The influence of Oblomov's childhood on his life. “We all come from childhood” (Analysis of the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” based on the novel by I.A.

Answer from Liliya Aminova[guru]
The main character of I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” spends most of his life on the sofa. He is not tired or sick, lying down is his normal state. Oblomov sees no point in getting up, business or Savor he is not attracted, he feels sorry for his acquaintances, caught up in the daily bustle. Oblomov is smart, kind, noble, but there is a dark side in his soul, which the hero himself calls “Oblomovism.” This concept includes invincible laziness, apathy, lack of will, gluttony, empty daydreaming, and spoiling. Goncharov sees the origins of “Oblomovism” in the upbringing of a hero. The writer introduces a separate chapter in which he talks about Oblomov’s childhood. Goncharov uses the technique of sleep: Oblomov, who has dozed off, seems to be returning to childhood. Let's try to analyze this chapter and find out how Oblomov's character was formed. Goncharov paints a detailed landscape of the “wonderful land” in which the main character grew up. The author lovingly describes deep Russia. There is “nothing grandiose” here; all elements of the landscape have soft and calm outlines. Nature seems to subdue its elemental power in the “blessed corner,” the climate is even, the change of seasons occurs “correctly and calmly.” Against the backdrop of idyllic nature, there is no place for human vanity and passions: “Everything there promises a calm, long-term life until the hair turns yellow and an imperceptible death like sleep.” Goncharov depicts a measured life landowner's estate, in which Oblomov grew up. The hero's childhood passed during the times of serfdom, but the author deliberately avoids any mention of the horrors of serfdom. In Oblomovka, everyone: both landowners and peasants live in contentment and peace. Time seems to have stood still here. They even rarely die in Oblomovka: “In the last five years, out of several hundred souls, not one has died...” The most common “crime” is the theft of peas, carrots and turnips from vegetable gardens. The inhabitants of Oblomovka know each other and are afraid of strangers. There is a commotion in the manor house when one of the men suddenly brings a letter from the city. Only on the fourth day they open it with fear and are relieved to learn that a landowner they know asks to send him a recipe for brewing beer. Oblomovites believe in omens and often expect trouble after a bad sign. The main concern of the inhabitants of Oblomovka is food. No one suffers from hunger, but they constantly think about food. Rural abundance forces the landowners to make a “difficult” choice of food every day: “The whole house discussed dinner... Everyone offered their dish...” After lunch, a general sleep reigned in the estate, “a true semblance of death.” It is in such a “sleepy state” that Oblomov grows up. Is it any wonder that he turned into a useless couch potato? Oblomov's childhood passed in an atmosphere of carelessness and idleness. Parents and numerous nannies looked after and pampered the child beyond all measure. Adults were only worried about making sure the child was healthy and well-fed. It never occurred to them that Oblomov would grow up unadapted to life. The centuries-old landowner way of life did not require practical skills from the master: after all, everything was always done for him. Oblomov began to live a contemplative life early. He saw that idleness is a common state of adults, and he himself got used to doing nothing. Natural childish liveliness found an outlet in the play of imagination. Oblomov “passionately delved into” his nanny’s fairy tales, and then gave free rein to his own fantasies. All this led to the fact that the adult Oblomov turned into a dreamer: “his fairy tale is mixed with life, and he sometimes unconsciously feels sad, why is a fairy tale not life, and why is life not a fairy tale.” From early childhood Goncharov goes to school years Oblomov and notes that, perhaps, “Ilyusha would have had time to learn something well if Oblomovka had been five hundred versts from Verkhlev.” But the boarding school where Oblomov studied was located next to his parents’ village, and Ilyusha was constantly taken home so that the child would not be overworked. In addition, the son of a German teacher, Andrei Stolts, often performed tasks for Oblomov and continued to help his school friend in adulthood

Main character Goncharov's novel of the same name "Oblomov" is an apathetic and very lazy person. The reasons for this, as the author shows, lie in the distant childhood of Ilya Ilyich.

Ilyusha grew up as a playful and inquisitive child. His gaze was captivated by the natural beauty of Oblomovka, animals aroused interest in observation, and friends in communication. The boy constantly wanted to be on the move. But overprotection on the part of parents, constant supervision and all kinds of prohibitions became a barrier to the growing activity. Ilya begins to succumb to suggestions and cultivate in himself a craving for idleness and a dislike for work and learning.

Life in Oblomovka flowed smoothly and calmly. All the prohibitions and cautions regarding the playful Ilyusha laid the foundation for the formation of an inert personality. The nanny did not leave a single step from her caretaker and at the slightest disobedience she immediately took Ilya home. This led to the hero's complete lack of will. Having matured, he no longer felt the need to strive for anything. Total control led to a breakdown in the natural development of personality and Oblomov became what his parents wanted him to be. In this image there is nothing left of an active and purposeful nature. From childhood he was shown that work is a punishment. Subsequently, Oblomov no longer wants to do anything and, lying in bed, is waiting for everything from the servant.

As a child, Oblomov had a close friend similar in character to him, Andrei Stolts. Using the example of completely different upbringing, you can see how their once identical views change. As Oblomov grows up, he turns into the apathetic and good-natured couch potato Ilya Ilyich, and Stolz into the active and insensitive Andrei Ivanovich.

In the fairy tales that Oblomov listened to from his nanny as a child, the world appeared as something terrible. And only Oblomovka turned out to be the quietest place. Having grown up, Oblomov constantly indulges in dreams of his former life in Oblomovka, remembers how he was cared for and protected. But there is no return and the hero spends his days in complete despondency.

The childhood of the protagonist of the novel "Oblomov" is the basis for the rest of his life. To better understand the psychology of an adult hero, it is enough to carefully read the story of his childhood. The literary name Oblomov has already become a household name in the culture of the Russian people. Goncharov perfectly managed to show a vivid example of a spineless person who is still interesting to readers.

Essay Childhood and Youth of Oblomov

The main character of the work “Oblomov” grew up in the Oblomovka estate. It was a great and quiet place. The estate was Oblomov’s favorite place; he loved to be here both in childhood and in his youth. He liked it here very much, as there was an atmosphere of love and care.

Oblomov was considered a highly respected child. The family never missed a meal. This was very important to them. After the family ate, everyone fell asleep. Even the nannies who were obliged to care for and protect little Ilya. They involuntarily closed their eyes. It was at such moments that the little child was given to himself.

Little Ilya’s favorite pastime was to run away from home, stroll through the gallery, and walk through the grove. Ilya's mother was very protective of the child. She didn't even allow him to walk in the yard. The boy watched the older people. I watched what they were doing. He remembered all this and learned from it.

At a very young age, when the boy was twelve years old, the family gave him to Stolz for training. None of Oblomov’s family understood the full significance of knowledge. They were only waiting for a diploma. Ilya's parents were very sorry for him and always wanted him to live with them.

Oblomov differed from others in that he was too dreamy and impressionable. The main character dreamed a lot about his future, about what would happen next, about how his future fate would turn out. The young man did not want to realize that these were just illusions and he needed to live in reality. He thought that all the stories that his childhood nannies told him were true.

The hero had few friends. His only friend was the son of his teacher. Andrey from the very early years was a purposeful boy, strong in character. It was his friend Andrei who was completely opposite to Oblomov. Stolz really wanted to motivate Oblomov. The young man wanted Ilya to continue his studies and not give up. However, Ilya liked home better, and he did not want to change anything. Even though the opinions about life and worldviews of the young people were completely different, they continued to communicate well.

The secret of Ilya’s character and habits is hidden at his early age. Oblomov had enormous potential, but, unfortunately, he could not be revealed in time. This affected Ilya’s character. He became lazy and fearful.

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Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 28"

Open Day

Literature lesson


“We all come from childhood” (Analysis of the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” based on the novel “Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharov)

Date: November 15, 2014

Class: 10 B

Conducted by the teacher

Russian language and literature:

Beskaeva E.A.

Saransk - 2014

Lesson type: lesson on studying a work of art.

Lesson type: a lesson in in-depth work on the text of a work.

Lesson format: lesson - conversation (with elements of artistic reading, discussion).

The purpose of the lesson: analyze “Oblomov’s Dream”, identifying aspects of the life of the Oblomovites that influenced the formation of the character of the main character; through visual arts trace the formation of the hero’s character; understand the role of symbols; master the ability to understand a person’s character in its connection with social and national characteristics.


1. Cognitive:

Recall with students the function of sleep in work of art; Give examples of previously studied works in which dreams were present.

Introduce students to compositional feature use of "Oblomov's Dream".

Identify the positive and negative features of the life of the Oblomovites that influenced the character of Ilya Ilyich.

Identify the role of image-symbols in the chapter.

Enrich lexicon students and improve their speech culture skills.

2. Developmental:

Develop the ability to work analytically with the text of a work of art.

3. Educational:

Foster a compassionate understanding of the powerful and weaknesses personality.

Cultivating a love for literature lessons.

Cultivating interest in Russian traditions and peculiarities of Russian national character.


Text of the novel by I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”, computer presentation, diagram, handouts, text of the beginning of the novel with numbering of sentences



Today we will visit “a wonderful land, a blessed corner”, where Oblomov’s dream will take us.

What will we discuss in class today?

( Let's trace the formation of Oblomov, where the roots of laziness and apathy came from, and reflect on the Russian character, on Russia and its fate.)

So, the topic of the lesson: “We all come from childhood” (Analysis of the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream”). For the topic of the lesson, I chose a statement by the 19th century French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Guys, what do you think: does the statement reveal the main idea of ​​chapter 9? Justify your point of view.

And the epigraph to the lesson will be the words of Oblomov himself: “Who am I? Why am I like this? We will try to answer these questions by turning to Oblomov’s childhood.


To reveal the character of his hero, the author chooses a dream motif. Let's listen to what role the dream motif plays in a work of art.


Dreams have long been used in fiction to create a mysterious atmosphere, motivate the actions of characters, and convey them. emotional state(psychologism). From the time of ancient Russian literature dreams warned of dangers, served as signs, provided assistance, instructed, gave rest and at the same time tempted, tested, and presented a choice. Dreams perform retrospective and prognostic functions and participate in the creation of the chronotope of a work. They absorb all three times: they show pictures of the past, present and future, thereby expanding the space-time boundaries of the text. Dreams can serve as memory. Thus, dreams in works fiction multifunctional.

Teacher :

Let's remember which works we studied earlier contained a dream?

(A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” - Tatyana’s dream; from: A.S. Pushkin “ Captain's daughter" - Petrusha Grinev's dream; from: “Ballads” by V. Zhukovsky.

What do you think is the function of sleep in these works, and why do the authors use them?

1. Dream - as revealing the spiritual state of the hero, a means of psychological analysis.

2. A dream is like an idyll, a dream.

3. Dream - as a prediction of the future.

Which of the following functions does a dream perform in the work of I.A. Goncharova?

1. Dream - revealing the spiritual state of the hero, while he acquires a special symbolic meaning: a dream is a symbol of the hero’s entire life position, his spiritual sleep.

2. Dream - shows the hero’s dream, but its paradox is that it is directed not to the future, but to the past.

Who is telling us the dream?

(The dream is conveyed by the narrator. It is as if he is outside the depicted world of Oblomovka. Behind what has been said, certain assessments and attitudes towards what the hero sees are guessed.)

The hero dreams of Oblomovka, in his dream it is emphasizedidyllic image.

Vocabulary work:

What is an idyll?

(Image of a peaceful rural life against the backdrop of beautiful nature. 3. peaceful, happy existence. (S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language).)

The genre of the chapter is close to folk fairy tale, in which the world rests unshakably on goodness, and, of course,idylls. The genre of this chapter can also be attributed to the idyll genre.

What do you think are the characteristics of an idyllic world?

( Main features of the idyllic world:

-ideal landscape

- unity of man and nature

-closedness of space

- uncertainty of time

-mythical character

- lack of plot

- conflict-free.

Teacher: What is the composition of the chapter?

The entire text can be divided into three main parts:

1) the first two paragraphs (wonderful corner);

2) from the 5th to the 17th sentences - a picture of wild nature;

3) last paragraph (peaceful corner). The large middle part can also be divided into more small, associated with the main images of the text: man, mo rivers, mountains and abysses.

The composition of the text is based on opposition and gra date. The wonderful land is contrasted with wild nature; to her man is opposed. Image of the wildest nature based on gradation - increasing the impression of something without grain inferior, terrible, hostile to a person. Human condition in the face of wild nature is also conveyed using gradation: first it is said that a person becomes sad when view of the sea, and gradually comes to the conclusion that he is completely disappears against the background of a majestic picture, even the sky recedes elk from people. This enhances the impression of loneliness, nothing the identity and helplessness of man in the face of wild nature.

The beginning and end of the passage seem to close the circle, framing central part. This frame carries the main idea: emphasize the blessings of the world in which they live Movtsy.

chapter 9 plan.

1. Landscape of Oblomovka.

2. Description of the seasons.

3. Natural phenomena.

4.Description of the village.

5. Ideas about the world.

6. What disrupts the usual course of life (death is a rarity, the blacksmith Taras got mad, a stranger is in a ditch).

7. Morning of little Ilyusha.

8. Ravine.

9. The child runs away from the nanny. Observations (dark - light, shadows).

10. Home life.

11. Afternoon sleep is like death.

12.Dreams about Ilyusha’s future.

13. Fairy tales.

14. Signs.

15. Teachings of Ilyusha.

16.Rituals. Norm of life. (Christening, name day, wedding)

17. “Labor” (gallery, fence).

18. Reception of guests.

19. Evening conversations. (Memories, interpretation of dreams, signs).

20. The story with the letter.

21. Studying, dreams of a certificate.

22. Snowball fight.

Teacher: So, we find ourselves in the “blessed corner”... (reading the beginning of the chapter by the student)

"Where are we? To what blessed corner of the earth did Oblomov’s dream take us? What a wonderful land! No, really, there are seas there, no high mountains, rocks and abysses, no dense forests - there is nothing grandiose, wild and gloomy...

The sky there, it seems, is pressing closer to the earth, but not in order to throw more arrows, but perhaps only to hug it tighter, with love: it spreads out so low above your head, like a parent’s reliable roof, to protect, it seems, the chosen one a corner from all adversity.

The sun shines there brightly and hotly for about six months and then does not suddenly leave there, as if reluctantly, as if it were turning back to look once or twice at its favorite place and give it a clear, warm day in the fall, amidst bad weather.

The mountains there seem to be just models of those terrible mountains erected somewhere that terrify the imagination. This is a series of gentle hills, from which it is customary to ride, frolicking, on your back or while sitting on them, in thought at the setting sun.

The river runs merrily, frolicking and playing; it either spills into a wide pond, then tends to quickly , or he becomes quiet, as if deep in thought, and crawls a little over the pebbles, releasing playful streams on the sides, under the murmur of which he sweetly dozes.

The entire corner of fifteen or twenty miles around was a series of picturesque sketches, cheerful, smiling landscapes. The sandy and sloping banks of a bright river, small bushes creeping up from a hill to the water, a curved ravine with a stream at the bottom and a birch grove - everything seemed to have been deliberately tidied up one by one and masterfully drawn.

A heart exhausted by worries or not at all familiar with them asks to hide in this forgotten corner and live a happiness unknown to anyone. Everything there promises a calm, long-term life until the hair turns yellow and an unnoticeable, sleep-like death.”

Teacher: What means of expression does Goncharov use when describing the “wonderful land”?(blessed corner; wonderful land; favorite place; picturesque sketches; cheerful, smiling landscapes, everything is quiet and sleepy, etc.


Why Goncharov to contrast the peaceful corner (Oblomovka)chooses the sea, mountains, abysses?

The sea, mountains and abysses are favorite images of romance ical literature associated in romanticism with such concepts We are like eternal restlessness, struggle, constant desire for freedom, for overcoming everyday life. Contrasting these images of a peaceful corner, Goncharov enhances the impression of 06 as if from a closed, quiet, blessed world, where peace reigns, and at the same time, as it were, emphasizes its literary position: rejection of romanticism as a method, depiction wanting something unusual, exceptional, far from ordinary military life.

Teacher: And here we are in Oblomovka... Who inhabited the “wonderful land” in this description? (Peasants )

What details of peasant life appeared in the text?(Spring, preparing the peasant for work, waiting and welcoming the rain. Cows, chickens, sheep walk through the fields and the village)

How Oblomovka is shown to be fenced off from the rest of the world, and Oblomovites’ perception of the rest of the space as alien and fantastic

Why were the Oblomovites wary of the man in the ditch?

(An outsider has invaded their closed world, they feel fear.

a stranger has arrived, a letter,);

Determine the role of symbolic images in describing the way of life of Oblomovites

What is Magic power? (dream)

What is the law in this world (idleness);

The main concern of the Oblomovites? Find it in the text.

(kitchen and food), food care, supplies)


What was the main occupation of the Oblomovites?

Find a description of the pie and the “ritual” of making and eating it.

With the help of which artistic means the writer poetizes this physiological state of a person.

Prove that the image of the pie has a symbolic meaning.

(Individual task"Behind there was a chat about food and the first and most important concern in Oblomovka. What calves grew fat there for the annual holidays! What a bird was raised! How many subtle considerations, how many activities and worries go into courting her! Turkeys and chickens assigned to name days and other special days were fattened with nuts; The geese were deprived of exercise and forced to hang motionless in a bag several days before the holiday, so that they would swim with fat. What stocks there were of jams, pickles, and cookies! What honeys, what kvass were brewed, what pies were baked in Oblomovka!”

On Sunday and holidays These hardworking ants also did not stop: then the knocking of knives in the kitchen was heard more often and louder; the woman made the journey from the barn to the kitchen several times with double the amount of flour and eggs; there was more groaning and bloodshed in the poultry yard. They baked a gigantic pie, which the gentlemen themselves ate the next day; on the third and fourth days, the leftovers went to the maiden room; the pie lived until Friday, so that one completely stale end, without any filling, went, as a special favor, to Antipus, who, crossing himself, undauntedly destroyed this curious fossil with a crash, enjoying more the knowledge that this was the master’s pie than the pie itself, like an archaeologist who enjoys drinking crappy wine from a shard of some thousand-year-old pottery.


There is a real cult of pie in Oblomovka. Making a huge pastry and eating it resembles some kind of sacred ceremony, performed strictly according to the calendar, week after week, year after year.

Let's remember thatpie in the popular worldview - one of the most visualcharacters happy, abundant, gracious life. Pie is a “feast in the mountains”, a cornucopia, the pinnacle of general joy and contentment. Feasting, festive people gather around the pie. Warmth and fragrance emanate from the pie; pie - central andmost archaic symbol of people's utopia. Oblomovka is a forgotten, miraculously surviving “blessed corner” - a fragment of Eden. To the local inhabitantsbroke off to finish eating an archaeological fragment - a piece of a once huge pie.The word “pie” itself is consonant with the word “feast”. It's a holidaynew feast dish. And indeed, “feast” is a centa real event of every day for Oblomovites; they spendtheir life is not in labor, they consider labor a punishment, but in feasts, for their life is a harmonyniya, where both the physical and spiritual principles are inextricably fused.

Vocabulary work :

Eden -paradise, place of abundance


Let us note the features of the image of space and time in the episode “Oblomov’s Dream”

Find a description of the passage of time in Oblomovka.

« Everything promises a peaceful, long-lasting life until the hair turns yellow and an unnoticeable, sleep-like death.

The annual cycle occurs there correctly and calmly.

According to the calendar, spring will come in March. Winter will maintain its character until the indicated period of warmth. In November, snow and frost begin. Summer is especially delightful in that region. Then the time will come for rituals, feasts, and finally the wedding; The whole pathos of life was focused on this.

Then repetitions began: the birth of children, rituals, feasts, until the funeral changed the scenery; but not for long: some people are inferior to others, children become young men and at the same time grooms, they get married, produce their own kind - and so life according to this program stretches on in a continuous monotonous fabric, imperceptibly ending at the very grave.”


Cmdamn inOblomovke is perceived as a natural transitionone type of sleep into another - eternal sleep.

We depicted Oblomovka’s sleepy kingdom as a vicious circle; we imagined Oblomov’s life in St. Petersburg on Gorokhovaya as a vicious circle. There is a certain pattern to this.

Which words are repeated more often? Why?

The most frequently heard words are “silence, sleep, peace.” A picture of a leisurely, unhurried, lazy life is created. Time seems to slow down. The author conveys the joy of a measured life, the enjoyment of it. Little Ilyusha grows up in an atmosphere of bliss.


What can be concluded?

(Conclusion: no one seeks to leave this world, because there is something alien and hostile there. They are quite satisfied with their life. Love, birth, marriage, death, this circle of life is unchanged, like the seasons. The calendar, ritual cycle are centuries-old folk traditions) .


There are a lot of symbolic images in this chapter. Decipher the symbolic meaning of the ravine.

(When Ilyusha ran away from his nanny, he wanted to “get into the birch forest and the dovecote” and watch the insects. Here the curiosity characteristic of any child is manifested.

“He wants to run into the ravine; the child ran to the edge, closed his eyes, wanted to look into the crater of a volcano... but suddenly all the rumors and legends about this ravine rose up before him: he was seized by horror, and he was neither alive nor dead, trembling with fear, rushing to the nanny.” .


A ravine is unfamiliar, dangerous. The story about the monster in the ravine (“there, they say, are goblins, robbers, and terrible animals”) is conveyed by the author comically. The comparison “like a volcano crater” frightens Ilyusha, for him this is an unknown world, and he remembers all the superstitions he heard from adults.


Part of the chapter is like a fairy tale.

Why does the fairy tale play such an important role in Oblomovka?

(Fairy tales: they promise mountains of gold, they talk about an unknown country where rivers of honey and milk flow, where no one does anything. The good sorceress chooses a favorite for herself - a quiet and harmless (lazy person), whom everyone offends, and showers him with goodness.).

What are Oblomov’s favorite fairy tale characters?

What meaning is revealed when the image of Oblomov is brought closer to the folklore images of Emelya and Ilya Muromets?


What are the customs and rituals of the Oblomovites? Find in the text.

Our poor ancestors lived gropingly, naively marveling at everything. For them, death occurred from the dead person who had previously been carried out of the house with his head, and not with his feet from the gate; the fire was caused by a dog howling outside the window for three nights. They believed both werewolves and the dead. They will tell them that a haystack was walking under the window - they will not think twice and will believe it. The belief in the miraculous is strong in Oblomovka.”


Conclusion: All life consists of ritual holidays. This indicates the mythological consciousness of people. What is natural for others is here mysterious and sacred. The special relationship to the time of day is also mythological: evening time is dangerous, afternoon time has powerful powers. The sky presses closer to the earth - a reproduction of the myth of the marriage of earth and sky.)


What image is central in the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream”, uniting all its fragments?

(The image of the mother (both mother-woman and mother-nature) unites all the elements of the chapter and creates the image of the native space, where everything is warm motherly love, care, where everything lives according to the laws of following the traditions of the fathers. “The standard of life was ready and taught to Oblomov by his parents, and they accepted it, also ready, from his grandfather, and grandfather from his great-grandfather. So the river of life flowed, in laziness and apathy.

What are Ilya Ilyich’s parents doing? (reading study)

How do your parents feel about Ilyusha? What about those around you? Read it.


Another important moment in the life of the Oblomovites. What is the attitude of Oblomovites towards education and books?

Oblomovites are ignorant and superstitious people.

No one bothered themselves with mental labor. The book was looked at as a thing intended for entertainment." So « Oblomovs understood the benefits of enlightenment, but only external . They still had a vague and distant concept of the inner need for teaching. They dreamed of secretly bypassing the stones and obstacles scattered along the path of enlightenment, without bothering to jump over them, that is, to study lightly, not to the point of exhaustion of soul and body.”

Goncharov resorts to paraphrase so that the reader comprehends what he heard and understands the author’s attitude to what was said.


Do adult Oblomovites understand the need for education?

(Old people - yes, but only the external side. They had very vague ideas about the internal need for training. They only need some brilliant advantages for Ilyusha).


Who and how resists Oblomovka’s influence on the teenager Ilya?

(Stolz, who received a practical labor education).

Has the new influence been successful?

(No. “You won’t go today; Thursday is a holiday, is it worth driving back and forth.” “Today is not the time for studying, parent’s week.” “Somehow your eyes are not fresh today. Stay at home this week.”)

Are there any fairy-tale features in this passage?

( No. The syllable of the story changes.This part is more suitable for Stolz’s view, which, according to the author, should resist Oblomov’s dream, debunk Ilya’s fairy-tale consciousness, and make it modern).

(Why does the scene end fun game snowballs?

(Oblomov subconsciously craves activity).


What is the meaning of the hero's last name?

Let us pay attention to the semantic meaning of the hero’s name: Ilya Ilyich is a sign of the repetition of his father, his life. The surname also helps reveal character. It has a common root with the Old Russian word “oblo” - circle, wheel (hence, “cloud”, “region”). It is the circle that is associated with Ilya Ilyich. His life goes in a closed cycle, that is, in a circle, without noticeable forward movement.

This meaning is quite consistent with the soft-rounded man Oblomov and his round, peacefully blissful patrimony. Although in the literature about Goncharov there are other opinions about the origin of the surname of the main character of the novel “Oblomov” - from another archaic word “oblomon”, which means sleep. But even more clearly in the surname of Ilya Ilyich the meaning of FLUSH appears. According to researchers of Goncharov’s work, Oblomov’s existence is a fragment of a once full and all-encompassing life, it is a fragment of Eden as symbol happy, abundant, gracious life. This is also a fragment of the old, patriarchal way of Russian life, poeticized by Goncharov. The surname of the main character of the novel also contains the meaning of a fragment of serfdom, because the novel was created in the post-reform era and was its bright, brilliant embodiment.


Thus, Oblomovka in the hero’s mind acquires the features of an absolute ideal, Oblomovka is a utopian dream.

So, moral ideal Oblomov is an integral harmonious personality, the social ideal is patriarchal, unchanging Russia. This is precisely what explains the poeticization of the patriarchal way of life.


Let's return to the topic of the lesson “We all come from childhood.” The relevance of the novel's sound. « There is a significant part of Oblomov in each of us.” Is this really true?


Individual task

A modern reader's view of the novel as a whole and, in particular, of the episode

It only seems that only in a blessed corner ke the land where Oblomov’s dream took us, “happy people lived thinking that it shouldn’t and couldn’t be any other way, confident that everyone else lives exactly the same way and that life otherwise it’s a sin.” In reality, such happiness is a dream kingdom (“Like a lump of dough, curled up and lying there”) – the secret dream of more than one Oblomov and not only the prerogative gone into distant history XIX century.

If you look around, it’s not difficult you can see next to you not just one, not a hundred, not a thousand people for whom fairy tales are mixed with life, and they unconsciously sad: “why is a fairy tale not life, but life not a fairy tale"; who, through centuries and generations, has a sword in their consciousness to take a walk, “where there are no worries and sorrows”; who has any left the disposition to lie on the stove, walk around in a ready-made, unearned dress and eat at the expense of the good sorceress; who has an idle imagination, not in a dream, but in reality goes to the unknown side, "where there are no nights, no cold, where miracles happen all the time, where rivers of honey and milk flow, where no one does anything all year round, and all they do is walk every day..."

"And to this day the Russian man among the surrounding goy, devoid of fiction, loves to believe reality seductive tales of antiquity, and for a long time, maybe Perhaps he has not yet renounced this faith" - Goncharov writes in Oblomov, presumably, about his time, and we are only repeating after him, noting tea the same thing already in yours, XXI century.

No, no matter what you say, but the life position according to which the ideal of life is in peace and inaction, not formed yesterday I was afraid he wouldn’t die tomorrow. And the best confirmation of this The idea in Goncharov’s novel is the episode with the collapse of part of the gallery. Born a writer two centuries ago ass, he is still almost every day almost unchanged present in television news broadcasts dachas And we are like genuine bummers Tsy, we look and gasp, we are amazed, horrified and reproached each other, and sometimes we even get so angry. Well, exactly like in Oblomov’s dream, only with us it’s all in reality.

Let’s compare: Oblomov’s people from Goncharov’s novel “Another” They neither wanted nor loved life. They would be sorry if circumstances brought changes to their life, whatever they might be. They would be consumed by melancholy if tomorrow were not similar to today, and the day after tomorrow to tomorrow.”

Now let's look around us and see how modern regular Oblomovites are sincerely perplexed: “Why do they need to variety, changes, accidents, which were asked for are there others? Let others drink this cup, and they, the Oblomovites, don’t care about anything. Let others live as they want." Goncharova's novel makes you think about a person's active life position, his citizenship.

This is where the talent of a true reader lies: in capabilities Today hear in classic work, written at a completely different time, about other people dyakh, thoughts not only about the past, but directly related to you and your life.

Otherwise, what would be the point in the current debate about the nature and essence of the reforms of Ivan the Terrible, Peter I , Stolypin, Gorbachev, etc. These reformers were driven by the idea of ​​​​violating the eternal holiday of Oblomovka, in which “work is taken off one’s shoulders like a yoke,” to change the belief that the main dignity of the Russian national character is gentleness, delicacy, condescension, allowing one to break custom and not obey charter.

To today's readers and, above all, to her young part will have to answer many questions themselves: “To how you have to live to get even a drop of something human joy?

Spend your entire life lying on the couch doing nothing? Or proceed from the fact that man was created for business, and not for lying on your native Russian stove?

Extol your own benefit above all else? Or proceed from the fact that there are other values ​​in the world?

Stay in the happy state of “I don’t know anything” and “...our name is legion”? Or be susceptible to everything What do the world and people around you offer?”

These questions are read in the novel Iva on Goncharov's "Oblomov", written in 1858 - floor a century ago.

And each of us must draw the right conclusion after reading the novel.


Let’s summarize the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” and return to the epigraph of the lesson. Let's draw a conclusion. What is Oblomovka?

Oblomovka is a micromodel of Russian life in general. This is a world in which people with a pure childish soul, like Ilya Ilyich, are brought up. BUT the other side of this phenomenon is that a person remains a child until the end of his days ( infantilism*) . Eden becomes the beginning of man's death.

Vocabulary work:

infantilism - childishness, underdevelopment, childishness, childishness


What character traits did Ilya Ilyich develop under the influence of Oblomovka’s way of life? (answers)

Positive features






"columbine simplicity

The ability to feel beauty


Capacity for self-blame

Reluctance to be humiliated by vanity (career, money, fame)

The desire for harmony in the soul

Negative traits


Inability to overcome difficulties

Lack of will



Barsky arrogance

Hope for "maybe"



Empty reverie


What is the clue to the character of the hero proposed by the author? Human traits are formed in childhood. Clean, gentle soul Oblomov, his “dove” meekness originates in Oblomovka. But laziness and helplessness also come from there. That's why this key chapter of the novel is so important to us. The Russian character is shown through the image of Oblomov. Russia is shown through Oblomovka. And it is bitter to admit that this is the fate of Russia.

What is Russian laziness? Each of you will answer this question in your own way.

Is the image of Oblomov, his native village, satirical or nostalgic? Both. I.A. Goncharov admitted in his essay “In the Motherland”: “I wrote my life.”

Today we took Oblomov on a virtual journey into his childhood, looked at the hero to understand “why he is like this.” There is a lot that is attractive about him: he is charming, kind, gentle, poetic, and able to think. But he turned out to be unprepared for life: he was not taught to work, to act independently, and his vivid imagination and curiosity were not encouraged. And as a result, a decent, intelligent person turned into a parody of a person, and his name became a household name.

And today’s conversation is valuable for you and as future parents. Oblomov is an example of how not to educate. Goncharov wrote:“And the child looked and observed everything with his childish way, nothingwith a non-missing mind" Remember: “You wouldn’t need another example when your father’s example is in your eyes.” It all starts from childhood.


1.answer in writing the question: “What is the meaning of the main character’s surname?” , proving one of your chosen points of view:

a) The cloud is round (when you lie down, it floats)

b) Oblomov is a man broken by life

c) from “fragment” - a piece of a dead patriarchal way of life).

2. Select material on the topic “Olga Ilyinskaya and Oblomov”

Psychologists rightly claim that all qualities, both good and bad, are inherent in a person from childhood. The formation of his personality in the future depends on the environment in which a person grew up, what he saw and absorbed at an early age. A brilliant confirmation of this is the novel by A.I. Goncharov "Oblomov". Describing childhood and then adult life Oblomov, A.I. Goncharov, long before the appearance of multi-volume psychological opuses, so vividly and convincingly reveals the reasons for the emergence of laziness, indifference, and empty dreams in a person, that his book can rightfully be called a classic textbook on social psychology. Little Ilyusha lives in Oblomovka, lives serenely and happily, just like everyone else around him. Oblomovka is a unique place. “Oblomovka is an almost impassable” “corner” that lives its own special life. What is this “feature”? Oblomovka lives as if frozen: life in her is sleepy, leisurely and surprisingly monotonous. As they say, “nothing happens in the village.” “In the last 5 years, none of the several hundred serf souls have died,” the only events that excite the minds and souls of the inhabitants are the thefts of turnips from other people’s gardens. Goncharov writes about the village: “No, really, there is a sea there, no high mountains, rocks and abysses, no dense forests - there is nothing grandiose, wild and gloomy.” But there is no life there either. Oblomovka is sleeping. The appearance of a stranger outside the outskirts plunges its inhabitants into wild horror. Separately, I would like to touch on Ilyusha’s parents. Both his father and mother are sure that they live correctly, “to live otherwise is a sin.” All their lives they do nothing - neither good nor bad. The father creates the appearance that he manages the estate, although the serfs steal from under his nose for their own pleasure. Checking the accounts, monitoring the manager is too lazy. Well-fed, dressed - and okay. And fixing a fence or building is something completely unthinkable, and things don’t go beyond talking and lamenting. Oblomov’s mother is seriously concerned only with food: discussing lunches and dinners is the meaning of her existence. And in these conditions Oblomov’s entire childhood proceeds. Little Ilyusha is protected from everything: he can’t go into the garden, he can’t go into the forest, and even more so into a terrible ravine. The boy was used to serfs doing everything for him. He’s too lazy to even put on his stockings: all he can do is trip the servant’s foot, while also trying to hit him on the nose with his heel. Studying at a boarding school is a completely different story. There Ilyusha Oblomov is a volunteer student: he wanted to, came to class, he wanted to, he skipped school with the permission of his parents. Especially if there are pancakes in the house. “Perhaps,” writes Goncharov, “Ilyusha would have learned something good if Oblomovka had been 500 miles from Verkhlev.” The only thing that evokes any emotion in the boy is his nanny’s fairy tales. Moreover, fairy tales about monsters and the fight against them plunge him into horror. But Ilyusha really likes stories about couch potatoes and klutzes gifted by sorceresses for some unknown reason. Wow, the boy thinks, he lay there, lay there, and got wealth and a beauty into the bargain. Great! What inevitably happened was that “... Oblomov’s fairy tale mixed with life, and he is unconsciously sad, why is a fairy tale not life, and why is life not a fairy tale?” Movement, action, development - all this is alien to Oblomov. What gradually happens is that, in general, a kind and intelligent person, instead of doing something, living an active life, moves away even from friends, lies down on the sofa, and indulges in boredom and meaningless dreams. It’s sad that Oblomov will most likely never get up from this symbolic sofa for the rest of his life.