What happens if you don't wash your hair for a whole month? What happens if you don’t wash your hair for a long time: icicle hair or voluminous hair?

This is how I looked before the experiment of washing my hair with water only

Many people are now talking about the unsafety of household chemicals, including shampoos. I would like to take care of my hair without using any chemical products. However personal experience which I was talking about , tells me that yolks, rye flour and other natural products are good as a temporary hair wash, but with constant use they can also dry out the scalp and cause discomfort. These are medicines, not a “shampoo” for frequent use, I thought. Animals living in their natural environment bathe in water without any soap, and their fur is shiny and silky. Young children's hair can also remain clean when washed with plain water. Maybe an adult can keep his hair clean using only water? To confirm or refute these assumptions, I decided to conduct my own experiment.

I refused to use any hair wash to test whether a person living a vegetarian lifestyle and eating mostly live, unprocessed food could maintain healthy and beautiful hair using only water. For a month I wash my hair with ordinary tap water and talk about my impressions.

The progress of the experiment on washing hair with water only, without shampoo and other products

1 day(January 12) — I washed my hair with water for the first time. There was a feeling of some unwashed hair.

Day 2— I washed my hair again in the morning. The hair is not greasy, but dull and manageable.

— I washed my hair in the morning. When washing, my hair seemed greasy, but I couldn’t wash off the grease with just water. I didn’t use shampoo or flour, although I wanted to)). But when the hair dried, it became fluffy and manageable. They look clean, although there is no shine and they feel strange and unusual to the touch. All the oiliness felt when washing has disappeared. I assume that the fat could be absorbed into the hair as a natural lubricant.

This is what my hair looked like after washing and combing. They look pretty clean in the photo, don't they? I was photographed near the window, so the lighting gave my hair some reddish tint (I didn’t wear makeup)). I haven't used a hair dryer for many years.

— My hair is not at all greasy, so at first I thought not to wash it today. However, by evening they began to look dirtier and by the time my husband arrived I decided to wash my hair. When he entered, I appeared before him in a new image...

On this day, I found an article on the Internet by a woman who conducted a similar experiment on herself. I also washed my hair for a month with just water without soap, however, I went a little further, giving up a comb for this period as well! I hadn’t even thought about this, because usually my hair just loves to get tangled! If you take a walk in a slight breeze without a hat or hairpin/elastic band (how could you do otherwise if your hair is not long enough?) and at home you will have to untangle it for five minutes... It’s terrible. However, after giving up hair washes, I immediately noticed that my hair became manageable: just as you comb it, it stays there. In general, I became curious what would happen if I didn’t comb my hair just once...

This is what happened. In this photo you can see my hair before combing. They are already completely dry, although they look like they are wet.

In fact, I was shocked! I have never seen myself so curly! I twirled in front of the mirror, amazed at what my hair was capable of without any curling. Usually I always combed my still damp, semi-dry hair with a comb and did not observe anything like this. The look, of course, is very shaggy and messy)) I think this is because I wash my head, bending over and throwing my hair forward. Another time, you should try washing your hair in the shower while standing, so that it gets less tangled when washing.

But what will happen if, after allowing your hair to dry quietly without a comb, you comb your hair later? Look.

It’s hard to say how clean the hair is. Without soap and shampoo, they are not silky, but somewhat rough to the touch. Therefore, they seem to be clean, but somehow clean in a different way, so to speak... Not the usual ones. They don’t get greasy, although they feel greasy when washed. Even the water on your palms collects in regular round droplets, as if your hands are covered in something greasy. The hair is sticky when washed, and after drying it is very manageable, but clearly not greasy.

Day 6— I didn’t wash my hair. In the morning the hair looked normal, but by evening it didn’t look so good. She noted that the occurrence of scalp itching became less and less common after giving up shampoo. Today I hardly itched.

Day 7— In the morning I washed my hair in the shower. It turned out to be more difficult to wash them this way. It is much more convenient and efficient to wash in a basin. Today there is a feeling of some under-washing at the roots. The photographs show the appearance of hair after washing (first) and after combing (second).

What is good news is that the itching has finally gone away!

— I washed my hair very thoroughly in the basin. At the same time, she paid a lot of attention not so much to washing her hair, but to the scalp itself - she rubbed it and massaged it thoroughly. As a result, it turned out that the fat from the surface of the skin ended up on the hair: when it dried, it became clear that it was greasy at the roots. But for the first time in a few days from the start of the experiment, the rest of the hair length became soft and pleasant to the touch.

By evening, my hair began to look thinner and greasy.

I understand that for now you still need to wash your hair every day to look decent.

— To be honest, when I washed my hair in the morning, for a minute there was a desire to use soap: the hair was somewhat sticky during washing, my fingers got tangled in it and did not slip. After many years of shampooing, this method seems unusual and inconvenient. But since I signed up for the experiment, now is not the time to retreat; I will continue what I started.

But when my hair dried and I combed it, a pleasant surprise awaited me. For the first time after washing my hair without special products, my hair became voluminous and fluffy, as if I had used shampoo! They felt much softer to the touch than previous times. This was less pronounced at the roots, but along the rest of the length the hair even became silky! If before this the hair seemed dull, now shine began to appear.

It should be noted that, paradoxically, when using shampoo, my hair was always difficult to comb, it was very tangled, and sometimes I got tired of it and cut my hair short. Now, as soon as I started bathing them in regular water, my hair immediately became easy to comb.

Another plus is that my head stopped itching. Regarding hair loss, I can say that while it is present: quite a lot remains on the comb. However, there is also a process of new hair growth. Just now I noticed that when I comb my hair into a parting, it no longer “glows” as much as usual, it looks like a thin strip. These changes indicate the active growth of the “undercoat” and cannot but rejoice.

I also found a video recording of Victoria Butenko’s speech, confirming the reasonableness of my experiment.

— I washed my hair every day for the past few days. The hair has really become fuller, fluffier, more voluminous, I think they are really getting used to the new “product” for washing, that is, to its absence. The result begins to please and every day - more and more!

Today I decided not to wash my hair: my hair seems a little dirty to the touch at the roots (not greasy, but somehow stiffer, in natural lubricant), but externally it looks quite decent. In addition, I believe that washing your hair every day, even just with water, is too much, too often, and therefore you need to gradually, as your hair and scalp get used to it, increase the intervals between washing your hair.

This is what my hair looks like this morning, the second day after washing. (The lighting is artificial, that’s why I seem red-haired))

Day 13— Half the time I set for the hair experiment has already passed (a month). I am still not at all disappointed that I started this research and look forward with optimism.

Today, on the third day after washing, my hair looks a little dirty, but it feels silky, smooth, and alive! In a word - pleasant. Now I’m thinking of washing my hair less often with water - every other day, so that the skin has the opportunity to readjust to a new rhythm and adapt to the new living conditions of the hair. Sebaceous glands are given to humans by nature for a reason, think about it. Their secret is important for nourishing and protecting hair. It also gives them shine. Therefore, there is no need to deal with it so thoroughly, washing your hair every day with soap, shampoo, and even just water.

In the photos below you can see appearance my hair today before and after washing my hair.

For now, I’ll try to wash my hair every other day, and then I plan to further increase the intervals between water treatments. Wish me good luck!

— As I wrote last time, I would like to wash my hair with water every other day, but in reality it turned out that this decision was a little premature. And if you manage to go for a couple of days without using water treatments, then the next time it turns out to be much more difficult to wash your hair with just water than usual. In this regard, you have to wash your hair again the next day, and the following regime develops: every other day, every day, every other day, every day. Well, nothing. What’s important to me is not the schedule, but normal appearance and well-being. Apparently, it is still too early to increase the intervals between water procedures.

21 day— I’ll start with a confession: today for the first time in three weeks I washed my hair not just with water, as usual, but resorted to using rye flour. I know, I planned not to do anything like that whole month, but felt an urgent need for it.

Over the past three days, although I washed my hair every day, I was not able to adequately rinse it at the roots. Yesterday, even while taking a bath and diligently paying attention to washing my head and hair, I still got the same not very happy result. The hair was not washed, alas... It remained sticky along its entire length and, if you look at a strand, you could see how well dust particles stuck to it. It became a little difficult to comb my hair; it began to get very tangled again over the last few days, and the comb became dirty very quickly. It became clear that water would no longer help me and it would only get worse.

I can’t say for sure why, but it turned out that for the first two weeks the hair was washed quite adequately with water, but at some point it began to get more dirty. Perhaps due to the fact that I changed the rhythm of washing from daily to every other day. Or maybe she ate something fatty (there were seeds) and increased fat metabolism... Maybe, in general, she chose the wrong moment for the experiment: simultaneously with the transition to a complete raw food diet. (Shemshuk writes that during the first period of transition, a person’s skin begins to remove accumulated toxins and increases the need for bathing). I can’t say that a raw food diet is new for my body, it’s just that it has become more stable, without breakdowns. Changes in well-being actually occurred over these three weeks (more about this in my diary), so it is quite possible that nutrition also played some role and influenced the condition of the hair.

In general, being a little upset that the planned period had not yet passed, and hesitating, I decided to wash my hair using rye flour. In principle, I am not going to return to soap and shampoo from the store, and therefore I chose this natural and previously tested (read) product. I really hoped that she would help me wash my hair and scalp as clean as possible.

Not a bad chance to test rye flour in action, right? Those who did not yet believe in the miraculous abilities of rye flour diluted with water as a “shampoo” - take a look. In the first photo, my hair is crying out for help in cleansing, although it has recently been washed, and in the second - it is already clean and airy, after today’s water treatments with rye flour. There is a difference?

The hair was washed perfectly, even at the roots (it was hard just wash off all the grains of rye flour without leaving any residue). They are light, fluffy, clean again - a very pleasant feeling! I really want to keep it longer! But the experiment continues. Moreover, I am officially extending it for another month, because thirty days, as experience shows, is too short a period for the hair and scalp to adapt to new conditions. I will continue to use only water to keep my hair clean and will tell you what metamorphoses will happen to me in the coming days. I want to try again to get into the routine of washing every other day. What will happen - you will soon find out

For ease of reading, I’m creating a new page to describe the experiment - . See you again!

We all read the fairy tale about Moidodyr as children and we know that “we must, we must wash ourselves in the mornings and evenings.” Indeed, if you don’t wash your body for several weeks, very soon people will shy away from you like a homeless person, plus a characteristic smell will appear. What about the hair? Is it really possible not to wash them for weeks and months? It is difficult to answer this question. Some say that washing your hair once a week is the norm for cultured person, others suggest an experiment in refraining from washing your hair for up to those months. Who is right, and what will happen if you don’t wash your hair for a long time?

Why wash your hair at all?

It would seem a strange question - of course, to keep your hair clean! In addition, according to dermatologists, when washing your hair, the scalp is massaged, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. If we take into account the fact that most of us live in a city where cars drive, cigarettes are smoked, and steaks and pies are fried in eateries, the smell of which is instantly absorbed by the hair, the question may seem stupid. Who wants to communicate with a person whose whole head smells of smoke or cheap vegetable oil? Conclusion: we wash our hair primarily for the sake of our own hygiene and keeping our body clean.

Otherwise everything will look something like this:

Live examples

No matter how experts say that if you don’t wash your hair for a long time, you can easily end up with a matted and greasy mat on your head that cannot be torn apart, some daredevils still decide to try such an experiment. For example, this British woman did not wash her hair for 5 years and did not make any strengthening hair masks. According to the woman, her hair looks great! Here is her photo.

And this Buddhist hasn't washed his hair for 70 years.

Several more people followed their example. The general verdict is this: you really can go without washing your hair for a year or a week. Nothing terrible will happen to them, they will not fall off and will not grow faster. It’s just that at first it will be very, very dirty, more like hair on the head of homeless people, but if you endure 3-4 weeks, the hair will return to its previous state. This is explained by the fact that the sebaceous glands on the head get used to working in a certain rhythm, knowing the approximate schedule for washing the hair. Having been suddenly deprived of cleansing, the body first produces the fat the hair needs with a vengeance, and then everything returns to normal. After a month, the hair is dirty, but not in worse condition than it was before washing. Fat balance has been found and maintained.

Trend of the year

Bloggers are enthusiastically writing about the trend of the year - the movement for natural hair, which is called No Poo (in full - No Shampoo). Apologists of this movement are confident that shampoos are too harmful to health because they contain harmful substances - parabens and silicones. So, one of the active participants in this movement, a girl named Ophelie, writes in her blog that she stopped washing her hair with shampoo a long time ago and feels great. Instead of shampoo, Ophelie uses plain water and soda. Sometimes rinses hair apple cider vinegar and applies a blue clay mask. Her friend Natalie doesn’t wash her hair at all, preferring to let it clean naturally, in the air.

Even famous dermatologists are shocked by this. They believe that this movement is just some kind of cult that instills in people a slovenly lifestyle. Doctors never tire of repeating that the ecology in the city is no longer the same as when hair can be cleaned and restored by itself. In our age of new technologies and global pollution, hair simply needs to be cleaned forcibly. And this is what ardent adherents of the new method look like. At first glance, the hair does not hang in icicles, but it does not shine either. What will be next? Maybe it’s better to wash it after all?

Folk remedies

There is another way to do without washing your hair, but it is not as radical as the No Poo system, although it has a similar name - Low Poo (literally - “little shampoo”). Perhaps this is a compromise between not washing your hair at all and shampooing with parabens. Low Poo followers wash their hair with either products organic cosmetics, without parabens and sulfates, or with natural products - soda, lemon juice, chamomile and rosehip decoction, water with burdock oil, and so on.

And yet, as the women themselves admit, the choice between No Poo and Low Poo is sometimes difficult to make even for the most advanced woman in the sense of fighting for naturalness and the environment. But the main thing, after all, is that she should not appear in society with dusty and greasy tow on her head. If your hair is thick and healthy, you should not refuse to wash it. Just increase the interval between this procedure.


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Hello, dear readers of our site. Today we will tell you how often you should wash your hair, how many times a week you are allowed to do this, so as not to harm your hair. How often should men and women wash their hair?

Over time, attitudes towards hygiene in general and hair washing in particular have changed over the centuries. In Rus', it was a tradition for our great-great-great-grandmothers to go to the bathhouse once a week. But for beautiful ladies of European countries of the medieval period, for example, the norm was to wash only a few times in their lives: on the day of baptism and the day of wedding (this, by the way, is where the fashion for small dogs came from). What a blessing that modern society morals have changed. Now we have the right to decide for ourselves when it’s time to wash our hair, but, nevertheless, if you follow some tips, you can turn the ordinary procedure into a benefit.

Factors affecting the frequency of hair washing

There is no and cannot be a definite answer to the question of how many times a week to wash your hair, because this is influenced by many different factors. Here are the key ones:

  • structural hair type (dry, normal, oily);
  • their length;
  • profession and rhythm of human life;
  • climatic conditions and time of year.

Dry hair

Those who have dry hair need to carefully protect and protect their hair. It is necessary to remember that washing your hair, using a hair dryer, curling iron, straightener, and chemical hair care products - all this has a destructive effect on the structure of the hair. Therefore, weekly hair washing will be relevant for this type of hair. Since the main task is to maintain the level of moisture and nutrients in dry hair, the use of gentle moisturizing shampoos, as well as various oil-based balms and masks is recommended.

Greasy hair

If your hair is oily, then it is most appropriate to wash it as it gets dirty. Indeed, in addition to the fact that stale hair looks untidy, it is also harmful from a health point of view. The thing is that most often, rapid hair contamination is inseparable from oily dandruff. And although it is preferable to treat seborrhea with medications, there are still some universal tips. This is especially true for those people for whom this was the result of improper hair care.

  • daily hair washing has bad influence for the work of the sebaceous glands , this will only make your hair even more oily. Therefore, if possible, you should strive to have as little contact with them as possible.
  • Eliminate oily hair balms from your care system. (most often, for oily hair the problem of difficult combing is irrelevant). If the situation becomes completely hopeless, then an alternative to regular hair washing can be the use of dry shampoo.
  • Tar shampoo or soap will perfectly help you cope with the problem of seborrhea and dandruff.

Normal or combined type

The lucky owners of normal hair are the luckiest of all, because their hair does not get dirty quickly, and, at the same time, looks the healthiest and most well-groomed. It is optimal to wash your hair at intervals in five days .

How often should a man wash his hair?

The modern rhythm of life has taught us to take a shower every day, and this is truly a hygienic norm, but this has nothing to do with hair. Washing your hair every day negatively affects the pH balance of your hair.

Men now generally try to use universal 2-in-1 products, which supposedly are both shampoo and shower gel. This is a big mistake, because daily use of such a strong product will have a damaging effect on your hair. It is better to give preference to shampoos that contain natural oils.

Depending on the structure of the hair, men are recommended to wash their hair no more than once every 2 days.

How often should a woman wash her hair?

Women should also, if possible, avoid washing your hair daily , except when they use chemical hair care products (sprays, gels, mousses). In this case, on the contrary, it is necessary to cleanse the hair from the effects of these destructive elements, only then you should choose a gentle shampoo, specially designed for daily use .

Try to reduce the frequency of washing your hair to once every 2 days. Give your hair time to get used to it and then it won't get so dirty.

Expert opinions on hair washing

Trichologists, is categorically against washing your hair every day. Why can't you wash your hair often? Here are the arguments they put forward:

  • daily hair washing has a destructive effect on the protective lipid film of the hair, causing it to become dull and brittle;
  • the risk of dandruff formation increases, since the majority of shampoos, which are aggressive in structure, disrupt the pH balance of the scalp;
  • Oily scalp under the influence of shampoo increases the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which leads to even faster hair contamination.

Cosmetologists in this matter they are more loyal: their recommendation is to wash your hair taking into account the individual needs of each specific person, that is, according to the degree of contamination. Basic tips:

  • choose shampoo based on your hair type;
  • give preference to shampoos with herbal ingredients;
  • Don’t forget about the influence of the time of year: when wearing a hat, your hair gets oily a little faster.

And here hair stylists They no longer think so much about health as about beauty. But even they consider daily hair washing unnecessary. Tips from hair stylists on hair care:

  • wash your hair daily only if you have short hair;
  • If possible, eliminate the use of hair dryers;
  • use chemical hair care products as little as possible;
  • use dry shampoo if necessary.

How to wash your hair correctly?

  1. Preference should be given to moderately warm water (the fact is that hot water has a destructive effect on hair of any type, and cold water cannot always rinse hair).
  2. Shampoo should never be squeezed directly onto your head; you should rub it between your palms, or even better, dilute it with some water.
  3. It is preferable to apply shampoo twice in one wash, but do not forget to rinse your hair in between (remaining particles can have a destructive effect on the hair structure). In addition, a double procedure will replace the use of hair conditioner, and your hair will be easier to comb.
  4. At the end of washing your hair, rinse your hair well with cool water to give it elasticity, smoothness and shine.

How often should you wash your long hair?

In fact, it is a myth that long hair require more complex care. Most often they are long healthy hair look well-groomed and without any special procedures, unlike short haircut, which is impossible without daily styling. That is why long hair is washed less often: no more than once every three days. So try to wean yourself from the habit of washing your hair frequently.

Little secrets for beautiful hair.

  • healthy, balanced diet;
  • correct sleep mode;
  • daily physical activity;
  • vitaminized hair masks;
  • herbal rinses.

And remember the most important thing: beautiful hair– this is healthy hair!

How to wash your hair correctly - the next video is about this.

Have you ever wondered what will happen if you stop washing your hair? If you are not yet ready for such an experiment, but would like to know the theory, then this article is for you.

What will happen?

As soon as you stop washing your hair, the following may happen to you:

  1. Your hair will become less oily. Of course, it will be difficult at first, but over time your skin will stop producing so much sebum, since there is no longer a question of constantly moisturizing and nourishing too dry hair. You will notice that your hair has become more shiny and vibrant.
  2. You will have a not very pleasant smell. Over the past days and weeks, your hair will begin to absorb all the odors that surround you, and not all of them will be pleasant.
  3. There will be fewer split ends.
  4. Your hair will become thick and voluminous. This is due to the fact that some shampoos wash out natural fat and replace it with chemical compounds, which makes hair thin and brittle.
  5. It will be more difficult for you to style curly hair.
  6. Your hair color will be more permanent. When washing your hair, the dye is washed out.
  7. It will become easier for you to braid your hair.
  8. In the morning you will have more free time.
  9. You will have to forget about the pleasant sensations when water pours on your head.