Vasnetsov V.M. "Bogatyrs"

"Bogatyrs"- painting by Viktor Vasnetsov. The common title of the painting, “Three Heroes,” is incorrect. Vasnetsov worked on the painting for almost twenty years. On April 23, 1898, it was completed and was soon purchased by P. M. Tretyakov for his gallery.

“Three heroes” description of Vasnetsov’s painting

V.M. Vasnetsov himself (in a letter to P.P. Chistyakov) described the picture as follows: “The heroes Dobrynya, Ilya and Alyosha Popovich are on a heroic outing - they are noticing in the field whether there is an enemy somewhere, are they offending anyone somewhere?”

The painting depicts three heroes - Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich (the main characters of Russian epics). The gigantic figures of heroes and their horses, located in the foreground of the picture, symbolize the strength and power of the Russian people. The impressive dimensions of the painting—295x446 cm—contribute to this impression.

In the middle on a black horse Ilya Muromets, looks into the distance from under his palm, in one hand the hero has a spear and shield, in the other a damask club. Powerful strength, wisdom and endurance are felt throughout his appearance. Muromets has a noble Russian face, clear, sharp eyes, a straight nose, a strong-willed mouth with tightly compressed lips, a thick beard streaked with gray. Ilya sits in a Circassian saddle. The horse stands and slightly shakes its bells under its bangs, angrily squinting its eyes towards the enemy. He is dressed in iron chain mail and has a helmet on his head. From under a patterned mitten, Ilya peers vigilantly into the steppe distance, towards his nomadic enemies. He is ready for battle, but is in no hurry: he even freed his leg from the stirrup.

On the left on a white horse Nikitich, takes his sword out of its sheath, ready to rush into battle at any moment. Dobrynya’s facial features resemble the artist Viktor Vasnetsov himself; the type of hero’s face is characteristic of Russian people. He is dressed richly and elegantly. On top of the chain mail is precious princely armor, a shield made of expensive red metal inlaid with gold, a patterned high helmet, elegant turquoise-colored boots. Dobrynya is not as calm and reasonable as Ilya Muromets. He impatiently clutches the hilt of his sword, half out of its scabbard; legs in stirrups, eyes keenly peering into the distance, he is ready to rush into battle at any moment. Ilya is the eldest, without his order the outpost will not move. If Ilya removes the spear, it means that Dobrynya can rush at the enemy.

On the right on a horse of red color Alesha Popovich holding a bow and arrows in his hands. Compared to his comrades, he is young and slender. The beardless face is youthfully pretty.Alyosha Popovich has a quiver at his side, and his slender figure is girded with a wide gold belt.The red horse on which Alyosha Popovich sits lowered his head low, intending to nibble the steppe grass, but his ears perked up - he was waiting for a command.

The heroes are depicted against the backdrop of a harsh steppe landscape, their heads and shoulders rise above the horizon, making the heroes seem even more powerful and significant. The symmetrical arrangement of the figures, the stability of the composition, the deliberate constraint in their movements (for the time being) convey the unity of the heroes, united by a common desire - not to let the enemy into the borders of Rus'.

The steppe is covered with thick feather grass. Over the distant hilly chain of hills with copses hung a low sky, cloudy and alarming, signifying the danger threatening the heroes.

Painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs” is a monument to the military glory of the Russian people. The artist managed to convey in his work the popular understanding of the images of heroes; This is the strength and persuasiveness of the picture.

  • The prototype for Ilya Muromets was the peasant of the Vladimir province Ivan Petrov (later a cab driver in the village of Bolshie Mytishchi), whom Vasnetsov captured in a sketch in 1883.
  • In the epics, Dobrynya is always young, like Alyosha, but for some reason Vasnetsov portrayed him as a mature man with a luxurious beard. Some researchers believe that Dobrynya’s facial features resemble the artist himself.
  • The picture gave rise to large quantity anecdotes and stage miniatures
It took Viktor Vasnetsov about 20 years to complete the painting “Bogatyri” (Three Bogatyrs). On April 23, 1898, it was completed and was soon purchased by P. M. Tretyakov for his gallery.
And I can’t count how many people posed for him during this time. The artist looked for his “Ilya”, “Dobrynya” and “Alyosha” everywhere: among ordinary people, friends, patrons of the arts and even relatives. The result was a mosaic of Russian types.

Victor Vasnetsov. Bogatyrs. 1881-1898. Canvas, oil. 295.3 × 446 cm.
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

V. M. Vasnetsov himself (in a letter to P. P. Chistyakov) described the picture as follows:

“The heroes Dobrynya, Ilya and Alyoshka Popovich are on the heroic outing - they are noticing in the field whether there is an enemy somewhere, are they offending anyone?”

The painting depicts three heroes - Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich (the main characters of Russian epics).
With this plot, Vasnetsov wanted, on the threshold of the twentieth century, to indicate the continuity of the heroic past of the Russian people with its great future. The heroes here are not specific epic characters, but an allegory of creative forces. Moreover, the field is not a specific place on the map, but the whole of Rus'.

First sketch of the painting, early 1870s
The heroes “lived” in different time and could only “meet” in Vasnetsov’s painting.
When Ilya Muromets was the way the artist depicted him, Dobrynya should have been an old man, and Alyosha Popovich should have been a boy.

Behind the heroes are the graves of soldiers who died in battle. In the foreground are young shoots as a symbol of future generations. The heroes are located between the symbols of the past and the future as links in an endless chain of defenders of the Motherland.

The implementation of the plan became for Vasnetsov, as he himself said, “a duty, an obligation to the people who raised [me], educated me, and armed me with skills.” “I worked on “Bogatyrs,” perhaps not always with the proper intensity, but they were always relentlessly in front of me, my heart was always drawn to them and my hand reached out to them!” - admitted the painter.

The huge canvas moved with the artist and his family from apartment to apartment; from Moscow to Kyiv and back; in summer - out of town. Vasnetsov’s son Alexey recalled: “Bogatyrs” was for us... not a picture, but something necessary in life - a constant living environment, like walls, ceilings, lunch, tea...”

In the middle of the picture, Ilya Muromets is on a black horse, looking into the distance from under his palm, in one hand the hero has a spear and shield, in the other a damask club.
Ilya Muromets is an extraordinary person; he is powerful, calm, collected, and one can feel wisdom and confidence in his appearance. His hand, raised to his eyes, easily holds a heavy club, the spear in his other hand sparkles sharply. Nevertheless, the hero’s appearance is not intimidating - he breathes all over with peaceful kindness.
Ilya Muromets personifies thoroughness, wise slowness and reliance on the experience and traditions of the people.

One of the prototypes for Ilya Muromets was the peasant of the Vladimir province Ivan Petrov
“For Ilya Muromets, the artist looked for more and more new types, sketching either Ivan Petrov, the Abramtsevo blacksmith, - sedate, handsome, with calm and attentive eyes; and then a dray driver, whom he met already in Moscow and begged to pose.

“I’m walking along the embankment near the Crimean Bridge,” V. Vasnetsov later said, “and I see: standing near the regiment is a hefty fellow, exactly the spitting image of my Ilya.”

V. M. Vasnetsov

Peasant Ivan Petrov.
Sketch for the painting “Bogatyrs”.
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

To the left of Ilya is Dobrynya, the second most important in the heroic trinity. A prince by birth, a warrior by calling, Dobrynya Nikitich is smart and educated. In a decisive pose and a sharp gaze, the artist emphasizes the remarkable character of the snake fighter Dobrynya (he is the one who defeats the Serpent Gorynych in the epics). In his hands is a sword, which the hero holds not with reckless abandon, but with confident strength. Looking at the hero, we are convinced that he will be able to right moment skillfully use weapons.
A proud fighting spirit and desire to defend his land are embodied in Dobrynya Nikitich.

In epics, Dobrynya is always young, like Alyosha, but Vasnetsov portrayed him as a mature man with a luxurious beard. Some researchers believe that Dobrynya’s facial features resemble the artist himself.

Alyosha Popovich is young and slender compared to his comrades.
He is depicted with a bow and arrows in his hands, but the harp attached to the saddle indicates that he is not only a fearless warrior, but also a psaltery player, a songwriter, and a merry fellow.

The image of Alyosha Popovich reflects the poetic, contemplative nature of the Russian soul, sensitivity to all manifestations of beauty.

Without characteristics of horses there will be no full description paintings.

The three heroes of Vasnetsov see friends and comrades in their horses. The appearance of each animal is associated with the qualities of the hero.

Under Ilya is a solid, stubborn and loyal crow.

Dobrynya's white horse is proud and full of dignity.

Alyosha's red horse is elegant and simple, with a harp attached to his blanket.

Vasnetsov near the painting “Bogatyrs”. Moscow, 1898

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov
Russian artist-painter and architect, master of historical and folklore painting.
Born on May 15, 1848 in the Russian village of Lopyal, Urzhum district, Vyatka province, in the family of an Orthodox priest Mikhail Vasilyevich Vasnetsov, who belonged to the ancient Vyatka family of Vasnetsov.
At first I was going to follow in my father's footsteps. But in his last year of theological seminary he left his studies and went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts.

At first, Vasnetsov wrote on everyday subjects. Subsequently, he developed the so-called “Vasnetsov style” - epic-historical at its core with a strong patriotic and religious bias.

Vasnetsov performed in all kinds: he was a historical painter, a religious painter, a portrait painter, a genre painter, a decorator, and a graphic artist. In addition, he was an architect - according to his designs, the church in Abramtsevo, the facade of the Tretyakov Gallery, the Tsvetkovskaya Gallery and his own house with a workshop in Troitsky Lane were built.

Viktor Vasnetsov died in Moscow on July 23, 1926, at the age of 79. The artist was buried at the Lazarevskoye cemetery, after the destruction of which the ashes were transferred to the Vvedenskoye cemetery.

Victor Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrs” is the artist’s most popular work. It is also, perhaps, considered the most famous canvas in Russian painting. Her reproductions are found in frames on the walls, in illustrated publications, in textbooks...

True, this picture, familiar and understandable to each of us from childhood, took 27 years to paint. It began with a pencil sketch created in 1871, and then the artist made a sketch in Paris in 1876. He completed the painting only in 1898.

A few words about Vasnetsov

The artist's father was a priest. Victor was born in the Vyatka region, then in this place they sacredly revered:
  • Folk tales

  • Ancient customs

  • Ancient rites

  • The child’s imagination was filled with the poetics of epics, songs and fairy tales. When Vasnetsov studied at the Academy of Arts, he studied heroic epics and the history of the Russian people with great interest. His first work was the work “The Knight”. On it he depicted a calm hero who guarded the border.

    In addition, Vasnetsov liked to work on illustrations for such fairy tales as “The Firebird” and “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” This passion made him a painting star. The artist's paintings reproduce a strong national spirit and convey the meaning of Russian history.

    The ingenious painting “Heroes” was written in the village of Abramtsevo, which is located in the Moscow region. Nowadays many people call this picture “Three Heroes”.

    Who is depicted on it?

    In the picture you can see mighty and strong horsemen defending Rus' - Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich. The master painted it from models who were dressed in chain mail.

    In the role of Dobrynya Nikitich, he combined portrait images of V.D. Polenov and father, and also added his own features. A simple peasant from Vladimir posed in the image of Muromets. But Alyosha Popovich was a young peasant.

    Their images are perfectly chosen and perfectly convey the characters of the riders. In the picture you can also see the behavior of the horses. For example, Ilya’s heroic horse looks ahead with a bloodshot eye. The white horse of the cunning and polite Dobrynya looks into the distance, and the red horse of the brave Alyosha nibbles the green grass, looking in different directions.

    The secret meaning of the picture

    Vasnetsov in this brilliant work was able to resurrect the powerful images of the defenders of Rus'. The heroes depicted on it understand exactly why they came to the border, whose lives and peace they protect. Their figures on horseback rise similarly to mountains. The artist wanted everyone to see the past of the Russian people and the great future, for which they still have to fight.

    1881 Oil on canvas. 295 x 446 cm. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

    Description of the painting by Vasnetsov V.M. "Bogatyrs"

    Viktor Vasnetsov devoted about 30 years of his life and work to creating a painting that later became his most recognizable work. The defenders and guardians of the Russian people - “Bogatyrs” - everyone knows them exactly as they appeared on the canvas of the great master of epic stories.

    In an open field, on the border of the Russian land, the heroes are closely watching to see if an insidious enemy is lurking somewhere and if they are offending the weak. These are them - the three main characters of epic tales - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich.

    Ilya Muromets is depicted in the center. Mighty and strong, he examines his native expanses, looking for an enemy, whom he is always ready to fight back. The hero is so strong that he does not seem to feel the weight of the forty-pound club hanging on his hand raised to his forehead. His remarkable strength is surprisingly combined with the breadth of his soul and kindness. open to people hearts. Ilya Muromets - real historical figure, and the tales of his unprecedented exploits are a true chronicle of life. Later, the hero became a monk of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and now his name can be found among all the saints. Vasnetsov based Ilya Muromets on the simple peasant Ivan Petrov, a strong and tall man, kind and sincere - just like the hero himself was.

    On the right hand of Ilya Muromets is depicted the educated and courageous Dobrynya Nikitich. He is always ready to protect motherland from the adversary - his sword is already half out of its sheath. Only he is wearing a golden cross. With this, Vasnetsov reminds that his Dobrynya is connected with the legendary commander of the army of Vladimir, the prince of Kyiv and the baptist of Rus'. The hero became for the artist the embodiment of the collective image of the Vasnetsov family: himself, his father and uncle. It is no coincidence that researchers of the master’s work noted the similarity in appearance of Dobrynya and the artist.

    The youngest is Alyosha Popovich. A brave and dexterous slender young man can overcome the enemy by force, cunning and even deception. His prototype was the son of Savva Mamontov, who died at an early age. This cheerful and sociable man gave his mischievous disposition to the young hero - the artist transferred these traits of his character to the picture.

    Each of the heroes is ready to repel the enemy’s attack at any moment - Ilya Muromets firmly holds the spear, Dobrynya Nikitich holds the sword, and Alyosha Popovich has already put an arrow in the bow. The helmets on their heads are like domes Orthodox churches and act as a symbol of a just cause, blessed deeds for the good of the people.

    The horses match the riders. Only a metal chain can hold Ilya’s huge funnel. Powerful and strong, he complements the greatness of the image of his master, to whom he will be devoted to the end. Dobrynya has a proud, dignified horse, neighing alarmingly to warn the rider of possible danger. And Alyosha’s fiery horse is ready to rush into battle, seething with youthful enthusiasm and energy.

    It was not without reason that the epic heroes joined forces. A storm is approaching. Clouds driven from afar by a gusty wind, swaying grasses, fluttering manes of horses do not promise anything good. But the defenders are here, ready to meet the enemy.

    The best paintings by Vasnetsov V.M.

    The painting of three heroes Vasnetsov painted this work in 1898; he worked on this truly original Russian painting masterpiece for about twenty years. Three heroes proudly stand on a hilly plain under the gloomy cloudy sky of their homeland; at any moment our heroes are ready to repel the enemy and defend their beloved homeland, Mother Rus'.

    If today this picture of three heroes consists of two words, then Vasnetsov’s title of the picture was quite long, as the master himself intended: Bogatyrs Alyosha Popovich Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich.

    Ilya Muromets is a Russian epic hero, he is the strongest and wisest, sits on a black horse and peers into the distance in search of enemies. A heavy damask club hangs from his muscular arm, and in his other hand there is a sharp spear at the ready. To the left of Ilya Muromets, on a white horse, the hero Dobrynya Nikitich, being ready for battle, he menacingly takes out his heavy heroic sword.

    Just the sight of these first two heroes may make the enemy flinch and turn back. To the right of Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich sits on a red-golden horse; with his left hand he holds his well-aimed bow, the arrow of which no enemy has ever dodged. His strength lies in his cunning and ingenuity. In this Great Russian trinity, Alyosha never lets anyone get bored; during his rest hours, he can competently joke and tell interesting story and play the harp.

    The characters of the Three Heroes are conveyed by Vasnetsov truly indisputably; they reflect a majestic calm in which there is a spirit of a just cause, which no one is allowed to stop.

    As is known from historical legends, the hero Ilya Muromets came from a peasant family that lived in the village of Karacharovo in the vicinity of the city of Murom or Muromlya, in the Vladimir province, another version says that Ilya Muromets was a native of the Chernigov region, but we will leave this to the judgment of historians. As a child, he was sick and immobilized, suffered from paralysis, prayed a lot for recovery, and was cured thanks to the elder healers.

    The character of the hero is balanced and humble, deeply religious and of course fair. I never questioned my strength in front of my surroundings. In battles with enemies he always won and had no defeats, he sent the defeated ones to four directions, so the fame of Ilya Muromets quickly spread among the people as a gallant hero who had a lot positive qualities, respected by everyone, including our enemies.

    According to historical data, Dobrynya Nikitich was born in the city of Ryazan into a merchant family, in another scenario the son of the local Ryazan governor Nikita.. According to another version, during the time of Prince Vladimir the Red Sun there was a governor named Dobrynya, in fact he was the uncle of Prince Vladimir.

    As expected in princely families, Dobrynya was an educated person. As a child, he was taught various literacy skills, creatively gifted, a master of chess, they say that he once beat the Tatar Khan himself in this game.

    An excellent shooter, brave and courageous, not offended by health, strong and dexterous, the first hero, he can take on risky tasks that others were simply afraid of. Competently waves a sword against enemies, shoots accurately from a bow, and plays folk music in his free time. musical instruments, such as a harp, a pipe, etc. The character is fair and diplomatic.

    According to well-known chronicles, Alyosha Popovich was born into a boyar family, named Alexander (Olesha) Popovich, and according to the other 2 versions, he was the son of a Rostov priest during the time of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich or, less likely, he was generally from the Poltava province from the town Piryatin.

    Compared to his colleagues Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich, he is not so strong, he is lame in his leg, but he has other important character traits, he is cunning, and sometimes in battle you cannot do without this.

    His savvy was highly valued in his squad; thanks to his remarkable intelligence, he seemed to get away with it. In life he is an intriguer and a Casanova, he plays the harp fervently. Despite the more fragile figure of Alyosha Popovich, according to epic legends he defeats Tugarin the Serpent.

    The painting of the three heroes is the most significant in Vasnetsov’s work; in Russian painting, no artist went as deep as Vasnetsov, completely devoting himself to epic subjects. After finishing this work, the work with three heroes was bought by Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov and today the masterpiece is in the Tretyakov Gallery. The canvas size is not small, it is 295.3 by 446 cm

    A little humor! This is not according to the assignment))) Click on the picture with the drawn heroes

    Modern cool animated cartoon 3 Bogatyrs. The painting with heroes is popular at all times, if we say that in our time, to decorate our apartments, someone buys reproductions of the famous work of Vasnetsov, someone orders oil on canvas. IN Lately