thereby getting rid of unnecessary negativity in the house. Relatives visited each other and enjoyed pancakes, celebrating the opening of Maslenitsa week.

Tuesday. Flirting.

Tuesday has traditionally been a day of festivities, games and fun. On this day, young people visited each other, ate pancakes and sledded down the icy mountains. Buffoons walked the streets, entertaining people and enjoying the generous alms of housewives. Flirting was the day of matchmaking, when parents looked closely at future relatives and began to joke about the upcoming celebration. Guests were traditionally greeted with pancakes and wine, and then everyone went to mass celebrations. The young people secretly looked at each other, the grooms chose their brides, and the girls looked at their future husbands and secretly wondered which of them would be the first to send matchmakers.

Wednesday. Gourmand.

On Wednesday, according to tradition, sons-in-law went to visit their mothers-in-law for pancakes. In those days there could be several of them, so the houses were celebrated in a big way, the tables were laden with treats. In the evenings they praised all the mothers-in-law and sang songs of praise to them and played funny scenes with changing clothes. Comical performances continued until late at night. At this time, women and girls got together, rode sleighs around the villages and also sang funny songs and ditties.

Thursday. Revelry.

Since Thursday, the festivities have become massive, and entire villages of people rode through the streets. At this time, fist fights and wall-to-wall games took place, where young people showed off their prowess and standing, showing off in front of girls and brides. Children went home and caroled to cheerful songs. Adults willingly treated them to delicacies and conveyed greetings and bows to their parents.

Friday. Mother-in-law Vespers.

On Friday, sons-in-law invited their wives' mothers to visit them and returned their hospitality and hospitality a hundredfold. The rich organized honorary evenings, when not only the mother-in-law, but also all her relatives. Family gatherings strengthened relationships between relatives, and general fun reminded of the imminent approach of the long-awaited spring and warmth.

Saturday. Sister-in-law's get-togethers.

The daughter-in-law honoredly invited her husband's relatives to the house. If sisters-in-law, sisters of husbands, were unmarried, the daughter-in-law invited her unmarried friends to common gatherings. Married relatives were invited to visit married sisters-in-law. In this case, the sleigh was coupled with a steam locomotive and the daughter-in-law transported her relatives to her sisters-in-law. The newlywed, according to custom, prepared gifts for her sisters-in-law and presented each one with gifts.

Sunday. Forgiveness day.

Forgiveness Sunday ends the Maslenitsa week. At this time, relatives went to visit each other and asked for forgiveness. Also on this day, cemeteries were visited and tribute was paid to deceased relatives. On Sunday, they burned an effigy of Maslenitsa, danced around the fire, and the bravest ones jumped over it and made a wish. The farewell to winter was ending. The people were in no hurry to go home and lit high, hot fires to melt the remaining snow and quickly invite the beautiful spring to visit. Unnecessary and broken things were put into the fire. On this day, all old grievances and conflicts were forgotten. The old people smiled and said: “Whoever remembers the old, look out.”

Maslenitsa has always been celebrated on a grand scale. And don't skimp on the joy this fun week in 2017. Leave all the hardships of winter and enter the world renewed new period life. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and