Extracurricular event “Fun competitions. Competitions for school holidays for children (primary school) material on the topic Scenarios of competitions for children at school

Funny and cheerful competitions will make any school holiday interesting and unforgettable.

Competitions can brighten up almost any holiday. The main thing is that they are not boring and that the choice of the winner is determined mainly by audience sympathy.

There are so many competitions!

❖ Musical theater sketch competition.

❖ Live video clip competition.

❖ For the best men's suit.

❖ For the best women's suit.

❖ Best Actor.

❖ Best Supporting Actor.

❖ Best Actress.

To increase tension, use lots and drum rolls.

"Funny pictures"

On the board you need to draw a triangle with one hand and a square with the other.

Competition "Sound Designers"

The presenter reads the text, and the players, not knowing the continuation of the text, voice what the presenter is reading about. “The sand crunched underfoot... Incomprehensible sounds were heard in the tent... The croaking of frogs could be heard from the swamp... A dog barked in the distance... Cats meowed very close by... And suddenly a piercing cry was heard... It was a rooster crowing, advancing morning".

Competition "Everything is the other way around"

All commands must be executed exactly the opposite. For example, when the presenter says “hands up,” the contestants lower their hands down; when they say “hands down,” they raise them up. The prize goes to the most attentive participant who remains “in splendid isolation,” that is, who has never gotten confused.

Competition "Feed the Child"

(You will need 2 plates of porridge, 2 spoons, 2 bibs, 2 scarves.)

Team representatives sit at the table opposite each other. In front of everyone is a plate of porridge. The “opponents” take spoons in their hands, are blindfolded, and put on large “bibs.” Task: feed the “child” sitting opposite. The one who puts the most porridge into the “enemy’s” mouth will win.

Competition “Make Nesmeyanu Laugh”

A girl from the opposing team sits in front of each player. The player's task is to make the girl laugh. The girl’s task is to resist and not laugh.

Competition "Gait"

Try to imitate a person's gait

❖ who has just had a good lunch;

❖ whose shoes are too tight;

❖ who unsuccessfully kicked a brick;

❖ who has an acute attack of radiculitis;

❖ who found himself in the forest at night;

❖ walking along the edge of a skyscraper.

Competition "Voiceless Entertainer"

You are the entertainer. You need to announce the next number. And you suddenly lost your voice. Try using facial expressions and gestures. So, the next number is...

❖ singer Lyudmila Zykina;

❖ dancer Boris Moiseev;

❖ humorist Mikhail Zhvanetsky;

❖ singer Alla Pugacheva;

"Announcer Competition"

The winner is the one who can repeat as many tongue twisters as possible after the presenter without getting lost.

Tongue Twisters

❖ They gave Klasha porridge with yogurt, Klasha ate porridge with yogurt.

❖ Weavers wove fabrics for Klava and Tanya’s dresses.

❖ There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass.

❖ The little chatterbox chattered and chatted, but didn’t blurt it out.

❖ From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

❖ Thirty-three cars in a row chatter and rattle. Thirty-three cars in a row chatter and rattle.

❖ Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.


The presenter reads the story, and the players use gestures, facial expressions, movements, and sounds to depict everything they hear.

"Circus Troupe"

Teams are tasked with portraying a circus troupe. Each team member draws a card from a hat with their role. This could be: the leader of the troupe, trainer, clown, acrobat, elephant, monkey, bear, lion, snake, trained dog, etc. After 1 minute, each player tries to portray his hero using sounds, facial expressions, and gait. The “troupe leaders” must guess who is who and organize the performance of the artists and animals.

"What is this?"

The teams are given the task to depict a scene; for example, the first team depicts a morning in the village - the bleating of cows, the creaking of a gate, the crowing of a rooster, the clanking of a well chain, and the second team must guess what it is. Then the second team shows their skit; for example, evening in the port (the cry of seagulls, the whistles of steamships, the rattle of the anchor chain, the sound of the surf). And the first team guesses what it is. You can ask leading questions. The guessing team is considered the loser if the audience guesses first.

Scenario of the competition program for schoolchildren “Race with the Wind”

Goals: develop logical thinking, Creative skills, ingenuity, dexterity of students; contribute to the unity of the class team.

Progress of the event

Leading. Hi all! Today we are gathered here to find out which of you is the fastest! So, first task...

In some competitions the whole team participates, in others one person from the team participates, so that everyone can participate.

Competition "Fishing"

Each team is given a spoon. It is necessary to catch the largest number of peas floating in a plate of water with a spoon, which should be held in the mouth, in a certain amount of time.

"Pass the Ball" Competition

Each team stands in a line and begins to pass the ball:

Hands above your head;


Pinched between the chin and shoulder.

Competition "Who is faster"

Each team stands in a circle. Participants are given a piece of paper that is passed around the circle. Whoever makes the most circles in a certain amount of time wins this competition.

Competition "Practical"

It is necessary to find a new use for unnecessary, used items:

Empty tin can;

Leaky sock;

A burst balloon;

Burnt out light bulb;

Empty pen refill.

Competition "Writer"

Each team must write short story, in which all words must begin with a specific letter:

(Adventurer Andrei Arkadyevich Antoshkin rented a car. He corporatized the watermelon barn, and Andrei was arrested by the ataman of the aborigines.)

Competition "Dance"

One person from each team sits on a chair. He will need to dance, without leaving his chair, the following dance:




Competition "Nogopantomnma"

It is only necessary to demonstrate the emotional state with the help of legs:






Competition "Sculptor"

It is necessary to imagine a monument, that is, to freeze in the form of a monument, which is called one of the proverbs and sayings:

Truth is born in dispute.

Love for all ages.

A well-fed man is no friend to a hungry man.

You never know what you can do till you try.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Competition "Pantomime"

It is necessary to use pantomime to depict a person who is in a hurry and therefore does two things at the same time:

Irons linen + blow-dries hair;

Rocks a stroller with a child + draws a house project on paper;

Stirs semolina porridge+ picks his ear;

Buttons up + brushes teeth;

Cleans shoes with one brush + cleans trousers with another brush.

Competition "Creative"

It is necessary to come up with new names for old professions:

Fireman (boiler room operator)",

Cleaning lady (technical employee)",

Street cleaner;


Shoe shiner.

Competition "Fairytale"

It is necessary to come up with new fairy-tale names for the following items:

Pillow, blanket, sheet;

Bag, briefcase, backpack;

Pants, T-shirt, coat;

Armchair, chest of drawers, bedside table;

Glass, mug, wine glass.

Competition "Linguistic"

It is necessary to say the sentences differently, without repeating a single word, but maintaining the meaning.

The fly landed on the jam.

There is a glass on the table.

The clock strikes twelve times.

A sparrow flew into the window.

The detachment was walking along the shore.

Competition "Fantasy"

It is necessary to come up with the types of goods that would be sold in stores. For example:

Everything for losers.

Everything for truants.

Everything for sluts.

Everything for repeaters."

Everything for malicious shoe forgetters.

Competition "Pairs"

Perform the simplest actions from the point of view of a normal person. But at the same time, two participants need to hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left hand of the other are free. For example:

Thread the needle;

Light the candle using matches;

Cut a paper circle with scissors;

Tie the shoelace;

Replace the refill in your ballpoint pen.

Competition "Pictogram"

It is necessary to write with the help of drawings, like the ancient people, short letter, addressed to a friend:

Call me today at 6 o'clock.

Let's go play football in the evening.

Let's do homework together.

Give me a puppy for my birthday.

Bring me scissors and colored paper.

The players stand in a circle. The presenter brings out a hat filled with pieces of paper. Each piece of paper has a body part written on it. Each player takes out a piece of paper and touches with his hand the part of the body that is indicated on this piece of paper. All players do this.
However, when the leader goes around the circle a second time, the players must show body parts with their free hand. The results are quite interesting poses.

Eh, apple

Several couples are invited to participate in the competition. Each couple is given two apples, one for the girl, one for the guy. At the presenter’s signal, the girl begins to feed the guy an apple, and the guy begins to feed her his. The couple that eats their apples the fastest wins.

Fill the glass

Two chairs are placed in the center of the hall. There is an empty glass on one chair, a full glass on the other. The task of each player is to transfer water from one glass to another with a spoon. Whoever has the most full glass at the end wins. The main thing is not speed, but caution.

Beat the beat

The players sit in a circle. The first player, who is also the leader, puts left hand on the neighbor's right knee. All other players do the same. The leader beats out a rhythm, and everyone else must repeat it in exactly the same way and with the same hands as the leader did. Whoever gets confused leaves the game.

Items in alphabetical order

A fairly simple competition, each student participant receives a piece of paper and a pen and, on the “start” command, makes a list of items in alphabetical order. For example, Algebra, Biology, Valeology, Geography, Geometry, Life Safety, Physics, Chemistry and so on, where you need to take into account not only the first letters, but also the subsequent ones (if the subjects begin with the same letter). Whoever makes the correct list first will win a prize.

Jump to the finish line

All players are divided into pairs. Each pair in turn has the right to make one jump. The pair that jumps to the finish line faster than the rest wins. It is important to remember that jumps are not performed at speed, but in turns, over the length of the distance.
The couple is popular among teenagers. It serves as an excellent charger.

We're in the house

Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given a gymnastics hoop. The players' task is to fit as much as possible into the hoop. more people. The team that manages to do this is the winner and receives a prize.

Study rooms

A fairly simple, but fun competition for the kids. Although everyone knows their school well, no one can immediately say how many classrooms there are in it. So, at the command “start”, the participants scatter in their own direction and count the number of classrooms in the school. Whoever names the correct number first will win a prize.

Backpack Contents

It depends on how lucky you are. At the “start” command, each student must open his backpack and on his desk lay out the contents of his backpack in alphabetical order, for example, an album, then chewing gum, then a pencil, a lunch container, and so on. The participant who is the first to complete the task and at the same time does everything correctly, without mixing up the letters of the alphabet, will become the winner and receive a prize.

School breakfast

This challenge will require lunch containers, but opaque ones! Each container contains any product with a specific smell, for example, fried pie, tangerine, sausage, cucumber, and so on. Each participant receives a sheet of paper and a pen. One by one, the children approach each container, smell it and write down on their piece of paper what they think is there. After all participants have determined what is in the lunch containers, the presenter announces the correct answer. Whoever correctly sniffed out all the products in the containers will receive a prize.

For all those who found themselves on the “Holiday Again” website for the first time, I want to inform you that I am collecting the most interesting ideas for children's parties.

Fun competitions for children (5-8 years old):

This is a fragment of an interview with one of the animators. I asked to list a few games that are easy to play, but at the same time children are happy to join in the process.


Any number of children can participate. The driver asks all participants to turn away and count to 30, and at this time attaches clothespins to household items - a chandelier, paintings, curtains, soft toys, dishes (20-30 pieces in total). The one who managed to collect the most clothespins receives a prize and becomes the driver.


Try drawing a birthday card with your children. Bright markers, glitter glue, stickers, and pencils will come in handy. Give free rein to your creativity, and you can suggest a theme and wishes for the birthday boy: a smiling sun, a blue sky, unusual flowers and animals. These cards can remind your child of a joyful event for many months to come.


Pour water into the bucket (no more than half). Give each child a disposable cup. There will also be a plastic cup in the role of the Titanic. Pour some water into it (it should float) and place it in the center of the bucket. Now the children must stand in a circle and take turns pouring water into the floating glass. The one who sank the Titanic is eliminated, and the game continues until one participant remains. He becomes the Captain, and the whole children's company goes to eat icebergs. Ice cream, of course!

Christmas tree bagels

You will need: bagels, colored woolen threads, buttons, large beads. You can make Christmas tree decorations from all this goodness if it’s getting close New Year, or unusual jewelry.

Air battle

Inflate 10 round balloons (5 each in two different colors). Create two teams. Divide the room into 2 equal parts with chalk, place the teams opposite each other. Give each team 5 balls. Task: while the music is playing, you need to throw the balls to the opponent’s side. It's not that easy, because the opponents return the winning balls! As soon as the music stops, the kids freeze. We are doing the calculations. This fun competition for children is held in several stages.

The team with the fewest balls on its side wins.

Fashion show

Give free rein to your child's imagination. Let the hero of the occasion become a couturier for a while. Children love to dress up and imitate adults. All you need to do is prepare a variety of ribbons, paper, handkerchiefs, scarves, tape, paper clips and safety scissors. The couterie dresses up the boys according to his taste (mummies, pirates, flowers, princesses, sorcerers, etc.) If the boys are embarrassed to participate, they can be made members of the jury.


Participants line up one after another. On the floor (at a step distance) we lay out apples (20 pieces) in a line. Task: 1st participant squats down and takes the first apple, then(!), without getting up, makes a small jump to the next apple, takes it and so on, moving squatting jumps. Objective: collect as many apples as possible! As soon as the apples fall apart, we place them again on the floor, and the next participant begins the task. Apples cannot be picked in clothes. You can hold it in your hands, on your knees, under your chin... Fun!


Learn a few simple dance moves in advance. Offer your kids a fun disco! While the music is playing, the guys will repeat the movements after you (the movements, as I said, should be simple and funny, repeated often). And as the culmination of the disco, make this move: invite the children to show the movements themselves to the music, and you will only repeat. This is where they will laugh!


Invite the children to prepare their own concert! Poems, songs, riddles, fashion show, dancing, somersault, splits....Help arrange the order of performances and turn. Give it time to get ready. Let every child show himself and his talent. From those children who did not dare to show their number, create a jury.


Give the children spoons, pot lids, ladles, pots, and buckets. Come up with your own musical part for each instrument. You are the conductor! You have a ladle in your hands. To a well-known melody (“Radetzky March,” for example), you create an orchestra. Point a ladle at the pot makers and they will play like drums, at the lid makers the timpani will sound, let the spoon players beat out the rhythm. Change accompanists slowly at first, then faster and faster. In the finale, all instruments of the orchestra sound simultaneously! It's loud and fun!

Competitions for children

Whose team is smarter
The players stand in a circle. Everyone counts on “first” and “second”. Each team chooses a captain. The leader gives each team captain a ball. At the command of the leader, the captains pass the balls, one to the right, the other to the left, to the players of their teams. The game is played up to three times; The team that wraps the ball in a circle three times faster and returns it to the captain wins.
In the game, it is prohibited to throw the ball, you can only pass it from hand to hand to team players.

Decorate the Christmas tree
They make several Christmas tree decorations from cotton wool (apples, pears, fish) with wire hooks and a fishing rod with the same hook. You need to use a fishing rod to hang all the toys on the Christmas tree, and then use the same fishing rod to remove them. The winner is the one who manages to do this in a set time, for example in two minutes. The Christmas tree can be a spruce branch mounted on a stand or even some dry branch with knots.

Balance Beam Exercises

Stick your nose on
Draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, and separately sculpt a nose out of plasticine. Attach the sheet to the wall. The players take a few steps back. One by one, they blindfold themselves, approach the portrait and try to stick the nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

Spoon game

Sharp shooters
There is a target on the wall. You can use small balls or darts.
Each player has three tries.
After the game, the host rewards the winners and encourages the losers.

Wind up the cord

Guess the last word

1. All the little gray mice are running away from... (cats)

4. This grass is very evil... (nettle)

6. Two... (chanterelles) washed their faces near the river
7. The animals took their paws and began dancing in... (forest)
8. Drive up to the turn, here is the palace, and there... (gate)


A ball (target) is suspended at a height of 1 - 1.5 m from the floor. Participants, located at a distance of 3 - 5 m from him, must hit him with a rubber tennis ball. Each participant is given 3-5 attempts. The most accurate one wins.

Competitions for children

From empty to empty
Two players stand on foot rockers (bars) opposite each other. They have a mug in each hand: one empty, the other with water. In this position, everyone tries to pour water from their full mug into a friend’s mug. The one who spills the least water wins.

To play you will need two pot lids or a tambourine and chairs. Chairs should be placed in a circle with the seats in the center. There should be one less of them than the participants in the game. Children stand next to the chairs outside. The leader holds a tambourine or cap in his hands. Following the signal from the presenter, who announces the start of the game, the children begin to walk around the chairs in a circle. Suddenly the presenter hits the tambourine. At this signal, all participants rush to the chairs and sit down. Each time one of the players is left without a place. He is out of the game. When the second round begins, one chair is removed. This continues until there is only one player left. He will become the winner.

Perform a dance.
Under “rap” with the words:
Soaked brooms in the bathhouse,
The spindles are not crushed,
And the sponges are not dried.
Lady, lady,
Lady - madam!

Pour the water
The game involves 2 people. You need to take 4 identical glasses and pour into 2 of them the same number water. Water can be colored watercolor paint so that it is clearly visible. And the remaining 2 glasses remain empty. Following the leader’s signal, each player must use a spoon to pour water from a full glass into an empty one. The winner will be the one who crosses the water faster.

Sing a song
Players sing the song using the letters of the alphabet or the sounds “ni be ni me...”. Song options:
- "Oh! Viburnum blooms in a field near a stream...”;
- “Katyusha”.

Good fairy tale
It is based on a fairy tale with a sad ending. (for example, the Snow Maiden, the Little Mermaid, etc.) And the children are given the task to think about how this fairy tale can be remade, using characters from other fairy tales, so that it ends happily. The winner is the team that plays out the fairy tale in the form of a mini-play in the most funny and cheerful way.

Build a fortress
The players are distributed in groups, 3 - 5 people in each. Groups receive a task: within 5 - 6 minutes. build a snow fort. All groups, at the leader’s signal, run to different sides of the site, where it is easier for them to complete the task. The group that completes the task by the specified deadline wins.

Searching for a call
On each of the chairs, standing at a distance of 8-10 steps from each other, there is a bell. Two players, blindfolded, each stand at their own chair. At the signal, they need to go around their friend’s chair to the right, return to their place and ring the bell.
The one who does it faster wins.

Tongue twister competition
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack.
He reported, but didn’t report enough, but when he began to report more, he reported.

Tilt the ball
The ball with a loop is put on a rope so that it moves freely along it. Two people take hold of the ends of the rope and, with their hands, try to give the rope such an inclination so that the ball slides towards the “enemy” and touches him. Whoever succeeds is the winner.
Pairs should be selected of approximately the same height.

Competitions for children

Golden Key
Participants in the game will have to portray scammers from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”. Two pairs are called. One in each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The one who is the Fox bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with his hand, together with the Cat, who is blindfolded, hugging each other, cover the given distance. The first couple to hobble receive the “golden key” - a prize.

Get the prize
The host hangs a small prize at eye level. Players need to approach and from a distance of 3 - 5 m, blindfolded, grab the prize. The one who does it first wins.

Make the hoop spin
The hoop is taken with one hand and with the movement of the fingers it is forced to rotate in place. The judge times the rotation from the beginning until the hoop falls. They compete one by one, and if there are 2 hoops, they compete in pairs. Then the 2 best players meet in the final match.

In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer wins the competition.

Christmas tree outfit
One player is dressed in green golf - this will be a “Christmas tree”. The other two players take glue and paper toys that are lying on a chair and glue them to the “Christmas tree”.
The winner will be the one who hangs up the toys faster.

Horse competition
Several “riders” and “horses” are selected. “Riders” sit on “horses” and begin racing from start to finish. The couple that reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

The Whatman paper has two slits for hands. Participants take each sheet of paper, insert their hands into the slots, and draw a portrait with a brush without looking. Whoever has the most successful “masterpiece” takes the prize.

2 hoops are placed three steps from one another. Two competitors strive to climb through the hoop as many times as possible within a minute, putting it on from top to bottom. The 2 fastest players compete with each other in the final.

In the image
Read a short story, an episode, or even a paragraph. And ask us to think: who and to whom could tell this story? Children will surely enrich you with many versions.
Now offer to “tell” this story on behalf of the supposed hero-narrator, that is, read the text in a voice other than your own. In the voice of an old man or a one-year-old child, a dwarf or a giant, a robber or the wind... Depending on the versions chosen. It’s usually easier for a child to read in an image: it’s like it’s not him who’s reading, but someone else. And he stumbles and puffs because that’s what the role requires. Justified and legalized. So it's not scary. And the listeners are not bored: they have to evaluate the work - is it similar or not?

Without using their hands, both teams quickly pass the fake thermometer so that it is always under their left hand.

Competitions for children

Sea wolf
Players are asked to tie five knots on a thick rope as tightly as possible. When the task is completed, it is proposed to untie the knots. Whoever managed to do it faster gets a bonus point.

Fight in squares
3 squares 3x3, 2x2, 1x1 m are drawn on the court. 4 players, similar in height and strength, stand in a large square, and, having taken a position, at a signal they begin to push each other with their shoulders. 3 eliminated from the large square move to the middle one, and the winner remains in the large square. The fight continues in the middle square. 2 eliminated go to the small square, the winner remains in the middle. The fight ends in a small square when one leaves the square and the other remains the winner. The first winner (in the large square) receives 4 points, the second (on average) - 3, the third - 2, and the one eliminated from the small square - 1. Then the next four enter the fight.

Who is faster
Children with jump ropes in their hands stand in a line on one side of the playground so as not to interfere with each other. In 15 - 20 steps, a line is drawn or a cord with flags is laid down. Following the agreed signal, all children simultaneously jump in the direction of the placed cord. The one who gets near her first wins.

Draw a ponytail
For this game you will need a large sheet of paper, a pencil, and a blindfold. First, the presenter draws an animal (cat, dog, pig) with a pencil on a piece of paper. Draws everything except the tail. One of the players is blindfolded. He should try to draw a ponytail blindly. Then other players try to do it. The one whose drawing is more accurate wins.

Hoop race
The players are divided into equal teams and lined up along the side lines of the court. On the right flank of each team there is a captain; he is wearing 10 gymnastic hoops. At the signal, the captain takes off the first hoop and passes it through himself from top to bottom, or vice versa and passes it to the next player. At the same time, the captain takes off the second hoop and passes it to his neighbor, who, having completed the task, passes the hoop on. Thus, each player, having passed the hoop to his neighbor, immediately receives a new hoop. The last player in the line puts all the hoops on himself. The team whose players complete the task faster receives a winning point. The team whose players win twice wins.

In the swamp
Participants are given two sheets of paper. They must go through the “swamp” along “bumps” - sheets of paper. You need to put the sheet on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other sheet in front of you. Move to another sheet, turn around, take the first sheet again and place it in front of you. And so, whoever crosses the room first and comes back wins.

Throw on a ring
A board 2.5 - 3 m long is placed on the ground. Holes are drilled in it every 25 - 30 cm (11 in total). A figurine (or pebble) carved from wood is inserted into the central hole. The players stand at opposite ends of the board at a distance of 1 m from it and take turns throwing the rings, trying to put them on the figure. In case of a hit, the player moves the figure one compartment closer to himself. The winner is the one who manages to move the piece to the outermost hole at his end of the board first.

Race walking
As you take each step, you need to place the heel of one foot close to the toe of the other. The distance for such a walk can be determined as 5 meters there and back. The relay ends when the last team member returns to the starting position.

Everyone against everyone
In this game, each player can compete with all the players. The site is divided into 6 equal playing fields, located one after the other. Before the game starts, all players occupy a place on the same playing field. At the leader’s signal, each player tries to push (with his shoulder, torso, but not with his hands) the others onto another playing field. Soon everyone is there except one. He no longer participates in the fight. Those who are pushed into the second square try to push each other onto the third playing field, while they themselves remain on the second, etc. By the end of the game, one player remains on each field. The player remaining on the first playing field takes first place, the second one takes second place, etc.

Turn out the sleeves of two jackets and hang them on the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter with their backs facing each other. Place a two-meter long rope under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. At a signal, they must take their jackets, turn out the sleeves, put them on, and fasten all the buttons. Then run around your opponent’s chair, sit on your chair and pull the string.

Competitions for children

Two oxen
The participants in the competition are put on a harness, a long rope, and each of the two participants tries to “pull” the opponent along with them, in their own direction. At the same time, everyone tries to reach the prize, which is located half a meter from each player.

Do you know each other?
Several couples (mother and child) stand with their backs to each other. The presenter asks questions. First, the child answers with a nod of the head, and the mother answers out loud.
1. Does your child like semolina porridge?
2. Does your child wash the dishes?
3. Does your child like to brush their teeth?
4. Does your child go to bed at 9 o'clock?
5. Does your child make his bed in the morning?
6. Does he like to read books?
7. Does your child like going to school?
The couple that answers all the questions correctly wins.

Running "centipedes"
The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-20 people and line up behind each other. Each team receives a thick rope (rope), which all players grab with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. At the organizer’s signal, the “centipedes” run forward 40-50 meters to the “finish”, holding the rope all the time.
Victory is awarded to the team that was the first to reach the finish line, provided that none of its participants became unhooked from the rope while running.

Asphalt drawing competition
Each participant in the competition is allocated crayons and a place on the asphalt. Participants can be divided into teams of 2-3 people, who together draw a common picture. The winner is the team whose drawing, in the general opinion of the children, will look more beautiful.

Ball into the goal
Semicircular gates of different widths are cut out of a wooden panel, lined with plywood on both sides. The shield is installed on a level area. The players stand 2-3 meters from the backboard and take turns rolling small rubber balls (tennis, hockey) into the goal. For each hit, the number of points indicated on the shield is counted. The one who scores more points wins. To prevent the balls from rolling far, it is advisable to limit the playing area to the sides and behind the shield.

Carrying the wounded
Three people are participating. Two are “healthy”, the third is “wounded”, he has a “broken leg”. “Healthy” players should interlace their hands so that they form a comfortable seat. The “wounded” sits down in this seat and maintains his balance by grasping more comfortably the shoulders or necks of his friends.

Around the hoop
Participants take turns guiding the gymnastic hoop along a level path with strong movements of their hands. Then they try to catch up with him and have time to slip through him back and forth. Whoever does this the most times is the winner.

An ancient French game with a tied ball, which is tossed and caught in a spoon. Take a thick thread or cord 40 cm long. Glue one end with adhesive tape to a table tennis ball, and the other to the bottom of a plastic cup or tie it to the handle of a plastic mug. Your bielbock is ready. You need to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. One point is awarded for this. Take turns catching the ball until you miss. The one who misses passes the billboke to the next player. The winner is the one who first scores the agreed number of points.

The players are divided into 2 teams and line up on 2 halves of the volleyball court in 2-3 rows. Each team receives two volleyballs. At the signal, the players try to throw the balls over the net to the opponent’s side as quickly as possible. The transfer of balls continues until all the balls are on one side at the same time. The game is stopped and the team on whose side the balls ended up loses a point. The game continues until one of the teams scores a set number of points (let's say 10 - 20). After this, the teams change sides and the game starts again. The team that wins two games wins.

Watermelon helmet
Select a few volunteers. Give each volunteer half a watermelon. Their task is to eat all the pulp of the watermelon as quickly as possible, picking it out with their hands. The cleaned “watermelon helmet” must be placed on your head.
The winner is the one who does it faster and whose helmet is whiter on the inside.

Competitions for children

Roll a ball
The players are divided into groups of 2 - 5 people. Each of them receives a task: within a set time (8 - 10 minutes) roll a snowball as large as possible. The group that rolls the largest snowball by the specified time wins.

Night travel
The presenter says that the driver will have to drive at night without lighting, so the player is blindfolded. But first, the driver is introduced to a freeway made from sports pins. Handing the steering wheel to the driver, the presenter offers to practice and drive so that not a single post is knocked down. The player is then blindfolded and brought to the steering wheel. The presenter gives a command - a hint where to turn to the driver, warns about danger. When the path has been completed, the leader unties the driver's eyes. Then the next participants in the game “go”. The one who knocks down the pins the least wins.

The target will be an ordinary bucket, and the bow will be an ordinary onion. The target bucket must be placed 5 meters beyond the finish line. Place the bulbs at the finish line; their number must correspond to the number of participants. At the signal, participant No. 1 begins to move from the start to the finish. Having run to the finish line, he takes the onion and throws it, trying to get into the bucket. After the throw, he runs to his team to pass the baton to the next participant. The winner is the team that throws the onions into the bucket faster and more accurately (for the convenience of determining the result, you can give the team an extra point for each accurate hit).
A stool is placed at a distance of 10 meters from the start, and the first participants are blindfolded. At the signal, they must walk or run to the stool, walk around it and, returning to the team, pass the baton to the next participants, who are already standing blindfolded! And so does the whole team. While moving, the team can help its participants by shouting: “to the right,” “to the left,” “forward,” “backward.” And since all commands are shouting at the same time, the player must make out which calls apply specifically to him. When the last player returns to the starting line, it is “day” for the entire team. For whom the “day” comes earlier, they won.

Matryoshka dolls
There are two sundresses and two scarves on the chair. Whoever puts on a sundress and ties a scarf faster is the winner.

Cluny prize
Gauze is stretched on two stands, with prizes hung on it - fruits, candies, cookies, etc. The player is given a rooster mask with a long beak. The eyes are covered with a special curtain. The player's task is to approach the counter and peck at the prize. For orientation, a line is drawn with chalk in front of the counter on the floor.

Dance with an object
All players dance and simultaneously pass each other a small object (toy, orange). The presenter turns off the music from time to time. The one who has the item in his hands at that moment is eliminated.
The last player remaining on the dance floor wins.

Hand racing
Children are divided into several teams, two people in each. One of the team members takes the other by the legs, and they move like this, heading towards the finish line, with one of the players walking on their hands. Having passed half the way, the players change roles and move on.
The first one to reach the finish line wins.

Changing places
2 teams line up opposite each other on the court. At the command of the leader, the team players change places. The winner is the team that quickly lines up on the opposite side of the court.

In this competition, participants must throw their silk scarf into the air without dropping it on the floor. The winner is the participant who manages to hold the scarf in the air for as long as possible.

Dash for the ball
Children are divided into 2 teams, each is calculated in order and lined up behind the starting line. The leader with the ball in his hands is located opposite the teams 10 m from the starting line. Throwing the ball forward, he calls a serial number. The players of the named number run after the ball. Whoever takes possession of the ball brings the team a point. The game continues until each participant makes 3 jerks. The team with the most points wins.


Feel and count

Poetry competition

Strong grip

Carry it, don't drop it

Baba Yaga

Long jump

Sea wolf


On two tables there are each a handbag, beads, clips, lipstick and a mirror. There are two players. At the signal, you need to put on beads, clips, put on lipstick, take your purse and run to the opposite wall of the hall. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Feel and count
Three people from each team are called. There are chairs for each player. The players are blindfolded. Bags of candy are placed on the chairs. Without using their hands, players must sit on a chair and count how many candies are in the bag.

Poetry competition
A few days before the competition, children are given a poem. Children must learn it by heart. The one who recites the verse best wins.

Strong grip
Having split into pairs, the players stand with their backs to each other with a diameter of 1.5 m and clasp with their arms bent at the elbows. By pushing the body forward, everyone tries to force the opponent to lift his legs off the floor. The one who wins the fight the most times wins.
You can run the competition differently. The players, standing with their backs to each other, raise a stick, which they hold tightly with their hands. Objective: lean forward and try to lift your opponent off the ground.
The one who ends up in the air or lets go of the stick loses.
Another option: the players sit opposite each other on the ground (resting their feet on their partner’s feet) and take hold of a gymnastic stick. At the signal, everyone begins to pull the stick in their own direction. The winner is the one who manages to tear his opponent off the ground for 3-5 seconds.

Carry it, don't drop it
A cross made of bars is attached to the end of a round shelf or pipe. At the ends of the bars, round stands with small recesses are attached, into which the ball is placed. A stick with crosspieces is inserted into a hole on a wooden stand. The player must take the stick with one hand, remove it from the stand, turn around its axis 2-3 times and reinsert the stick into the hole in the stand. All this must be done carefully so as not to drop a single ball.

Baba Yaga
Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, and a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

Long jump
The first team member stands on the starting line and performs a standing long jump. After landing, he does not move until the landing location is recorded by the judges (using a line drawn along the toes of the jumper's shoes). The next participant places his feet directly in front of the line, without stepping beyond it, and also makes a jump. Thus, the entire team performs one collective long jump. You must jump carefully and do not fall when landing - otherwise the result of the jump will be canceled. The longest team jump is the winning one.

Sea wolf
The game involves two teams. The presenter gives the task: “If there is a strong wind at sea, the sailors know one trick - they tie the ribbons of the cap under the chin, thereby securing them tightly on the head. There is one cap per team.” Each player executes the command with one hand.

2 teams line up one opposite the other, with a line drawn between them. The players standing opposite shake each other with their right hand and place their right foot on the line. At the leader's signal, each player tries to drag the other over the boundary line. Once a player has his left foot behind the boundary line, he loses and his opponent scores a point. The team with the most points wins.

Competitions for children

Catch an apple
This is traditional English game which is held during the Halloween holiday. To play you need a bowl of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin. And then the players, holding their hands behind their backs, try to catch the apple with their teeth and pull it out of the water. Whoever succeeds in this becomes the winner.

On three legs
The leader determines the start and finish location. Then all players are divided into pairs. In each pair, the right leg of one player and the left leg of the other are tied with a rope. Following the signal from the leader, the pairs run to race. The pair that reaches the finish line first wins.

On the end wall of a house or barn, you need to depict “targets” in advance, for example, the mouths of predators, the faces of Barmaley or Koshchei.
Having previously divided into teams, the participants fight with their monsters, trying to completely cover them with snowballs. Those who shot especially accurately are given the right to “draw” a “self-portrait” on the plywood board with snowballs. For this purpose, circles with a diameter of about a meter have already been drawn on the shields. All that remains is to place the eyes, mouth, nose, and ears. When the competition begins, the nose will definitely be on the side and the mouth below the chin. Everyone will have fun.

Pull - push
In this competition, pairs compete in a 15-20 m race. Couples, holding hands, run with their backs pressed against each other. Having reached the finish line, they return to the start. It turns out that the player runs normally in one direction, and in reverse in the other. The pair that returns to the start first wins.

The conditions are as follows - there are five eggs in the cassette. One of them is raw, the presenter warns. And the rest are boiled. You need to break an egg on your forehead. Whoever comes across something raw is the bravest one. (But in general, the eggs are all boiled, and the prize is simply awarded to the last participant - he deliberately took the risk of becoming everyone's laughing stock.)

Keep your balance
With their arms extended to the sides, the players, like tightrope walkers, walk along the very edge of the carpet.
The last one to leave the race wins.

Bring the picture to life
The teams are given the names of the paintings in envelopes, which must be animated with a silent pantomime so that the audience recognizes them.
- "Barge Haulers on the Volga";
- “Hunters at rest”;
- “A deuce again”;
- "Three heroes".

Courtesy check
This competition is tricky and is only held once. Before the start of the boys' competition, a girl passes in front of them and, as if by accident, drops her handkerchief. The boy who guessed to pick up the scarf and politely return it to the girl wins. After this it is announced that this was the first competition.
Option: if the competition is between two teams, then the point is awarded to the one from which the most polite boy was.

Blow up the balloon
For of this competition You will need 8 balloons. 8 people are selected from the audience. They are given balloons. At the leader’s command, the participants begin to inflate the balloons, but in such a way that the balloon does not burst when inflated. The one who completes the task first wins.

Hitting the ball on target
A pin or flag is placed at a distance of 8-10 m. Each team member gets the right to one throw, he must try to knock down the target. After each throw, the ball is returned to the team. If the target is shot down, it is replaced in its original place. The team with the most accurate hits wins.
- the ball does not fly, but rolls along the ground, launched by hand,
- players kick the ball,
- players throw the ball with both hands from behind their heads.

Competitions for children

Plant and harvest
Number of players: 2 teams of 4 people
Additionally: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.
The 1st participant “plows the ground” (puts down hoops).
The 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in the hoop).
The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can).
The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).
The faster team wins.

Guess the last word
Children are divided into two teams. The presenter reads out the sentences, and the players must guess the last word. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.
1. All the little gray mice are running away from... (cats)
2. The mouse ate potatoes and didn’t think about... (cat)
3. I teach everyone their wisdom, but I myself always... (I’m silent)
4. This grass is very evil... (dropweed)
5. We met on a green meadow... (friends)
6. Two of them washed their faces near the river... (chanterelles)
7. The animals took their paws and began dancing in... (forest)
8. Drive up to the turn, here is the palace and there... (gate)
9. In our city there is not one for shopping... (shop)

Who's next?
The game is played on a sports ground with a jumping pit. A cord is pulled across the jumping pit at a height of 30-40cm. Every 20 cm from it, 10-15 zones are marked. Each zone is worth a certain number of points. Jumpers run and jump as far as possible. The winner is the participant (among girls and boys separately) who scores the most points in 6 attempts.

Spoon game
To play you need 2 spoons and 2 round objects (painted wooden eggs, table tennis balls). 2 children take part in the game. A flag is placed at a distance of 7 - 8 m. Players are given a spoon with an egg (or ball) on it. Following the leader’s signal, players must run to the flag as quickly as possible and return back. If the ball falls, the contestant must quickly pick it up from the floor, put it back in the spoon and continue on his way. The ball cannot be held with the other hand. The one who reaches the finish line faster is considered the winner.

Five people participate in the competition. They are asked to quickly put on a long sock, helping with the toes of the other foot.

Wind up the cord
A knot is tied in the middle of the cord, and strings are attached to the ends. a simple pencil. You need to wind your part of the cord around the pencil. Whoever gets to the knot faster is the winner. Instead of a cord, you can take a thick thread.

Good Doctor
The doctor must take the patient’s hand, lead him to the mark and sit him on a chair, put a thermometer, give the medicine, bandage the hand, take the thermometer, unbandage the hand. And discharge the “patient”, i.e. takes him back to the team.
The team that finishes it faster wins.

Do your hair
It doesn’t matter who will do the “hairstyle” for whom, the main thing is that everything turns out quickly, beautifully, brightly and cheerfully. If you don’t mind your hair, you can use all sorts of varnishes, quick-wash paints, etc.

Balance Beam Exercises
For this exercise, each team will need a simple log no more than 1 meter long. The participant stands on a log and, moving his legs, rolls it along with him from start to finish and back.

Two players, secretly from the other players, agree on a topic on which they will communicate through non-verbal means. They start a conversation. Eyewitnesses, having guessed what we're talking about, join the conversation. When everyone is involved in the game, starting with the last person to connect, they begin to find out the subject of communication - how they understood the topic of the conversation and what information they conveyed.

All players are assigned numbers. No. 1 begins: “There were 4 crocodiles walking down the street,” No. 4 replies: “Why 4?”, No. 1: “How many?”, No. 4: “And 8.” No. 8 comes into play: “Why 8?” ", No. 4: “And how much?”, No. 8: “A 5!”, etc. if someone makes a mistake or hesitates, he gives a forfeit. Collected forfeits at the end of the game

Children sit in a circle. Everyone has something hidden under their shirt. One of the children tries to guess by touch what is there. The game becomes more interesting if the rule applies: do not immediately name the guessed objects, but feel everything that is hidden and only then name who has what is hidden.
are being played out.

Team representatives or their captains are called. The presenter invites them to take turns telling the first line from the joke. If anyone present in the hall can continue the joke, a “beard” is attached to the player. The one with the fewest wins.

Starting with the neighbor, on the right, we say a compliment along the chain, always with a smile, and those who are especially cheerful can make attractive faces.

To do this, the guys are divided into two or three teams of equal numbers. Each team chooses a name for itself. The counselor proposes the conditions: “Now the commands will be carried out after I command “Start!” The team that completes the task faster and more accurately will be considered the winner.” In this way, you will create a spirit of competition, which is very important for the guys.
So, first task. Now each team must say one word in unison. "Let's start!"
In order to complete this task, all team members need to somehow agree. It is these functions that a person striving for leadership takes on.
Second task. Here it is necessary for half the team to quickly stand up without agreeing on anything. "Let's start!"
Third task. Now all the teams are flying in a spaceship to Mars, but in order to fly, we need to organize the crews as quickly as possible. The crew includes: captain, navigator, passengers and "hare". So, who is faster?!
Usually, the functions of the organizer are again assumed by the leader, but the distribution of roles often occurs in such a way that the leader chooses the role of a “hare”. This can be explained by his desire to transfer the responsibility of commander to the shoulders of someone else.
Task four. We arrived on Mars and we need to somehow stay in a Martian hotel, and it only has a triple room, two double rooms and one single room. You need to decide as quickly as possible who will live in which room. "Let's start!"
After playing this game, you can see the presence and composition of microgroups in your team. Single rooms usually go to either hidden, unidentified leaders or "outcasts".
The proposed number of rooms and rooms in them is compiled for a team consisting of 8 participants. If there are more or fewer participants in the team, then make up the number of rooms and rooms yourself, but with the condition that there are triples, doubles and one single.

To play this game, you need to divide into 2-3 teams and prepare 2-3 boxes of matches. More precisely, you don’t need the entire box, but only the upper part of it. The inner, retractable part along with the matches can be put aside.
To start the game, all teams line up in a column, the first person puts the box on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose to all members of your team as quickly as possible, with your hands behind your back. If someone's box falls, the team starts the procedure again.
Accordingly, the winning team is the one that completes the transmission faster.
There will be no shortage of laughter in this game!

This game again involves the passing of an object by two or more teams. This object will be an apple, and you will need to hold it between your chin and neck. Hands behind your back, so... Let's start!
If you don't have an apple on hand, you can just as easily use an orange or a tennis ball.

For this game you need to organize not less than three commands Teams line up in columns located on the same line, having previously taken off their shoes. After the teams line up, the counselor collects all the guys’ shoes, dumps them in a pile and mixes them. The counselors are offered instructions: “This is a small, fun relay race. Now, in turn, each of the participants must run up to this pile, put on their shoes and run to their team in their shoes, passing the baton to the next one. Those who know how to quickly put on their shoes win!”

Toucan is a fish that fishermen often dry by stringing it on long ropes. Now we, like a toucan, will be “strung” on a long, about 15 m long rope, at one end of which a pine cone is tied. All team members must pass this pinecone through all their clothes from top to bottom, passing the pinecone to each other in turn. Naturally, the winning team is the one whose last member is the first of all teams to pull out a pine cone with fifteen meters of rope tied to it from his trouser leg.

This game is best played at the “getting to know each other”, when the guys sit in a large, close circle. The counselor should start the game by saying his name. The person sitting to his left must say the name of the counselor and his own. The next one further clockwise will have to name the two previous names, his own, and so on in a circle. The counselor must again finish by calling the entire squad by name. The task is difficult, but realistic and doable. Try it - success is guaranteed.

Children sit in a circle. The counselor gives the task: “Let’s start counting in a circle. The one who has a number that is a multiple of three says his name instead of the number.”
This game can be used to develop memory and attention. Play and you will see that this is really the case.

To play this game, take a rope and tie its ends so that a ring is formed. (The length of the rope depends on the number of children participating in the game.)
The guys stand in a circle and grab the rope, which is inside the circle, with both hands. Assignment: “Now everyone needs to close their eyes and, without opening their eyes, without letting go of the rope, build a triangle.” First, there is a pause and complete inaction of the guys, then one of the participants offers some kind of solution: for example, pay off and then build a triangle according to serial numbers, and then directs the actions.

The next similar game will be the game "Karabas". To play the game, children are seated in a circle, a counselor sits with them, and suggests the conditions for the game: “Guys, you all know the fairy tale about Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had a theater. Now you are all dolls. I will say the word “KA-RA-BAS” and I will show a certain number of fingers on outstretched hands, and you will have to, without agreeing, get up from the chairs, and as many people as I show fingers. This game develops attention and speed of reaction.”
This game test requires the participation of two counselors. The task of one is to conduct the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the guys.
Most often, the more sociable guys who strive for leadership stand up. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, are less decisive. There are also those who first stand up and then sit down. They constitute the "happy" group. A non-initiative group is one that does not stand up at all.
It is recommended to repeat the game 4-5 times.
The practice of this game shows that leaders usually take on these functions.
You can continue the game, complicating the task, and invite the children to build a square, star, hexagon.

This game is best played during the organizational period to identify the leader, as well as in the middle of the shift, and used as visual material in your team.
It is suggested that the children imagine that they are all a big family and everyone needs to take a photo together for the family album. You must select a "photographer". He should arrange for the whole family to be photographed. The “grandfather” is chosen first from the family; he can also participate in the placement of “family” members. No more instructions are given for children; they must decide for themselves who to be and where to stand. And you stop and watch this entertaining picture. The role of “photographer” and “grandfather” is usually played by guys striving for leadership. But, however, elements of management and other “family members” are not excluded. It will be very interesting for you to observe the distribution of roles, activity and passivity in choosing a location.
This game, played in the middle of a shift, can reveal new leaders and reveal the system of likes and dislikes in groups. After distributing the roles and arranging the “family members,” the “photographer” counts to three. On the count of three! Everyone shouts “cheese” in unison and very loudly and clap their hands at the same time.

Pass a cardboard with a pencil along each row, and each participant must write a word of four to five letters on the cardboard passed along his row. When counting, the number of letters and time are taken into account.

This game is for attention. In it, the guys must count the number of illogical judgments in the poem that the counselor will read:
I saw the lake on fire
A dog in trousers on a horse,
The house has a hat instead of a roof,
Cats caught by mice.
I saw a duck and a fox
That a plow plows a meadow in the forest,
Like a bear trying on shoes,
And like a fool, he believed everything.
(S.Ya. Marshak)

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandfather Yegor was driving.
He's on a piebald cart,
On an oak horse
He is belted with a club,
Leaning on the sash,
Wide-leg boots,
The jacket is on bare feet.

A village was driving past a man,
And from under the dog the gate barks,
The horse grabbed the whip
Whipping a man
Black cow
Leads the girl by the horns.
(K.S. Stanislavsky)

The counselor plays the role of the leader, and the guys are divided into two teams: one is “Petka”, the other is “Vaska”. Next, all together to the tune of "Darkie":
In a sunny meadow
There is a green house.
And on the porch of the house
A cheerful gnome is sitting.
Next the counselor shouts: “What is your name, gnome?” and points with his hand at one of the teams, who responds as loudly as possible with a tongue twister.
Fuck! I have a gingham shirt!
I came to you, girls,
To eat candy!
Wow! I have polka dot pants!
I came from a fairy tale
Because I'm good!
All this is done several times, the counselor points to one or the other team, and at the end of the game - to both teams at once, and one of them must shout out the other.

CHANT "Foreign women".
These chants have a large number of options. Their peculiarity is that they mean absolutely nothing and therefore children like them.
It’s very simple: the children repeat after the counselor who sings:
Calabamba la-o!
Oh, I eat bananas!
After each line sung by the counselor, the children shout: “Hey!”
Bala-bala-mi - hey!
Chicka-chicka-chi - hey!
Together with the guys, you can come up with your own squad chant, to which you, for example, will gather together.

Everyone stands in a circle, holding their arms outstretched in front of them. The person starting the game throws the ball through the center of the circle to one of the participants and says his name. After the throw, he lowers his hands. After the ball has passed everyone and everyone has dropped their hands, the game begins in the second round. Each participant throws the ball to the person he threw to the first time and says his name again.
The third round of this game is slightly modified. Again, everyone stands in a circle with their arms outstretched, but now the participant who threw the ball must say his name, the one who caught the ball does the same, etc.
After playing this game (it takes 10-15 minutes to play), it is quite possible to remember up to 20 names.

Acting competition
fans of a team that is losing a decisive match.
fans of the team arguing among themselves in the stands.

Make new names from the name VALENTINE. Time for the competition is 1 minute. Spectators are also divided into two teams and when the competition participants run out of their names, they help with theirs.

A word is said from the audience, the player must quickly come up with a rhyme.
fans of the winning team.

The bus interior is divided into two teams. “A competition is being announced for the best ship crew. To do this, we need to know a lot of songs. Whichever team sings them the most will be the winner! But the main thing is that the song contains words about the sea, sailors, and sea ships.” This game is very variable and its conditions depend on your imagination. These could be songs about Moscow, there could be songs in which numbers appear: “million, million, million Red roses"; "...the girl from apartment 45"; "...one word, two words...."
A more challenging version of this game is the Question and Answer game, where the team takes turns taking a question from one song and an answer from another.
“Why are you standing there, swaying?..”
"...The sea wave is rocking and rocking."
It is possible for one team to ask a question in song form, and the second, again, chooses an answer from the text of a hundred songs.

The competition is held without announcement immediately after the teams exit. A girl passes in front of the teams and seemingly accidentally drops her handkerchief (approximately in the middle between the teams). The team that guesses to pick up the scarf and politely return it to the girl wins. After this it is announced that this was the first competition.

Teams pull a rope with a central ribbon. The winning team will pull the opponents into its half (to determine the half, a chalk line is drawn on the floor in the middle of the room).

It’s very quick to name food products that are often used in everyday life along the chain.

A girl is invited to the middle of the hall. The teams take turns complimenting the girl without repeating themselves. The team with the most compliments wins.

In one minute, compose a ditty with your name and sing it.

Dramatize the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” if it:
1) comedy
2) melodrama

Two people per team. Having clasped each other around the waist, with your free hands you must first untie and remove the lacings from the shoes, and then, on command, lace them up and tie a bow
3) horror movie

Children stand in a circle and choose “sparrow” or “cat”. "Sparrow" in a circle, "cat" - outside the circle. She tries to run into the circle and catch the "sparrow". Children are not allowed

Children break into pairs and hold hands - these are houses. A group of children are birds, there are more of them than houses. Birds are flying. “It started to rain” and the birds occupied the houses. Those who do not have enough houses are eliminated from the game, and then change with the children who are “houses”.

One child sits on a high chair, with his back to the children. The presenter chooses a “sparrow” who comes up behind the person sitting and puts his hands on his shoulders. He says: “Sparrow, tweet!” "Sparrow" tweets: "Chick-chirp!" The person sitting guesses who it is.