Questions about Gogol's poem Dead Souls. "dead souls" open questions

“Dead Souls” is a poem for the ages. The plasticity of the depicted reality, the comic nature of situations and the artistic skill of N.V. Gogol paints an image of Russia not only of the past, but also of the future. Grotesque satirical reality in harmony with patriotic notes create an unforgettable melody of life that sounds through the centuries.

Collegiate adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov goes to distant provinces to buy serfs. However, he is not interested in people, but only in the names of the dead. This is necessary to submit the list to the board of trustees, which “promises” a lot of money. For a nobleman with so many peasants, all doors were open. To implement his plans, he pays visits to landowners and officials of the city of NN. They all reveal their selfish nature, so the hero manages to get what he wants. He is also planning a profitable marriage. However, the result is disastrous: the hero is forced to flee, as his plans become publicly known thanks to the landowner Korobochka.

History of creation

N.V. Gogol believed A.S. Pushkin as his teacher, who “gave” the grateful student a story about the adventures of Chichikov. The poet was sure that only Nikolai Vasilyevich, who has a unique talent from God, could realize this “idea”.

The writer loved Italy and Rome. In the land of the great Dante, he began work on a book suggesting a three-part composition in 1835. The poem should have been like " Divine Comedy"Dante, depict the hero's descent into hell, his wanderings in purgatory and the resurrection of his soul in paradise.

The creative process continued for six years. The idea of ​​a grandiose painting, depicting not only “all Rus'” present, but also the future, revealed “the untold riches of the Russian spirit.” In February 1837, Pushkin died, whose “sacred testament” for Gogol became “Dead Souls”: “Not a single line was written without me imagining him before me.” The first volume was completed in the summer of 1841, but did not immediately find its reader. The censorship was outraged by “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin”, and the title led to bewilderment. I had to make concessions by starting the title with the intriguing phrase “The Adventures of Chichikov.” Therefore, the book was published only in 1842.

After some time, Gogol writes the second volume, but, dissatisfied with the result, burns it.

Meaning of the name

The title of the work causes conflicting interpretations. The oxymoron technique used gives rise to numerous questions to which you want to get answers as quickly as possible. The title is symbolic and ambiguous, so the “secret” is not revealed to everyone.

Literally, " dead Souls“- these are representatives of the common people who have gone to another world, but are still considered to be their masters. The concept is gradually being rethought. The “form” seems to “come to life”: real serfs, with their habits and shortcomings, appear before the reader’s gaze.

Characteristics of the main characters

  1. Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is a “mediocre gentleman.” Somewhat cloying manners in dealing with people are not without sophistication. Well-mannered, neat and delicate. “Not handsome, but not bad-looking, not... fat, nor.... thin..." Calculating and careful. He collects unnecessary trinkets in his little chest: maybe it will come in handy! Seeks profit in everything. The generation of the worst sides of an enterprising and energetic person of a new type, opposed to landowners and officials. We wrote about him in more detail in the essay "".
  2. Manilov - “knight of the void”. Blond "sweet" talker "with blue eyes" He covers up the poverty of thought and avoidance of real difficulties with a beautiful phrase. He lacks living aspirations and any interests. His faithful companions are fruitless fantasy and thoughtless chatter.
  3. The box is “club-headed”. A vulgar, stupid, stingy and tight-fisted nature. She cut herself off from everything around her, shutting herself up in her estate - the “box”. She turned into a stupid and greedy woman. Limited, stubborn and unspiritual.
  4. Nozdryov is a “historical person”. He can easily lie whatever he wants and deceive anyone. Empty, absurd. He thinks of himself as broad-minded. However, his actions expose a careless, chaotic, weak-willed and at the same time arrogant, shameless “tyrant.” Record holder for getting into tricky and ridiculous situations.
  5. Sobakevich is “a patriot of the Russian stomach.” Outwardly it resembles a bear: clumsy and irrepressible. Completely incapable of understanding the most basic things. A special type of “storage device” that can quickly adapt to the new requirements of our time. He is not interested in anything except running a household.
  6. Plyushkin - “a hole in humanity.” A creature of unknown gender. A striking example of moral decline, which has completely lost its natural appearance. The only character (except Chichikov) who has a biography that “reflects” the gradual process of personality degradation. A complete nonentity. Plyushkin’s manic hoarding “pours out” into “cosmic” proportions. And the more this passion takes possession of him, the less of a person remains in him. We analyzed his image in detail in the essay .
  7. Genre and composition

    Initially, the work began as an adventurous picaresque novel. But the breadth of the events described and the historical truthfulness, as if “compressed” together, gave rise to “talking” about the realistic method. Making precise remarks, inserting philosophical reasoning, addressing different generations, Gogol imbued “his brainchild” with lyrical digressions. One cannot but agree with the opinion that Nikolai Vasilyevich’s creation is a comedy, since it actively uses the techniques of irony, humor and satire, which most fully reflect the absurdity and arbitrariness of the “squadron of flies that dominates Rus'.”

    The composition is circular: the chaise, which entered the city of NN at the beginning of the story, leaves it after all the vicissitudes that happened to the hero. Episodes are woven into this “ring”, without which the integrity of the poem is violated. The first chapter provides a description of the provincial city of NN and local officials. From the second to the sixth chapters, the author introduces readers to the landowner estates of Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdryov, Sobakevich and Plyushkin. Chapters seven - ten - satirical image officials, registration of completed transactions. The string of events listed above ends with a ball, where Nozdryov “narrates” about Chichikov’s scam. The reaction of society to his statement is unambiguous - gossip, which, like a snowball, is overgrown with fables that have found refraction, including in the short story (“The Tale of Captain Kopeikin”) and the parable (about Kif Mokievich and Mokiya Kifovich). The introduction of these episodes allows us to emphasize that the fate of the fatherland directly depends on the people living in it. You cannot look indifferently at the disgrace happening around you. Certain forms of protest are maturing in the country. The eleventh chapter is a biography of the hero who forms the plot, explaining what motivated him when committing this or that act.

    The connecting compositional thread is the image of the road (you can learn more about this by reading the essay “ » ), symbolizing the path that the state takes in its development “under the modest name of Rus'.”

    Why does Chichikov need dead souls?

    Chichikov is not just cunning, but also pragmatic. His sophisticated mind is ready to “make candy” out of nothing. Not having sufficient capital, he, being a good psychologist, having gone through a good life school, mastering the art of “flattering everyone” and fulfilling his father’s behest to “save a penny,” starts a great speculation. It consists of a simple deception of “those in power” in order to “warm up their hands”, in other words, to gain a huge amount of money, thereby providing for themselves and their future family, which Pavel Ivanovich dreamed of.

    The names of dead peasants bought for next to nothing were entered into a document that Chichikov could take to the treasury chamber under the guise of collateral in order to obtain a loan. He would have pawned the serfs like a brooch in a pawnshop, and could have re-mortgaged them all his life, since none of the officials checked the physical condition of the people. For this money, the businessman would have bought real workers and an estate, and would have lived in grand style, enjoying the favor of the nobles, because the nobles measured the wealth of the landowner in the number of souls (peasants were then called “souls” in noble slang). In addition, Gogol's hero hoped to gain trust in society and profitably marry a rich heiress.

    main idea

    Hymn to the homeland and people, distinguishing feature whose hard work sounds on the pages of the poem. The masters of golden hands became famous for their inventions and their creativity. The Russian man is always “rich in invention.” But there are also those citizens who hinder the development of the country. These are vicious officials, ignorant and inactive landowners and swindlers like Chichikov. For their own good, the good of Russia and the world, they must take the path of correction, realizing the ugliness of their inner world. To do this, Gogol mercilessly ridicules them throughout the entire first volume, but in subsequent parts of the work the author intended to show the resurrection of the spirit of these people using the example of the main character. Perhaps he felt the falseness of the subsequent chapters, lost faith that his dream was feasible, so he burned it along with the second part of “Dead Souls.”

    However, the author showed that the main wealth of the country is the broad soul of the people. It is no coincidence that this word is included in the title. The writer believed that the revival of Russia would begin with the revival human souls, pure, untainted by any sins, selfless. Not just those who believe in the free future of the country, but those who make a lot of effort on this fast road to happiness. “Rus, where are you going?” This question runs like a refrain throughout the book and emphasizes the main thing: the country must live in constant movement towards the best, advanced, progressive. Only on this path “do other peoples and states give her the way.” We wrote a separate essay about Russia’s path: ?

    Why did Gogol burn the second volume of Dead Souls?

    At some point, the thought of the messiah begins to dominate in the writer’s mind, allowing him to “foresee” the revival of Chichikov and even Plyushkin. Gogol hopes to reverse the progressive “transformation” of a person into a “dead man”. But, faced with reality, the author experiences deep disappointment: the heroes and their destinies emerge from the pen as far-fetched and lifeless. Did not work out. The impending crisis in worldview was the reason for the destruction of the second book.

    In the surviving excerpts from the second volume, it is clearly visible that the writer portrays Chichikov not in the process of repentance, but in flight towards the abyss. He still succeeds in adventures, dresses in a devilish red tailcoat and breaks the law. His revelation does not bode well, because in his reaction the reader will not see a sudden insight or a hint of shame. He doesn’t even believe in the possibility of such fragments ever existing. Gogol did not want to sacrifice artistic truth even for the sake of realizing his own plan.


    1. Thorns on the path of development of the Motherland are the main problem in the poem “Dead Souls” that the author was worried about. These include bribery and embezzlement of officials, infantilism and inactivity of the nobility, ignorance and poverty of the peasants. The writer sought to make his contribution to the prosperity of Russia, condemning and ridiculing vices, educating new generations of people. For example, Gogol despised doxology as a cover for the emptiness and idleness of existence. The life of a citizen should be useful to society, but most of the characters in the poem are downright harmful.
    2. Moral problems. He views the lack of moral standards among representatives of the ruling class as the result of their ugly passion for hoarding. The landowners are ready to shake the soul out of the peasant for the sake of profit. Also, the problem of selfishness comes to the fore: the nobles, like officials, think only about their own interests, the homeland for them is an empty weightless word. High society does not care about the common people, they simply use them for their own purposes.
    3. The crisis of humanism. People are sold like animals, lost at cards like things, pawned like jewelry. Slavery is legal and is not considered immoral or unnatural. Gogol illuminated the problem of serfdom in Russia globally, showing both sides of the coin: the slave mentality inherent in the serf, and the tyranny of the owner, confident in his superiority. All these are the consequences of tyranny that permeates relationships in all levels of society. It corrupts people and ruins the country.
    4. The author’s humanism is manifested in his attention to “ little man”, a critical exposure of the evils of the state system. Gogol did not even try to avoid political problems. He described a bureaucracy that functioned only on the basis of bribery, nepotism, embezzlement and hypocrisy.
    5. Gogol's characters are inherent in the problem of ignorance and moral blindness. Because of it, they do not see their moral squalor and are not able to independently get out of the quagmire of vulgarity that drags them down.

    What is unique about the work?

    Adventurism, realistic reality, a sense of the presence of the irrational, philosophical reasoning about earthly good - all this is closely intertwined, creating an “encyclopedic” picture of the first half of the 19th century centuries.

    Gogol achieves this using various techniques of satire, humor, visual arts, numerous details, richness vocabulary, features of the composition.

  • Symbolism plays an important role. Falling into the mud “predicts” the future exposure of the main character. The spider weaves its webs to capture its next victim. Like an “unpleasant” insect, Chichikov skillfully runs his “business,” “entwining” landowners and officials with noble lies. “sounds” like the pathos of Rus'’s forward movement and affirms human self-improvement.
  • We observe the heroes through the prism of “comic” situations, apt author’s expressions and characteristics given by other characters, sometimes built on the antithesis: “he was a prominent man” - but only “at first glance.”
  • The vices of the heroes of Dead Souls become a continuation of the positive character traits. For example, Plyushkin’s monstrous stinginess is a distortion of his former thrift and thriftiness.
  • In small lyrical “inserts” there are the writer’s thoughts, difficult thoughts, and an anxious “I.” In them we feel the highest creative message: to help humanity change for the better.
  • The fate of people who create works for the people or not to please “those in power” does not leave Gogol indifferent, because in literature he saw a force capable of “re-educating” society and promoting its civilized development. Social strata of society, their position in relation to everything national: culture, language, traditions - occupy a serious place in the author’s digressions. When it comes to Rus' and its future, through the centuries we hear the confident voice of the “prophet”, predicting the difficult, but aimed at a bright dream, future of the Fatherland.
  • Philosophical reflections on the frailty of existence, lost youth and impending old age evoke sadness. Therefore, it is so natural for a tender “fatherly” appeal to youth, on whose energy, hard work and education depends on which “path” the development of Russia will take.
  • The language is truly folk. The forms of colloquial, literary and written business speech are harmoniously woven into the fabric of the poem. Rhetorical questions and exclamations, the rhythmic construction of individual phrases, the use of Slavicisms, archaisms, sonorous epithets create a certain structure of speech that sounds solemn, excited and sincere, without a shadow of irony. When describing landowners' estates and their owners use vocabulary characteristic of everyday speech. The image of the bureaucratic world is saturated with the vocabulary of the depicted environment.
  • we described in the essay of the same name.
The solemnity of comparisons, high style, combined with original speech, create a sublimely ironic manner of narration, serving to debunk the base, vulgar world of the owners.

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Question No. 1.

  1. Who suggested the plot of “Dead Souls” to N.V. Gogol?
  2. M. Yu. Lermontov.
  3. A. S. Pushkin. +
  4. L. N. Tolstoy.

I. S. Turgenev
Question No. 2.

  1. Name the genre of “Dead Souls”.
  2. Novel.
  3. Poem. +
  4. Story.

Question No. 3.

  1. What technique does N.V. Gogol use in the title of the poem?
  2. Metaphor.
  3. Oxymoron.
  4. Epithet.

Comparison. Oxymoron (Greek - “sharp stupidity”) - a combination of words with the opposite.

Question No. 4.

  1. What is Chichikov's first and patronymic name?
  2. Ivan Pavlovich.
  3. Pavel Nikolaevich.
  4. Pavel Ivanovich. +

Pyotr Ivanovich.
Question No. 5.

In appearance he was a distinguished man; His facial features were not devoid of pleasantness, but this pleasantness seemed to have too much sugar in it; in his techniques and turns there was something ingratiating favor and acquaintance. He smiled enticingly, was blond, with blue eyes.

  1. Plyushkin.
  2. Nozdryov.
  3. Manilov. +
  4. Sobakevich.

Question No. 6.
Who is called “a hole in humanity” in N.V. Gogol’s poem?

  1. Plyushkin. +
  2. Nozdryov.
  3. Manilov.
  4. Sobakevich.

Question No. 7. Which of the landowners seemed to Chichikov “very similar to a medium-sized bear”?

  1. Plyushkin.
  2. Nozdryov.
  3. Manilov.
  4. Sobakevich. +

Question No. 8.

Whose characteristic is this?

“A man of about thirty, a broken fellow, who after three or four words began to say to him (Chichikov) “you.”

  1. Manilov.
  2. Nozdryov. +
  3. Plyushkin.
  4. Sobakevich.

Question No. 9.
Which of the characters in the poem owns this home?

“The room was hung with old striped wallpaper; paintings with some birds, mirrors with dark frames... behind every mirror there was either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking.”

  1. Plyushkin.
  2. Box. +
  3. Manilov.
  4. Sobakevich.

Question number 10.
Who owns these words?

I know them all: they are scammers, the whole city is like this: a scammer on

the swindler sits and drives the swindler. All sellers of Christ.

  1. Manilov.
  2. Nozdryov.
  3. Plyushkin.
  4. Sobakevich. +

Question No. 11.
N.V. Gogol wrote: “My heroes follow one after another, one more vulgar than the other.” Restore the sequence of depictions of landowners in the poem.

A. Sobakevich. 4

V. Manilov. 1

S. Nozdrev. 3

D. Plyushkin. 5

  1. Box. 2

Question No. 12.
Who tells “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin”?

A. Chichikov.

B. Nozdryov.

V. Postmaster. +

G. Chairman of the Treasury Chamber.

Question No. 13.
For what purpose does N.V. Gogol introduce “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin” into the work?

A. Show the lack of spirituality of bureaucratic laws. +

B. Depict the life of the capital's officials.

B. Refute the idea of ​​impunity for the authorities.

D. Show the destructive power of money.

Question No. 14.
For what purpose did Chichikov buy up “dead souls”?

B. In order to marry profitably, calling himself the owner of thousands of souls.

B. In order to put them on the board of guardians as living ones. +

D. In order to win a bet.

Question No. 15.
Which of the heroes of the poem by N.V. Gogol does not classify as “dead souls”?

A. Chichikova.

B. Manilova.

B. Dead peasants. +

G. Selifana.

Question No. 16.
What role does the image of the road play in N.V. Gogol’s poem?

A. Is a symbol life path person.

B. The image of the road is a symbol of the future of Russia. +

B. This is a form of organization of a work.

D. This image is a source of inspiration for the author.

Gogol's "Dead Souls" test.
1. Chichikov’s crew - ...
a) tarantass; +b) chaise; c) wagon.
2.Name and patronymic of Chichikov:
a) Pyotr Ivanovich; b) Ivan Petrovich; +c) Pavel Ivanovich.
3. Who we are talking about: “She was not bad-looking, she was dressed to her liking. A pale silk cloth hood sat well on her; her thin small hand hurriedly threw something on the table and clutched a cambric handkerchief with embroidered corners?
a) Box; +b) Manilov’s wife; c) the lady is pleasant in all respects.
4. Which of the heroes of the poem dreamed of “...under the shadow of some elm tree to philosophize about something, to go deeper”?
+a) Manilov; b) Sobakevich; c) Chichikov.
5. The description of whose home is given here: “The room was hung with old striped wallpaper; paintings with some birds, mirrors with dark frames... behind every mirror there was either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking”?
a) Sobakevich; b) Plyushkin; +c) Box.
6. Name of Chichikov’s servant:
a) Zakhar; b) Osip; +c) Parsley.
7. Which hero of the poem is said to be a “historical person”?
a) Plyushkin; +b) Nozdryov; c) Captain Kopeikin.
8. What was Plyushkin’s nickname?
a) “barefoot”; +b) “patched”; c) “tattered”
9. What price did Sobakevich ask for the dead peasants?
a) 50 rubles; +b) 100 rubles; c) 200 rubles.
10. Which of the landowners treated Chichikov to a turkey “the size of a calf, stuffed with all sorts of good things: eggs, rice, livers and who knows what...”?
a) Nozdryov; +b) Sobakevich; c) Box.

11. The governor’s hobby is...
+a) embroidery on tulle; b) bead weaving; c) drawing.
12. First name and patronymic of Sobakevich:
+a) Mikhail Semenovich; b) Mikhail Ivanovich; c) Ivan Mikhailovich.
13. What rank did Chichikov have?
a) state councilor; +b) collegiate advisor; c) Privy Councilor.
14. Name of coachman Chichikov:
a) Ivan; +b) Selifan; c) Stepan.
15. Who are we talking about: “In a word, he managed to acquire a complete nationality, and the merchants’ opinion was such that... although it will take you, it will certainly not give you away”?
a) governor; +b) police chief; c) prosecutor.
16. Whose dwelling is described: “The master’s house stood alone on the south, open to all the winds; The slope of the mountain was covered with trimmed turf. Two or three flower beds were scattered on it... A gazebo with wooden blue columns and the inscription: “Temple of Solitary Reflection” was visible?
a) Nozdryov; +b) Manilov; c) Sobakevich.
17. Which of the heroes of the poem said about himself that he was “an insignificant worm of this world... who experienced a lot in his life, endured in the service for the truth...”?
+a) Chichikov; b) governor; c) prosecutor.
18. What game did Chichikov and Nozdryov play?
a) dominoes; +b) checkers; c) chess.
19. Which of the heroes tells the story about Captain Kopeikin?
+a) postmaster; b) police chief; c) chairman of the chamber.
20. Parsley’s hobby is...
+a) reading; b) playing cards; c) playing the harmonica.
21. Who is Sofron Mizhuev?
+a) Nozdryov’s son-in-law; b) one of Sobakevich’s peasants; c) Pavlusha Chichikov’s teacher.
22. Where did Chichikov want to “transport” the purchased peasants?
+a) to the Kherson province; b) to the Penza province; c) to the Ryazan province.

1143000 State budgetary educational institution
secondary vocational education
Vladimir region
"Vladimir Aviation Mechanical College"
Methodological development
"Souls Dead and Alive"
based on the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls"
Vladimir 2015
Explanatory note
The academic discipline Literature is going through difficult times. And the point is not so much that the number of hours spent studying it is being reduced, but rather that students’ interest in reading fiction dropped to almost zero. Even the most hardworking students, who have only “4” and “5” in their grade books, when encountering literature, try to replace the process of communicating with a book by reading a short retelling or film adaptation. And thinking about the problems of the work and the characters’ characters is replaced by memorizing answers to questions taken from the Internet.
In these difficult conditions, the teacher has to look for forms of lesson in which it will be possible to intensify both the reader’s interest and research in relation to what is read.
One of the forms of such an “activating” lesson is literary game or a quiz. A quiz is a game in which participants answer questions related to a common theme.
Using literary games in lessons or during extracurricular activities The teacher solves several educational problems at once: in order to have a chance to win (and the desire to win is always inherent in most teenagers), you need to carefully read the text of the work. This means that the first task - increasing interest in reading - will be solved. If you start studying a work in class by notifying students that the final work on it will be a competition between teams (especially if they have to compete with a team from another study group), then interest in studying the historical setting of the time the work was written and in the characters of the characters will be activated. , and to author's intention, and even to individual external details of the novel: what the hero looks like, what he says, with whom and how he communicates, etc. (After all, it is unknown what knowledge will be needed at the game, but you really want to win!). This means that the problem of increasing interest in the study of various aspects of the work will be solved. The game will provide an opportunity to expand your knowledge, systematize it and consolidate it, since all answers to questions will be voiced and, if necessary, commented on by a teacher or jury. In addition, a literary game will allow the teacher to evaluate the students’ knowledge, since this form clearly reveals the final knowledge of the students (in the game there is no time to look for clues on the Internet, and each student operates with information already fixed in their minds). At the same time, the form of the game gives students the opportunity to show creativity, learn to work in a team, be responsible for the overall result, develop leadership qualities, etc. It is not for nothing that Friedrich Schiller noted that “in play, a person experiences the same pleasure from the free discovery of his abilities as an artist experiences during creativity.” That is, through the game the educational tasks of the lesson will be solved. Thus, it turns out that the ancient form of the lesson - the game - turns out to be very suitable for use in the modern educational process.
There are different ways to conduct the quiz:
Participants are divided into 2 teams, the facilitator asks questions to each team in turn. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.
Participants are divided into 2 teams, the leader asks a question to the first team, if there is no answer, the same question is asked to the second team. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.
Instead of dividing the participants into teams, you can ask questions to all players, and then identify the one with the most points.
You can organize the game in such a way that the teams themselves will come up with and ask their opponent questions.
You can use different forms of playing the game in different tasks; this option is more difficult to organize for the teacher, but more interesting for the students.
In this manual, I propose an option literary quiz based on the poem by N.V. Gogol’s “Dead Souls” using materials and the writer’s biography.
This event is designed for 1.5 - 2 astronomical hours, so it is necessary to allocate two pairs for it or conduct it outside of school hours as an extracurricular event.
Literary quiz based on the poem by N.V. Gogol
"Dead Souls"
"Souls Dead and Alive"
"Be not dead, but living souls"
N.V. Gogol
Goals: Increasing interest in reading fiction and studying N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls” in particular, popularizing N.V. Gogol’s works, moral education of students, developing aspirations for spiritual enrichment, an active life position, instilling patriotism, testing knowledge on the studied work, disclosure creativity students.
Warm up.
Guess the hero.
Guess the episode (dramatization).
Answers to complex questions that require team discussion.
Questions for fans.
Captains competition.
Quiz progress:
Task 1. Warm up
(separate simple questions, worth 1 point for the correct answer)
Questions for Team 1:
1. For what purpose does Chichikov buy up dead souls?
(pawn to the Board of Trustees as living and receive money against them)
2. Manilov’s two main dreams?
(build a bridge over the pond and an underground passage under it)
3. Name the “historical person”? (Nozdrev)
4. Which landowner is called “the hole in humanity”? (Plyushkin)
5. Which landowner was able to deceive Chichikov? (Sobakevich)
6. Which of the officials “only needs to blink when passing by a fish row or
cellar, and everything will be on the table"? (to the police chief)
7. Which of the landowners gave, and did not sell, their “dead souls” to Chichikov? (Manilov)
Questions for team 2:
How did Gogol define the genre of Dead Souls? (poem)
Which landowner's life story did Gogol tell? (Plyushkina)
Which of the officials “was a kind fellow and embroidered on tulle”?
What was the name of Manilov's gazebo? (“Temple of Solitary Reflection”)
What nickname did Chichikov give to Korobochka? (club-headed)
Which landowner sold the most? Chichikov is dead souls?
About whom it is said: “He is an idle man and, probably, sits at home, everything is for him
does the lawyer Zolotukha, the greatest grabber in the world? (about the prosecutor)
Task 2. Guess the hero
(answers are worth 2 points)
Questions for the teams:
“The manor’s house stood alone on the south, open to all the winds; slope
the mountain was covered with trimmed turf. There were scattered on it
Glisky 2-3 flower beds with lilac bushes; Below is a pond covered with greenery..."
2. “dark, wide entryway, from which a cold breath blew, as if from a cellar. On one
There was even a broken chair on the table, and next to it a clock with a stopped clock.
a yoke to which the spider has already attached a web.”
1. “Ahead was a house with a mezzanine, a red roof and wild walls - a house
like those built for military settlements. It was noticeable that when
During construction, the architect constantly struggled with the taste of the owner. The architect wanted a sim-
metrics, the owner - conveniences"
2. “The room was hung with old striped wallpaper; paintings with some
then birds, mirrors with dark frames...behind every mirror there were
or a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking"
1. “Not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat, nor too skinny.”
nok; I can’t say that I’m old, but I can’t say that I’m too young.”
2. “...he was a prominent man, his facial features were not devoid of pleasantness, but in
this pleasantness seemed to be transferred too much to the sugar; in his techniques and turns there was something ingratiating himself with favor and acquaintance.”
“To complete the similarity, the tailcoat he was wearing was completely bear-colored,
his sleeves were long, his trousers were long, his feet walked this way and that
constantly stepped on other people's feet. The complexion was red-hot, hot, like
happens on a copper coin"
“The little eyes had not yet gone out and ran from under the high eyebrows,
like mice... He had something tied around his neck that should not have been
make out whether it’s a stocking or a garter, but not a tie.”
Who says this: “Open your mouth, darling”
"Most venerable, most gracious"
“May day, name day of the heart”?
Who said: “These are all swindlers, the swindler sits on the swindler and the swindler
Task 3. Guess the episode and characters
(3 skits, rehearsed in advance, are played, both teams determine the episodes and write down answers on pieces of paper, after finishing the pieces of paper are handed over to the jury, the answers of each team are read out and scored 3 points for each correct one)
1. Chichikov and Sobakevich. Purchase dead souls.
2. Plyushkin and the housekeeper. Search for a quarter of paper in Plyushkin's house
A meeting between a simply pleasant lady and a lady pleasant in every way. First
brought a second story about buying dead souls.
(See the text of the skits in Appendix 1)
Task 4. Answers to complex questions with preliminary preparation
(Both teams are given 3 written questions at once, 5 minutes to prepare answers, any player on the team answers orally, reading the question before answering. For the correct answer - 5 points for each) The task can be changed by replacing the questions of the presenters with questions that are prepared in advance commands to each other.
Questions for team 1:
1. Why was “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin” included in the poem?
(To depict the lawlessness and callousness of officials as a nationwide phenomenon and
justifying the protest of the people against the arbitrariness of officials in the fight for their rights)
2. Why was Chichikov able to find a common language with the landowners?
(Chichikov has many of the traits of landowners. He is “neither this nor that” and dreamy, like
Manilov; in Chichikov’s box all the trinkets are laid out, like Korobochka’s;
Chichikov dreams of living for his own pleasure, to the full extent of his soul, like Nozdryov,
cunning and calculating like Sobakevich, etc.)
3.Are there “living souls” in the poem? Who are they, why?
(Dead peasants, who live not for themselves, but for people, managed, despite
the hardships of life, maintain a keen interest in life, are capable of compassion,
mutual assistance, know how to enjoy the little things in life.)
Questions for team 2:
1. How does Gogol feel about the appearance of people like Chichikov in Russia?
(Chichikov is an exponent of new trends in the development of Russian society, he is an entrepreneur. He is energetic, active, resourceful, not as ossified and stubborn as the landowners, he is not as greedy, he knows how to keep himself in check in order to achieve the goal, unlike officials. At the moment writing the poem Chichikov is the future of Russia. But Gogol is not at all happy with this. Chichikov is a scoundrel. He builds his well-being on the misfortunes of others: he pushed away the old dying teacher, deceived the boss and his daughter, took bribes, etc. He sets selfish goals, takes advantage. immoral means to achieve them. He is a hero of his time, but this is another reason to try to change Russian reality)
2.Who are the “dead souls” in the poem? Justify.
(Landowners, officials, Chichikov. They lead a useless existence,
do not develop intellectually and spiritually, do not have a positive life goal,
do not strive for spiritual contact with people, are not able to love, sympathize,
empathize with others, enjoy the little things in life)
3.Why did Gogol call his work a poem?
(A poem is a form of lyric-epic poetry, the main features of which are: detailed
plot and developed image of the lyrical hero - the narrator who actively
comes into action. Lyrical hero responds emotionally to all events
works, evaluates the heroes and their actions, denies the Russia of landowners and
officials and affirms Russia of the living Russian people.
Without lyrical digressions, the poem would lose the motive of love for Russia and hope for
revival of spirituality. In “Dead Souls” the author’s feelings come first: his sadness
about what is happening in Russia and his hope for the revival of the country, and not
events happening to the main characters, as it should be in a novel)
Task 5: Questions for fans
(in parallel with the execution of 4 tasks by teams)
(asked to those sitting in the hall, 1 point for the correct answer is given to the team whose fan answered the question first)
1.Which of the landowners had a book pawned on page 14 lying around for two years?
2.Which of the heroes of the poem is characterized by insatiable greed, stinginess, and penny-pinching?
3.Who owns the words: “I considered it my duty to meet and bring my own
respect"; “You deigned to go”; “I had the honor to cover your bribe as well”?
4. Identify the hero by description: “He was of average height, very well built
well done, with full rosy cheeks, teeth white as snow and black as pitch
5. In what order did Chichikov visit the landowners?
(Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Plyushkin)
6.Which of the heroes is characterized by: kulaks, misanthropy, obscurantism,
7.Which of the landowners lived among entertainment?
8.Which official told “The Story of Captain Kopeikin”?
9.Who do Chichikov’s officials represent after learning about his actions with dead souls?
(Counterfeiter, Captain Kopeikin, Napoleon, fugitive criminal)
10.What nickname did the men give to Plyushkin?
11. What brings landowners and officials together
(they are all dead souls)
12.What does N.V. compare with? Gogol Rus' at the end of the poem?
(with a bird - a troika, i.e. a troika of horses rushing across the expanses of the universe)
Task 6 Captains Competition:
expressive reading of excerpts from the text of the poem ( homework, the passages were chosen by the captains themselves or the teacher suggested lyrical digressions the ending of the poem and about the youth of the soul)
7.Before summing up, the presenter reads a poem by N. Nekrasov about Gogol.
(See Appendix 2)
8. Summing up
Scene 1 Buying dead souls from Sobakevich
Ch. - I wanted to talk to you about one business. According to the existing provisions of our state, the glory of which has no equal, revision souls, having completed their career in life, are, however, counted, until a new revision tale is submitted, on an equal basis with the living. So as not to burden government offices with a multitude of petty and useless certificates and not to increase the complexity of the already very complex state mechanism regarding the payment of taxes for serfs... Despite all the justice of this measure, it can be partly burdensome for many owners, obliging them to pay taxes in such a way as to as if for a living object, therefore, feeling personal respect for you, I would be ready to even partially take on this really difficult responsibility. I am ready to take on these expenses and redeem, so to speak, your non-existent souls.
S. - Do you need dead souls?
Ch.- Yes, ... non-existent.
S.- There will be, why not be
Ch.- And if there are, then you, without a doubt... will be pleased to get rid of them?
S.- If you please, I’m ready to sell
Ch.- And, for example, what about the price?.. although, however, this is such an item... that the price is even strange...
S.- Yes, so as not to ask too much from you, one hundred rubles apiece!
Ch.- By the hundred?!
S. - Well, is it really expensive for you? But what would your price be?
Ch. - My price! We must have somehow made a mistake or do not understand each other, we have forgotten what the subject is. I believe for my part, hand on heart: at eight hryvnia per soul, this is the best price!
S. - What a waste - eight hryvnias each!
Ch. - Well, in my opinion, I think it’s no longer possible.
S.- After all, I’m not selling bast shoes.
Ch. - However, you must agree: after all, these are not people either.
S. - So, do you think you can find such a fool who would sell you an audit soul for two kopecks?
Ch. - But excuse me: why do you call them revisions, because the souls have already died a long time ago, only one sound, intangible to the senses, remains. However, in order not to enter into further discussions on this part, I’ll give you one and a half rubles, if you please, but I can’t take any more.
S.- It’s a shame for you to say such a sum! you bargain, tell the real price!
Ch. - I can’t, Mikhail Semyonovich, believe my conscience, I can’t: what can’t be done, that can’t be done, but I’ll add another fifty kopecks.
S. - Why are you stingy? That's right, it's inexpensive! Another swindler will deceive you, sell you rubbish, not souls, but I have a real nut, everything is for selection: not a craftsman, then some other healthy guy. Just look at it: for example, the carriage maker Mikheev! After all, he never made any other carriages other than spring ones. And it’s not like the Moscow work, which is for one hour, - such strength, it will cut itself and cover it with varnish! And Cork Stepan, the carpenter? I'll lay my head if you can find such a guy anywhere. After all, what kind of power was that! If he had served in the guard, God knows what they would have given him, three arshins and an inch tall! Maxim Telyatnikov, shoemaker: whatever pricks with an awl, then the boots, whatever the boots, then thank you, and at least in the mouth of a drunken one. After all, this is what people are like! This is not something that some Plyushkin will sell you.
Ch.- But excuse me, why are you counting all their qualities, because now there is no sense in them, because they are all dead people.
S.- Yes, of course, dead. However, even then: what of these people who are now listed as living? What kind of people are these? flies, not people.
Ch. - Yes, they still exist, and this is a dream. No, I can't give more than two rubles
S. - Please, so that they don’t lay claim to me, that I’m asking dearly and I don’t want to do you any favor, if you please - seventy-five rubles per head, only in banknotes, right only for acquaintance!
Ch. - It’s strange to me, really: it seems that some kind of theatrical performance or comedy is happening between us, otherwise I can’t explain it to myself... You seem to be a pretty smart person, you have information about education. After all, the subject is just fufu. What is he worth? who needs?
S. - Yes, you’re buying it, so you need it.
Ch. - Two rubles
S.- Well, if you please, I’ll tell you mine too the last word: fifty rubles! Really, it’s a loss to yourself; you can’t buy such good people cheaper anywhere!
Ch. - As you wish, I do not buy for any need, as you think, but according to the inclination of my own thoughts. If you don’t want two and a half, goodbye!
S. - Well, God bless you, give us thirty each and take them for yourself!
Ch. - No, I see you don’t want to sell, goodbye!
S. - What will be your last price?
Ch. - Two and a half.
S.- Really, your human soul is like a steamed turnip. Give me at least three rubles!
Ch. - I can’t.
S.- Well, there’s nothing to do with you, if you please! It’s a loss, and I have such a dog’s temper: I can’t help but please my neighbor. I agree for 3 rubles.
Ch. – Agreed!
Scene 2 Plyushkin and the housekeeper
P – There were four blank pieces of paper lying on the table, but I don’t know. Where have I gone: my people are so worthless! Mavra! And Mavra! Where are you going, paper robber?
M - By God, master, I haven’t seen anything but a small piece of paper with which they deigned to cover the glass.
P - But I can see in my eyes that I’ve tinkered.
M - Yes, what would I like? After all, I have no use with her; I don't know how to read and write.
P - You're lying. You demolished the sexton: he’s messing around, so you demolished it for him.
M - Yes, the sexton, if he wants, he can get himself papers. He hasn't seen your scrap!
P - Just wait a minute: at the Last Judgment the devils will punish you with iron slingshots for this! You'll see how they cook!
M - But why will they punish me if I didn’t even pick up a quarter? It’s more likely some other woman’s weakness, but no one has ever reproached me for theft.
P - But the devils will get you! They will say: “Here’s to you, swindler, because you deceived the master!” , but they’ll bake you hot!
M - And I’ll say, “You’re welcome!” By God, no way, I didn’t take it...” Yes, there he is lying on the table. You always reproach with lies!
P - Well, why did you disagree like that? What a pain in the ass! Tell her just one word, and she’ll answer with a dozen! Go and bring the light to seal the letter. Stop, you’ll grab a tallow candle, lard is a hot mess: it will burn, yes or no, only a loss, and you bring me a splinter!
Scene 3 Two ladies
What a cheerful chintz!
Yes, very funny. Praskovya Fedorovna, however, finds that it would be better if the cells were smaller, and that the specks were not brown, but blue.
Honey, it's colorful.
Oh, no, not colorful.
Ah, motley.
Yes, congratulations: they don't wear frills anymore.
Why don't they wear it?
In their place are scallops.
Oh, this is not good, scallops!
Scallops, all scallops: a cape made of scallops, scallops on the sleeves, epaulettes made of scallops, scallops below, scallops everywhere.
It's not good if everything is scalloped.
Incredibly cute. It is sewn with two rib stitches: wide armholes and at the top... the skirt is all gathered around, as it used to be in the old days, they even put a little wadding on the back to make it look like a modern bel femme.
Whatever you want, I will never imitate this.
Me too...Really, as you can imagine, what fashion can sometimes come to... is unlike anything else!
I begged my sister for patterns on purpose for fun; My Melania began to sew.
So do you have a pattern?
Well, my sister brought it.
My soul, give it to me for the sake of all that is holy!
Oh, I already gave my word to Praskovya Fedorovna. Perhaps after it?
Who will wear it after Praskovya Fedorovna? It will be too strange on your part if you prefer strangers to your own.
Why, she is also my great aunt.
From the husband’s side... It turns out: you want to inflict such an insult on me... Apparently you want to stop all acquaintance with me.
Well, what about our charmer?
2. Oh, my God! Why am I sitting like this in front of you! That's good! You know what I came to you with, right? Let me, let me just tell you...
No matter how much you praise or extol him, I will say it straight, and I will tell him to his face that he is a worthless person, worthless, worthless, worthless.
Just listen to what I will reveal to you.
They spread rumors that he was good, but he is not good at all, and his nose is the most unpleasant.
2. Let me, let me just tell you, darling. After all, this is history, you know, history...
What's the story?
2. Imagine: the archpriest comes to me today - and what would you think: ours is a humble man, a newcomer is ours, what kind of person is he?
How, did he really build chickens like his predecessor?
2. Oh, if only there were chickens, that would be nothing. The landowner Korobochka came to her, frightened and pale as death, and told her a perfect romance: suddenly, in the dead of midnight, there was a knock on the gate, the most terrible knock you can imagine, they shouted: “Open, otherwise the gate will be broken down.”
But Korobochka, isn’t she young and pretty?
Not at all, old woman!
Oh, lovely! So he set to work on the old woman.
But no, darling, it’s not at all what you think. He appears armed from head to toe and demands, “Sell, he says, all the souls that have died.” The box answers, “I can’t sell them because they’re dead.” - “No, he says, they are not dead, it’s my business, he says, to know whether they are dead or not; they are not dead, not dead, screams, not dead.”
This is strange, however, what could these dead souls mean?
There are no dead souls here, something else is hiding here.
Well, do you think he's hiding here?
Well what do you think
As I think? I admit I'm completely lost
Well, listen to what these dead souls are. Dead Souls…
I'm sorry, what?
2. Dead souls...
Oh, speak for God's sake!
2. This was just made up as a cover, but the point is this: he wants to take away the governor’s daughter!
Appendix 2
ON THE. Nekrasov. On the day of Gogol's death. February 21, 1852
Blessed is the gentle poet, feeding his chest with hatred,
In whom there is little bile, a lot of feeling: Armed with satire,
Hello to him so sincerely. He goes through a thorny path.
Friends of quiet art. (...) With his punishing lyre.
Loving carelessness and peace, He is pursued by blasphemers:
Disdaining impudent satire, He catches sounds of encouragement
He reigns firmly over the crowd, not in the sweet murmur of praise,
With your peace-loving lyre. And in the wild screams of anger.
Marveling at the great mind, And believing and not believing again
He is not persecuted or slandered. The dream of a high calling,
And his contemporaries He preaches love
During his lifetime, the monument is being prepared... With a hostile word denial. (...)
But fate has no mercy. They curse him on all sides,
To the one whose noble genius And, just seeing his corpse,
He became an accuser of the crowd, They will understand how much he has done,
Her passions and delusions. And how he loved - while hating!
1. N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”. - Any edition.
2. Literature / Ed. Sigov V.K. - M., 2009.
3. Russian literature of the 19th century. / Ed. Arkhangelsky A.N. in 2 parts. Part 1., M.,
4. Kozak O.N. Literary quizzes. - St. Petersburg: “Union”, 1998.
5. Alieva L.Yu. Literature: tests, test questions. - M.: Izdat-Shkola, 1998.
6. Tests. Literature/Author – compiler I.M. Mikhailova. - M.: Bustard, 2002.
7. Geimbukh E.Yu. Russian literature of the 19th century. Textbook.- M.: Publishing House
Department of UC DO, 2003.

Test on the poem “Dead Souls”

Interesting? Save it on your wall!
Who suggested the plot of “Dead Souls”?


B. . +

C. .


I. S. Turgenev
Name the genre of “Dead Souls”.

Novel. Poem. + Story. Tale.

Question No. 3.
What technique is used in the title of the poem?

Metaphor. Oxymoron. Epithet. Comparison.

Oxymoron (Greek - “sharp stupidity”) - a combination of words with the opposite Oxymoron (Greek - “sharp stupidity”) - a combination of words with the opposite.

Question No. 4.
What is Chichikov's first and patronymic name?

Ivan Pavlovich. Pavel Nikolaevich. Pavel Ivanovich. + Pyotr Ivanovich.

Question No. 5.
Whose portrait is this?

In appearance he was a distinguished man; His facial features were not devoid of pleasantness, but this pleasantness seemed to have too much sugar in it; in his techniques and turns there was something ingratiating favor and acquaintance. He smiled enticingly, was blond, with blue eyes.

Plyushkin. Nozdryov. Manilov. + Sobakevich.

Question No. 6.
Who is called “the hole in humanity” in the poem?

Plyushkin. + Nozdryov. Manilov. Sobakevich.

Question No. 7. Which of the landowners seemed to Chichikov “very similar to a medium-sized bear”?

Plyushkin. Nozdryov. Manilov. Sobakevich. +

Question No. 8.

Whose characteristic is this?

“A man of about thirty, a broken fellow, who after three or four words began to say to him (Chichikov) “you.”

Manilov. Nozdryov. + Plyushkin. Sobakevich.

Question No. 9.
Which of the characters in the poem owns this home?

“The room was hung with old striped wallpaper; paintings with some birds, mirrors with dark frames... behind every mirror there was either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking.”

Plyushkin. Box. + Manilov. Sobakevich.

Question number 10.
Who owns these words?

I know them all: they are scammers, the whole city is like this: a scammer on

the swindler sits and drives the swindler. All sellers of Christ.

Manilov. Nozdryov. Plyushkin. Sobakevich. +

Question No. 11.
wrote: “My heroes follow one after another, one more vulgar than the other.” Restore the sequence of depictions of landowners in the poem.

A. Sobakevich. 4

V. Manilov. 1

S. Nozdrev. 3

D. Plyushkin. 5

Box. 2

Question No. 12.
Who tells “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin”?

A. Chichikov.

B. Nozdryov.

V. Postmaster. +

G. Chairman of the Treasury Chamber.

Question No. 13.
For what purpose does he introduce “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin” into the work?

A. Show the lack of spirituality of bureaucratic laws. +

B. Depict the life of the capital's officials.

B. Refute the idea of ​​impunity for the authorities.

D. Show the destructive power of money.

Question No. 14.
For what purpose did Chichikov buy up “dead souls”?

B. In order to marry profitably, calling himself the owner of thousands of souls.

B. In order to put them on the board of guardians as living ones. +

D. In order to win a bet.

Question No. 15.
Which of the heroes of the poem does not belong to the “dead souls”?

A. Chichikova.

B. Manilova.

B. Dead peasants. +

G. Selifana.

Question No. 16.
What role does the image of the road play in the poem?

A. It is a symbol of a person’s life path.

B. The image of the road is a symbol of the future of Russia. +

B. This is a form of organization of a work.

D. This image is a source of inspiration for the author.