Domestic policy of Catherine 1 and Peter 2. Proclamation of Catherine I as empress

The new empress had no experience in ruling a huge country. In fact, the all-powerful A.D. ruled on her behalf during these years. Menshikov, who enjoys unlimited influence over the Empress.

But even after the accession of Catherine 1, the struggle for power continued. She continued throughout her short reign. To eliminate the intensity of the struggle, Menshikov was forced to compromise with the old aristocracy, which resulted in a new government body - the Supreme Privy Council (1726), which had supreme legislative rights, to which the Senate and all collegiums were subordinate. Its members were mainly representatives of the new aristocracy. However, D.M. also joined this body from the “old” aristocracy. Golitsyn. The Privy Council was headed by Menshikov.

The short reign of Catherine I was marked by the following affairs:

The Academy of Sciences was officially opened (1725) and the first expedition of V. Bering to Kamchatka was sent.

The Chief Magistrate was eliminated and the number of bureaucratic institutions was reduced.

The per capita tax has decreased somewhat.

In the interests of developing noble entrepreneurship, the Empress allowed the nobles to sell goods in cities, ports and markets, as well as to establish manufactories for processing “household goods.”

In the interests of the merchants, the state monopoly was abolished and customs duties on certain types of goods were reduced.

In general, the policy of Catherine I was pro-noble.

Dying, under pressure from A.D. Menshikov, Catherine I ordered to make Peter II her heir.

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Despite the fact that most serious historians dispute the role of chance in the historical process, one cannot help but recognize the fact that the figure of Catherine I (04/05/1684-05/06/1727) on the Russian throne is indeed largely accidental. She owed her rapid rise “from rags to riches”, first of all, to her husband, the Great, and her ascension to the Russian throne - to his closest associate, His Serene Highness Prince A.D. Menshikov, who, in turn, relied on the effective assistance of the guard , on her bayonets. The fact that she was the legal wife of the deceased emperor, and therefore a direct heir, also played in Catherine’s favor. Only a narrow circle of courtiers knew that, shortly before his death, Peter, having learned about his wife’s infidelity, deprived her of this right. Menshikov did not fail to take advantage of this.

Biography of Catherine I

The origins of the first Russian empress are shrouded in darkness. The date itself and the exact place of her birth represent a question unresolved by domestic historians. Some consider her to be German, motivating their assumption by the fact that Peter was drawn to women of this nationality from childhood, remembering his dear friend Anna Mons. Others consider her to be Swedish. More or less, a version has become established in historiography that this woman was the daughter of a poor Baltic peasant whose name was Samuil Skavronsky. She was baptized into the Catholic faith at birth under the name Martha. Thus, much points to her completely ignorant origin. She was brought up in the Marienburg boarding school, under the supervision of Pastor Gluck. She was not a diligent student, but she had affairs with amazing frequency. There is even information that Martha became pregnant by a nobleman and gave birth to a daughter. The pastor married her to a Swedish dragoon, but he disappeared without a trace during the Northern War. After the city was captured by Russian troops, the captured Marta was noticed by Field Marshal B.P. Sheremetev. He took her on as his laundress. Menshikov noticed it at Sheremetev, and from Menshikov it went to Peter. Peter took her as his lawful wife, they got married, she converted to Orthodoxy, becoming Ekaterina Alekseevna. Of the children born to her, only two daughters survived - Anna and. The latter became Russian Empress in 1741.

Domestic policy of Catherine I

Catherine's two-year reign was a logical continuation of Peter's reforms. She, in fact, completed some of his most important undertakings. It was during her reign that one of Peter’s favorite brainchildren, the Academy of Sciences, was opened. In fact, power passed into the hands of the “semi-sovereign ruler” - Menshikov. He was the one who took care of everything state affairs. He also became the head of the established Supreme Privy Council. An expedition was organized under the leadership of V. Bering to the Kamchatka region. A new Russian order has appeared - St. Alexander Nevsky.

Foreign policy of Catherine I

There has been a certain improvement in diplomatic relations with Austria. Persia and Türkiye agreed to concessions in the Caucasus. It was possible to establish and maintain friendly relations with China.

  • Catherine's reign is one continuous orgy. They say that Menshikov specially made his protégé drunk by treating him to “turei” - bread that was crumbled into vodka and then stirred.
  • 6 million rubles - this is an astronomical amount wasted from the state treasury on all kinds of entertainment.
  • 27 months - that’s how long Catherine’s reign lasted. However, National history knows periods of even shorter stays at the pinnacle of power, for example, the nephew of Peter I, who became Emperor Peter III in 1761 and was killed in a palace coup.
  • The will to her grandson Peter III on the transfer of the throne was signed by the daughter of Catherine I, because. the empress was illiterate.

The first Russian Empress Catherine I (1684-1727) ascended the throne on January 28 (February 8), 1725 as a result of the Guards mutiny. From this date in the history of Russia began, and Russian XVIII the century is usually called the “female century”.

Biography of Catherine I briefly

The origin of Catherine I is still a controversial issue, but the most common version is that of her origin from the Lithuanian peasants Skavronsky.

One way or another, after a successful assault in 1702 by Russian troops on the Swedish city of Marienburg, the strong and black-eyed Marta attracted the attention of Field Marshal B.P. Sheremetev, and then Prince A.D. drew attention to her. Menshikov.

In 1703, the fateful meeting of the future empress with Peter I took place. In 1708, Martha was baptized into Orthodoxy under the name, having by this time become not only the mother of the children of Peter I, but also his faithful friend.

In 1712, Catherine became the wife of Peter I, and in 1724 - empress. Long years Catherine accompanied her husband on military campaigns and peaceful affairs, consulted with her, she skillfully dealt with outbursts of his anger, but the last months of their life together were overshadowed by Peter I’s suspicions of his wife’s infidelity with Chamberlain Mons.

The Emperor made peace with Catherine just before his death, but did not appoint her as his successor. Even earlier, in 1722, Peter I introduced a new one, replacing inheritance in the direct male line with the personal appointment of the ruling monarch.

Peter I did not have time to do this. A struggle unfolded around the throne, from which Catherine I and her associates, primarily A.D., emerged victorious. Menshikov. It was he who was the de facto ruler of Russia under Catherine I.

The main activities of Catherine I

Domestic policy:

  • creation in 1726 of the Supreme Privy Council - a new body state power;
  • reducing the role of the Senate;
  • reduction of tax duties;
  • opening of the Academy of Sciences.

Foreign policy:

  • conclusion of an alliance with Austria;
  • deterioration of relations with England and Denmark.

The reign of Catherine I was short-lived - on May 6 (May 17), 1727, the empress died, transferring power

Despite the fact that many serious scholars dispute the role of chance in history, it cannot be denied that Catherine I ascended the Russian throne largely by accident. She did not rule for long - a little more than two years. However, even despite such a short reign, she remained in history as the first empress.

From laundress to empress

Martha Skavronskaya, who would soon become known to the world as Empress Catherine 1, was born in the territory of today's Lithuania, on the lands of Livonia, in 1684. There is no exact information about her childhood. In general, the future Catherine 1, whose biography is very ambiguous and sometimes contradictory, according to one version, was born into a peasant family. Her parents soon died of the plague, and the girl was sent to the pastor's house as a servant. According to another version, Martha lived with her aunt from the age of twelve, after which she ended up in the family of a local priest, where she served and learned to read and write and handicrafts. Scientists are still arguing about where the future Catherine 1 was born.


And the origin of the first Russian empress, and the date and place of her birth, have not yet been established by domestic historians. More or less unambiguously, a version has been established in historiography proving that she was the daughter of the Baltic peasant Samuil Skavronsky. The girl was baptized into the Catholic faith by her parents, giving her the name Martha. According to some reports, she was brought up in the Marienburg boarding school, under the supervision of Pastor Gluck.

The future Catherine I was never a diligent student. But they say that she changed gentlemen with amazing frequency. There is even information that Martha, having become pregnant by a certain nobleman, gave birth to a daughter from him. The pastor managed to get her married, but her husband, who was a Swedish dragoon, soon disappeared without a trace during the Northern War.

After the capture of Marienburg by the Russians, Martha, becoming a “trophy of war,” was for some time the mistress of a non-commissioned officer, and later, in August 1702, she ended up in the train of Field Marshal B. Sheremetev. Having noticed her, he took her in as a portomoy - a laundress, later handing her over to A. Menshikov. It was here that she caught the eye of Peter I.

Biographers of the Russian royal family are still wondering how she could captivate the Tsar. After all, Martha was not a beauty. However, she soon became one of his mistresses.

and Ekaterina 1

In 1704, Martha, according to Orthodox custom, was baptized under the name By that time, she was already pregnant. The future empress was baptized by Tsarevich Alexei. Knowing how to easily adapt to any circumstances, Catherine never lost her presence of mind. She perfectly studied the character and habits of Peter, becoming necessary for him both in joy and in sorrow. In March 1705 they already had two sons. However, the future Catherine I still continued to live in Menshikov's house in St. Petersburg. In 1705, the future empress was brought to the house of the Tsar’s sister Natalya Alekseevna. Here the illiterate washerwoman began to learn to write and read. According to some information, it was during this period that the future Catherine I established a fairly close relationship with the Menshikovs.

Gradually, relations with the king became very close. This is evidenced by their correspondence in 1708. Peter had many mistresses. He even discussed them with Catherine, but she did not reproach him for anything, trying to adapt to the royal whims and put up with his increasingly frequent outbursts of anger. She was invariably there during his attacks of epilepsy, sharing with him all the difficulties of camp life and imperceptibly turning into the actual wife of the sovereign. And although the future Catherine I did not take direct part in resolving many political issues, she nevertheless had great influence on the tsar.

From 1709, she accompanied Peter everywhere, including on all his trips. During the Prut campaign of 1711, when Russian troops were surrounded, she saved not only her future husband, but also the army, giving the Turkish vizier all her jewelry in order to persuade him to sign a truce.


Upon returning to the capital, on February 20, 1712, Peter 1 and Catherine 1 got married. Their daughters Anna, who had already been born by that time, who later became the wife of the Duke of Holstein, as well as Elizabeth, the future empress, being at the age of three and five years old, performed the duties of maids of honor accompanying the altar at the wedding. The wedding took place almost secretly in a small chapel that belonged to Prince Menshikov.

From that time on, Catherine I acquired a courtyard. She began to receive foreign ambassadors and meet with many European monarchs. Being the wife of the reformer Tsar, Catherine the Great - the 1st Russian Empress - was in no way inferior to her husband in terms of her willpower and endurance. In the period from 1704 to 1723, she gave birth to Peter eleven children, although most of them died in infancy. Such frequent pregnancies did not in the least prevent her from accompanying her husband on his many campaigns: she could live in a tent and sleep on a hard bed without complaining a bit.


In 1713, Peter I, highly appreciating decent behavior his wife during the Prut campaign, which was unsuccessful for the Russians, established the Order of St. Catherine. He personally laid signs on his wife in November 1714. It was originally called the Order of Liberation and was intended only for Catherine. Peter I also remembered his wife’s merits during the ill-fated Prut campaign in his manifesto on the coronation of his wife in November 1723. Foreigners, who followed with great attention everything that was happening in the Russian court, unanimously noted the tsar’s affection for the empress. And during 1722, Catherine even shaved her head and began wearing a grenadier cap. She and her husband inspected the troops leaving straight for the battlefield.

On December 23, 1721, the boards of the Senate and Synod recognized Catherine as the Russian Empress. A crown was commissioned especially for her coronation in May 1724, which in its splendor surpassed the crown of the king himself. Peter himself placed this imperial symbol on his wife’s head.


Opinions about what Catherine looked like are contradictory. If we focus on her male environment, then the opinions are generally positive, but women, being biased towards her, considered her short, fat and black. And indeed, the empress’s appearance did not make much of an impression. One had only to look at her to notice her low origins. The dresses she wore were of an old-fashioned style, trimmed entirely in silver and sequins. She always wore a belt, which was decorated on the front with embroidery of precious stones with an original design in the form of a double-headed eagle. The queen was constantly wearing orders, a dozen icons and amulets. As she walked, all this wealth rang.


One of their sons, Pyotr Petrovich, who, after the abdication of the emperor's eldest heir, was considered the official heir to the throne since 1718, died in 1719. Therefore, the reformer king began to see only his future successor in his wife. But in the fall of 1724, Peter suspected the empress of treason with the chamber cadet Mons. He executed the latter, and stopped communicating with his wife: he didn’t talk at all, and denied access to her. His passion for others dealt a terrible blow to the king: in anger, he tore up the will, according to which the throne passed to his wife.

And only once, at the insistent request of his daughter Elizabeth, Peter agreed to dinner with Catherine, the woman who had been his inseparable friend and assistant for twenty years. This happened a month before the death of the emperor. In January 1725 he became ill. Catherine was always at the bedside of the dying monarch. On the night of the 28th to the 29th, Peter died in the arms of his wife.

Ascension to the throne

After the death of the husband, who did not have time to declare his last will, the issue of succession to the throne began to be dealt with by the “supreme gentlemen” - members of the Senate, Synod and generals, who had already been in the palace since January twenty-seventh. There were two parties among them. One, consisting of the remnants of the family aristocracy that had remained at the very top of government power, was led by the European-educated Prince D. Golitsyn. In an effort to limit autocracy, the latter demanded that Peter Alekseevich, the young grandson of Peter the Great, be elevated to the throne. It must be said that the candidacy of this kid was very popular among the entire aristocratic class of Russia, who wanted to find in the offspring of the unfortunate prince someone who could restore their past privileges.


The second party was on Catherine's side. A split was inevitable. With the help of her longtime friend Menshikov, as well as Buturlin and Yaguzhinsky, relying on the guard, she ascended the throne as Catherine 1, the years of whose reign were not marked by anything special for Russia. They were short lived. By agreement with Menshikov, Catherine did not interfere in state affairs; moreover, on February 8, 1726, she transferred control of Russia into the hands of the Supreme Privy Council.

Politics within the country

The state activities of Catherine I were limited for the most part only to the signing of papers. Although it must be said that the empress was interested in the affairs of the Russian fleet. On her behalf, the country was actually ruled by a secret council - a body created shortly before her ascension to the throne. Its members included A. Menshikov, G. Golovkin, F. Apraksin, D. Golitsyn, P. Tolstoy and A. Osterman.
The reign of Catherine 1 began with the fact that taxes were reduced and many prisoners and exiles were pardoned. The first was associated with rising prices and fear of causing discontent among the people. Some of the reforms of Catherine 1 canceled the old ones, adopted by Peter 1. For example, the role of the Senate was significantly reduced and local bodies were abolished, which replaced the power of the governor, a Commission was formed, which included generals and flagships. According to the content of this reform of Catherine 1, it was they who should have taken care of the improvement of the Russian troops.

Foreign policy of Catherine I

IN international relations there was no deviation from Peter's course. As for Europe, Russia supported the claims of the Holstein Duke Karl Friedrich (son-in-law of the empress and father of Peter III) to Schleswig. This led to a deterioration in relations with Denmark and England. As a result, in 1726 Russia joined the Union of Vienna (Austria, Prussia, Spain). Russia also acquired exceptional influence in Courland and achieved concessions from Turkey and Persia in the Caucasus, and took possession of the Shirvan region.

During the 2 years of the reign of Catherine I, Russia did not wage major wars, only a separate corps operated under the command of Prince Dolgorukov in the Caucasus.

In Europe, Russia was diplomatically active in defending the interests of the Duke of Holstein (husband of Anna Petrovna, daughter of Catherine I) against Denmark. Russia's preparation of an expedition to return Schleswig, which had been taken by the Danes, to the Duke of Holstein led to a military demonstration in the Baltic by Denmark and England.

In 1726, the government of Catherine I concluded the Treaty of Vienna with the government of Charles VI, which became the basis of the Russian-Austrian military-political alliance in the second quarter of the 18th century.

Catherine died of lung disease on May 6, 1727. Under pressure from A.D. Empress Menshikov signed a will, according to which the Russian throne passed to the grandson of Peter the Great, Peter Alekseevich.

Conclusion on the reign of Catherine I:

In general, the policy of Catherine I was pro-noble. The new empress had no experience in ruling a huge country. In fact, the all-powerful A.D. ruled on her behalf during these years. Menshikov, who enjoys unlimited influence over the Empress. The reign of Catherine I can be called a failure.

But it is worth noting that the short reign of Catherine I was marked by the following affairs:

  • 1) The Academy of Sciences was officially opened (1725) and the first expedition of V. Bering to Kamchatka was sent.
  • 2) The cavalry order of Alexander Nevsky was established in May 1725
  • 3) A new body of state power was created - the Supreme Privy Council
  • 4) The Chief Magistrate was eliminated, the number of bureaucratic institutions was reduced.
  • 5) The per capita tax has decreased somewhat.
  • 6) In the interests of developing noble entrepreneurship, the Empress allowed the nobles to sell goods in cities, ports and markets, as well as to establish factories for processing “household goods.”
  • 7) In the interests of the merchants, the state monopoly was abolished and customs duties on certain types of goods were reduced.