Types of transportation. Recommendations for its organization

2. 6. Types/types of transportation

In the process of purchasing and delivering material resources, as well as distributing finished products to consumers, a manufacturing company can use various types of transport, various logistics partners, as well as various options transportation (Fig. 2.3).

Unimodal (one-species) transportation is carried out by one type of transport, for example, automobile. Typically used when the starting and final transportation points of a logistics chain are specified without intermediate warehousing or cargo handling operations. The criteria for choosing the type of transport in such transportation are usually the type of cargo, the volume of shipment, the time of delivery of the cargo to the consumer, and transportation costs.

For example, for large-scale shipments and if there are access roads at the final delivery point, it is more advisable to use rail transport; for small-scale shipments over short distances, it is more appropriate to use road transport.

Mixed transportation of goods (mixed separate transportation) usually carried out by two types of transport, for example:

railway - road, river - road, sea - road, etc. In this case, the cargo is delivered by the first mode of transport to the so-called transshipment point or cargo terminal without storage or with short-term storage, followed by reloading to another mode of transport. A typical example is the service provided by motor transport enterprises to railway stations or a sea (river) port of a transport hub. Signs of multimodal transportation are the presence of several transport documents, the absence of a uniform freight rate, and a consistent pattern of interaction between participants in the transport process. In direct multimodal transportation, the cargo owner enters into an agreement with the first carrier, acting both on his own behalf and on behalf of the next carrier representing a different type of transport. Due to this, the cargo owner is actually in a contractual relationship with both, and each of them makes payments to the cargo owner and bears financial responsibility for the safety of the cargo only on the corresponding section of the route.

Combined shipping differs from mixed mode in the presence of more than two modes of transport. The use of mixed (combined) modes of transportation is often determined in the logistics system by the structure of distribution channels (or logistics supply channels), when, for example, large quantities of finished products are sent from the manufacturing plant to the wholesale base by rail (in order to minimize costs), and Delivery from the wholesale base to retail outlets is carried out by road.

Intermodal (integrated) It is customary to call mixed transportation of goods “door to door”, carried out under the guidance of an operator using one transport document using a single (end-to-end) freight rate. According to definition UNCTAD(United Nation Conference on Trade and Development) “Intermodal is the transportation of goods by several modes of transport, in which one of the carriers organizes the entire delivery from one point of departure through one or more transshipment points to the destination, and depending on the division of responsibility for transportation, different types of transport documents are issued.”

Transportation is called multimodal in the event that the person organizing the transportation is responsible for it along the entire route, regardless of the number of modes of transport involved when issuing a single transportation document.

At the same time, in some works, experts indicate that, unlike intermodal systems, where consolidated cargo items are transported under uniform tariffs and transportation documents with equal rights for all participating modes of transport, in multimodal transportation one of the modes of transport acts as a carrier, and the interacting modes transport – as clients paying for its services.

Terminal transportation occupies an intermediate position between intermodal and multimodal transport.

During intermodal transportation, the cargo owner enters into an agreement for the entire route with one person (operator). The operator can be, for example, a forwarding company, which, operating along the entire cargo transportation route various types transport, frees the cargo owner from the need to enter into contractual relations with other transport companies. However, experts believe that the signs of intermodal (multimodal) transportation are:

Availability of a delivery operator from the initial to the final point of the logistics chain (channel);

Unified through freight rate;

Single transport document;

Single responsibility for the cargo and execution of the contract of carriage.

The basic principles of the functioning of intermodal and multimodal transportation systems include:

Uniform commercial and legal regime;

An integrated approach to solving financial and economic issues of organizing transportation;

Maximum use of telecommunication networks and electronic document management systems;

A unified organizational and technological principle of transportation management and coordination of the actions of all intermediaries involved in transportation;

Cooperation of logistics intermediaries;

Integrated development of transportation infrastructure by various modes of transport.

When carrying out multimodal transportation outside the country (during export-import operations), customs procedures for cargo clearance, as well as transport legislation and commercial legal aspects of transportation in those countries through which the cargo route passes, become essential. In international multimodal transportation, the principle of uniformity of the commercial legal regime provides for:

^ unification of physical distribution in terms of transportation;

^ simplification of customs formalities;

^ introduction of standard commercial cargo and transport documents of international standard.

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Any enterprise interacts with the external environment. This interaction is especially important when organizing and managing material flows. The successful operation of a company that produces any goods comes down to the following scheme: purchase of raw materials - shipment of finished products to an intermediary - sale of goods to the buyer. Each stage of this link is accompanied by transport logistics.

This type of logistics contributes to the high-quality and safe movement of goods. In this case, it is necessary to use resources sparingly and choose the most optimal route.

Logistics companies will help you comply with all the nuances. Thanks to experienced and qualified personnel, every stage of transportation is thought out to the smallest detail, the cargo arrives at its destination intact and at the right time.

Transport logistics is a complex science that requires special knowledge.

Transport logistics - what is it in simple words, its goals

The concept of transport logistics is in many ways similar to the concept of simple logistics. If we define in simple words, then this is the organization of the delivery and movement of material objects and cargo along the optimal route using vehicles.

This subsection is extremely important. When an entrepreneur is just starting his business, with a small sales volume he can independently engage in transportation. But as your business grows, so do your sales volumes. Now it is problematic to move raw materials and finished products. In this case, it is rational to use the services of a transport logistics company.

Such an organization will ensure the safety of the cargo and select the optimal route to save money on transportation.

The main goal of transport logistics is to deliver goods to the appointed place and time with high quality indicators and in the right quantity. This means that punctuality must be observed, the goods must not be damaged and arrive in the same quantity as indicated in the documents.

Transportation costs occupy one of the main positions among other types of costs. For the purpose of the enterprise management, it is to make this figure smaller. That is why transport logistics is considered as:

  • an effective way to influence costs thanks to the right choice of transport;
  • rational organization of the entire transportation process from the point of departure to the point of destination;
  • possibility of high-quality storage and handling of cargo.

Manufacturers and intermediaries are willing to pay transport and logistics companies for the fact that they:

  1. They will select the optimal mode of transport for a specific cargo.
  2. If necessary, they will be able to combine several modes of transport in one chain.
  3. They will choose the optimal route.
  4. They will use resources economically and reduce transportation costs.
  5. Ensure cargo safety.

It is in the interests of a logistics company to perform its duties efficiently, because competition in this industry is high.

To reduce the company's transportation costs, it is necessary to select the optimal transport and logistics scheme.

History of the industry

Transport logistics dates back to the European Congress in Berlin in 1974. This term was uttered for the first time and its full definition, goals, objectives and development prospects were given.

Impressive spheres of influence of such logistics were outlined. The need for such a concept arose due to the development of the world economy. There was a need to systematize these processes, create a competent scheme for moving goods and ensure their safety.

Transport logistics quickly found a response in the West, and the market for such services formed there back in 1990. Its capacity increases annually by 20%. Even during times of crisis and economic downturn, transport and logistics services are in demand.

In Russia, this type of service appeared only during the transition to a market economy. This industry is still actively developing and gaining momentum.

The following factors have a negative impact on this direction:

  • instability of economic processes;
  • slow production growth;
  • poor condition of transport routes;
  • low technical base indicators.

Two factors provide hope for process optimization:

  • high level of training of specialists and personnel in this industry;
  • the emergence of new organizations, sales and supply schemes.

Transport logistics- a very young direction that is undergoing transformation under the influence of external economic factors. No one doubts that this is an important industry. Especially positive features Large enterprises with large turnover will be noted.

Main types of transport, their definition

Transport logistics differs from simple logistics in that the movement of goods occurs using transport. Its wide variety allows you to optimally create a route and use several types at the same time, if this will reduce costs and save delivery time.

Transport should not be confused with a vehicle. This is a broader concept.

Transport- this is a set of vehicles, communication routes, various buildings and structures on these routes for the purpose of moving goods and people.

There are several types of transport. By purpose it is divided into:

  1. Public transport (passenger, for moving goods, etc.).
  2. Special purpose (military, medical).
  3. Individual use (personal cars, airplanes).

Based on energy consumption, transport can be:

  • driven by its own engine (thermal, electric, hybrid);
  • propelled by wind (sailboats and various vessels based on this principle);
  • powered by human power (bicycles);
  • transport powered by animals.

There is also a gradation of transport according to the travel environment.

Ground transport is divided into:

  • railway - transports goods and passengers by wheeled vehicles using rail tracks (trains, trams, subways);
  • road transport - transports goods and people along trackless roads using motor vehicles that have at least 3 wheels (motorcycles and similar vehicles do not belong here);
  • pipeline - a type of transport that moves liquid and gaseous substances through a pipe;
  • air transport - consists of aircraft and the infrastructure adjacent to them (hangars, airports, control rooms);
  • water - transports goods and passengers along natural or artificial waterways (sometimes sea and river).

You can also highlight specific types of transport:

  • underwater;
  • space;
  • elevators and funiculars;
  • elevators.

All these types are extremely important for the efficient transportation of goods. It is important to know their features, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages in order to be able to choose the best option and correctly combine them to obtain maximum benefits.

Types of transport

Types of transport- this is a narrower concept. But knowing what types of transport help to move around, it will not be difficult to define them.

The following types of railway transport can be distinguished:

  • locomotive;
  • electric locomotive;
  • electric train;
  • locomotive;
  • track machine;
  • diesel train;
  • passenger and baggage carriage;
  • isothermal carriage;
  • tank;
  • gondola car;
  • platform.

Types of road transport:

  • passenger cars for general and special purposes;
  • general and special purpose truck;
  • utility vehicle;
  • car - tractor;
  • tractor unit;
  • passenger trailer with different technical characteristics;
  • special and general purpose cargo trailer;
  • caravan;
  • passenger semi-trailer with various technical characteristics;
  • cargo semi-trailer;
  • general and special purpose bus;
  • articulated bus.

Water and air modes of transport distinguish between watercraft and aircraft, respectively.

There is also a type of transport called a container. It is also often used in the transport of goods.

Each type of transport has its own precise definition, technical characteristics and purposes of use. Using a broad classification of types, you can get a more holistic and comprehensive concept of modes of transport.

Types of transport transportation

Transport transportation- a complex process consisting of many links. An enterprise can cope with this task on its own or use the services of a logistics company. It all depends on the amount of work and the budget that the company has.

In the transport system there are two concepts: carrier and forwarder. They represent two sides of the same coin; without them, an effective process of moving goods is impossible.

Carriers physically move cargo from the point of departure to the point of arrival. At the same time, forwarders carry out a number of auxiliary functions: draw up documentation, help the cargo cross customs, control loading and unloading, insurance, and cargo storage.

Large companies that have the necessary funds always use the services of a forwarder. There is also the concept of a logistics partner. This is the person who specifies auxiliary services. These include: insurance and security companies, customs brokers, cargo packaging companies, and other important facilities.

There are the following types of transportation:

  1. One-type- involves the use of one type of transport. Most often used when you need to deliver cargo from point to point without warehousing and processing.
  2. Combined- when several modes of transport are used. This improves transport efficiency and reduces costs.

When it comes to international trade relations, the second type of transportation is most often used. For example, cargo is transported to the point of departure by rail, then it is reloaded onto trucks and taken to the airport, and then loaded onto an aircraft. Upon arrival, the goods are unloaded onto a vehicle and transported to their destination.

Types of transport logistics and its basics

Transport logistics is divided into internal and external.

Internal involves the movement of goods within the company and between its branches. External transport logistics allows you to transport cargo from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Also, this type of logistics differs according to the principle of process organization:

  1. Logistic the principle assumes that there is only one transportation operator. This makes the process systematic and consistent. Thus, general transportation tariffs gradually appear.
  2. Traditional- there is no single operator, but all participants interact with each other. The costs for certain services within the transport chain are known only to adjacent participants. Therefore, there are no uniform tariffs.

The first option is considered more universal and reliable. The company does not need to worry that some link will fail and the transportation will not take place. This is fraught with major losses for the enterprise, and the transport and logistics company will suffer damage to its reputation.

Tasks and functions of transport logistics

A complex system that forms transport logistics must perform the following basic functions:

  • cargo delivery and forecast of the optimal process;
  • preparation of documentation that accompanies the cargo;
  • compliance with legal rules and regulations;
  • payment for transportation services to individual participants in the process;
  • loading and unloading work;
  • proper packaging and storage;
  • process optimization through automation and the introduction of technical innovations;
  • information support of cargo;
  • customs and insurance services.

The main task of transport logistics is to transport cargo on time with high quality and at minimal cost.

To do this, you need to complete a number of subtasks.

First, you should analyze the delivery points. The manager must take into account the characteristics of the cargo, terrain, landscape, type of transport, special conditions transportation (fire safety, cargo dimensions, etc.). Having summarized the information, he may decide to use several modes of transport, making intermediate points for unloading and loading.

Then the cargo itself should be analyzed. All characteristics are taken into account - fragility, weight, condition, influence of temperatures and other factors. For example, toxic substances cannot be transported through populated areas.

Now it's time to decide on transport. It is important to take into account its characteristics, tariffs and transportation time. All types of transport have their pros and cons. It is important to choose the best option for a specific cargo.

Building a route is also an important task in transport logistics. An experienced manager always selects several route options in order to have a backup option. You should also calculate the risks and costs in case of damage and delay of cargo.

Monitoring the implementation of the process allows you to inform the customer about the location of the cargo and its safety. For this purpose, navigation technology, mobile communications and the Internet are used.

Documentation accompanying the process

This industry is fully regulated by laws of various types and contents. The main document that is immediately drawn up between the customer and the contractor is the contract. It states that the logistics company undertakes to complete the task within the time period specified in the document, and the customer undertakes to pay for these services in full.

To transport cargo, the following documents must be drawn up:

  • power of attorney for transportation;
  • consignment note;
  • cargo invoices;
  • summary statements;
  • invoices.

Depending on the type of transport that was chosen, the documentary base can be supplemented.


Transport logistics- an integral part of the functioning of enterprises of different forms of ownership, scale and profitability. Without this system, cargo delivery would be incomplete. Companies would constantly lose their income, lose goods and customers.

A positive feature in the development of transport logistics is that the field is being improved, automated and reaching new high levels.

According to the number of modes of transport involved in the delivery of goods and passengers, delivery systems are divided into single-modal (unimodal) and multi-modal (multimodal and intermodal). In Fig.1. a hierarchical pyramid (structure) of technology and transportation organization is presented. At the top of this pyramid are intermodal transportation, below are multimodal and unimodal interregional transportation, then intraregional and city transportation by specialized transport enterprises and, finally, local transportation by individual entrepreneurs and the own transport of production and commercial structures.

Rice. 1.

Unimodal (single-modal) transportation is carried out by one type of transport, for example, by road, as a rule, in cases where the starting and final transportation points of the logistics chain are specified without intermediate warehousing and cargo processing operations.

The criteria for choosing the type of transport in such transportation are usually the type of cargo, the volume of shipment, the time of delivery of the cargo to the consumer, and transportation costs. For example, for large-scale shipments and if there are access roads at the final delivery point, it is more advisable to use rail transport; for small-scale shipments over short distances, it is more appropriate to use road transport.

Mixed transportation of goods (mixed separate transportation) is usually carried out by two types of transport (railway-road, river-road, sea-railway, etc.). In this case, the cargo is delivered by the first mode of transport to the so-called transshipment point or cargo terminal without storage or with short-term storage, followed by reloading to another mode of transport. A typical example of multimodal transportation is the service by motor transport companies of railway stations or a sea (river) port of a transport hub.

Signs of mixed separate transportation are the presence of several transport documents, the absence of a single freight rate, and a consistent pattern of interaction between participants in the transport process. In direct multimodal transportation, the cargo owner enters into an agreement with the first carrier, acting both on his own behalf and on behalf of the next carrier representing a different type of transport. Due to this, the cargo owner is actually in a contractual relationship with both, and each of them makes payments to the cargo owner and bears financial responsibility for the safety of the cargo only on the corresponding section of the route.

Combined transportation differs from mixed transportation by the presence of more than two modes of transport. The use of mixed (combined) types of transportation is often determined by the structure of distribution channels (or logistics supply channels), when, for example, large quantities are sent from the manufacturer to the wholesale base by rail (in order to minimize costs), and distribution from the wholesale base to Retail trade points are carried out by road transport.

The single-type system, despite its apparent simplicity and widespread use, becomes more complicated due to the operation of vehicles and road trains of various carrying capacities at the stages of sub-collection of cargo and the formation of consolidated shipments, especially in the conditions of a terminal system.

The intermodal system is a more complex option in terms of solving commercial, legal, financial, economic, organizational and technical aspects of delivery and issues of transport infrastructure development.

Intermodal is understood as a system for the delivery of goods in international traffic by several modes of transport under a single transport document and the transfer of goods at transshipment points from one type of transport to another without the participation of the cargo owner in a single cargo unit (or vehicle).

The system-forming element is an intermodal cargo unit, which allows customs sealing of cargo in it in accordance with international requirements, excluding access to the cargo without breaking the seal. The basis of modern intermodal transportation of goods are containers of the international ISO standard. However, other cargo units can be used, but they meet the following requirements: they allow the use of comprehensive mechanization of transshipment operations in ports and transshipment points; meet international or regional standards. These include piggyback trailers, trailers, swap bodies, packages and block packages of cargo.

Multimodal transport is direct combined transport by at least two different modes of transport and, as a rule, within the country.

In intermodal and multimodal transportation, a cargo transportation contract with the shipper on behalf of the carriers participating in its implementation is concluded by the first carrier (operator). The contract is considered concluded from the moment the cargo is accepted for transportation, certified by the signatures of the sender and the transport organization and the latter’s calendar stamp. Cargo delivery times are calculated based on the total delivery time of each carrier in accordance with the rules in force for each mode of transport. Each carrier is responsible for the cargo from the moment it is accepted from the sender or another carrier until it is transferred to an adjacent mode of transport or delivered to the consignee.

The basic principles of the functioning of intermodal and multimodal systems are as follows:

  • 1) a uniform commercial legal regime, providing for:
  • 1. improvement of the rules for the transportation of goods (in particular, containers) in international traffic on all types of transport with the aim of their mutual coordination in accordance with the selected criteria for the efficiency of the logistics transport system;
  • 2. simplification of customs procedures;
  • 3. development and implementation of new unified transportation documents for domestic transport (transport of a common intermodal chain, but operating only on the territory of its own country), taking into account the general criterion of the logistics transport system;
  • 4. use of standard international commercial and shipping documents for work in the foreign transport market.
  • 2) a comprehensive solution to the financial and economic aspects of the functioning of the system, including:
  • 1. establishment of unified tariff rules for the transportation of transit cargo and foreign trade cargo in international traffic;
  • 2. development of a method for the reasonable distribution of end-to-end freight in hard currency between all links of the logistics transport chain;
  • 3. development of a mechanism for financial responsibility for violation of the quality of services for each link in the logistics transport chain.
  • 3) the use of electronic data exchange systems that provide tracking of cargo movement, information transfer and communication;
  • 4) the unity of all links of the transport chain in the organizational and technological aspect, a unified form of interaction and coordination of all links of the transport chain that ensure this unity;
  • 5) cooperation of all participants in the transport system;
  • 6) comprehensive development of transport infrastructure of various types of transport.

A necessary condition for the functioning of inter- and multimodal transportation is the presence of an information system with the help of which the order is executed, i.e. planning, management and control of the entire cargo delivery process thanks to advanced, accompanying and final information.

The presence of an operator determines the interaction pattern of all links in the transport chain in the commercial-legal, organizational-technological and financial-economic aspects, as well as a number of distinctive features related to the commercial-legal aspect of the functioning of intermodal and multimodal transport systems, including:

  • 1. a single international transport document;
  • 2. the presence of a delivery operator from the initial to the final point of the logistics chain;
  • 3. single responsibility for the execution of the contract and the safety of the cargo;
  • 4. single through freight rate .

Each of the above types of transportation has specific features in technology, organization and management, but they have a common technological basis in the form of specific technological delivery schemes.


1.1. Classification.

Typically, the classification of types of transportation is carried out according to the means used to organize it: manual transportation (using special means, improvised); pack; mechanized (railway, air, water, automobile)

Naturally, the most gentle types are mechanized methods of transportation. It is also obvious that manual transportation using special means is more preferable than using improvised means. Pack transportation is faster than manual transportation, but its disadvantage is the greater complexity of organization.

1.2. Manual transportation.

1.2.1. Improvised transportation.

Although this type of transportation is one of the most difficult to carry out and organize, it is always used (either as the main one at this stage, or as an intermediate one (before special means)). On the other hand, it should be noted that most often this type of transportation is the only possible one.

To organize transportation, victims (prepared for it) are divided into the following categories:

1) slightly injured (injured, but able to move independently or with minimal support);

2) a moderately severe victim (cannot move independently, but is conscious, and the severity of the injury allows him to be transported in any position);

3) severe victim (victim who can only be carried in a certain position).

Accordingly, depending on the severity of the victim, different ways and various improvised means for organizing its transportation.

The most accessible items used to make transportation vehicles are:



Ice axes;

Ski poles;

Wooden sticks;

Clothes (jackets, rain jackets, etc.);

Sleeping bags.

Those. items that any group organizing transportation has or can be found in the immediate vicinity (wooden sticks).

Carrying over short distances can be carried out without the use of aids (by hand).

Let us briefly list the most commonly used methods of manual transportation:

a) carrying on oneself:

On the backs;

On the shoulders, parallel to the ground;

b) carrying by two people (hands are clasped in a square on which the victim sits);

c) carrying ropes on the tour (alone or together);

d) carrying on a backpack (in a backpack);

e) carrying on raincoats, jackets, bags, dressed on sticks;

f) on drags (from skis, branches, sleeping bags, etc.);

g) carrying on a soft (rope) stretcher;

h) carrying on a semi-rigid stretcher;

i) carrying on a stretcher with a rigid frame;

j) carrying on means simulating a rigid stretcher (door, steel sheet, etc.).

1.2.2. Transportation by special means.

There are a great variety of special equipment designed for manual transportation of the victim. As a rule, they all represent a stretcher-type structure of varying degrees of rigidity. Their distinctive feature is that they are more convenient and preferable for transporting victims (lifting leg and/or head ends, rollers that facilitate loading into a vehicle, low weight, etc.). The downside is that, despite all the positive qualities, it is very expensive to include such stretchers in the equipment of tourist groups. Thus, transportation using manual special equipment is used, as a rule, immediately before loading the victim into the vehicle.

There are several general rules for carrying a victim using manual means of transportation:

The injured and sick on level ground are carried feet first, because in this position, those walking behind see the victim’s face, and the things of those walking in front (backpack, shoulder bag, first aid kit) do not interfere with the victim’s head;

The victim is transported upside down along slopes and stairs;

When carrying, they walk “out of step”, which prevents the stretcher from swinging;

In order not to cause additional injuries, timely change and rest of those involved in carrying the victim is important;

When carried, the victim must be reliably protected from adverse weather conditions (sun, rain, snow, frost);

The victim is usually fixed (tied) to the stretcher;

If the limbs are broken, make sure that when carrying the body weight does not put pressure on the damaged area.

It should be noted that during manual transportation, the maximum height of the obstacle that can be overcome without additional means is the height of outstretched arms. In this case, the following is done: those walking in front place the end of the stretcher on the obstacle, rise, help move the stretcher forward and place it on the obstacle, and those walking behind rise.

When transporting on difficult terrain, mountaineering equipment and additional means are used to organize ascent, descent, traverse, belay and self-insurance and other work to evacuate the victim. These means include: ropes, carabiners, pitons, ice axes and other items that ensure trouble-free movement over difficult terrain.

1.3. Transportation by road.

This type of transportation has virtually no contraindications if transportation is carried out using equipment adapted for this purpose. Moreover, “adapted” means not only special medical transport, but also transport that meets the basic requirements for transporting victims.

Lightly injured people (see classification in paragraph 1.2.1) can be transported in almost any vehicle, even motorcycles with a sidecar or just motorcycles will do.

Moderately injured victims most likely can no longer be transported by motorcycle (it all depends on the specific injury), and during transportation they require attachment to a vehicle.

Severely injured patients require vehicles that allow them to be transported in a lying position. Moreover, depending on the type of injury and the necessary assistance on the road, these requirements can range from a specially equipped resuscitation vehicle to a passenger car, in the back seat of which the victim will be lying down, or reclining with his legs bent.

1.4. Transportation by rail.

As a rule, it is used in case of mass accidents and disasters in specially prepared cars with medical equipment. personnel and medical supplies.

Transportation by rail, if it is transportation to the nearest medical hospital, has no contraindications. Another advantage is that, due to the sufficient size of the railway cars, transportation can be carried out in parallel with the provision of assistance (transport immobilization, stopping bleeding, etc.).

1.5. Transportation by air.

Although this type of transportation is the most effective type of evacuation, it has a number of specific features due to the impact of adverse flight factors on the human body.

1.6. Water transportation.

Since most of the hikes take place near rivers and in less populated areas, water transportation is often the only possible and in a fast way delivery of the wounded to the medical center. establishment of a coastal settlement, or - reaching transport routes (bridges, roads, air transport landing sites).

1.7. Conclusions.

With all the variety of types of transportation, only a small part of them will always be available.

When choosing an evacuation method, one should, among other things, predict possible obstacles (for air transportation - a thunderstorm front, for land transportation - rubble, fires, landslide-prone areas, etc.).

The issue of transport immobilization and preparing the patient for transportation is always important.

Any transportation adversely affects the condition of the victim.

Options for transportation and assistance are proposed for the first day after injury, injury, or illness. Naturally, only some cases are considered. Questions about how this or that diagnosis was made are not considered, since this is beyond the scope of our topic.

Arm fractures.


Increased drinking, vitamins.

Transportation under your own power with insurance on difficult terrain.

Leg fractures.

Pain relief (analgin, baralgin).


Increased drinking, anti-shock measures.

Transportation: if one leg is injured on simple terrain - with support, auxiliary support (stick); on complex - manufacturing of simple transportation means; in case of injury to both legs - transportation while sitting (if the injury and form of immobilization allows it) or lying down.

The requirements for the stretcher are minimal (the comfort of the victim).

Traumatic brain injuries:

Brain concussion.

Symptomatic medical care. Cold on the area of ​​injury. Transportation: if there was a prolonged loss of consciousness - on a stretcher, sitting or lying down. If transportation is impossible, then temporary rest, sleep is best.

Brain contusion, compression of the brain.

Urgent delivery to hospital. Transport only in a supine position with constant monitoring of blood pressure and breathing. No immobilization required. For open injuries, treat the wound and apply a bandage.

Spinal fractures or suspected spinal fracture.

Transportation on a flat hard base, or on a standard canvas stretcher on the stomach. Soft pads are placed under the sacrum and heels to prevent bedsores. If the cervical spine is damaged, immobilization is necessary. After this, if an uncomplicated fracture of the cervical or thoracic spine is suspected, transportation over simple terrain can be carried out under its own power with backup.

Urinary control. Anesthesia. For severe headaches, immobilize the cervical spine and use diuretics and antispasmodics. There are no restrictions on water and food intake, only increased salt load is excluded.

Pelvic fractures.

Transport on a solid base with a bolster under the knee joints.

Administration of analgesics and fluids. If you have experience, use intrapelvic novocaine blockade.

In this case, all measures to relieve traumatic shock are carried out before transportation.

Urinary control. If there is damage to the bladder, use antibiotics and apply cold to the lower abdomen.

Combined and multiple fractures.

Pain relief, combating traumatic shock.


At the first opportunity, transport according to the severity of the injury.

Injuries to the eyes, ears, nose, mouth (without TBI).

Treatment of the wound.

Bandage application, pain relief.

Transportation under your own power with insurance.


Pain relief, prevention of burn shock, it is possible to treat the burn site with novocaine. Applying a sterile dressing (if available, a burn dressing). Drink plenty of fluids; for large area burns - fluid administration.

Rapid transportation: While the victim can walk, it is necessary to get as close as possible to the medical facility. Since, for example, with burns on the legs on the 2-3rd day, the burned person will no longer be able to stand on them and will have to organize a more complex, and, accordingly, longer type of transportation.

Acute poisoning (the toxic substance entered the body through the mouth).

It is important to urgently provide assistance, and then, depending on the toxic substance and the patient’s condition, decide on the issue of transportation, which is often not necessary.

Help: gastric lavage, administration of a laxative except in cases of acid poisoning (magnesium sulfate, castor or vaseline oil), diuretics (Lasix 1-4 tablets), activated carbon (15-20 g), drinking plenty of fluids.

Flu, ADVI, bronchitis, sore throat.

Transportation is usually not required. It is advisable to set up a camp and carry out the necessary treatment there for several days so that the patient can remain in bed.

2.2. Conclusions.

If you look again at the list of diseases given above (by no means complete), it becomes clear that some of the emergencies on the route can be avoided not only by carefully choosing group equipment and travel schedule, but also by monitoring the health of people before leaving. At least in this way it is possible to minimize, if not completely cut off, the risk of attacks (exacerbations) of chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, epilepsy, etc.) along the route.

It is also clear from the analyzed cases that the victim is always given assistance first, and only then the issue of transportation is resolved.

If there is an increased likelihood of any illness or injury along the route, then it is necessary to select drugs specifically for it and develop (have in stock) transportation options, communications with the “mainland”, an alarm system and control dates in advance.


The “Readiness” Center conducted field tests of rescue and transportation equipment, medical equipment and means for caring for victims in field conditions.

The results below, obtained during the tests, give an idea of ​​the difficulties encountered during transportation and can serve as recommendations for its organization.

1. The use of two polyethylene foam mats as lining on the stretcher showed that this is better than using one, since they sag less under the weight of the body and the rope mesh (on a rope stretcher) is not felt through them.

2. The victim must be secured to the stretcher, since the shaking that occurs during transportation and the fatigue of the rescuers can lead to him falling from the stretcher and receiving additional injuries.

3. Attempts to make a stand for a bottle of liquid from two ski poles and a cut down stick showed that:

During transportation (especially on the chest harness when carried by four people), a lot of shaking is created, which renders the tripod unusable, and two tied ski poles become loose at the attachment points.

Shaking causes the solution in the bottle and in the dropper tank to agitate, resulting in air bubbles in the system.

From the above it follows that the bottle must be carried by a separate person whose muscles absorb the shaking, or a special tripod design with a shock-absorbing spring is required.

4. The method of transportation using a chest harness can only be convenient if the carabiner with a transport loop or strap is located on the side or under the rescuer’s arm. Otherwise, uneven distribution of the load occurs, non-physiological flexion of the spine and overstretching of the muscles of the lower back and back towards the stretcher.

5. The method of transportation on the shoulder is the least convenient, as it requires unnecessary effort and reduces visibility. Plus, shoulder pillows are required for ease of carrying.

6. Carrying by two people can only be carried out over short distances. The same applies to carrying four people: there is a very strong load on the hands.

7. Carrying by six people with an additional crossbar under the victim’s sacrum is most convenient.

There is an even distribution of weight, long-term transportation over long distances is possible.

8. In wooded areas it is always possible to make a stretcher from poles with a stretched mesh, so there is usually no need to invent anything else. For the convenience of the victim, two rugs are placed on a rope net, and then the victim, treated and covered, is fixed to the stretcher with the free ends of the main rope and cord.

9. There should always be a piece of polyethylene or oilcloth 180-195 centimeters long available to cover the victim during transportation or as a treatment table during treatment and medical procedures.

Entrepreneurs are often faced with the task of transporting cargo that has special dimensions or properties. A work of art that has no price, or a whole batch of particularly fragile items. What types of complex cargo exist and what needs to be taken into account when transporting them?

The degree of complexity of organizing the transportation of any cargo in different directions by one or another type of transport can vary greatly.

For example, goods that can be loaded into a standard container or semi-trailer, but which do not fit into a standard airline container for transportation on scheduled passenger flights, can be easily transported by sea, but almost impossible to ship by air. Such cargo includes refrigerators, metal pipes and fittings 10-12 m long, industrial machines, cars, etc.

In addition, organizing transportation can be significantly complicated if goods need to be delivered in a very short time frame by a certain time.

In general, cargo that is difficult to transport can be divided into two main categories: high-value goods and cargo that requires special delivery conditions.

You can reduce the risks of damage to high-value goods during their transportation, which does not require a special license, either by taking out additional insurance against all possible risks during transportation, or by attracting armed guards who will accompany the goods along the entire route to the recipient.

During delivery, some technical means may be used to protect the cargo from opening. Thus, during air transportation, expensive goods are additionally packed in thick bags and sealed. For multimodal, container and road transportation, additional seals are used: cable, doublesil, trexil, various “smart” gps/gsm seals.

There is also a large number of goods that require special delivery conditions.

Compliance with transportation temperature conditions

In the process of technical implementation of the necessary transportation conditions, you need to know the range of permissible temperatures during the transportation of a particular product and the transit time of delivery.

For example, in one case, when it is simply enough not to freeze the cargo when transporting it over a short distance, it is permissible to use isothermal vehicles (TS). In another case, it is necessary to transport the products in deep freezing mode (not higher than -18°C) and use only refrigerated vehicles.

Some groups of goods, such as medicines and biological samples, need to be delivered only at a strictly maintained certain temperature using validated refrigerated vehicles. Such vehicles must be equipped with temperature loggers, and must be able to accurately maintain a set temperature at all points in the body.

Of course, the more strictly it is necessary to maintain a certain mode of transportation, the more difficult it is to implement from a technical point of view. Accordingly, the cost of such delivery cannot be low.

Transportation of dangerous goods

The rules for transporting dangerous goods (DG) by various modes of transport are described in detail and regulated by relevant documents (ADR, RID, PPOGZ, ICAO GPOGV). Every carrier or forwarder must remember that strict compliance with all these rules and technical conditions is the only way to protect yourself, other people and the environment from the serious consequences that can result from violating these standards. All technical personnel involved in the process of delivery of hazardous materials must undergo special training and have a document allowing them to work with dangerous goods. The choice of vehicles and means of protection when transporting such cargo depends on their hazard class (that is, on the physical and chemical properties of the cargo) and the packaging group.

Transportation of particularly fragile goods

This category includes not only easily breakable goods, but also particularly valuable and high-precision equipment that requires delicate transportation to maintain working condition. Such cargo has certain restrictions in the choice of transport type, delivery route, and transshipment conditions.

Examples of such equipment are MRI machines, some expensive servers and electronic data storage systems that need to be protected from sudden shocks when accelerating and braking a vehicle. Large deviations of the equipment from the horizontal position during transportation and overload should also be avoided.

In special cases, special technically complex transport containers are manufactured that keep the devices in working order during the delivery process.

Transportation of oversized and extra-heavy cargo

For example, the dimensions of oversized cargo together with a car, as a rule, exceed at least one of the parameters: height 4 m, width 2.55 m or length 20 m. To deliver such cargo, special vehicles and devices for reloading are used. It is often necessary to obtain permission from state road services to transport oversized or extra-heavy cargo along a specific route, and to coordinate the transshipment capabilities of port and railway terminals.

To transport such goods by rail, coordination of the loading and securing of cargo on the platform with the railway management is required. The freight tariff for such transportation depends on the degree of oversized cargo.

Distinguish six degrees of bottom and side oversize and three degrees of top oversize. The most complex and expensive deliveries are the transportation of extra-oversized and extra-heavy cargo, which can only be delivered over long distances by water transport.

You can even make a movie about some oversized shipments. One such example is the delivery from Moscow in February of this year of a new mirror for Russia’s largest large azimuthal telescope to an observatory in the North Caucasus. The cargo was oversized in width, was delivered in a special sarcophagus along a complex route that bypassed busy roads and was unloaded by a crane specially designed for it.

In any case, no matter how complex the cargo, the task of transporting it always has two sides. The first is the physical and technical characteristics of the cargo itself, and the second is the desire of the cargo owner to optimize the cost of its delivery, taking part of the risks upon itself. Having decided to save on the transportation of goods that are expensive or require special transportation conditions, the cargo owner must always rationally weigh the risks that he may receive due to savings on delivery.

Head of Intermodal Transport Department Itella in Russia