In the Nizhny Novgorod region, ex-candidate for governor, businessman Sergei Klementyev, died. A resident of Nizhny Novgorod deliberately gained weight to show how to lose weight Andrey Viktorovich Klimentyev

He was the eldest of three sons in the family of Anatoly Fedorovich Klimentyev, a very famous and influential man who for many years served as chairman of the regional association "Selkhoztekhnika".

Having reached the 5th year of the Automotive Faculty of the Gorky Polytechnic Institute, Andrei Klimentyev decided to leave his studies: “I’m tired of studying the technology of the last century.” After the tragic death of their father, a new misfortune befell the family. In 1982, in the wake of Andropov’s “restoring order,” all the Klimentyev brothers became victims of a show trial.

Similar high-profile trials of the “golden youth” were then going on all over the country, they were accompanied by denunciations in the press and on television, and presence in the courtroom was mandatory for Komsomol activists. Andrei Klimentyev was accused of distributing pornographic videos and preparing for fraud.

The accusations were clear: the videos that cost Klimentyev his freedom could be bought and watched by every schoolchild a few years later. This conviction has now been vacated.

In 1989, Andrei Klimentyev was released, went into business and quickly succeeded in it. In the 90s, he already owned the best nightclub in the city, modern supermarkets, and had a controlling stake in a shipbuilding plant.

Nemtsov probably thought that a friend with a reputation as a “gray eminence” could interfere with his plans to become Yeltsin’s heir. In 1995, on the initiative of the Nizhny Novgorod governor, a criminal case was initiated into the theft of a foreign currency loan from the Ministry of Finance provided to the Navashinsky Oka shipbuilding plant, which later became the owner of Andrei Klimentyev. Klimentyev was taken into custody, Nemtsov’s former friend accused him of all mortal sins and publicly called him a criminal before the trial. The first trial in this case ended with the release of Klimentyev, since the court sentenced him to imprisonment for the period he spent in a pre-trial detention center. Thus, the regional “party in power” had an active and strong opposition. While in prison, Andrei Klimentyev ran for

State Duma

, to the City Duma of Nizhny Novgorod, but each time the bureaucratic machine turned out to be stronger. However, in March 1998, this machine suffered a serious glitch: Andrei Klimentyev was elected mayor of Nizhny Novgorod, ahead, contrary to all forecasts, of the government candidate. The “mistake” of hundreds of thousands of Nizhny Novgorod residents was quickly corrected by the Yeltsin administration. The elections were declared invalid, some officials were kicked out of their comfortable chairs, and Klimentyev was taken into custody in the courtroom during the second trial in the case of the “Navasha millions.” This time the court decided as the authorities wanted: Andrei Klimentyev was sent to a colony. Another person took the mayor’s chair, the indignant Nizhny Novgorod residents calmed down and removed the pickets. Andrei Klimentyev, while in a penal colony in the Kirov region, continued to fight against judicial arbitrariness, using all the opportunities provided by law, including appealing to the European Court. Having received parole, Klimentyev returned to prison in October 2000.

In 2001, he participated in the elections for the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, but as a result of a dirty campaign organized by the team of S. Kiriyenko and M. Gelman and taking place under the conditions of the information blockade of Klimentyev, he could only take 5th place. After this, Andrei Klimentyev announced his retirement from politics, but allowed a 5 percent probability of his participation in the elections for the Nizhny Novgorod mayor in the fall of 2002. Before making a final decision for himself, Klimentyev turned to Nizhny Novgorod residents with the question of whether he should go to the polls. The support of more than 200 thousand citizens convinced him to stand as a candidate for the post of head of Nizhny Novgorod.

Initially inferior to the candidate from the “party in power” Vadim Bulavinov and the current head of Nizhny Novgorod Yuri Lebedev, Andrei Klimentyev successfully conducted the campaign and on the eve of the elections, according to sociologists, was the main contender for victory. This is what prompted the authorities to remove it under a far-fetched pretext with the help of an assistant from the Nizhny Novgorod District Court the day before the elections. Nizhny Novgorod residents, outraged by the arbitrariness, for the most part voted “against everyone,” and this was done not only by Andrei Klimentyev’s supporters, but also by those voters who considered the people’s right to free and fair elections to be violated. Only by manipulating the vote count (after the 1st round of elections, 10 thousand ballots were declared “invalid”) did the authorities achieve the result they wanted.

In 2003, Andrei Klimentyev participated in the elections to the State Duma in the 120th Kanavinsky district. This time, the authorities took into account their mistakes and, in order not to create a “protest wave” on election day, removed the unwanted candidate a month before the elections. The basis for the withdrawal was the supposedly unreliable signatures collected for Klimentyev, which the authorities themselves cynically replaced, working so clumsily that they even put a signature for the candidate on the substituted sheets, as if exposing their own forgery. And again, the Nizhny Novgorod District Court showed enviable obedience, making a decision that contradicted common sense and the rules of law.

In 2004, Andrei Klimentyev took up agriculture, wanting to prove that if the business is well organized, it can not only be profitable, but also make a profit. He entered into lease agreements with peasants of several villages in the southern regions of the Nizhny Novgorod region. In just one year, he brought these farms to the forefront in their regions, doing a lot not only to increase production, but also to increase the incomes of peasants.

Andrey Klimentyev is raising a 10-year-old son.

Bodybuilder Artem Belkov grew a beer belly in a year

Bodybuilder from Dzerzhinsk Artem Belkov was on a “mayonnaise” diet for a whole year. He didn’t deny himself anything, enjoyed pizza and fast food at night, and all this for a good cause. He decided to motivate others to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle by his example. And I started a video blog dedicated to this topic.

Left: Artem before the “mayonnaise” diet. Right - after. Photo: from the archive of the hero of the publication

I’ve been involved in sports since I was 16, so I was in shape. Participated in competitions. And recently we opened a sports nutrition store in Dzerzhinsk. And we realized that a lot of people simply don’t know what a diet is and how to eat healthy and not harm themselves. So we decided to help them useful tips, explains Artem. – For a whole year I did not exercise at all and did not deny myself unhealthy and fatty foods. Especially on pizza or McDonald's at night. I was on a “mayonnaise” diet, so to speak.

According to Artem, in kilograms the result of his diet is not very terrible - only plus 10 kilograms.

Artem showed that he was “fed up with honest work”

But almost all muscle mass became fat. Now I'm a chubby man with a big beer belly. The waist is about 107 centimeters! Besides, I feel unwell without sports. My health has deteriorated significantly,” the Nizhny Novgorod resident describes his feelings. – Once every two weeks I will try to post useful videos to help people get in shape. After all, many simply do not know how to do this. The big problem now is the abundance of information on the topic of weight loss and a sports lifestyle on the Internet. A lot of unreliable stuff. People simply don’t know how to filter it and understand what they need. As a result, they generally believe that they simply won’t succeed.

A year ago the bodybuilder looked like this

Artem is sure that the fact that now he is the same as his “clients” will work well. And he will be able to show them how to change themselves by his example, live.

There are a lot of similar videos on the Internet. But on them, people in good shape usually say that they were once fat and did this and that to fix it... It’s hard to believe. You never know what you can come up with. And now people from my city see me on the street, they see on video that I really am like this. And then they will see how I change. I hope this will help them,” shares Artem.

The Nizhny Novgorod resident plans to return to ideal shape in 4-6 months.

According to TC Volga, the preliminary cause of death of the 56-year-old businessman was a heart attack. The funeral of Sergei Klementyev took place today, January 21.

The businessman’s brother, Andrei Klementyev, upon learning of his brother’s death, interrupted his vacation abroad and flew to the Nizhny Novgorod region.

And Sergei Klementyev ran for governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2001. 20 candidates took part in the election campaign then, including Ivan Sklyarov, Ivan Karnilin, and Vladimir Shubin. As a result, Gennady Khodyrev was elected governor.

In the 80s, the brothers were convicted on charges of distributing pornography, and Andrei served a 7-year prison sentence. In 2000, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the sentence passed by him as unfair and ordered the Prosecutor General's Office to pay Andrey 72 thousand rubles, and Sergei - 5 thousand rubles. as compensation for moral damage.

What is Andrey Klimentyev famous for?

Andrey Klimentyev is an acquaintance and former friend, ally of Russian politician Boris Nemtsov. The friends quarreled after Boris Nemtsov initiated, according to Andrei Klimentyev, a criminal case against him on charges of embezzling $18 million in loan funds.

On March 29, 1998, Andrei Klimentyev was elected mayor of Nizhny Novgorod, receiving 34% of the vote, but on April 1, the elections were declared invalid. On May 27, 1998, the businessman was sentenced to six years in prison with confiscation of property. He served his sentence in colony No. 9 Dzerzhinsk. In 1999, he was transferred to a settlement after four court decisions, and on October 3, 2000, he was released on parole from the colony settlement of Gidaevo, Kirov Region.

In 2001, Andrei Klimentyev took part in the elections for governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, taking fifth place. Sergei Kiriyenko, who was then the presidential representative in the Volga Federal District, said before the elections: “I will resign if Klimentyev wins the elections.” In the fall of 2002, the businessman ran in the Nizhny Novgorod mayoral elections, but he was removed from the elections 30 minutes before voting day by the Nizhny Novgorod District Court by Judge Vavilycheva, who after this decision was promoted to the regional court.

In 2007, Andrei Klimentyev was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to two and a half years in prison (the year spent in a pre-trial detention center was included in this term). While in prison, the entrepreneur wrote an autobiography, “Between Power and Prison.”

On Friday I crossed paths in Gagino with Andrei Anatolyevich Klimentyev, whom many still remember in Nizhny Novgorod. He has been building his agricultural business in the Sechenovsky region for 5 years. And now, apparently, it is making an “expansion” into the Gaginsky district, and then into the Lukoyanovsky district.

In the Gaginsky district, one agrarian, due to the rainy summer of 2013, renting land from shareholders, did not pay them for shares, did not pay land tax, etc.

Some kind people explained that this tenant would not rise again. They say that groups of shareholders need to allocate their land - 7.2 hectares per share - in kind.

Next, the administration of the Gaginsky district selected an investor for the shareholders - a fairly successful farm in Berezniki. But the weakened tenant turned to Klimentyev, promising him about 4 thousand hectares of land if he paid his debts to the shareholders...

Klimentyev will turn 60 this year, but he is still the same “assertive guy.”

Four meetings of shareholders were held in the administration building of the Gaginsky district, and each time Andrei Anatolyevich spoke to them, promising to repay the debt to the shareholders for the tenant and to fulfill all the conditions in the future.

In between speeches, we talked with him closely about his agricultural business.

Doing business in agriculture in the Nizhny Novgorod region is no less risky and adventurous today than being a politician in the 90s

Andrey Klimentyev’s line boils down to expanding the area of ​​land cultivation.

He has equipment on 50 thousand hectares, but in reality he collects grain from 15 thousand hectares, without particularly chasing yields. So he wants to take another 4-5 thousand hectares in the Gaginsky district, and also, possibly, 15 thousand hectares in the Lukoyanovsky district.

Klimentyev assures that he has plenty of grain. He ordered 125 tons of grain from my warehouse (he has, as he puts it, two Studebakers of 80 tons each for transporting grain) for delivery on Monday to Gagino, Sherstino, Subbotino, Tyapino.

He is confident that from 50 to 70 percent of shareholders will go to him.

Andrei Anatolyevich would have betrayed himself if he had not been in conflict with the Gaginsky district administration.

When he arrived in Gagino, everyone in the administration was shocked. Allegedly, the head of the administration immediately called him to his place. Nikolai Alexandrovich Savkin

. They had a nice conversation. But when Klimentyev arrived at the hall where the meeting was taking place, he was not registered as a participant (he had previously thought about a power of attorney from one shareholder).

The opposition of the administration, according to Klimentyev, is proven by the fact that he offers 700 kg of grain per share, while the farm in Berezniki is ready to provide only 500 kg. It's not just like that. Shareholders, they say, are under pressure from the administration.

But Klimentyev is confident that as soon as the shareholders to whom the grain is owed see a high-quality seed product for 10 rubles per kg, they will immediately switch to his side. Even despite the administration of the Gaginsky district.

Klimentyev has not changed - he is still the same “assertive guy”

He urged people in the usual style: go to a reliable person, I have been in business all my life and everything is always going well for me, I am a billionaire, I have enough for a tram and a bun with butter for 800 years.

In general, he hasn't changed.


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