Hi all. I won’t write about its properties, origin and the like, all this can be read on the Internet

The exquisite name fully justifies the originality and unusual taste of the fish itself, which is also, quite deservedly, called “golden”. This characteristic is associated not only with the high price of the fish, but also with its “golden” external features, that’s why, in order not to spoil a valuable product, you need to know exactly how to properly fry dorado in a frying pan.

After all, such a delicacy, also called sparus, perch, aurata and sea crucian, must be prepared using a special technology so that it taste qualities were not damaged during frying.

How to properly gut a dorado

Preparing seafood delicacy for frying is very simple. There are few culinary steps that will help to gut it, and besides, they are so simple that even a novice cook can handle them.

Rules for cleaning dorado

  1. We wash the carcass under running water, then cut off the fins, gills, and clean off the scales.
  2. We make a neat cut along the belly and take out all the insides. Be careful not to damage your gallbladder. It contains certain substance, which, when it gets on meat, makes it bitter.
  3. We cut the protective film along the ridge and be sure to clean it of blood.
  4. We rinse the cleaned carcass in water, dry it with paper towels, then place it on a cutting board and make 3-4 deep cuts on the fish surface. This is necessary so that the carcass does not become deformed during frying.

Dorado is a truly special fish and, to be honest, it is not accessible to everyone. However, if you were able to purchase it, then let me give you some tips and recipes on how to quickly and deliciously fry it in a frying pan.

The first recipe for cooking dorado, which we will consider, involves frying the fish in a frying pan with rosemary and garlic. Such a minimal and quite affordable set of aromatic ingredients will ideally highlight the delicate taste of the delicacy, making it more piquant.


  • Dorado – 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon – 2 slices;
  • Rosemary – 1 sprig;
  • Garlic – 4 cloves;
  • Sea salt - to taste.

Cooking sea bream in a frying pan

  1. We clean the carcass of scales, entrails, and gills.
  2. Salt the tender meat to taste (you can pepper it a little), leave it to salt for 10 minutes.
  3. Peel the garlic and cut it into several large pieces.
  4. Place the chopped garlic and rosemary in the cleaned belly of the fish, and add to taste (but not too much) sea ​​salt medium-sized grind.
  5. Heat a frying pan without oil, place the stuffed aurata carcass in it.
  6. Fry the parsley on both sides until cooked. A sign of readiness is the golden brown hue of the meat.
  7. Sprinkle the finished fried dorado fish with lemon juice and serve warm to the table along with rice, stewed vegetables, fresh salad, fried or boiled potatoes.

It is recommended to fry the seafood delicacy without oil, so the fish will turn out tender and not at all greasy. If you want to add a little oil, then place a baking paper circle on the bottom of the frying pan; it will protect the sea crucian from burning and prevent it from absorbing excess fat.

How to fry dorado in a frying pan with vegetables

There are many recipes for preparing delicious overseas fish, and one of them is a recipe for frying sea bream with vegetables in a frying pan. Enough simple technology is able to present you with a hearty and quite exquisite dish, which you will not be ashamed to treat to your dear guests.


  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • Dorado fillet – 80 g;
  • Zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • Lemon – 10 g juice;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Sour cream – 10 g;
  • Parsley – 1 bunch.

How to fry dorado with tomatoes and zucchini

  1. Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds, and cut the fruits into small cubes.
  2. We also chop fish fillets and zucchini.
  3. Chop the parsley.
  4. We pepper each ingredient separately, add salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, and grease with butter.
  5. Fry zucchini together with chopped fillet in a small amount butter in a frying pan.
  6. First place a layer of tomatoes on a plate, then fried dorado and zucchini, mixed with chopped parsley.
  7. Grease the finished dish with sour cream (or pour cream on it) and serve hot with any side dish.

In general, tips for choosing quality sea bream fish are similar to the classic principles for choosing any other fish. But it’s better to repeat these rules once again, so that later you don’t bitterly pay with a spoiled dish or, even worse, with your health.

Rule 1. Pay attention to the general condition of the fish

When choosing a delicacy carcass, always pay attention to its appearance. Good fresh fish has a shiny surface and is also quite slippery. By pressing the carcass with your finger, see if the depression from the pressure has returned to its original position. If this does not happen, it means the carcass is not fresh.

The freshness of sea crucian fish is also indicated by the absence of stains and various types of damage on its surface. Do not forget also that high-quality fish always has a dense, elastic body, and its tail and fins bend upward, but are not dried out.

If the dorado is fresh and has just appeared on sale, then its eyes will be bulging and transparent. Sunken eyes, clouded and covered with a film, indicate that the permissible shelf life of the product has been exceeded.

Rule 3. Study the gills and belly of the fish

High-quality unspoiled fish has a flat belly and light pink (in as a last resort- red) gills. A swollen belly and gills of a brown, faded color, as well as gills with a coating and white mucus, indicate only one thing - the fish is clearly not the first fresh, and, moreover, it is likely that it has already become rotten.

Rule 4: Smell the fish

An equally important criterion for selecting any fish is smell. Fresh ones will have a pleasant marine aroma, while spoiled ones will smell cloying or even have a sour smell.

When planning an elegant banquet or a modest dinner party, do not forget to include a dorado fish dish on your menu. Fried sparus is a great idea for instant cooking delicious dish for dinner. Now you know exactly how to fry dorado in a frying pan. After standing at the stove for a short time, you will receive an exquisite low-calorie treat that will undoubtedly decorate your feast.

Bon appetit!

How to clean fish? It’s interesting, but almost everyone is sure that they know how to do this. Most will do a great job with this task. But not everyone knows how to clean dorado and how to do it correctly.

Today we will figure out how to do this correctly. It's funny that this fish can reach a length of 1 meter. Then it will definitely not be easy to clean it. But no need to worry. Most likely, individuals no larger than 40-50 centimeters will be on sale. So everyone can cope with its cleaning. I don’t think it’s worth talking about the advantages and disadvantages of dorado, because we have a separate article. So let’s immediately move on to the question of how to clean dorado?

Every time I will mention once again that the fish is very tasty, healthy and dietary.

So, how to clean a dorado correctly:

Before you start cleaning, the fish must be washed. Why is this being done? Even if the fish was carefully packaged, various particles could get on it. Sand, dust, and in addition the fish itself has a lot of tiny scales. They can get stuck anywhere. It is these contaminants that you need to thoroughly wash your dorado from.

After washing the fish, you can start cleaning. How to clean a dorado? Yes, from the tail! You can clean fish with any knife, the main thing is that you are comfortable. You can use a special fish cleaning device if you have one. Clean the fish from the tail to the head. Clean thoroughly on both sides. After this, you should take a good walk along the back and belly.

Carefully clean the back and belly of the fish. This is where uncleaned areas may remain. After you have cleaned the fish, you need to rinse it again under running water. Wash slowly and thoroughly.

After you have washed the fish, you can begin the next part of the lesson “how to clean a dorado”, namely, proceed to gutting.

In order to gut a fish, it is necessary to make an incision from the anus and almost to the head of the fish. Now you can carefully remove the insides.

It is very important not to damage the gallbladder, as this can give the finished fish an unpleasant taste.

Once gutting is complete, the innards should be discarded.

There is a protective film along the ridge; this should also be removed or cut. After this, the fish must be washed again with plenty of running water.

And lastly, many people remove the eyes and gills of fish. How to clean the dorado is still up to you; if you want, you can remove both the eyes and gills. Some simply remove the gills and leave the eyes. This is not an acquired taste, but the gills can still be carefully cut out.

After this, wash the fish again. The cleaning process is complete!

To reinforce this, let’s repeat the important steps:

  • Rinse fish thoroughly with plenty of water
  • Carefully clean the belly and back
  • It is advisable to cut out the gills, but it is not necessary to cut out the eyes.

Now that the dorado has been cleaned, it can be prepared for further use. If you fry or smoke, you can make several oblique cuts in the fish meat. This is done to ensure that the meat cooks faster and more evenly.

Rules the right choice and quality cutting are often the same for any fish. But some species have their own signs of freshness and cleaning characteristics. For example, the dorado.

When choosing a dorado, take a closer look at its eyes. In fresh fish they are transparent and convex. Stale ones are cloudy, sunken, covered with a film.

A swollen belly can also indicate that a dorado is not fresh.

Fresh fish have bright pink or red, sometimes almost burgundy, gills. If the color of the gills is brown or faded, then the fish is not very fresh. It is not recommended to take fish with white mucus or coating on the gills.

In addition to the above, the surface of a fresh dorado is shiny and slippery, the body is elastic, without any strange stains or damage, the fins or tail are not dried out and do not bend upward, the smell is pleasant.

Using these rules, you can always choose fresh fish.

Now some tips on how to clean dorado.

Rinse the fish under running water. Then use a fish scraper (or knife) to remove the scales. The scales are removed from the tail to the head. To prevent the dorado scales from flying apart, the knife must be held at an acute angle to the fish. After the fish is cleared of scales on both sides, we move on to the back, working especially carefully in the areas near the dorsal fin. After the back, we proceed to the abdomen. If you are not too worried about the taste of the dorado, then to prevent the scales from scattering around, you can clean the fish in a bowl of water.

The dorsal fin is trimmed with scissors or a knife. It is also possible to completely remove it. To do this, the meat around the fin is cut inward, and the fin is removed along with the bones. If you cook the dorado whole, then when the dorsal fin is removed, the skin may be damaged, and it will shrink during cooking.

The remaining fins are removed in the same way if desired.

If the fish is large, then it is better to cut it from the head, otherwise - from the anus. We rip open the belly and cut the dorado with a sharp knife at an angle of 45*

When removing the entrails from a fish, you must not damage its gall bladder. Otherwise, the fish meat will taste and smell like entrails and bile. Your dish will be ruined. But if you still can’t cope, then rinse the fish and sprinkle salt on the place where the bile spilled.

After the insides are removed, the clean dorado must be washed. Inside it there is a black protective film, under which there are blood vessels, they also need to get rid of. We cut the protective film along the ridge and use a teaspoon to remove blood vessels and blood clots. Then we wash the fish again and remove the protective film.

In order to cook the fish with its head, the gills must be removed because they are poisonous. In this case, we first remove the gills, wash the dorado and only then remove the protective black film inside. We remove the gills with scissors or a sharp knife, trimming them along the edges.

Bon appetit!

Dorado or sea crucian is a tasty and low-calorie fish. Due to the fact that the fat content in this fish is close to zero, it is often recommended by nutritionists for nutrition in various diets. The fish is not widespread, however, its taste is very good.

Not every housewife knows how to clean a dorado, although there is nothing complicated in this procedure. Fish that end up on store shelves rarely reach sizes larger than 50 cm, while the largest individuals can grow up to one meter in length. You need to clean fish the same way, regardless of its size and the purpose for which it will be used: boil fish soup, bake it, or something else.


A conversation about how to properly clean dorado should begin with preparing the fish for cleaning. Professionals advise to be sure to wash the fish before you start cleaning it. This is due to the fact that during the extraction and transportation process it can be contaminated with sand and other foreign substances that need to be disposed of.

In general, other than washing, the fish does not require any special manipulation. It is not covered with mucus, which should be cleaned off, and does not contain thorns, which can cause injury and therefore need to be cut off in advance. Therefore, you can move on to the next processing step.

Cleaning the scales

To clean a dorado from scales, no special equipment is required. It is enough to use a simple knife if there is no special knife for cleaning fish. You need to start cleaning the fish from the sides, removing scales from one side and the other. You can do this with a regular vegetable grater; it will get rid of scattered scales and save time.

Advice! If the scales are difficult to remove from the carcass, you can scald it with boiling water. The scales will come off instantly. It is important not to cook the fish while doing this.

Particular attention should be paid to the back and belly, where the scales fit more tightly to the carcass and are more difficult to clean. You need to rinse the fish in running water and check for the presence of remaining scales by running your fingers against its growth. If the scales remain, then we clean them further.

Let's gut the fish

After the dorado has been cleaned of scales, you can begin gutting. The process itself differs little from gutting other fish. It is necessary to make an incision in the abdominal cavity from the head to the anus. By spreading the edges of the abdomen, you should carefully remove the insides without damaging the gallbladder.

After this, the giblets are discarded and the carcass is washed under running water. It is important to remove the inner film and the blood vessels underneath, as well as cut the channel and flush out blood clots along the spine. It is also important to remove the gills; they are easiest to cut with scissors and remove. Many people also remove the eyes, but this procedure is optional and is performed at will.

Before baking, housewives advise making several transverse cuts on the dorado’s body so that the meat is baked more evenly. This concludes the advice on cleaning dorado, and any housewife, asking the question: “Am I cleaning this fish correctly?”, can turn to them.

This fish has many names, but the one more familiar to us is dorado or sea crucian. It is also called - golden spar, due to the fact that she has a golden stripe between her eyes. And indeed, if you look, this stripe is clearly visible. This fish lives in the Atlantic Ocean and is a permanent resident of the Mediterranean Sea.

In stores and markets, you will more often find dorado of small sizes, 25-40 cm, but in general, its size sometimes reaches up to 1 meter in length, and weighs up to 5-7 kg. The calorie content of dorado is not high; 100 grams contain only 1.8 grams. fat It is often recommended by nutritionists. This is the most common fish among adherents healthy image life and people on low-fat diets.

Sea bream meat has a sweetish taste, very tender and aromatic.

How to cook dorado? This is the question asked by those who purchased such a fish for the first time. A lot of dishes are prepared from it; such fish can be prepared in absolutely any way, some even eat it raw. Any side dishes and sauces go with it. But we’ll look at how to clean dorado and gut it properly in this article.

Cleaning Dorado

At the very beginning, before gutting the fish, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly under cold running water. The fish has a lot of small scales, so it is necessary to descale it.

And it's not at all difficult to do. The scales should be cleaned with a knife or a special scraper from the tail towards the head. Immediately clean the dorado on both sides, then once again go along the back of the fish, bypassing the fin.

Finally, thoroughly clean the abdominal part of the scales.

Again, rinse the fish under cold running water.

Now you can proceed directly to gutting.

Gutting of dorado fish with removal of bile and gills

Carefully cut the abdomen from the anus to the head.

And carefully begin to remove the insides so as not to accidentally damage the gallbladder. Be careful with him. Upon completion of gutting, immediately throw all waste into the trash.

Rinse the fish thoroughly under cold water, not forgetting to tear the protective film along the ridge. And after that, thoroughly wash everything in the inner part of the sea bream.

There is little left to do - remove the gills. Very often the eyes of the fish are also removed. But this is at your discretion, whether you want to remove the eyes or not.

And again rinse it well under water. Since the next step will be the direct preparation of the fish for cooking.

Cutting the fish for frying the dorado

And now, after cleaning, the fish is ready for further processing.

Master class processing dorado specially prepared by the author Liliya_uk