All the legendary motorcycles of the history of the Soviet Union. Legendary motorcycles of the USSR (12 photos) Motorcycles of the 50s

The 80s were a wonderful time, not because the USSR existed then, but because we were 16 years old then. First sex, first vodka, first earned ruble and... first motorcycle. Let's remember - the smell of whose exhaust gases drove us crazy, and made our friends so accommodating, but on the contrary for parents and traffic cops.

"Vyatka VP-150". The most stylish

For starters, not a motorcycle, but the very first and at the same time the most stylish of their younger brothers in the entire history of the USSR. The Vyatka VP-150, produced from 1957 to 1966, is a copy of the “best scooter of all time” of the Italian Vespa GS150.

L-300 "Red October". The very first

The very first serial Soviet motorcycle was the L-300 “Red October”.

At the beginning of 1930, Leningrad designers prepared its drawings, inspired by the most reliable bike of that time - the German DKW Luxus 300. And already in the fall of the same year, the first batch of L-300 was ready.
The motorcycle was produced until 1938, and then the no less legendary IZH-8 was created on its basis. This “descendant” of the L-300 even ended up on silver coins... in New Zealand.

By the way, the name IZH-7 was borne by the same L-300s, which were produced in Izhevsk in parallel with the Leningrad enterprise “Red October”.

M-72. The most combative

The M-72 was not the first army motorcycle in the USSR. In 1934, the assembly of the first Soviet heavy model PMZ-A-750 began, and in 1939, the “understudy” of the British BSA and, considered to be the best pre-war motorcycle in the Union, TiZ-AM-600.

However, it was the M-72, the design of which was “spied” on the German BMW R71 (the Wehrmacht was equipped with them), which came out in the tragic year of 1941 and was produced throughout the war. And then they seriously served the people for civilian purposes - the last copies rolled off the assembly line in 1960.

From 1941 to 1945, the M-72 carried soldiers armed with machine guns or light mortars. By the way, later motorcycles built on the basis of this model began to be equipped with portable anti-tank missile systems.

From the first post-war years - and long after that - the M-72 became the main police transport. And since 1954, ordinary Soviet citizens could buy them for their needs.

“Descendants” of the M-72 were ordered by Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard at the beginning of the 2000s. But I didn’t have time to use it - and combat motorcycles “went to the people.” At the request of customers, Iraqi auto repair shops install additional “active and passive protection” on the Urals - armor and a machine gun.

Izh-49. Universal model

Izh-49, which appeared in 1951, can still be seen quite often today on the roads and off-roads of the former Soviet Union.

“Probably the best motorcycle for our country!” - you can still hear from Russian motorcyclists to this day. From Belarusians a little less often: you will find the reason for this by reading our rating to the end.

Reliable, tenacious, adapted to any conditions and very sonorous (in the USSR its “voice” is no less a legend than in the USA - the rumble of Harleys),

Izh-49 rightfully takes its rightful place in our top 10.

"Izh Planet Sport". The first serial "athlete"

If all previous Soviet motorcycles were only slightly modernized pre-war models, then the Izh Planet Sport was clearly created with an eye on the Japanese bikes of its time.

In the appearance of the most elegant of the Izhas, you can find references to the creations of Suzuki, Yamaha and Kawasaki. And even today, almost four decades after the start of production, the sports classic “Izh Planet Sport” does not look archaic.

The fastest and most technologically advanced of all Soviet brothers, it looked worthy against the background of foreign models.

"Java 360". The most cinematic

By the 1970s, every third Soviet motorcyclist rode a Java, and it is not surprising that Czechoslovak motorcycles were often featured on camera.

The main role in Soviet cinema went to the Jawa 360: it is on this model that Gesha Kozodoev takes Semyon Semenovich Gorbunkov on a fishing trip to the White Rock.

"Java 350 638." The main motorcycle of the “roaring 90s”

The last of the Jawas sold in the USSR, Jawa 350 638, also became a “people's” motorcycle.

Having managed to come out just before perestroika, in 1984, this model often appeared in harsh films of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Thus, “Java 350 638” can be seen in the drama “Accident - the Cop’s Daughter” and the action film “Rats, or the Night Mafia.”

There is even a song “Java” dedicated to the motorcycle by the popular group “Sector Gaza” in those years.

"Dnepr 11". Most suitable for tuning

When the biker movement was just emerging in the USSR (then they called themselves rockers), tough guys in riveted leather, among other motorcycles, especially respected the Dnepr 11.

This particular motorcycle turned out to be the most suitable for tuning exercises. Modified “heavyweights” can still be found today at various motorcycle shows and on the roads. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to find the “base” for improvement.

"Minsk M1A". First Belarusian

To this day, the “Minskachi” remains the most “popular” motorcycle in Belarus. They run along the roads of the entire former Union, and not only. But most of them, of course, are in their homeland.

Minsk motorcycles passed their half-century anniversary a long time ago (the first models already fully deserve the name “vintage”), and very soon, on July 12, they will celebrate their 61st birthday.

The first Belarusian “bike” was the Minsk M1A, which had many “relatives” not only in the USSR, but also abroad. The “ancestor” of the motorcycle was developed in 1939 by the Germans. DKW RT125 turned out to be so successful that under different names analogues of this motorcycle were produced in 7 countries around the world, including the USA, England and Japan.

By the way, one of the old “Minsk racers” was tested in harsh conditions by one of the hosts of the famous British show Top Gear, Richard Hammond. He drove it from south to north almost all of Vietnam. Summary of the charismatic “car maniac”: “This is the AK-47 among motorcycles - reliable, simple, easy to repair. It is made specifically for those countries where there are no roads.”

The first commandment of the Soviet motorcyclist is this: if you’re not sure, don’t ride far, the second is to always take with you the necessary spare parts to get home. But there are still fans who like old technology, many people started riding Soviet mopeds and motorcycles...

The production of motorcycles in the USSR was established on a large scale. Irbit, Izhevsk, Kovrov and Minsk became the main centers of bridge construction, and motorcycles themselves, including imported Javas and Chesets, became an integral part of the culture. Perhaps it’s worth starting with a short excursion into the history of Soviet motorcycle construction.
At the end of the 1920s, experimental IZH motorcycles were created, in the 30s small-scale production began, and only in the late 40s - early 50s did truly large-scale production begin.

The first models of the motorcycle are associated with the name of the designer Pyotr Mozharov, but real popularity came to IZH after the war, when the documentation for the German motorcycle DKW NC-350 fell into the hands of the designers.

After a thorough modernization, the motorcycle was named IZH-49. The legendary model was equipped with a telescopic fork and hydraulic shock absorbers. In conditions of bad roads, the motorcycle gained popularity.

The next model, IZH-56, was no less popular, but real recognition came with the advent of IZH-Jupiter, IZH-Planet and IZH-Planet-Sport, which were intended for tourist and sports trips. IZH-PS received a separate engine lubrication system and could accelerate to 100 km/h in 11 seconds.

In the 60s, the first motorcycles “IZH Jupiter” (two-cylinder engine) and “IZH Planet” (single-cylinder engine) were produced. The Degtyarev Plant produces the 175 cc Kovrovets, which later became the Voskhod.

The IZH motorcycle's popularity in the USSR could rival the most famous imported vehicles. In the 70s, the plant produced up to 350,000 motorcycles per year.


The history of the Minsk also goes back to the DKW RT-125. The first M1A motorcycles were produced in Moscow, and in 1951 production was transferred to a bicycle plant in Minsk.

In 1956 the plant produced new model M1M with pendulum suspension, spring shock absorbers, short-lever forks and a 5 hp engine that reached a speed of 75 km/h.
In 1961, the new M-103 appeared with hydraulic shock absorbers and a telescopic fork. Production was aimed at the village, which explained the popularity of motorcycles.

Further modernization resulted in greater power and speed. For example, the MMVZ-3.111 model, released in 1973, could accelerate to 90 km/h and had a power of 9.5 hp. And MMVZ-3.112 had 12 hp.


“Voskhod” has become a cult motorcycle among young people and teenagers. It captivated with its unpretentiousness, low fuel consumption, lightness and repairability. The motorcycle was not particularly reliable, but with its help they learned to repair internal combustion engines.
Production of Voskhod began after the war at the plant named after. Dyagtereva. The prototype was the German motorcycle DKW RT-125. In 1946, the plant produced 286 K-125 motorcycles.

Since 1957, the plant began producing a completely new motorcycle, the K-175, with a 175 cc engine. This motorcycle was named “Voskhod” and gave birth to a whole family.

The most popular models were “Voskhod-2”, “Voskhod-2M.” The last model of Voskhod, created in the USSR, was called M3-01. In addition, the plant produced limited quantities of motocross motorcycles, and in the 80s it created several interesting developments of sport bikes.


The history of Ural motorcycles from the late 30s until 1964 was the history of a military motorcycle. Even after the motorcycle began to be sold to ordinary people, the owner of the Ural was obliged to register with the military, and the State Traffic Inspectorate forbade using the motorcycle without a sidecar.

Because of this, “Ural” did not gain fame among young people. It found its niche as a heavy duty utilitarian motorcycle. It was used for walks under the moon, for transporting goods, for trips to the taiga, and even for motorcycle tourism.
The IMZ motorcycle was equipped with a 650 cc four-stroke engine and was considered reliable among Soviet motorcycles. Engine power, depending on the model, ranged from 31 to 36 hp. The maximum speed when used with a stroller is 105 km/h.

In 1985, the two-millionth motorcycle of the M-67 model rolled off the plant’s assembly line. In the 90s, the plant managed to survive. Now most of the motorcycles are exported.


Brand of road motorcycles produced in Tinec nad Sazavou (Czechoslovakia). The USSR was the main importer of Java. In total, more than a million motorcycles of various models were delivered to the Soviet Union. In Soviet times, Jawa motorcycles were considered the best available for sale in the USSR.

One of folk names The Java 360 model became “Java the old woman” or simply “old woman”. “Old women” with a single-cylinder engine were popularly called “chekushki”, due to their volume of 250 cubic centimeters.

There are several modifications that can be divided into motorcycles with 6V and 12V electrical equipment. The 6V version has a less powerful engine and a weak generator, but, subjectively, motorcycles equipped with 6V equipment are more beautiful. "Jawa" are motorcycles of the same class as the "Jupiter", but more pleasant to use.

Most fashion model in the USSR there was Java-368, which began to be produced in 1984. "Java" had a two-stroke two-cylinder engine with a volume of 343 cc. and a power of 26 hp, the maximum speed of the motorcycle was 120 km/h.


The Pannonia motorcycle has become another iconic motorcycle among urban youth and motorcycle tourists.
Production of Pannonia began at the Chappel plant in Budapest in 1954. "Pannonia" became the first new motorcycle of the plant. The motorcycle was equipped with a single-cylinder 250 cc two-stroke engine and a four-speed gearbox. The innovation was a closed chain drive and a duplex frame.

From 1954 to 1975, 286,959 motorcycles were delivered to the USSR.
The most popular model was the Pannonia 250 TLF. Weighing 146 kg, the motorcycle produced 18 hp, was not picky about fuel, had an 18-liter tank and reliable electrics. In addition, the plant produced a model with a 350 cc engine and a sidecar.

The beauty and perfection of the lines of the motorcycle still make connoisseurs of rarities look for surviving motorcycles.
In 1968, the plant produced a new motorcycle model, copied from the Yamaha YDS-2, but the USSR decided that the motorcycle was too complex and stopped exporting, after which the plant closed.


The history of the legendary “Cezet” goes back to pre-war times, when the Czechoslovak arms factory Ceska Zbrojovka (CZ) decided to start producing motorcycles. In 1936, the plant produced prototypes of the Cheset, on the basis of which motorcycles with engines of 250 and 350 cc were later developed.

In 1960, CZ launched the Cheset motorcycles into mass production. In the USSR, CZ experienced unprecedented success. Along with the Java, this motorcycle was a success among rockers, and the black Cheset became the dream of an entire generation.

The famous cross-country Cezet was born in 1962. The motorcycle was equipped with a 250 cc single-cylinder two-stroke engine. Cheset's finest hour lasted until the end of the 60s. Racers from the USSR, Belgium and the GDR competed on it and won championships.


In Soviet times, mopeds were incredibly stylish and fashionable personal vehicles. Especially among young people. The queue to purchase a car lasted for years, prices were high. The motorcycle was also expensive and still required garage storage. And a moped, like a bicycle, was often brought into the apartment.

You didn't need a license to drive a moped. Mopeds in the USSR cost from 100 rubles.
Mopeds were sold in motorcycle stores, almost always by appointment. It was necessary to register in line for a moped every morning for a month or six months.
Mopeds were produced at the Penza Bicycle Plant (ZIF light moped), Lviv Motorcycle Plant (Verkhovyna moped, Karpaty moped), Riga Motorcycle Plant (Riga moped, Delta moped).

Mopeds Riga-1/16

The first Soviet motorbike was produced in 1958 at the Riga motorcycle plant "Sarkana Zvaigzne": Riga-16.

The model turned out to be not very successful. After practice at the Czech motorcycle plant JAWA in the sixties, serial production of the first mopeds in the USSR began - Riga-1.

Riga mopeds were constantly modernized. In the film Adventures of Electronics, Syroezhkin rode on a RIGA moped.
In 1966, the Riga plant "Sarkana Zvaigzne" began production of the light moped "Riga-5" with a 1.2 liter D-5 engine. With. The car has a very simple chassis. The moped's mechanical brakes guarantee quick braking and trouble-free riding. The front wheel brake and throttle controls are located on the right side of the steering wheel, the clutch lever is on the left.

To brake the rear wheel, you need to press the pedal in the opposite direction. The trunk is located above the rear wheel and is designed for 15 kg of cargo. The front fork is telescopic. The cushion saddle is made of sponge rubber.
"Riga-5" successfully passed tests on various roads. This is a convenient means of transport for the city, as well as for country roads. The fuel tank capacity (5.5 l) allows you to travel quite long distances.

Light moped "Riga-7" (1969-1975)

The Riga-7 moped began to be produced in 1969. By the end of 1971, it completely replaced the Riga-5 moped. Unlike the Riga-5, it was equipped with a D-6 engine, which made it possible to connect a headlight and rear marker lamp to it.
The decorative protection of the drive chains has been removed. The design of the Riga-7 moped had a special rack installed to prevent frame breakage in cases of emergency braking.

Plant workers H. Akermanis (electrician) and J. Bankovich (mechanic) proposed and tested, both on the stand and in practical driving conditions, a frame design with reinforced rear suspension without a rack. The proposal was accepted, royalties were paid within the time limits stipulated by law, but in 1976 the Riga-7 moped was discontinued, replacing it with the Riga-11.
The light moped Riga-12 has been produced since 1974. The elegant design of the two-wheeled car was developed by designer Gunars Gludins.
The moped was equipped with a simple 2.2-horsepower 50 cc Sh-57 engine with a paper air filter. At the service of two riders is a comfortable saddle 43 cm long. The 5.5-liter fuel tank allows you to travel about 235 km on one gas station.

The maximum speed of Riga-12 was 50 km/h. Since 1977, “restyled” Riga-16s with a kick starter and improved finishing began to roll off the assembly line (pictured).
Mokik "Delta"- this is practically a new development after the “Riga” series. The original frame and successful engine made this particular model a favorite for a long time.

The new B-50 engine took into account the shortcomings of previous models, the clutch was strengthened, the gearbox shafts began to rotate in bearings, and the new foot-operated gear shift in the B-501 engine aroused admiration among buyers for a long time.


It was produced at the Lviv Motor Plant, has a 50 cc engine, and, as a result, you can drive it without having a driver's license cat. A.

The engine is low power, but great for children and learning the technical side. Analogues are “Verkhovyna” and “Delta”.

Mini mokik "Mini"

In 1983, the Riga plant "Sarkana Zvaigzne" opened a new class on 10-inch wheels - mini-mokiki. The first model was called “Mini”; its steering wheel and seat were height adjustable.
At first there was no rear suspension, then they installed a pair of shock absorbers. The mokik weighed only 50 kg and fit into the trunk of a car with the steering wheel folded.

Mini-mock "Stella"

One of the most stylish and advanced serial “fifty dollars” from the USSR. Produced from the late 80s to the mid 90s. Mokik was equipped with both the domestic V-501M engine (with foot gear shift) from the Siauliai bicycle-motor plant “Vairas”, and various imported units: Czechoslovakian Jawa, French Peugeot and Polish Dezamet.
In the photo, next to the girl in a swimsuit, there is a modification of the Stella Babetta with a Jawa engine, the distinctive feature of which was the horizontal arrangement of the cylinder.

Moped Riga-19S

The road-ring micromotorcycle Riga-19C was released in a small edition in 1982. Despite its modest size and low weight (just over 60 kg), it was a full-fledged racing car.
The sports moped was equipped with a highly accelerated 50 cc 2-stroke water-cooled ShK-50 engine with an incredible power of 17 hp. That is, the liter output of such an installation reached 340 hp. per liter of working volume!
The engine was paired with a 6-speed gearbox. Thanks to the massive aerodynamic fairing, the Riga-19S easily reached speeds of over 100 km/h.

Dedicated to World Motorcyclist Day.

Motorcycles played a very important role for citizens of the USSR. Often, they were the only opportunity to gain freedom of movement. They rode them to work, on vacation to the seaside, picked up children from the maternity hospital, and took girls for rides in villages. Modern bikers have switched to foreign-made sportbikes or choppers and are completely unaware of the history of domestic motorcycles. We decided that it was time to stop for a couple of minutes and remember the 10 most popular, most beloved and most popular motorcycles from the distant USSR.

1. L-300 “Red October”. The very first.

The very first serial Soviet motorcycle was the L-300 “Red October”. At the beginning of 1930, Leningrad designers prepared its drawings, inspired by the most reliable bike of that time - the German DKW Luxus 300. And in the fall of the same year, the first batch of L-300 was ready.

The motorcycle was produced until 1938, and then the no less legendary IZH-8 was created on its basis. This “descendant” of the L-300 even ended up on silver coins... in New Zealand.
By the way, the name IZH-7 was borne by the same L-300s, which were produced in Izhevsk in parallel with the Leningrad enterprise “Red October”.

2. M-72. The most combative

The M-72 was not the first army motorcycle in the USSR. In 1934, the assembly of the first Soviet heavy model PMZ-A-750 began, and in 1939 - the “understudy” of the British BSA and, considered to be the best pre-war motorcycle in the Union, TiZ-AM-600.

However, it was the M-72, the design of which was “spiked” from the German BMW R71 (the Wehrmacht was equipped with them), which came out in the tragic year of 1941, and was produced throughout the war. And then they seriously served the people for civilian purposes - the last copies rolled off the assembly line in 1960.

From 1941 to 1945, the M-72 carried soldiers armed with anti-tank missile systems, machine guns or light mortars. From the first post-war years - and long after - these motorcycles became the main police transport. And since 1954, ordinary Soviet citizens could buy them for their needs.

“Descendants” of the M-72 were ordered by Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard at the beginning of the 2000s. But I didn’t have time to use it, and combat motorcycles “went to the people.” At the request of customers, Iraqi auto repair shops install additional “active and passive protection” on the Urals - armor and a machine gun.

3. "Minsk M1A". First Belarusian

To this day, the “Minskachi” remains the most “popular” motorcycle in Belarus. They run along the roads of the entire former Union, and not only. But most of them, of course, are in their homeland.

Minsk motorcycles passed their half-century anniversary a long time ago (the first models already fully deserve the name “vintage”), and very soon, on July 12, they will celebrate their 61st birthday.

The first Belarusian “bike” was the Minsk M1A, which had many “relatives” not only in the USSR, but also abroad. The “ancestor” of the motorcycle was developed in 1939 by the Germans. The DKW RT125 turned out to be so successful that analogues of this motorcycle were produced under different names in 7 countries around the world, including the USA, England and Japan.

By the way, one of the old “Minsk racers” was tested in harsh conditions by one of the hosts of the famous British show Top Gear, Richard Hammond. He drove it from south to north almost all of Vietnam. CV of the charismatic “car maniac”: “This is the AK-47 among motorcycles - reliable, simple, easy to repair. It was made specifically for those countries where there are no roads.”

4. IZh Planet Sport. The fastest and most technologically advanced.

In 1973, the Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant surprised the whole country by showing the first Soviet motorcycle with a sports bent, the Planet Sport. Unlike all earlier motorcycles, which were created in the image of German models, Planet Sport clearly tried to be similar to Japanese motorcycles of the 60s and 70s.

Due to the high quality of workmanship, IZH Planet Sport was actively sold in export markets, for example, in the UK, the Netherlands and Finland. Soviet bikers accelerated on them up to 140 km/h, which was an incredible speed in those days.

5. Sunrise. The most rustic.

Voskhod motorcycles began to be produced in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir region, in 1957. These were very unpretentious single-cylinder motorcycles (173.7 cm3 engine).

The Dyagterev plant constantly improved this model, releasing onto the market after Voskhod its modernized versions “Voskhod-2”, “Voskhod-3”, “Voskhod-3M”. The last Voskhod motorcycle was the 3M-01 model with a 15 hp engine.

Because of their reliability, Voskhod motorcycles became real workers in thousands of Soviet villages. Even now you can easily find a Voskhod motorcycle in good condition there.

6. M-62. Choice of police.

The Soviet police, fair and incorruptible, in the 50s-60s mostly traveled on motorcycles with sidecars. The M-62, produced by the Irbit Motorcycle Plant, was the most popular choice of servants of the law. Its four-stroke engine produced 28 hp.

Interesting fact, that ordinary citizens of the USSR were not allowed to operate Urals without a sidecar at that time. Still, these motorcycles were quite difficult to control. But the police used motorcycles without sidecars, which looked very cool in the eyes of Soviet boys. How can you not want to become a policeman!

7. Tula-200. For hunters and fishermen.

The Soviet motorcycle industry did not produce ATVs (some small-scale models, however, were still produced, read below), but for the needs of hunters and fishermen, a very unusual Tula-200 motorcycle with wide off-road wheels was produced.

The mass distribution of such motorcycles occurred in 1986-1988. The engine was taken from the Tulitsa motor scooter, increasing its power to 13 hp. This made it possible to accelerate at 200k to 90 km/h. 10-12 thousand of these bikes were produced per year, the last of which rolled off the plant’s assembly line in 1996. By the way, they even produced a trike based on the Tula-200!

8. IZH-49. The most durable.

Reliable, durable, beautiful. The sound of his engine to the ear Soviet man was akin to the sound of a Harley-Davidson engine for Americans. Their production began in 1951.

Basically, it was an improved design of the German motorcycle DKW NZ 350. IZH-49 won great love population and were used in all corners of the vast Soviet Union.

On its basis, versions with a sidecar were produced, as well as sports motorcycles for cross-country and road racing. Now IZH-49 is a collector's item. Prices for them start from 100 thousand rubles.

9. M-1A “Moscow”. The first post-war.

After the war, the Moscow Bicycle Plant began producing a copy of the German DKW RT125 motorcycle with a 125 cc engine.

M-1A “Moscow” became the first post-war motorcycle of the USSR. It was a simple and lightweight motorcycle that did not require much metal or rubber to produce.

Such motorcycles were used in huge quantities to train motorcyclists in DOSAAF schools. Perhaps your grandfather studied just like this. In 1951, production was transferred to Minsk to a bicycle factory built there. An almost identical model was produced in Kovrov under the designation K-125.

10. Jawa 360. The most beautiful.

In the 70s, every third motorcyclist rode in Java. In total, more than 1 million Jawa motorcycles of various models were delivered to the USSR, but the 360 ​​was the most beautiful of all.

Nowadays, cherry colored motorcycles with chrome-plated gas tanks are called “Old Lady”. Particularly valuable are specimens with a side stroller made of fiberglass. Versions were produced with a 1-cylinder engine (250/260) or with a 2-cylinder engine (350/360).

By the way, Java often appeared in various films. For example, it is on the Jawa 360 that Gesha Kozodoev takes Semyon Semenovich Gorbunkov fishing on the White Rock in the film The Diamond Arm.

11. IZ Planet. The founder of the series.

In 1962, the Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant began producing a fundamentally new model, the Izh Planet.

It was the first generation of these motorcycles that set the vector of development for the whole family, produced until 2008 (IZH Planet 7).

12. Jawa 350/638. Motorcycle of the roaring 90s.

The last of the Jawas sold in the USSR, Jawa 350 638, also became a “people's” motorcycle.

Having managed to come out just before perestroika, in 1984, this model often appeared in harsh films of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Thus, “Java 350 638” can be seen in the drama “Accident – ​​the Cop’s Daughter” and the action film “Rats, or the Night Mafia.” There is even a song “Java” dedicated to the motorcycle by the popular group “Sector Gaza” in those years.

13. Vyatka VP-150. Italian elegance.

The last one in our review is not a motorcycle at all, but a scooter. The Vyatka VP-150, the prototype of which was the Italian Vespa scooter, is rightfully considered the most elegant two-wheeled vehicle in the USSR.

It was a quiet and very comfortable scooter that even women could drive with ease. At the Vyatka base they made a whole range of three-wheeled scooters with various bodies, which were actively used in urban cargo transportation.

14. Riga-13. The first moped of Soviet boys.

The Sarkana Zvaigzne plant in Riga began producing mopeds back in 1958. Many boys dreamed that their parents would give them a moped for their birthday. This is what they did, so mopeds, and especially Riga-13, became the first vehicle for many.

Riga-13 began to be produced in 1983. Equipped with a 1.3 hp engine, it accelerated to only 40 km/h. To start from a standstill and move uphill, the “biker” was recommended to help the engine by rotating the pedals. Riga-13 was produced until 1998, becoming the most popular model of the plant.

15. "Ant". A truck for everyone.

Based on the Tula scooters, the Tula Machine-Building Plant produced a huge number of Ant three-wheeled cargo scooters.

This was a breakthrough for the Soviet Union, because the sale of vans and station wagons to USSR citizens was prohibited. So such scooters were almost the only opportunity to transport small quantities of cargo.

TMZ has produced a huge number of such scooters. They were equipped with flatbed platforms, dump bodies, vans and even tanks. They are still popular today.

16. ZID-175 4ShP. The first Soviet ATV.

Surprisingly, in our country, despite the complete absence of roads in some places, ATVs have never been mass produced. Almost the only more or less serial copy was the ZID-175 4ShP, produced at the Dyagterev Plant.

The design was not very successful: weak engine, complex transmission elements. This is probably why such ATVs are not widely used.

Motorcycles played a very important role for citizens of the USSR. Often, they were the only opportunity to gain freedom of movement. They rode them to work, on vacation to the seaside, picked up children from the maternity hospital, and took girls for rides in villages. Modern bikers have switched to foreign-made sportbikes or choppers and are completely unaware of the history of domestic motorcycles. We decided that it was time to stop for a couple of minutes and remember the 10 most popular, most beloved and most popular motorcycles from the distant USSR.

1. IZh Planet Sport. The fastest and most technologically advanced.

In 1973, the Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant surprised the whole country by showing the first Soviet motorcycle with a sports bent, the Planet Sport. Unlike all earlier motorcycles, which were created in the image of German models, Planet Sport clearly tried to be similar to Japanese motorcycles of the 60s and 70s.

Due to the high quality of workmanship, IZH Planet Sport was actively sold in export markets, for example, in the UK, the Netherlands and Finland. Soviet bikers accelerated on them up to 140 km/h, which was an incredible speed in those days.

2. Sunrise. The most rustic.

Motorcycles "Voskhod" began to be produced in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir region, in 1957. These were very unpretentious single-cylinder motorcycles (173.7 cm3 engine). The Dyagterev plant constantly improved this model, releasing to the market after the Voskhod its modernized versions "Voskhod-2", "Voskhod-3, "Voskhod-3M". The last Voskhod motorcycle was the model "3M-01" with an engine power 15 hp

Because of their reliability, Voskhod motorcycles became real workers in thousands of Soviet villages. Even now you can easily find a Voskhod motorcycle in good condition there.

3. M-62. Choice of police.

The Soviet police, fair and incorruptible, in the 50s-60s mostly traveled on motorcycles with sidecars. The M-62, produced by the Irbit Motorcycle Plant, was the most popular choice of servants of the law. Its four-stroke engine produced 28 hp.

An interesting fact is that ordinary citizens of the USSR were not allowed to operate Urals without a sidecar at that time. Still, these motorcycles were quite difficult to control. But the police used motorcycles without sidecars, which looked very cool in the eyes of Soviet boys. How can you not want to become a policeman!

4. Tula-200. For hunters and fishermen.

The Soviet motorcycle industry did not produce ATVs (some small-scale models, however, were still produced, read below), but for the needs of hunters and fishermen, a very unusual Tula-200 motorcycle with wide off-road wheels was produced. The mass distribution of such motorcycles occurred in 1986-1988.

The engine was taken from the Tulitsa motor scooter, increasing its power to 13 hp. This made it possible to accelerate at 200k to 90 km/h. 10-12 thousand of these bikes were produced per year, the last of which rolled off the plant’s assembly line in 1996. By the way, they even produced a trike based on the Tula-200!

5. IZH-49. The most durable.

Reliable, durable, beautiful. The sound of its engine for the Soviet ear was akin to the sound of a Harley-Davidson engine for Americans. Their production began in 1951. At its core, it was an improved design of the German motorcycle DKW NZ 350. IZH-49 won great love among the population and was used in all corners of the vast Soviet Union.

On its basis, versions with a sidecar were produced, as well as sports motorcycles for cross-country and road racing. Now IZH-49 is a collector's item. Prices for them start from 100 thousand rubles.

6. M-1A "Moscow". The first post-war.

After the war, the Moscow Bicycle Plant began producing a copy of the German DKW RT125 motorcycle with a 125 cc engine. M-1A "Moscow" became the first post-war motorcycle of the USSR. It was a simple and lightweight motorcycle that did not require much metal or rubber to produce.

Such motorcycles were used in huge quantities to train motorcyclists in DOSAAF schools. Perhaps your grandfather studied just like this. In 1951, production was transferred to Minsk to a bicycle factory built there. An almost identical model was produced in Kovrov under the designation K-125.

7. Jawa 360. The most beautiful.

In the 70s, every third motorcyclist rode in Java. In total, more than 1 million Jawa motorcycles of various models were delivered to the USSR, but the 360 ​​was the most beautiful of all. Nowadays, cherry colored motorcycles with chrome gas tanks are called "Old Lady". Particularly valuable are specimens with a side stroller made of fiberglass. Versions were produced with a 1-cylinder engine (250/260) or with a 2-cylinder engine (350/360).

By the way, Java often appeared in various films. For example, it is on the Jawa 360 that Gesha Kozodoev takes Semyon Semenovich Gorbunkov fishing on the White Rock in the film The Diamond Arm.

8. IZ Planet. The founder of the series.

In 1962, the Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant began producing a fundamentally new model, the Izh Planet. It was the first generation of these motorcycles that set the vector of development for the whole family, produced until 2008 (IZH Planet 7).

9. Jawa 350/638. Motorcycle of the roaring 90s.

The last of the Jawas sold in the USSR, Jawa 350 638, also became a “people's” motorcycle. Having managed to come out just before perestroika, in 1984, this model often appeared in harsh films of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Thus, “Java 350 638” can be seen in the drama “Accident - the Cop’s Daughter” and the action film “Rats, or the Night Mafia.” There is even a song “Java” dedicated to the motorcycle by the popular group “Sector Gaza” in those years.

10. Vyatka VP-150. Italian elegance.

The last one in our review is not a motorcycle at all, but a scooter. The Vyatka VP-150, the prototype of which was the Italian Vespa scooter, is rightfully considered the most elegant two-wheeled vehicle in the USSR.

It was a quiet and very comfortable scooter that even women could drive with ease. At the Vyatka base they made a whole range of three-wheeled scooters with various bodies, which were actively used in urban cargo transportation.


11. Riga-13. The first moped of Soviet boys.

The Sarkana Zvaigzne plant in Riga began producing mopeds back in 1958. Many boys dreamed that their parents would give them a moped for their birthday. This is what they did, so mopeds, and especially Riga-13, became the first vehicle for many.

Riga-13 began to be produced in 1983. Equipped with a 1.3 hp engine, it accelerated to only 40 km/h. To start from a standstill and move uphill, the “biker” was recommended to help the engine by rotating the pedals. Riga-13 was produced until 1998, becoming the most popular model of the plant.

12. "Ant". A truck for everyone.

Based on the Tula scooters, the Tula Machine-Building Plant produced a huge number of three-wheeled cargo scooters "Ant". It was a breakthrough for Soviet Union, because the sale of vans and station wagons to citizens of the USSR was prohibited. So such scooters were almost the only opportunity to transport small quantities of cargo.

TMZ has produced a huge number of such scooters. They were equipped with flatbed platforms, dump bodies, vans and even tanks. They are still popular today.

13. ZID-175 4ShP. The first Soviet ATV.

Surprisingly, in our country, despite the complete absence of roads in some places, ATVs have never been mass produced. Almost the only more or less serial copy was the ZID-175 4ShP, produced at the Dyagterev Plant.

The design was not very successful: weak engine, complex transmission elements. This is probably why such ATVs are not widely used.

I would like to start with those who are older. I think most bikers at some point, perhaps even in childhood, tried these motorcycles, learned to ride them, knew where to climb if they didn’t start or stalled.
In general, despite all the disadvantages of the domestic motorcycle industry, I think I have good memories of them...

1) Good old (surely Help:
Minsk Motorcycle and Bicycle Plant was founded in 1945 on
based on the exported equipment from DKW factories of defeated Germany. Starting with bicycles, already in 1951 Minsk residents put the first motorcycle on the assembly line. Not much has changed since then. Well, except that a 250 cc engine appeared. The first Belarusian “bike” was the Minsk M1A, which had many “relatives” not only in the USSR, but also abroad. The “ancestor” of the motorcycle was developed in 1939 by the Germans. The DKW RT125 turned out to be so successful that analogues of this motorcycle were produced under different names in 7 countries around the world, including the USA, England and Japan.
well known to everyone) MINSK.

On the eve of the October holiday, the team of the Minsk motorcycle and bicycle
The plant produced the first industrial batch of new road motorcycles "Minsk", designated MMVZ-3.111, and from the first day of this year (1974) began their serial production.
When developing a new model, the designers were faced with the task of creating a motorcycle with a modern look, more reliable and durable compared to its predecessor, the M-106.
I think that motorcyclists will appreciate the external shape. Let’s just say that they were chosen as a result of a lot of work, which was carried out by the plant’s designers together with specialists from VNIIMotoprom, after a thorough study of modern domestic and best foreign models. To make the motorcycle look elegant, the artists proposed a combined paint job in two colors - black and cherry. Despite the significant differences between the Minsk and the M-106, it was possible to ensure wide interchangeability of their components and parts, reaching 83.7 in percentage terms.

Motorcycle Voskhod is a representative of the classic road two-wheeled all-terrain vehicles of the Soviet era! The design is extremely simple, and the motorcycle is completely repairable, which guarantees the unpretentiousness and reliability of the machine in any situation.

The Voskhod motorcycle is produced by the plant named after. Degtyarev (ZID) and is an example of the subsequent development of the K-175 (Kovrovets) model, which was produced until 1965, starting in 1957.

Undoubtedly, like any technology, the Voskhod motorcycle has a number of pros and cons. The most compelling argument in favor of Voskhod is, perhaps, its relatively low price and the ability to be repaired almost “on the fly.” The wide distribution of the motorcycle throughout the country and the developed network of suppliers of spare parts for domestic motorcycles guarantee that the owner of Voskhod will never be faced with the question of finding and replacing a failed part.

By the way, Voskhod breakdowns do not happen very often and in most cases are due to the negligence or oversight of the owner. Therefore, in order not to stall somewhere in the middle of the “pea” field, there must be a masterful attitude and constant control towards the motorcycle.

All Voskhods prefer to enjoy 76 gasoline (and now 80 gasoline) and, naturally, a good portion of oil. At correct setting carburetor and ignition, Voskhod turns out to be a very economical motorcycle.

And now about the main thing... About the “show off”. If you are looking for a motorcycle to show off in front of your friends or to ride like a breeze through the evening city to the envy of everyone with a pretty blonde in the back seat, then the Voskhod motorcycle is clearly not for you. The motorcycle is unremarkable, and only a true master can make something interesting out of it. So if your hands grow from the right place and you can hold the instrument firmly, feel free to buy Voskhod; if not, leave this matter to the professionals!

When driving on the highway, you need to be extremely careful - light weight and constant characteristic vibration can play a role cruel joke at speeds over 90 km/h.
You shouldn’t wishful thinking: if you’ve dreamed of buying an expensive American cruiser all your life, over time you’ll definitely buy it. But before that, it would be nice to practice well on the “indestructible” Voskhod. The Voskhod motorcycle is perfect for developing driving skills, training and will accustom you to a bright, full-fledged motorcycle life!

Motorcycle Voskhod 2 replaced the first model. Although the motorcycle has become a little more powerful, it is practically no different from its predecessor. The changes affected only the appearance. Voskhod 2 acquired new headlights and round direction indicators, as well as a rear light. The electronic contactless ignition system was improved and new light signaling devices were added. Minor changes in Voskhod 2 concerned an increase in power (by 0.5 hp) and torque (by 1 Nm) compared to the old model, which actually remained unnoticeable, but still a pleasant addition.

The modernized Voskhod 2 motorcycle became faster and could reach speeds of up to 95 km/h, although it gained a couple of kilograms in weight.

The second Voskhod was replaced in 1977 by the modernized Voskhod 2M. The motorcycle engine retained the same volume, but became more powerful (13 hp) and “torque” (16 Nm at 5600 rpm).

This was achieved by improving the configuration of the channels in the cylinder, crankcase and a new head (the compression ratio was increased to 9.2). Now the new Voskhod 2M could easily “eat” high-octane 93rd gasoline, along with the usual A-76.

The changes affected the motorcycle's suspension: the front fork was changed, the shock absorbers were improved and the diameter of the pipes was increased. The fork travel was 160 mm. Voskhod 2M became faster by 10 km/h (max. speed 105 km/h) and heavier (121 kg).

Following the 2M, a new motorcycle was released - Voskhod 3. The model, naturally, became much better than previous generations. Voskhod 3 was equipped with a large fuel tank and rear shock absorbers with increased energy capacity. The shock absorbers are positioned at an angle of 12°, which allows the stroke to be increased to 105 mm. A new intake system has been installed.

Voskhod 3 was equipped with a new upgraded braking system, in which the diameter of the brake drums was increased to 160 mm (from 125 mm). The motorcycle was equipped with new wheels with abrasion-resistant tires and a 7-volt generator.

The driver's seat has become more comfortable. The maximum speed of Voskhod 3 remained the same as the previous version - 105 km/h, and the weight increased to 125 kg.

In 1984 Voskhod 3M was released. The motorcycle was very reliable and well made, and was produced until 1992. 3M received 12-volt equipment, a reflective taillight and a new headlight in the FG-137B format with a “European” light diffuser, and the cylinder fins became larger, which increased the engine cooling surface.
The instrument panel fits harmoniously into the design and is located above the headlight. The panel contains: speedometer, ignition, indicators for direction indicators, high and low beam.

The Voskhod ZM motorcycle received a special brake lining wear indicator. The front shock absorbers were equipped with new rubber corrugated covers. And also, Voskhod ZM became the owner of a new profiled front wheel guard.

The motorcycle was equipped with a modernized kickstarter system with a folding pedal, rear-view mirrors and folding driver's footrests were added. The maximum speed is 105 km/h, and the total weight is 122 kg.

In 1989, another modification appeared - Voskhod 3M-01. The appearance of this motorcycle has remained virtually unchanged. Only the engine, with a reed valve, has undergone serious modifications.

The engine featured one exhaust port and a cylinder with five-channel scavenging. Thanks to the installed reed valve at the inlet, it was possible to reduce fuel consumption to 4.2 liters per hundred kilometers. The power of the power unit has increased to 14 hp, and the maximum torque has increased to 17 Nm at 5500 rpm.

The Voskhod 3M-01 motorcycle has one muffler, the steering wheel has become wider and more comfortable. The 3M-01 model was followed by the release of motorcycles under the Sova brand.

IZh motorcycles have been produced since 1929 by the Izhmash-Moto plant in the city of Izhevsk. The IZH Planeta-5 motorcycle has been produced since 1987. In my own way appearance and in all characteristics, IL Planet-5 significantly surpasses all its predecessors. The motorcycle has acquired a stylish, more modern look: the instruments now have all the Izh Planet 5 designations; in case of a certain malfunction, a certain warning lamp will light up. All the shields and tank of the new IZH Planet-5 look simply impeccable. The saddle now looks much nicer than in previous models, and it has become much more comfortable.

The power produced by the IZH Planet-5 engine reaches 22 horsepower. And in terms of torque in this class there is simply no equal: IZH Planet-5 will slowly puff at idle, but will climb any mountain. A very big advantage of IZH Planet-5 is that it has a single-cylinder engine, while two-cylinder engines are always capricious or one of their cylinders often fails. IL Planet-5 has relatively good characteristics in terms of efficiency: fuel consumption per 100 km at a speed of 90 km/h does not exceed 5 liters. As for the maximum speed of IL Planet-5, it reaches 120 km/h. The motorcycle can be used alone or with a side trailer. The rear suspension of the IZH Planet-5 is adjustable depending on the road characteristics and the load on the motorcycle.

Thanks to all its qualities, IZH Planet-5 has a wide range of owners and fans, both in the city and outside the city.

The history of motorcycles of the IMZ (Ural) brand began in 1940. The basis was the BMW R71 Motorcycle, which was ordered to be carefully copied. For these purposes, 5 motorcycles were purchased, to maintain secrecy, in Sweden - and reproduced. Three factories at once began manufacturing the motorcycle, which received the M-72 index, in 1941 - in Moscow, Leningrad and Kharkov. Assembled at the factory for Russian army a Ural motorcycle on which the Konkurs-M anti-tank missile system was installed. But the outbreak of war forced the evacuation of the equipment of these factories far to the east, to the Ural city of Irbit, where the production of these motorcycles was launched in a short time. But still, the needs of the Red Army for motor vehicles during the Great Patriotic War was satisfied mainly through lend-lease supplies from the USA and Great Britain. In particular, the Harley-Davidson WLA motorcycle was exported to the United States until 1945.

However, after the start of the Great Patriotic War, work to expand production of the M-72 motorcycle began to intensify. But the offensive of the German troops was rapid: on October 20, 1941, Moscow was declared in a state of siege, and the next day, October 21, the Evacuation Council under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decided to transfer the Moscow Motor Plant and the ZIS and KIM Shops associated with motorcycle production to the Urals to city ​​of Irbit. They also sent specialists from Kharkov, Taganrog and Leningrad to the distant Ural town. The first echelon arrived in Irbit on November 17, 1941.
The plant, which from that time became the Irbit Motorcycle Plant (IMZ), was located on the territory of a former brewery.
Despite all the difficulties, on February 25, 1942, the first batch of M-72 motorcycles was produced from engines brought from Moscow.

M-61, M-63, M-66

A motorcycle with the M-61 index, assembled in small batches since 1957, completely filled the assembly production in 1960 and was built until 1963. It became the first to receive the name “Ural”. Since 1961, the M-62 model with a new camshaft and automatic ignition timing mechanism was assembled in parallel. Engine power increased to 28 hp. The modernized gearbox - with gear clutches instead of cam clutches - was unified with the motorcycles of the Kyiv Motor Plant (KMZ). In addition, the suspension travel was increased and the shape of the front fork housings was changed.
In 1955, together with NAMI, the development of an original microcar of a carriage layout called “Belka” began: the engine was borrowed from a motorcycle, but received forced cooling. In 1959, factory designers developed the Ogonyok all-terrain vehicle.
From 1965 to 1971, the M-63, patrol, Cross-650, and Strela motorcycles, which were at the level of the best world models, were mastered and went into series. The crowning achievement of IMZ’s development in the pre-perestroika period was November 22, 1985, the day when the 2,000,000th motorcycle rolled off the factory assembly line.

The next motorcycle in the series of serial Irbit models was the M-63, which appeared in 1963 and completely replaced the previous car from 1965, which was given the name “Ural-2”. For this motorcycle, a new frame was developed with a pendulum rear suspension that received hydraulic shock absorbers. The shape of the gas tank has also changed, and at the same time its capacity has increased. The exhaust system also received a new form. This car turned out to be a long-liver, produced until 1980.
The M-66 Ural-3 motorcycle, which appeared in 1971, was the son of further evolutionary changes in the design of Irbit motorcycles. Externally, the car remained virtually unchanged, except that the direction indicators were noticeable. Engine power increased to 32 hp; for the first time, a full-flow oil filter with a replaceable element was introduced into the engine lubrication system. This car was built until 1975, but based on its engine, by 1973 a significantly redesigned chassis with a combined driver and passenger seat was ready. The debutant received the name “Ural” M-67. Other innovations of this machine include 12-volt electrical equipment and a two-cam front brake. In 1976, it was replaced by an even more modern version - the Ural M 67-36, which received a 36-horsepower engine with a constant displacement of 650 cm3.

In 1973, specialists from the YAVA national enterprise developed a new motorcycle model - 634, it was produced only with a 350 cc engine. cm.

The design of the power unit of YAVA motorcycles that existed until now was so successful that it is also in the new mod motorcycle. 634 it was preserved. Two cylinders, arranged in a row across the axis of the motorcycle, are tilted forward by 25°. The location of the crank mechanism, gearbox and engine forward gear in the common engine crankcase remains the same as in previous models. However, to improve operational reliability and increase service life, they were slightly changed. In the articulation of the piston pin with the connecting rod, instead of a bronze bushing in the upper head of the connecting rod, a needle bearing with INA needles was used, secured against axial displacement. An INA bearing with a cage was installed in the lower head of the connecting rod, fixed in the axial direction with hardened steel washers. The crankshaft middle bearing can be re-lubricated with grease.

A change and design improvement can be considered the use of a double bushing chain in the front chain drive (instead of the previous simple one). The double chain has a longer service life and does not elongate or cause shock to be transmitted to the gear pairs of the transmission. Toothed couplings on gearbox gears were already introduced on motorcycles models 623 and 633 and on mod. 362 Californian IV.
The most characteristic feature of the motorcycle of the new model 634/4 is a completely new frame with an oscillating fork, using which the arrangement of other components and parts of the chassis has been changed.

Since time immemorial, Java motorcycles have been started using a common start and gear lever. However, now a cold engine starts after several cranks, and a warm engine starts after one press on the pedal.

The Java's semi-automatic clutch disengages when the gear shift lever is moved. For those who use a clutch lever, this makes it necessary to immediately release the lever as soon as the corresponding gear is engaged.

Once accustomed to this somewhat peculiar driving experience, it is easy to get used to the gear changes. It would be nice for this car to have five gears, since it does not have a wide enough range of the required number of revolutions. To achieve good acceleration during acceleration, you have to use an increased number of revolutions. The engine's best torque is between 3,000 and 5,250 rpm. However, up to a speed of 90 km/h the motorcycle accelerates on par with an average car.

The maximum speed of the motorcycle according to the passport is about 120 km/h, but on a well-run-in motorcycle it is not difficult to reach a speed of 130 km/h. The car behaves best at speeds of 110-115 km/h, although it vibrates a little while driving and these vibrations are felt on the footrests. Fuel consumption is about 1 liter per 16 km, so in relation to the tank volume (17 liters), the Java has a sufficient range.

Vehicle behavior while driving

The motorcycle has very good driving properties. It is extremely stable and easy to drive even on bad roads.
Good driving properties are partly achieved thanks to the front fork, which is quite rigid and can withstand rough road conditions well. Although it should be noted that Barum tires, designed for the entire service life of the motorcycle, do not have the necessary grip, and therefore you have to resort to an appropriate riding style.
In the city, the Java has proven itself to be a well-handled vehicle, and this is supported positively by its curb weight of 166 kg.
In terms of comfort, this Java motorcycle model is at a fairly high level for a motorcycle in its class.
The saddle is quite rigid and does not cause any complaints of pain even on long rides. As already mentioned, the front fork is stiff, but does a good job of absorbing big and small impacts. Adjustable shock absorbers at the rear allow you to overcome uneven roads even under heavy loads. Due to its size, the motorcycle is ideal for two people.